diff gcc/ada/libgnat/a-stzunb__shared.adb @ 111:04ced10e8804

gcc 7
author kono
date Fri, 27 Oct 2017 22:46:09 +0900
children 84e7813d76e9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/a-stzunb__shared.adb	Fri Oct 27 22:46:09 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,2137 @@
+--                                                                          --
+--                         GNAT RUN-TIME COMPONENTS                         --
+--                                                                          --
+--      A D A . S T R I N G S . W I D E _ W I D E _ U N B O U N D E D       --
+--                                                                          --
+--                                 B o d y                                  --
+--                                                                          --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2017, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
+--                                                                          --
+-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
+-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
+-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
+--                                                                          --
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
+-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
+-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
+-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
+--                                                                          --
+with Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Search;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+package body Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded is
+   use Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Maps;
+   Growth_Factor : constant := 32;
+   --  The growth factor controls how much extra space is allocated when
+   --  we have to increase the size of an allocated unbounded string. By
+   --  allocating extra space, we avoid the need to reallocate on every
+   --  append, particularly important when a string is built up by repeated
+   --  append operations of small pieces. This is expressed as a factor so
+   --  32 means add 1/32 of the length of the string as growth space.
+   Min_Mul_Alloc : constant := Standard'Maximum_Alignment;
+   --  Allocation will be done by a multiple of Min_Mul_Alloc. This causes
+   --  no memory loss as most (all?) malloc implementations are obliged to
+   --  align the returned memory on the maximum alignment as malloc does not
+   --  know the target alignment.
+   function Aligned_Max_Length (Max_Length : Natural) return Natural;
+   --  Returns recommended length of the shared string which is greater or
+   --  equal to specified length. Calculation take in sense alignment of
+   --  the allocated memory segments to use memory effectively by
+   --  Append/Insert/etc operations.
+   ---------
+   -- "&" --
+   ---------
+   function "&"
+     (Left  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      LR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Left.Reference;
+      RR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Right.Reference;
+      DL : constant Natural := LR.Last + RR.Last;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Result is an empty string, reuse shared empty string
+      if DL = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      --  Left string is empty, return Rigth string
+      elsif LR.Last = 0 then
+         Reference (RR);
+         DR := RR;
+      --  Right string is empty, return Left string
+      elsif RR.Last = 0 then
+         Reference (LR);
+         DR := LR;
+      --  Overwise, allocate new shared string and fill data
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (DL);
+         DR.Data (1 .. LR.Last) := LR.Data (1 .. LR.Last);
+         DR.Data (LR.Last + 1 .. DL) := RR.Data (1 .. RR.Last);
+         DR.Last := DL;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end "&";
+   function "&"
+     (Left  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Wide_Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      LR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Left.Reference;
+      DL : constant Natural := LR.Last + Right'Length;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Result is an empty string, reuse shared empty string
+      if DL = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      --  Right is an empty string, return Left string
+      elsif Right'Length = 0 then
+         Reference (LR);
+         DR := LR;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (DL);
+         DR.Data (1 .. LR.Last) := LR.Data (1 .. LR.Last);
+         DR.Data (LR.Last + 1 .. DL) := Right;
+         DR.Last := DL;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end "&";
+   function "&"
+     (Left  : Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      RR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Right.Reference;
+      DL : constant Natural := Left'Length + RR.Last;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Result is an empty string, reuse shared one
+      if DL = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      --  Left is empty string, return Right string
+      elsif Left'Length = 0 then
+         Reference (RR);
+         DR := RR;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (DL);
+         DR.Data (1 .. Left'Length) := Left;
+         DR.Data (Left'Length + 1 .. DL) := RR.Data (1 .. RR.Last);
+         DR.Last := DL;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end "&";
+   function "&"
+     (Left  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Wide_Wide_Character) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      LR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Left.Reference;
