diff zotnet/tws/phoon/dtime.c @ 0:bce86c4163a3

Initial revision
author kono
date Mon, 18 Apr 2005 23:46:02 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/zotnet/tws/phoon/dtime.c	Mon Apr 18 23:46:02 2005 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+/* dtime.c - routines to do ``ARPA-style'' time structures
+ver  date   who remarks
+--- ------- --- -------------------------------------------------------------
+01B 15nov86 JP  Thouroughly hacked by Jef Poskanzer.
+01A ??????? MTR Original version from the MH 6.5 distribution, courtesy
+	          of Marshall Rose.
+#include "tws.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#ifdef  SYS5
+#include <string.h>
+#else SYS5
+#include <strings.h>
+#include <sys/timeb.h>
+#endif SYS5
+#ifdef	SYS5
+extern int  daylight;
+extern long timezone;
+extern char *tzname[];
+#endif	SYS5
+/*  */
+#define	abs(a) ( a >= 0 ? a : -a )
+char *tw_moty[] = {
+    "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
+    "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", NULL };
+char *tw_dotw[] = {
+    "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", NULL };
+char *tw_ldotw[] = {
+    "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
+    "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", NULL };
+/*  */
+static struct zone
+    {
+    char *std;
+    char *dst;
+    int shift;
+    }
+    zones[] = {
+	"GMT", "BST", 0,
+	"EST", "EDT", -5,
+	"CST", "CDT", -6,
+	"MST", NULL, -7,
+	"PST", "PDT", -8,
+	"A", NULL, -1,
+	"B", NULL, -2,
+	"C", NULL, -3,
+	"D", NULL, -4,
+	"E", NULL, -5,
+	"F", NULL, -6,
+	"G", NULL, -7,
+	"H", NULL, -8,
+	"I", NULL, -9,
+	"K", NULL, -10,
+	"L", NULL, -11,
+	"M", NULL, -12,
+	"N", NULL, 1,
+#ifndef	HUJI
+	"O", NULL, 2,
+#else	HUJI
+	"JST", "JDT", 2,
+#endif	HUJI
+	"P", NULL, 3,
+	"Q", NULL, 4,
+	"R", NULL, 5,
+	"S", NULL, 6,
+	"T", NULL, 7,
+	"U", NULL, 8,
+	"V", NULL, 9,
+	"W", NULL, 10,
+	"X", NULL, 11,
+	"Y", NULL, 12,
+	NULL };
+#define CENTURY 19
+long time( );
+struct tm *localtime( );
+/*  */
+char *dtimenow( )
+    {
+    long clock;
+    (void) time( &clock );
+    return ( dtime( &clock ) );
+    }
+char *
+dctime( tw )
+struct tws *tw;
+    {
+    static char buffer[25];
+    if ( tw == NULL )
+	return ( NULL );
+    (void) sprintf( buffer, "%.3s %.3s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d %.4d\n",
+	    tw_dotw[tw -> tw_wday], tw_moty[tw -> tw_mon], tw -> tw_mday,
+	    tw -> tw_hour, tw -> tw_min, tw -> tw_sec,
+	    tw -> tw_year >= 100 ? tw -> tw_year : 1900 + tw -> tw_year );
+    return ( buffer );
+    }
+/*  */
+struct tws *
+dtwstime( )
+    {
+    long clock;
+    (void) time( &clock );
+    return ( dlocaltime( &clock ) );
+    }
+struct tws *
+dlocaltime( clock )
+long *clock;
+    {
+    register struct tm *tm;
+#ifndef SYS5
+    struct timeb tb;
+#endif not SYS5
+    static struct tws tw;
+    if ( clock == NULL )
+	return ( NULL );
+    tw.tw_flags = TW_NULL;
+    tm = localtime( clock );
+    tw.tw_sec = tm -> tm_sec;
+    tw.tw_min = tm -> tm_min;
+    tw.tw_hour = tm -> tm_hour;
+    tw.tw_mday = tm -> tm_mday;
+    tw.tw_mon = tm -> tm_mon;
+    tw.tw_year = tm -> tm_year;
+    tw.tw_wday = tm -> tm_wday;
