diff uip/spost.c @ 0:bce86c4163a3

Initial revision
author kono
date Mon, 18 Apr 2005 23:46:02 +0900
children 441a2190cfae
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uip/spost.c	Mon Apr 18 23:46:02 2005 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,996 @@
+#ifndef lint
+static char sccsid[] = "@(#)spost.c	1.6 (Berkeley) 11/2/85";
+#ifndef	lint
+static char ident[] = "@(#)$Id$";
+#endif	/* lint */
+/* spost.c - feed messages to sendmail */
+ * (This is a simpler, faster, replacement for "post" for use when "sendmail"
+ * is the transport system) 
+ */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include "../h/mh.h"
+#include "../h/addrsbr.h"
+#include "../h/aliasbr.h"
+#include "../h/dropsbr.h"
+#include "../zotnet/tws.h"
+#ifdef LOCALE
+#include	<locale.h>
+#ifdef	UNISTD
+#include <unistd.h>
+extern char *getfullname (), *getusr ();
+extern char *sendmail;
+#define	uptolow(c)	((isalpha(c) && isupper (c)) ? tolower (c) : c)
+#define MAX_SM_FIELD	1476	/* < largest hdr field sendmail will accept */
+#define FCCS		10	/* max number of fccs allowed */
+/*  */
+struct swit switches[] = {
+#define	FILTSW	0
+    "filter filterfile", 0,
+#define	NFILTSW	1
+    "nofilter", 0,
+#define	FRMTSW	2
+    "format", 0,
+#define	NFRMTSW	3
+    "noformat", 0,
+#define	REMVSW	4
+    "remove", 0,
+#define	NREMVSW	5
+    "noremove", 0,
+#define	VERBSW	6
+    "verbose", 0,
+#define	NVERBSW	7
+    "noverbose", 0,
+#define	WATCSW	8
+    "watch", 0,
+#define	NWATCSW	9
+    "nowatch", 0,
+#define	HELPSW	10
+    "help", 4,
+#define	DEBUGSW	11
+    "debug", -5,
+#define	DISTSW	12
+    "dist", -4,			/* interface from dist */
+#define BACKSW 13
+    "backup", 0,
+#define NBACKSW 14
+    "nobackup", 0,
+#define CHKSW 15
+    "check", -5,		/* interface from whom */
+#define NCHKSW 16
+    "nocheck", -7,		/* interface from whom */
+#define WHOMSW 17
+    "whom", -4,			/* interface from whom */
+#define PUSHSW 18		/* fork to sendmail then exit */
+    "push", -4,
+#define NPUSHSW 19		/* exec sendmail */
+    "nopush", -6,
+#define ALIASW 20
+    "alias aliasfile", 0,
+#define NALIASW 21
+    "noalias", 0,
+#define WIDTHSW 22
+    "width columns", 0,
+#define LIBSW 23
+    "library directory", -7,
+#define	ANNOSW	24
+    "idanno number", -6,
+#define	HENCDSW	25
+    "hencode", 0,
+#define	NHENCDSW 26
+    "nohencode", 0,
+#endif /* MIME_HEADERS */
+    NULL, 0
+/*  */
+struct headers {
+    char   *value;
+    unsigned int    flags;
+#define	HNOP	0x0000		/* just used to keep .set around */
+#define	HBAD	0x0001		/* bad header - don't let it through */
+#define	HADR	0x0002		/* header has an address field */
+#define	HSUB	0x0004		/* Subject: header */
+#define	HTRY	0x0008		/* try to send to addrs on header */
+#define	HBCC	0x0010		/* don't output this header */
+#define	HMNG	0x0020		/* mung this header */
+#define	HNGR	0x0040		/* no groups allowed in this header */
+#define	HFCC	0x0080		/* FCC: type header */
+#define	HNIL	0x0100		/* okay for this header not to have addrs */
+#define	HIGN	0x0200		/* ignore this header */
+    unsigned int    set;
+#define	MFRM	0x0001		/* we've seen a From: */
+#define	MDAT	0x0002		/* we've seen a Date: */
+#define	MRFM	0x0004		/* we've seen a Resent-From: */
+#define	MVIS	0x0008		/* we've seen sighted addrs */
