diff gcc/ada/libgnat/a-cforse.adb @ 111:04ced10e8804

gcc 7
author kono
date Fri, 27 Oct 2017 22:46:09 +0900
children 84e7813d76e9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/a-cforse.adb	Fri Oct 27 22:46:09 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1898 @@
+--                                                                          --
+--                         GNAT LIBRARY COMPONENTS                          --
+--                                                                          --
+--   A D A . C O N T A I N E R S . F O R M A L _ O R D E R E D _ S E T S    --
+--                                                                          --
+--                                 B o d y                                  --
+--                                                                          --
+--          Copyright (C) 2010-2017, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
+--                                                                          --
+-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
+-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
+-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
+--                                                                          --
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
+-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
+-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
+-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
+with Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Bounded_Operations;
+pragma Elaborate_All
+  (Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Bounded_Operations);
+with Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Bounded_Keys;
+pragma Elaborate_All (Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Bounded_Keys);
+with Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Bounded_Set_Operations;
+pragma Elaborate_All
+  (Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Bounded_Set_Operations);
+with System; use type System.Address;
+package body Ada.Containers.Formal_Ordered_Sets with
+  SPARK_Mode => Off
+   ------------------------------
+   -- Access to Fields of Node --
+   ------------------------------
+   --  These subprograms provide functional notation for access to fields
+   --  of a node, and procedural notation for modifiying these fields.
+   function Color (Node : Node_Type) return Red_Black_Trees.Color_Type;
+   pragma Inline (Color);
+   function Left_Son (Node : Node_Type) return Count_Type;
+   pragma Inline (Left_Son);
+   function Parent (Node : Node_Type) return Count_Type;
+   pragma Inline (Parent);
+   function Right_Son (Node : Node_Type) return Count_Type;
+   pragma Inline (Right_Son);
+   procedure Set_Color
+     (Node  : in out Node_Type;
+      Color : Red_Black_Trees.Color_Type);
+   pragma Inline (Set_Color);
+   procedure Set_Left (Node : in out Node_Type; Left : Count_Type);
+   pragma Inline (Set_Left);
+   procedure Set_Right (Node : in out Node_Type; Right : Count_Type);
+   pragma Inline (Set_Right);
+   procedure Set_Parent (Node : in out Node_Type; Parent : Count_Type);
+   pragma Inline (Set_Parent);
+   -----------------------
+   -- Local Subprograms --
+   -----------------------
+   --  Comments needed???
+   generic
+      with procedure Set_Element (Node : in out Node_Type);
+   procedure Generic_Allocate
+     (Tree : in out Tree_Types.Tree_Type'Class;
+      Node : out Count_Type);
+   procedure Free (Tree : in out Set; X : Count_Type);
+   procedure Insert_Sans_Hint
+     (Container : in out Set;
+      New_Item  : Element_Type;
+      Node      : out Count_Type;
+      Inserted  : out Boolean);
+   procedure Insert_With_Hint
+     (Dst_Set  : in out Set;
+      Dst_Hint : Count_Type;
+      Src_Node : Node_Type;
+      Dst_Node : out Count_Type);
+   function Is_Greater_Element_Node
+     (Left  : Element_Type;
+      Right : Node_Type) return Boolean;
+   pragma Inline (Is_Greater_Element_Node);
+   function Is_Less_Element_Node
+     (Left  : Element_Type;
+      Right : Node_Type) return Boolean;
+   pragma Inline (Is_Less_Element_Node);
+   function Is_Less_Node_Node (L, R : Node_Type) return Boolean;
+   pragma Inline (Is_Less_Node_Node);
+   procedure Replace_Element
+     (Tree : in out Set;
+      Node : Count_Type;
+      Item : Element_Type);
+   --------------------------
+   -- Local Instantiations --
+   --------------------------
+   package Tree_Operations is
+     new Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Bounded_Operations
+       (Tree_Types,
+        Left  => Left_Son,
+        Right => Right_Son);
+   use Tree_Operations;
+   package Element_Keys is
+     new Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Bounded_Keys
+       (Tree_Operations     => Tree_Operations,
+        Key_Type            => Element_Type,
+        Is_Less_Key_Node    => Is_Less_Element_Node,
+        Is_Greater_Key_Node => Is_Greater_Element_Node);
+   package Set_Ops is
+     new Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Bounded_Set_Operations
+       (Tree_Operations  => Tree_Operations,
+        Set_Type         => Set,
+        Assign           => Assign,
+        Insert_With_Hint => Insert_With_Hint,
+        Is_Less          => Is_Less_Node_Node);
+   ---------
+   -- "=" --
+   ---------
+   function "=" (Left, Right : Set) return Boolean is
+      Lst   : Count_Type;
+      Node  : Count_Type;
+      ENode : Count_Type;
+   begin
+      if Length (Left) /= Length (Right) then
+         return False;
+      end if;
+      if Is_Empty (Left) then
+         return True;
+      end if;
+      Lst := Next (Left, Last (Left).Node);
+      Node := First (Left).Node;
+      while Node /= Lst loop
+         ENode := Find (Right, Left.Nodes (Node).Element).Node;
+         if ENode = 0
+           or else Left.Nodes (Node).Element /= Right.Nodes (ENode).Element
+         then
+            return False;
+         end if;
+         Node := Next (Left, Node);
+      end loop;
+      return True;
+   end "=";
+   ------------
+   -- Assign --
+   ------------
+   procedure Assign (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) is
+      procedure Append_Element (Source_Node : Count_Type);
+      procedure Append_Elements is
+        new Tree_Operations.Generic_Iteration (Append_Element);
+      --------------------
+      -- Append_Element --
+      --------------------
+      procedure Append_Element (Source_Node : Count_Type) is
+         SN : Node_Type renames Source.Nodes (Source_Node);
+         procedure Set_Element (Node : in out Node_Type);
+         pragma Inline (Set_Element);
+         function New_Node return Count_Type;
+         pragma Inline (New_Node);
+         procedure Insert_Post is
+           new Element_Keys.Generic_Insert_Post (New_Node);
+         procedure Unconditional_Insert_Sans_Hint is
+           new Element_Keys.Generic_Unconditional_Insert (Insert_Post);
+         procedure Unconditional_Insert_Avec_Hint is
+           new Element_Keys.Generic_Unconditional_Insert_With_Hint
+                 (Insert_Post,
