diff uip/msh.c @ 0:bce86c4163a3

Initial revision
author kono
date Mon, 18 Apr 2005 23:46:02 +0900
children 441a2190cfae
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uip/msh.c	Mon Apr 18 23:46:02 2005 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,2820 @@
+/* msh.c - The MH shell (sigh) */
+#ifndef	lint
+static char ident[] = "@(#)$Id$";
+#endif	/* lint */
+/* TODO:
+	Keep more status information in maildrop map
+ */
+#include "../h/mh.h"
+#include "../h/dropsbr.h"
+#include "../h/formatsbr.h"
+#include "../h/scansbr.h"
+#include "../zotnet/tws.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "../zotnet/mts.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#ifndef	SYS5
+#include <sgtty.h>
+#else	/* SYS5 */
+#include <termio.h>
+#ifndef	NOIOCTLH
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#endif	/* NOIOCTLH */
+#endif	/* SYS5 */
+#include <pwd.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include "../h/mshsbr.h"
+#include "../h/vmhsbr.h"
+#ifdef LOCALE
+#include	<locale.h>
+#ifdef READLINE
+#include <readline/readline.h>
+#ifndef	MIME
+#define	MIMEminc(a)	(a)
+#define	MIMEminc(a)	0
+#define	QUOTE	'\\'		/* sigh */
+/*  */
+static struct swit switches[] = {
+#define	IDSW	0
+    "idstart number", -7,	/* interface from bbc */
+#define	FDSW	1
+    "idstop number", -6,	/*  .. */
+#define	QDSW	2
+    "idquit number", -6,	/*  .. */
+#define	NMSW	3
+    "idname BBoard", -6,	/*  .. */
+#define	PRMPTSW	4
+    "prompt string", 0,
+#define	SCANSW	5
+    "scan", 0,
+#define	NSCANSW	6
+    "noscan", 0,
+#define	READSW	7
+    "vmhread fd", -7,
+#define	WRITESW	8
+    "vmhwrite fd", -8,	
+#define	PREADSW	9
+    "popread fd", -7,
+#define	PWRITSW	10
+    "popwrite fd", -8,
+#define	TCURSW	11
+    "topcur", 0,
+#define	NTCURSW	12
+    "notopcur", 0,
+#define	HELPSW	13
+    "help", 4,
+    NULL, 0
+/*  */
+				/* FOLDER */
+char  *fmsh = NULL;		/* folder instead of file */
+int    modified;		/* command modified folder */
+struct msgs *mp;		/* used a lot */
+static int   nMsgs = 0;
+struct Msg  *Msgs = NULL;	/* Msgs[0] not used */
+static FILE *fp;		/* input file */
+static FILE *yp = NULL;		/* temporary file */
+static int  mode;		/* mode of file */
+static int  numfds = 0;		/* number of files cached */
+static int  maxfds = 0;		/* number of files cached to be cached */
+static time_t mtime = (time_t) 0;/* mtime of file */
+				/* VMH */
+#define	ALARM	((unsigned int) 10)
+#define	ttyN(c)	ttyNaux ((c), NULLCP)
+static int  vmh = 0;
+static int  vmhpid = OK;
+static int  vmhfd0;
+static int  vmhfd1;
+static int  vmhfd2;
+static int  vmhtty = NOTOK;
+#define	SCAN	1
+#define	STATUS	2
+#define	DISPLAY	3
+static int  topcur = 0;
+static int  numwins = 0;
+static int  windows[NWIN + 1];
+static jmp_buf peerenv;
+void	padios (), padvise ();
+static TYPESIG	alrmser ();
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+				/* POP */
+int	pmsh = 0;		/* BPOP enabled */
+extern char response[];
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+				/* PARENT */
+static int  pfd = NOTOK;	/* fd parent is reading from */
+static int  ppid = 0;		/* pid of parent */
+				/* COMMAND */
+int     interactive;		/* running from a /dev/tty */
+int     redirected;		/* re-directing output */
+FILE  *sp = NULL;		/* original stdout */
+char   *cmd_name;		/* command being run */
+char    myfilter[BUFSIZ];	/* path to mhl.forward */
+static char *myprompt = "(%s) ";/* prompting string */
+				/* BBOARDS */
+static int    gap;		/* gap in BBoard-ID:s */
+static char *myname = NULL;	/* BBoard name */
+char   *BBoard_ID = "BBoard-ID";/* BBoard-ID constant */
+				/* SIGNALS */
+TYPESIG (*istat) ();		/* original SIGINT */
+static TYPESIG  (*pstat) ();	/* current SIGPIPE */
+TYPESIG (*qstat) ();		/* original SIGQUIT */
+#ifdef	SIGTSTP
+static TYPESIG  (*tstat) ();	/* original SIGTSTP */
+#endif	/* SIGTSTP */
+int     interrupted;		/* SIGINT detected */
+int     broken_pipe;		/* SIGPIPE detected */
+int     told_to_quit;		/* SIGQUIT detected */
+#if defined(BSD42) || defined(SVR4)
+int     should_intr;		/* signal handler should interrupt call */
+jmp_buf sigenv;			/* the environment pointer */
+#endif	/* BSD42 || SVR4 */
+static TYPESIG	intrser (), pipeser (), quitser ();
+#ifndef	__STDC__
+#ifdef	SYS5
+struct passwd  *getpwnam ();
+#endif	/* SYS5 */
+static int	read_map(), read_file(), check_folder(), getargs(), parse();
+static int	getcmds(), init_io(), initaux_io(), finaux_io(), peerwait();
+static int	pINI(), pQRY(), pQRY1(), pQRY2(), pCMD(), pFIN();
+static int	ttyR(), ttyNaux(), winN(), winR(), winX();
+static		msh(), m_gMsgs(), scanrange(), scanstring(), quit();
+static		fin_io(), m_init();
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+static int	read_pop();
+/*  */
+main (argc, argv)
+int     argc;
+char  **argv;
+    int	    id = 0,
+            scansw = 0,
+    	    vmh1 = 0,
+            vmh2 = 0;
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+    int	    pmsh1 = 0,
+	    pmsh2 = 0;
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+    char   *cp,
+           *file = NULL,
+           *folder = NULL,
+          **ap,
+          **argp,
+            buf[80],
+           *arguments[MAXARGS];
+#ifdef LOCALE
+	setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
+#ifdef JAPAN
+	ml_init();
+#endif /* JAPAN */
+    invo_name = r1bindex (argv[0], '/');
+    mts_init (invo_name);
+    if ((cp = m_find (invo_name)) != NULL) {
+	ap = brkstring (cp = getcpy (cp), " ", "\n");
+	ap = copyip (ap, arguments);
+    }
+    else
+	ap = arguments;
+    (void) copyip (argv + 1, ap);
+    argp = arguments;
+/*  */
+    while (cp = *argp++) {
+	if (*cp == '-')
+	    switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) {
+		case AMBIGSW: 
+		    ambigsw (cp, switches);
+		    done (1);
+		case UNKWNSW: 
+		    adios (NULLCP, "-%s unknown", cp);
+		case HELPSW: 
+		    (void) sprintf (buf, "%s [switches] file", invo_name);
+		    help (buf, switches);
+		    done (1);
+		case IDSW: 
+		    if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    if ((id = atoi (cp)) < 1)
+			adios (NULLCP, "bad argument %s %s", argp[-2], cp);
+		    continue;
+		case FDSW: 
+		    if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    if ((pfd = atoi (cp)) <= 1)
+			adios (NULLCP, "bad argument %s %s", argp[-2], cp);
+		    continue;
+		case QDSW: 
+		    if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    if ((ppid = atoi (cp)) <= 1)
+			adios (NULLCP, "bad argument %s %s", argp[-2], cp);
+		    continue;
+		case NMSW:
+		    if (!(myname = *argp++) || *myname == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    continue;
+		case SCANSW: 
+		    scansw++;
+		    continue;
+		case NSCANSW: 
+		    scansw = 0;
+		    continue;
+		case PRMPTSW:
+		    if (!(myprompt = *argp++) || *myprompt == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    continue;
+		case READSW: 
+		    if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    if ((vmh1 = atoi (cp)) < 1)
+			adios (NULLCP, "bad argument %s %s", argp[-2], cp);
+		    continue;
+		case WRITESW: 
+		    if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    if ((vmh2 = atoi (cp)) < 1)
+			adios (NULLCP, "bad argument %s %s", argp[-2], cp);
+		    continue;
+		case PREADSW: 
+		    if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+		    if ((pmsh1 = atoi (cp)) < 1)
+			adios (NULLCP, "bad argument %s %s", argp[-2], cp);
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+		    continue;
+		case PWRITSW: 
