diff src/main/java/com/glavsoft/rfb/protocol/ProtocolSettings.java @ 0:daa24f8a557b

TightVNC original
author YU
date Thu, 11 Sep 2014 07:30:03 +0900
children e28c17afa0e9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/main/java/com/glavsoft/rfb/protocol/ProtocolSettings.java	Thu Sep 11 07:30:03 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 GlavSoft LLC.
+// All rights reserved.
+// This file is part of the TightVNC software.  Please visit our Web site:
+//                       http://www.tightvnc.com/
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+package com.glavsoft.rfb.protocol;
+import com.glavsoft.core.SettingsChangedEvent;
+import com.glavsoft.rfb.CapabilityContainer;
+import com.glavsoft.rfb.IChangeSettingsListener;
+import com.glavsoft.rfb.RfbCapabilityInfo;
+import com.glavsoft.rfb.encoding.EncodingType;
+import com.glavsoft.rfb.protocol.auth.SecurityType;
+import java.io.Serializable;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.List;
+ * Protocol Settings class
+ */
+public class ProtocolSettings implements Serializable {
+    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+    private static final EncodingType DEFAULT_PREFERRED_ENCODING = EncodingType.TIGHT;
+	public static final int DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY = 6;
+	private static final int DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL = -6;
+	// color depth constants
+	public static final int COLOR_DEPTH_32 = 32;
+    public static final int COLOR_DEPTH_24 = 24;
+	public static final int COLOR_DEPTH_16 = 16;
+	public static final int COLOR_DEPTH_8 = 8;
+	public static final int COLOR_DEPTH_6 = 6;
+	public static final int COLOR_DEPTH_3 = 3;
+	public static final int COLOR_DEPTH_SERVER_SETTINGS = 0;
+	private static final int DEFAULT_COLOR_DEPTH = COLOR_DEPTH_24;
+	public static final int CHANGED_VIEW_ONLY                   = 1; // 1 << 0;
+	public static final int CHANGED_ENCODINGS                   = 1 << 1;
+	public static final int CHANGED_ALLOW_COPY_RECT             = 1 << 2;
+	public static final int CHANGED_SHOW_REMOTE_CURSOR          = 1 << 3;
+	public static final int CHANGED_MOUSE_CURSOR_TRACK          = 1 << 4;
+	public static final int CHANGED_COMPRESSION_LEVEL           = 1 << 5;
+	public static final int CHANGED_JPEG_QUALITY                = 1 << 6;
+	public static final int CHANGED_ALLOW_CLIPBOARD_TRANSFER    = 1 << 7;
+	public static final int CHANGED_CONVERT_TO_ASCII            = 1 << 8;
+	public static final int CHANGED_COLOR_DEPTH = 1 << 9;
+    public static final int CHANGED_SHARED                      = 1 << 10;
+	private transient int changedSettingsMask;
+    private boolean sharedFlag;
+    private boolean viewOnly;
+    private EncodingType preferredEncoding;
+    private boolean allowCopyRect;
+    private boolean showRemoteCursor;
+    private LocalPointer mouseCursorTrack;
+    private int compressionLevel;
+    private int jpegQuality;
+	private boolean allowClipboardTransfer;
+	private boolean convertToAscii;
+	private int colorDepth;
+	public transient LinkedHashSet<EncodingType> encodings;
+	private transient final List<IChangeSettingsListener> listeners;
+    public transient CapabilityContainer
+		tunnelingCapabilities,
+		authCapabilities,
+		serverMessagesCapabilities,
+		clientMessagesCapabilities,
+		encodingTypesCapabilities;
+	private transient String remoteCharsetName;
+	public static ProtocolSettings getDefaultSettings() {
+    	ProtocolSettings settings = new ProtocolSettings();
+	    settings.initKnownAuthCapabilities(settings.authCapabilities);
+	    settings.initKnownEncodingTypesCapabilities(settings.encodingTypesCapabilities);
+        return settings;
+    }
+	private ProtocolSettings() {
