diff gcc/ada/libgnat/a-except.adb @ 111:04ced10e8804

gcc 7
author kono
date Fri, 27 Oct 2017 22:46:09 +0900
children 84e7813d76e9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/a-except.adb	Fri Oct 27 22:46:09 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1748 @@
+--                                                                          --
+--                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
+--                                                                          --
+--                       A D A . E X C E P T I O N S                        --
+--                                                                          --
+--                                 B o d y                                  --
+--                                                                          --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2017, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
+--                                                                          --
+-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
+-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
+-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
+--                                                                          --
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
+-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
+-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
+-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
+--                                                                          --
+pragma Style_Checks (All_Checks);
+--  No subprogram ordering check, due to logical grouping
+pragma Polling (Off);
+--  We must turn polling off for this unit, because otherwise we get
+--  elaboration circularities with System.Exception_Tables.
+with System;                  use System;
+with System.Exceptions;       use System.Exceptions;
+with System.Exceptions_Debug; use System.Exceptions_Debug;
+with System.Standard_Library; use System.Standard_Library;
+with System.Soft_Links;       use System.Soft_Links;
+with System.WCh_Con;          use System.WCh_Con;
+with System.WCh_StW;          use System.WCh_StW;
+pragma Warnings (Off);
+--  Suppress complaints about Symbolic not being referenced, and about it not
+--  having pragma Preelaborate.
+with System.Traceback.Symbolic;
+--  Bring Symbolic into the closure. If it is the s-trasym-dwarf.adb version,
+--  it will install symbolic tracebacks as the default decorator. Otherwise,
+--  symbolic tracebacks are not supported, and we fall back to hexadecimal
+--  addresses.
+pragma Warnings (On);
+package body Ada.Exceptions is
+   pragma Suppress (All_Checks);
+   --  We definitely do not want exceptions occurring within this unit, or
+   --  we are in big trouble. If an exceptional situation does occur, better
+   --  that it not be raised, since raising it can cause confusing chaos.
+   -----------------------
+   -- Local Subprograms --
+   -----------------------
+   --  Note: the exported subprograms in this package body are called directly
+   --  from C clients using the given external name, even though they are not
+   --  technically visible in the Ada sense.
+   function Code_Address_For_AAA return System.Address;
+   function Code_Address_For_ZZZ return System.Address;
+   --  Return start and end of procedures in this package
+   --
+   --  These procedures are used to provide exclusion bounds in
+   --  calls to Call_Chain at exception raise points from this unit. The
+   --  purpose is to arrange for the exception tracebacks not to include
+   --  frames from subprograms involved in the raise process, as these are
+   --  meaningless from the user's standpoint.
+   --
+   --  For these bounds to be meaningful, we need to ensure that the object
+   --  code for the subprograms involved in processing a raise is located
+   --  after the object code Code_Address_For_AAA and before the object
+   --  code Code_Address_For_ZZZ. This will indeed be the case as long as
+   --  the following rules are respected:
+   --
+   --  1) The bodies of the subprograms involved in processing a raise
+   --     are located after the body of Code_Address_For_AAA and before the
+   --     body of Code_Address_For_ZZZ.
+   --
+   --  2) No pragma Inline applies to any of these subprograms, as this
+   --     could delay the corresponding assembly output until the end of
+   --     the unit.
+   procedure Call_Chain (Excep : EOA);
+   --  Store up to Max_Tracebacks in Excep, corresponding to the current
+   --  call chain.
+   function Image (Index : Integer) return String;
+   --  Return string image corresponding to Index
+   procedure To_Stderr (S : String);
+   pragma Export (Ada, To_Stderr, "__gnat_to_stderr");
+   --  Little routine to output string to stderr that is also used
+   --  in the tasking run time.
+   procedure To_Stderr (C : Character);
+   pragma Inline (To_Stderr);
+   pragma Export (Ada, To_Stderr, "__gnat_to_stderr_char");
+   --  Little routine to output a character to stderr, used by some of
+   --  the separate units below.
+   package Exception_Data is
+      -----------------------------------
+      -- Exception Message Subprograms --
+      -----------------------------------
+      procedure Set_Exception_C_Msg
+        (Excep  : EOA;
+         Id     : Exception_Id;
+         Msg1   : System.Address;
+         Line   : Integer        := 0;
+         Column : Integer        := 0;
+         Msg2   : System.Address := System.Null_Address);
+      --  This routine is called to setup the exception referenced by X
+      --  to contain the indicated Id value and message. Msg1 is a null
+      --  terminated string which is generated as the exception message. If
+      --  line is non-zero, then a colon and the decimal representation of
+      --  this integer is appended to the message. Ditto for Column. When Msg2
+      --  is non-null, a space and this additional null terminated string is
+      --  added to the message.
+      procedure Set_Exception_Msg
+        (Excep   : EOA;
+         Id      : Exception_Id;
+         Message : String);
+      --  This routine is called to setup the exception referenced by X
+      --  to contain the indicated Id value and message. Message is a string
+      --  which is generated as the exception message.
+      ---------------------------------------
+      -- Exception Information Subprograms --
+      ---------------------------------------
+      function Untailored_Exception_Information
+        (X : Exception_Occurrence) return String;
+      --  This is used by Stream_Attributes.EO_To_String to convert an
+      --  Exception_Occurrence to a String for the stream attributes.
+      --  String_To_EO understands the format, as documented here.
+      --
+      --  The format of the string is as follows:
+      --
+      --    raised <exception name> : <message>
+      --    (" : <message>" is present only if Exception_Message is not empty)
+      --    PID=nnnn (only if nonzero)
+      --    Call stack traceback locations:  (only if at least one location)
+      --    <0xyyyyyyyy 0xyyyyyyyy ...>      (is recorded)
+      --
+      --  The lines are separated by a ASCII.LF character.
+      --  The nnnn is the partition Id given as decimal digits.
+      --  The 0x... line represents traceback program counter locations, in
+      --  execution order with the first one being the exception location.
+      --
+      --  The Exception_Name and Message lines are omitted in the abort
+      --  signal case, since this is not really an exception.
+      --
+      --  Note: If the format of the generated string is changed, please note
+      --  that an equivalent modification to the routine String_To_EO must be
+      --  made to preserve proper functioning of the stream attributes.
+      function Exception_Information (X : Exception_Occurrence) return String;
+      --  This is the implementation of Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information,
+      --  as defined in the Ada RM.
