diff uip/comp.c @ 0:bce86c4163a3

Initial revision
author kono
date Mon, 18 Apr 2005 23:46:02 +0900
children 441a2190cfae
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uip/comp.c	Mon Apr 18 23:46:02 2005 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+/* comp.c - compose a message */
+#ifndef	lint
+static char ident[] = "@(#)$Id$";
+#endif	/* lint */
+#include "../h/mh.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#ifdef LOCALE
+#include	<locale.h>
+/*  */
+static struct swit switches[] = {
+#define	DFOLDSW	0
+    "draftfolder +folder", 0,
+#define	DMSGSW	1
+    "draftmessage msg", 0,
+#define	NDFLDSW	2
+    "nodraftfolder", 0,
+#define	EDITRSW	3
+    "editor editor", 0,
+#define	NEDITSW	4
+    "noedit", 0,
+#define	FILESW	5
+    "file file", 0,
+#define	FORMSW	6
+    "form formfile", 0,
+#define	USESW	7
+    "use", 0,
+#define	NUSESW	8
+    "nouse", 0,
+#define	WHATSW	9
+    "whatnowproc program", 0,
+#define	NWHATSW	10
+    "nowhatnowproc", 0,
+#define	HELPSW	11
+    "help", 4,
+    NULL, 0
+/*  */
+static struct swit aqrunl[] = {
+#define	NOSW	0
+    "quit", 0,
+#define	YESW	1
+    "replace", 0,
+#define	USELSW	2
+    "use", 0,
+#define	LISTDSW	3
+    "list", 0,
+#define	REFILSW	4
+    "refile +folder", 0,
+#define NEWSW	5
+    "new", 0,
+    NULL, 0
+static struct swit aqrul[] = {
+    "quit", 0,
+    "replace", 0,
+    "use", 0,
+    "list", 0,
+    "refile", 0,
+    NULL, 0
+/*  */
+main (argc, argv)
+int     argc;
+char   *argv[];
+    int     use = NOUSE,
+            nedit = 0,
+	    nwhat = 0,
+            i,
+            in,
+	    isdf = 0,
+            out;
+    char   *cp,
+           *cwd,
+           *maildir,
+           *dfolder = NULL,
+           *ed = NULL,
+           *file = NULL,
+           *form = NULL,
+           *folder = NULL,
+           *msg = NULL,
+            buf[BUFSIZ],
+            drft[BUFSIZ],
+          **ap,
+          **argp,
+           *arguments[MAXARGS];
+    struct msgs *mp = NULL;
+    struct stat st;
+#ifdef LOCALE
+	setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
+#ifdef JAPAN
+	ml_init();
+#endif /* JAPAN */
+    invo_name = r1bindex (argv[0], '/');
+    if ((cp = m_find (invo_name)) != NULL) {
+	ap = brkstring (cp = getcpy (cp), " ", "\n");
+	ap = copyip (ap, arguments);
+    }
+    else
+	ap = arguments;
+    (void) copyip (argv + 1, ap);
+    argp = arguments;
+/*  */
+    while (cp = *argp++) {
+	if (*cp == '-')
+	    switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) {
+		case AMBIGSW: 
+		    ambigsw (cp, switches);
+		    done (1);
+		case UNKWNSW: 
+		    adios (NULLCP, "-%s unknown", cp);
+		case HELPSW: 
+		    (void) sprintf (buf, "%s [+folder] [msg] [switches]",
+			    invo_name);
+		    help (buf, switches);
+		    done (1);
+		case EDITRSW: 
+		    if (!(ed = *argp++) || *ed == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    nedit = 0;
+		    continue;
+		case NEDITSW: 
+		    nedit++;
+		    continue;
+		case WHATSW: 
+		    if (!(whatnowproc = *argp++) || *whatnowproc == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    nwhat = 0;
+		    continue;
+		case NWHATSW: 
+		    nwhat++;
+		    continue;
+		case FORMSW: 
+		    if (!(form = *argp++) || *form == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    continue;
+		case USESW: 
+		    use++;
+		    continue;
+		case NUSESW: 
+		    use = NOUSE;
+		    continue;
+		case FILESW: 	/* compatibility */
+		    if (file)
+			adios (NULLCP, "only one file at a time!");
+		    if (!(file = *argp++) || *file == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    isdf = NOTOK;
