diff gcc/ada/ali-util.adb @ 111:04ced10e8804

gcc 7
author kono
date Fri, 27 Oct 2017 22:46:09 +0900
children 84e7813d76e9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gcc/ada/ali-util.adb	Fri Oct 27 22:46:09 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+--                                                                          --
+--                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
+--                                                                          --
+--                             A L I . U T I L                              --
+--                                                                          --
+--                                 B o d y                                  --
+--                                                                          --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2017, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License  distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3.  If not, go to --
+-- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license.          --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
+--                                                                          --
+with Debug;   use Debug;
+with Binderr; use Binderr;
+with Opt;     use Opt;
+with Output;  use Output;
+with Osint;   use Osint;
+with Scans;   use Scans;
+with Scng;
+with Sinput.C;
+with Snames;  use Snames;
+with Stringt;
+with Styleg;
+with System.OS_Lib; use System.OS_Lib;
+package body ALI.Util is
+   --  Empty procedures needed to instantiate Scng. Error procedures are
+   --  empty, because we don't want to report any errors when computing
+   --  a source checksum.
+   procedure Post_Scan;
+   procedure Error_Msg (Msg : String; Flag_Location : Source_Ptr);
+   procedure Error_Msg_S (Msg : String);
+   procedure Error_Msg_SC (Msg : String);
+   procedure Error_Msg_SP (Msg : String);
+   --  Instantiation of Styleg, needed to instantiate Scng
+   package Style is new Styleg
+     (Error_Msg, Error_Msg_S, Error_Msg_SC, Error_Msg_SP);
+   --  A Scanner is needed to get checksum of a source (procedure
+   --  Get_File_Checksum).
+   package Scanner is new Scng
+     (Post_Scan, Error_Msg, Error_Msg_S, Error_Msg_SC, Error_Msg_SP, Style);
+   type Header_Num is range 0 .. 1_000;
+   function Hash (F : File_Name_Type) return Header_Num;
+   --  Function used to compute hash of ALI file name
+   package Interfaces is new Simple_HTable (
+     Header_Num => Header_Num,
+     Element    => Boolean,
+     No_Element => False,
+     Key        => File_Name_Type,
+     Hash       => Hash,
+     Equal      => "=");
+   ---------------------
+   -- Checksums_Match --
+   ---------------------
+   function Checksums_Match (Checksum1, Checksum2 : Word) return Boolean is
+   begin
+      return Checksum1 = Checksum2 and then Checksum1 /= Checksum_Error;
+   end Checksums_Match;
+   ---------------
+   -- Error_Msg --
+   ---------------
+   procedure Error_Msg (Msg : String; Flag_Location : Source_Ptr) is
+      pragma Warnings (Off, Msg);
+      pragma Warnings (Off, Flag_Location);
+   begin
+      null;
+   end Error_Msg;
+   -----------------
+   -- Error_Msg_S --
+   -----------------
+   procedure Error_Msg_S (Msg : String) is
+      pragma Warnings (Off, Msg);
+   begin
+      null;
+   end Error_Msg_S;
+   ------------------
+   -- Error_Msg_SC --
+   ------------------
+   procedure Error_Msg_SC (Msg : String) is
+      pragma Warnings (Off, Msg);
+   begin
+      null;
+   end Error_Msg_SC;
+   ------------------
+   -- Error_Msg_SP --
+   ------------------
+   procedure Error_Msg_SP (Msg : String) is
+      pragma Warnings (Off, Msg);
+   begin
+      null;
+   end Error_Msg_SP;
+   -----------------------
+   -- Get_File_Checksum --
+   -----------------------
+   function Get_File_Checksum (Fname : File_Name_Type) return Word is
+      Full_Name    : File_Name_Type;
+      Source_Index : Source_File_Index;
+   begin
+      Full_Name := Find_File (Fname, Osint.Source);
+      --  If we cannot find the file, then return an impossible checksum,
+      --  impossible because checksums have the high order bit zero, so
+      --  that checksums do not match.
+      if Full_Name = No_File then
+         return Checksum_Error;
+      end if;
+      Source_Index := Sinput.C.Load_File (Get_Name_String (Full_Name));
+      if Source_Index <= No_Source_File then
+         return Checksum_Error;
+      end if;
+      Scanner.Initialize_Scanner (Source_Index);
+      --  Make sure that the project language reserved words are not
+      --  recognized as reserved words, but as identifiers. The byte info for
+      --  those names have been set if we are in gnatmake.