+      DL : constant Natural := LR.Last + 1;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      DR := Allocate (DL);
+      DR.Data (1 .. LR.Last) := LR.Data (1 .. LR.Last);
+      DR.Data (DL) := Right;
+      DR.Last := DL;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end "&";
+   function "&"
+     (Left  : Wide_Wide_Character;
+      Right : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      RR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Right.Reference;
+      DL : constant Natural := 1 + RR.Last;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      DR := Allocate (DL);
+      DR.Data (1) := Left;
+      DR.Data (2 .. DL) := RR.Data (1 .. RR.Last);
+      DR.Last := DL;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end "&";
+   ---------
+   -- "*" --
+   ---------
+   function "*"
+     (Left  : Natural;
+      Right : Wide_Wide_Character) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Result is an empty string, reuse shared empty string
+      if Left = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (Left);
+         for J in 1 .. Left loop
+            DR.Data (J) := Right;
+         end loop;
+         DR.Last := Left;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end "*";
+   function "*"
+     (Left  : Natural;
+      Right : Wide_Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      DL : constant Natural := Left * Right'Length;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+      K  : Positive;
+   begin
+      --  Result is an empty string, reuse shared empty string
+      if DL = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (DL);
+         K := 1;
+         for J in 1 .. Left loop
+            DR.Data (K .. K + Right'Length - 1) := Right;
+            K := K + Right'Length;
+         end loop;
+         DR.Last := DL;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end "*";
+   function "*"
+     (Left  : Natural;
+      Right : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      RR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Right.Reference;
+      DL : constant Natural := Left * RR.Last;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+      K  : Positive;
+   begin
+      --  Result is an empty string, reuse shared empty string
+      if DL = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      --  Coefficient is one, just return string itself
+      elsif Left = 1 then
+         Reference (RR);
+         DR := RR;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (DL);
+         K := 1;
+         for J in 1 .. Left loop
+            DR.Data (K .. K + RR.Last - 1) := RR.Data (1 .. RR.Last);
+            K := K + RR.Last;
+         end loop;
+         DR.Last := DL;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end "*";
+   ---------
+   -- "<" --
+   ---------
+   function "<"
+     (Left  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Boolean
+   is
+      LR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Left.Reference;
+      RR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Right.Reference;
+   begin
+      return LR.Data (1 .. LR.Last) < RR.Data (1 .. RR.Last);
+   end "<";
+   function "<"
+     (Left  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Wide_Wide_String) return Boolean
+   is
+      LR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Left.Reference;
+   begin
+      return LR.Data (1 .. LR.Last) < Right;
+   end "<";
+   function "<"
+     (Left  : Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Boolean
+   is
+      RR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Right.Reference;
+   begin
+      return Left < RR.Data (1 .. RR.Last);
+   end "<";
+   ----------
+   -- "<=" --
+   ----------
+   function "<="
+     (Left  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Boolean
+   is
+      LR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Left.Reference;
+      RR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Right.Reference;
+   begin
+      --  LR = RR means two strings shares shared string, thus they are equal
+      return LR = RR or else LR.Data (1 .. LR.Last) <= RR.Data (1 .. RR.Last);
+   end "<=";
+   function "<="
+     (Left  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Wide_Wide_String) return Boolean
+   is
+      LR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Left.Reference;
+   begin
+      return LR.Data (1 .. LR.Last) <= Right;
+   end "<=";
+   function "<="
+     (Left  : Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Boolean
+   is
+      RR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Right.Reference;
+   begin
+      return Left <= RR.Data (1 .. RR.Last);
+   end "<=";
+   ---------
+   -- "=" --
+   ---------
+   function "="
+     (Left  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Boolean
+   is
+      LR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Left.Reference;
+      RR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Right.Reference;
+   begin
+      return LR = RR or else LR.Data (1 .. LR.Last) = RR.Data (1 .. RR.Last);
+      --  LR = RR means two strings shares shared string, thus they are equal
+   end "=";
+   function "="
+     (Left  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Wide_Wide_String) return Boolean
+   is
+      LR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Left.Reference;
+   begin
+      return LR.Data (1 .. LR.Last) = Right;
+   end "=";
+   function "="
+     (Left  : Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Boolean
+   is
+      RR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Right.Reference;
+   begin
+      return Left = RR.Data (1 .. RR.Last);
+   end "=";
+   ---------
+   -- ">" --
+   ---------
+   function ">"
