diff gcc/ada/libgnarl/s-inmaop__posix.adb @ 111:04ced10e8804

gcc 7
author kono
date Fri, 27 Oct 2017 22:46:09 +0900
children 84e7813d76e9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnarl/s-inmaop__posix.adb	Fri Oct 27 22:46:09 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+--                                                                          --
+--                  GNAT RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS                --
+--                                                                          --
+--                  SYSTEM.INTERRUPT_MANAGEMENT.OPERATIONS                  --
+--                                                                          --
+--                                  B o d y                                 --
+--                                                                          --
+--             Copyright (C) 1991-2017, Florida State University            --
+--                     Copyright (C) 1995-2017, AdaCore                     --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
+--                                                                          --
+-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
+-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
+-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
+--                                                                          --
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
+-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
+-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
+-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University.       --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc.     --
+--                                                                          --
+--  This is a POSIX-like version of this package
+--  Note: this file can only be used for POSIX compliant systems
+with Interfaces.C;
+with System.OS_Interface;
+with System.Storage_Elements;
+package body System.Interrupt_Management.Operations is
+   use Interfaces.C;
+   use System.OS_Interface;
+   ---------------------
+   -- Local Variables --
+   ---------------------
+   Initial_Action : array (Signal) of aliased struct_sigaction;
+   Default_Action : aliased struct_sigaction;
+   pragma Warnings (Off, Default_Action);
+   Ignore_Action : aliased struct_sigaction;
+   ----------------------------
+   -- Thread_Block_Interrupt --
+   ----------------------------
+   procedure Thread_Block_Interrupt
+     (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID)
+   is
+      Result : Interfaces.C.int;
+      Mask   : aliased sigset_t;
+   begin
+      Result := sigemptyset (Mask'Access);
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+      Result := sigaddset (Mask'Access, Signal (Interrupt));
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+      Result := pthread_sigmask (SIG_BLOCK, Mask'Access, null);
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+   end Thread_Block_Interrupt;
+   ------------------------------
+   -- Thread_Unblock_Interrupt --
+   ------------------------------
+   procedure Thread_Unblock_Interrupt
+     (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID)
+   is
+      Mask   : aliased sigset_t;
+      Result : Interfaces.C.int;
+   begin
+      Result := sigemptyset (Mask'Access);
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+      Result := sigaddset (Mask'Access, Signal (Interrupt));
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+      Result := pthread_sigmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, Mask'Access, null);
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+   end Thread_Unblock_Interrupt;
+   ------------------------
+   -- Set_Interrupt_Mask --
+   ------------------------
+   procedure Set_Interrupt_Mask (Mask : access Interrupt_Mask) is
+      Result : Interfaces.C.int;
+   begin
+      Result := pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, Mask, null);
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+   end Set_Interrupt_Mask;
+   procedure Set_Interrupt_Mask
+     (Mask  : access Interrupt_Mask;
+      OMask : access Interrupt_Mask)
+   is
+      Result  : Interfaces.C.int;
+   begin
+      Result := pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, Mask, OMask);
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+   end Set_Interrupt_Mask;
+   ------------------------
+   -- Get_Interrupt_Mask --
+   ------------------------
+   procedure Get_Interrupt_Mask (Mask : access Interrupt_Mask) is
+      Result : Interfaces.C.int;
+   begin
+      Result := pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, null, Mask);
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+   end Get_Interrupt_Mask;
+   --------------------
+   -- Interrupt_Wait --
+   --------------------
+   function Interrupt_Wait
+     (Mask : access Interrupt_Mask) return Interrupt_ID
+   is
+      Result : Interfaces.C.int;
+      Sig    : aliased Signal;
+   begin
+      Result := sigwait (Mask, Sig'Access);
+      if Result /= 0 then
+         return 0;
+      end if;
+      return Interrupt_ID (Sig);
+   end Interrupt_Wait;
+   ----------------------------
+   -- Install_Default_Action --
+   ----------------------------
+   procedure Install_Default_Action (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
+      Result : Interfaces.C.int;
+   begin
+      Result := sigaction
+        (Signal (Interrupt),
+         Initial_Action (Signal (Interrupt))'Access, null);