+      --
+      --  If no traceback decorator (see GNAT.Exception_Traces) is currently
+      --  in place, this is the same as Untailored_Exception_Information.
+      --  Otherwise, the decorator is used to produce a symbolic traceback
+      --  instead of hexadecimal addresses.
+      --
+      --  Note that unlike Untailored_Exception_Information, there is no need
+      --  to keep the output of Exception_Information stable for streaming
+      --  purposes, and in fact the output differs across platforms.
+   end Exception_Data;
+   package Exception_Traces is
+      -------------------------------------------------
+      -- Run-Time Exception Notification Subprograms --
+      -------------------------------------------------
+      --  These subprograms provide a common run-time interface to trigger the
+      --  actions required when an exception is about to be propagated (e.g.
+      --  user specified actions or output of exception information). They are
+      --  exported to be usable by the Ada exception handling personality
+      --  routine when the GCC 3 mechanism is used.
+      procedure Notify_Handled_Exception (Excep : EOA);
+      pragma Export
+        (C, Notify_Handled_Exception, "__gnat_notify_handled_exception");
+      --  This routine is called for a handled occurrence is about to be
+      --  propagated.
+      procedure Notify_Unhandled_Exception (Excep : EOA);
+      pragma Export
+        (C, Notify_Unhandled_Exception, "__gnat_notify_unhandled_exception");
+      --  This routine is called when an unhandled occurrence is about to be
+      --  propagated.
+      procedure Unhandled_Exception_Terminate (Excep : EOA);
+      pragma No_Return (Unhandled_Exception_Terminate);
+      --  This procedure is called to terminate execution following an
+      --  unhandled exception. The exception information, including
+      --  traceback if available is output, and execution is then
+      --  terminated. Note that at the point where this routine is
+      --  called, the stack has typically been destroyed.
+   end Exception_Traces;
+   package Exception_Propagation is
+      ---------------------------------------
+      -- Exception Propagation Subprograms --
+      ---------------------------------------
+      function Allocate_Occurrence return EOA;
+      --  Allocate an exception occurrence (as well as the machine occurrence)
+      procedure Propagate_Exception (Excep : EOA);
+      pragma No_Return (Propagate_Exception);
+      --  This procedure propagates the exception represented by Excep
+   end Exception_Propagation;
+   package Stream_Attributes is
+      ----------------------------------
+      -- Stream Attribute Subprograms --
+      ----------------------------------
+      function EId_To_String (X : Exception_Id) return String;
+      function String_To_EId (S : String) return Exception_Id;
+      --  Functions for implementing Exception_Id stream attributes
+      function EO_To_String (X : Exception_Occurrence) return String;
+      function String_To_EO (S : String) return Exception_Occurrence;
+      --  Functions for implementing Exception_Occurrence stream
+      --  attributes
+   end Stream_Attributes;
+   procedure Complete_Occurrence (X : EOA);
+   --  Finish building the occurrence: save the call chain and notify the
+   --  debugger.
+   procedure Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence (X : EOA);
+   pragma No_Return (Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence);
+   --  This is a simple wrapper to Complete_Occurrence and
+   --  Exception_Propagation.Propagate_Exception.
+   function Create_Occurrence_From_Signal_Handler
+     (E : Exception_Id;
+      M : System.Address) return EOA;
+   --  Create and build an exception occurrence using exception id E and
+   --  nul-terminated message M.
+   function Create_Machine_Occurrence_From_Signal_Handler
+     (E : Exception_Id;
+      M : System.Address) return System.Address;
+   pragma Export (C, Create_Machine_Occurrence_From_Signal_Handler,
+                  "__gnat_create_machine_occurrence_from_signal_handler");
+   --  Create and build an exception occurrence using exception id E and
+   --  nul-terminated message M. Return the machine occurrence.
+   procedure Raise_Exception_No_Defer
+     (E       : Exception_Id;
+      Message : String := "");
+   pragma Export
+    (Ada, Raise_Exception_No_Defer,
+     "ada__exceptions__raise_exception_no_defer");
+   pragma No_Return (Raise_Exception_No_Defer);
+   --  Similar to Raise_Exception, but with no abort deferral
+   procedure Raise_With_Msg (E : Exception_Id);
+   pragma No_Return (Raise_With_Msg);
+   pragma Export (C, Raise_With_Msg, "__gnat_raise_with_msg");
+   --  Raises an exception with given exception id value. A message
+   --  is associated with the raise, and has already been stored in the
+   --  exception occurrence referenced by the Current_Excep in the TSD.
+   --  Abort is deferred before the raise call.
+   procedure Raise_With_Location_And_Msg
+     (E : Exception_Id;
+      F : System.Address;
+      L : Integer;
+      C : Integer := 0;
+      M : System.Address := System.Null_Address);
+   pragma No_Return (Raise_With_Location_And_Msg);
+   --  Raise an exception with given exception id value. A filename and line
+   --  number is associated with the raise and is stored in the exception
+   --  occurrence and in addition a column and a string message M may be
+   --  appended to this (if not null/0).
+   procedure Raise_Constraint_Error (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   pragma No_Return (Raise_Constraint_Error);
+   pragma Export (C, Raise_Constraint_Error, "__gnat_raise_constraint_error");
+   --  Raise constraint error with file:line information
+   procedure Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg
+     (File   : System.Address;
+      Line   : Integer;
+      Column : Integer;
+      Msg    : System.Address);
+   pragma No_Return (Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg);
+   pragma Export
+     (C, Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg, "__gnat_raise_constraint_error_msg");
+   --  Raise constraint error with file:line:col + msg information
+   procedure Raise_Program_Error (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   pragma No_Return (Raise_Program_Error);
+   pragma Export (C, Raise_Program_Error, "__gnat_raise_program_error");
+   --  Raise program error with file:line information
+   procedure Raise_Program_Error_Msg
+     (File : System.Address;
+      Line : Integer;
+      Msg  : System.Address);
+   pragma No_Return (Raise_Program_Error_Msg);
+   pragma Export
+     (C, Raise_Program_Error_Msg, "__gnat_raise_program_error_msg");
+   --  Raise program error with file:line + msg information
+   procedure Raise_Storage_Error (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   pragma No_Return (Raise_Storage_Error);
+   pragma Export (C, Raise_Storage_Error, "__gnat_raise_storage_error");
+   --  Raise storage error with file:line information
+   procedure Raise_Storage_Error_Msg
+     (File : System.Address;
+      Line : Integer;
+      Msg  : System.Address);
+   pragma No_Return (Raise_Storage_Error_Msg);
+   pragma Export
+     (C, Raise_Storage_Error_Msg, "__gnat_raise_storage_error_msg");
+   --  Raise storage error with file:line + reason msg information
+   --  The exception raising process and the automatic tracing mechanism rely
+   --  on some careful use of flags attached to the exception occurrence. The
+   --  graph below illustrates the relations between the Raise_ subprograms
+   --  and identifies the points where basic flags such as Exception_Raised
+   --  are initialized.
