/* Copyright (C) 2001, Shinji Kono, University of the Ryukyus Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license, but changing it is not allowed. You can also use this wording to make the terms for other programs. send your comments to kono@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp $Header$ Infinite satisfiability/validity checker A set of non-empty-exit looping states represents infinite interval in ITL. The loop can contains deterministic state choice. This should correspond Rabin/Strreet Automaton that is non-deterministic Buchi automaton. The algorith works in depth first way. */ :-dynamic found_infinite/0. infinite:- retract_all(found_infinite), infinite(L), write_infinite_seq(L). infinite:- found_infinite,!. infinite:- write('unsatisfiable in infinite interval.'),nl. write_infinite_seq(L) :- write('satisfiable in infinite interval: '), write(L),nl. retract_all(X) :- retract(X),fail. retract_all(_). infinite([S|L]) :- setof(S,(links(S,0),integer(S)),Children), more_only_node(0,Children,L,[],[0]). infinite([]) :- found_infinite. more_only(S) :- state(S,[empty|_],true),!,fail. more_only(S) :- number(S). more_only_node(S,Children,L,L1,Hist) :- more_only(S),!, more_only_loop(S,Children,[S|L],L1,Hist,[S]). more_only_node(_,Children,L,L1,Hist) :- % goto one depth deeper more_only_node1(Children,L,L1,Hist). more_only_node1([H|T],L,L1,Hist) :- setof(S,(links(S,H),integer(S)),Children), more_only_node(H,Children,L,L1,Hist). more_only_node1([_|T],L,L1,Hist) :- more_only_node(T,L,L1,Hist). more_only_loop(S,_,L,L,Hist,Seq) :- member(S,Seq),!. % we find the one more_only_loop(S,_,L,L,Hist,Seq) :- member(S,Hist),!, fail. % end of this branch more_only_loop(H,Children,L,L1,Hist,Seq) :- more_only(H),!, % still in the false interval more_only_loop1(Children,L,L1,Hist,Seq). more_only_loop(_,[S|_],L,L1,Hist,_) :- % false interval end start new search in depth first way setof(S,(links(S,H),integer(S)),Children), % we already know S i not more_only more_only_node1(Children,L,L1,Hist). more_only_loop1([H|T],L,L1,Hist,Seq) :- setof(S,(links(S,H),integer(S)),Children), more_only_loop(H,Children,L,L1,Hist,Seq). more_only_loop1([_|T],L,L1,Hist,Seq) :- more_only_loop(T,L,L1,Hist,Seq). /* end */