view papers/mh4/MHCHANGES @ 0:bce86c4163a3

Initial revision
author kono
date Mon, 18 Apr 2005 23:46:02 +0900
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		      MHCHANGES from mh.3 to mh.4

Wed Feb 17 14:47:18 1984  PostMaster (agent: Marshall Rose) <zotnet@uci-750b>

	Decide that mh.3 is finished.  This file keeps track of the
	changes made between the mh.3 and mh.4 versions.  Note that it's
	being kept in add-source-change format instead of the usual
	add-change-log-entry format.

Thu Feb 16 10:19:12 1984  PostMaster (agent: Marshall Rose) <zotnet@uci-750b>

	uip/bbr.c - Have bbr use a different prompt based on the name it
	was invoked with.  This is useful, since it used to use the same
	prompt as "ex".  This got confusing since sometimes you'd be
	editing a file in ex while composing a message from bbr.

Fri Feb 17 09:10:55 1984  Rand MH System (agent: John Romine) <mh@uci-750b>

	uip/bbc.c: output last update date with -topics in short form
	instead of local leaders.  local leaders are listed with the other
	fields with -topics -verbose.

Sat Mar 31 08:26:29 1984  PostMaster (agent: John Romine) <mmdf@uci-750b>

	uip/mhmail.c: unlink temp file when exiting due to null input.

Mon Apr  2 07:34:35 1984  PostMaster (agent: John Romine)

	uip/refile.c: remove(): bug fix.  call delete-prog if (filep > 0)
	instead of if (filep > 1).

Fri Apr  6 10:52:26 1984  PostMaster (agent:  <mmdf@uci-750b>

	uip/show.c: mhl wasn't seeing its name so it wasn't checking its
	profile entry.  (fix from spencer thomas at utah-gr).

Sat Jun 30 12:28:21 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	sbr/m_getdefs.c: make sure $MH is non-empty before using it.

Sat Jun 30 12:28:48 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	config/mh.h: compact msgs structure a bit.  Also add new entry,
	mp -> attrstats, which tells if the corresponding attribute named
	in mp -> msgattrs is public or private.

Sat Jun 30 12:29:53 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	config/mh.h: Raise MAXFOLDER to 2K-1 and modify DMAXFOLDER as
	appropriate.  Also, make LOWSEL dependent on MAXFOLDER.

Sat Jun 30 16:23:01 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	Add the SMTP option to the SendMail configuration.  Extend
	post/send to accept -mail, -soml, -saml, and -send.  Also add
	-client host and -server host.

Sat Jun 30 16:23:20 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	Add the -[no]public switches to bbr$mark, bbr$pick, mark, and pick.

Sat Jun 30 16:40:22 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	sbr/m_edit.c: On first edit, if "-editor pgm" not specified, try
	to use $EDITOR prior to using the profile entry for editor.

Sat Jun 30 23:27:27 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/send: if $SIGNATURE is empty, and there's a "signature" entry
	in the profile, set $SIGNATURE to that for post.

Mon Jul  2 02:07:37 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/post, uip/send: rework BCC handling to allow the use of a
	filter file.

Sat Jul  7 01:03:02 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	sbr/m_edit.c: #undef the $EDITOR stuff, maybe it's not such a good

Sat Jul  7 18:51:02 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	mhmts/hosts.c: add '#include <netdb.h>' for #ifdef BSD42.
	sbr/m_gmsg.c: fix initializatino of flags[].
	uip/whom.c: close down fd:s, just like send does, to avoid the
	    infamous "too many open" files error with the MMDFMTS version
	    of post.
	uip/pick.c: fix-up "[Folder xyz being re-used]" message.  It was
	    using the wrong string for the folder name.

Sun Jul  8 23:58:56 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/bbr.c: add the hidden "-prompt string" switch for JLR.

Mon Jul  9 00:01:01 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/prompter.c: with BSD42, do a clearerr() on stdin when we get
	an EOF.  Otherwise, with an EOF in the headers, we lose big...