+   --  (i) signs indicate the flags initialization points. R stands for Raise,
+   --  W for With, and E for Exception.
+   --                   R_No_Msg    R_E   R_Pe  R_Ce  R_Se
+   --                       |        |     |     |     |
+   --                       +--+  +--+     +---+ | +---+
+   --                          |  |            | | |
+   --     R_E_No_Defer(i)    R_W_Msg(i)       R_W_Loc
+   --           |               |              |   |
+   --           +------------+  |  +-----------+   +--+
+   --                        |  |  |                  |
+   --                        |  |  |             Set_E_C_Msg(i)
+   --                        |  |  |
+   --            Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence
+   procedure Reraise;
+   pragma No_Return (Reraise);
+   pragma Export (C, Reraise, "__gnat_reraise");
+   --  Reraises the exception referenced by the Current_Excep field
+   --  of the TSD (all fields of this exception occurrence are set).
+   --  Abort is deferred before the reraise operation. Called from
+   --  System.Tasking.RendezVous.Exceptional_Complete_RendezVous
+   procedure Transfer_Occurrence
+     (Target : Exception_Occurrence_Access;
+      Source : Exception_Occurrence);
+   pragma Export (C, Transfer_Occurrence, "__gnat_transfer_occurrence");
+   --  Called from s-tasren.adb:Local_Complete_RendezVous and
+   --  s-tpobop.adb:Exceptional_Complete_Entry_Body to setup Target from
+   --  Source as an exception to be propagated in the caller task. Target is
+   --  expected to be a pointer to the fixed TSD occurrence for this task.
+   --------------------------------
+   -- Run-Time Check Subprograms --
+   --------------------------------
+   --  These subprograms raise a specific exception with a reason message
+   --  attached. The parameters are the file name and line number in each
+   --  case. The names are defined by Exp_Ch11.Get_RT_Exception_Name.
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Access_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Null_Access_Parameter
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Discriminant_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Divide_By_Zero
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Explicit_Raise
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Index_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Length_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Null_Exception_Id
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Null_Not_Allowed
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Overflow_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Partition_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Range_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Tag_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Access_Before_Elaboration
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Accessibility_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Address_Of_Intrinsic
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Aliased_Parameters
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_All_Guards_Closed
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Bad_Predicated_Generic_Type
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Current_Task_In_Entry_Body
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Duplicated_Entry_Address
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Explicit_Raise
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Implicit_Return
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Misaligned_Address_Value
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Missing_Return
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Non_Transportable_Actual
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Overlaid_Controlled_Object
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Potentially_Blocking_Operation
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Stubbed_Subprogram_Called
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Unchecked_Union_Restriction
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_SE_Empty_Storage_Pool
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_SE_Explicit_Raise
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_SE_Infinite_Recursion
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_SE_Object_Too_Large
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Stream_Operation_Not_Allowed
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Access_Check_Ext
+     (File : System.Address; Line, Column : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Index_Check_Ext
+     (File : System.Address; Line, Column, Index, First, Last : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data_Ext
+     (File : System.Address; Line, Column, Index, First, Last : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Range_Check_Ext
+     (File : System.Address; Line, Column, Index, First, Last : Integer);
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Finalize_Raised_Exception
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
+   --  This routine is separated out because it has quite different behavior
+   --  from the others. This is the "finalize/adjust raised exception". This
+   --  subprogram is always called with abort deferred, unlike all other
+   --  Rcheck_* subprograms, it needs to call Raise_Exception_No_Defer.
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Access_Check,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Access_Check");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Null_Access_Parameter,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Null_Access_Parameter");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Discriminant_Check,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Discriminant_Check");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Divide_By_Zero,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Divide_By_Zero");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Explicit_Raise,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Explicit_Raise");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Index_Check,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Index_Check");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Length_Check,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Length_Check");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Null_Exception_Id,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Null_Exception_Id");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Null_Not_Allowed,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Null_Not_Allowed");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Overflow_Check,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Overflow_Check");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Partition_Check,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Partition_Check");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Range_Check,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Range_Check");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Tag_Check,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Tag_Check");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Access_Before_Elaboration,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Access_Before_Elaboration");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Accessibility_Check,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Accessibility_Check");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Address_Of_Intrinsic,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Address_Of_Intrinsic");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Aliased_Parameters,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Aliased_Parameters");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_All_Guards_Closed,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_All_Guards_Closed");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Bad_Predicated_Generic_Type,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Bad_Predicated_Generic_Type");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Current_Task_In_Entry_Body,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Current_Task_In_Entry_Body");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Duplicated_Entry_Address,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Duplicated_Entry_Address");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Explicit_Raise,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Explicit_Raise");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Finalize_Raised_Exception,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Finalize_Raised_Exception");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Implicit_Return,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Implicit_Return");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Misaligned_Address_Value,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Misaligned_Address_Value");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Missing_Return,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Missing_Return");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Non_Transportable_Actual,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Non_Transportable_Actual");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Overlaid_Controlled_Object,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Overlaid_Controlled_Object");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Potentially_Blocking_Operation,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Potentially_Blocking_Operation");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Stream_Operation_Not_Allowed,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Stream_Operation_Not_Allowed");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Stubbed_Subprogram_Called,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Stubbed_Subprogram_Called");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Unchecked_Union_Restriction,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Unchecked_Union_Restriction");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_SE_Empty_Storage_Pool,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_SE_Empty_Storage_Pool");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_SE_Explicit_Raise,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_SE_Explicit_Raise");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_SE_Infinite_Recursion,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_SE_Infinite_Recursion");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_SE_Object_Too_Large,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_SE_Object_Too_Large");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Access_Check_Ext,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Access_Check_ext");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Index_Check_Ext,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Index_Check_ext");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data_Ext,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data_ext");
+   pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Range_Check_Ext,
+                  "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Range_Check_ext");
+   --  None of these procedures ever returns (they raise an exception). By
+   --  using pragma No_Return, we ensure that any junk code after the call,
+   --  such as normal return epilogue stuff, can be eliminated).
