view papers/bboards/Makefile @ 7:c20e4181370f

utf-8 input assumption in case of base64/utf-8
author kono
date Sun, 04 Dec 2005 02:30:39 +0900
parents bce86c4163a3
line wrap: on
line source

# Instructions to Make, for generation of nice-looking papers using TeX

.SUFFIXES:	.pic .web .tex .dvi .imp

.pic.tex:;	tpic $<

.web.tex:;	sh -c 'if weave $<; then exit 0; else rm $@; exit 1; fi'

.tex.dvi:;	sh -c 'if TEXINPUTS=../doclib:.:${TEXINPUTS} tex \
			\\nonstopmode\\input $<\\bye; \
			  then exit 0; else rm $@; exit 1; fi'

.dvi.imp:;	dviimp $(DFLAGS) -i $@ $<

# Here it is...

all:		i-all
print:		i-print

# bboards

i-all:		bboards.dvi

i-print:	bboards.dvi true
		dvisp -J BBoards bboards.dvi

i-count:	true
		detex text.tex | wc -cw

# customization files, et. al., not included below
bboards.dvi:	version.tex

version.tex:	bboards.tex text.tex refs.tex


#	Miscellaneous tasks

distribution:   clean
		rm -f bboards.dvi bboards.imp

clean:;		rm -f bboards.lof bboards.log bboards.lot bboards.toc _*