+		    if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+		    if ((pmsh2 = atoi (cp)) < 1)
+			adios (NULLCP, "bad argument %s %s", argp[-2], cp);
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+		    continue;
+		case TCURSW:
+		    topcur++;
+		    continue;
+		case NTCURSW:
+		    topcur = 0;
+		    continue;
+	    }
+	if (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@') {
+	    if (folder)
+		adios (NULLCP, "only one folder at a time!");
+	    else
+		folder = path (cp + 1, *cp == '+' ? TFOLDER : TSUBCWF);
+	}
+	else
+	    if (file)
+		adios (NULLCP, "only one file at a time!");
+	    else
+		file = cp;
+    }
+/*  */
+    if (!file && !folder)
+	file = "./msgbox";
+    if (file && folder)
+	adios (NULLCP, "use a file or a folder, not both");
+    (void) strcpy (myfilter, libpath (mhlforward));
+#ifdef	FIOCLEX
+    if (pfd > 1)
+	(void) ioctl (pfd, FIOCLEX, NULLCP);
+#endif	/* FIOCLEX */
+#if defined(BSD42) || defined(SVR4)
+    should_intr = 0;
+#endif	/* BSD42 || SVR4 */
+    setsigx (istat, SIGINT, intrser);
+    setsigx (qstat, SIGQUIT, quitser);
+    (void) sc_width ();		/* MAGIC... */
+    if (vmh = vmh1 && vmh2) {
+	(void) rcinit (vmh1, vmh2);
+	(void) pINI ();
+	(void) signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
+	(void) signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
+#ifdef	SIGTSTP
+	tstat = signal (SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN);
+#endif	/* SIGTSTP */
+    }
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+    if (pmsh = pmsh1 && pmsh2) {
+	cp = getenv ("MHPOPDEBUG");
+#ifdef	NNTP
+	if (pop_set (pmsh1, pmsh2, cp && *cp, myname) == NOTOK)
+#else	/* NNTP */
+	if (pop_set (pmsh1, pmsh2, cp && *cp) == NOTOK)
+#endif	/* NNTP */
+	    padios (NULLCP, "%s", response);
+	if (folder)
+	    file = folder, folder = NULL;
+    }
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+    if (folder)
+	fsetup (folder);
+    else
+	setup (file);
+    readids (id);
+    display_info (id > 0 ? scansw : 0);
+    msh (id > 0 ? scansw : 0);
+    m_reset ();
+    done (0);
+/*  */
+static struct swit mshcmds[] = {
+#define	ADVCMD	0
+    "advance", -7,
+#define	ALICMD	1
+    "ali", 0,
+#define	EXPLCMD	2
+    "burst", 0,
+#define	COMPCMD	3
+    "comp", 0,
+#define	DISTCMD	4
+    "dist", 0,
+#define	EXITCMD	5
+    "exit", 0,
+#define	FOLDCMD	6
+    "folder", 0,
+#define	FORWCMD	7
+    "forw", 0,
+#define	HELPCMD	8
+    "help", 0,
+#define	INCMD	9
+    "inc", 0,
+#define	MARKCMD	10
+    "mark", 0,
+#define	MAILCMD	11
+    "mhmail", 0,
+#define	MHNCMD	12
+    "mhn", MIMEminc(-3),
+#define	MSGKCMD	13
+    "msgchk", 0,
+#define	NEXTCMD	14
+    "next", 0,
+#define	PACKCMD	15
+    "packf", 0,
+#define	PICKCMD	16
+    "pick", 0,
+#define	PREVCMD	17
+    "prev", 0,
+#define	QUITCMD	18
+    "quit", 0,
+#define	FILECMD	19
+    "refile", 0,
+#define	REPLCMD	20
+    "repl", 0,
+#define	RMMCMD	21
+    "rmm", 0,
+#define	SCANCMD	22
+    "scan", 0,
+#define	SENDCMD	23
+    "send", 0,
+#define	SHOWCMD	24
+    "show", 0,
+#define	SORTCMD	25
+    "sortm", 0,
+#define	WHATCMD	26
+    "whatnow", 0,
+#define	WHOMCMD	27
+    "whom", 0,
+    NULL, 0
+/*  */
+static  msh (scansw)
+int     scansw;
+    int     i;
+    register char  *cp,
+                  **ap;
+    char    prompt[BUFSIZ],
+           *vec[MAXARGS];
+    struct Cmd  typein;
+    register struct Cmd *cmdp;
+    static int once_only = ADVCMD;
+    (void) sprintf (prompt, myprompt, invo_name);
+    cmdp = &typein;
+#ifdef READLINE
+    (void) initialize_readline();
+    for (;;) {
+	if (yp) {
+	    (void) fclose (yp);
+	    yp = NULL;
+	}
+	if (vmh) {
+	    if ((i = getcmds (mshcmds, cmdp, scansw)) == EOF) {
+		(void) rcdone ();
+		return;
+	    }
+	}
+	else {
+	    (void) check_folder (scansw);
+	    if ((i = getargs (prompt, mshcmds, cmdp)) == EOF) {
+		(void) putchar ('\n');
+		return;
+	    }
+	}
+	cmd_name = mshcmds[i].sw;
+	switch (i) {
+	    case QUITCMD: 
+		quit ();
+		return;
+	    case ADVCMD:
+		if (once_only == ADVCMD)
+		    once_only = i = SHOWCMD;
+		else
+		    i = mp -> curmsg != mp -> hghmsg ? NEXTCMD : EXITCMD;
+		cmd_name = mshcmds[i].sw;
+		/* and fall... */
+	    case EXITCMD:
+	    case EXPLCMD: 
+	    case FOLDCMD: 
+	    case FORWCMD: 	/* sigh */
+	    case MARKCMD: 
+	    case NEXTCMD: 
+	    case PACKCMD: 
+	    case PICKCMD: 
+	    case PREVCMD: 
+	    case RMMCMD: 
+	    case SHOWCMD: 
+	    case SCANCMD: 
+	    case SORTCMD: 
+		if ((cp = m_find (cmd_name)) != NULL) {
+		    ap = brkstring (cp = getcpy (cp), " ", "\n");
+		    ap = copyip (ap, vec);
+		}
+		else
+		    ap = vec;
+		break;
+	    default: 
+		cp = NULL;
+		ap = vec;
+		break;
+	}
+	(void) copyip (cmdp -> args + 1, ap);
+	m_init ();
+	if (!vmh && init_io (cmdp, vmh) == NOTOK) {
+	    if (cp != NULL)
+		free (cp);
+	    continue;
+	}
+	modified = 0;
+	redirected = vmh || cmdp -> direction != STDIO;
+	switch (i) {
+	    case ALICMD: 
+	    case COMPCMD: 
+	    case INCMD: 
+	    case MAILCMD: 
+	    case MSGKCMD: 
+	    case SENDCMD: 
+	    case WHATCMD: 
+	    case WHOMCMD: 
+		if (!vmh || ttyN (cmdp) != NOTOK)
+		    forkcmd (vec, cmd_name);
+		break;
+	    case DISTCMD: 
+		if (!vmh || ttyN (cmdp) != NOTOK)
+		    distcmd (vec);
+		break;
+	    case EXPLCMD: 
+		if (!vmh || winN (cmdp, DISPLAY, 1) != NOTOK)
+		    explcmd (vec);
+		break;
+	    case FILECMD: 
+		if (!vmh 
+			|| (filehak (vec) == OK ? ttyN (cmdp)
+					: winN (cmdp, DISPLAY, 1)) != NOTOK)
+		    filecmd (vec);
+		break;
+	    case FOLDCMD: 
+		if (!vmh || winN (cmdp, DISPLAY, 1) != NOTOK)
+		    foldcmd (vec);
+		break;
+	    case FORWCMD: 
+		if (!vmh || ttyN (cmdp) != NOTOK)
+		    forwcmd (vec);
+		break;
+	    case HELPCMD: 
+		if (!vmh || winN (cmdp, DISPLAY, 1) != NOTOK)
+		    helpcmd (vec);
+		break;
+	    case EXITCMD:
+	    case MARKCMD: 
+		if (!vmh || winN (cmdp, DISPLAY, 1) != NOTOK)
+		    markcmd (vec);
+		break;
+	    case MHNCMD:
+#ifdef	MIME
+		if (!vmh || ttyN (cmdp) != NOTOK)
+		    mhncmd (vec);
+		break;
+	    case NEXTCMD: 
+	    case PREVCMD: 
+	    case SHOWCMD: 
+		if (!vmh || winN (cmdp, DISPLAY, 1) != NOTOK)
+		    showcmd (vec);
+		break;
+	    case PACKCMD: 
+		if (!vmh 
+			|| (packhak (vec) == OK ? ttyN (cmdp)
+					: winN (cmdp, DISPLAY, 1)) != NOTOK)
+		    packcmd (vec);
+		break;
+	    case PICKCMD: 
+		if (!vmh || winN (cmdp, DISPLAY, 1) != NOTOK)
+		    pickcmd (vec);
+		break;
+	    case REPLCMD: 
+		if (!vmh || ttyN (cmdp) != NOTOK)
+		    replcmd (vec);
+		break;
+	    case RMMCMD: 
+		if (!vmh || winN (cmdp, DISPLAY, 1) != NOTOK)
+		    rmmcmd (vec);
+		break;
+	    case SCANCMD: 
+		if (!vmh || winN (cmdp, DISPLAY, 1) != NOTOK)
+		    scancmd (vec);
+		break;
+	    case SORTCMD: 
+		if (!vmh || winN (cmdp, DISPLAY, 1) != NOTOK)
+		    sortcmd (vec);
+		break;
+	    default: 
+		padios (NULLCP, "no dispatch for %s", cmd_name);
+	}
+	if (vmh) {
+	    if (vmhtty != NOTOK)
+		(void) ttyR (cmdp);
+	    if (vmhpid > OK)
+		(void) winR (cmdp);
+	}
+	else
+	    fin_io (cmdp, vmh);
+	if (cp != NULL)
+	    free (cp);
+	if (i == EXITCMD) {
+	    quit ();
+	    return;
+	}
+    }
+/*  */
+fsetup (folder)
+char   *folder;
+    register int msgnum;
+    char   *maildir;
+    struct stat st;
+    maildir = m_maildir (folder);
+    if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK)
+	padios (maildir, "unable to change directory to");
+    if (!(mp = m_gmsg (folder)))
+	padios (NULLCP, "unable to read folder %s", folder);
+    if (mp -> hghmsg == 0)
+	padios (NULLCP, "no messages in %s", folder);
+    mode = m_gmprot ();