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Access_Check);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Null_Access_Parameter);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Discriminant_Check);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Divide_By_Zero);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Explicit_Raise);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Index_Check);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Length_Check);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Null_Exception_Id);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Null_Not_Allowed);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Overflow_Check);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Partition_Check);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Range_Check);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Tag_Check);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Access_Before_Elaboration);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Accessibility_Check);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Address_Of_Intrinsic);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Aliased_Parameters);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_All_Guards_Closed);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Bad_Predicated_Generic_Type);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Current_Task_In_Entry_Body);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Duplicated_Entry_Address);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Explicit_Raise);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Implicit_Return);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Misaligned_Address_Value);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Missing_Return);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Non_Transportable_Actual);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Overlaid_Controlled_Object);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Potentially_Blocking_Operation);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Stream_Operation_Not_Allowed);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Stubbed_Subprogram_Called);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Unchecked_Union_Restriction);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Finalize_Raised_Exception);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_SE_Empty_Storage_Pool);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_SE_Explicit_Raise);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_SE_Infinite_Recursion);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_SE_Object_Too_Large);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Access_Check_Ext);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Index_Check_Ext);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data_Ext);
+   pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Range_Check_Ext);
+   ---------------------------------------------
+   -- Reason Strings for Run-Time Check Calls --
+   ---------------------------------------------
+   --  These strings are null-terminated and are used by Rcheck_nn. The
+   --  strings correspond to the definitions for Types.RT_Exception_Code.
+   use ASCII;
+   Rmsg_00 : constant String := "access check failed"              & NUL;
+   Rmsg_01 : constant String := "access parameter is null"         & NUL;
+   Rmsg_02 : constant String := "discriminant check failed"        & NUL;
+   Rmsg_03 : constant String := "divide by zero"                   & NUL;
+   Rmsg_04 : constant String := "explicit raise"                   & NUL;
+   Rmsg_05 : constant String := "index check failed"               & NUL;
+   Rmsg_06 : constant String := "invalid data"                     & NUL;
+   Rmsg_07 : constant String := "length check failed"              & NUL;
+   Rmsg_08 : constant String := "null Exception_Id"                & NUL;
+   Rmsg_09 : constant String := "null-exclusion check failed"      & NUL;
+   Rmsg_10 : constant String := "overflow check failed"            & NUL;
+   Rmsg_11 : constant String := "partition check failed"           & NUL;
+   Rmsg_12 : constant String := "range check failed"               & NUL;
+   Rmsg_13 : constant String := "tag check failed"                 & NUL;
+   Rmsg_14 : constant String := "access before elaboration"        & NUL;
+   Rmsg_15 : constant String := "accessibility check failed"       & NUL;
+   Rmsg_16 : constant String := "attempt to take address of"       &
+                                " intrinsic subprogram"            & NUL;
+   Rmsg_17 : constant String := "aliased parameters"               & NUL;
+   Rmsg_18 : constant String := "all guards closed"                & NUL;
+   Rmsg_19 : constant String := "improper use of generic subtype"  &
+                                " with predicate"                  & NUL;
+   Rmsg_20 : constant String := "Current_Task referenced in entry" &
+                                " body"                            & NUL;
+   Rmsg_21 : constant String := "duplicated entry address"         & NUL;
+   Rmsg_22 : constant String := "explicit raise"                   & NUL;
+   Rmsg_23 : constant String := "finalize/adjust raised exception" & NUL;
+   Rmsg_24 : constant String := "implicit return with No_Return"   & NUL;
+   Rmsg_25 : constant String := "misaligned address value"         & NUL;
+   Rmsg_26 : constant String := "missing return"                   & NUL;
+   Rmsg_27 : constant String := "overlaid controlled object"       & NUL;
+   Rmsg_28 : constant String := "potentially blocking operation"   & NUL;
+   Rmsg_29 : constant String := "stubbed subprogram called"        & NUL;
+   Rmsg_30 : constant String := "unchecked union restriction"      & NUL;
+   Rmsg_31 : constant String := "actual/returned class-wide"       &
+                                " value not transportable"         & NUL;
+   Rmsg_32 : constant String := "empty storage pool"               & NUL;
+   Rmsg_33 : constant String := "explicit raise"                   & NUL;
+   Rmsg_34 : constant String := "infinite recursion"               & NUL;
+   Rmsg_35 : constant String := "object too large"                 & NUL;
+   Rmsg_36 : constant String := "stream operation not allowed"     & NUL;
+   -----------------------
+   -- Polling Interface --
+   -----------------------
+   type Unsigned is mod 2 ** 32;
+   Counter : Unsigned := 0;
+   pragma Warnings (Off, Counter);
+   --  This counter is provided for convenience. It can be used in Poll to
+   --  perform periodic but not systematic operations.
+   procedure Poll is separate;
+   --  The actual polling routine is separate, so that it can easily be
+   --  replaced with a target dependent version.
+   --------------------------
+   -- Code_Address_For_AAA --
+   --------------------------
+   --  This function gives us the start of the PC range for addresses within
+   --  the exception unit itself. We hope that gigi/gcc keep all the procedures
+   --  in their original order.
+   function Code_Address_For_AAA return System.Address is
+   begin
+      --  We are using a label instead of Code_Address_For_AAA'Address because
+      --  on some platforms the latter does not yield the address we want, but
+      --  the address of a stub or of a descriptor instead. This is the case at
+      --  least on PA-HPUX.
+      <<Start_Of_AAA>>
+      return Start_Of_AAA'Address;
+   end Code_Address_For_AAA;
+   ----------------
+   -- Call_Chain --
+   ----------------
+   procedure Call_Chain (Excep : EOA) is separate;
+   --  The actual Call_Chain routine is separate, so that it can easily
+   --  be dummied out when no exception traceback information is needed.
+   -------------------
+   -- EId_To_String --
+   -------------------
+   function EId_To_String (X : Exception_Id) return String
+     renames Stream_Attributes.EId_To_String;
+   ------------------
+   -- EO_To_String --
+   ------------------
+   --  We use the null string to represent the null occurrence, otherwise we
+   --  output the Untailored_Exception_Information string for the occurrence.
+   function EO_To_String (X : Exception_Occurrence) return String
+     renames Stream_Attributes.EO_To_String;
+   ------------------------
+   -- Exception_Identity --
+   ------------------------
+   function Exception_Identity
+     (X : Exception_Occurrence) return Exception_Id
+   is
+   begin
+      --  Note that the following test used to be here for the original
+      --  Ada 95 semantics, but these were modified by AI-241 to require
+      --  returning Null_Id instead of raising Constraint_Error.