+                  Unconditional_Insert_Sans_Hint);
+         procedure Allocate is new Generic_Allocate (Set_Element);
+         --------------
+         -- New_Node --
+         --------------
+         function New_Node return Count_Type is
+            Result : Count_Type;
+         begin
+            Allocate (Target, Result);
+            return Result;
+         end New_Node;
+         -----------------
+         -- Set_Element --
+         -----------------
+         procedure Set_Element (Node : in out Node_Type) is
+         begin
+            Node.Element := SN.Element;
+         end Set_Element;
+         --  Local variables
+         Target_Node : Count_Type;
+      --  Start of processing for Append_Element
+      begin
+         Unconditional_Insert_Avec_Hint
+           (Tree  => Target,
+            Hint  => 0,
+            Key   => SN.Element,
+            Node  => Target_Node);
+      end Append_Element;
+   --  Start of processing for Assign
+   begin
+      if Target'Address = Source'Address then
+         return;
+      end if;
+      if Target.Capacity < Source.Length then
+         raise Constraint_Error
+           with "Target capacity is less than Source length";
+      end if;
+      Tree_Operations.Clear_Tree (Target);
+      Append_Elements (Source);
+   end Assign;
+   -------------
+   -- Ceiling --
+   -------------
+   function Ceiling (Container : Set; Item : Element_Type) return Cursor is
+      Node : constant Count_Type := Element_Keys.Ceiling (Container, Item);
+   begin
+      if Node = 0 then
+         return No_Element;
+      end if;
+      return (Node => Node);
+   end Ceiling;
+   -----------
+   -- Clear --
+   -----------
+   procedure Clear (Container : in out Set) is
+   begin
+      Tree_Operations.Clear_Tree (Container);
+   end Clear;
+   -----------
+   -- Color --
+   -----------
+   function Color (Node : Node_Type) return Red_Black_Trees.Color_Type is
+   begin
+      return Node.Color;
+   end Color;
+   --------------
+   -- Contains --
+   --------------
+   function Contains
+     (Container : Set;
+      Item      : Element_Type) return Boolean
+   is
+   begin
+      return Find (Container, Item) /= No_Element;
+   end Contains;
+   ----------
+   -- Copy --
+   ----------
+   function Copy (Source : Set; Capacity : Count_Type := 0) return Set is
+      Node   : Count_Type;
+      N      : Count_Type;
+      Target : Set (Count_Type'Max (Source.Capacity, Capacity));
+   begin
+      if 0 < Capacity and then Capacity < Source.Capacity then
+         raise Capacity_Error;
+      end if;
+      if Length (Source) > 0 then
+         Target.Length := Source.Length;
+         Target.Root   := Source.Root;
+         Target.First  := Source.First;
+         Target.Last   := Source.Last;
+         Target.Free   := Source.Free;
+         Node := 1;
+         while Node <= Source.Capacity loop
+            Target.Nodes (Node).Element :=
+              Source.Nodes (Node).Element;
+            Target.Nodes (Node).Parent :=
+              Source.Nodes (Node).Parent;
+            Target.Nodes (Node).Left :=
+              Source.Nodes (Node).Left;
+            Target.Nodes (Node).Right :=
+              Source.Nodes (Node).Right;
+            Target.Nodes (Node).Color :=
+              Source.Nodes (Node).Color;
+            Target.Nodes (Node).Has_Element :=
+              Source.Nodes (Node).Has_Element;
+            Node := Node + 1;
+         end loop;
+         while Node <= Target.Capacity loop
+            N := Node;
+            Formal_Ordered_Sets.Free (Tree => Target, X => N);
+            Node := Node + 1;
+         end loop;
+      end if;
+      return Target;
+   end Copy;
+   ------------
+   -- Delete --
+   ------------
+   procedure Delete (Container : in out Set; Position : in out Cursor) is
+   begin
+      if not Has_Element (Container, Position) then
+         raise Constraint_Error with "Position cursor has no element";
+      end if;
+      pragma Assert (Vet (Container, Position.Node),
+                     "bad cursor in Delete");
+      Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Container,
+                                             Position.Node);
+      Formal_Ordered_Sets.Free (Container, Position.Node);
+      Position := No_Element;
+   end Delete;
+   procedure Delete (Container : in out Set; Item : Element_Type) is
+      X : constant Count_Type := Element_Keys.Find (Container, Item);
+   begin
+      if X = 0 then
+         raise Constraint_Error with "attempt to delete element not in set";
+      end if;
+      Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Container, X);
+      Formal_Ordered_Sets.Free (Container, X);
+   end Delete;
+   ------------------
+   -- Delete_First --
+   ------------------
+   procedure Delete_First (Container : in out Set) is
+      X    : constant Count_Type := Container.First;
+   begin
+      if X /= 0 then
+         Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Container, X);
+         Formal_Ordered_Sets.Free (Container, X);
+      end if;
+   end Delete_First;
+   -----------------
+   -- Delete_Last --
+   -----------------
+   procedure Delete_Last (Container : in out Set) is
+      X    : constant Count_Type := Container.Last;
+   begin
+      if X /= 0 then
+         Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Container, X);
+         Formal_Ordered_Sets.Free (Container, X);
+      end if;
+   end Delete_Last;
+   ----------------
+   -- Difference --
+   ----------------
+   procedure Difference (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) is
+   begin
+      Set_Ops.Set_Difference (Target, Source);
+   end Difference;
+   function Difference (Left, Right : Set) return Set is
+   begin
+      if Left'Address = Right'Address then
+         return Empty_Set;
+      end if;
+      if Length (Left) = 0 then
+         return Empty_Set;
+      end if;
+      if Length (Right) = 0 then
+         return Left.Copy;
+      end if;
+      return S : Set (Length (Left)) do
+            Assign (S, Set_Ops.Set_Difference (Left, Right));
+      end return;
+   end Difference;
+   -------------
+   -- Element --
+   -------------
+   function Element (Container : Set; Position : Cursor) return Element_Type is
+   begin
+      if not Has_Element (Container, Position) then
+         raise Constraint_Error with "Position cursor has no element";
+      end if;
+      pragma Assert (Vet (Container, Position.Node),
+                     "bad cursor in Element");
+      return Container.Nodes (Position.Node).Element;
+   end Element;
+   -------------------------
+   -- Equivalent_Elements --
+   -------------------------
+   function Equivalent_Elements (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is
+   begin
+      if Left < Right
+        or else Right < Left
+      then
+         return False;
+      else
+         return True;
+      end if;
+   end Equivalent_Elements;
+   ---------------------
+   -- Equivalent_Sets --
+   ---------------------
+   function Equivalent_Sets (Left, Right : Set) return Boolean is
+      function Is_Equivalent_Node_Node