+    tw.tw_yday = tm -> tm_yday;
+    if ( tm -> tm_isdst )
+	tw.tw_flags |= TW_DST;
+#ifndef  SYS5
+    ftime( &tb );
+    tw.tw_zone = -tb.timezone;
+#else   SYS5
+    tzset( );
+    tw.tw_zone = -(timezone / 60);
+#endif  SYS5
+    tw.tw_flags &= ~TW_SDAY;
+    tw.tw_flags |= TW_SEXP;
+    tw.tw_clock = *clock;
+    return ( &tw );
+    }
+struct tws *
+dgmtime( clock )
+long *clock;
+    {
+    register struct tm *tm;
+    static struct tws tw;
+    if ( clock == NULL )
+	return ( NULL );
+    tw.tw_flags = TW_NULL;
+    tm = gmtime( clock );
+    tw.tw_sec = tm -> tm_sec;
+    tw.tw_min = tm -> tm_min;
+    tw.tw_hour = tm -> tm_hour;
+    tw.tw_mday = tm -> tm_mday;
+    tw.tw_mon = tm -> tm_mon;
+    tw.tw_year = tm -> tm_year;
+    tw.tw_wday = tm -> tm_wday;
+    tw.tw_yday = tm -> tm_yday;
+    if ( tm -> tm_isdst )
+	tw.tw_flags |= TW_DST;
+    tw.tw_zone = 0;
+    tw.tw_flags &= ~TW_SDAY;
+    tw.tw_flags |= TW_SEXP;
+    tw.tw_clock = *clock;
+    return( &tw );
+    }
+/*  */
+char *
+dasctime( tw, flags )
+struct tws *tw;
+int flags;
+    {
+    static char buffer[80], result[80];
+    if ( tw == NULL )
+	return ( NULL );
+    (void) sprintf( buffer, "%02d %s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d %s",
+	    tw -> tw_mday, tw_moty[tw -> tw_mon], tw -> tw_year,
+	    tw -> tw_hour, tw -> tw_min, tw -> tw_sec,
+	    dtimezone( tw -> tw_zone, tw -> tw_flags | flags ) );
+    if ( (tw -> tw_flags & TW_SDAY) == TW_SEXP )
+	(void) sprintf( result, "%s, %s", tw_dotw[tw -> tw_wday], buffer );
+    else
+	if ( (tw -> tw_flags & TW_SDAY) == TW_SNIL )
+	    (void) strcpy( result, buffer );
+	else
+	    (void) sprintf( result, "%s (%s)", buffer, tw_dotw[tw -> tw_wday] );
+    return ( result );
+    }
+/*  */
+char *
+dtimezone( offset, flags )
+int offset, flags;
+    {
+    register int hours, mins;
+    register struct zone *z;
+    static char buffer[10];
+    if ( offset < 0 )
+	{
+	mins = -((-offset) % 60);
+	hours = -((-offset) / 60);
+	}
+    else
+	{
+	mins = offset % 60;
+	hours = offset / 60;
+	}
+    if ( !(flags & TW_ZONE) && mins == 0 )
+	for ( z = zones; z -> std; z++ )
+	    if ( z -> shift == hours )
+		return ( z -> dst && (flags & TW_DST) ? z -> dst : z -> std );
+#ifdef	DSTXXX
+    if ( flags & TW_DST )
+	hours += 1;
+#endif	DSTXXX
+    (void) sprintf( buffer, "%s%02d%02d",
+	    offset < 0 ? "-" : "+", abs( hours ), abs( mins ) );
+    return ( buffer );
+    }
+/*  */
+twscopy( tb, tw )
+struct tws *tb, *tw;
+    {
+#ifdef	notdef
+    tb -> tw_sec = tw -> tw_sec;
+    tb -> tw_min = tw -> tw_min;
+    tb -> tw_hour = tw -> tw_hour;
+    tb -> tw_mday = tw -> tw_mday;
+    tb -> tw_mon = tw -> tw_mon;
+    tb -> tw_year = tw -> tw_year;
+    tb -> tw_wday = tw -> tw_wday;
+    tb -> tw_yday = tw -> tw_yday;
+    tb -> tw_zone = tw -> tw_zone;
+    tb -> tw_clock = tw -> tw_clock;
+    tb -> tw_flags = tw -> tw_flags;
+#else	not notdef
+    *tb = *tw;
+#endif	not notdef
+    }
+twsort( tw1, tw2 )
+struct tws *tw1, *tw2;
+    {
+    register long c1, c2;
+    (void) twclock( tw1 );
+    (void) twclock( tw2 );
+    return ( (c1 = tw1 -> tw_clock) > (c2 = tw2 -> tw_clock) ? 1
+	    : c1 == c2 ? 0 : -1 );