+     (Left  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Boolean
+   is
+      LR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Left.Reference;
+      RR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Right.Reference;
+   begin
+      return LR.Data (1 .. LR.Last) > RR.Data (1 .. RR.Last);
+   end ">";
+   function ">"
+     (Left  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Wide_Wide_String) return Boolean
+   is
+      LR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Left.Reference;
+   begin
+      return LR.Data (1 .. LR.Last) > Right;
+   end ">";
+   function ">"
+     (Left  : Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Boolean
+   is
+      RR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Right.Reference;
+   begin
+      return Left > RR.Data (1 .. RR.Last);
+   end ">";
+   ----------
+   -- ">=" --
+   ----------
+   function ">="
+     (Left  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Boolean
+   is
+      LR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Left.Reference;
+      RR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Right.Reference;
+   begin
+      --  LR = RR means two strings shares shared string, thus they are equal
+      return LR = RR or else LR.Data (1 .. LR.Last) >= RR.Data (1 .. RR.Last);
+   end ">=";
+   function ">="
+     (Left  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Wide_Wide_String) return Boolean
+   is
+      LR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Left.Reference;
+   begin
+      return LR.Data (1 .. LR.Last) >= Right;
+   end ">=";
+   function ">="
+     (Left  : Wide_Wide_String;
+      Right : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Boolean
+   is
+      RR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Right.Reference;
+   begin
+      return Left >= RR.Data (1 .. RR.Last);
+   end ">=";
+   ------------
+   -- Adjust --
+   ------------
+   procedure Adjust (Object : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) is
+   begin
+      Reference (Object.Reference);
+   end Adjust;
+   ------------------------
+   -- Aligned_Max_Length --
+   ------------------------
+   function Aligned_Max_Length (Max_Length : Natural) return Natural is
+      Static_Size  : constant Natural :=
+        Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Size / Standard'Storage_Unit;
+      --  Total size of all static components
+      Element_Size : constant Natural :=
+        Wide_Wide_Character'Size / Standard'Storage_Unit;
+   begin
+      return
+        (((Static_Size + Max_Length * Element_Size - 1) / Min_Mul_Alloc + 2)
+          * Min_Mul_Alloc - Static_Size) / Element_Size;
+   end Aligned_Max_Length;
+   --------------
+   -- Allocate --
+   --------------
+   function Allocate
+     (Max_Length : Natural) return Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access is
+   begin
+      --  Empty string requested, return shared empty string
+      if Max_Length = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         return Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate requested space (and probably some more room)
+      else
+         return new Shared_Wide_Wide_String (Aligned_Max_Length (Max_Length));
+      end if;
+   end Allocate;
+   ------------
+   -- Append --
+   ------------
+   procedure Append
+     (Source   : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      New_Item : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String)
+   is
+      SR  : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      NR  : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := New_Item.Reference;
+      DL  : constant Natural              := SR.Last + NR.Last;
+      DR  : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Source is an empty string, reuse New_Item data
+      if SR.Last = 0 then
+         Reference (NR);
+         Source.Reference := NR;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      --  New_Item is empty string, nothing to do
+      elsif NR.Last = 0 then
+         null;
+      --  Try to reuse existent shared string
+      elsif Can_Be_Reused (SR, DL) then
+         SR.Data (SR.Last + 1 .. DL) := NR.Data (1 .. NR.Last);
+         SR.Last := DL;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new one and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (DL + DL / Growth_Factor);
+         DR.Data (1 .. SR.Last) := SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last);
+         DR.Data (SR.Last + 1 .. DL) := NR.Data (1 .. NR.Last);
+         DR.Last := DL;
+         Source.Reference := DR;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      end if;
+   end Append;
+   procedure Append
+     (Source   : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      New_Item : Wide_Wide_String)
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DL : constant Natural := SR.Last + New_Item'Length;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  New_Item is an empty string, nothing to do
+      if New_Item'Length = 0 then
+         null;
+      --  Try to reuse existing shared string
+      elsif Can_Be_Reused (SR, DL) then
+         SR.Data (SR.Last + 1 .. DL) := New_Item;
+         SR.Last := DL;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new one and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (DL + DL / Growth_Factor);
+         DR.Data (1 .. SR.Last) := SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last);
+         DR.Data (SR.Last + 1 .. DL) := New_Item;
+         DR.Last := DL;
+         Source.Reference := DR;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      end if;
+   end Append;
+   procedure Append
+     (Source   : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      New_Item : Wide_Wide_Character)
