view uip/send.c @ 10:a6481689f99c

*** empty log message ***
author kono
date Wed, 06 Dec 2006 03:17:53 +0900
parents bce86c4163a3
children 441a2190cfae
line wrap: on
line source

/* send.c - send a composed message */
#ifndef	lint
static char ident[] = "@(#)$Id$";
#endif	/* lint */

#include "../h/mh.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef LOCALE
#include	<locale.h>

/*  */

#ifndef	TMA
#define	TMAminc(a)	(a)
#else	/* TMA */
#define	TMAminc(a)	0
#endif	/* TMA */

#ifndef	MIME
#define	MIMEminc(a)	(a)
#define	MIMEminc(a)	0

static struct swit switches[] = {
#define	ALIASW	0
    "alias aliasfile", 0,

#define	DEBUGSW	1
    "debug", -5,

#define	DRAFTSW	2
    "draft", 0,

#define	DFOLDSW	3
    "draftfolder +folder", 6,
#define	DMSGSW	4
    "draftmessage msg", 6,
#define	NDFLDSW	5
    "nodraftfolder", 0,

#define	ENCRSW	6
    "encrypt", TMAminc (-7),
#define	NENCRSW	7
    "noencrypt", TMAminc (-9),

#define	FILTSW	8
    "filter filterfile", 0,
#define	NFILTSW	9
    "nofilter", 0,

#define	FRMTSW	10
    "format", 0,
#define	NFRMTSW	11
    "noformat", 0,

#define	FORWSW	12
    "forward", 0,
#define	NFORWSW	13
    "noforward", 0,

#define	MIMESW	14
    "mime", MIMEminc(-4),
#define	NMIMESW	15
    "nomime", MIMEminc(-6),

#define	MSGDSW	16
    "msgid", 0,
#define	NMSGDSW	17
    "nomsgid", 0,

#define	PUSHSW	18
    "push", 0,
#define	NPUSHSW	19
    "nopush", 0,

#define	SPLITSW	20
    "split seconds", MIMEminc(-5),

#define	UNIQSW	21
    "unique", -6,
#define	NUNIQSW	22
    "nounique", -8,

#define	VERBSW	23
    "verbose", 0,
#define	NVERBSW	24
    "noverbose", 0,

#define	WATCSW	25
    "watch", 0,
#define	NWATCSW	26
    "nowatch", 0,

#define	WIDTHSW	27
    "width columns", 0,

#define	HELPSW	28
    "help", 4,

#define	MAILSW	29
    "mail", -4,
#define	SAMLSW	30
    "saml", -4,
#define	SENDSW	31
    "send", -4,
#define	SOMLSW	32
    "soml", -4,

#define	CLIESW	33
    "client host", -6,
#define	SERVSW	34
    "server host", -6,
#define	SNOOPSW	35
    "snoop", -5,

#define	QUEUESW 36
    "queued", -6,

#define	RECORSW 37
    "record program", -6,
#define	NRECOSW 38
    "norecord", -8,

#define	HENCDSW	39
    "hencode", 0,
#define	NHENCDSW 40
    "nohencode", 0,
#endif /* MIME_HEADERS */

    NULL, 0

static struct swit anyl[] = {
#define	NOSW	0
    "no", 0,
#define	YESW	1
    "yes", 0,
#define	LISTDSW	2
    "list", 0,

    NULL, 0

/*  */

extern int debugsw;		/* from sendsbr.c */
extern int forwsw;
extern int inplace;
extern int mime;
extern int pushsw;
extern int splitsw;
extern int unique;
extern int verbsw;

extern char *altmsg;		/*  .. */
extern char *annotext;
extern char *distfile;

/*  */


main (argc, argv)
int     argc;
char   *argv[];
    int     msgp = 0,
	    distsw = 0,
            vecp = 1,
            isdf = 0,
    char   *cp,
           *dfolder = NULL,
           *maildir = NULL,
    struct msgs *mp;
    struct stat st;
#ifdef	UCI
    FILE   *fp;
#endif	/* UCI */

#ifdef LOCALE
	setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
#ifdef JAPAN
#endif /* JAPAN */
    invo_name = r1bindex (argv[0], '/');
    if ((cp = m_find (invo_name)) != NULL) {
	ap = brkstring (cp = getcpy (cp), " ", "\n");
	ap = copyip (ap, arguments);
	ap = arguments;
    (void) copyip (argv + 1, ap);
    argp = arguments;

    vec[vecp++] = "-library";
    vec[vecp++] = getcpy (m_maildir (""));