+        (L, R : Node_Type) return Boolean;
+      pragma Inline (Is_Equivalent_Node_Node);
+      function Is_Equivalent is
+        new Tree_Operations.Generic_Equal (Is_Equivalent_Node_Node);
+      -----------------------------
+      -- Is_Equivalent_Node_Node --
+      -----------------------------
+      function Is_Equivalent_Node_Node (L, R : Node_Type) return Boolean is
+      begin
+         if L.Element < R.Element then
+            return False;
+         elsif R.Element < L.Element then
+            return False;
+         else
+            return True;
+         end if;
+      end Is_Equivalent_Node_Node;
+   --  Start of processing for Equivalent_Sets
+   begin
+      return Is_Equivalent (Left, Right);
+   end Equivalent_Sets;
+   -------------
+   -- Exclude --
+   -------------
+   procedure Exclude (Container : in out Set; Item : Element_Type) is
+      X : constant Count_Type := Element_Keys.Find (Container, Item);
+   begin
+      if X /= 0 then
+         Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Container, X);
+         Formal_Ordered_Sets.Free (Container, X);
+      end if;
+   end Exclude;
+   ----------
+   -- Find --
+   ----------
+   function Find (Container : Set; Item : Element_Type) return Cursor is
+      Node : constant Count_Type := Element_Keys.Find (Container, Item);
+   begin
+      if Node = 0 then
+         return No_Element;
+      end if;
+      return (Node => Node);
+   end Find;
+   -----------
+   -- First --
+   -----------
+   function First (Container : Set) return Cursor is
+   begin
+      if Length (Container) = 0 then
+         return No_Element;
+      end if;
+      return (Node => Container.First);
+   end First;
+   -------------------
+   -- First_Element --
+   -------------------
+   function First_Element (Container : Set) return Element_Type is
+      Fst : constant Count_Type := First (Container).Node;
+   begin
+      if Fst = 0 then
+         raise Constraint_Error with "set is empty";
+      end if;
+      declare
+         N : Tree_Types.Nodes_Type renames Container.Nodes;
+      begin
+         return N (Fst).Element;
+      end;
+   end First_Element;
+   -----------
+   -- Floor --
+   -----------
+   function Floor (Container : Set; Item : Element_Type) return Cursor is
+   begin
+      declare
+         Node : constant Count_Type := Element_Keys.Floor (Container, Item);
+      begin
+         if Node = 0 then
+            return No_Element;
+         end if;
+         return (Node => Node);
+      end;
+   end Floor;
+   ------------------
+   -- Formal_Model --
+   ------------------
+   package body Formal_Model is
+      -------------------------
+      -- E_Bigger_Than_Range --
+      -------------------------
+      function E_Bigger_Than_Range
+        (Container : E.Sequence;
+         Fst       : Positive_Count_Type;
+         Lst       : Count_Type;
+         Item      : Element_Type) return Boolean
+      is
+      begin
+         for I in Fst .. Lst loop
+            if not (E.Get (Container, I) < Item) then
+               return False;
+            end if;
+         end loop;
+         return True;
+      end E_Bigger_Than_Range;
+      -------------------------
+      -- E_Elements_Included --
+      -------------------------
+      function E_Elements_Included
+        (Left  : E.Sequence;
+         Right : E.Sequence) return Boolean
+      is
+      begin
+         for I in 1 .. E.Length (Left) loop
+            if not E.Contains (Right, 1, E.Length (Right), E.Get (Left, I))
+            then
+               return False;
+            end if;
+         end loop;
+         return True;
+      end E_Elements_Included;
+      function E_Elements_Included
+        (Left  : E.Sequence;
+         Model : M.Set;
+         Right : E.Sequence) return Boolean
+      is
+      begin
+         for I in 1 .. E.Length (Left) loop
+            declare
+               Item : constant Element_Type := E.Get (Left, I);
+            begin
+               if M.Contains (Model, Item) then
+                  if not E.Contains (Right, 1, E.Length (Right), Item) then
+                     return False;
+                  end if;
+               end if;
+            end;
+         end loop;
+         return True;
+      end E_Elements_Included;
+      function E_Elements_Included
+        (Container : E.Sequence;
+         Model     : M.Set;
+         Left      : E.Sequence;
+         Right     : E.Sequence) return Boolean
+      is
+      begin
+         for I in 1 .. E.Length (Container) loop
+            declare
+               Item : constant Element_Type := E.Get (Container, I);
+            begin
+               if M.Contains (Model, Item) then
+                  if not E.Contains (Left, 1, E.Length (Left), Item) then
+                     return False;
+                  end if;
+               else
+                  if not E.Contains (Right, 1, E.Length (Right), Item) then
+                     return False;
+                  end if;
+               end if;
+            end;
+         end loop;
+         return True;
+      end E_Elements_Included;
+      ---------------
+      -- E_Is_Find --
+      ---------------
+      function E_Is_Find
+        (Container : E.Sequence;
+         Item      : Element_Type;
+         Position  : Count_Type) return Boolean
+      is
+      begin
+         for I in 1 .. Position - 1 loop
+            if Item < E.Get (Container, I) then
+               return False;
+            end if;
+         end loop;
+         if Position < E.Length (Container) then
+            for I in Position + 1 .. E.Length (Container) loop
+               if E.Get (Container, I) < Item then
+                  return False;
+               end if;
+            end loop;
+         end if;
+         return True;
+      end E_Is_Find;
+      --------------------------
+      -- E_Smaller_Than_Range --
+      --------------------------
+      function E_Smaller_Than_Range
+        (Container : E.Sequence;
+         Fst       : Positive_Count_Type;
+         Lst       : Count_Type;
+         Item      : Element_Type) return Boolean
+      is
+      begin
+         for I in Fst .. Lst loop
+            if not (Item < E.Get (Container, I)) then
+               return False;
+            end if;
+         end loop;
+         return True;
+      end E_Smaller_Than_Range;
+      ----------
+      -- Find --
+      ----------
+      function Find
+        (Container : E.Sequence;
+         Item      : Element_Type) return Count_Type
+      is
+      begin
+         for I in 1 .. E.Length (Container) loop
+            if Equivalent_Elements (Item, E.Get (Container, I)) then
+               return I;
+            end if;
+         end loop;
+         return 0;
+      end Find;
+      --------------
+      -- Elements --
+      --------------
+      function Elements (Container : Set) return E.Sequence is
+         Position : Count_Type := Container.First;
+         R        : E.Sequence;
+      begin
+         --  Can't use First, Next or Element here, since they depend on models
+         --  for their postconditions.