+    mtime = stat (mp -> foldpath, &st) != NOTOK ? st.st_mtime : 0;
+    m_gMsgs (mp -> hghmsg);
+    for (msgnum = mp -> lowmsg; msgnum <= mp -> hghmsg; msgnum++) {
+	Msgs[msgnum].m_bboard_id = 0;
+	Msgs[msgnum].m_top = NOTOK;
+	Msgs[msgnum].m_start = Msgs[msgnum].m_stop = 0L;
+	Msgs[msgnum].m_scanl = NULL;
+    }
+    m_init ();
+    fmsh = getcpy (folder);
+#if !defined(BSD42) && !defined(linux) && defined(_NFILE)
+    maxfds = _NFILE / 2;
+#else	/* BSD42 || linux */
+    maxfds = getdtablesize () / 2;
+#endif	/* BSD42 || linux */
+    if ((maxfds -= 2) < 1)
+	maxfds = 1;
+/*  */
+setup (file)
+char   *file;
+    int     i,
+            msgp;
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+    char    tmpfil[BUFSIZ];
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+    struct stat st;
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+    if (pmsh) {
+	(void) strcpy (tmpfil, m_tmpfil (invo_name));
+	if ((fp = fopen (tmpfil, "w+")) == NULL)
+	    padios (tmpfil, "unable to create");
+	(void) unlink (tmpfil);
+    }
+    else
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+    if ((fp = fopen (file, "r")) == NULL)
+	padios (file, "unable to read");
+#ifdef	FIOCLEX
+    (void) ioctl (fileno (fp), FIOCLEX, NULLCP);
+#endif	/* FIOCLEX */
+    if (fstat (fileno (fp), &st) != NOTOK) {
+	mode = (int) (st.st_mode & 0777), mtime = st.st_mtime;
+	msgp = read_map (file, (long) st.st_size);
+    }
+    else {
+	mode = m_gmprot (), mtime = 0;
+	msgp = 0;
+    }
+    if ((msgp = read_file (msgp ? Msgs[msgp].m_stop : 0L, msgp + 1)) < 1)
+	padios (NULLCP, "no messages in %s", myname ? myname : file);
+    mp = (struct msgs  *) calloc ((unsigned) 1, MHSIZE (mp, 1, msgp + 1));
+    if (mp == NULL)
+	padios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate folder storage");
+    mp -> hghmsg = msgp;
+    mp -> nummsg = msgp;
+    mp -> lowmsg = 1;
+    mp -> curmsg = 0;
+    mp -> foldpath = getcpy (myname ? myname : file);
+    mp -> msgflags = 0;
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+    if (pmsh)
+	mp -> msgflags |= READONLY;
+    else {
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+	(void) stat (file, &st);
+	if (st.st_uid != getuid () || access (file, 02) == NOTOK)
+	    mp -> msgflags |= READONLY;
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+    }
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+    mp -> lowoff = 1;
+    mp -> hghoff = mp -> hghmsg + 1;
+#ifdef	MTR
+    mp -> msgstats = (short *)
+		calloc ((unsigned) 1, MHSIZEX (mp, mp -> lowmsg, mp -> hghmsg));
+    if (mp -> msgstats == NULL)
+	padios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate messages storage");
+    mp -> msgstats = (mp -> msgbase = mp -> msgstats) - mp -> lowoff;
+    if (mp -> msgstats < (short *)0)
+	padios (NULLCP, "setup() botch -- you lose big");
+#endif	/* MTR */
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+    if (pmsh) {
+#ifndef	NNTP
+	for (i = mp -> lowmsg; i <= mp -> hghmsg; i++) {
+	    Msgs[i].m_top = i;
+	    mp -> msgstats[i] = EXISTS | VIRTUAL;
+	}
+#else	/* NNTP */
+	for (i = mp -> lowmsg; i <= mp -> hghmsg; i++) {
+	    if (Msgs[i].m_top)			/* set in read_pop() */
+		mp -> msgstats[i] = EXISTS | VIRTUAL;
+	}
+#endif	/* NNTP */
+    }
+    else
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+    for (i = mp -> lowmsg; i <= mp -> hghmsg; i++)
+	mp -> msgstats[i] = EXISTS;
+    m_init ();
+    mp -> msgattrs[0] = getcpy ("unseen");
+    mp -> msgattrs[1] = NULL;
+    m_unknown (fp);		/* the MAGIC invocation */    
+    if (fmsh) {
+	free (fmsh);
+	fmsh = NULL;
+    }
+/*  */
+static int  read_map (file, size)
+char   *file;
+long    size;
+    register int    i,
+                    msgp;
+    register struct drop   *dp,
+                           *mp;
+    struct drop *rp;
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+    if (pmsh)
+	return read_pop ();
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+    if ((i = map_read (file, size, &rp, 1)) == 0)
+	return 0;
+    m_gMsgs (i);
+    msgp = 1;
+    for (dp = rp + 1; i-- > 0; msgp++, dp++) {
+	mp = &Msgs[msgp].m_drop;
+	mp -> d_id = dp -> d_id;
+	mp -> d_size = dp -> d_size;
+	mp -> d_start = dp -> d_start;
+	mp -> d_stop = dp -> d_stop;
+	Msgs[msgp].m_scanl = NULL;
+    }
+    free ((char *) rp);
+    return (msgp - 1);
+/*  */
+static  int	read_file (pos, msgp)
+register long	pos;
+register int    msgp;
+    register int    i;
+    register struct drop   *dp,
+                           *mp;
+    struct drop *rp;
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+    if (pmsh)
+	return (msgp - 1);
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+    if ((i = mbx_read (fp, pos, &rp, 1)) <= 0)
+	return (msgp - 1);
+    m_gMsgs ((msgp - 1) + i);
+    for (dp = rp; i-- > 0; msgp++, dp++) {
+	mp = &Msgs[msgp].m_drop;
+	mp -> d_id = 0;
+	mp -> d_size = dp -> d_size;
+	mp -> d_start = dp -> d_start;
+	mp -> d_stop = dp -> d_stop;
+	Msgs[msgp].m_scanl = NULL;
+    }
+    free ((char *) rp);
+    return (msgp - 1);
+/*  */
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+#ifdef	NNTP
+static	int	pop_base = 0;
+static	int	pop_statmsg (s)
+register char *s;
+    register int i, n;
+    n = (i = atoi (s)) - pop_base;	 /* s="nnn header-line..." */
+    Msgs[n].m_top = Msgs[n].m_bboard_id = i;
+#endif	/* NNTP */
+static int  read_pop () {
+    int	    nmsgs,
+            nbytes;
+    if (pop_stat (&nmsgs, &nbytes) == NOTOK)
+	padios (NULLCP, "%s", response);
+    m_gMsgs (nmsgs);
+#ifdef	NNTP	/* this makes read_pop() do some real work... */
+    pop_base = nbytes - 1; 	/* nmsgs=last-first+1, nbytes=first */
+    pop_exists (pop_statmsg);
+#endif	/* NNTP */
+    return nmsgs;
+static int  pop_action (s)
+register char  *s;
+    fprintf (yp, "%s\n", s);
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+/*  */
+static m_gMsgs (n)
+int	n;
+    int	    nmsgs;
+    if (Msgs == NULL) {
+	nMsgs = n + MAXFOLDER / 2;
+	Msgs = (struct Msg *) calloc ((unsigned) (nMsgs + 2), sizeof *Msgs);
+	if (Msgs == NULL)
+	    padios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate Msgs structure");
+	return;
+    }
+    if (nMsgs >= n)
+	return;
+    nmsgs = nMsgs + n + MAXFOLDER / 2;
+    Msgs = (struct Msg *) realloc ((char *) Msgs,
+	                    (unsigned) (nmsgs + 2) * sizeof *Msgs);
+    if (Msgs == NULL)
+	padios (NULLCP, "unable to reallocate Msgs structure");
+    bzero ((char *) (Msgs + nMsgs + 2),
+	   (unsigned) ((nmsgs - nMsgs) * sizeof *Msgs));
+    nMsgs = nmsgs;
+/*  */
+FILE   *msh_ready (msgnum, full)
+register int msgnum;
+int	full;
+    register int    msgp;
+    int     fd;
+    long    pos1,
+            pos2;
+    char   *cp,
+            tmpfil[BUFSIZ];
+    if (yp) {
+	(void) fclose (yp);
+	yp = NULL;
+    }
+    if (fmsh) {
+	if ((fd = Msgs[msgnum].m_top) == NOTOK) {
+	    if (numfds >= maxfds)
+		for (msgp = mp -> lowmsg; msgp <= mp -> hghmsg; msgp++)
+		    if (Msgs[msgp].m_top != NOTOK) {
+			(void) close (Msgs[msgp].m_top);
+			Msgs[msgp].m_top = NOTOK;
+			numfds--;
+			break;
+		    }
+	    if ((fd = open (cp = m_name (msgnum), 0)) == NOTOK)
+		padios (cp, "unable to open message");
+	    Msgs[msgnum].m_top = fd;
+	    numfds++;
+	}
+	if ((fd = dup (fd)) == NOTOK)
+	    padios ("cached message", "unable to dup");
+	if ((yp = fdopen (fd, "r")) == NULL)
+	    padios (NULLCP, "unable to fdopen cached message");
+	(void) fseek (yp, 0L, 0);
+	return yp;
+    }
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+    if (pmsh && (mp -> msgstats[msgnum] & VIRTUAL)) {