+#define	MINV	0x0010		/* we've seen blind addrs */
+#define	MRDT	0x0020		/* we've seen a Resent-Date: */
+/*  */
+static struct headers  NHeaders[] = {
+    "Return-Path", HBAD, 0,
+    "Received", HBAD, 0,
+    "Reply-To", HADR | HNGR, 0,
+    "From", HADR | HNGR, MFRM,
+    "Sender", HADR | HBAD, 0,
+    "Date", HNOP, MDAT,
+    "Subject", HSUB, 0,
+    "To", HADR | HTRY, MVIS,
+    "cc", HADR | HTRY, MVIS,
+    "Bcc", HADR | HTRY | HBCC | HNIL, MINV,
+    "Message-Id", HBAD, 0,
+    "Fcc", HFCC, 0,
+    NULL
+static struct headers  RHeaders[] = {
+    "Resent-Reply-To", HADR | HNGR, 0,
+    "Resent-From", HADR | HNGR, MRFM,
+    "Resent-Sender", HADR | HBAD, 0,
+    "Resent-Date", HNOP, MRDT,
+    "Resent-Subject", HSUB, 0,
+    "Resent-To", HADR | HTRY, MVIS,
+    "Resent-cc", HADR | HTRY, MVIS,
+    "Resent-Bcc", HADR | HTRY | HBCC, MINV,
+    "Resent-Message-Id", HBAD, 0,
+    "Resent-Fcc", HFCC, 0,
+    "Reply-To", HADR, 0,
+    "Fcc", HIGN, 0,
+    NULL
+/*  */
+static short    fccind = 0;	/* index into fccfold[] */
+static int  badmsg = 0;		/* message has bad semantics */
+static int  verbose = 0;	/* spell it out */
+static int  debug = 0;		/* debugging post */
+static int  rmflg = 1;		/* remove temporary file when done */
+static int  watch = 0;		/* watch the delivery process */
+static int  backflg = 0;	/* rename input file as *.bak when done */
+static int  whomflg = 0;	/* if just checking addresses */
+static int  pushflg = 0;	/* if going to fork to sendmail */
+static int  aliasflg = -1;	/* if going to process aliases */
+static int  outputlinelen=72;
+static int  hencode = -1;	/* encode header in RFC-2047 style */
+#endif /* MIME_HEADERS */
+static unsigned msgflags = 0;	/* what we've seen */
+static enum {
+    normal, resent
+} msgstate = normal;
+static char tmpfil[] = "/tmp/pstXXXXXX";
+static char from[BUFSIZ];	/* my network address */
+static char signature[BUFSIZ];	/* my signature */
+static char *filter = NULL;	/* the filter for BCC'ing */
+static char *subject = NULL;	/* the subject field for BCC'ing */
+static char *fccfold[FCCS];	/* foldernames for FCC'ing */
+static struct headers  *hdrtab;	/* table for the message we're doing */
+static FILE *out;		/* output (temp) file */
+static	putfmt(), start_headers(), finish_headers(), putadr(),
+	insert_fcc();
+static	file(), fcc();
+static int	get_header(), putone();
+/*    MAIN */
+main (argc, argv)
+int     argc;
+char   *argv[];
+    int     state,
+	    i,
+	    pid,
+            compnum;
+    char   *cp,
+           *msg = NULL,
+          **argp = argv + 1,
+	    *sargv[16],
+            buf[BUFSIZ],
+            name[NAMESZ],
+	    *arguments[MAXARGS];
+    FILE * in;
+#ifdef LOCALE
+	setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
+#ifdef JAPAN
+	ml_init();
+#endif /* JAPAN */
+    invo_name = r1bindex (argv[0], '/');
+    mts_init (invo_name);
+    if ((cp = m_find (invo_name)) != NULL) {
+	argp = copyip (brkstring (cp, " ", "\n"), arguments);
+	(void) copyip (argv+1, argp);
+	argp = arguments;
+    }
+/*  */
+    while (cp = *argp++) {
+	if (*cp == '-')
+	    switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) {
+		case AMBIGSW: 
+		    ambigsw (cp, switches);
+		    done (1);