+         while Position /= 0 loop
+            R := E.Add (R, Container.Nodes (Position).Element);
+            Position := Tree_Operations.Next (Container, Position);
+         end loop;
+         return R;
+      end Elements;
+      ----------------------------
+      -- Lift_Abstraction_Level --
+      ----------------------------
+      procedure Lift_Abstraction_Level (Container : Set) is null;
+      -----------------------
+      -- Mapping_Preserved --
+      -----------------------
+      function Mapping_Preserved
+        (E_Left  : E.Sequence;
+         E_Right : E.Sequence;
+         P_Left  : P.Map;
+         P_Right : P.Map) return Boolean
+      is
+      begin
+         for C of P_Left loop
+            if not P.Has_Key (P_Right, C)
+              or else P.Get (P_Left,  C) > E.Length (E_Left)
+              or else P.Get (P_Right, C) > E.Length (E_Right)
+              or else E.Get (E_Left,  P.Get (P_Left,  C)) /=
+                      E.Get (E_Right, P.Get (P_Right, C))
+            then
+               return False;
+            end if;
+         end loop;
+         return True;
+      end Mapping_Preserved;
+      ------------------------------
+      -- Mapping_Preserved_Except --
+      ------------------------------
+      function Mapping_Preserved_Except
+        (E_Left   : E.Sequence;
+         E_Right  : E.Sequence;
+         P_Left   : P.Map;
+         P_Right  : P.Map;
+         Position : Cursor) return Boolean
+      is
+      begin
+         for C of P_Left loop
+            if C /= Position
+              and (not P.Has_Key (P_Right, C)
+                    or else P.Get (P_Left,  C) > E.Length (E_Left)
+                    or else P.Get (P_Right, C) > E.Length (E_Right)
+                    or else E.Get (E_Left,  P.Get (P_Left,  C)) /=
+                            E.Get (E_Right, P.Get (P_Right, C)))
+            then
+               return False;
+            end if;
+         end loop;
+         return True;
+      end Mapping_Preserved_Except;
+      -------------------------
+      -- P_Positions_Shifted --
+      -------------------------
+      function P_Positions_Shifted
+        (Small : P.Map;
+         Big   : P.Map;
+         Cut   : Positive_Count_Type;
+         Count : Count_Type := 1) return Boolean
+      is
+      begin
+         for Cu of Small loop
+            if not P.Has_Key (Big, Cu) then
+               return False;
+            end if;
+         end loop;
+         for Cu of Big loop
+            declare
+               Pos : constant Positive_Count_Type := P.Get (Big, Cu);
+            begin
+               if Pos < Cut then
+                  if not P.Has_Key (Small, Cu)
+                    or else Pos /= P.Get (Small, Cu)
+                  then
+                     return False;
+                  end if;
+               elsif Pos >= Cut + Count then
+                  if not P.Has_Key (Small, Cu)
+                    or else Pos /= P.Get (Small, Cu) + Count
+                  then
+                     return False;
+                  end if;
+               else
+                  if P.Has_Key (Small, Cu) then
+                     return False;
+                  end if;
+               end if;
+            end;
+         end loop;
+         return True;
+      end P_Positions_Shifted;
+      -----------
+      -- Model --
+      -----------
+      function Model (Container : Set) return M.Set is
+         Position : Count_Type := Container.First;
+         R        : M.Set;
+      begin
+         --  Can't use First, Next or Element here, since they depend on models
+         --  for their postconditions.
+         while Position /= 0 loop
+            R :=
+              M.Add
+                (Container => R,
+                 Item      => Container.Nodes (Position).Element);
+            Position := Tree_Operations.Next (Container, Position);
+         end loop;
+         return R;
+      end Model;
+      ---------------
+      -- Positions --
+      ---------------
+      function Positions (Container : Set) return P.Map is
+         I        : Count_Type := 1;
+         Position : Count_Type := Container.First;
+         R        : P.Map;
+      begin
+         --  Can't use First, Next or Element here, since they depend on models
+         --  for their postconditions.
