diff gcc/ada/libgnarl/s-tasini.adb @ 111:04ced10e8804

gcc 7
author kono
date Fri, 27 Oct 2017 22:46:09 +0900
children 84e7813d76e9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnarl/s-tasini.adb	Fri Oct 27 22:46:09 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,785 @@
+--                                                                          --
+--                 GNAT RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS                 --
+--                                                                          --
+--         S Y S T E M . T A S K I N G . I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N        --
+--                                                                          --
+--                                  B o d y                                 --
+--                                                                          --
+--         Copyright (C) 1992-2017, Free Software Foundation, Inc.          --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNARL is free software; you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
+--                                                                          --
+-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
+-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
+-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
+--                                                                          --
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
+-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
+-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
+-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University.       --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc.     --
+--                                                                          --
+pragma Style_Checks (All_Checks);
+--  Turn off subprogram alpha ordering check, since we group soft link bodies
+--  and dummy soft link bodies together separately in this unit.
+pragma Polling (Off);
+--  Turn polling off for this package. We don't need polling during any of the
+--  routines in this package, and more to the point, if we try to poll it can
+--  cause infinite loops.
+with System.Task_Primitives;
+with System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
+with System.Soft_Links;
+with System.Soft_Links.Tasking;
+with System.Tasking.Debug;
+with System.Tasking.Task_Attributes;
+with System.Parameters;
+with System.Secondary_Stack;
+pragma Elaborate_All (System.Secondary_Stack);
+pragma Unreferenced (System.Secondary_Stack);
+--  Make sure the body of Secondary_Stack is elaborated before calling
+--  Init_Tasking_Soft_Links. See comments for this routine for explanation.
+package body System.Tasking.Initialization is
+   package STPO renames System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
+   package SSL  renames System.Soft_Links;
+   use Parameters;
+   use Task_Primitives.Operations;
+   Global_Task_Lock : aliased System.Task_Primitives.RTS_Lock;
+   --  This is a global lock; it is used to execute in mutual exclusion from
+   --  all other tasks. It is only used by Task_Lock, Task_Unlock, and
+   --  Final_Task_Unlock.
+   ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- Tasking versions of some services needed by non-tasking programs --
+   ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   procedure Abort_Defer;
+   --  NON-INLINE versions without Self_ID for soft links
+   procedure Abort_Undefer;
+   --  NON-INLINE versions without Self_ID for soft links
+   procedure Task_Lock;
+   --  Locks out other tasks. Preceding a section of code by Task_Lock and
+   --  following it by Task_Unlock creates a critical region. This is used
+   --  for ensuring that a region of non-tasking code (such as code used to
+   --  allocate memory) is tasking safe. Note that it is valid for calls to
+   --  Task_Lock/Task_Unlock to be nested, and this must work properly, i.e.
+   --  only the corresponding outer level Task_Unlock will actually unlock.
+   procedure Task_Unlock;
+   --  Releases lock previously set by call to Task_Lock. In the nested case,
+   --  all nested locks must be released before other tasks competing for the
+   --  tasking lock are released.
+   function Get_Current_Excep return SSL.EOA;
+   --  Task-safe version of SSL.Get_Current_Excep
+   function Task_Name return String;
+   --  Returns current task's name
+   ------------------------
+   --  Local Subprograms --
+   ------------------------
+   ----------------------------
+   -- Tasking Initialization --
+   ----------------------------
+   procedure Init_RTS;
+   --  This procedure completes the initialization of the GNARL. The first part
+   --  of the initialization is done in the body of System.Tasking. It consists
+   --  of initializing global locks, and installing tasking versions of certain
+   --  operations used by the compiler. Init_RTS is called during elaboration.