+      Set_Name_Table_Byte (Name_Project,          0);
+      Set_Name_Table_Byte (Name_Extends,          0);
+      Set_Name_Table_Byte (Name_External,         0);
+      Set_Name_Table_Byte (Name_External_As_List, 0);
+      --  Scan the complete file to compute its checksum
+      loop
+         Scanner.Scan;
+         exit when Token = Tok_EOF;
+      end loop;
+      return Scans.Checksum;
+   end Get_File_Checksum;
+   ----------
+   -- Hash --
+   ----------
+   function Hash (F : File_Name_Type) return Header_Num is
+   begin
+      return Header_Num (Int (F) rem Header_Num'Range_Length);
+   end Hash;
+   ---------------------------
+   -- Initialize_ALI_Source --
+   ---------------------------
+   procedure Initialize_ALI_Source is
+   begin
+      --  When (re)initializing ALI data structures the ALI user expects to
+      --  get a fresh set of data structures. Thus we first need to erase the
+      --  marks put in the name table by the previous set of ALI routine calls.
+      --  This loop is empty and harmless the first time in.
+      for J in Source.First .. Source.Last loop
+         Set_Name_Table_Int (Source.Table (J).Sfile, 0);
+         Source.Table (J).Source_Found := False;
+      end loop;
+      Source.Init;
+      Interfaces.Reset;
+   end Initialize_ALI_Source;
+   ---------------
+   -- Post_Scan --
+   ---------------
+   procedure Post_Scan is
+   begin
+      null;
+   end Post_Scan;
+   ----------------------
+   -- Read_Withed_ALIs --
+   ----------------------
+   procedure Read_Withed_ALIs
+     (Id            : ALI_Id;
+      Ignore_Errors : Boolean := False)
+   is
+      Afile  : File_Name_Type;
+      Text   : Text_Buffer_Ptr;
+      Idread : ALI_Id;
+   begin
+      --  Process all dependent units
+      for U in ALIs.Table (Id).First_Unit .. ALIs.Table (Id).Last_Unit loop
+         for
+           W in Units.Table (U).First_With .. Units.Table (U).Last_With
+         loop
+            Afile := Withs.Table (W).Afile;
+            --  Only process if not a generic (Afile /= No_File) and if
+            --  file has not been processed already.
+            if Afile /= No_File
+              and then Get_Name_Table_Int (Afile) = 0
+            then
+               Text := Read_Library_Info (Afile);
+               --  Unless Ignore_Errors is true, return with an error if source
+               --  cannot be found. We used to skip this check when we did not
+               --  compile library generics separately, but we now always do,
+               --  so there is no special case here anymore.
+               if Text = null then
+                  if not Ignore_Errors then
+                     Error_Msg_File_1 := Afile;
+                     Error_Msg_File_2 := Withs.Table (W).Sfile;
+                     Error_Msg ("{ not found, { must be compiled");
+                     Set_Name_Table_Int (Afile, Int (No_Unit_Id));
+                     return;
+                  end if;
+               else
+                  --  Enter in ALIs table
+                  Idread :=
+                    Scan_ALI
+                      (F         => Afile,
+                       T         => Text,
+                       Ignore_ED => False,
+                       Err       => False);
+                  Free (Text);
+                  if ALIs.Table (Idread).Compile_Errors
+                    and then not Ignore_Errors
+                  then
+                     Error_Msg_File_1 := Withs.Table (W).Sfile;
+                     Error_Msg ("{ had errors, must be fixed, and recompiled");
+                     Set_Name_Table_Int (Afile, Int (No_Unit_Id));
+                  --  In GNATprove mode, object files are never generated, so
+                  --  No_Object=True is not considered an error.
+                  elsif ALIs.Table (Idread).No_Object
+                    and then not GNATprove_Mode
+                    and then not Ignore_Errors
+                  then
+                     Error_Msg_File_1 := Withs.Table (W).Sfile;
+                     Error_Msg ("{ must be recompiled");
+                     Set_Name_Table_Int (Afile, Int (No_Unit_Id));
+                  end if;
+                  --  If the Unit is an Interface to a Stand-Alone Library,
+                  --  set the Interface flag in the Withs table, so that its
+                  --  dependant are not considered for elaboration order.
+                  if ALIs.Table (Idread).SAL_Interface then
+                     Withs.Table (W).SAL_Interface := True;
+                     Interface_Library_Unit := True;
+                     --  Set the entry in the Interfaces hash table, so that
+                     --  other units that import this unit will set the flag
+                     --  in their entry in the Withs table.
+                     Interfaces.Set (Afile, True);
+                  else
+                     --  Otherwise, recurse to get new dependents
+                     Read_Withed_ALIs (Idread);
+                  end if;
+               end if;
+            --  If the ALI file has already been processed and is an interface,
+            --  set the flag in the entry of the Withs table.
+            elsif Interface_Library_Unit and then Interfaces.Get (Afile) then
+               Withs.Table (W).SAL_Interface := True;
+            end if;
+         end loop;
+      end loop;
+   end Read_Withed_ALIs;
+   ----------------------
+   -- Set_Source_Table --
+   ----------------------
+   procedure Set_Source_Table (A : ALI_Id) is
+      F     : File_Name_Type;
+      S     : Source_Id;
+      Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type;
+   begin
+      Sdep_Loop : for D in
+        ALIs.Table (A).First_Sdep .. ALIs.Table (A).Last_Sdep
+      loop
+         F := Sdep.Table (D).Sfile;
+         if F /= No_File then
+            --  If this is the first time we are seeing this source file,
+            --  then make a new entry in the source table.
+            if Get_Name_Table_Int (F) = 0 then
+               Source.Increment_Last;
+               S := Source.Last;
+               Set_Name_Table_Int (F, Int (S));
+               Source.Table (S).Sfile := F;
+               Source.Table (S).All_Timestamps_Match := True;
+               --  Initialize checksum fields
+               Source.Table (S).Checksum := Sdep.Table (D).Checksum;
+               Source.Table (S).All_Checksums_Match := True;
+               --  In check source files mode, try to get time stamp from file
+               if Opt.Check_Source_Files then
+                  Stamp := Source_File_Stamp (F);
+                  --  If we got the stamp, then set the stamp in the source
+                  --  table entry and mark it as set from the source so that
+                  --  it does not get subsequently changed.
+                  if Stamp (Stamp'First) /= ' ' then
+                     Source.Table (S).Stamp := Stamp;
+                     Source.Table (S).Source_Found := True;
+                     Source.Table (S).Stamp_File := F;
+                  --  If we could not find the file, then the stamp is set
+                  --  from the dependency table entry (to be possibly reset
+                  --  if we find a later stamp in subsequent processing)
+                  else
+                     Source.Table (S).Stamp := Sdep.Table (D).Stamp;
+                     Source.Table (S).Source_Found := False;
+                     Source.Table (S).Stamp_File := ALIs.Table (A).Afile;
+                     --  In All_Sources mode, flag error of file not found
+                     if Opt.All_Sources then
+                        Error_Msg_File_1 := F;
+                        Error_Msg ("cannot locate {");
+                     end if;
+                  end if;
+               --  First time for this source file, but Check_Source_Files
+               --  is off, so simply initialize the stamp from the Sdep entry
+               else
+                  Source.Table (S).Stamp := Sdep.Table (D).Stamp;
+                  Source.Table (S).Source_Found := False;
+                  Source.Table (S).Stamp_File := ALIs.Table (A).Afile;
+               end if;
+            --  Here if this is not the first time for this source file,
+            --  so that the source table entry is already constructed.
+            else
+               S := Source_Id (Get_Name_Table_Int (F));
+               --  Update checksum flag
+               if not Checksums_Match
+                        (Sdep.Table (D).Checksum, Source.Table (S).Checksum)
+               then
+                  Source.Table (S).All_Checksums_Match := False;
+               end if;
+               --  Check for time stamp mismatch
+               if Sdep.Table (D).Stamp /= Source.Table (S).Stamp then
+                  Source.Table (S).All_Timestamps_Match := False;
+                  --  When we have a time stamp mismatch, we go look for the
+                  --  source file even if Check_Source_Files is false, since
+                  --  if we find it, then we can use it to resolve which of the
+                  --  two timestamps in the ALI files is likely to be correct.