+         while Position /= 0 loop
+            R := P.Add (R, (Node => Position), I);
+            pragma Assert (P.Length (R) = I);
+            Position := Tree_Operations.Next (Container, Position);
+            I := I + 1;
+         end loop;
+         return R;
+      end Positions;
+   end Formal_Model;
+   ----------
+   -- Free --
+   ----------
+   procedure Free (Tree : in out Set; X : Count_Type) is
+   begin
+      Tree.Nodes (X).Has_Element := False;
+      Tree_Operations.Free (Tree, X);
+   end Free;
+   ----------------------
+   -- Generic_Allocate --
+   ----------------------
+   procedure Generic_Allocate
+     (Tree : in out Tree_Types.Tree_Type'Class;
+      Node : out Count_Type)
+   is
+      procedure Allocate is
+        new Tree_Operations.Generic_Allocate (Set_Element);
+   begin
+      Allocate (Tree, Node);
+      Tree.Nodes (Node).Has_Element := True;
+   end Generic_Allocate;
+   ------------------
+   -- Generic_Keys --
+   ------------------
+   package body Generic_Keys with SPARK_Mode => Off is
+      -----------------------
+      -- Local Subprograms --
+      -----------------------
+      function Is_Greater_Key_Node
+        (Left  : Key_Type;
+         Right : Node_Type) return Boolean;
+      pragma Inline (Is_Greater_Key_Node);
+      function Is_Less_Key_Node
+        (Left  : Key_Type;
+         Right : Node_Type) return Boolean;
+      pragma Inline (Is_Less_Key_Node);
+      --------------------------
+      -- Local Instantiations --
+      --------------------------
+      package Key_Keys is
+        new Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Bounded_Keys
+          (Tree_Operations     => Tree_Operations,
+           Key_Type            => Key_Type,
+           Is_Less_Key_Node    => Is_Less_Key_Node,
+           Is_Greater_Key_Node => Is_Greater_Key_Node);
+      -------------
+      -- Ceiling --
+      -------------
+      function Ceiling (Container : Set; Key : Key_Type) return Cursor is
+         Node : constant Count_Type := Key_Keys.Ceiling (Container, Key);
+      begin
+         if Node = 0 then
+            return No_Element;
+         end if;
+         return (Node => Node);
+      end Ceiling;
+      --------------
+      -- Contains --
+      --------------
+      function Contains (Container : Set; Key : Key_Type) return Boolean is
+      begin
+         return Find (Container, Key) /= No_Element;
+      end Contains;
+      ------------
+      -- Delete --
+      ------------
+      procedure Delete (Container : in out Set; Key : Key_Type) is
+         X : constant Count_Type := Key_Keys.Find (Container, Key);
+      begin
+         if X = 0 then
+            raise Constraint_Error with "attempt to delete key not in set";
+         end if;
+         Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Container, X);
+         Formal_Ordered_Sets.Free (Container, X);
+      end Delete;
+      -------------
+      -- Element --
+      -------------
+      function Element (Container : Set; Key : Key_Type) return Element_Type is
+         Node : constant Count_Type := Key_Keys.Find (Container, Key);
+      begin
+         if Node = 0 then
+            raise Constraint_Error with "key not in set";
+         end if;
+         declare
+            N : Tree_Types.Nodes_Type renames Container.Nodes;
+         begin
+            return N (Node).Element;
+         end;
+      end Element;
+      ---------------------
+      -- Equivalent_Keys --
+      ---------------------
+      function Equivalent_Keys (Left, Right : Key_Type) return Boolean is
+      begin
+         if Left < Right
+           or else Right < Left
+         then
+            return False;
+         else
+            return True;
+         end if;
+      end Equivalent_Keys;
+      -------------
+      -- Exclude --
+      -------------
+      procedure Exclude (Container : in out Set; Key : Key_Type) is
+         X : constant Count_Type := Key_Keys.Find (Container, Key);
+      begin
+         if X /= 0 then
+            Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Container, X);
+            Formal_Ordered_Sets.Free (Container, X);
+         end if;
+      end Exclude;
+      ----------
+      -- Find --
+      ----------
+      function Find (Container : Set; Key : Key_Type) return Cursor is
+         Node : constant Count_Type := Key_Keys.Find (Container, Key);
+      begin
+         return (if Node = 0 then No_Element else (Node => Node));
+      end Find;
+      -----------
+      -- Floor --
+      -----------
+      function Floor (Container : Set; Key : Key_Type) return Cursor is
+         Node : constant Count_Type := Key_Keys.Floor (Container, Key);
+      begin
+         return (if Node = 0 then No_Element else (Node => Node));
+      end Floor;
+      ------------------
+      -- Formal_Model --
+      ------------------
+      package body Formal_Model is
+         -------------------------
+         -- E_Bigger_Than_Range --
+         -------------------------
+         function E_Bigger_Than_Range
+           (Container : E.Sequence;
+            Fst       : Positive_Count_Type;
+            Lst       : Count_Type;
+            Key       : Key_Type) return Boolean
+         is
+         begin
+            for I in Fst .. Lst loop
+               if not (Generic_Keys.Key (E.Get (Container, I)) < Key) then
+                  return False;
+               end if;
+            end loop;
+            return True;
+         end E_Bigger_Than_Range;
+         ---------------
+         -- E_Is_Find --
+         ---------------
+         function E_Is_Find
+           (Container : E.Sequence;
+            Key       : Key_Type;
+            Position  : Count_Type) return Boolean
+         is
+         begin
+            for I in 1 .. Position - 1 loop