+   --------------------------
+   -- Change_Base_Priority --
+   --------------------------
+   --  Call only with abort deferred and holding Self_ID locked
+   procedure Change_Base_Priority (T : Task_Id) is
+   begin
+      if T.Common.Base_Priority /= T.New_Base_Priority then
+         T.Common.Base_Priority := T.New_Base_Priority;
+         Set_Priority (T, T.Common.Base_Priority);
+      end if;
+   end Change_Base_Priority;
+   ------------------------
+   -- Check_Abort_Status --
+   ------------------------
+   function Check_Abort_Status return Integer is
+      Self_ID : constant Task_Id := Self;
+   begin
+      if Self_ID /= null
+        and then Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 0
+        and then Self_ID.Pending_ATC_Level < Self_ID.ATC_Nesting_Level
+      then
+         return 1;
+      else
+         return 0;
+      end if;
+   end Check_Abort_Status;
+   -----------------
+   -- Defer_Abort --
+   -----------------
+   procedure Defer_Abort (Self_ID : Task_Id) is
+   begin
+      if No_Abort then
+         return;
+      end if;
+      pragma Assert (Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 0);
+      --  pragma Assert
+      --    (Self_ID.Pending_ATC_Level >= Self_ID.ATC_Nesting_Level);
+      --  The above check has been useful in detecting mismatched defer/undefer
+      --  pairs. You may uncomment it when testing on systems that support
+      --  preemptive abort.
+      --  If the OS supports preemptive abort (e.g. pthread_kill), it should
+      --  have happened already. A problem is with systems that do not support
+      --  preemptive abort, and so rely on polling. On such systems we may get
+      --  false failures of the assertion, since polling for pending abort does
+      --  no occur until the abort undefer operation.
+      --  Even on systems that only poll for abort, the assertion may be useful
+      --  for catching missed abort completion polling points. The operations
+      --  that undefer abort poll for pending aborts. This covers most of the
+      --  places where the core Ada semantics require abort to be caught,
+      --  without any special attention. However, this generally happens on
+      --  exit from runtime system call, which means a pending abort will not
+      --  be noticed on the way into the runtime system. We considered adding a
+      --  check for pending aborts at this point, but chose not to, because of
+      --  the overhead. Instead, we searched for RTS calls where abort
+      --  completion is required and a task could go farther than Ada allows
+      --  before undeferring abort; we then modified the code to ensure the
+      --  abort would be detected.
+      Self_ID.Deferral_Level := Self_ID.Deferral_Level + 1;
+   end Defer_Abort;
+   --------------------------
+   -- Defer_Abort_Nestable --
+   --------------------------
+   procedure Defer_Abort_Nestable (Self_ID : Task_Id) is
+   begin
+      if No_Abort then
+         return;
+      end if;
+      --  The following assertion is by default disabled. See the comment in
+      --  Defer_Abort on the situations in which it may be useful to uncomment
+      --  this assertion and enable the test.
+      --  pragma Assert
+      --    (Self_ID.Pending_ATC_Level >= Self_ID.ATC_Nesting_Level or else
+      --     Self_ID.Deferral_Level > 0);
+      Self_ID.Deferral_Level := Self_ID.Deferral_Level + 1;
+   end Defer_Abort_Nestable;
+   -----------------
+   -- Abort_Defer --
+   -----------------
+   procedure Abort_Defer is
+      Self_ID : Task_Id;
+   begin
+      if No_Abort then
+         return;
+      end if;
+      Self_ID := STPO.Self;
+      Self_ID.Deferral_Level := Self_ID.Deferral_Level + 1;
+   end Abort_Defer;
+   -----------------------
+   -- Get_Current_Excep --
+   -----------------------
+   function Get_Current_Excep return SSL.EOA is
+   begin
+      return STPO.Self.Common.Compiler_Data.Current_Excep'Access;
+   end Get_Current_Excep;
+   -----------------------
+   -- Do_Pending_Action --
+   -----------------------
+   --  Call only when holding no locks
+   procedure Do_Pending_Action (Self_ID : Task_Id) is
+   begin
+      pragma Assert (Self_ID = Self and then Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 0);
+      --  Needs loop to recheck for pending action in case a new one occurred
+      --  while we had abort deferred below.
+      loop
+         --  Temporarily defer abort so that we can lock Self_ID
+         Self_ID.Deferral_Level := Self_ID.Deferral_Level + 1;
+         if Single_Lock then
+            Lock_RTS;
+         end if;
+         Write_Lock (Self_ID);
+         Self_ID.Pending_Action := False;
+         Unlock (Self_ID);
+         if Single_Lock then
+            Unlock_RTS;
+         end if;
+         --  Restore the original Deferral value
+         Self_ID.Deferral_Level := Self_ID.Deferral_Level - 1;
+         if not Self_ID.Pending_Action then
+            if Self_ID.Pending_ATC_Level < Self_ID.ATC_Nesting_Level then
+               if not Self_ID.Aborting then
+                  Self_ID.Aborting := True;
+                  pragma Debug
+                    (Debug.Trace (Self_ID, "raise Abort_Signal", 'B'));
+                  raise Standard'Abort_Signal;
+                  pragma Assert (not Self_ID.ATC_Hack);
+               elsif Self_ID.ATC_Hack then
+                  --  The solution really belongs in the Abort_Signal handler
+                  --  for async. entry calls.  The present hack is very
+                  --  fragile. It relies that the very next point after
+                  --  Exit_One_ATC_Level at which the task becomes abortable
+                  --  will be the call to Undefer_Abort in the
+                  --  Abort_Signal handler.
