diff h/mh.h @ 0:bce86c4163a3

Initial revision
author kono
date Mon, 18 Apr 2005 23:46:02 +0900
children 442dbbf0ac7d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/h/mh.h	Mon Apr 18 23:46:02 2005 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+/* mh.h - main header file for all of MH */
+/* @(#)$Id$ */
+/* Well-used constants */
+#define	NOTOK		(-1)	/* syscall()s return this on error */
+#define	OK		0	/*  ditto on success */
+#define	DONE		1	/* trinary logic */
+#define ALL		""
+#define NULLCP		((char *) 0)
+#define NULLVP		((char **) 0)
+#define	Nbby		8	/* number of bits/byte */
+#define MAXARGS		1000	/* max arguments to exec */
+#ifndef NFOLDERS
+#define NFOLDERS	1000	/* max folder arguments on command line */
+#ifndef	UCI
+#define	MAXFOLDER	1000	/* message increment */
+#define	MAXFOLDER	1500	/* message increment */
+#define DMAXFOLDER	   4	/* typical number of digits */
+#if (!defined(BSD42) && !defined(BSD41A) && !defined(VMUNIX) && !defined(hpux)) || defined(_AIX)
+#define	vfork		fork
+#endif	/* not BSD */		/* how sad... */
+/*  */
+/* profile structure */
+struct node {
+    char   *n_name;		/* key */
+    char   *n_field;		/* value */
+    char    n_context;		/* context, not profile */
+    struct node *n_next;	/* next entry */
+/* switches structure */
+#define	AMBIGSW		(-2)	/* from smatch() on ambiguous switch */
+#define	UNKWNSW		(-1)	/*  ditto on unknown switch */
+struct swit {
+    char   *sw;
+    int     minchars;
+extern struct swit  anoyes[];	/* standard yes/no switches */
+/* messages structure */
+struct msgs {
+    int     hghmsg;		/* Highest msg in directory     */
+    int     nummsg;		/* Actual Number of msgs        */
+    int     lowmsg;		/* Lowest msg number            */
+    int     curmsg;		/* Number of current msg if any */
+    int     lowsel;		/* Lowest selected msg number   */
+    int     hghsel;		/* Highest selected msg number  */
+    int     numsel;		/* Number of msgs selected      */
+    char   *foldpath;		/* Pathname of folder           */
+    int     msgflags;		/* Folder status bits           */
+#ifndef	MTR
+    char    pad1[sizeof (int) - sizeof (char)];
+#endif /* not MTR */
+#define READONLY  0x01		/*     No write access to folder */
+#define	SEQMOD	  0x02		/*     folder's sequences modifed */
+#define	MHPATH	  0x04		/*     mhpath-style folder handling */
+#define	OTHERS	  0x08		/*     folder has other files	*/
+#define	MODIFIED  0x10		/*     msh in-core folder modified */
+/* Note well: msgstats[] is a int, so we have 16 or 32 bits to work
+	with.  The first 5 are for standard MH message flags,
+	this leaves us 11 (or 27) for user-defined attributes.  Of
+	these, 1 is reserved for future internal use, so this leaves
+	users 10 (or 26).					*/
+#define	NATTRS	((sizeof(int)*Nbby)-6) 		/*  see above	*/
+    char   *msgattrs[NATTRS + 1];/* folder attributes		*/
+    int     attrstats;		/* public=0/private=1		*/
+    int	    lowoff;		/* low element in msgstats[] */
+    int	    hghoff;		/* hgh element in msgstats[] */
+#ifndef	MTR
+    int     msgstats[1];	/* msg status			*/
+#else /* MTR */
+    int    *msgbase;		/* msg base			*/
+    int    *msgstats;		/* msg status			*/
+#endif /* MTR */
+#define EXISTS		0x0001	/*     exists			*/
+#define DELETED		0x0002	/*     deleted			*/
+#define SELECTED	0x0004	/*     selected for use		*/
+#define SELECT_EMPTY	0x0008	/*     mhpath "new"		*/
+#define	UNSEEN		0x0010	/*     inc/show "unseen"	*/
+#define	FFATTRSLOT	5	/*     user-defined attributes	*/
+				/*	first free slot is	*/
+				/*	(1 << 5) or 0x20	*/
+#ifndef	MTR
+#define	MHSIZE(mp,lo,hi)	\
+		((unsigned) (sizeof *mp + ((hi) + 2) * sizeof *mp -> msgstats))
+#else /* MTR */
+#define	MHSIZE(mp,lo,hi)	((unsigned) sizeof *mp)
+#define	MHSIZEX(mp,lo,hi)	\
+		((unsigned) (((hi) - (lo) + 1) * sizeof *mp -> msgstats))
+#endif /* MTR */
+#define	NULLMP	((struct msgs *) 0)
+/*  */
+/* m_getfld() message parsing */
+#define NAMESZ  128		/* Limit on component name size         */
+#define LENERR  (-2)		/* Name too long error from getfld      */
+#define FMTERR  (-3)		/* Message Format error                 */
+#define FLD      0		/* Field returned                       */
+#define FLDPLUS  1		/* Field " with more to come            */
+#define FLDEOF   2		/* Field " ending at eom                */
+#define BODY     3		/* Body  " with more to come            */
+#define BODYEOF  4		/* Body  " ending at eom                */
+#define FILEEOF  5		/* Reached end of input file            */
+/* Maildrop styles */
+#define	MS_DEFAULT	0	/* default (one msg per file) */
+#define	MS_UNKNOWN	1	/* type not known yet */
+#define	MS_UUCP		2	/* Unix-style "from" lines */
+#define	MS_MMDF		3	/* string mmdlm2 */
+#define	MS_MSH		4	/* whacko msh */
+extern int msg_count;		/* m_getfld() indicators */
+extern int msg_style;		/*  .. */
+extern char *msg_delim;		/*  .. */
+#define	NOUSE	0		/* draft being re-used */
+#define TFOLDER 0		/* path() given a +folder */
+#define TFILE   1		/* path() given a file */
+#define	TSUBCWF	2		/* path() given a @folder */
+#ifndef	LINK
+#define	LINK	"@"
+#endif /* not LINK */
+#ifndef	SBACKUP
+#define	SBACKUP	","
+#endif /* not SBACKUP */
+#define OUTPUTLINELEN	72	/* default line length for headers */
+/*  */
+ * These standard strings are defined in config.c.  They are the
+ * only system-dependent parameters in MH, and thus by redefining
+ * their values and reloading the various modules, MH will run
+ * on any system.
+ */
+extern char *components;
+extern char *context;
+extern char *current;
+extern char *defalt;
+extern char *digestcomps;
+extern char *distcomps;
+extern char *draft;
+extern char *faceproc;
+extern char *fileproc;
+extern char *foldprot;
+extern char *forwcomps;
+extern char *inbox;
+extern char *incproc;
+extern char *installproc;
+extern char *lproc;
+extern char *mailproc;
+extern char *mh_defaults;
+extern char *mh_profile;
+extern char *mh_seq;
+extern char *mhlformat;
+extern char *mhlforward;
+extern char *mhlproc;
+extern char *moreproc;
+extern char *msgprot;
+extern char *mshproc;
+extern char *nsequence;
+extern char *packproc;
+extern char *postproc;
+extern char *pfolder;
+extern char *psequence;
+extern char *rcvdistcomps;
+extern char *replcomps;
+extern char *rmfproc;
+extern char *rmmproc;
+extern char *sendproc;
+extern char *showproc;
+extern char *slocalproc;
+extern char *sysed;
+extern char *usequence;
+extern char *version;
+extern char *vmhproc;
+extern char *whatnowproc;
+extern char *whomproc;
+/*  */
+/* global variables -sigh- */
+extern char ctxflags;
+#define CTXMOD	0x01		/* context information modified */
+#define	DBITS	"\020\01CTXMOD"
+#ifdef	OVERHEAD
+extern int  fd_def;
+extern int  fd_ctx;
+#endif /* OVERHEAD */
+extern char *invo_name;		/* pgm invocation name */
+extern char *mypath;		/* user's $HOME */
+extern char *defpath;		/* pathname of user's profile */