+               if Key < Generic_Keys.Key (E.Get (Container, I)) then
+                  return False;
+               end if;
+            end loop;
+            if Position < E.Length (Container) then
+               for I in Position + 1 .. E.Length (Container) loop
+                  if Generic_Keys.Key (E.Get (Container, I)) < Key then
+                     return False;
+                  end if;
+               end loop;
+            end if;
+            return True;
+         end E_Is_Find;
+         --------------------------
+         -- E_Smaller_Than_Range --
+         --------------------------
+         function E_Smaller_Than_Range
+           (Container : E.Sequence;
+            Fst       : Positive_Count_Type;
+            Lst       : Count_Type;
+            Key       : Key_Type) return Boolean
+         is
+         begin
+            for I in Fst .. Lst loop
+               if not (Key < Generic_Keys.Key (E.Get (Container, I))) then
+                  return False;
+               end if;
+            end loop;
+            return True;
+         end E_Smaller_Than_Range;
+         ----------
+         -- Find --
+         ----------
+         function Find
+           (Container : E.Sequence;
+            Key       : Key_Type) return Count_Type
+         is
+         begin
+            for I in 1 .. E.Length (Container) loop
+               if Equivalent_Keys
+                   (Key, Generic_Keys.Key (E.Get (Container, I)))
+               then
+                  return I;
+               end if;
+            end loop;
+            return 0;
+         end Find;
+         -----------------------
+         -- M_Included_Except --
+         -----------------------
+         function M_Included_Except
+           (Left  : M.Set;
+            Right : M.Set;
+            Key   : Key_Type) return Boolean
+         is
+         begin
+            for E of Left loop
+               if not Contains (Right, E)
+                 and not Equivalent_Keys (Generic_Keys.Key (E), Key)
+               then
+                  return False;
+               end if;
+            end loop;
+            return True;
+         end M_Included_Except;
+      end Formal_Model;
+      -------------------------
+      -- Is_Greater_Key_Node --
+      -------------------------
+      function Is_Greater_Key_Node
+        (Left  : Key_Type;
+         Right : Node_Type) return Boolean
+      is
+      begin
+         return Key (Right.Element) < Left;
+      end Is_Greater_Key_Node;
+      ----------------------
+      -- Is_Less_Key_Node --
+      ----------------------
+      function Is_Less_Key_Node
+        (Left  : Key_Type;
+         Right : Node_Type) return Boolean
+      is
+      begin
+         return Left < Key (Right.Element);
+      end Is_Less_Key_Node;
+      ---------
+      -- Key --
+      ---------
+      function Key (Container : Set; Position : Cursor) return Key_Type is
+      begin
+         if not Has_Element (Container, Position) then
+            raise Constraint_Error with
+              "Position cursor has no element";
+         end if;
+         pragma Assert (Vet (Container, Position.Node),
+                        "bad cursor in Key");
+         declare
+            N : Tree_Types.Nodes_Type renames Container.Nodes;
+         begin
+            return Key (N (Position.Node).Element);
+         end;
+      end Key;
+      -------------
+      -- Replace --
+      -------------
+      procedure Replace
+        (Container : in out Set;
+         Key       : Key_Type;
+         New_Item  : Element_Type)
+      is
+         Node : constant Count_Type := Key_Keys.Find (Container, Key);
+      begin
+         if not Has_Element (Container, (Node => Node)) then
+            raise Constraint_Error with
+              "attempt to replace key not in set";
+         else
+            Replace_Element (Container, Node, New_Item);
+         end if;
+      end Replace;
+   end Generic_Keys;
+   -----------------
+   -- Has_Element --
+   -----------------
+   function Has_Element (Container : Set; Position : Cursor) return Boolean is
+   begin
+      if Position.Node = 0 then
+         return False;
+      else
+         return Container.Nodes (Position.Node).Has_Element;
+      end if;
+   end Has_Element;
+   -------------
+   -- Include --
+   -------------
+   procedure Include (Container : in out Set; New_Item : Element_Type) is
+      Position : Cursor;
+      Inserted : Boolean;
+   begin
+      Insert (Container, New_Item, Position, Inserted);
+      if not Inserted then
+         declare
+            N : Tree_Types.Nodes_Type renames Container.Nodes;
+         begin
+            N (Position.Node).Element := New_Item;
+         end;
+      end if;
+   end Include;
+   ------------
+   -- Insert --
+   ------------
+   procedure Insert
+     (Container : in out Set;
+      New_Item  : Element_Type;
+      Position  : out Cursor;
+      Inserted  : out Boolean)
+   is
+   begin
+      Insert_Sans_Hint (Container, New_Item, Position.Node, Inserted);
+   end Insert;
+   procedure Insert
+     (Container : in out Set;
+      New_Item  : Element_Type)
+   is
+      Position : Cursor;
+      Inserted : Boolean;
+   begin
+      Insert (Container, New_Item, Position, Inserted);
+      if not Inserted then
+         raise Constraint_Error with
+           "attempt to insert element already in set";
+      end if;
+   end Insert;
+   ----------------------
+   -- Insert_Sans_Hint --
+   ----------------------
+   procedure Insert_Sans_Hint
+     (Container : in out Set;
+      New_Item  : Element_Type;
+      Node      : out Count_Type;
+      Inserted  : out Boolean)
+   is
+      procedure Set_Element (Node : in out Node_Type);
+      function New_Node return Count_Type;
+      pragma Inline (New_Node);
+      procedure Insert_Post is