Mon Jul  9 14:48:51 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	config/mh.h: add extern char *version.
	sbr/help.c: have help() print out program name and version info.
	conf/makefiles/uip: use to create version.c for loading
	    with uip:s.

Mon Jul  9 17:05:09 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	sbr/showfile.c: take arg vector from caller.
	uip/show.c: new "-file file" switch for showfile.
	sbr/m_edit.c: take arg vector from caller.  If present, give to
	editor in exec.

Mon Jul  9 23:15:20 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/{scan,inc,bbr}.c: new switches -[no]size to show the size
	of the message.
	uip/scansbr.c: implement -size for scan, inc, and bbr$scan.
	uip/folder.c: new switches to implement the folder stack.
	uip/clrsbr.c: consolidate clear_screen() into one file.

Tue Jul 10 01:15:22 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	config/mh.h, conf/config/config.c, sbr/m_{getdefs,update}.c: add
	"context" file in addition to the MH-profile.  The former is
	dynamic, it contains pfolder and private sequences.  The latter is
	static, it contains switches, etc.  The ctx file defaults to
	Mail/context.  But in the MH-profile, you can define the entry for
	"context" to be whatever you want...

Wed Jul 11 02:25:25 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/repl.c: toss the hidden -[no]ccme switches.

Wed Jul 11 18:41:07 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/folder.c: remove -up, -down, and -short
	uip/pick.c: toss all the file-op:s, -scan, and -show.  Just define
	    sequences, or spit 'em to stdout.
		The select sub-folder is dead!
		Long live user-defined sequences!
	    Pick got rid of 11 (!!) switches this way, and we've taken our
	    first step into a new age of functionality.

Fri Jul 13 13:17:48 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/folder.c: Set up things so DMAXFOLDER is used when formatting
	the output strings.

Fri Jul 13 13:37:21 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/scansbr.c: Compress the fields a bit.  Right-justify some
	parts of the header.

Sun Jul 15 03:01:12 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/{comp,dist,forw,repl}.c: If send of draft loses, come back to
	"What now?" level.  Also fix bug with invocation of editor.

Sun Jul 15 17:10:38 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/{comp,dist,forw,repl}.c: Add -[no]unique switch.
	uip/send.c: Remove -[no]unique switch, also read ~/.signature file
	    and define $SIGNATURE if need be.
	uip/post.c: Don't read ~/.signature file, use $SIGNATURE only.
	uip/{bbr$scan,inc,scan,scansbr}.c: Only do the ftell() business
	    with -size on an inc.  The others can do an fstat or pointer
	    arithmentic to calculate the size.


Mon Jul 16 00:18:49 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/{comp,dist,forw,repl}.c: If "quit" with no "delete, tell the
	    user the name of the draft file.
	uip/send.c: if invoked as "push", act accordingly
	sbr/m_send.c: know about "push".
	uip/mhpath.c: -help wasn't any.
	uip/rcv{cron,tty}.c: set-up for an MMDF system.

Mon Jul 16 00:21:52 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	Install the new Previous-Sequence mechanism.  Introduce the SEQMOD
	flag to the msgs structure.  Just about every MH program now calls
	m_setseq () upon parsing the messages and calls m_sync() prior to

Mon Jul 16 15:51:28 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	Gather up the ZOTnet libraries into zotnet/libzot.a, makes things
	less complicated.

Mon Jul 16 22:07:40 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/*.c: Change arguments[50] to arguments[MAXARGS]; change
	msgs[100] to msgs[MAXARGS] to avoid argument overflow with new

Tue Jul 17 00:08:52 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	Install the Sequence-Negation mechanism.

Tue Jul 17 16:02:02 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/bbr.c: bring dist, forw, and repl up to date with -[no]unique.

Tue Jul 17 16:19:14 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/folder.c: handle +folder and msg argument with -all.