+	if (Msgs[msgnum].m_top == 0)
+	    padios (NULLCP, "msh_ready (%d, %d) botch", msgnum, full);
+	if (!full) {
+	    (void) strcpy (tmpfil, m_tmpfil (invo_name));
+	    if ((yp = fopen (tmpfil, "w+")) == NULL)
+		padios (tmpfil, "unable to create");
+	    (void) unlink (tmpfil);
+	    if (pop_top (Msgs[msgnum].m_top, 4, pop_action) == NOTOK)
+#ifndef NNTP
+		padios (NULLCP, "%s", response);
+#else /* NNTP */
+	    {
+		if (strncmp(response, "423 ", 4) == 0)
+		    /* 423 no such article number in this group */
+		    fprintf (yp, "Expired:\n\n"); /* dummy */
+		else
+		    padios (NULLCP, "%s", response);
+	    }
+#endif /* NNTP */
+	    m_eomsbr ((int (*)()) 0);	/* XXX */
+	    msg_style = MS_DEFAULT;	/*  .. */
+	    (void) fseek (yp, 0L, 0);
+	    return yp;
+	}
+	(void) fseek (fp, 0L, 2);
+	(void) fwrite (mmdlm1, 1, strlen (mmdlm1), fp);
+	if (fflush (fp))
+	    padios ("temporary file", "write error on");
+	(void) fseek (fp, 0L, 2);
+	pos1 = ftell (fp);
+	yp = fp;
+	if (pop_retr (Msgs[msgnum].m_top, pop_action) == NOTOK)
+#ifndef NNTP
+	    padios (NULLCP, "%s", response);
+#else /* NNTP */
+	{
+	    if (strncmp(response, "423 ", 4) == 0)
+		/* 423 no such article number in this group */
+		fprintf (yp, "Expired:\n\n"); /* dummy */
+	    else
+		padios (NULLCP, "%s", response);
+	}
+#endif /* NNTP */
+	yp = NULL;
+	(void) fseek (fp, 0L, 2);
+	pos2 = ftell (fp);
+	(void) fwrite (mmdlm2, 1, strlen (mmdlm2), fp);
+	if (fflush (fp))
+	    padios ("temporary file", "write error on");
+	Msgs[msgnum].m_start = pos1;
+	Msgs[msgnum].m_stop = pos2;
+	mp -> msgstats[msgnum] &= ~VIRTUAL;
+    }
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+    m_eomsbr ((int (*)()) 0);	/* XXX */
+    (void) fseek (fp, Msgs[msgnum].m_start, 0);
+    return fp;
+/*  */
+static int  check_folder (scansw)
+int     scansw;
+    int     flags,
+            i,
+            low,
+            hgh,
+            msgp;
+    struct stat st;
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+    if (pmsh)
+	return 0;
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+    if (fmsh) {
+	if (stat (mp -> foldpath, &st) == NOTOK)
+	    padios (mp -> foldpath, "unable to stat");
+	if (mtime == st.st_mtime)
+	    return 0;
+	mtime = st.st_mtime;
+	low = mp -> hghmsg + 1;
+	m_fmsg (mp);
+	if (!(mp = m_gmsg (fmsh)))
+	    padios (NULLCP, "unable to re-read folder %s", fmsh);
+	hgh = mp -> hghmsg;
+	for (msgp = mp -> lowmsg; msgp <= mp -> hghmsg; msgp++) {
+	    if (Msgs[msgp].m_top != NOTOK) {
+		(void) close (Msgs[msgp].m_top);
+		Msgs[msgp].m_top = NOTOK;
+		numfds--;
+	    }
+	    if (Msgs[msgp].m_scanl) {
+		free (Msgs[msgp].m_scanl);
+		Msgs[msgp].m_scanl = NULL;
+	    }
+	}
+	m_init ();
+	if (modified || low > hgh)
+	    return 1;
+	goto check_vmh;
+    }
+    if (fstat (fileno (fp), &st) == NOTOK)
+	padios (mp -> foldpath, "unable to fstat");
+    if (mtime == st.st_mtime)
+	return 0;
+    mode = (int) (st.st_mode & 0777);
+    mtime = st.st_mtime;
+    if ((msgp = read_file (Msgs[mp -> hghmsg].m_stop, mp -> hghmsg + 1)) < 1)
+	padios (NULLCP, "no messages in %s", mp -> foldpath);	/* XXX */
+    if (msgp <= mp -> hghmsg)
+	return 0;		/* XXX */
+    if ((mp = m_remsg (mp, 0, msgp)) == NULL)
+	padios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate folder storage");
+    low = mp -> hghmsg + 1, hgh = msgp;
+    flags = scansw ? m_seqflag (mp, "unseen") : 0;
+    for (i = mp -> hghmsg + 1; i <= msgp; i++) {
+	mp -> msgstats[i] = EXISTS | flags;
+	mp -> nummsg++;
+    }
+    mp -> hghmsg = msgp;
+    m_init ();
+check_vmh: ;
+    if (vmh)
+	return 1;
+    advise (NULLCP, "new messages have arrived!\007");
+    if (scansw)
+	scanrange (low, hgh);
+    return 1;
+/*  */
+static	scanrange (low, hgh)
+int	low,
+	hgh;
+    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];
+    (void) sprintf (buffer, "%d-%d", low, hgh);
+    scanstring (buffer);
+static	scanstring (arg)
+char   *arg;
+    char   *cp,
+          **ap,
+           *vec[MAXARGS];
+    if ((cp = m_find (cmd_name = "scan")) != NULL) {
+	ap = brkstring (cp = getcpy (cp), " ", "\n");
+	ap = copyip (ap, vec);
+    }
+    else
+	ap = vec;
+    *ap++ = arg;
+    *ap = NULL;
+    m_init ();
+    scancmd (vec);
+    if (cp != NULL)
+	free (cp);
+/*  */
+readids (id)
+int     id;
+    register int    cur,
+                    flags,
+                    i,
+                    msgnum;
+    if (mp -> curmsg == 0)
+	m_setcur (mp, mp -> lowmsg);
+    if (id <= 0 || (flags = m_seqflag (mp, "unseen")) == 0)
+	return;
+    for (msgnum = mp -> hghmsg; msgnum >= mp -> lowmsg; msgnum--)
+	mp -> msgstats[msgnum] |= flags;
+    if (id != 1) {
+	cur = mp -> curmsg;
+	for (msgnum = mp -> hghmsg; msgnum >= mp -> lowmsg; msgnum--)
+	  if (mp -> msgstats[msgnum] & EXISTS)		/* FIX */
+	    if ((i = readid (msgnum)) > 0 && i < id) {
+		cur = msgnum + 1;
+		mp -> msgstats[msgnum] &= ~flags;
+		break;
+	    }
+	for (i = mp -> lowmsg; i < msgnum; i++)
+	    mp -> msgstats[i] &= ~flags;
+	if (cur > mp -> hghmsg)
+	    cur = mp -> hghmsg;
+	m_setcur (mp, cur);
+    }
+    if ((gap = 1 < id && id < (i = readid (mp -> lowmsg)) ? id : 0) && !vmh)
+	advise (NULLCP, "gap in ID:s, last seen %d, lowest present %d\n",
+		id - 1, i);
+/*  */
+int 	readid (msgnum)
+int     msgnum;
+    int     i,
+            state;
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+    int	    arg1,
+	    arg2,
+	    arg3;
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+    char   *bp,
+            buf[BUFSIZ],
+            name[NAMESZ];
+    register FILE *zp;
+    if (Msgs[msgnum].m_bboard_id)
+	return Msgs[msgnum].m_bboard_id;
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+    if (pmsh) {
+	if (Msgs[msgnum].m_top == 0)
+	    padios (NULLCP, "readid (%d) botch", msgnum);
+	if (pop_list (Msgs[msgnum].m_top, (int *) 0, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3) == OK
+		&& arg3 > 0)
+	    return (Msgs[msgnum].m_bboard_id = arg3);
+    }
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+    zp = msh_ready (msgnum, 0);
+    for (state = FLD;;)
+	switch (state = m_getfld (state, name, buf, sizeof buf, zp)) {
+	    case FLD: 
+	    case FLDEOF: 
+	    case FLDPLUS: 
+		if (uleq (name, BBoard_ID)) {
+		    bp = getcpy (buf);
+		    while (state == FLDPLUS) {
+			state = m_getfld (state, name, buf, sizeof buf, zp);
+			bp = add (buf, bp);
+		    }
+		    i = atoi (bp);
+		    free (bp);
+		    if (i > 0)
+			return (Msgs[msgnum].m_bboard_id = i);
+		    else
+			continue;
+		}
+		while (state == FLDPLUS)
+		    state = m_getfld (state, name, buf, sizeof buf, zp);
+		if (state != FLDEOF)
+		    continue;
+	    default: 
+		return 0;
+	}
+/*  */
+display_info (scansw)
+int     scansw;
+    int     flags,
+            sd;
+    interactive = isatty (fileno (stdout));
+    if (sp == NULL) {
+	if ((sd = dup (fileno (stdout))) == NOTOK)
+	    padios ("standard output", "unable to dup");
+#ifndef	BSD42			/* XXX */
+#ifdef	FIOCLEX
+	(void) ioctl (sd, FIOCLEX, NULL);
+#endif	/* FIOCLEX */
+#endif	/* not BSD42 */
+	if ((sp = fdopen (sd, "w")) == NULL)
+	    padios ("standard output", "unable to fdopen");
+    }
+    (void) m_putenv ("mhfolder", mp -> foldpath);
+    if (vmh)
+	return;
+    if (myname) {
+	printf ("Reading ");
+	if (SOprintf ("%s", myname))
+	    printf ("%s", myname);
+	printf (", currently at message %d of %d\n",
+		mp -> curmsg, mp -> hghmsg);
+    }
+    else {
+	printf ("Reading ");
+	if (fmsh)
+	    printf ("+%s", fmsh);
+	else
+	    printf ("%s", mp -> foldpath);
+	printf (", currently at message %d of %d\n",
