view zotnet/tws/dtime.c @ 0:bce86c4163a3

Initial revision
author kono
date Mon, 18 Apr 2005 23:46:02 +0900
children 441a2190cfae
line wrap: on
line source

/* dtime.c - routines to do ``ARPA-style'' time structures */
#ifndef	lint
static char ident[] = "@(#)$Id$";
#endif	/* lint */


#include "tws.h"
#ifndef	INETONLY
#include "../h/strings.h"
#else	/* INETONLY */
#include "strings.h"
#endif	/* INETONLY */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#if	!defined(SYS5) && !defined(ZONEINFO)
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#endif	/* !defined(SYS5) && !defined(ZONEINFO) */
#if 0 /* already included in "tws.h" */
#ifdef	_AIX
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef	BSD42
#include <sys/time.h>
#else	/* BSD42 */
#include <time.h>
#endif	/* BSD42 */
#endif /* 0 */

#ifdef	__CYGWIN32__
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
extern int  _daylight;
#define daylight _daylight
extern long _timezone;
#define timezone _timezone
extern char *_tzname[];
#define tzname _tzname
#else	/* __CYGWIN32__ */
#ifdef	SYS5
extern int  daylight;
extern long timezone;
extern char *tzname[];
#endif	/* SYS5 */
#endif	/* __CYGWIN32__ */

/*  */

#ifndef	abs
#define	abs(a)	(a >= 0 ? a : -a)

#define	dysize(y)	\
	(((y) % 4) ? 365 : (((y) % 100) ? 366 : (((y) % 400) ? 365 : 366)))

/*  */

char *tw_moty[] = {
    "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
    "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", NULL

char *tw_dotw[] = {
    "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", NULL

char *tw_ldotw[] = {
    "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
    "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", NULL

/*  */

static struct zone {
    char   *std,
    int     shift;
}                   zones[] = {
			"GMT", "BST", 0,
                        "EST", "EDT", -5,
                        "CST", "CDT", -6,
                        "MST", "MDT", -7,
                        "PST", "PDT", -8,
#ifdef JAPAN
                        "JST", NULL,  9,
#endif /* JAPAN */
#ifdef	notdef	/* RFC1123 specifies do not use military TZs */
                        "A", NULL, -1,
                        "B", NULL, -2,
                        "C", NULL, -3,
                        "D", NULL, -4,
                        "E", NULL, -5,
                        "F", NULL, -6,
                        "G", NULL, -7,
                        "H", NULL, -8,
                        "I", NULL, -9,
                        "K", NULL, -10,
                        "L", NULL, -11,
                        "M", NULL, -12,
                        "N", NULL, 1,
#ifndef	HUJI
                        "O", NULL, 2,
#else	/* HUJI */
			"JST", "JDT", 2,
#endif	/* HUJI */
                        "P", NULL, 3,
                        "Q", NULL, 4,
                        "R", NULL, 5,
                        "S", NULL, 6,
                        "T", NULL, 7,
                        "U", NULL, 8,
                        "V", NULL, 9,
                        "W", NULL, 10,
                        "X", NULL, 11,
                        "Y", NULL, 12,
#endif	/* notdef */


time_t  time ();
struct tm *localtime ();

/*  */

char *dtimenow () {
    time_t  clock;

    (void) time (&clock);
    return dtime (&clock);

char   *dctime (tw)
register struct tws *tw;
    static char buffer[25];

    if (!tw)
	return NULL;

    (void) sprintf (buffer, "%.3s %.3s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d %.4d\n",
	    tw_dotw[tw -> tw_wday], tw_moty[tw -> tw_mon], tw -> tw_mday,
	    tw -> tw_hour, tw -> tw_min, tw -> tw_sec,
	    tw -> tw_year >= 100 ? tw -> tw_year
		    : tw -> tw_year + (tw -> tw_year >= 69 ? 1900 : 2000));

    return buffer;

/*  */

struct tws *dtwstime () {
    time_t  clock;