+      --  if X.Id = Null_Id then
+      --     raise Constraint_Error;
+      --  end if;
+      return X.Id;
+   end Exception_Identity;
+   ---------------------------
+   -- Exception_Information --
+   ---------------------------
+   function Exception_Information (X : Exception_Occurrence) return String is
+   begin
+      if X.Id = Null_Id then
+         raise Constraint_Error;
+      else
+         return Exception_Data.Exception_Information (X);
+      end if;
+   end Exception_Information;
+   -----------------------
+   -- Exception_Message --
+   -----------------------
+   function Exception_Message (X : Exception_Occurrence) return String is
+   begin
+      if X.Id = Null_Id then
+         raise Constraint_Error;
+      else
+         return X.Msg (1 .. X.Msg_Length);
+      end if;
+   end Exception_Message;
+   --------------------
+   -- Exception_Name --
+   --------------------
+   function Exception_Name (Id : Exception_Id) return String is
+   begin
+      if Id = null then
+         raise Constraint_Error;
+      else
+         return To_Ptr (Id.Full_Name) (1 .. Id.Name_Length - 1);
+      end if;
+   end Exception_Name;
+   function Exception_Name (X : Exception_Occurrence) return String is
+   begin
+      return Exception_Name (X.Id);
+   end Exception_Name;
+   ---------------------------
+   -- Exception_Name_Simple --
+   ---------------------------
+   function Exception_Name_Simple (X : Exception_Occurrence) return String is
+      Name : constant String := Exception_Name (X);
+      P    : Natural;
+   begin
+      P := Name'Length;
+      while P > 1 loop
+         exit when Name (P - 1) = '.';
+         P := P - 1;
+      end loop;
+      --  Return result making sure lower bound is 1
+      declare
+         subtype Rname is String (1 .. Name'Length - P + 1);
+      begin
+         return Rname (Name (P .. Name'Length));
+      end;
+   end Exception_Name_Simple;
+   --------------------
+   -- Exception_Data --
+   --------------------
+   package body Exception_Data is separate;
+   --  This package can be easily dummied out if we do not want the basic
+   --  support for exception messages (such as in Ada 83).
+   ---------------------------
+   -- Exception_Propagation --
+   ---------------------------
+   package body Exception_Propagation is separate;
+   --  Depending on the actual exception mechanism used (front-end or
+   --  back-end based), the implementation will differ, which is why this
+   --  package is separated.
+   ----------------------
+   -- Exception_Traces --
+   ----------------------
+   package body Exception_Traces is separate;
+   --  Depending on the underlying support for IO the implementation will
+   --  differ. Moreover we would like to dummy out this package in case we
+   --  do not want any exception tracing support. This is why this package
+   --  is separated.
+   --------------------------------------
+   -- Get_Exception_Machine_Occurrence --
+   --------------------------------------
+   function Get_Exception_Machine_Occurrence
+     (X : Exception_Occurrence) return System.Address
+   is
+   begin
+      return X.Machine_Occurrence;
+   end Get_Exception_Machine_Occurrence;
+   -----------
+   -- Image --
+   -----------
+   function Image (Index : Integer) return String is
+      Result : constant String := Integer'Image (Index);
+   begin
+      if Result (1) = ' ' then
+         return Result (2 .. Result'Last);
+      else
+         return Result;
+      end if;
+   end Image;
+   -----------------------
+   -- Stream Attributes --
+   -----------------------
+   package body Stream_Attributes is separate;
+   --  This package can be easily dummied out if we do not want the
+   --  support for streaming Exception_Ids and Exception_Occurrences.
+   ----------------------------
+   -- Raise_Constraint_Error --
+   ----------------------------
+   procedure Raise_Constraint_Error (File : System.Address; Line : Integer) is
+   begin
+      Raise_With_Location_And_Msg (Constraint_Error_Def'Access, File, Line);
+   end Raise_Constraint_Error;
+   --------------------------------
+   -- Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg --
+   --------------------------------
+   procedure Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg
+     (File   : System.Address;
+      Line   : Integer;
+      Column : Integer;
+      Msg    : System.Address)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_With_Location_And_Msg
+        (Constraint_Error_Def'Access, File, Line, Column, Msg);
+   end Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg;
+   -------------------------
+   -- Complete_Occurrence --
+   -------------------------
+   procedure Complete_Occurrence (X : EOA) is
+   begin
+      --  Compute the backtrace for this occurrence if the corresponding
+      --  binder option has been set. Call_Chain takes care of the reraise
+      --  case.
+      --  ??? Using Call_Chain here means we are going to walk up the stack
+      --  once only for backtracing purposes before doing it again for the
+      --  propagation per se.
+      --  The first inspection is much lighter, though, as it only requires
+      --  partial unwinding of each frame. Additionally, although we could use
+      --  the personality routine to record the addresses while propagating,
+      --  this method has two drawbacks:
+      --  1) the trace is incomplete if the exception is handled since we
+      --  don't walk past the frame with the handler,
+      --    and
+      --  2) we would miss the frames for which our personality routine is not
+      --  called, e.g. if C or C++ calls are on the way.