+        sharedFlag = true;
+        viewOnly = false;
+        showRemoteCursor = true;
+        mouseCursorTrack = LocalPointer.ON;
+        preferredEncoding = DEFAULT_PREFERRED_ENCODING;
+        allowCopyRect = true;
+        compressionLevel = DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL;
+        jpegQuality = DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY;
+        convertToAscii = false;
+        allowClipboardTransfer = true;
+        colorDepth = COLOR_DEPTH_SERVER_SETTINGS;
+        refine();
+        listeners = new LinkedList<IChangeSettingsListener>();
+		tunnelingCapabilities = new CapabilityContainer();
+		authCapabilities = new CapabilityContainer();
+		serverMessagesCapabilities = new CapabilityContainer();
+		clientMessagesCapabilities = new CapabilityContainer();
+		encodingTypesCapabilities = new CapabilityContainer();
+		changedSettingsMask = 0;
+   	}
+	public ProtocolSettings(ProtocolSettings s) {
+		this();
+        copyDataFrom(s);
+        changedSettingsMask = s.changedSettingsMask;
+        encodings = s.encodings;
+    }
+    public void copyDataFrom(ProtocolSettings s) {
+        copyDataFrom(s, 0);
+    }
+    public void copyDataFrom(ProtocolSettings s, int mask) {
+        if (null == s) return;
+        if ((mask & CHANGED_SHARED) == 0) setSharedFlag(s.sharedFlag);
+        if ((mask & CHANGED_VIEW_ONLY) == 0) setViewOnly(s.viewOnly);
+        if ((mask & CHANGED_ALLOW_COPY_RECT) == 0) setAllowCopyRect(s.allowCopyRect);
+        if ((mask & CHANGED_SHOW_REMOTE_CURSOR) == 0) setShowRemoteCursor(s.showRemoteCursor);
+        if ((mask & CHANGED_ALLOW_CLIPBOARD_TRANSFER) == 0) setAllowClipboardTransfer(s.allowClipboardTransfer);
+        if ((mask & CHANGED_MOUSE_CURSOR_TRACK) == 0) setMouseCursorTrack(s.mouseCursorTrack);
+        if ((mask & CHANGED_COMPRESSION_LEVEL) == 0) setCompressionLevel(s.compressionLevel);
+        if ((mask & CHANGED_JPEG_QUALITY) == 0) setJpegQuality(s.jpegQuality);
+        if ((mask & CHANGED_CONVERT_TO_ASCII) == 0) setConvertToAscii(s.convertToAscii);
+        if ((mask & CHANGED_COLOR_DEPTH) == 0) setColorDepth(s.colorDepth);
+        if ((mask & CHANGED_ENCODINGS) == 0) setPreferredEncoding(s.preferredEncoding);
+    }
+    private void initKnownAuthCapabilities(CapabilityContainer cc) {
+		cc.addEnabled(SecurityType.NONE_AUTHENTICATION.getId(),
+				RfbCapabilityInfo.VENDOR_STANDARD, RfbCapabilityInfo.AUTHENTICATION_NO_AUTH);
+		cc.addEnabled(SecurityType.VNC_AUTHENTICATION.getId(),
+				RfbCapabilityInfo.VENDOR_STANDARD, RfbCapabilityInfo.AUTHENTICATION_VNC_AUTH);
+	    //cc.addEnabled( 19, "VENC", "VENCRYPT");
+	    //cc.addEnabled( 20, "GTKV", "SASL____");
+	    //cc.addEnabled(129, RfbCapabilityInfo.TIGHT_VNC_VENDOR, "ULGNAUTH");
+	    //cc.addEnabled(130, RfbCapabilityInfo.TIGHT_VNC_VENDOR, "XTRNAUTH");
+	}
+	private void initKnownEncodingTypesCapabilities(CapabilityContainer cc) {
+		cc.add(EncodingType.COPY_RECT.getId(),
+				RfbCapabilityInfo.VENDOR_STANDARD, RfbCapabilityInfo.ENCODING_COPYRECT);
+		cc.add(EncodingType.HEXTILE.getId(),
+				RfbCapabilityInfo.VENDOR_STANDARD, RfbCapabilityInfo.ENCODING_HEXTILE);
+		cc.add(EncodingType.ZLIB.getId(),
+				RfbCapabilityInfo.VENDOR_TRIADA, RfbCapabilityInfo.ENCODING_ZLIB);
+		cc.add(EncodingType.ZRLE.getId(),
+				RfbCapabilityInfo.VENDOR_TRIADA, RfbCapabilityInfo.ENCODING_ZRLE);
+		cc.add(EncodingType.RRE.getId(),
+				RfbCapabilityInfo.VENDOR_STANDARD, RfbCapabilityInfo.ENCODING_RRE);
+		cc.add(EncodingType.TIGHT.getId(),
+				RfbCapabilityInfo.VENDOR_TIGHT, RfbCapabilityInfo.ENCODING_TIGHT);
+		cc.add(EncodingType.RICH_CURSOR.getId(),
+				RfbCapabilityInfo.VENDOR_TIGHT, RfbCapabilityInfo.ENCODING_RICH_CURSOR);
+		cc.add(EncodingType.CURSOR_POS.getId(),