+		mp -> curmsg, mp -> hghmsg);
+    }
+    if ((flags = m_seqflag (mp, "unseen"))
+	    && scansw
+	    && (mp -> msgstats[mp -> hghmsg] & flags))
+	scanstring ("unseen");
+/*  */
+static	write_ids () {
+    int     i = 0,
+	    flags,
+            msgnum;
+    char    buffer[80];
+    if (pfd <= 1)
+	return;
+    if (flags = m_seqflag (mp, "unseen"))
+	for (msgnum = mp -> hghmsg; msgnum >= mp -> lowmsg; msgnum--)
+	    if (!(mp -> msgstats[msgnum] & flags)) {
+		if (Msgs[msgnum].m_bboard_id == 0)
+		    (void) readid (msgnum);
+		if ((i = Msgs[msgnum].m_bboard_id) > 0)
+		    break;
+	    }
+    (void) sprintf (buffer, "%d %d\n", i, Msgs[mp -> hghmsg].m_bboard_id);
+    (void) write (pfd, buffer, sizeof buffer);
+    (void) close (pfd);
+    pfd = NOTOK;
+/*  */
+static  quit () {
+    int     i,
+            md,
+            msgnum;
+    char   *cp,
+            tmpfil[BUFSIZ],
+            map1[BUFSIZ],
+            map2[BUFSIZ];
+    struct stat st;
+    FILE   *dp;
+    if (!(mp -> msgflags & MODIFIED) || mp -> msgflags & READONLY || fmsh) {
+	    if (vmh)
+		(void) rc2peer (RC_FIN, 0, NULLCP);
+	return;
+    }
+    if (vmh) 
+	(void) ttyNaux (NULLCMD, "FAST");
+    cp = NULL;
+    if ((dp = lkfopen (mp -> foldpath, "r")) == NULL) {
+	advise (mp -> foldpath, "unable to lock");
+	if (vmh) {
+	    (void) ttyR (NULLCMD);
+	    (void) pFIN ();
+	}	
+	return;
+    }
+    if (fstat (fileno (dp), &st) == NOTOK) {
+	advise (mp -> foldpath, "unable to stat");
+	goto release;
+    }
+    if (mtime != st.st_mtime) {
+	advise (NULLCP, "new messages have arrived, no update");
+	goto release;
+    }
+    mode = (int) (st.st_mode & 0777);
+    if (mp -> nummsg == 0) {
+	cp = concat ("Zero file \"", mp -> foldpath, "\"? ", NULLCP);
+	if (getanswer (cp)) {
+	    if ((i = creat (mp -> foldpath, mode)) != NOTOK)
+		(void) close (i);
+	    else
+		advise (mp -> foldpath, "error zero'ing");
+	    (void) unlink (map_name (mp -> foldpath));/* XXX */
+	}
+	goto release;
+    }
+    cp = concat ("Update file \"", mp -> foldpath, "\"? ", NULLCP);
+    if (!getanswer (cp))
+	goto release;
+    (void) strcpy (tmpfil, m_backup (mp -> foldpath));
+    if ((md = mbx_open (tmpfil, st.st_uid, st.st_gid, mode)) == NOTOK) {
+	advise (tmpfil, "unable to open");
+	goto release;
+    }
+    for (msgnum = mp -> lowmsg; msgnum <= mp -> hghmsg; msgnum++)
+	if (mp -> msgstats[msgnum] & EXISTS
+		&& pack (tmpfil, md, msgnum) == NOTOK) {
+	    (void) mbx_close (tmpfil, md);
+	    (void) unlink (tmpfil);
+	    (void) unlink (map_name (tmpfil));
+	    goto release;
+	}
+    (void) mbx_close (tmpfil, md);
+    if (rename (tmpfil, mp -> foldpath) == NOTOK)
+	admonish (mp -> foldpath, "unable to rename %s to", tmpfil);
+    else {
+	(void) strcpy (map1, map_name (tmpfil));
+	(void) strcpy (map2, map_name (mp -> foldpath));
+	if (rename (map1, map2) == NOTOK) {
+	    admonish (map2, "unable to rename %s to", map1);
+	    (void) unlink (map1);
+	    (void) unlink (map2);
+	}
+    }
+release: ;
+    if (cp)
+	free (cp);
+    (void) lkfclose (dp, mp -> foldpath);
+    if (vmh) {
+	(void) ttyR (NULLCMD);
+	(void) pFIN ();
+    }
+/*  */
+#ifdef READLINE
+char *
+command_comp(text, state)
+char *text;
+int state;
+    static int list_index, len;
+    char *name;
+    if (!state) {
+	list_index = 0;
+	len = strlen(text);
+    }
+    while ((name = mshcmds[list_index].sw) != NULLCP) {
+	if (mshcmds[list_index++].minchars < 0)
+	    continue;
+	if (strncmp(name, text, len) == 0)
+	    return getcpy(name);
+    }
+    return NULLCP;
+#ifdef SYS5DIR
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <direct.h>
+char *
+folder_comp(text, state)
+char *text;
+int state;
+    static DIR *dp;
+    static char *dirname = NULLCP;
+    static char *filename = NULLCP;
+    static char *foldername = NULLCP;
+    static char *subdir = NULLCP;
+    static int len;
+#ifdef SYS5DIR
+    struct dirent *entry = (struct dirent *)0;
+    struct direct *entry = (struct direct *)0;
+    char *p;
+    if (!state) {
+	foldername = getcpy(text);
+	if ((p = rindex(text, '/')) != NULL) {
+	    foldername[p-text+1] = '\0';
+	    filename = getcpy(p+1);
+	    dirname = m_mailpath(path(foldername+1,
+				      *text == '+' ? TFOLDER : TSUBCWF));
+	} else {
+	    foldername[1] = '\0';
+	    filename = getcpy(text+1);
+	    dirname = m_mailpath(*text == '+' ? "" : path("./", TSUBCWF));
+	}
+	dp = opendir(dirname);
+	len = strlen(filename);
+	subdir = NULLCP;
+    }
+    if (subdir && *subdir) {
+	p = subdir;
+	subdir = NULLCP;
+	return p;
+    }
+    while (dp && (entry = readdir(dp))) {
+	if ((len == 0
+	     && (entry->d_name[0] != '.' ||
+		 (entry->d_name[1] &&
+		  (entry->d_name[1] != '.' || entry->d_name[2]))))
+	    ||
+	    (len != 0
+	     && strncmp(filename, entry->d_name, len) == 0)) {
+	    struct stat st;
+	    if (lstat(add(entry->d_name, add("/", add(dirname, NULLCP))), &st)
+		!= NOTOK
+		&& (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) {
+		if (st.st_nlink > 2)
+		    subdir = add("/", add(entry->d_name,
+					  add(foldername, NULLCP)));
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    if (entry)
+	return add(entry->d_name, add(foldername, NULLCP));
+    if (dp) {
+	closedir(dp);
+	dp = (DIR *)0;
+    }
+    if (dirname) {
+	free(dirname);
+	dirname = NULLCP;
+    }
+    if (filename) {
+	free(filename);
+	filename = NULLCP;
+    }
+    if (foldername) {
+	free(foldername);
+	foldername = NULLCP;
+    }
+    if (subdir) {
+	free(subdir);
+	subdir = NULLCP;
+    }
+    return NULLCP;
+char **
+msh_completion(text, start, end)
+char *text;
+int start, end;
+    char **matches = NULLVP;
+    if (start == 0)
+	matches = completion_matches(text, command_comp);
+    else if (text[0] == '+' || text[0] == '@')
+	matches = completion_matches(text, folder_comp);
+    return matches;
+    rl_readline_name = invo_name;
+    rl_basic_word_break_characters = " \t\n\"\\'`$><=;|&{(";
+    rl_attempted_completion_function = (CPPFunction *)msh_completion;
+#endif /* READLINE */
+static int  getargs (prompt, sw, cmdp)
+char   *prompt;
+struct swit *sw;
+struct Cmd *cmdp;
+    int     i;
+    char   *cp;
+    static char buffer[BUFSIZ];
+    told_to_quit = 0;
+    for (;;) {
+	interrupted = 0;
+#if defined(BSD42) || defined(SVR4)
+	switch (setjmp (sigenv)) {
+	    case OK:
+		should_intr = 1;
+		break;
+	    default:
+		should_intr = 0;
+		if (interrupted && !told_to_quit) {
+		    (void) putchar ('\n');
+		    continue;
+		}
+		if (ppid > 0)
+		    (void) kill (ppid, SIGEMT);
+		return EOF;
+	}
+#endif	/* BSD42 || SVR4 */
+#ifdef READLINE
+	if (!(cp = readline(interactive ? prompt : ""))) {
+#if !defined(BSD42) && !defined(SVR4)
+	    if (ppid > 0)
+	      (void) kill (ppid, SIGEMT);
+	    return EOF;
+#else	/* BSD42 || SVR4 */
+	    longjmp (sigenv, DONE);
+#endif	/* BSD42 || SVR4 */
+	}
+	if (!*cp)
+	    continue;
+	add_history(cp);
+	strncpy(buffer, cp, sizeof buffer - 2);
+	buffer[sizeof buffer - 2] = '\0';
+	free(cp);
+#else /* READLINE */
+	if (interactive) {
+	    printf ("%s", prompt);
+	    (void) fflush (stdout);
+	}
+	for (cp = buffer; (i = getchar ()) != '\n';) {
+#if !defined(BSD42) && !defined(SVR4)
+	    if (interrupted && !told_to_quit) {
+		buffer[0] = '\0';
+		(void) putchar ('\n');
+		break;
+	    }
+	    if (told_to_quit || i == EOF) {
+		if (ppid > 0)
+		    (void) kill (ppid, SIGEMT);
+		return EOF;
+	    }
+#else	/* BSD42 || SVR4 */
+	    if (i == EOF)
+		longjmp (sigenv, DONE);
+#endif	/* BSD42 || SVR4 */
+	    if (cp < &buffer[sizeof buffer - 2])