+      Call_Chain (X);
+      --  Notify the debugger
+      Debug_Raise_Exception
+        (E       => SSL.Exception_Data_Ptr (X.Id),
+         Message => X.Msg (1 .. X.Msg_Length));
+   end Complete_Occurrence;
+   ---------------------------------------
+   -- Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence --
+   ---------------------------------------
+   procedure Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence (X : EOA) is
+   begin
+      Complete_Occurrence (X);
+      Exception_Propagation.Propagate_Exception (X);
+   end Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence;
+   ---------------------
+   -- Raise_Exception --
+   ---------------------
+   procedure Raise_Exception
+     (E       : Exception_Id;
+      Message : String := "")
+   is
+      EF : Exception_Id := E;
+   begin
+      --  Raise CE if E = Null_ID (AI-446)
+      if E = null then
+         EF := Constraint_Error'Identity;
+      end if;
+      --  Go ahead and raise appropriate exception
+      Raise_Exception_Always (EF, Message);
+   end Raise_Exception;
+   ----------------------------
+   -- Raise_Exception_Always --
+   ----------------------------
+   procedure Raise_Exception_Always
+     (E       : Exception_Id;
+      Message : String := "")
+   is
+      X : constant EOA := Exception_Propagation.Allocate_Occurrence;
+   begin
+      Exception_Data.Set_Exception_Msg (X, E, Message);
+      if not ZCX_By_Default then
+         Abort_Defer.all;
+      end if;
+      Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence (X);
+   end Raise_Exception_Always;
+   ------------------------------
+   -- Raise_Exception_No_Defer --
+   ------------------------------
+   procedure Raise_Exception_No_Defer
+     (E       : Exception_Id;
+      Message : String := "")
+   is
+      X : constant EOA := Exception_Propagation.Allocate_Occurrence;
+   begin
+      Exception_Data.Set_Exception_Msg (X, E, Message);
+      --  Do not call Abort_Defer.all, as specified by the spec
+      Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence (X);
+   end Raise_Exception_No_Defer;
+   -------------------------------------
+   -- Raise_From_Controlled_Operation --
+   -------------------------------------
+   procedure Raise_From_Controlled_Operation
+     (X : Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Occurrence)
+   is
+      Prefix             : constant String := "adjust/finalize raised ";
+      Orig_Msg           : constant String := Exception_Message (X);
+      Orig_Prefix_Length : constant Natural :=
+                             Integer'Min (Prefix'Length, Orig_Msg'Length);
+      Orig_Prefix : String renames
+        Orig_Msg (Orig_Msg'First .. Orig_Msg'First + Orig_Prefix_Length - 1);
+   begin
+      --  Message already has the proper prefix, just re-raise
+      if Orig_Prefix = Prefix then
+         Raise_Exception_No_Defer
+           (E       => Program_Error'Identity,
+            Message => Orig_Msg);
+      else
+         declare
+            New_Msg  : constant String := Prefix & Exception_Name (X);
+         begin
+            --  No message present, just provide our own
+            if Orig_Msg = "" then
+               Raise_Exception_No_Defer
+                 (E       => Program_Error'Identity,
+                  Message => New_Msg);
+            --  Message present, add informational prefix
+            else
+               Raise_Exception_No_Defer
+                 (E       => Program_Error'Identity,
+                  Message => New_Msg & ": " & Orig_Msg);
+            end if;
+         end;
+      end if;
+   end Raise_From_Controlled_Operation;
+   -------------------------------------------
+   -- Create_Occurrence_From_Signal_Handler --
+   -------------------------------------------
+   function Create_Occurrence_From_Signal_Handler
+     (E : Exception_Id;
+      M : System.Address) return EOA
+   is
+      X : constant EOA := Exception_Propagation.Allocate_Occurrence;
+   begin
+      Exception_Data.Set_Exception_C_Msg (X, E, M);
+      if not ZCX_By_Default then
+         Abort_Defer.all;
+      end if;
+      Complete_Occurrence (X);
+      return X;
+   end Create_Occurrence_From_Signal_Handler;
+   ---------------------------------------------------
+   -- Create_Machine_Occurrence_From_Signal_Handler --
+   ---------------------------------------------------
+   function Create_Machine_Occurrence_From_Signal_Handler
+     (E : Exception_Id;
+      M : System.Address) return System.Address
+   is
+   begin
+      return Create_Occurrence_From_Signal_Handler (E, M).Machine_Occurrence;
+   end Create_Machine_Occurrence_From_Signal_Handler;
+   -------------------------------
+   -- Raise_From_Signal_Handler --
+   -------------------------------
+   procedure Raise_From_Signal_Handler
+     (E : Exception_Id;
+      M : System.Address)
+   is
+   begin
+      Exception_Propagation.Propagate_Exception
+        (Create_Occurrence_From_Signal_Handler (E, M));
+   end Raise_From_Signal_Handler;
+   -------------------------
+   -- Raise_Program_Error --
+   -------------------------
+   procedure Raise_Program_Error
+     (File : System.Address;
+      Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_With_Location_And_Msg (Program_Error_Def'Access, File, Line);
+   end Raise_Program_Error;
+   -----------------------------
+   -- Raise_Program_Error_Msg --
+   -----------------------------
+   procedure Raise_Program_Error_Msg
+     (File : System.Address;
+      Line : Integer;
+      Msg  : System.Address)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_With_Location_And_Msg
+        (Program_Error_Def'Access, File, Line, M => Msg);
+   end Raise_Program_Error_Msg;
+   -------------------------
+   -- Raise_Storage_Error --
+   -------------------------
+   procedure Raise_Storage_Error
+     (File : System.Address;
+      Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_With_Location_And_Msg (Storage_Error_Def'Access, File, Line);
+   end Raise_Storage_Error;
+   -----------------------------
+   -- Raise_Storage_Error_Msg --
+   -----------------------------
+   procedure Raise_Storage_Error_Msg
+     (File : System.Address;
+      Line : Integer;
+      Msg  : System.Address)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_With_Location_And_Msg
+        (Storage_Error_Def'Access, File, Line, M => Msg);
+   end Raise_Storage_Error_Msg;
+   ---------------------------------
+   -- Raise_With_Location_And_Msg --
+   ---------------------------------
+   procedure Raise_With_Location_And_Msg
+     (E : Exception_Id;
+      F : System.Address;
+      L : Integer;
+      C : Integer := 0;
+      M : System.Address := System.Null_Address)
+   is
+      X : constant EOA := Exception_Propagation.Allocate_Occurrence;
+   begin
+      Exception_Data.Set_Exception_C_Msg (X, E, F, L, C, M);
+      if not ZCX_By_Default then
+         Abort_Defer.all;
+      end if;
+      Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence (X);
+   end Raise_With_Location_And_Msg;
+   --------------------
+   -- Raise_With_Msg --
+   --------------------
+   procedure Raise_With_Msg (E : Exception_Id) is
+      Excep : constant EOA := Exception_Propagation.Allocate_Occurrence;
+      Ex    : constant Exception_Occurrence_Access := Get_Current_Excep.all;
+   begin
+      Excep.Exception_Raised := False;
+      Excep.Id               := E;
+      Excep.Num_Tracebacks   := 0;
+      Excep.Pid              := Local_Partition_ID;
+      --  Copy the message from the current exception
+      --  Change the interface to be called with an occurrence ???
+      Excep.Msg_Length                  := Ex.Msg_Length;
+      Excep.Msg (1 .. Excep.Msg_Length) := Ex.Msg (1 .. Ex.Msg_Length);
+      --  The following is a common pattern, should be abstracted
+      --  into a procedure call ???