+		case UNKWNSW: 
+		    adios (NULLCP, "-%s unknown", cp);
+		case HELPSW: 
+		    (void)sprintf (buf, "%s [switches] file", invo_name);
+		    help (buf, switches);
+		    done (1);
+		case DEBUGSW: 
+		    debug++;
+		    continue;
+		case DISTSW:
+		    msgstate = resent;
+		    continue;
+		case WHOMSW:
+		    whomflg++;
+		    continue;
+		case FILTSW:
+		    if (!(filter = *argp++) || *filter == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    continue;
+		case NFILTSW:
+		    filter = NULL;
+		    continue;
+		case REMVSW: 
+		    rmflg++;
+		    continue;
+		case NREMVSW: 
+		    rmflg = 0;
+		    continue;
+		case BACKSW: 
+		    backflg++;
+		    continue;
+		case NBACKSW: 
+		    backflg = 0;
+		    continue;
+		case VERBSW: 
+		    verbose++;
+		    continue;
+		case NVERBSW: 
+		    verbose = 0;
+		    continue;
+		case WATCSW: 
+		    watch++;
+		    continue;
+		case NWATCSW: 
+		    watch = 0;
+		    continue;
+		case PUSHSW:
+		    pushflg++;
+		    continue;
+		case NPUSHSW:
+		    pushflg = 0;
+		    continue;
+		case ALIASW:
+		    if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    if (aliasflg < 0)
+			(void) alias (AliasFile);/* load default aka's */
+		    aliasflg = 1;
+		    if ((state = alias(cp)) != AK_OK)
+			adios (NULLCP, "aliasing error in file %s - %s",
+			       cp, akerror(state) );
+		    continue;
+		case NALIASW:
+		    aliasflg = 0;
+		    continue;
+		case WIDTHSW:
+		    if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    outputlinelen = atoi (cp);
+		    if (outputlinelen <= 10)
+			outputlinelen = 72;
+		    continue;
+		case LIBSW:
+		case ANNOSW:
+		    /* -library & -idanno switch ignored */
+		    if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-')
+			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
+		    continue;
+		case HENCDSW:
+		    hencode = 1;
+		    continue;
+		case NHENCDSW:
+		    hencode = 0;
+		    continue;
+#endif /* MIME_HEADERS */
+	    }
+	if (msg)
+	    adios (NULLCP, "only one message at a time!");
+	else
+	    msg = cp;
+    }
+/*  */
+    if (aliasflg < 0)
+	(void) alias (AliasFile);	/* load default aka's */
+    if (!msg)
+	adios (NULLCP, "usage: %s [switches] file", invo_name);
+    if ((in = fopen (msg, "r")) == NULL)
+	adios (msg, "unable to open");
+    if (hencode == -1) {
+	hencode = 0;
+	for (state = FLD;;) {
+	    switch (state = m_getfld (state, name, buf, sizeof buf, in)) {
+		case FLD: 
+		case FLDEOF: 
+		case FLDPLUS: 
+		    if (uleq (name, "MIME-Version")) {
+			hencode = 1;
+			break;
+		    }
+		    continue;
+		default:
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    break;
+	}
+	(void) fseek (in, 0L, 0);
+    }
+#endif /* MIME_HEADERS */
+    start_headers ();
+    if (debug) {
+	verbose++;
+	out = stdout;
+    }
+    else {
+	    (void)mktemp (tmpfil);
+	    if ((out = fopen (tmpfil, "w")) == NULL)
+		adios (tmpfil, "unable to create");
+	    (void)chmod (tmpfil, 0600);
+	}
+    hdrtab = (msgstate == normal) ? NHeaders : RHeaders;
+    for (compnum = 1, state = FLD;;) {
+	switch (state = m_getfld (state, name, buf, sizeof buf, in)) {
+#if defined(JAPAN) || defined(MIME_HEADERS)
+	    case FLD: 
+	    case FLDEOF: 
+	    case FLDPLUS:
+		compnum++;
+		cp = add (buf, NULLCP);