+				RfbCapabilityInfo.VENDOR_TIGHT, RfbCapabilityInfo.ENCODING_CURSOR_POS);
+		cc.add(EncodingType.DESKTOP_SIZE.getId(),
+				RfbCapabilityInfo.VENDOR_TIGHT, RfbCapabilityInfo.ENCODING_DESKTOP_SIZE);
+	}
+	public void addListener(IChangeSettingsListener listener) {
+		listeners.add(listener);
+	}
+	public byte getSharedFlag() {
+		return (byte) (sharedFlag ? 1 : 0);
+	}
+	public boolean isShared() {
+		return sharedFlag;
+	}
+	public void setSharedFlag(boolean sharedFlag) {
+        if (this.sharedFlag != sharedFlag) {
+		    this.sharedFlag = sharedFlag;
+            changedSettingsMask |= CHANGED_SHARED;
+        }
+	}
+	public boolean isViewOnly() {
+		return viewOnly;
+	}
+	public void setViewOnly(boolean viewOnly) {
+		if (this.viewOnly != viewOnly) {
+			this.viewOnly = viewOnly;
+			changedSettingsMask |= CHANGED_VIEW_ONLY;
+		}
+	}
+	public void enableAllEncodingCaps() {
+		encodingTypesCapabilities.setAllEnable(true);
+	}
+	public int getColorDepth() {
+		return colorDepth;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set depth only in 3, 6, 8, 16, 32. When depth is wrong, it resets to {@link #DEFAULT_COLOR_DEPTH}
+	 */
+	public void setColorDepth(int depth) {
+		if (colorDepth != depth) {
+			changedSettingsMask |= CHANGED_COLOR_DEPTH;
+			switch (depth) {
+            case COLOR_DEPTH_32:
+                colorDepth = COLOR_DEPTH_24;
+                break;
+			case COLOR_DEPTH_24:
+			case COLOR_DEPTH_16:
+			case COLOR_DEPTH_8:
+			case COLOR_DEPTH_6:
+			case COLOR_DEPTH_3:
+				colorDepth = depth;
+				break;
+			default:
+				colorDepth = DEFAULT_COLOR_DEPTH;
+			}
+			refine();
+		}
+	}
+	public void refine() {
+		LinkedHashSet<EncodingType> encodings = new LinkedHashSet<EncodingType>();
+		if (EncodingType.RAW_ENCODING == preferredEncoding) {
+			// when RAW selected send no ordinary encodings so only default RAW encoding will be enabled
+		} else {
+			encodings.add(preferredEncoding); // preferred first
+			encodings.addAll(EncodingType.ordinaryEncodings);
+			if (compressionLevel > 0 && compressionLevel < 10) {
+				encodings.add(EncodingType.byId(
+						EncodingType.COMPRESS_LEVEL_0.getId() + compressionLevel));
+			}
+			if (jpegQuality > 0 && jpegQuality < 10 &&
+					(colorDepth == COLOR_DEPTH_24 || colorDepth == COLOR_DEPTH_SERVER_SETTINGS)) {
+				encodings.add(EncodingType.byId(
+						EncodingType.JPEG_QUALITY_LEVEL_0.getId() + jpegQuality));
+			}
+			if (allowCopyRect) {
+				encodings.add(EncodingType.COPY_RECT);
+			}
+		}
+		switch(mouseCursorTrack) {
+		case OFF:
+			setShowRemoteCursor(false);
+			break;
+		case HIDE:
+			setShowRemoteCursor(false);
+			encodings.add(EncodingType.RICH_CURSOR);
+			encodings.add(EncodingType.CURSOR_POS);
+			break;
+		case ON:
+		default:
+			setShowRemoteCursor(true);
+			encodings.add(EncodingType.RICH_CURSOR);
+			encodings.add(EncodingType.CURSOR_POS);
+		}
+		encodings.add(EncodingType.DESKTOP_SIZE);
+		if ( isEncodingsChanged(this.encodings, encodings) || isChangedEncodings()) {
+			this.encodings = encodings;
+			changedSettingsMask |= CHANGED_ENCODINGS;
+		}
+	}
+	private boolean isEncodingsChanged(LinkedHashSet<EncodingType> encodings1, LinkedHashSet<EncodingType> encodings2) {
+		if (null == encodings1 || encodings1.size() != encodings2.size()) return true;
+		Iterator<EncodingType> it1 = encodings1.iterator();
+		Iterator<EncodingType> it2 = encodings2.iterator();
+		while (it1.hasNext()) {
+			EncodingType v1 = it1.next();
+			EncodingType v2 = it2.next();
+			if (v1 != v2) return true;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	public void fireListeners() {
+        if (null == listeners) return;
+        final SettingsChangedEvent event = new SettingsChangedEvent(new ProtocolSettings(this));