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+   end Install_Default_Action;
+   ---------------------------
+   -- Install_Ignore_Action --
+   ---------------------------
+   procedure Install_Ignore_Action (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
+      Result : Interfaces.C.int;
+   begin
+      Result := sigaction (Signal (Interrupt), Ignore_Action'Access, null);
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+   end Install_Ignore_Action;
+   -------------------------
+   -- Fill_Interrupt_Mask --
+   -------------------------
+   procedure Fill_Interrupt_Mask (Mask : access Interrupt_Mask) is
+      Result : Interfaces.C.int;
+   begin
+      Result := sigfillset (Mask);
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+   end Fill_Interrupt_Mask;
+   --------------------------
+   -- Empty_Interrupt_Mask --
+   --------------------------
+   procedure Empty_Interrupt_Mask (Mask : access Interrupt_Mask) is
+      Result : Interfaces.C.int;
+   begin
+      Result := sigemptyset (Mask);
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+   end Empty_Interrupt_Mask;
+   ---------------------------
+   -- Add_To_Interrupt_Mask --
+   ---------------------------
+   procedure Add_To_Interrupt_Mask
+     (Mask      : access Interrupt_Mask;
+      Interrupt : Interrupt_ID)
+   is
+      Result : Interfaces.C.int;
+   begin
+      Result := sigaddset (Mask, Signal (Interrupt));
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+   end Add_To_Interrupt_Mask;
+   --------------------------------
+   -- Delete_From_Interrupt_Mask --
+   --------------------------------
+   procedure Delete_From_Interrupt_Mask
+     (Mask      : access Interrupt_Mask;
+      Interrupt : Interrupt_ID)
+   is
+      Result : Interfaces.C.int;
+   begin
+      Result := sigdelset (Mask, Signal (Interrupt));
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+   end Delete_From_Interrupt_Mask;
+   ---------------
+   -- Is_Member --
+   ---------------
+   function Is_Member
+     (Mask      : access Interrupt_Mask;
+      Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Boolean
+   is
+      Result : Interfaces.C.int;
+   begin
+      Result := sigismember (Mask, Signal (Interrupt));
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0 or else Result = 1);
+      return Result = 1;
+   end Is_Member;
+   -------------------------
+   -- Copy_Interrupt_Mask --
+   -------------------------
+   procedure Copy_Interrupt_Mask
+     (X : out Interrupt_Mask;
+      Y : Interrupt_Mask) is
+   begin
+      X := Y;
+   end Copy_Interrupt_Mask;
+   ----------------------------
+   -- Interrupt_Self_Process --
+   ----------------------------
+   procedure Interrupt_Self_Process (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
+      Result : Interfaces.C.int;
+   begin
+      Result := kill (getpid, Signal (Interrupt));
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+   end Interrupt_Self_Process;
+   --------------------------
+   -- Setup_Interrupt_Mask --
+   --------------------------
+   procedure Setup_Interrupt_Mask is
+   begin
+      --  Mask task for all signals. The original mask of the Environment task
+      --  will be recovered by Interrupt_Manager task during the elaboration
+      --  of s-interr.adb.
+      Set_Interrupt_Mask (All_Tasks_Mask'Access);
+   end Setup_Interrupt_Mask;
+   declare
+      mask    : aliased sigset_t;
+      allmask : aliased sigset_t;
+      Result  : Interfaces.C.int;
+   begin
+      Interrupt_Management.Initialize;
+      for Sig in 1 .. Signal'Last loop
+         Result := sigaction
+           (Sig, null, Initial_Action (Sig)'Access);
+         --  ??? [assert 1]
+         --  we can't check Result here since sigaction will fail on
+         --  SIGKILL, SIGSTOP, and possibly other signals
+         --  pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+      end loop;
+      --  Setup the masks to be exported
+      Result := sigemptyset (mask'Access);
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+      Result := sigfillset (allmask'Access);
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+      Default_Action.sa_flags   := 0;
+      Default_Action.sa_mask    := mask;
+      Default_Action.sa_handler :=
+        Storage_Elements.To_Address
+          (Storage_Elements.Integer_Address (SIG_DFL));
+      Ignore_Action.sa_flags   := 0;
+      Ignore_Action.sa_mask    := mask;
+      Ignore_Action.sa_handler :=
+        Storage_Elements.To_Address
+          (Storage_Elements.Integer_Address (SIG_IGN));
+      for J in Interrupt_ID loop
+         if Keep_Unmasked (J) then
+            Result := sigaddset (mask'Access, Signal (J));
+            pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+            Result := sigdelset (allmask'Access, Signal (J));
+            pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+         end if;
+      end loop;
+      --  The Keep_Unmasked signals should be unmasked for Environment task
+      Result := pthread_sigmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, mask'Access, null);
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+      --  Get the signal mask of the Environment Task
+      Result := pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, null, mask'Access);
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+      --  Setup the constants exported
+      Environment_Mask := Interrupt_Mask (mask);
+      All_Tasks_Mask := Interrupt_Mask (allmask);
+   end;
+end System.Interrupt_Management.Operations;