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DL : constant Natural := SR.Last + 1;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Try to reuse existing shared string
+      if Can_Be_Reused (SR, SR.Last + 1) then
+         SR.Data (SR.Last + 1) := New_Item;
+         SR.Last := SR.Last + 1;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new one and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (DL + DL / Growth_Factor);
+         DR.Data (1 .. SR.Last) := SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last);
+         DR.Data (DL) := New_Item;
+         DR.Last := DL;
+         Source.Reference := DR;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      end if;
+   end Append;
+   -------------------
+   -- Can_Be_Reused --
+   -------------------
+   function Can_Be_Reused
+     (Item   : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+      Length : Natural) return Boolean is
+   begin
+      return
+        System.Atomic_Counters.Is_One (Item.Counter)
+          and then Item.Max_Length >= Length
+          and then Item.Max_Length <=
+                     Aligned_Max_Length (Length + Length / Growth_Factor);
+   end Can_Be_Reused;
+   -----------
+   -- Count --
+   -----------
+   function Count
+     (Source  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Pattern : Wide_Wide_String;
+      Mapping : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Mapping :=
+        Wide_Wide_Maps.Identity) return Natural
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+   begin
+      return Wide_Wide_Search.Count (SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last), Pattern, Mapping);
+   end Count;
+   function Count
+     (Source  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Pattern : Wide_Wide_String;
+      Mapping : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Mapping_Function)
+      return Natural
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+   begin
+      return Wide_Wide_Search.Count (SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last), Pattern, Mapping);
+   end Count;
+   function Count
+     (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Set    : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Set) return Natural
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+   begin
+      return Wide_Wide_Search.Count (SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last), Set);
+   end Count;
+   ------------
+   -- Delete --
+   ------------
+   function Delete
+     (Source  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      From    : Positive;
+      Through : Natural) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DL : Natural;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Empty slice is deleted, use the same shared string
+      if From > Through then
+         Reference (SR);
+         DR := SR;
+      --  Index is out of range
+      elsif Through > SR.Last then
+         raise Index_Error;
+      --  Compute size of the result
+      else
+         DL := SR.Last - (Through - From + 1);
+         --  Result is an empty string, reuse shared empty string
+         if DL = 0 then
+            Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+            DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+         --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+         else
+            DR := Allocate (DL);
+            DR.Data (1 .. From - 1) := SR.Data (1 .. From - 1);
+            DR.Data (From .. DL) := SR.Data (Through + 1 .. SR.Last);
+            DR.Last := DL;
+         end if;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end Delete;
+   procedure Delete
+     (Source  : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      From    : Positive;
+      Through : Natural)
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DL : Natural;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Nothing changed, return
+      if From > Through then
+         null;
+      --  Through is outside of the range
+      elsif Through > SR.Last then
+         raise Index_Error;
+      else
+         DL := SR.Last - (Through - From + 1);
+         --  Result is empty, reuse shared empty string
+         if DL = 0 then
+            Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+            Source.Reference := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+            Unreference (SR);
+         --  Try to reuse existent shared string
+         elsif Can_Be_Reused (SR, DL) then
+            SR.Data (From .. DL) := SR.Data (Through + 1 .. SR.Last);
+            SR.Last := DL;
+         --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string
+         else
+            DR := Allocate (DL);
+            DR.Data (1 .. From - 1) := SR.Data (1 .. From - 1);
+            DR.Data (From .. DL) := SR.Data (Through + 1 .. SR.Last);
+            DR.Last := DL;
+            Source.Reference := DR;
+            Unreference (SR);
+         end if;
+      end if;
+   end Delete;
+   -------------
+   -- Element --
+   -------------
+   function Element
+     (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Index  : Positive) return Wide_Wide_Character
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+   begin
+      if Index <= SR.Last then
+         return SR.Data (Index);
+      else
+         raise Index_Error;
+      end if;
+   end Element;
+   --------------
+   -- Finalize --
+   --------------
+   procedure Finalize (Object : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Object.Reference;
+   begin
+      if SR /= null then
+         --  The same controlled object can be finalized several times for
+         --  some reason. As per 7.6.1(24) this should have no ill effect,
+         --  so we need to add a guard for the case of finalizing the same
+         --  object twice.
