/* Copyright (C) 1988,2005, Shinji Kono Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license, but changing it is not allowed. You can also use this wording to make the terms for other programs. send your comments to kono@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp */ /* tokio compier function evaluator Sat Jan 11 12:11:22 JST 1986 */ /* Now we move hole computation routines to tp preprocessor part. So we only try to make temporal varible structures here. */ % c_eval(Expression, Generate_Expression, Qhead, Qtail, Control). c_eval(Var, Now, Q, Q, _C) :- variable(Var),!, c_seperate_now(Var, Now). %c_eval(Exp, Value, Q, Q1, C) :- n_function(Exp,A,B,Exp1,AA,BB),!, % c_eval_exp(A, AA, Q, Q2, C), % c_eval_exp(B, BB, Q2, (Value is Exp1,Q1), C). c_eval(Atomic, Atomic, Q, Q, _C) :- atomic(Atomic),!. c_eval(@E, Next, Q, Q1, C) :- !, c_seperate_next(E, EE), c_eval(EE, Next, Q, Q1, C). % c_eval(*S, Value, Q, Q1, C) :- !, % move into tp (macro expanstion) % c_eval(S, Name, Q, ('r_read_value'(Name,Value),Q1), C). c_eval(Func, Value, Q, Q1, C) :- functor(Func, H, A), functor(Value, H, A), c_eval_arg(0, A, Func, Value, Q, Q1, C). c_eval_arg(N, N, _, _, Q, Q, _) :- !. c_eval_arg(N, M, A, B, Q, Q2, C) :- N1 is N+1, arg(N1, A, A1), arg(N1, B, B1), c_eval(A1, B1, Q, Q1, C), c_eval_arg(N1, M, A, B, Q1, Q2, C). %c_eval_exp(Exp, Exp1, Q, Q1, C) :- nonvar(Exp), % n_function(Exp,A,B,Exp1,AA,BB),!, % c_eval_exp(A, AA, Q, Q2, C), % c_eval_exp(B, BB, Q2, Q1, C). %c_eval_exp(Exp, Exp1, Q, Q1, C) :- % c_eval(Exp, Exp1, Q, Q1, C). c_hex(H,V) :- c_hex(H,0,V). c_hex([],V,V):-!. c_hex([H|T],V,V1) :- c_hex1([H],VH), V2 is V*16+VH, c_hex(T,V2,V1). c_binary(H,V) :- c_binary(H,0,V). c_binary([],V,V):-!. c_binary([H|T],V,V1) :- c_binary1([H],VH), V2 is V*2+VH, c_binary(T,V2,V1). c_binary1("0",0). c_binary1("1",1). c_hex1("0",0). c_hex1("1",1). c_hex1("2",2). c_hex1("3",3). c_hex1("4",4). c_hex1("5",5). c_hex1("6",6). c_hex1("7",7). c_hex1("8",8). c_hex1("9",9). c_hex1("A",10). c_hex1("B",11). c_hex1("C",12). c_hex1("D",13). c_hex1("E",14). c_hex1("F",15). c_hex1("a",10). c_hex1("b",11). c_hex1("c",12). c_hex1("d",13). c_hex1("e",14). c_hex1("f",15). n_predicate(AB,A,B,AA>BB,AA,BB). n_predicate(A==B,A,B,AA>=BB,AA,BB). n_predicate(A\=B,A,B,AA\==BB,AA,BB). % n_function(cputime,0,0,cputime,_,_). n_function(A+B,A,B,AA+BB,AA,BB). n_function(A-B,A,B,AA-BB,AA,BB). n_function(A*B,A,B,AA*BB,AA,BB). n_function(A/B,A,B,AA/BB,AA,BB). n_function(A//B,A,B,AA//BB,AA,BB). n_function(A^B,A,B,AA^BB,AA,BB). n_function(A mod B,A,B,AA mod BB,AA,BB). n_function(A/\B,A,B,AA/\BB,AA,BB). n_function(A\/B,A,B,AA\/BB,AA,BB). n_function(A<>B,A,B,AA>>BB,AA,BB). /* evalator end */