+        new Element_Keys.Generic_Insert_Post (New_Node);
+      procedure Conditional_Insert_Sans_Hint is
+        new Element_Keys.Generic_Conditional_Insert (Insert_Post);
+      procedure Allocate is new Generic_Allocate (Set_Element);
+      --------------
+      -- New_Node --
+      --------------
+      function New_Node return Count_Type is
+         Result : Count_Type;
+      begin
+         Allocate (Container, Result);
+         return Result;
+      end New_Node;
+      -----------------
+      -- Set_Element --
+      -----------------
+      procedure Set_Element (Node : in out Node_Type) is
+      begin
+         Node.Element := New_Item;
+      end Set_Element;
+   --  Start of processing for Insert_Sans_Hint
+   begin
+      Conditional_Insert_Sans_Hint
+        (Container,
+         New_Item,
+         Node,
+         Inserted);
+   end Insert_Sans_Hint;
+   ----------------------
+   -- Insert_With_Hint --
+   ----------------------
+   procedure Insert_With_Hint
+     (Dst_Set  : in out Set;
+      Dst_Hint : Count_Type;
+      Src_Node : Node_Type;
+      Dst_Node : out Count_Type)
+   is
+      Success : Boolean;
+      pragma Unreferenced (Success);
+      procedure Set_Element (Node : in out Node_Type);
+      function New_Node return Count_Type;
+      pragma Inline (New_Node);
+      procedure Insert_Post is
+        new Element_Keys.Generic_Insert_Post (New_Node);
+      procedure Insert_Sans_Hint is
+        new Element_Keys.Generic_Conditional_Insert (Insert_Post);
+      procedure Local_Insert_With_Hint is
+        new Element_Keys.Generic_Conditional_Insert_With_Hint
+              (Insert_Post, Insert_Sans_Hint);
+      procedure Allocate is new Generic_Allocate (Set_Element);
+      --------------
+      -- New_Node --
+      --------------
+      function New_Node return Count_Type is
+         Result : Count_Type;
+      begin
+         Allocate (Dst_Set, Result);
+         return Result;
+      end New_Node;
+      -----------------
+      -- Set_Element --
+      -----------------
+      procedure Set_Element (Node : in out Node_Type) is
+      begin
+         Node.Element := Src_Node.Element;
+      end Set_Element;
+   --  Start of processing for Insert_With_Hint
+   begin
+      Local_Insert_With_Hint
+        (Dst_Set,
+         Dst_Hint,
+         Src_Node.Element,
+         Dst_Node,
+         Success);
+   end Insert_With_Hint;
+   ------------------
+   -- Intersection --
+   ------------------
+   procedure Intersection (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) is
+   begin
+      Set_Ops.Set_Intersection (Target, Source);
+   end Intersection;
+   function Intersection (Left, Right : Set) return Set is
+   begin
+      if Left'Address = Right'Address then
+         return Left.Copy;
+      end if;
+      return S : Set (Count_Type'Min (Length (Left), Length (Right))) do
+            Assign (S, Set_Ops.Set_Intersection (Left, Right));
+      end return;
+   end Intersection;
+   --------------
+   -- Is_Empty --
+   --------------
+   function Is_Empty (Container : Set) return Boolean is
+   begin
+      return Length (Container) = 0;
+   end Is_Empty;
+   -----------------------------
+   -- Is_Greater_Element_Node --
+   -----------------------------
+   function Is_Greater_Element_Node
+     (Left  : Element_Type;
+      Right : Node_Type) return Boolean
+   is
+   begin
+      --  Compute e > node same as node < e
+      return Right.Element < Left;
+   end Is_Greater_Element_Node;
+   --------------------------
+   -- Is_Less_Element_Node --
+   --------------------------
+   function Is_Less_Element_Node
+     (Left  : Element_Type;
+      Right : Node_Type) return Boolean
+   is
+   begin
+      return Left < Right.Element;
+   end Is_Less_Element_Node;
+   -----------------------
+   -- Is_Less_Node_Node --
+   -----------------------
+   function Is_Less_Node_Node (L, R : Node_Type) return Boolean is
+   begin
+      return L.Element < R.Element;
+   end Is_Less_Node_Node;
+   ---------------
+   -- Is_Subset --
+   ---------------
+   function Is_Subset (Subset : Set; Of_Set : Set) return Boolean is
+   begin
+      return Set_Ops.Set_Subset (Subset, Of_Set => Of_Set);
+   end Is_Subset;
+   ----------
+   -- Last --
+   ----------
+   function Last (Container : Set) return Cursor is
+   begin
+      return (if Length (Container) = 0
+              then No_Element
+              else (Node => Container.Last));
+   end Last;
+   ------------------
+   -- Last_Element --
+   ------------------
+   function Last_Element (Container : Set) return Element_Type is
+   begin
+      if Last (Container).Node = 0 then
+         raise Constraint_Error with "set is empty";
+      end if;
+      declare
+         N : Tree_Types.Nodes_Type renames Container.Nodes;
+      begin
+         return N (Last (Container).Node).Element;
+      end;
+   end Last_Element;
+   --------------
+   -- Left_Son --
+   --------------
+   function Left_Son (Node : Node_Type) return Count_Type is
+   begin
+      return Node.Left;
+   end Left_Son;
+   ------------
+   -- Length --
+   ------------
+   function Length (Container : Set) return Count_Type is
+   begin
+      return Container.Length;
+   end Length;
+   ----------
+   -- Move --
+   ----------
+   procedure Move (Target : in out Set; Source : in out Set) is
+      N : Tree_Types.Nodes_Type renames Source.Nodes;
+      X : Count_Type;
+   begin
+      if Target'Address = Source'Address then
+         return;
+      end if;
+      if Target.Capacity < Length (Source) then
+         raise Constraint_Error with  -- ???
+           "Source length exceeds Target capacity";
+      end if;
+      Clear (Target);
+      loop
+         X := Source.First;
+         exit when X = 0;
+         Insert (Target, N (X).Element);  -- optimize???