Tue Jul 17 19:20:10 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/anno.c: don't require -text.  Also fix bug in prompting.

Wed Jul 18 03:01:11 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	Install the code necesary for the @folder notation, meaning
	+cwf/folder (TSUBCWF).

Wed Jul 18 05:35:14 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	uip/{comp,dist,forw,repl}.c: Add -draft{folder,message} switches,
	    remove -[no]unique switches
	sbr/m_draft.c: New module to interpret -draft switches
	uip/send.c: Handle multiple messages, add -draft{folder,message}
	    switches, add -push switch
	uip/bbr.c: bring dist, forw, and repl up to date with all these
	conf/config/config.c: change mh_deliver to postproc

Wed Jul 18 20:39:29 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750a>

	sbr/path.c: add compath() logic to compress things like @.. and so

Thu Jul 19 19:56:16 1984  Rand MH Mail Handler (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750b>

	sbr/m_edit.c: put back in the draft preserve/delete logic from mh.2
	sbr/m_draft.c: add the "use" parameter saying whether "new" or
	    "cur" should be the default.

Fri Jul 20 21:27:03 1984  Rand MH Mail Handler (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750b>

	uip/{comp,dist,forw,repl}.c: new logic if draft exists.
	uip/{comp,dist,forw,refile,repl,send}.c: fix miscalculation in
	    path of draft/source folder.

Sat Jul 21 14:15:43 1984  Rand MH Mail Handler (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750b>

	sbr/{m_gmsg,m_seq}.c: allow "compressed" sequence descriptors
	    (e.g., x-y instead of x x+1 ... y-1 y).  Makes things run
	    faster and avoids problems if a sequence is really *big*.

Mon Jul 23 09:08:12 1984  Rand MH Mail Handler (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750b>

	uip/{dist,forw,repl}.c: fix busted logic when m_draft() is called
	after we've built the msgs structure for the folder we're working
	on.  Call m_draft() first.  Other solution was to have m_draft()
	do a pwd(), save the result, do its work, and then chdir() back.

Mon Jul 23 09:11:27 1984  Rand MH Mail Handler (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750b>

	uip/scansbr.c: If the message has no date, flag it and use the
	date on the file, if appropriate (e.g., from 'scan' not 'inc').

Mon Jul 23 14:27:51 1984  Rand MH Mail Handler (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750b>

	uip/{comp,dist,forw,repl,send}.c: add -nodraftfolder switch to
	    turn off draft folder.
	uip/send.c: add -[no]unique switch to enable/disable message
	    renaming on pushes.

Mon Jul 23 16:09:04 1984  Rand MH Mail Handler (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750b>

	uip/{scan,replsbr}.c: use ismymbox to determine if address is my
	uip/addrsbr.c: add ismymbox() to say just that.

Mon Jul 23 19:07:00 1984  Rand MH Mail Handler (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750b>

	sbr/m_getdefs.c: allow long lines in MH profile.
	uip/ptt.c: rename ptt.c to ap.c and install in MH etc directory.

Wed Jul 25 08:49:44 1984  Rand MH Mail Handler (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750b>

	uip/bbr.c: bring upto date with dist/forw/repl's -nodraftfolder.
	sbr/trimcpy.c: fold tabs into spaces in addition to newlines.

Thu Aug  2 15:05:29 1984  Rand MH Mail Handler (agent: Marshall Rose) <mh@uci-750b>

	uip/rcv{cron,tty}.c: move the ``#include <stdio.h>'' above the
	    ``#include "mmdf.h"''
	mf/*.{h,c}: change lexequ() to lequal() to avoid conflict with
	    MMDF-II routine name.

Fri Oct 26 22:19:42 1984  Rand MH Mail Handler (agent: John Romine) <mh@uci>
	conf/Makefile: make CFLAGS=-O, LDFLAGS=-ns
	sendmts/smail.c: line 99: formal parameter 'watch' was missing.