+		    continue;
+		case DFOLDSW: 
+		    if (dfolder)
+			adios (NULLCP, "only one draft folder at a time!");
+		    if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    dfolder = path (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@' ? cp + 1 : cp,
+			    *cp != '@' ? TFOLDER : TSUBCWF);
+		    continue;
+		case DMSGSW: 
+		    if (file)
+			adios (NULLCP, "only one draft message at a time!");
+		    if (!(file = *argp++) || *file == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    continue;
+		case NDFLDSW: 
+		    dfolder = NULL;
+		    isdf = NOTOK;
+		    continue;
+	    }
+	if (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@') {
+	    if (folder)
+		adios (NULLCP, "only one folder at a time!");
+	    else
+		folder = path (cp + 1, *cp == '+' ? TFOLDER : TSUBCWF);
+	}
+	else
+	    if (msg)
+		adios (NULLCP, "only one message at a time!");
+	    else
+		msg = cp;
+    }
+/*  */
+    cwd = getcpy (pwd ());
+    if (!m_find ("path"))
+	free (path ("./", TFOLDER));
+    if ((dfolder || m_find ("Draft-Folder")) && !folder && msg && !file)
+	file = msg, msg = NULL;
+    if (form && (folder || msg))
+	    adios (NULLCP, "can't mix forms and folders/msgs");
+    if (folder || msg) {
+	if (!msg)
+	    msg = "cur";
+	if (!folder)
+	    folder = m_getfolder ();
+	maildir = m_maildir (folder);
+	if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK)
+	    adios (maildir, "unable to change directory to");
+	if (!(mp = m_gmsg (folder)))
+	    adios (NULLCP, "unable to read folder %s", folder);
+	if (mp -> hghmsg == 0)
+	    adios (NULLCP, "no messages in %s", folder);
+	if (!m_convert (mp, msg))
+	    done (1);
+	m_setseq (mp);
+	if (mp -> numsel > 1)
+	    adios (NULLCP, "only one message at a time!");
+	if ((in = open (form = getcpy (m_name (mp -> lowsel)), 0)) == NOTOK)
+	    adios (form, "unable to open message");
+    }
+    else
+	if (form) {
+	    if ((in = open (libpath (form), 0)) == NOTOK)
+		adios (form, "unable to open form file");
+	}
+	else {
+	    if ((in = open (libpath (components), 0)) == NOTOK)
+		adios (components, "unable to open default components file");
+	    form = components;
+	}
+/*  */
+try_it_again: ;
+    (void) strcpy (drft, m_draft (dfolder, file, use, &isdf));
+    if ((out = open (drft, 0)) != NOTOK) {
+	i = fdcompare (in, out);
+	(void) close (out);
+	if (use || i)
+	    goto edit_it;
+	if (stat (drft, &st) == NOTOK)
+	    adios (drft, "unable to stat");
+	printf ("Draft \"%s\" exists (%ld bytes).", drft, (long) st.st_size);
+	for (i = LISTDSW; i != YESW;) {
+	    if (!(argp = getans ("\nDisposition? ", isdf ? aqrunl : aqrul)))
+		done (1);
+	    switch (i = smatch (*argp, isdf ? aqrunl : aqrul)) {
+		case NOSW: 
+		    done (0);
+		case NEWSW: 
+		    file = NULL;
+		    use = NOUSE;
+		    goto try_it_again;
+		case YESW: 
+		    break;
+		case USELSW:
+		    use++;
+		    goto edit_it;
+		case LISTDSW: 
+		    (void) showfile (++argp, drft);
+		    break;
+		case REFILSW: 
+		    if (refile (++argp, drft) == 0)
+			i = YESW;
+		    break;
+		default: 
+		    advise (NULLCP, "say what?");
+		    break;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    else
+	if (use)
+	    adios (drft, "unable to open");
+    if ((out = creat (drft, m_gmprot ())) == NOTOK)
+	adios (drft, "unable to create");
+    cpydata (in, out, form, drft);
+    (void) close (in);
+    (void) close (out);
+edit_it: ;
+    m_update ();
+    if (nwhat)
+	done (0);
+    (void) what_now (ed, nedit, use, drft, NULLCP, 0, NULLMP, NULLCP, 0, cwd);
+    done (1);