# # # $Revision: $ # $Date: 2005/04/18 14:46:04 $ # # # ===== # Subroutine initialize # Set up the environment for the user and parse the incoming # mail message. # sub initialize { local($passwd, $uid, $gid, $quota, $comment, $gcos); ($user, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $quota, $comment, $gcos, $home, $shell) = getpwnam($ARGV[0]); shift @ARGV; $ENV{'USER'} = $user; $ENV{'HOME'} = $home; $ENV{'SHELL'} = $shell; $ENV{'TERM'} = "vt100"; &parse_message(STDIN); } # ===== # Subroutine parse_message # Parse a message into headers, body and special variables # sub parse_message { local(*INFILE) = @_; $/ = ''; # read input in paragraph mode %headers = ( ); @received = ( ); undef($body); $header = ; $* = 1; while () { s/^From />From /g; $body = "" if !defined($body); $body .= $_; }; $/ = "\n"; $* = 0; ;# ----- ;# $sender comes from the UNIX-style From line (From strike...) ;# ($sender) = ($header =~ /^From\s+(\S+)/); ;# ----- ;# fill out the headers associative array with fields from the mail ;# header. ;# $_ = $header; s/\n\s+//g; @lines = split('\n'); for ( @lines ) { /^([\w-]*):\s*(.*)/ && do { $mheader = $1; $mheader =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if (($mheader eq "cc" || $mheader eq "to") && $headers{$mheader}) { $headers{$mheader} .= ", $2"; } elsif ($mheader eq "received") { push(@received, $2); } else { $headers{$mheader} = $2; }; }; } @received = reverse(@received); ;# ----- ;# for convenience, $subject is $headers{'subject'} and $precedence is ;# $headers{'precedence'} ;# $subject = $headers{'subject'}; $subject = "(No subject)" unless $subject; $subject =~ s/\s+$//; $precedence = $headers{'precedence'}; ;# ----- ;# create arrays for who was on the To, Cc lines ;# @cc = &expand($headers{'cc'}); @to = &expand($headers{'to'}); defined($headers{"apparently-to"}) && do { $apparentlyto = $headers{"apparently-to"}; push(@to, &expand($apparentlyto)); }; ;# ----- ;# $from comes from From: line. $address is their email address. ;# $organization is their site. for example, strike@pixel.convex.com ;# yields an organization of convex. ;# $_ = $headers{'from'} || $headers{'resent-from'} || $headers{'sender'} || $headers{'resent-sender'} || $headers{'return-path'} || $headers{'reply-to'}; if ($_ eq "") { $friendly = $from = $address = $organization = "unknown"; return; }; ($friendly, $address, $from, $organization) = &parse_email_address($_); } # ===== # Subroutine parse_email_address # Parse an email address into address, from, organization # address is full Internet address, from is just the login # name and organization is Internet hostname (without final domain) # sub parse_email_address { local($_) = @_; local($friendly, $address, $from, $organization); $organization = "local"; $friendly = "unknown"; # From: Disk Monitor Daemon (/usr/adm/bin/dfbitch) ? s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; if (/(.*)\s*<[^>]+>$|<[^>]+>\s*(.*)$/) { $friendly = $+; $friendly =~ s/\"//g; } elsif (/\(([^\)]+)\)/) { $friendly = $1; }; s/.*<([^>]+)>.*/$1/; s/\(.*\)//; s/\s*$//; $address = $_; s/@.*//; s/%.*//; s/.*!//; s/\s//g; $from = $_; $_ = $address; tr/A-Z/a-z/; if (/!/ && /@/) { s/\s//g; s/!.*//; $organization = $_; } elsif (/!/) { s/\s//g; s/![A-Za-z0-9_@]*$//; s/.*!//; s/\..*//; $organization = $_; } elsif (/@/) { s/.*@//; s/\s//g; if (! /\./) { $organization = "unknown"; } else { if (/\.(com|edu)$/) { s/\.[A-Za-z0-9_]*$//; s/.*\.//; } else { s/\.[A-Za-z0-9_]*$//; s/\.[A-Za-z0-9_]*$//; s/.*\.//; }; $organization = $_; }; }; return ($friendly, $address, $from, $organization); }; # ==== # Subroutine vacation # deliver a vacation message to the sender of this mail # message. # sub vacation { local($vacfile) = $ENV{'HOME'} . "/" . ".vacation.msg"; local($msubject) = "\"Vacation mail for $ENV{'USER'} [Re: $subject]\" "; local($vacaudit, $astat, $mstat); local(@ignores); local(@names); return if (length($from) <= 0); return if ($precedence =~ /(bulk|junk)/i); return if ($from =~ /-REQUEST@/i); @ignores = ('daemon', 'postmaster', 'mailer-daemon', 'mailer', 'root',); grep(do {return if ($_ eq $from);}, @ignores); if (-e $vacfile) { ($vacaudit = $vacfile) =~ s/\.msg/\.log/; $mstat = (stat($vacfile))[9]; $astat = (stat($vacaudit))[9]; unlink($vacaudit) if ($mstat > $astat); if (-f $vacaudit) { open(VACAUDIT, "< $vacaudit") && do { while () { chop; return if ($_ eq $from); }; close(VACAUDIT); }; }; open(MAIL,"| /usr/ucb/Mail -s $msubject $address") || return; open(VACFILE, "< $vacfile") || return; while () { s/\$SUBJECT/$subject/g; print MAIL $_; }; close(VACFILE); close(MAIL); open(VACAUDIT, ">> $vacaudit") || return; print VACAUDIT "$from\n"; close(VACAUDIT); }; } # ===== # Subroutine expand # expand a line (To, Cc, etc.) into a list of addressees. # sub expand { local($_) = @_; local(@fccs) = ( ); return(@fccs) if /^$/; for (split(/\s*,\s*/)) { s/.*<([^>]+)>.*/$1/; s/@.*//; s/.*!//; s/\(.*\)//; s/\s//g; push(@fccs,$_) unless $seen{$_}++; } return(@fccs); } # ===== # Subroutine deliver # Deliver the incoming mail message to the user's mail drop # sub deliver { &deposit("/usr/spool/mail/$user"); } # ===== # Put the incoming mail into the specified mail drop (file) # sub deposit { local($drop) = @_; local($LOCK_EX) = 2; local($LOCK_UN) = 8; open(MAIL, ">> $drop") || die "open: $!\n"; flock(MAIL, $LOCK_EX); seek(MAIL, 0, 2); print MAIL "$header"; print MAIL "$body\n\n" if defined($body); flock(MAIL, $LOCK_UN); close(MAIL); } # ===== # Subroutine file_from # Add the mail message to another mail drop in a log directory. # The path of the mail drop is toplevel/organization/user # sub file_from { local($toplevel) = @_; local($dir); return if (length($from) <= 0); return if ($from eq $user); $toplevel = "log" if ($toplevel eq ''); $dir = "$home/$toplevel"; (!-d $dir) && mkdir($dir, 0700); $dir .= "/$organization"; (!-d $dir) && mkdir($dir, 0700); &deposit("$dir/$from"); } # ===== # Subroutine openpipe # Open a pipe to a command and write the mail message to it. # sub openpipe{ local($command) = @_; open(CMD, "| $command") || die; print CMD "$header\n"; print CMD "$body\n\n" if defined($body); } 1;