+    }
+/*  */
+/* Julian day number of the Unix clock's origin, 01 Jan 1970. */
+#define JD1970 2440587L
+twjuliandate( tw )
+struct tws *tw;
+    {
+    register int mday, mon, year;
+    register long a, b;
+    double jd;
+    if ( (mday = tw -> tw_mday) < 1 || mday > 31 ||
+	    (mon = tw -> tw_mon + 1) < 1 || mon > 12 ||
+	    (year = tw -> tw_year) < 1 || year > 10000 )
+	return ( -1L );
+    if ( year < 100 )
+	year += CENTURY * 100;
+    if ( mon == 1 || mon == 2 )
+	{
+	--year;
+	mon += 12;
+	}
+    if ( year < 1583 )
+	return ( -1L );
+    a = year / 100;
+    b = 2 - a + a / 4;
+    b += (long) ( (double) year * 365.25 );
+    b += (long) ( 30.6001 * ( (double) mon + 1.0 ) );
+    jd = mday + b + 1720994.5;
+    return ( (long) jd );
+    }
+twsubdayclock( tw )
+struct tws *tw;
+    {
+    register int i, sec, min, hour;
+    register long result;
+    if ( (sec = tw -> tw_sec) < 0 || sec > 59 ||
+	    (min = tw -> tw_min) < 0 || min > 59 ||
+	    (hour = tw -> tw_hour) < 0 || hour > 23 )
+	return ( -1L );
+    result = ( hour * 60 + min ) * 60 + sec;
+    result -= 60 * tw -> tw_zone;
+    if ( tw -> tw_flags & TW_DST )
+	result -= 60 * 60;
+    return ( result );
+    }
+twclock( tw )
+struct tws *tw;
+    {
+    register long jd, sdc, result;
+    if ( tw -> tw_clock != 0L )
+	return ( tw -> tw_clock );
+    if ( ( jd = twjuliandate( tw ) ) == -1L )
+	return ( tw -> tw_clock = -1L );
+    if ( ( sdc = twsubdayclock( tw ) ) == -1L )
+	return ( tw -> tw_clock = -1L );
+    result = ( jd - JD1970 ) * 24 * 60 * 60 + sdc;
+    return ( tw -> tw_clock = result );
+    }
+/*  */
+/*** twsubtract - subtract tw2 from tw1, returning result in seconds
+The point of this routine is that using twclock( tw1 ) - twclock( tw2 )
+would limit you to dates after the Unix Epoch ( 01 January 1970 ).  This
+routine avoids that limit.  However, because the result is represented
+by 32 bits, it is still limited to a span of two billion seconds, which is
+about 66 years.
+twsubtract( tw1, tw2 )
+struct tws *tw1, *tw2;
+    {
+    register long jd1, jd2, sdc1, sdc2, result;
+    if ( ( jd1 = twjuliandate( tw1 ) ) == -1L )
+	return ( 0L );
+    if ( ( sdc1 = twsubdayclock( tw1 ) ) == -1L )
+	return ( 0L );
+    if ( ( jd2 = twjuliandate( tw2 ) ) == -1L )
+	return ( 0L );
+    if ( ( sdc2 = twsubdayclock( tw2 ) ) == -1L )
+	return ( 0L );
+    result = ( jd1 - jd2 ) * 24 * 60 * 60 + ( sdc1 - sdc2 );
+    return ( result );
+    }
+/*  */
+ *    Simple calculation of day of the week.  Algorithm used is Zeller's
+ *    congruence.  Currently, we assume if tw -> tw_year < 100
+ *    then the century is CENTURY.
+ */
+set_dotw( tw )
+struct tws *tw;
+    {
+    register int month, day, year, century;
+    month = tw -> tw_mon - 1;
+    day = tw -> tw_mday;
+    year = tw -> tw_year % 100;
+    century = tw -> tw_year >= 100 ? tw -> tw_year / 100 : CENTURY;
+    if ( month <= 0 )
+	{
+	month += 12;
+	if ( --year < 0 )
+	    {
+	    year += 100;
+	    century--;
+	    }
+	}
+    tw -> tw_wday =
+	((26 * month - 2) / 10 + day + year + year / 4
+	    - 3 * century / 4 + 1) % 7;
+    tw -> tw_flags &= ~TW_SDAY;
+    tw -> tw_flags |= TW_SIMP;
+    }