+		while (state == FLDPLUS) {
+		    state = m_getfld (state, name, buf, sizeof buf, in);
+		    cp = add (buf, cp);
+		}
+		putfmt (name, cp, out);
+		free (cp);
+		continue;
+#else /* JAPAN || MIME_HEADERS */
+	    case FLD: 
+		compnum++;
+		putfmt (name, buf, out);
+		continue;
+	    case FLDPLUS: 
+		compnum++;
+		cp = add (buf, cp);
+		while (state == FLDPLUS) {
+		    state = m_getfld (state, name, buf, sizeof buf, in);
+		    cp = add (buf, cp);
+		}
+		putfmt (name, cp, out);
+		free (cp);
+		continue;
+#endif /* JAPAN || MIME_HEADERS */
+	    case BODY: 
+		finish_headers (out);
+		fprintf (out, "\n%s", buf);
+		if(whomflg == 0)
+		    while (state == BODY) {
+			state = m_getfld (state, name, buf, sizeof buf, in);
+			fputs (buf, out);
+		    }
+		break;
+	    case FILEEOF: 
+		finish_headers (out);
+		break;
+	    case LENERR: 
+	    case FMTERR: 
+		adios (NULLCP, "message format error in component #%d",
+			compnum);
+	    default: 
+		adios (NULLCP, "getfld() returned %d", state);
+	}
+	break;
+    }
+/*  */
+    (void)fclose (in);
+    if (backflg && !whomflg) {
+	(void) strcpy (buf, m_backup (msg));
+	if (rename (msg, buf) == NOTOK)
+	    advise (buf, "unable to rename %s to", msg);
+    }
+    if (debug) {
+	done (0);
+    }
+    else
+	(void)fclose (out);
+    file (tmpfil);
+    /*
+     * re-open the temp file, unlink it and exec sendmail, giving it
+     * the msg temp file as std in.
+     */
+    if ( freopen( tmpfil, "r", stdin) == NULL)
+	adios (tmpfil, "can't reopen for sendmail");
+    if (rmflg)
+	(void)unlink (tmpfil);
+    argp = sargv;
+    *argp++ = "send-mail";
+    *argp++ = "-m";	/* send to me too */
+    *argp++ = "-t";	/* read msg for recipients */
+    *argp++ = "-i";	/* don't stop on "." */
+    if (whomflg)
+	*argp++ = "-bv";
+    if (watch || verbose)
+	*argp++ = "-v";
+    *argp = NULL;
+    if (pushflg && !(watch || verbose)) {
+	/* fork to a child to run sendmail */
+	for (i=0; (pid = vfork()) == NOTOK && i < 5; i++)
+	    sleep(5);
+	switch (pid) {
+	    case NOTOK:
+		fprintf (verbose ? stdout : stderr, "%s: can't fork to %s\n",
+			 invo_name, sendmail);
+		exit(-1);
+	    case OK:
+		/* we're the child .. */
+		break;
+	    default:
+		exit(0);
+	}
+    }
+    execv ( sendmail, sargv);
+    adios ( sendmail, "can't exec");
+static putfmt (name, str, out)
+char   *name,
+       *str;
+FILE * out;
+    int     count,
+            grp,
+            i,
+            keep;
+    char   *cp,
+           *pp,
+           *qp,
+           *origstr,
+#endif /* MIME_HEADERS */
+            namep[BUFSIZ];
+    struct mailname *mp,
+                   *np;
+    struct headers *hdr;
+    while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t')
+	str++;
+    if (hencode) {
+	char *ep;
+	if ((ep = malloc((unsigned)strlen(str)*10+1)) == NULL)
+	    adios(NULLCP, "out of memory");
+#ifdef JAPAN
+	(void) ml_conv(str);
+#endif /* JAPAN */
+	(void) exthdr_encode(str, ep, strlen(name)+2, name);
+	origstr = str;
+	str = ep;
+    }
+#endif /* MIME_HEADERS */
+    if ((i = get_header (name, hdrtab)) == NOTOK) {
+	fprintf (out, "%s: %s", name, str);
+	return;
+    }
+    hdr = &hdrtab[i];
+    if (hdr -> flags & HIGN)
+	return;
+    if (hdr -> flags & HBAD) {
