view conf/Makefile @ 11:5cf052bee63d

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author convert-repo
date Fri, 07 Nov 2008 20:20:35 +0000
parents bce86c4163a3
children 441a2190cfae
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#	Instructions to Make, for compilation of MH modules
# @(#)$Id$

SHELL	=	/bin/sh

CC      =   	cc
CFLAGS  =   	-O
LFLAGS  =   	-bhu

#	Here it is...

all:		mhconfig
lint:		l-mhconfig

sys5:	;	exec make $(MFLAGS) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -DSYS5" all

# mhconfig

mhconfig:	mhconfig.o
		$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ mhconfig.o $(LIBES)

l-mhconfig:;	lint $(LFLAGS) mhconfig.c $(LLIBS)

#	Miscellaneous tasks

unconfig distribution:	clean
		rm -f mhconfig config.sed doc/config.sed

clean:		unclean

unclean:;	rm -f mhconfig *.o _* :* */_* */:* */*/_* */*/:*