/*  */

    while (cp = *argp++) {
	if (*cp == '-')
	    switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) {
		case AMBIGSW: 
		    ambigsw (cp, switches);
		    done (1);
		case UNKWNSW: 
		    adios (NULLCP, "-%s unknown\n", cp);
		case HELPSW: 
		    (void) sprintf (buf, "%s [file] [switches]", invo_name);
		    help (buf, switches);
		    done (1);	/* thanks, phyl */

		case DRAFTSW: 
		    msgs[msgp++] = draft;

		case DFOLDSW: 
		    if (dfolder)
			adios (NULLCP, "only one draft folder at a time!");
		    if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-')
			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
		    dfolder = path (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@' ? cp + 1 : cp,
			    *cp != '@' ? TFOLDER : TSUBCWF);
		case DMSGSW: 
		    if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-')
			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
		    msgs[msgp++] = cp;
		case NDFLDSW: 
		    dfolder = NULL;
		    isdf = NOTOK;

		case PUSHSW: 
		case NPUSHSW: 
		    pushsw = 0;

		case SPLITSW: 
		    if (!(cp = *argp++) || sscanf (cp, "%d", &splitsw) != 1)
			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);

		case UNIQSW: 
		case NUNIQSW: 
		    unique = 0;

		case FORWSW:
		case NFORWSW:
		    forwsw = 0;

		case VERBSW: 
		    vec[vecp++] = --cp;
		case NVERBSW:
		    verbsw = 0;
		    vec[vecp++] = --cp;

		case MIMESW:
#ifdef	MIME
		    vec[vecp++] = --cp;
		case NMIMESW:
#ifdef	MIME
		    mime = 0;
		    vec[vecp++] = --cp;

		case DEBUGSW: 
		    debugsw++;	/* fall */
		case NFILTSW: 
		case FRMTSW: 
		case NFRMTSW: 
		case MSGDSW: 
		case NMSGDSW: 
		case WATCSW: 
		case NWATCSW: 
		case MAILSW: 
		case SAMLSW: 
		case SENDSW: 
		case SOMLSW: 
		case ENCRSW:
		case NENCRSW:
		case SNOOPSW: 
		case QUEUESW: 
		case NRECOSW: 
		case HENCDSW:
		case NHENCDSW:
#endif /* MIME_HEADERS */
		    vec[vecp++] = --cp;

		case ALIASW: 
		case FILTSW: 
		case WIDTHSW: 
		case CLIESW: 
		case SERVSW: 
		case RECORSW: 
		    vec[vecp++] = --cp;
		    if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-')
			adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]);
		    vec[vecp++] = cp;
	    msgs[msgp++] = cp;
    if (cp = m_find ("Aliasfile")) {	/* allow Aliasfile: profile entry */
	char *dp = NULL;

	for (ap = brkstring(dp = getcpy(cp), " ", "\n"); ap && *ap; ap++) {
	    vec[vecp++] = "-alias";
	    vec[vecp++] = *ap;

/*  */

    if (dfolder == NULL) {
	if (msgp == 0) {
#ifdef	WHATNOW
	    if ((cp = getenv ("mhdraft")) && *cp) {
		msgs[msgp++] = cp;
		goto go_to_it;
#endif	/* WHATNOW */
	    msgs[msgp++] = getcpy (m_draft (NULLCP, NULLCP, 1, &isdf));
	    if (stat (msgs[0], &st) == NOTOK)
		adios (msgs[0], "unable to stat draft file");
	    cp = concat ("Use \"", msgs[0], "\"? ", NULLCP);
	    for (status = LISTDSW; status != YESW;) {
		if (!(argp = getans (cp, anyl)))
		    done (1);
		switch (status = smatch (*argp, anyl)) {
		    case NOSW: 
			done (0);
		    case YESW: 
		    case LISTDSW: 
			(void) showfile (++argp, msgs[0]);
			advise (NULLCP, "say what?");
	    for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgp; msgnum++)
		msgs[msgnum] = getcpy (m_maildir (msgs[msgnum]));
    else {
	if (!m_find ("path"))
	    free (path ("./", TFOLDER));