+                  Self_ID.ATC_Hack := False;
+                  pragma Debug
+                    (Debug.Trace
+                     (Self_ID, "raise Abort_Signal (ATC hack)", 'B'));
+                  raise Standard'Abort_Signal;
+               end if;
+            end if;
+            return;
+         end if;
+      end loop;
+   end Do_Pending_Action;
+   -----------------------
+   -- Final_Task_Unlock --
+   -----------------------
+   --  This version is only for use in Terminate_Task, when the task is
+   --  relinquishing further rights to its own ATCB.
+   --  There is a very interesting potential race condition there, where the
+   --  old task may run concurrently with a new task that is allocated the old
+   --  tasks (now reused) ATCB. The critical thing here is to not make any
+   --  reference to the ATCB after the lock is released. See also comments on
+   --  Terminate_Task and Unlock.
+   procedure Final_Task_Unlock (Self_ID : Task_Id) is
+   begin
+      pragma Assert (Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting = 1);
+      Unlock (Global_Task_Lock'Access, Global_Lock => True);
+   end Final_Task_Unlock;
+   --------------
+   -- Init_RTS --
+   --------------
+   procedure Init_RTS is
+      Self_Id : Task_Id;
+   begin
+      Tasking.Initialize;
+      --  Terminate run time (regular vs restricted) specific initialization
+      --  of the environment task.
+      Self_Id := Environment_Task;
+      Self_Id.Master_of_Task := Environment_Task_Level;
+      Self_Id.Master_Within := Self_Id.Master_of_Task + 1;
+      for L in Self_Id.Entry_Calls'Range loop
+         Self_Id.Entry_Calls (L).Self := Self_Id;
+         Self_Id.Entry_Calls (L).Level := L;
+      end loop;
+      Self_Id.Awake_Count := 1;
+      Self_Id.Alive_Count := 1;
+      --  Normally, a task starts out with internal master nesting level one
+      --  larger than external master nesting level. It is incremented to one
+      --  by Enter_Master, which is called in the task body only if the
+      --  compiler thinks the task may have dependent tasks. There is no
+      --  corresponding call to Enter_Master for the environment task, so we
+      --  would need to increment it to 2 here. Instead, we set it to 3. By
+      --  doing this we reserve the level 2 for server tasks of the runtime
+      --  system. The environment task does not need to wait for these server
+      Self_Id.Master_Within := Library_Task_Level;
+      --  Initialize lock used to implement mutual exclusion between all tasks
+      Initialize_Lock (Global_Task_Lock'Access, STPO.Global_Task_Level);
+      --  Notify that the tasking run time has been elaborated so that
+      --  the tasking version of the soft links can be used.
+      if not No_Abort then
+         SSL.Abort_Defer   := Abort_Defer'Access;
+         SSL.Abort_Undefer := Abort_Undefer'Access;
+      end if;
+      SSL.Lock_Task          := Task_Lock'Access;
+      SSL.Unlock_Task        := Task_Unlock'Access;
+      SSL.Check_Abort_Status := Check_Abort_Status'Access;
+      SSL.Task_Name          := Task_Name'Access;
+      SSL.Get_Current_Excep  := Get_Current_Excep'Access;
+      --  Initialize the tasking soft links (if not done yet) that are common
+      --  to the full and the restricted run times.
+      SSL.Tasking.Init_Tasking_Soft_Links;
+      --  Abort is deferred in a new ATCB, so we need to undefer abort at this
+      --  stage to make the environment task abortable.
+      Undefer_Abort (Environment_Task);
+   end Init_RTS;
+   ---------------------------
+   -- Locked_Abort_To_Level--
+   ---------------------------
+   --  Abort a task to the specified ATC nesting level.
+   --  Call this only with T locked.