+         Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Source, X);
+         Formal_Ordered_Sets.Free (Source, X);
+      end loop;
+   end Move;
+   ----------
+   -- Next --
+   ----------
+   function Next (Container : Set; Position : Cursor) return Cursor is
+   begin
+      if Position = No_Element then
+         return No_Element;
+      end if;
+      if not Has_Element (Container, Position) then
+         raise Constraint_Error;
+      end if;
+      pragma Assert (Vet (Container, Position.Node),
+                     "bad cursor in Next");
+      return (Node => Tree_Operations.Next (Container, Position.Node));
+   end Next;
+   procedure Next (Container : Set; Position : in out Cursor) is
+   begin
+      Position := Next (Container, Position);
+   end Next;
+   -------------
+   -- Overlap --
+   -------------
+   function Overlap (Left, Right : Set) return Boolean is
+   begin
+      return Set_Ops.Set_Overlap (Left, Right);
+   end Overlap;
+   ------------
+   -- Parent --
+   ------------
+   function Parent (Node : Node_Type) return Count_Type is
+   begin
+      return Node.Parent;
+   end Parent;
+   --------------
+   -- Previous --
+   --------------
+   function Previous (Container : Set; Position : Cursor) return Cursor is
+   begin
+      if Position = No_Element then
+         return No_Element;
+      end if;
+      if not Has_Element (Container, Position) then
+         raise Constraint_Error;
+      end if;
+      pragma Assert (Vet (Container, Position.Node),
+                     "bad cursor in Previous");
+      declare
+         Node : constant Count_Type :=
+           Tree_Operations.Previous (Container, Position.Node);
+      begin
+         return (if Node = 0 then No_Element else (Node => Node));
+      end;
+   end Previous;
+   procedure Previous (Container : Set; Position : in out Cursor) is
+   begin
+      Position := Previous (Container, Position);
+   end Previous;
+   -------------
+   -- Replace --
+   -------------
+   procedure Replace (Container : in out Set; New_Item : Element_Type) is
+      Node : constant Count_Type := Element_Keys.Find (Container, New_Item);
+   begin
+      if Node = 0 then
+         raise Constraint_Error with
+           "attempt to replace element not in set";
+      end if;
+      Container.Nodes (Node).Element := New_Item;
+   end Replace;
+   ---------------------
+   -- Replace_Element --
+   ---------------------
+   procedure Replace_Element
+     (Tree : in out Set;
+      Node : Count_Type;
+      Item : Element_Type)
+   is
+      pragma Assert (Node /= 0);
+      function New_Node return Count_Type;
+      pragma Inline (New_Node);
+      procedure Local_Insert_Post is
+        new Element_Keys.Generic_Insert_Post (New_Node);
+      procedure Local_Insert_Sans_Hint is
+        new Element_Keys.Generic_Conditional_Insert (Local_Insert_Post);
+      procedure Local_Insert_With_Hint is
+        new Element_Keys.Generic_Conditional_Insert_With_Hint
+          (Local_Insert_Post,
+           Local_Insert_Sans_Hint);
+      NN : Tree_Types.Nodes_Type renames Tree.Nodes;
+      --------------
+      -- New_Node --
+      --------------
+      function New_Node return Count_Type is
+         N  : Node_Type renames NN (Node);
+      begin
+         N.Element := Item;
+         N.Color   := Red;
+         N.Parent  := 0;
+         N.Right   := 0;
+         N.Left    := 0;
+         return Node;
+      end New_Node;
+      Hint      : Count_Type;
+      Result    : Count_Type;
+      Inserted  : Boolean;
+   --  Start of processing for Insert
+   begin
+      if Item < NN (Node).Element
+        or else NN (Node).Element < Item
+      then
+         null;
+      else
+         NN (Node).Element := Item;
+         return;
+      end if;
+      Hint := Element_Keys.Ceiling (Tree, Item);
+      if Hint = 0 then
+         null;
+      elsif Item < NN (Hint).Element then
+         if Hint = Node then
+            NN (Node).Element := Item;
+            return;
+         end if;
+      else
+         pragma Assert (not (NN (Hint).Element < Item));
+         raise Program_Error with "attempt to replace existing element";
+      end if;
+      Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Tree, Node);
+      Local_Insert_With_Hint
+        (Tree     => Tree,
+         Position => Hint,
+         Key      => Item,
+         Node     => Result,
+         Inserted => Inserted);
+      pragma Assert (Inserted);
+      pragma Assert (Result = Node);
+   end Replace_Element;
+   procedure Replace_Element
+     (Container : in out Set;
+      Position  : Cursor;
+      New_Item  : Element_Type)
+   is
+   begin
+      if not Has_Element (Container, Position) then
+         raise Constraint_Error with
+           "Position cursor has no element";
+      end if;
+      pragma Assert (Vet (Container, Position.Node),
+                     "bad cursor in Replace_Element");
+      Replace_Element (Container, Position.Node, New_Item);
+   end Replace_Element;
+   ---------------
+   -- Right_Son --
+   ---------------
+   function Right_Son (Node : Node_Type) return Count_Type is
+   begin
+      return Node.Right;
+   end Right_Son;
+   ---------------
+   -- Set_Color --
+   ---------------
+   procedure Set_Color
+     (Node  : in out Node_Type;
+      Color : Red_Black_Trees.Color_Type)
+   is
+   begin
+      Node.Color := Color;
+   end Set_Color;
+   --------------
+   -- Set_Left --
+   --------------
+   procedure Set_Left (Node : in out Node_Type; Left : Count_Type) is
+   begin
+      Node.Left := Left;
+   end Set_Left;
+   ----------------
+   -- Set_Parent --
+   ----------------
+   procedure Set_Parent (Node : in out Node_Type; Parent : Count_Type) is
+   begin
+      Node.Parent := Parent;
+   end Set_Parent;
+   ---------------
+   -- Set_Right --
+   ---------------
+   procedure Set_Right (Node : in out Node_Type; Right : Count_Type) is
+   begin
+      Node.Right := Right;
+   end Set_Right;
+   --------------------------
+   -- Symmetric_Difference --
+   --------------------------
+   procedure Symmetric_Difference (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) is
+   begin
+      Set_Ops.Set_Symmetric_Difference (Target, Source);
+   end Symmetric_Difference;
+   function Symmetric_Difference (Left, Right : Set) return Set is
+   begin
+      if Left'Address = Right'Address then
+         return Empty_Set;
+      end if;
+      if Length (Right) = 0 then
+         return Left.Copy;
+      end if;
+      if Length (Left) = 0 then
+         return Right.Copy;
+      end if;
+      return S : Set (Length (Left) + Length (Right)) do
+         Assign (S, Set_Ops.Set_Symmetric_Difference (Left, Right));
+      end return;
+   end Symmetric_Difference;
+   ------------
+   -- To_Set --
+   ------------
+   function To_Set (New_Item : Element_Type) return Set is
+      Node     : Count_Type;
+      Inserted : Boolean;
+   begin
+      return S : Set (Capacity => 1) do
+         Insert_Sans_Hint (S, New_Item, Node, Inserted);
+         pragma Assert (Inserted);
+      end return;
+   end To_Set;
+   -----------
+   -- Union --
+   -----------
+   procedure Union (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) is
+   begin
+      Set_Ops.Set_Union (Target, Source);
+   end Union;
+   function Union (Left, Right : Set) return Set is
+   begin
+      if Left'Address = Right'Address then
+         return Left.Copy;
+      end if;
+      if Length (Left) = 0 then
+         return Right.Copy;
+      end if;
+      if Length (Right) = 0 then
+         return Left.Copy;
+      end if;
+      return S : Set (Length (Left) + Length (Right)) do
+         Assign (S, Source => Left);
+         Union (S, Right);
+      end return;
+   end Union;
+end Ada.Containers.Formal_Ordered_Sets;