+      if not ZCX_By_Default then
+         Abort_Defer.all;
+      end if;
+      Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence (Excep);
+   end Raise_With_Msg;
+   -----------------------------------------
+   -- Calls to Run-Time Check Subprograms --
+   -----------------------------------------
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Access_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, 0, Rmsg_00'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Access_Check;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Null_Access_Parameter
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, 0, Rmsg_01'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Null_Access_Parameter;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Discriminant_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, 0, Rmsg_02'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Discriminant_Check;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Divide_By_Zero
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, 0, Rmsg_03'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Divide_By_Zero;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Explicit_Raise
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, 0, Rmsg_04'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Explicit_Raise;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Index_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, 0, Rmsg_05'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Index_Check;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, 0, Rmsg_06'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Length_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, 0, Rmsg_07'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Length_Check;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Null_Exception_Id
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, 0, Rmsg_08'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Null_Exception_Id;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Null_Not_Allowed
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, 0, Rmsg_09'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Null_Not_Allowed;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Overflow_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, 0, Rmsg_10'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Overflow_Check;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Partition_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, 0, Rmsg_11'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Partition_Check;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Range_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, 0, Rmsg_12'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Range_Check;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Tag_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, 0, Rmsg_13'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Tag_Check;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Access_Before_Elaboration
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_14'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Access_Before_Elaboration;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Accessibility_Check
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_15'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Accessibility_Check;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Address_Of_Intrinsic
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_16'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Address_Of_Intrinsic;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Aliased_Parameters
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_17'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Aliased_Parameters;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_All_Guards_Closed
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_18'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_All_Guards_Closed;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Bad_Predicated_Generic_Type
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_19'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Bad_Predicated_Generic_Type;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Current_Task_In_Entry_Body
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_20'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Current_Task_In_Entry_Body;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Duplicated_Entry_Address
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_21'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Duplicated_Entry_Address;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Explicit_Raise
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_22'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Explicit_Raise;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Implicit_Return
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_24'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Implicit_Return;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Misaligned_Address_Value
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_25'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Misaligned_Address_Value;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Missing_Return
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_26'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Missing_Return;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Non_Transportable_Actual
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_31'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Non_Transportable_Actual;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Overlaid_Controlled_Object
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_27'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Overlaid_Controlled_Object;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Potentially_Blocking_Operation
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_28'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Potentially_Blocking_Operation;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Stream_Operation_Not_Allowed
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_36'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Stream_Operation_Not_Allowed;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Stubbed_Subprogram_Called
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_29'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Stubbed_Subprogram_Called;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Unchecked_Union_Restriction
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Program_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_30'Address);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Unchecked_Union_Restriction;
+   procedure Rcheck_SE_Empty_Storage_Pool
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Storage_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_32'Address);
+   end Rcheck_SE_Empty_Storage_Pool;
+   procedure Rcheck_SE_Explicit_Raise
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Storage_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_33'Address);
+   end Rcheck_SE_Explicit_Raise;
+   procedure Rcheck_SE_Infinite_Recursion
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Storage_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_34'Address);
+   end Rcheck_SE_Infinite_Recursion;
+   procedure Rcheck_SE_Object_Too_Large
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Storage_Error_Msg (File, Line, Rmsg_35'Address);
+   end Rcheck_SE_Object_Too_Large;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Access_Check_Ext
+     (File : System.Address; Line, Column : Integer)
+   is
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, Column, Rmsg_00'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Access_Check_Ext;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Index_Check_Ext
+     (File : System.Address; Line, Column, Index, First, Last : Integer)
+   is
+      Msg : constant String :=
+              Rmsg_05 (Rmsg_05'First .. Rmsg_05'Last - 1) & ASCII.LF
+              & "index " & Image (Index) & " not in " & Image (First)
+              & ".." & Image (Last) & ASCII.NUL;
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, Column, Msg'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Index_Check_Ext;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data_Ext
+     (File : System.Address; Line, Column, Index, First, Last : Integer)
+   is
+      Msg : constant String :=
+              Rmsg_06 (Rmsg_06'First .. Rmsg_06'Last - 1) & ASCII.LF
+              & "value " & Image (Index) & " not in " & Image (First)
+              & ".." & Image (Last) & ASCII.NUL;
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, Column, Msg'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data_Ext;
+   procedure Rcheck_CE_Range_Check_Ext
+     (File : System.Address; Line, Column, Index, First, Last : Integer)
+   is
+      Msg : constant String :=
+              Rmsg_12 (Rmsg_12'First .. Rmsg_12'Last - 1) & ASCII.LF
+              & "value " & Image (Index) & " not in " & Image (First)
+              & ".." & Image (Last) & ASCII.NUL;
+   begin
+      Raise_Constraint_Error_Msg (File, Line, Column, Msg'Address);
+   end Rcheck_CE_Range_Check_Ext;
+   procedure Rcheck_PE_Finalize_Raised_Exception
+     (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
+   is
+      X : constant EOA := Exception_Propagation.Allocate_Occurrence;
+   begin
+      --  This is "finalize/adjust raised exception". This subprogram is always
+      --  called with abort deferred, unlike all other Rcheck_* subprograms, it
+      --  needs to call Raise_Exception_No_Defer.