+	advise (NULLCP, "illegal header line -- %s:", name);
+	badmsg++;
+	return;
+    }
+    msgflags |= hdr -> set;
+    if (hdr -> flags & HSUB)
+	subject = subject ? add (str, add ("\t", subject)) : getcpy (str);
+    if (hdr -> flags & HFCC) {
+	if (cp = rindex (str, '\n'))
+	    *cp = 0;
+	for (cp = pp = str; cp = index (pp, ','); pp = cp) {
+	    *cp++ = 0;
+	    insert_fcc (hdr, pp);
+	}
+	insert_fcc (hdr, pp);
+	return;
+    }
+#ifdef notdef
+    if (hdr -> flags & HBCC) {
+	insert_bcc(str);
+	return;
+    }
+#endif	/* notdef */
+    if (*str != '\n' && *str != '\0')
+	if (aliasflg && hdr->flags & HTRY) {
+	    /* this header contains address(es) that we have to do
+	     * alias expansion on.  Because of the saved state in
+	     * getname we have to put all the addresses into a list.
+	     * We then let putadr munch on that list, possibly
+	     * expanding aliases.
+	     */
+	    register struct mailname *f = 0;
+	    register struct mailname *mp = 0;
+	    if (hencode)
+		/* encode again after format */
+		(void) exthdr_decode(origstr, str);
+#endif /* MIME_HEADERS */
+	    while (cp = getname( str ) ) {
+		mp = getm( cp, NULLCP, 0, AD_HOST, NULLCP);
+		if (f == 0) {
+		    f = mp;
+		    mp->m_next = mp;
+		} else {
+		    mp->m_next = f->m_next;
+		    f->m_next = mp;
+		    f = mp;
+		}
+	    }
+	    f = mp->m_next; mp->m_next = 0;
+	    putadr( name, f );
+	} else {
+	    fprintf (out, "%s: %s", name, str );
+	}
+/*  */
+start_headers ()
+    char   *cp;
+    char    sigbuf[BUFSIZ];
+    (void)strcpy( from, getusr() );
+    if ((cp = getfullname ()) && *cp) {
+	(void)strcpy (sigbuf, cp);
+	(void)sprintf (signature, "%s <%s>", sigbuf,  from);
+	if (hencode) {
+	    char *ep;
+#ifdef JAPAN
+	    (void) ml_conv(signature);
+#endif /* JAPAN */
+	    ep = getcpy (signature);
+	    (void) exthdr_encode (ep, signature, 5, "From");
+	    free(ep);
+	}
+#endif /* MIME_HEADERS */
+    }
+    else
+	(void)sprintf (signature, "%s",  from);
+/*  */
+finish_headers (out)
+    FILE * out;
+    switch (msgstate) {
+	case normal: 
+	    if (!(msgflags & MDAT))
+		fprintf (out, "Date: %s\n", dtimenow ());
+	    if (msgflags & MFRM)
+		fprintf (out, "Sender: %s\n", from);
+	    else
+		fprintf (out, "From: %s\n", signature);
+#ifdef notdef
+	    if (!(msgflags & MVIS))
+		fprintf (out, "Bcc: Blind Distribution List: ;\n");
+#endif	/* notdef */
+	    break;
+	case resent: 
+	    if (!(msgflags & MRDT))
+		fprintf (out, "Resent-Date: %s\n", dtimenow());
+	    if (msgflags & MRFM)
+		fprintf (out, "Resent-Sender: %s\n", from);
+	    else
+		fprintf (out, "Resent-From: %s\n", signature);
+#ifdef notdef
+	    if (!(msgflags & MVIS))
+		fprintf (out, "Resent-Bcc: Blind Re-Distribution List: ;\n");
+#endif	/* notdef */
+	    break;
+    }
+    if (badmsg)
+	adios (NULLCP, "re-format message and try again");
+/*  */
+static int
+get_header (header, table)
+    char   *header;
+    struct headers *table;
+    struct headers *h;
+    for (h = table; h -> value; h++)
+	if (uleq (header, h -> value))
+	    return (h - table);
+    return NOTOK;
+/*  */
+/* output the address list for header "name".  The address list
+ * is a linked list of mailname structs.  "nl" points to the head
+ * of the list.  Alias substitution should be done on nl.