+		*cp++ = i;
+	}
+	*cp = 0;
+	if (buffer[0] == 0)
+	    continue;
+#endif /* READLINE */
+	if (buffer[0] == '?') {
+	    printf ("commands:\n");
+	    printsw (ALL, sw, "");
+	    printf ("type CTRL-D or use ``quit'' to leave %s\n",
+		    invo_name);
+	    continue;
+	}
+	if (parse (buffer, cmdp) == NOTOK)
+	    continue;
+	switch (i = smatch (cmdp -> args[0], sw)) {
+	    case AMBIGSW: 
+		ambigsw (cmdp -> args[0], sw);
+		continue;
+	    case UNKWNSW: 
+		printf ("say what: ``%s'' -- type ? (or help) for help\n",
+			cmdp -> args[0]);
+		continue;
+	    default: 
+#if defined(BSD42) || defined(SVR4)
+		should_intr = 0;
+#endif	/* BSD42 || SVR4 */
+		return i;
+	}
+    }
+/*  */
+static int  getcmds (sw, cmdp, scansw)
+struct swit *sw;
+struct Cmd *cmdp;
+int	scansw;
+    int     i;
+    struct record   rcs,
+                   *rc = &rcs;
+    initrc (rc);
+    for (;;)
+	switch (peer2rc (rc)) {
+	    case RC_QRY: 
+		(void) pQRY (rc -> rc_data, scansw);
+		break;
+	    case RC_CMD: 
+		if ((i = pCMD (rc -> rc_data, sw, cmdp)) != NOTOK)
+		    return i;
+		break;
+	    case RC_FIN: 
+		if (ppid > 0)
+		    (void) kill (ppid, SIGEMT);
+		return EOF;
+	    case RC_XXX: 
+		padios (NULLCP, "%s", rc -> rc_data);
+	    default: 
+		(void) fmt2peer (RC_ERR, "pLOOP protocol screw-up");
+		done (1);
+	}
+/*  */
+static int  parse (buffer, cmdp)
+char   *buffer;
+struct Cmd *cmdp;
+    int     argp = 0;
+    char    c,
+           *cp,
+           *pp;
+    cmdp -> line[0] = 0;
+    pp = cmdp -> args[argp++] = cmdp -> line;
+    cmdp -> redirect = NULL;
+    cmdp -> direction = STDIO;
+    cmdp -> stream = NULL;
+    for (cp = buffer; c = *cp; cp++)
+	if (!isspace ((unsigned char) c))
+	    break;
+    if (c == 0) {
+	if (vmh)
+	    (void) fmt2peer (RC_EOF, "null command");
+	return NOTOK;
+    }
+    while (c = *cp++) {
+	if (isspace ((unsigned char) c)) {
+	    while (isspace ((unsigned char) c))
+		c = *cp++;
+	    if (c == 0)
+		break;
+	    *pp++ = 0;
+	    cmdp -> args[argp++] = pp;
+	    *pp = 0;
+	}
+	switch (c) {
+	    case '"': 
+		for (;;) {
+		    switch (c = *cp++) {
+			case 0: 
+			    padvise (NULLCP, "unmatched \"");
+			    return NOTOK;
+			case '"': 
+			    break;
+			case QUOTE: 
+			    if ((c = *cp++) == 0)
+				goto no_quoting;
+			default: 
+			    *pp++ = c;
+			    continue;
+		    }
+		    break;
+		}
+		continue;
+	    case QUOTE: 
+		if ((c = *cp++) == 0) {
+	    no_quoting: ;
+		    padvise (NULLCP, "the newline character can not be quoted");
+		    return NOTOK;
+		}
+	    default: ;
+		*pp++ = c;
+		continue;
+	    case '>': 
+	    case '|': 
+		if (pp == cmdp -> line) {
+		    padvise (NULLCP, "invalid null command");
+		    return NOTOK;
+		}
+		if (*cmdp -> args[argp - 1] == 0)
+		    argp--;
+		cmdp -> direction = c == '>' ? CRTIO : PIPIO;
+		if (cmdp -> direction == CRTIO && (c = *cp) == '>') {
+		    cmdp -> direction = APPIO;
+		    cp++;
+		}
+		cmdp -> redirect = pp + 1;/* sigh */
+		for (; c = *cp; cp++)
+		    if (!isspace ((unsigned char) c))
+			break;
+		if (c == 0) {
+		    padvise (NULLCP, cmdp -> direction != PIPIO
+			    ? "missing name for redirect"
+			    : "invalid null command");
+		    return NOTOK;
+		}
+		(void) strcpy (cmdp -> redirect, cp);
+		if (cmdp -> direction != PIPIO) {
+		    for (; *cp; cp++)
+			if (isspace ((unsigned char) *cp)) {
+			    padvise (NULLCP, "bad name for redirect");
+			    return NOTOK;
+			}
+		    if (expand (cmdp -> redirect) == NOTOK)
+			return NOTOK;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	break;
+    }
+    *pp++ = 0;
+    cmdp -> args[argp] = NULL;
+    return OK;
+/*  */
+int	expand (redirect)
+char   *redirect;
+    char   *cp,
+           *pp;
+    char    path[BUFSIZ];
+    struct passwd  *pw;
+    if (*redirect != '~')
+	return OK;
+    if (cp = index (pp = redirect + 1, '/'))
+	*cp++ = 0;
+    if (*pp == 0)
+	pp = mypath;
+    else
+	if (pw = getpwnam (pp))
+	    pp = pw -> pw_dir;
+	else {
+	    padvise (NULLCP, "unknown user: %s", pp);
+	    return NOTOK;
+	}
+    (void) sprintf (path, "%s/%s", pp, cp ? cp : "");
+    (void) strcpy (redirect, path);
+    return OK;
+/*  */
+static int  init_io (cmdp, vio)
+register struct Cmd *cmdp;
+int	vio;
+    int     io,
+            result;
+    io = vmh;
+    vmh = vio;
+    result = initaux_io (cmdp);
+    vmh = io;
+    return result;
+static int  initaux_io (cmdp)
+register struct Cmd *cmdp;
+    char   *mode;
+    switch (cmdp -> direction) {
+	case STDIO: 
+	    return OK;
+	case CRTIO: 
+	case APPIO: 
+	    mode = cmdp -> direction == CRTIO ? "write" : "append";
+	    if ((cmdp -> stream = fopen (cmdp -> redirect, mode)) == NULL) {
+		padvise (cmdp -> redirect, "unable to %s ", mode);
+		cmdp -> direction = STDIO;
+		return NOTOK;
+	    }
+	    break;
+	case PIPIO: 
+	    if ((cmdp -> stream = popen (cmdp -> redirect, "w")) == NULL) {
+		padvise (cmdp -> redirect, "unable to pipe");
+		cmdp -> direction = STDIO;
+		return NOTOK;
+	    }
+	    (void) signal (SIGPIPE, pipeser);
+	    broken_pipe = 0;
+	    break;
+	default: 
+	    padios (NULLCP, "unknown redirection for command");
+    }
+    (void) fflush (stdout);
+    if (dup2 (fileno (cmdp -> stream), fileno (stdout)) == NOTOK)
+	padios ("standard output", "unable to dup2");
+    clearerr (stdout);
+    return OK;
+/*  */
+static  fin_io (cmdp, vio)
+register struct Cmd *cmdp;
+int	vio;
+    int     io;
+    io = vmh;
+    vmh = vio;
+    finaux_io (cmdp);
+    vmh = io;
+static int  finaux_io (cmdp)
+register struct Cmd *cmdp;
+    switch (cmdp -> direction) {
+	case STDIO: 
+	    return;
+	case CRTIO: 
+	case APPIO: 
+	    (void) fflush (stdout);
+	    (void) close (fileno (stdout));
+	    if (ferror (stdout))
+		padvise (NULLCP, "problems writing %s", cmdp -> redirect);
+	    (void) fclose (cmdp -> stream);
+	    break;
+	case PIPIO: 
+	    (void) fflush (stdout);
+	    (void) close (fileno (stdout));
+	    (void) pclose (cmdp -> stream);
+	    (void) signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
+	    break;
+	default: 
+	    padios (NULLCP, "unknown redirection for command");
+    }
+    if (dup2 (fileno (sp), fileno (stdout)) == NOTOK)
+	padios ("standard output", "unable to dup2");
+    clearerr (stdout);
+    cmdp -> direction = STDIO;
+/*  */
+static  m_init () {
+    int     msgnum;
+    for (msgnum = mp -> lowmsg; msgnum <= mp -> hghmsg; msgnum++)
+	mp -> msgstats[msgnum] &= ~SELECTED;
+    mp -> lowsel = mp -> hghsel = mp -> numsel = 0;
+m_reset () {
+    write_ids ();
+    m_fmsg (mp);
+    myname = NULL;
+#if defined(BPOP) || defined(NNTP)
+    if (pmsh) {
+	(void) pop_done ();
+	pmsh = 0;
+    }
+#endif	/* BPOP || NNTP */
+/*  */
+void	m_setcur (mp, msgnum)
+register struct msgs *mp;
+register int msgnum;
+    if (mp -> curmsg == msgnum)
+	return;
+    if (mp -> curmsg && Msgs[mp -> curmsg].m_scanl) {
+	free (Msgs[mp -> curmsg].m_scanl);
+	Msgs[mp -> curmsg].m_scanl = NULL;
+    }
+    if (Msgs[msgnum].m_scanl) {
+	free (Msgs[msgnum].m_scanl);
+	Msgs[msgnum].m_scanl = NULL;
+    }
+    mp -> curmsg = msgnum;
+/*  */
+static TYPESIG  intrser (i)
+int     i;
+#ifndef	BSD42
+    (void) signal (SIGINT, intrser);
+#endif	/* not BSD42 */
+    discard (stdout);
+    interrupted++;
+#if defined(BSD42) || defined(SVR4)
+    if (should_intr)
+	longjmp (sigenv, NOTOK);
+#endif	/* BSD42 || SVR4 */
+static TYPESIG  pipeser (i)
+int     i;
+#ifndef	BSD42
+    (void) signal (SIGPIPE, pipeser);
+#endif	/* not BSD42 */
+    if (broken_pipe++ == 0)
+	fprintf (stderr, "broken pipe\n");