	if (!msgp)
	    msgs[msgp++] = "cur";
	maildir = m_maildir (dfolder);

	if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK)
	    adios (maildir, "unable to change directory to");
	if (!(mp = m_gmsg (dfolder)))
	    adios (NULLCP, "unable to read folder %s", dfolder);
	if (mp -> hghmsg == 0)
	    adios (NULLCP, "no messages in %s", dfolder);

	for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgp; msgnum++)
	    if (!m_convert (mp, msgs[msgnum]))
		done (1);
	m_setseq (mp);

	for (msgp = 0, msgnum = mp -> lowsel; msgnum <= mp -> hghsel; msgnum++)
	    if (mp -> msgstats[msgnum] & SELECTED) {
		msgs[msgp++] = getcpy (m_name (msgnum));
#ifdef	notdef
		mp -> msgstats[msgnum] |= DELETED;
#endif	/* notdef */
		mp -> msgstats[msgnum] &= ~EXISTS;
	mp -> msgflags |= SEQMOD;

	m_sync (mp);
#ifdef	WHATNOW
go_to_it: ;
#endif	/* WHATNOW */

/*  */

#ifdef	TMA
    if ((cp = getenv ("KDS")) == NULL || *cp == 0)
	if ((cp = m_find ("kdsproc")) && *cp)
	    (void) m_putenv ("KDS", cp);
    if ((cp = getenv ("TMADB")) == NULL || *cp == 0)
	if ((cp = m_find ("tmadb")) && *cp)
	    (void) m_putenv ("TMADB", m_maildir (cp));
#endif	/* TMA */

    if ((cp = getenv ("SIGNATURE")) == NULL || *cp == 0)
	if ((cp = m_find ("signature")) && *cp)
	    (void) m_putenv ("SIGNATURE", cp);
#ifdef	UCI
	else {
	    (void) sprintf (buf, "%s/.signature", mypath);
	    if ((fp = fopen (buf, "r")) != NULL
		&& fgets (buf, sizeof buf, fp) != NULL) {
		    (void) fclose (fp);
		    if (cp = index (buf, '\n'))
			*cp = 0;
		    (void) m_putenv ("SIGNATURE", buf);
#endif	/* UCI */

    for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgp; msgnum++)
	if (stat (msgs[msgnum], &st) == NOTOK)
	    adios (msgs[msgnum], "unable to stat draft file");

    if ((annotext = getenv ("mhannotate")) == NULL || *annotext == 0)
	annotext = NULL;
    if (annotext && ((cp = getenv ("mhinplace")) != NULL && *cp != 0))
	inplace = atoi (cp);
    if ((altmsg = getenv ("mhaltmsg")) == NULL || *altmsg == 0)
	altmsg = NULL;	/* used by dist interface - see below */

    if ((cp = getenv ("mhdist"))
	    && *cp
	    && (distsw = atoi (cp))
	    && altmsg) {
	vec[vecp++] = "-dist";
	distfile = getcpy (m_scratch (altmsg, invo_name));
	if (link (altmsg, distfile) == NOTOK) {
	    if (errno != EXDEV
		    && errno != EISREMOTE
#endif	/* EISREMOTE */
		adios (distfile, "unable to link %s to", altmsg);
	    free (distfile);
	    distfile = getcpy (m_tmpfil (invo_name));
		int	in, out;
		struct stat st;

		if ((in = open (altmsg, 0)) == NOTOK)
		    adios (altmsg, "unable to open");
		(void) fstat(in, &st);
		if ((out = creat (distfile, (int) st.st_mode & 0777)) == NOTOK)
		    adios (distfile, "unable to write");
		cpydata (in, out, altmsg, distfile);
		(void) close (in);
		(void) close (out);
	distfile = NULL;

    if (altmsg == NULL || stat (altmsg, &st) == NOTOK)
	st.st_mtime = 0, st.st_dev = 0, st.st_ino = 0;
    if (pushsw)
	push ();

    status = 0;
    vec[0] = r1bindex (postproc, '/');
    closefds (3);

    for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgp; msgnum++)
	switch (sendsbr (vec, vecp, msgs[msgnum], &st)) {
	    case DONE: 
		done (++status);

	    case NOTOK: 
		status++;	/* fall */
	    case OK:

    m_update ();

    done (status);