+   --  An earlier version of this code contained a call to Wakeup. That should
+   --  not be necessary here, if Abort_Task is implemented correctly, since
+   --  Abort_Task should include the effect of Wakeup. However, the above call
+   --  was in earlier versions of this file, and at least for some targets
+   --  Abort_Task has not been doing Wakeup. It should not hurt to uncomment
+   --  the above call, until the error is corrected for all targets.
+   --  See extended comments in package body System.Tasking.Abort for the
+   --  overall design of the implementation of task abort.
+   --  ??? there is no such package ???
+   --  If the task is sleeping it will be in an abort-deferred region, and will
+   --  not have Abort_Signal raised by Abort_Task. Such an "abort deferral" is
+   --  just to protect the RTS internals, and not necessarily required to
+   --  enforce Ada semantics. Abort_Task should wake the task up and let it
+   --  decide if it wants to complete the aborted construct immediately.
+   --  Note that the effect of the low-level Abort_Task is not persistent.
+   --  If the target task is not blocked, this wakeup will be missed.
+   --  We don't bother calling Abort_Task if this task is aborting itself,
+   --  since we are inside the RTS and have abort deferred. Similarly, We don't
+   --  bother to call Abort_Task if T is terminated, since there is no need to
+   --  abort a terminated task, and it could be dangerous to try if the task
+   --  has stopped executing.
+   --  Note that an earlier version of this code had some false reasoning about
+   --  being able to reliably wake up a task that had suspended on a blocking
+   --  system call that does not atomically release the task's lock (e.g., UNIX
+   --  nanosleep, which we once thought could be used to implement delays).
+   --  That still left the possibility of missed wakeups.
+   --  We cannot safely call Vulnerable_Complete_Activation here, since that
+   --  requires locking Self_ID.Parent. The anti-deadlock lock ordering rules
+   --  would then require us to release the lock on Self_ID first, which would
+   --  create a timing window for other tasks to lock Self_ID. This is
+   --  significant for tasks that may be aborted before their execution can
+   --  enter the task body, and so they do not get a chance to call
+   --  Complete_Task. The actual work for this case is done in Terminate_Task.
+   procedure Locked_Abort_To_Level
+     (Self_ID : Task_Id;
+      T       : Task_Id;
+      L       : ATC_Level)
+   is
+   begin
+      if not T.Aborting and then T /= Self_ID then
+         case T.Common.State is
+            when Terminated
+               | Unactivated
+            =>
+               pragma Assert (False);
+               null;
+            when Activating
+               | Runnable
+            =>
+               --  This is needed to cancel an asynchronous protected entry
+               --  call during a requeue with abort.
+               T.Entry_Calls
+                 (T.ATC_Nesting_Level).Cancellation_Attempted := True;
+            when Interrupt_Server_Blocked_On_Event_Flag =>
+               null;
+            when AST_Server_Sleep
+               | Async_Select_Sleep
+               | Delay_Sleep
+               | Interrupt_Server_Blocked_Interrupt_Sleep
+               | Interrupt_Server_Idle_Sleep
+               | Timer_Server_Sleep
+            =>
+               Wakeup (T, T.Common.State);
+            when Acceptor_Delay_Sleep
+               | Acceptor_Sleep
+            =>
+               T.Open_Accepts := null;
+               Wakeup (T, T.Common.State);
+            when Entry_Caller_Sleep  =>
+               T.Entry_Calls
+                 (T.ATC_Nesting_Level).Cancellation_Attempted := True;
+               Wakeup (T, T.Common.State);
+            when Activator_Sleep
+               | Asynchronous_Hold
+               | Master_Completion_Sleep
+               | Master_Phase_2_Sleep
+            =>
+               null;
+         end case;
+      end if;
+      if T.Pending_ATC_Level > L then
+         T.Pending_ATC_Level := L;
+         T.Pending_Action := True;
+         if L = 0 then
+            T.Callable := False;
+         end if;
+         --  This prevents aborted task from accepting calls
+         if T.Aborting then
+            --  The test above is just a heuristic, to reduce wasteful
+            --  calls to Abort_Task.  We are holding T locked, and this
+            --  value will not be set to False except with T also locked,
+            --  inside Exit_One_ATC_Level, so we should not miss wakeups.