    (void) time (&clock);
    return dlocaltime (&clock);

struct tws *dlocaltime (clock)
register time_t *clock;
    register struct tm *tm;
#if	!defined(SYS5) && !defined(ZONEINFO)
    struct timeb    tb;
#endif	/* !defined(SYS5) && !defined(ZONEINFO) */
    static struct tws   tw;

    if (!clock)
	return NULL;
    tw.tw_flags = TW_NULL;

    tm = localtime (clock);
    tw.tw_sec = tm -> tm_sec;
    tw.tw_min = tm -> tm_min;
    tw.tw_hour = tm -> tm_hour;
    tw.tw_mday = tm -> tm_mday;
    tw.tw_mon = tm -> tm_mon;
    tw.tw_year = tm -> tm_year + 1900;
    tw.tw_wday = tm -> tm_wday;
    tw.tw_yday = tm -> tm_yday;
    if (tm -> tm_isdst)
	tw.tw_flags |= TW_DST;
#if	defined(ZONEINFO)
    tw.tw_zone = tm->tm_gmtoff / 60;
    if (tm -> tm_isdst)			/* if DST is in effect */
	tw.tw_zone -= 60;		/* reset to normal offset */
#else	/* defined(ZONEINFO) */
#if	defined(SYS5)
    tzset ();
    tw.tw_zone = -(timezone / 60);
#else	/* defined(SYS5) */
    ftime (&tb);
    tw.tw_zone = -tb.timezone;
#endif	/* defined(SYS5) */
#endif	/* defined(ZONEINFO) */
    tw.tw_flags &= ~TW_SDAY, tw.tw_flags |= TW_SEXP;
    tw.tw_flags &= ~TW_SZONE, tw.tw_flags |= TW_SZEXP;
    tw.tw_clock = *clock;

    return (&tw);

struct tws *dgmtime (clock)
register time_t *clock;
    register struct tm *tm;
    static struct tws   tw;

    if (!clock)
	return NULL;
    tw.tw_flags = TW_NULL;

    tm = gmtime (clock);
    tw.tw_sec = tm -> tm_sec;
    tw.tw_min = tm -> tm_min;
    tw.tw_hour = tm -> tm_hour;
    tw.tw_mday = tm -> tm_mday;
    tw.tw_mon = tm -> tm_mon;
    tw.tw_year = tm -> tm_year + 1900;
    tw.tw_wday = tm -> tm_wday;
    tw.tw_yday = tm -> tm_yday;
    if (tm -> tm_isdst)
	tw.tw_flags |= TW_DST;
    tw.tw_zone = 0;
    tw.tw_flags &= ~TW_SDAY, tw.tw_flags |= TW_SEXP;
    tw.tw_flags &= ~TW_SZONE, tw.tw_flags |= TW_SZEXP;
    tw.tw_clock = *clock;

    return (&tw);

/*  */

char   *dasctime (tw, flags)
register struct tws *tw;
int	flags;
    char buffer[80];
    static char result[80];

    if (!tw)
	return NULL;

    /* Display timezone if known */
    if ((tw->tw_flags & TW_SZONE) == TW_SZNIL)
	    result[0] = '\0';
	    (void) sprintf(result, " %s",
		dtimezone(tw -> tw_zone, tw->tw_flags | flags));
    (void) sprintf(buffer, "%02d %s %0*d %02d:%02d:%02d%s",
	    tw->tw_mday, tw_moty[tw->tw_mon],
	    tw -> tw_year < 100 ? 2 : 4, tw -> tw_year,
	    tw->tw_hour, tw->tw_min, tw->tw_sec, result);

    if ((tw -> tw_flags & TW_SDAY) == TW_SEXP)
	(void) sprintf (result, "%s, %s", tw_dotw[tw -> tw_wday], buffer);
	if ((tw -> tw_flags & TW_SDAY) == TW_SNIL)
	    (void) strcpy (result, buffer);
	    (void) sprintf (result, "%s (%s)", buffer, tw_dotw[tw -> tw_wday]);

    return result;