+         Object.Reference := null;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      end if;
+   end Finalize;
+   ----------------
+   -- Find_Token --
+   ----------------
+   procedure Find_Token
+     (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Set    : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Set;
+      From   : Positive;
+      Test   : Strings.Membership;
+      First  : out Positive;
+      Last   : out Natural)
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+   begin
+      Wide_Wide_Search.Find_Token
+        (SR.Data (From .. SR.Last), Set, Test, First, Last);
+   end Find_Token;
+   procedure Find_Token
+     (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Set    : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Set;
+      Test   : Strings.Membership;
+      First  : out Positive;
+      Last   : out Natural)
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+   begin
+      Wide_Wide_Search.Find_Token
+        (SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last), Set, Test, First, Last);
+   end Find_Token;
+   ----------
+   -- Free --
+   ----------
+   procedure Free (X : in out Wide_Wide_String_Access) is
+      procedure Deallocate is
+         new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+               (Wide_Wide_String, Wide_Wide_String_Access);
+   begin
+      Deallocate (X);
+   end Free;
+   ----------
+   -- Head --
+   ----------
+   function Head
+     (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Count  : Natural;
+      Pad    : Wide_Wide_Character := Wide_Wide_Space)
+      return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Result is empty, reuse shared empty string
+      if Count = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      --  Length of the string is the same as requested, reuse source shared
+      --  string.
+      elsif Count = SR.Last then
+         Reference (SR);
+         DR := SR;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (Count);
+         --  Length of the source string is more than requested, copy
+         --  corresponding slice.
+         if Count < SR.Last then
+            DR.Data (1 .. Count) := SR.Data (1 .. Count);
+         --  Length of the source string is less than requested, copy all
+         --  contents and fill others by Pad character.
+         else
+            DR.Data (1 .. SR.Last) := SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last);
+            for J in SR.Last + 1 .. Count loop
+               DR.Data (J) := Pad;
+            end loop;
+         end if;
+         DR.Last := Count;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end Head;
+   procedure Head
+     (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Count  : Natural;
+      Pad    : Wide_Wide_Character := Wide_Wide_Space)
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Result is empty, reuse empty shared string
+      if Count = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         Source.Reference := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      --  Result is same with source string, reuse source shared string
+      elsif Count = SR.Last then
+         null;
+      --  Try to reuse existent shared string
+      elsif Can_Be_Reused (SR, Count) then
+         if Count > SR.Last then
+            for J in SR.Last + 1 .. Count loop
+               SR.Data (J) := Pad;
+            end loop;
+         end if;
+         SR.Last := Count;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (Count);
+         --  Length of the source string is greater than requested, copy
+         --  corresponding slice.
+         if Count < SR.Last then
+            DR.Data (1 .. Count) := SR.Data (1 .. Count);
+         --  Length of the source string is less than requested, copy all
+         --  exists data and fill others by Pad character.
+         else
+            DR.Data (1 .. SR.Last) := SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last);
+            for J in SR.Last + 1 .. Count loop
+               DR.Data (J) := