/* Copyright (C) 1988,2005, Shinji Kono Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license, but changing it is not allowed. You can also use this wording to make the terms for other programs. send your comments to kono@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp */ tokiodebug_on :- recorded(tokiodebug, on, _), !. tokiodebug_on :- recorda(tokiodebug, on, _), write('Tokio debug mode switched on.'), nl. tokiodebug_off :- recorded(tokiodebug, _, R), !, erase(R), write('Tokio debug mode switched off.'), nl. tokiodebug_off. 'tokiodebugon?' :- recorded(tokiodebug, on, _), !, uhihi. uhihi :- recorded(tokiotraceat, _, _), !, fail. uhihi. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Clocked Stepping %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% r_tokioDebug(Q,Now) :- r_skip(S), r_tokioDebug(S,Q,Now). r_tokioDebug(S,_Q,Now) :- S > Now,!. r_tokioDebug(S,_Q,Now) :- 0Now;S= -1). r_select(Q,Now) :- repeat,nl,write('Tokio Trace t'),write(Now),write(:), read(Key),r_menu(Key,Key1), r_tokioDebug_menu(Key1,Q,Now),!. r_menu(n,next):-!. r_menu(d,dump):-!. r_menu(s(N),skip(N)):-!. r_menu(+(N),skip(N)):-!. r_menu(a,abort):-!. r_menu(b,break):-!. r_menu(v(N),value(N)):-!. r_menu(*(N),value(N)):-!. r_menu(q,queue):-!. r_menu(t,trace):-!. r_menu(N,skip(N)):-number(N),!. r_menu(h,help):-!. r_menu(?,help):-!. r_menu(V,V). r_tokioDebug_menu(help,_,_) :- write('help/h/? '),put(9), write(' print this'),nl, write('next/n '),put(9), write(' skip to next clock'),nl, write('dump/d '),put(9), write(' dump current static value'),nl, write('all '),put(9), write(' all history of static value'),nl, write('save(file) '),put(9), write(' save current state'),nl, write('skip(n)/s(n)/+-Number'),put(9),write(' goto +-Number clock'),nl, write('abort/a '),put(9), write(' abort tokio execution'),nl, write('break/b '),put(9), write(' break to prolog'),nl, write('value(Name)/*Name '),put(9),write(' examine static value'),nl, write('queue/q '),put(9), write(' show current process queue'),nl, write('trace/t '),put(9), write(' enter prolog tracer'), nl,fail. r_tokioDebug_menu(dump,_,_) :- recorded(r_static,Name,_),record1(Name,(Name,Value,Time),_Ref), write(at),write(Time),write(': '),put(9), write(*Name),write( = ),write(Value),nl,fail. r_tokioDebug_menu(abort,_,_Time):- !,abort. r_tokioDebug_menu(break,_,_Time):- !,break,fail. r_tokioDebug_menu(next,_,_Time):- !. r_tokioDebug_menu(trace,_,_Time):- !,trace. r_tokioDebug_menu(all,_,Time) :- % recorded(time,Now,_),!, r_inc_time(Now,Time), assert(r_fififi), recorded(r_static,Name,_),recorded(Name,(Name,Value,Now),_Ref), (r_fififi,write(Now),write(': '),retract(r_fififi),fail; put(9)), write(*),write(Name),write(' = '),write(Value), nl,fail. r_tokioDebug_menu(queue,Q,_Time) :- numbervars(Q,0,_),r_save_queue(Q),!,fail. r_tokioDebug_menu(value(Name),_Q,_) :- recorded(Name,(Name,Value,Time),_Ref), write(*),write(Name),write(' = '),write(Value), write(' at: '),write(Time),nl,fail. r_tokioDebug_menu(save(File),Q,_Time) :- tell(File), write((:- init_static)),write('.'),nl, r_save_static,numbervars(Q,0,_), r_save_queue(Q), told,!,fail. r_tokioDebug_menu(skip(N),_,Time) :- !, M is N+Time,r_abolish(r_skip,1), assert(r_skip(M)). r_tokioDebug_menu(_,_,_Time) :- !,fail. r_inc_time(X,Now) :- r_inc_time(X,Now,0). r_inc_time(N,_Now,N). r_inc_time(N,Now,M) :- M1 is M+1,M1 =< Now, r_inc_time(N,Now,M1). r_save_static :- recorded(r_static,Name,_),recorded(Name,(Value,Time),_Ref), write_term((:- recordz(Name,(Value,Time),_)),[numbervars(true),quoted(true)]), % writeq((:- recordz(Name,(Value,Time),_))), write('.'),nl,fail. r_save_static. r_save_queue(t(Empty,X,Fin,Now,F,K,Next,Futures,True)) :- nl,write((:- r_abolish(restart,1),recorda(time,Now,_))),write('.'), nl, OO = ( restart :- r_solve_t(X,Fin,Now,['$t'(Next,F,K,'$'(Fin,Now,Empty))|Futures], ['$t'(true,true,true,'$'(Fin,Now,Empty))|True]) ), % writeq(OO), write_term(OO,[numbervars(true),quoted(true)]), write('.'),nl. restart(File) :- [-File],restart. record1(Name,Value,Ref) :- recorded(Name,Value,Ref),!. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Clause Tracer (N.Y.I) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% tokiospied(G) :- functor(G, F, A), A2 is A-2, recorded(tokiospy, F/A2, _), !. tokiofailed1(_G) :- recorded(tokiofail, _, _), !. tokiofailed(G) :- functor(G, F, A), A2 is A-2, recorded(tokiofail, F/A2, _), !. % tokiodebug :- recorded(tokiospy, _, R), erase(R), fail. % tokiodebug :- recorded(tokiofail, _, R), erase(R), fail. tokiodebug :- tokiodebug_on, recorda(tokiospy, _, _), recorda(tokiofail, _, _), write('All computation will be traced.'), ttynl. % tokionodebug :- recorded(tokiospy, _, R), erase(R), fail. % tokionodebug :- recorded(tokiofail, _, R), erase(R), fail. % tokionodebug :- recorded(tokiotraceat, _, R), erase(R), fail. tokionodebug :- tokiodebug_off. (tokiospy) :- recorded(tokiospy, _, R), erase(R), fail. (tokiospy) :- recorded(tokiofail, _, R), erase(R), fail. (tokiospy) :- tokiodebug_on, recorda(tokiospy, _, _), write('All Tokio reductions will be traced.'), ttynl. tokiospy(X) :- tokiodebug_on, ( X=_F/_A, !, recorda(tokiospy, X, _); recorda(tokiospy, X/_, _) ), write('Tokio spy-point placed on '), write(X), put("."), nl. (tokionospy) :- recorded(tokiospy, _, R), erase(R), fail. (tokionospy) :- tokiodebug_off. tokionospy(F/A) :- recorded(tokiospy, F/A, R), erase(R), write('Tokio spy-point on '), write(F/A), write(' removed.'), nl, fail. tokionospy(X) :- recorded(tokiospy, X/_, R), erase(R), write('Tokio spy-point on '), write(X), write(' removed.'), nl, fail. tokionospy(_X) :- recorded(tokiospy, _, _), !. tokionospy(_) :- tokiodebug_off. tokiodebugging :- recorded(tokiodebug, on, _), !, write('Tokio debug mode is switched on.'), nl, tokiodebugging1. tokiodebugging :- write('Tokio debug mode is switched off.'), nl. tokiodebugging1 :- ( setof(X, R^recorded(tokiospy, X, R), S), !, ( S=[V|_], var(V), !, write('All Tokio reductions are traced.'); write('Tokio spy-points set on: '), write(S) ), nl; true ). /* end td */