view o2s5.source @ 1:450bcedf4ed4

multiple theme
author Shinji KONO <>
date Fri, 23 Sep 2011 23:05:08 +0900
parents b0c6281822f5
children 85a60c32503c
line wrap: on
line source


$depth = 0;
$section = 1;
$note = 1;
$abstract = 0;
$current = fh000;
$tag = "content000";

$back = "white";
$fore = "black";

$subtitle = '';
$affilation = '';
$closing = "</li>";
$opening = '<li class="slide">';
$xoxo = '';

$tfont = 1;

$ul = 0;
$theme = "default";

@opt  = grep(! /\.ind/,@ARGV);
@ARGV = grep(  /\.ind/,@ARGV);

sub title_init {

    if (grep(/-p/,@opt)) {
	$theme = "pixel";
    } elsif (grep(/-f/,@opt)) {
	$theme = "flower";
    } elsif (grep(/-2/,@opt)) {
	$closing = "</div>";
	$opening = '<div class="slide">';
    } else {
	$xoxo = '<ol class="xoxo presentation">'

$slidy_init = <<"RogueRogue";
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<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en-US">
<meta name="generator" content=
"HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 1st November 2003), see" />
<title>HTML Slidy</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="copyright" content=
"Copyright &#169; 2005-2010 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio)" />
<meta name="duration" content="5" />
<meta name="font-size-adjustment" content="-2" />
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title="W3C logo"><a href=""><img
alt="W3C logo" id="head-logo-fallback"
src="ui/slidy2/graphics/w3c-logo-white.gif" /></a></object></div>

<div class="background slanty">
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<img src="ui/slidy2/graphics/keys2.jpg" alt="Cover page images (keys)"
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<br />
<br />
<br />

$init = <<"RogueRogue";
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<html xmlns="">

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<meta name="generator" content="o2s5" />
<meta name="version" content="0.1" />
<meta name="author" content="Shinji KONO" />
<meta name="company" content="" />
<!-- configuration parameters -->
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<meta name="controlVis" content="hidden" />
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<div class="layout">
<div id="controls"><!-- DO NOT EDIT --></div>
<div id="currentSlide"><!-- DO NOT EDIT --></div>
<div id="header"></div>
<div id="footer">
<div class="presentation">
<div class="slide">


    if (grep(/-2/,@opt)) {
	$closing = "</div>";
	$opening = '<div class="slide">';
	$init = $slidy_init;

sub o2s5 {
local($current) = @_;
%content = ();

my $in_comment = 0;

line: while (<$current>) {
    if (/^<!---/) {
	$in_comment = 1;
    if ($in_comment) {
	if (/^<.*--->/) {
	    $in_comment = 0;
    chop;	# strip record separator
    if( (!/^\s/) && (!/^$/) && $pre) {
	print $fh "</pre>\n";
	$pre = 0;
    if (/^-*input: (.*)/) {
	my $fd;
	# $fdbase = $current; $fdbase ++;
	$fdbase = $fd;
#	print STDOUT "$1 ";
	do o2s5($fdbase);
	next line;
    if (/^-title:/) {
	$title = substr($_, 8, length($_) - 7);
	# &title($title);
	next line;
    if (/^--*date:/) {
	for ($tmp = 1; substr($_, $tmp, 1) eq '-'; $tmp++) {
	$tmp += 5;
	$day = substr($_, $tmp, length($_) - $tmp + 1);
	next line;
    if (/^--*number:/) {
	for ($tmp = 1; substr($_, $tmp, 1) eq '-'; $tmp++) {
	$tmp += 7;
	$number = substr($_, $tmp, length($_) - $tmp + 1);
	next line;
    if (/^--*note:/) {
	$note = 2;
#	printf $fh "<quote>\n";
	next line;
    if (/^--*author:/) {
	for ($tmp = 1; substr($_, $tmp, 1) eq '-'; $tmp++) {
	$tmp += 7;
	$author = substr($_, $tmp, length($_) - $tmp + 1);
	next line;
    if (/^--*affilation:/) {
	for ($tmp = 1; substr($_, $tmp, 1) eq '-'; $tmp++) {
	$tmp += 11;
	$affilation = substr($_, $tmp, length($_) - $tmp + 1);
	next line;
    if (/^--*subtitle:/) {
	for ($tmp = 1; substr($_, $tmp, 1) eq '-'; $tmp++) {
	$tmp += 9;
	$subtitle = substr($_, $tmp, length($_) - $tmp + 1);
	next line;
    if (/^--*abstract:/) {
	$abstract = 1;
#	printf $fh "\n";
	next line;
    if (/^-/) {
	if ($ul) {
	    print $fh "</ul>\n";
	    $ul = 0;
	if ($title && $title ne 'done') {
	    $title = 'done';
	if ($abstract == 1) {
#	    printf $fh "\n";
	    $abstract = 0;
	if ($note) {
	    if ($note == 2) {
#		printf $fh "\n";
	    $note = 0;
	for ($depth = 1; substr($_, $depth, 1) eq '-'; $depth++) {
	$section_title = substr($_, $depth, length($_) - $depth + 1);
	if ($section) {
	print $fh <<"RogueRogue";
	print $fh <<RogueRogue;
	$content{$tag} = " " x $depth . $section_title;
	next line;
    next if ($title ne 'done');

    if (/^\t/) {
	if (! $ul) {
	    $ul = 1;
	    print $fh "<ul>";
	print $fh "<li>$_\n</li>\n";
	$paragraph = 0;
    } elsif (/^\s/) {
	if(! $pre) {
	    $pre = 1;
	    print $fh "<pre>";
	$paragraph = 0;
	print $fh $_,"<br>\n";
    } elsif (/^$/) {
	if(! $pre && ! $paragraph) {
	    print $fh $_,"<p>";
	    $paragraph = 1;
    } else {
	print $fh $_,"<br>\n";
	$paragraph = 0;
#    if (defined $section_title) {
#    }


foreach $arg (@ARGV) {
  my $fd;
  # $fdbase = $current; $fdbase ++;
  open($fd,"<$arg") || die("$arg cannot open");
  $fdbase = $fd;
  $out = $arg;
  $out =~ s/\.ind$//;
  $out =~ s/\.index$//;
  $out .=  ".html";
  # $fh = "out00"; 
  if($arg eq $out) {
      $out .= ".html";
  my $ofd;
  open($ofd,"|nkf -w >$out"); 
  $fh = $ofd;
  do o2s5($fdbase);


sub init {

open(IN,"| tar zxf -");

my $tmp = << 'EOFEOF';

print IN unpack("u*",$tmp);
close IN;


# <!--入口--->

sub title {
	$title = $_[0];

# <!-- embedded styles -->
# <style type="text/css" media="all">
# .imgcon {width: 525px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; text-align: center;}
# #anim {width: 270px; height: 320px; position: relative; margin-top: 0.5em;}
# #anim img {position: absolute; top: 42px; left: 24px;}
# img#me01 {top: 0; left: 0;}
# img#me02 {left: 23px;}
# img#me04 {top: 44px;}
# img#me05 {top: 43px;left: 36px;}
# </style>

    print $fh $init;


# end