+      --  This is consistent with Raise_From_Controlled_Operation
+      Exception_Data.Set_Exception_C_Msg
+        (X, Program_Error_Def'Access, File, Line, 0, Rmsg_23'Address);
+      Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence (X);
+   end Rcheck_PE_Finalize_Raised_Exception;
+   -------------
+   -- Reraise --
+   -------------
+   procedure Reraise is
+      Excep    : constant EOA := Exception_Propagation.Allocate_Occurrence;
+      Saved_MO : constant System.Address := Excep.Machine_Occurrence;
+   begin
+      if not ZCX_By_Default then
+         Abort_Defer.all;
+      end if;
+      Save_Occurrence (Excep.all, Get_Current_Excep.all.all);
+      Excep.Machine_Occurrence := Saved_MO;
+      Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence (Excep);
+   end Reraise;
+   --------------------------------------
+   -- Reraise_Library_Exception_If_Any --
+   --------------------------------------
+   procedure Reraise_Library_Exception_If_Any is
+      LE : Exception_Occurrence;
+   begin
+      if Library_Exception_Set then
+         LE := Library_Exception;
+         if LE.Id = Null_Id then
+            Raise_Exception_No_Defer
+              (E       => Program_Error'Identity,
+               Message => "finalize/adjust raised exception");
+         else
+            Raise_From_Controlled_Operation (LE);
+         end if;
+      end if;
+   end Reraise_Library_Exception_If_Any;
+   ------------------------
+   -- Reraise_Occurrence --
+   ------------------------
+   procedure Reraise_Occurrence (X : Exception_Occurrence) is
+   begin
+      if X.Id = null then
+         return;
+      else
+         Reraise_Occurrence_Always (X);
+      end if;
+   end Reraise_Occurrence;
+   -------------------------------
+   -- Reraise_Occurrence_Always --
+   -------------------------------
+   procedure Reraise_Occurrence_Always (X : Exception_Occurrence) is
+   begin
+      if not ZCX_By_Default then
+         Abort_Defer.all;
+      end if;
+      Reraise_Occurrence_No_Defer (X);
+   end Reraise_Occurrence_Always;
+   ---------------------------------
+   -- Reraise_Occurrence_No_Defer --
+   ---------------------------------
+   procedure Reraise_Occurrence_No_Defer (X : Exception_Occurrence) is
+      Excep    : constant EOA := Exception_Propagation.Allocate_Occurrence;
+      Saved_MO : constant System.Address := Excep.Machine_Occurrence;
+   begin
+      Save_Occurrence (Excep.all, X);
+      Excep.Machine_Occurrence := Saved_MO;
+      Complete_And_Propagate_Occurrence (Excep);
+   end Reraise_Occurrence_No_Defer;
+   ---------------------
+   -- Save_Occurrence --
+   ---------------------
+   procedure Save_Occurrence
+     (Target : out Exception_Occurrence;
+      Source : Exception_Occurrence)
+   is
+   begin
+      --  As the machine occurrence might be a data that must be finalized
+      --  (outside any Ada mechanism), do not copy it
+      Target.Id                 := Source.Id;
+      Target.Machine_Occurrence := System.Null_Address;
+      Target.Msg_Length         := Source.Msg_Length;
+      Target.Num_Tracebacks     := Source.Num_Tracebacks;
+      Target.Pid                := Source.Pid;
+      Target.Msg (1 .. Target.Msg_Length) :=
+        Source.Msg (1 .. Target.Msg_Length);
+      Target.Tracebacks (1 .. Target.Num_Tracebacks) :=
+        Source.Tracebacks (1 .. Target.Num_Tracebacks);
+   end Save_Occurrence;
+   function Save_Occurrence (Source : Exception_Occurrence) return EOA is
+      Target : constant EOA := new Exception_Occurrence;
+   begin
+      Save_Occurrence (Target.all, Source);
+      return Target;
+   end Save_Occurrence;
+   -------------------
+   -- String_To_EId --
+   -------------------
+   function String_To_EId (S : String) return Exception_Id
+     renames Stream_Attributes.String_To_EId;
+   ------------------
+   -- String_To_EO --
+   ------------------
+   function String_To_EO (S : String) return Exception_Occurrence
+     renames Stream_Attributes.String_To_EO;
+   ---------------
+   -- To_Stderr --
+   ---------------
+   procedure To_Stderr (C : Character) is
+      procedure Put_Char_Stderr (C : Character);
+      pragma Import (C, Put_Char_Stderr, "put_char_stderr");
+   begin
+      Put_Char_Stderr (C);
+   end To_Stderr;
+   procedure To_Stderr (S : String) is
+   begin
+      for J in S'Range loop
+         if S (J) /= ASCII.CR then
+            To_Stderr (S (J));
+         end if;
+      end loop;
+   end To_Stderr;
+   -------------------------
+   -- Transfer_Occurrence --
+   -------------------------
+   procedure Transfer_Occurrence
+     (Target : Exception_Occurrence_Access;
+      Source : Exception_Occurrence)
+   is
+   begin
+      Save_Occurrence (Target.all, Source);
+   end Transfer_Occurrence;
+   ------------------------
+   -- Triggered_By_Abort --
+   ------------------------
+   function Triggered_By_Abort return Boolean is
+      Ex : constant Exception_Occurrence_Access := Get_Current_Excep.all;
+   begin
+      return Ex /= null
+        and then Exception_Identity (Ex.all) = Standard'Abort_Signal'Identity;
+   end Triggered_By_Abort;
+   -------------------------
+   -- Wide_Exception_Name --
+   -------------------------
+   WC_Encoding : Character;
+   pragma Import (C, WC_Encoding, "__gl_wc_encoding");
+   --  Encoding method for source, as exported by binder
+   function Wide_Exception_Name
+     (Id : Exception_Id) return Wide_String
+   is
+      S : constant String := Exception_Name (Id);
+      W : Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
+      L : Natural;
+   begin
+      String_To_Wide_String
+        (S, W, L, Get_WC_Encoding_Method (WC_Encoding));
+      return W (1 .. L);
+   end Wide_Exception_Name;
+   function Wide_Exception_Name
+     (X : Exception_Occurrence) return Wide_String
+   is
+      S : constant String := Exception_Name (X);
+      W : Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
+      L : Natural;
+   begin
+      String_To_Wide_String
+        (S, W, L, Get_WC_Encoding_Method (WC_Encoding));
+      return W (1 .. L);
+   end Wide_Exception_Name;
+   ----------------------------
+   -- Wide_Wide_Exception_Name --
+   -----------------------------
+   function Wide_Wide_Exception_Name
+     (Id : Exception_Id) return Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      S : constant String := Exception_Name (Id);
+      W : Wide_Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
+      L : Natural;
+   begin
+      String_To_Wide_Wide_String
+        (S, W, L, Get_WC_Encoding_Method (WC_Encoding));
+      return W (1 .. L);
+   end Wide_Wide_Exception_Name;
+   function Wide_Wide_Exception_Name
+     (X : Exception_Occurrence) return Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      S : constant String := Exception_Name (X);
+      W : Wide_Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
+      L : Natural;
+   begin
+      String_To_Wide_Wide_String
+        (S, W, L, Get_WC_Encoding_Method (WC_Encoding));
+      return W (1 .. L);
+   end Wide_Wide_Exception_Name;
+   --------------------------
+   -- Code_Address_For_ZZZ --
+   --------------------------
+   --  This function gives us the end of the PC range for addresses
+   --  within the exception unit itself. We hope that gigi/gcc keeps all the
+   --  procedures in their original order.
+   function Code_Address_For_ZZZ return System.Address is
+   begin
+      <<Start_Of_ZZZ>>
+      return Start_Of_ZZZ'Address;
+   end Code_Address_For_ZZZ;
+end Ada.Exceptions;