+extern char *ctxpath;		/* pathname of user's context */
+extern struct node *m_defs;
+/*  */
+/* from the MH subroutine library */
+char   *add ();
+void	adios ();
+void	admonish ();
+void	advise ();
+void	advertise ();
+void	ambigsw ();
+int     atooi ();
+char  **brkstring ();
+void	closefds ();
+char   *concat ();
+char   *copy ();
+char  **copyip ();
+void	cpydata ();
+void	cpydgst ();
+void	discard ();
+void	done ();
+int     fdcompare ();
+int     gans ();
+char  **getans ();
+int	getanswer ();
+char   *getcpy ();
+void	help ();
+char   *libpath ();
+int     m_atoi ();
+char   *m_backup ();
+int     m_convert ();
+int     m_delete ();
+char   *m_draft ();
+void	m_eomsbr ();
+int     m_file ();
+char   *m_find ();
+void	m_fmsg ();
+void    m_foil ();
+void	m_getdefs ();
+int     m_getfld ();
+char   *m_getfolder ();
+int     m_gmprot ();
+struct msgs *m_gmsg ();
+char   *m_maildir ();
+char   *m_mailpath ();
+char   *m_name ();
+int	m_putenv ();
+void	m_readefs ();
+struct msgs *m_remsg ();
+void	m_replace ();
+char   *m_scratch ();
+char   *m_seq ();
+int	m_seqadd ();
+char   *m_seqbits ();
+int	m_seqdel ();
+int	m_seqflag ();
+int	m_seqnew ();
+void	m_setcur ();
+void	m_setseq ();
+void	m_setvis ();
+void    m_sync ();
+char   *m_tmpfil ();
+void	m_unknown ();
+void	m_update ();
+int	m_whatnow ();
+int     makedir ();
+char   *path ();
+int     peekc ();
+int     pidwait ();
+#define	pidXwait(id,cp)	pidstatus (pidwait (id, NOTOK), stdout, cp)
+int     pidstatus ();
+void	printsw ();
+void    push ();
+char   *pwd ();
+char   *r1bindex ();
+int	refile ();
+int	remdir ();
+int     showfile ();
+int     smatch ();
+char   *sprintb();
+int	ssequal ();
+int	stringdex ();
+char   *trimcpy ();
+int     type ();
+int     uleq ();
+int	unputenv ();
+int     uprf ();
+int	vfgets ();
+/*  */
+#include "../h/strings.h"
+/* should be in <stdio.h> */
+#if	!defined(SYS5) && !defined(ncr) && !defined(_AIX) && !defined(OSF1) && !defined(__osf__) && !defined(__convex__) && !defined(__386BSD__) && !defined(BSD44)
+typedef struct _iobuf  *FP;
+FP   popen ();
+#else /* SYS5 */
+#define	FP	FILE*
+#endif /* SYS5 */
+/* miscellaneous */
+#if !defined(BSD42) && !defined(hpux) && !defined(ncr) && !defined(_AIX) && !defined(RENAME)
+#define	rename(f1,f2)	(link (f1, f2) != NOTOK ? unlink (f1) : NOTOK)
+#endif	/* not BSD42 */
+#define	setsig(s,f)	if (signal (s, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) \
+			    (void) signal (s, f)
+#define	setsigx(i,s,f)	if ((i = signal (s, SIG_IGN)) != SIG_IGN) \
+			    (void) signal (s, f)
+#if	defined(sun) && !defined(NFS)
+#define	NFS
+#ifdef	NFS
+#define	ruserpass	_ruserpass
+#if (defined(BSD44) || defined(SUN40) || defined(hpux) \
+	|| defined(_AIX) || defined (sgi)) && !defined(UNISTD)
+#define       UNISTD
+#ifdef JAPAN
+ * Japanization patch (patchlevel.2)
+ *	by Toshihiro Takada <takada@seraph.ntt.jp>
+ *	especially thanks to
+ *		hkojima@etl.go.jp (Hiroaki Kojima)
+ *		UEHARA Tetsu=TaLow <tetsu@kutsuda.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
+ *	and
+ *		Hayashi Haruhisa <hayashi@lufiea10.kuic.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
+ */
+void	ml_init ();
+int	ml_ismlchar ();
+int	ml_ismlptr ();
+void	ml_fputs ();
+void	ml_pretty_fputs ();
+void	junet_fputs ();
+char   *ml_conv ();
+#endif /* JAPAN */
+char   *exthdr_encode ();
+char   *exthdr_decode ();
+#endif /* MIME_HEADERS */