+            if T.Common.State = Acceptor_Sleep
+                 or else
+               T.Common.State = Acceptor_Delay_Sleep
+            then
+               T.Open_Accepts := null;
+            end if;
+         elsif T /= Self_ID and then
+           (T.Common.State = Runnable
+             or else T.Common.State = Interrupt_Server_Blocked_On_Event_Flag)
+            --  The task is blocked on a system call waiting for the
+            --  completion event. In this case Abort_Task may need to take
+            --  special action in order to succeed.
+         then
+            Abort_Task (T);
+         end if;
+      end if;
+   end Locked_Abort_To_Level;
+   --------------------------------
+   -- Remove_From_All_Tasks_List --
+   --------------------------------
+   procedure Remove_From_All_Tasks_List (T : Task_Id) is
+      C        : Task_Id;
+      Previous : Task_Id;
+   begin
+      pragma Debug
+        (Debug.Trace (Self, "Remove_From_All_Tasks_List", 'C'));
+      Previous := Null_Task;
+      C := All_Tasks_List;
+      while C /= Null_Task loop
+         if C = T then
+            if Previous = Null_Task then
+               All_Tasks_List := All_Tasks_List.Common.All_Tasks_Link;
+            else
+               Previous.Common.All_Tasks_Link := C.Common.All_Tasks_Link;
+            end if;
+            return;
+         end if;
+         Previous := C;
+         C := C.Common.All_Tasks_Link;
+      end loop;
+      pragma Assert (False);
+   end Remove_From_All_Tasks_List;
+   ---------------
+   -- Task_Lock --
+   ---------------
+   procedure Task_Lock (Self_ID : Task_Id) is
+   begin
+      Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting :=
+        Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting + 1;
+      if Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting = 1 then
+         Defer_Abort_Nestable (Self_ID);
+         Write_Lock (Global_Task_Lock'Access, Global_Lock => True);
+      end if;
+   end Task_Lock;
+   procedure Task_Lock is
+   begin
+      Task_Lock (STPO.Self);
+   end Task_Lock;
+   ---------------
+   -- Task_Name --
+   ---------------
+   function Task_Name return String is
+      Self_Id : constant Task_Id := STPO.Self;
+   begin
+      return Self_Id.Common.Task_Image (1 .. Self_Id.Common.Task_Image_Len);
+   end Task_Name;
+   -----------------
+   -- Task_Unlock --
+   -----------------
+   procedure Task_Unlock (Self_ID : Task_Id) is
+   begin
+      pragma Assert (Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting > 0);
+      Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting :=
+        Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting - 1;
+      if Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting = 0 then
+         Unlock (Global_Task_Lock'Access, Global_Lock => True);
+         Undefer_Abort_Nestable (Self_ID);
+      end if;
+   end Task_Unlock;
+   procedure Task_Unlock is
+   begin
+      Task_Unlock (STPO.Self);
+   end Task_Unlock;
+   -------------------
+   -- Undefer_Abort --
+   -------------------
+   --  Precondition : Self does not hold any locks
+   --  Undefer_Abort is called on any abort completion point (aka.
+   --  synchronization point). It performs the following actions if they
+   --  are pending: (1) change the base priority, (2) abort the task.
+   --  The priority change has to occur before abort. Otherwise, it would
+   --  take effect no earlier than the next abort completion point.
+   procedure Undefer_Abort (Self_ID : Task_Id) is
+   begin
+      if No_Abort then
+         return;
+      end if;
+      pragma Assert (Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 1);
+      Self_ID.Deferral_Level := Self_ID.Deferral_Level - 1;
+      if Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 0 then
+         pragma Assert (Check_No_Locks (Self_ID));
+         if Self_ID.Pending_Action then
+            Do_Pending_Action (Self_ID);
+         end if;
+      end if;
+   end Undefer_Abort;
+   ----------------------------
+   -- Undefer_Abort_Nestable --
+   ----------------------------
+   --  An earlier version would re-defer abort if an abort is in progress.
+   --  Then, we modified the effect of the raise statement so that it defers
+   --  abort until control reaches a handler. That was done to prevent
+   --  "skipping over" a handler if another asynchronous abort occurs during
+   --  the propagation of the abort to the handler.
+   --  There has been talk of reversing that decision, based on a newer
+   --  implementation of exception propagation. Care must be taken to evaluate
+   --  how such a change would interact with the above code and all the places
+   --  where abort-deferral is used to bridge over critical transitions, such
+   --  as entry to the scope of a region with a finalizer and entry into the
+   --  body of an accept-procedure.