+ */
+static putadr (name, nl)
+char *name;
+struct mailname *nl;
+    register struct mailname *mp, *mp2;
+    register int linepos;
+    register char *cp;
+    int namelen;
+    fprintf (out, "%s: ", name);
+    namelen = strlen(name) + 2;
+    linepos = namelen;
+    for (mp = nl; mp; ) {
+	if (linepos > MAX_SM_FIELD) {
+		fprintf (out, "\n%s: ", name);
+		linepos = namelen;
+	}
+	if (mp->m_nohost) {
+	    /* a local name - see if it's an alias */
+	    cp = akvalue(mp->m_mbox);
+	    if (strcmp(cp, mp->m_mbox) == 0)
+		/* wasn't an alias - use what the user typed */
+		linepos = putone( mp->m_text, linepos, namelen );
+	    else {
+		/* an alias - expand it */
+		while (cp = getname(cp) ) {
+		    if (linepos > MAX_SM_FIELD) {
+			    fprintf (out, "\n%s: ", name);
+			    linepos = namelen;
+		    }
+		    mp2 = getm( cp, NULLCP, 0, AD_HOST, NULLCP);
+		    if (akvisible()) {
+			mp2->m_pers = getcpy(mp->m_mbox);
+			linepos = putone( adrformat(mp2), linepos, namelen );
+		    } else {
+			linepos = putone( mp2->m_text, linepos, namelen );
+		    }
+		    mnfree( mp2 );
+		}
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    /* not a local name - use what the user typed */
+	    linepos = putone( mp->m_text, linepos, namelen );
+	}
+	mp2 = mp;
+	mp = mp->m_next;
+	mnfree( mp2 );
+    }
+    putc( '\n', out );
+static int putone ( adr, pos, indent )
+register char *adr;
+register int pos;
+int indent;
+    register int len;
+    static int linepos;
+    char name[BUFSIZ], *ep;
+    if (hencode) {
+	if ((ep = malloc((unsigned)strlen(adr)*10+1)) == NULL)
+	    adios(NULLCP, "out of memory");
+	sprintf(name, "%*s", indent, ""); /* dummy */
+	(void) exthdr_encode(adr, ep, pos, name);
+	len = strlen(ep);
+    } else
+#endif /* MIME_HEADERS */
+    len = strlen( adr );
+    if (pos == indent)
+	linepos = pos;
+    else if ( linepos+len > outputlinelen ) {
+	fprintf ( out, ",\n%*s", indent, "");
+	if (hencode) {
+	    (void) exthdr_encode(adr, ep, linepos, name);
+	    len = strlen(ep);
+	}
+#endif /* MIME_HEADERS */
+	linepos = indent;
+	pos += indent + 2;
+    }
+    else {
+	fputs( ", ", out );
+	linepos += 2;
+	pos += 2;
+    }
+    if (hencode) {
+	char *p;
+	fputs(ep, out);
+	linepos = (p = rindex(ep, '\n')) ? (ep + len) - (p+1) : linepos + len;
+	free(ep);
+    } else {
+	fputs(adr, out);
+	linepos += len;
+    }
+#else /* MIME_HEADERS */
+    fputs( adr, out );
+    linepos += len;
+#endif /* MIME_HEADERS */
+    return (pos+len);
+/*  */
+static  insert_fcc (hdr, pp)
+struct	headers *hdr;
+char   *pp;
+    char   *cp;
+    for (cp = pp; isspace (*cp); cp++)
+	continue;
+    for (pp += strlen (pp) - 1; pp > cp && isspace (*pp); pp--)
+	continue;
+    if (pp >= cp)
+	*++pp = 0;
+    if (*cp == 0)
+	return;
+    if (fccind >= FCCS)
+	adios (NULLCP, "too many %ss", hdr -> value);
+    fccfold[fccind++] = getcpy (cp);