+                  --  We only look in the current directory, because when
+                  --  Check_Source_Files is false, other search directories are
+                  --  likely to be incorrect.
+                  if not Check_Source_Files
+                    and then Is_Regular_File (Get_Name_String (F))
+                  then
+                     Stamp := Source_File_Stamp (F);
+                     if Stamp (Stamp'First) /= ' ' then
+                        Source.Table (S).Stamp := Stamp;
+                        Source.Table (S).Source_Found := True;
+                        Source.Table (S).Stamp_File := F;
+                     end if;
+                  end if;
+                  --  If the stamp in the source table entry was set from the
+                  --  source file, then we do not change it (the stamp in the
+                  --  source file is always taken as the "right" one).
+                  if Source.Table (S).Source_Found then
+                     null;
+                  --  Otherwise, we have no source file available, so we guess
+                  --  that the later of the two timestamps is the right one.
+                  --  Note that this guess only affects which error messages
+                  --  are issued later on, not correct functionality.
+                  else
+                     if Sdep.Table (D).Stamp > Source.Table (S).Stamp then
+                        Source.Table (S).Stamp := Sdep.Table (D).Stamp;
+                        Source.Table (S).Stamp_File := ALIs.Table (A).Afile;
+                     end if;
+                  end if;
+               end if;
+            end if;
+            --  Set the checksum value in the source table
+            S := Source_Id (Get_Name_Table_Int (F));
+            Source.Table (S).Checksum := Sdep.Table (D).Checksum;
+         end if;
+      end loop Sdep_Loop;
+   end Set_Source_Table;
+   ----------------------
+   -- Set_Source_Table --
+   ----------------------
+   procedure Set_Source_Table is
+   begin
+      for A in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
+         Set_Source_Table (A);
+      end loop;
+   end Set_Source_Table;
+   -------------------------
+   -- Time_Stamp_Mismatch --
+   -------------------------
+   function Time_Stamp_Mismatch
+     (A         : ALI_Id;
+      Read_Only : Boolean := False) return File_Name_Type
+   is
+      Src : Source_Id;
+      --  Source file Id for the current Sdep entry
+   begin
+      for D in ALIs.Table (A).First_Sdep .. ALIs.Table (A).Last_Sdep loop
+         Src := Source_Id (Get_Name_Table_Int (Sdep.Table (D).Sfile));
+         if Opt.Minimal_Recompilation
+           and then Sdep.Table (D).Stamp /= Source.Table (Src).Stamp
+         then
+            --  If minimal recompilation is in action, replace the stamp
+            --  of the source file in the table if checksums match.
+            --  ??? It is probably worth updating the ALI file with a new
+            --  field to avoid recomputing it each time. In any case we ensure
+            --  that we don't gobble up string table space by doing a mark
+            --  release around this computation.
+            Stringt.Mark;
+            if Checksums_Match
+                 (Get_File_Checksum (Sdep.Table (D).Sfile),
+                  Source.Table (Src).Checksum)
+            then
+               if Verbose_Mode then
+                  Write_Str ("   ");
+                  Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Sdep.Table (D).Sfile));
+                  Write_Str (": up to date, different timestamps " &
+                             "but same checksum");
+                  Write_Eol;
+               end if;
+               Sdep.Table (D).Stamp := Source.Table (Src).Stamp;
+            end if;
+            Stringt.Release;
+         end if;
+         if (not Read_Only) or else Source.Table (Src).Source_Found then
+            if not Source.Table (Src).Source_Found
+              or else Sdep.Table (D).Stamp /= Source.Table (Src).Stamp
+            then
+               --  If -dt debug flag set, output time stamp found/expected
+               if Source.Table (Src).Source_Found and then Debug_Flag_T then
+                  Write_Str ("Source: """);
+                  Get_Name_String (Sdep.Table (D).Sfile);
+                  Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+                  Write_Line ("""");
+                  Write_Str ("   time stamp expected: ");
+                  Write_Line (String (Sdep.Table (D).Stamp));
+                  Write_Str ("      time stamp found: ");
+                  Write_Line (String (Source.Table (Src).Stamp));
+               end if;
+               --  Return the source file
+               return Source.Table (Src).Sfile;
+            end if;
+         end if;
+      end loop;
+      return No_File;
+   end Time_Stamp_Mismatch;
+end ALI.Util;