+   procedure Undefer_Abort_Nestable (Self_ID : Task_Id) is
+   begin
+      if No_Abort then
+         return;
+      end if;
+      pragma Assert (Self_ID.Deferral_Level > 0);
+      Self_ID.Deferral_Level := Self_ID.Deferral_Level - 1;
+      if Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 0 then
+         pragma Assert (Check_No_Locks (Self_ID));
+         if Self_ID.Pending_Action then
+            Do_Pending_Action (Self_ID);
+         end if;
+      end if;
+   end Undefer_Abort_Nestable;
+   -------------------
+   -- Abort_Undefer --
+   -------------------
+   procedure Abort_Undefer is
+      Self_ID : Task_Id;
+   begin
+      if No_Abort then
+         return;
+      end if;
+      Self_ID := STPO.Self;
+      if Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 0 then
+         --  In case there are different views on whether Abort is supported
+         --  between the expander and the run time, we may end up with
+         --  Self_ID.Deferral_Level being equal to zero, when called from
+         --  the procedure created by the expander that corresponds to a
+         --  task body. In this case, there's nothing to be done.
+         --  See related code in System.Tasking.Stages.Create_Task resetting
+         --  Deferral_Level when System.Restrictions.Abort_Allowed is False.
+         return;
+      end if;
+      pragma Assert (Self_ID.Deferral_Level > 0);
+      Self_ID.Deferral_Level := Self_ID.Deferral_Level - 1;
+      if Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 0 then
+         pragma Assert (Check_No_Locks (Self_ID));
+         if Self_ID.Pending_Action then
+            Do_Pending_Action (Self_ID);
+         end if;
+      end if;
+   end Abort_Undefer;
+   --------------------------
+   -- Wakeup_Entry_Caller --
+   --------------------------
+   --  This is called at the end of service of an entry call, to abort the
+   --  caller if he is in an abortable part, and to wake up the caller if it
+   --  is on Entry_Caller_Sleep. It assumes that the call is already off-queue.
+   --  (This enforces the rule that a task must be off-queue if its state is
+   --  Done or Cancelled.) Call it holding the lock of Entry_Call.Self.
+   --  Timed_Call or Simple_Call:
+   --    The caller is waiting on Entry_Caller_Sleep, in
+   --    Wait_For_Completion, or Wait_For_Completion_With_Timeout.
+   --  Conditional_Call:
+   --    The caller might be in Wait_For_Completion,
+   --    waiting for a rendezvous (possibly requeued without abort)
+   --    to complete.
+   --  Asynchronous_Call:
+   --    The caller may be executing in the abortable part o
+   --    an async. select, or on a time delay,
+   --    if Entry_Call.State >= Was_Abortable.
+   procedure Wakeup_Entry_Caller
+     (Self_ID    : Task_Id;
+      Entry_Call : Entry_Call_Link;
+      New_State  : Entry_Call_State)
+   is
+      Caller : constant Task_Id := Entry_Call.Self;
+   begin
+      pragma Debug (Debug.Trace
+        (Self_ID, "Wakeup_Entry_Caller", 'E', Caller));
+      pragma Assert (New_State = Done or else New_State = Cancelled);
+      pragma Assert (Caller.Common.State /= Unactivated);
+      Entry_Call.State := New_State;
+      if Entry_Call.Mode = Asynchronous_Call then
+         --  Abort the caller in his abortable part, but do so only if call has
+         --  been queued abortably.
+         if Entry_Call.State >= Was_Abortable or else New_State = Done then
+            Locked_Abort_To_Level (Self_ID, Caller, Entry_Call.Level - 1);
+         end if;
+      elsif Caller.Common.State = Entry_Caller_Sleep then
+         Wakeup (Caller, Entry_Caller_Sleep);
+      end if;
+   end Wakeup_Entry_Caller;
+   -------------------------
+   -- Finalize_Attributes --
+   -------------------------
+   procedure Finalize_Attributes (T : Task_Id) is
+      Attr : Atomic_Address;
+   begin
+      for J in T.Attributes'Range loop
+         Attr := T.Attributes (J);
+         if Attr /= 0 and then Task_Attributes.Require_Finalization (J) then
+            Task_Attributes.To_Attribute (Attr).Free (Attr);
+            T.Attributes (J) := 0;
+         end if;
+      end loop;
+   end Finalize_Attributes;
+   Init_RTS;
+end System.Tasking.Initialization;