+		changedSettingsMask = 0;
+		for (IChangeSettingsListener listener : listeners) {
+			listener.settingsChanged(event);
+		}
+	}
+	public static boolean isRfbSettingsChangedFired(SettingsChangedEvent event) {
+		return event.getSource() instanceof ProtocolSettings;
+	}
+	public void setPreferredEncoding(EncodingType preferredEncoding) {
+		if (this.preferredEncoding != preferredEncoding) {
+			this.preferredEncoding = preferredEncoding;
+			changedSettingsMask |= CHANGED_ENCODINGS;
+			refine();
+		}
+	}
+	public EncodingType getPreferredEncoding() {
+		return preferredEncoding;
+	}
+	public void setAllowCopyRect(boolean allowCopyRect) {
+		if (this.allowCopyRect != allowCopyRect) {
+			this.allowCopyRect = allowCopyRect;
+			changedSettingsMask |= CHANGED_ALLOW_COPY_RECT;
+			refine();
+		}
+	}
+	public boolean isAllowCopyRect() {
+		return allowCopyRect;
+	}
+	private void setShowRemoteCursor(boolean showRemoteCursor) {
+		if (this.showRemoteCursor != showRemoteCursor) {
+			this.showRemoteCursor = showRemoteCursor;
+			changedSettingsMask |= CHANGED_SHOW_REMOTE_CURSOR;
+		}
+	}
+	public boolean isShowRemoteCursor() {
+		return showRemoteCursor;
+	}
+	public void setMouseCursorTrack(LocalPointer mouseCursorTrack) {
+		if (this.mouseCursorTrack != mouseCursorTrack) {
+			this.mouseCursorTrack = mouseCursorTrack;
+			changedSettingsMask |= CHANGED_MOUSE_CURSOR_TRACK;
+			refine();
+		}
+	}
+	public LocalPointer getMouseCursorTrack() {
+		return mouseCursorTrack;
+	}
+	public void setCompressionLevel(int compressionLevel) {
+		if (this.compressionLevel != compressionLevel) {
+			this.compressionLevel = compressionLevel;
+			changedSettingsMask |= CHANGED_COMPRESSION_LEVEL;
+			refine();
+		}
+	}
+	public int getCompressionLevel() {
+		return compressionLevel;
+	}
+	public void setJpegQuality(int jpegQuality) {
+		if (this.jpegQuality != jpegQuality) {
+			this.jpegQuality = jpegQuality;
+			changedSettingsMask |= CHANGED_JPEG_QUALITY;
+			refine();
+		}
+	}
+	public int getJpegQuality() {
+		return jpegQuality;
+	}
+	public void setAllowClipboardTransfer(boolean enable) {
+		if (this.allowClipboardTransfer != enable) {
+			this.allowClipboardTransfer = enable;
+		}
+	}
+	public boolean isAllowClipboardTransfer() {
+		return allowClipboardTransfer;
+	}
+	public boolean isConvertToAscii() {
+		return convertToAscii;
+	}
+	public void setConvertToAscii(boolean convertToAscii) {
+		if (this.convertToAscii != convertToAscii) {
+			this.convertToAscii = convertToAscii;
+			changedSettingsMask |= CHANGED_CONVERT_TO_ASCII;
+		}
+	}
+	public boolean isChangedEncodings() {
+		return (changedSettingsMask & CHANGED_ENCODINGS) == CHANGED_ENCODINGS;
+	}
+	public boolean isChangedColorDepth() {
+		return (changedSettingsMask & CHANGED_COLOR_DEPTH) == CHANGED_COLOR_DEPTH;
+	}
+	public void setRemoteCharsetName(String remoteCharsetName) {
+		this.remoteCharsetName = remoteCharsetName;
+	}
+	public  String getRemoteCharsetName() {
+		return remoteCharsetName;
+	}
+    @Override
+    public String toString() {
+        return "ProtocolSettings{" +
+                "sharedFlag=" + sharedFlag +
+                ", viewOnly=" + viewOnly +
+                ", preferredEncoding=" + preferredEncoding +
+                ", allowCopyRect=" + allowCopyRect +
+                ", showRemoteCursor=" + showRemoteCursor +
+                ", mouseCursorTrack=" + mouseCursorTrack +
+                ", compressionLevel=" + compressionLevel +
+                ", jpegQuality=" + jpegQuality +
+                ", allowClipboardTransfer=" + allowClipboardTransfer +
+                ", convertToAscii=" + convertToAscii +
+                ", colorDepth=" + colorDepth +
+                '}';
+    }