/*  */

char   *dtimezone (offset, flags)
register int     offset,
    register int    hours,
    register struct zone *z;
    static char buffer[10];

    if (offset < 0) {
	mins = -((-offset) % 60);
	hours = -((-offset) / 60);
    else {
	mins = offset % 60;
	hours = offset / 60;

    if (!(flags & TW_ZONE) && mins == 0)
#if	defined(SYS5) && defined(TZNAME)
	return ((flags & TW_DST) ? tzname[1] : tzname[0]);
	for (z = zones; z -> std; z++)
	    if (z -> shift == hours)
		return (z -> dst && (flags & TW_DST) ? z -> dst : z -> std);

#if	defined(DSTXXX)
    if (flags & TW_DST)
	hours += 1;
#endif	/* defined(DSTXXX) */
    (void) sprintf (buffer, "%s%02d%02d",
	    offset < 0 ? "-" : "+", abs (hours), abs (mins));
    return buffer;

/*  */

void twscopy (tb, tw)
register struct tws *tb,
#ifdef	notdef
    tb -> tw_sec = tw -> tw_sec;
    tb -> tw_min = tw -> tw_min;
    tb -> tw_hour = tw -> tw_hour;
    tb -> tw_mday = tw -> tw_mday;
    tb -> tw_mon = tw -> tw_mon;
    tb -> tw_year = tw -> tw_year;
    tb -> tw_wday = tw -> tw_wday;
    tb -> tw_yday = tw -> tw_yday;
    tb -> tw_zone = tw -> tw_zone;
    tb -> tw_clock = tw -> tw_clock;
    tb -> tw_flags = tw -> tw_flags;
#else	/* not notdef */
    *tb = *tw;
#endif	/* not notdef */

int     twsort (tw1, tw2)
register struct tws *tw1,
    register time_t c1,

    if (tw1 -> tw_clock == 0L)
	(void) twclock (tw1);
    if (tw2 -> tw_clock == 0L)
	(void) twclock (tw2);

    return ((c1 = tw1 -> tw_clock) > (c2 = tw2 -> tw_clock) ? 1
	    : c1 == c2 ? 0 : -1);

/*  */

/* This routine is based on the gtime() routine written by Steven Shafer
   (sas) at CMU.  It was forwarded to MTR by Jay Lepreau at Utah-CS.

static int  dmsize[] = {
    31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31

time_t	twclock (tw)
register struct	tws *tw;
    register int    i,
    register time_t result;

    if (tw -> tw_clock != 0L)
	return tw -> tw_clock;

    if ((sec = tw -> tw_sec) < 0 || sec > 59
	    || (min = tw -> tw_min) < 0 || min > 59
	    || (hour = tw -> tw_hour) < 0 || hour > 23
	    || (mday = tw -> tw_mday) < 1 || mday > 31
	    || (mon = tw -> tw_mon + 1) < 1 || mon > 12
	    || (year = tw -> tw_year) < 0)
	return (tw -> tw_clock = -1L);

    result = 0L;
    if (year < 69)
	year += 2000;
    else if (year < 100)
	year += 1900;
    for (i = 1970; i < year; i++)
	result += dysize (i);
    if (dysize (year) == 366 && mon >= 3)
    while (--mon)
	result += dmsize[mon - 1];
    result += mday - 1;
    result = 24 * result + hour;
    result = 60 * result + min;
    result = 60 * result + sec;
    result -= 60 * tw -> tw_zone;
    if (tw -> tw_flags & TW_DST)
	result -= 60 * 60;

    return (tw -> tw_clock = result);

/*  */

 *    Simple calculation of day of the week.  Algorithm used is Zeller's
 *    congruence.

set_dotw (tw)
register struct tws *tw;
    register int    month,

    month = tw -> tw_mon - 1;
    day = tw -> tw_mday;
    year = tw -> tw_year % 100;
    century = tw -> tw_year >= 100 ? tw -> tw_year / 100
      : tw -> tw_year >= 69 ? 19 : 20;

    if (month <= 0) {
	month += 12;
	if (--year < 0) {
	    year += 100;

    tw -> tw_wday =
	((26 * month - 2) / 10 + day + year + year / 4
	    - 3 * century / 4 + 1) % 7;

    tw -> tw_flags &= ~TW_SDAY, tw -> tw_flags |= TW_SIMP;