+    told_to_quit++;
+    interrupted++;
+#if defined(BSD42) || defined(SVR4)
+    if (should_intr)
+	longjmp (sigenv, NOTOK);
+#endif	/* BSD42 || SVR4 */
+static TYPESIG  quitser (i)
+int     i;
+#ifndef	BSD42
+    (void) signal (SIGQUIT, quitser);
+#endif	/* BSD42 */
+    told_to_quit++;
+    interrupted++;
+#if defined(BSD42) || defined(SVR4)
+    if (should_intr)
+	longjmp (sigenv, NOTOK);
+#endif	/* BSD42 || SVR4 */
+/*  */
+static int  pINI () {
+    int     i,
+            vrsn;
+    char   *bp;
+    struct record   rcs,
+                   *rc = &rcs;
+    initrc (rc);
+    switch (peer2rc (rc)) {
+	case RC_INI: 
+	    bp = rc -> rc_data;
+	    while (isspace (*bp))
+		bp++;
+	    if (sscanf (bp, "%d", &vrsn) != 1) {
+	bad_init: ;
+		(void) fmt2peer (RC_ERR, "bad init \"%s\"", rc -> rc_data);
+		done (1);
+	    }
+	    if (vrsn != RC_VRSN) {
+		(void) fmt2peer (RC_ERR, "version %d unsupported", vrsn);
+		done (1);
+	    }
+	    while (*bp && !isspace (*bp))
+		bp++;
+	    while (isspace (*bp))
+		bp++;
+	    if (sscanf (bp, "%d", &numwins) != 1 || numwins <= 0)
+		goto bad_init;
+	    if (numwins > NWIN)
+		numwins = NWIN;
+	    for (i = 1; i <= numwins; i++) {
+		while (*bp && !isspace (*bp))
+		    bp++;
+		while (isspace (*bp))
+		    bp++;
+		if (sscanf (bp, "%d", &windows[i]) != 1 || windows[i] <= 0)
+		    goto bad_init;
+	    }
+	    (void) rc2peer (RC_ACK, 0, NULLCP);
+	    return OK;
+	case RC_XXX: 
+	    padios (NULLCP, "%s", rc -> rc_data);
+	default: 
+	    (void) fmt2peer (RC_ERR, "pINI protocol screw-up");
+	    done (1);		/* NOTREACHED */
+    }
+/*  */
+static int  pQRY (str, scansw)
+char   *str;
+int	scansw;
+    if (pQRY1 (scansw) == NOTOK || pQRY2 () == NOTOK)
+	return NOTOK;
+    (void) rc2peer (RC_EOF, 0, NULLCP);
+    return OK;
+/*  */
+static int  pQRY1 (scansw)
+int	scansw;
+    int     oldhgh;
+    static int  lastlow = 0,
+                lastcur = 0,
+                lasthgh = 0,
+		lastnum = 0;
+    oldhgh = mp -> hghmsg;
+    if (check_folder (scansw) && oldhgh < mp -> hghmsg) {
+	switch (winX (STATUS)) {
+	    case NOTOK: 
+		return NOTOK;
+	    case OK: 
+		printf ("new messages have arrived!");
+		(void) fflush (stdout);
+		(void) fflush (stderr);
+		_exit (0);	/* NOTREACHED */
+	    default: 
+		lastlow = lastcur = lasthgh = lastnum = 0;
+		break;
+	}
+	switch (winX (DISPLAY)) {
+	    case NOTOK: 
+		return NOTOK;
+	    case OK: 
+		scanrange (oldhgh + 1, mp -> hghmsg);
+		(void) fflush (stdout);
+		(void) fflush (stderr);
+		_exit (0);	/* NOTREACHED */
+	    default: 
+		break;
+	}
+	return OK;
+    }
+    if (gap)
+	switch (winX (STATUS)) {
+	    case NOTOK:
+		return NOTOK;
+	    case OK:
+		printf ("%s: gap in ID:s, last seen %d, lowest present %d\n",
+		    myname ? myname : fmsh ? fmsh : mp -> foldpath, gap - 1,
+		    readid (mp -> lowmsg));
+		(void) fflush (stdout);
+		(void) fflush (stderr);
+		_exit (0);	/* NOTREACHED */
+	    default:
+		gap = 0;
+		return OK;
+	}
+    if (mp -> lowmsg != lastlow
+	    || mp -> curmsg != lastcur
+	    || mp -> hghmsg != lasthgh
+	    || mp -> nummsg != lastnum)
+	switch (winX (STATUS)) {
+	    case NOTOK: 
+		return NOTOK;
+	    case OK: 
+		foldcmd (NULLVP);
+		(void) fflush (stdout);
+		(void) fflush (stderr);
+		_exit (0);	/* NOTREACHED */
+	    default: 
+		lastlow = mp -> lowmsg;
+		lastcur = mp -> curmsg;
+		lasthgh = mp -> hghmsg;
+		lastnum = mp -> nummsg;
+		return OK;
+	}
+    return OK;
+/*  */
+static int  pQRY2 () {
+    int     i,
+            j,
+	    k,
+            msgnum,
+            n;
+    static int  cur = 0,
+                num = 0,
+		lo = 0,
+		hi = 0;
+    if (mp -> nummsg == 0 && mp -> nummsg != num)
+	switch (winX (SCAN)) {
+	    case NOTOK: 
+		return NOTOK;
+	    case OK: 
+		printf ("empty!");
+		(void) fflush (stdout);
+		(void) fflush (stderr);
+		_exit (0);	/* NOTREACHED */
+	    default: 
+		num = mp -> nummsg;
+		return OK;
+	}
+    num = mp -> nummsg;
+    i = 0;
+    j = (k = windows[SCAN]) / 2;
+    for (msgnum = mp -> curmsg; msgnum <= mp -> hghmsg; msgnum++)
+	if (mp -> msgstats[msgnum] & EXISTS)
+	    i++;
+    if (i-- > 0)
+	if (topcur)
+	    k = i >= k ? 1 : k - i;
+	else
+	    k -= i > j ? j : i;
+    i = j = 0;
+    n = 1;
+    for (msgnum = mp -> curmsg; msgnum >= mp -> lowmsg; msgnum--)
+	if (mp -> msgstats[msgnum] & EXISTS) {
+	    i = msgnum;
+	    if (j == 0)
+		j = msgnum;
+	    if (n++ >= k)
+		break;
+	}
+    for (msgnum = mp -> curmsg + 1; msgnum <= mp -> hghmsg; msgnum++)
+	if (mp -> msgstats[msgnum] & EXISTS) {
+	    if (i == 0)
+		i = msgnum;
+	    j = msgnum;
+	    if (n++ >= windows[SCAN])
+		break;
+	}
+    if (!topcur
+	    && lo > 0
+	    && hi > 0
+	    && mp -> msgstats[lo] & EXISTS
+	    && mp -> msgstats[hi] & EXISTS
+	    && (lo < mp -> curmsg
+		    || (lo == mp -> curmsg && lo == mp -> lowmsg))
+	    && (mp -> curmsg < hi
+		    || (hi == mp -> curmsg && hi == mp -> hghmsg))
+	    && hi - lo == j - i)
+	i = lo, j = hi;
+    if (mp -> curmsg != cur || modified)
+	switch (winN (NULLCMD, SCAN, 0)) {
+	    case NOTOK: 
+		return NOTOK;
+	    case OK:
+		return OK;
+	    default: 
+		scanrange (lo = i, hi = j);
+		cur = mp -> curmsg;
+		(void) winR (NULLCMD);
+		return OK;
+	}
+    return OK;
+/*  */
+static int pCMD (str, sw, cmdp)
+char   *str;
+struct swit *sw;
+struct Cmd *cmdp;
+    int     i;
+    if (*str == '?')
+	switch (winX (DISPLAY)) {
+	    case NOTOK: 
+		return NOTOK;
+	    case OK: 
+		printf ("commands:\n");
+		printsw (ALL, sw, "");
+		printf ("type ``quit'' to leave %s\n", invo_name);
+		(void) fflush (stdout);
+		(void) fflush (stderr);
+		_exit (0);	/* NOTREACHED */
+	    default: 
+		(void) rc2peer (RC_EOF, 0, NULLCP);
+		return NOTOK;
+	}
+    if (parse (str, cmdp) == NOTOK)
+	return NOTOK;
+    switch (i = smatch (cmdp -> args[0], sw)) {
+	case AMBIGSW: 
+	    switch (winX (DISPLAY)) {
+		case NOTOK: 
+		    return NOTOK;
+		case OK: 
+		    ambigsw (cmdp -> args[0], sw);
+		    (void) fflush (stdout);
+		    (void) fflush (stderr);
+		    _exit (0);	/* NOTREACHED */
+		default: 
+		    (void) rc2peer (RC_EOF, 0, NULLCP);
+		    return NOTOK;
+	    }
+	case UNKWNSW: 
+	    (void) fmt2peer (RC_ERR,
+		    "say what: ``%s'' -- type ? (or help) for help",
+		    cmdp -> args[0]);
+	    return NOTOK;
+	default: 
+	    return i;
+    }
+/*  */
+static int  pFIN () {
+    int     status;
+    switch (setjmp (peerenv)) {
+	case OK: 
+	    (void) signal (SIGALRM, alrmser);
+	    (void) alarm (ALARM);
+	    status = peerwait ();
+	    (void) alarm (0);
+	    return status;
+	default: 
+	    return NOTOK;
+    }
+static int  peerwait () {
+    struct record   rcs,
+                   *rc = &rcs;
+    initrc (rc);
+    switch (peer2rc (rc)) {
+	case RC_QRY: 
+	case RC_CMD: 
+	    (void) rc2peer (RC_FIN, 0, NULLCP);
+	    return OK;
+	case RC_XXX: 
+	    advise (NULLCP, "%s", rc -> rc_data);
+	    return NOTOK;
+	default: 
+	    (void) fmt2peer (RC_FIN, "pLOOP protocol screw-up");
+	    return NOTOK;
+    }
+static TYPESIG alrmser (i)
+int	i;
+    longjmp (peerenv, DONE);
+/*  */
+static int  ttyNaux (cmdp, s)
+register struct Cmd *cmdp;
+char   *s;
+    struct record   rcs,
+                   *rc = &rcs;
+    initrc (rc);
+    if (cmdp && init_io (cmdp, vmh) == NOTOK)
+	return NOTOK;
+    if (!fmsh)
+	(void) fseek (fp, 0L, 0);/* XXX: fseek() too tricky for our own good */
+    vmhtty = NOTOK;
+    switch (rc2rc (RC_TTY, s ? strlen (s) : 0, s, rc)) {
+	case RC_ACK: 
+	    vmhtty = OK;	/* fall */
+	case RC_ERR: 
+	    break;
+	case RC_XXX: 