+#ifdef notdef
+static  make_bcc_file () {
+    int     fd,
+	    i,
+            child_id,
+	    status;
+    char   *vec[6];
+    FILE * in, *out;
+    (void)mktemp (bccfil);
+    if ((out = fopen (bccfil, "w")) == NULL)
+	adios (bccfil, "unable to create");
+    (void)chmod (bccfil, 0600);
+    fprintf (out, "Date: %s\n", dtimenow ());
+    fprintf (out, "From: %s\n", signature);
+    if (subject)
+	fprintf (out, "Subject: %s", subject);
+    fprintf (out, "BCC:\n\n------- Blind-Carbon-Copy\n\n");
+    (void)fflush (out);
+    if (filter == NULL) {
+	if ((fd = open (tmpfil, 0)) == NOTOK)
+	    adios (NULLCP, "unable to re-open");
+	cpydgst (fd, fileno (out), tmpfil, bccfil);
+	close (fd);
+    }
+    else {
+	vec[0] = r1bindex (mhlproc, '/');
+	for (i = 0; (child_id = vfork ()) == NOTOK && i < 5; i++)
+	    sleep (5);
+	switch (child_id) {
+	    case NOTOK: 
+		adios ("vfork", "unable to");
+	    case OK: 
+		dup2 (fileno (out), 1);
+		i = 1;
+		vec[i++] = "-forward";
+		vec[i++] = "-form";
+		vec[i++] = filter;
+		vec[i++] = tmpfil;
+		vec[i] = NULL;
+		execvp (mhlproc, vec);
+		adios (mhlproc, "unable to exec");
+	    default: 
+		if (status = pidwait (child_id, OK))
+		    admonish (NULL, "%s lost (status=0%o)", vec[0], status);
+		break;
+	}
+    }
+    fseek (out, 0L, 2);
+    fprintf (out, "\n------- End of Blind-Carbon-Copy\n");
+    (void)fclose (out);
+#endif	/* notdef */
+static  file (path)
+char   *path;
+    int     i;
+    if (fccind == 0)
+	return;
+    for (i = 0; i < fccind; i++)
+	if (whomflg)
+	    printf ("Fcc: %s\n", fccfold[i]);
+	else
+	    fcc (path, fccfold[i]);
+static fcc (file, folder)
+char   *file,
+       *folder;
+    int     i,
+            child_id,
+            status;
+    char    fold[BUFSIZ];
+    if (verbose)
+	printf ("%sFcc: %s\n", msgstate == resent ? "Resent-" : "", folder);
+    (void)fflush (stdout);
+    for (i = 0; (child_id = vfork ()) == NOTOK && i < 5; i++)
+	sleep (5);
+    switch (child_id) {
+	case NOTOK: 
+	    if (!verbose)
+		fprintf (stderr, "  %sFcc %s: ",
+			msgstate == resent ? "Resent-" : "", folder);
+	    fprintf (verbose ? stdout : stderr, "no forks, so not ok\n");
+	    break;
+	case OK: 
+	    (void)sprintf (fold, "%s%s",
+		    *folder == '+' || *folder == '@' ? "" : "+", folder);
+	    execlp (fileproc, r1bindex (fileproc, '/'),
+		    "-link", "-file", file, fold, NULL);
+	    _exit (-1);
+	default: 
+	    if (status = pidwait (child_id, OK)) {
+		if (!verbose)
+		    fprintf (stderr, "  %sFcc %s: ",
+			    msgstate == resent ? "Resent-" : "", folder);
+		fprintf (verbose ? stdout : stderr,
+			" errored (0%o)\n", status);
+	    }
+    }
+    (void)fflush (stdout);
+/*    TERMINATION */
+/* VARARGS2 */
+static die (what, fmt, a, b, c, d)
+char   *what,
+       *fmt,
+       *a,
+       *b,
+       *c,
+       *d;
+    adios (what, fmt, a, b, c, d);