+	    padios (NULLCP, "%s", rc -> rc_data);/* NOTREACHED */
+	default: 
+	    (void) fmt2peer (RC_ERR, "pTTY protocol screw-up");
+	    done (1);		/* NOTREACHED */
+    }
+#ifdef	SIGTSTP
+    (void) signal (SIGTSTP, tstat);
+#endif	/* SIGTSTP */
+    return vmhtty;
+/*  */
+static int  ttyR (cmdp)
+register struct Cmd *cmdp;
+    struct record   rcs,
+                   *rc = &rcs;
+#ifdef	SIGTSTP
+    (void) signal (SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN);
+#endif	/* SIGTSTP */
+    if (vmhtty != OK)
+	return NOTOK;
+    initrc (rc);
+    if (cmdp)
+	fin_io (cmdp, 0);
+    vmhtty = NOTOK;
+    switch (rc2rc (RC_EOF, 0, NULLCP, rc)) {
+	case RC_ACK: 
+	    (void) rc2peer (RC_EOF, 0, NULLCP);
+	    return OK;
+	case RC_XXX: 
+	    padios (NULLCP, "%s", rc -> rc_data);/* NOTREACHED */
+	default: 
+	    (void) fmt2peer (RC_ERR, "pTTY protocol screw-up");
+	    done (1);		/* NOTREACHED */
+    }
+/*  */
+static int  winN (cmdp, n, eof)
+register struct Cmd *cmdp;
+int	n,
+	eof;
+    int     i,
+            pd[2];
+    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];
+    struct record   rcs,
+                   *rc = &rcs;
+    if (vmhpid == NOTOK)
+	return OK;
+    initrc (rc);
+    if (!fmsh)
+	(void) fseek (fp, 0L, 0);/* XXX: fseek() too tricky for our own good */
+    vmhpid = OK;
+    (void) sprintf (buffer, "%d", n);
+    switch (str2rc (RC_WIN, buffer, rc)) {
+	case RC_ACK: 
+	    break;
+	case RC_ERR: 
+	    return NOTOK;
+	case RC_XXX: 
+	    padios (NULLCP, "%s", rc -> rc_data);
+	default: 
+	    (void) fmt2peer (RC_ERR, "pWIN protocol screw-up");
+	    done (1);
+    }
+    if (pipe (pd) == NOTOK) {
+	(void) err2peer (RC_ERR, "pipe", "unable to");
+	return NOTOK;
+    }
+    switch (vmhpid = fork ()) {
+	case NOTOK: 
+	    (void) err2peer (RC_ERR, "fork", "unable to");
+	    (void) close (pd[0]);
+	    (void) close (pd[1]);
+	    return NOTOK;
+	case OK: 
+	    (void) close (pd[1]);
+	    (void) signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
+	    while ((i = read (pd[0], buffer, sizeof buffer)) > 0)
+		switch (rc2rc (RC_DATA, i, buffer, rc)) {
+		    case RC_ACK: 
+			break;
+		    case RC_ERR: 
+			_exit (1);
+		    case RC_XXX: 
+			advise (NULLCP, "%s", rc -> rc_data);
+			_exit (2);
+		    default: 
+			(void) fmt2peer (RC_ERR, "pWIN protocol screw-up");
+			_exit (2);
+		}
+	    if (i == OK)
+		switch (rc2rc (RC_EOF, 0, NULLCP, rc)) {
+		    case RC_ACK: 
+			if (eof)
+			    (void) rc2peer (RC_EOF, 0, NULLCP);
+			i = 0;
+			break;
+		    case RC_XXX: 
+			advise (NULLCP, "%s", rc -> rc_data);
+			i = 2;
+			break;
+		    default: 
+			(void) fmt2peer (RC_ERR, "pWIN protocol screw-up");
+			i = 2;
+			break;
+		}
+	    if (i == NOTOK)
+		(void) err2peer (RC_ERR, "pipe", "error reading from");
+	    (void) close (pd[0]);
+	    _exit (i != NOTOK ? i : 1);
+	default: 
+	    if ((vmhfd0 = dup (fileno (stdin))) == NOTOK)
+		padios ("standard input", "unable to dup");
+	    if ((vmhfd1 = dup (fileno (stdout))) == NOTOK)
+		padios ("standard output", "unable to dup");
+	    if ((vmhfd2 = dup (fileno (stderr))) == NOTOK)
+		padios ("diagnostic output", "unable to dup");
+	    (void) close (0);
+	    if ((i = open ("/dev/null", 0)) != NOTOK && i != fileno (stdin)) {
+		(void) dup2 (i, fileno (stdin));
+		(void) close (i);
+	    }
+	    (void) fflush (stdout);
+	    if (dup2 (pd[1], fileno (stdout)) == NOTOK)
+		padios ("standard output", "unable to dup2");
+	    clearerr (stdout);
+	    (void) fflush (stderr);
+	    if (dup2 (pd[1], fileno (stderr)) == NOTOK)
+		padios ("diagnostic output", "unable to dup2");
+	    clearerr (stderr);
+	    if (cmdp && init_io (cmdp, 0) == NOTOK)
+		return NOTOK;
+	    pstat = signal (SIGPIPE, pipeser);
+	    broken_pipe = 1;
+	    (void) close (pd[0]);
+	    (void) close (pd[1]);
+	    return vmhpid;
+    }
+/*  */
+static int  winR (cmdp)
+register struct Cmd *cmdp;
+    int     status;
+    if (vmhpid <= OK)
+	return NOTOK;
+    if (cmdp)
+	fin_io (cmdp, 0);
+    if (dup2 (vmhfd0, fileno (stdin)) == NOTOK)
+	padios ("standard input", "unable to dup2");
+    clearerr (stdin);
+    (void) close (vmhfd0);
+    (void) fflush (stdout);
+    if (dup2 (vmhfd1, fileno (stdout)) == NOTOK)
+	padios ("standard output", "unable to dup2");
+    clearerr (stdout);
+    (void) close (vmhfd1);
+    (void) fflush (stderr);
+    if (dup2 (vmhfd2, fileno (stderr)) == NOTOK)
+	padios ("diagnostic output", "unable to dup2");
+    clearerr (stderr);
+    (void) close (vmhfd2);
+    (void) signal (SIGPIPE, pstat);
+    if ((status = pidwait (vmhpid, OK)) == 2)
+	done (1);
+    vmhpid = OK;
+    return (status == 0 ? OK : NOTOK);
+/*  */
+static int  winX (n)
+int	n;
+    int     i,
+            pid,
+            pd[2];
+    char    buffer[BUFSIZ];
+    struct record   rcs,
+                   *rc = &rcs;
+    initrc (rc);
+    if (!fmsh)
+	(void) fseek (fp, 0L, 0);/* XXX: fseek() too tricky for our own good */
+    (void) sprintf (buffer, "%d", n);
+    switch (str2rc (RC_WIN, buffer, rc)) {
+	case RC_ACK: 
+	    break;
+	case RC_ERR: 
+	    return NOTOK;
+	case RC_XXX: 
+	    padios (NULLCP, "%s", rc -> rc_data);
+	default: 
+	    (void) fmt2peer (RC_ERR, "pWIN protocol screw-up");
+	    done (1);
+    }
+    if (pipe (pd) == NOTOK) {
+	(void) err2peer (RC_ERR, "pipe", "unable to");
+	return NOTOK;
+    }
+    switch (pid = fork ()) {
+	case NOTOK: 
+	    (void) err2peer (RC_ERR, "fork", "unable to");
+	    (void) close (pd[0]);
+	    (void) close (pd[1]);
+	    return NOTOK;
+	case OK: 
+	    (void) close (fileno (stdin));
+	    if ((i = open ("/dev/null", 0)) != NOTOK && i != fileno (stdin)) {
+		(void) dup2 (i, fileno (stdin));
+		(void) close (i);
+	    }
+	    (void) dup2 (pd[1], fileno (stdout));
+	    (void) dup2 (pd[1], fileno (stderr));
+	    (void) close (pd[0]);
+	    (void) close (pd[1]);
+	    vmhpid = NOTOK;
+	    return OK;
+	default: 
+	    (void) close (pd[1]);
+	    while ((i = read (pd[0], buffer, sizeof buffer)) > 0)
+		switch (rc2rc (RC_DATA, i, buffer, rc)) {
+		    case RC_ACK: 
+			break;
+		    case RC_ERR: 
+			(void) close (pd[0]);
+			(void) pidwait (pid, OK);
+			return NOTOK;
+		    case RC_XXX: 
+			padios (NULLCP, "%s", rc -> rc_data);
+		    default: 
+			(void) fmt2peer (RC_ERR, "pWIN protocol screw-up");
+			done (1);
+		}
+	    if (i == OK)
+		switch (rc2rc (RC_EOF, 0, NULLCP, rc)) {
+		    case RC_ACK: 
+			break;
+		    case RC_XXX: 
+			padios (NULLCP, "%s", rc -> rc_data);
+		    default: 
+			(void) fmt2peer (RC_ERR, "pWIN protocol screw-up");
+			done (1);
+		}
+	    if (i == NOTOK)
+		(void) err2peer (RC_ERR, "pipe", "error reading from");
+	    (void) close (pd[0]);
+	    (void) pidwait (pid, OK);
+	    return (i != NOTOK ? pid : NOTOK);
+    }
+/*  */
+/* VARARGS2 */
+void	padios (what, fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f)
+char   *what,
+       *fmt,
+       *a,
+       *b,
+       *c,
+       *d,
+       *e,
+       *f;
+    if (vmh) {
+	(void) err2peer (RC_FIN, what, fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f);
+	(void) rcdone ();
+    }
+    else
+	advise (what, fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f);
+    done (1);
+/* VARARGS2 */
+void	padvise (what, fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f)
+char   *what,
+       *fmt,
+       *a,
+       *b,
+       *c,
+       *d,
+       *e,
+       *f;
+    if (vmh)
+	(void) err2peer (RC_ERR, what, fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f);
+    else
+	advise (what, fmt, a, b, c, d, e, f);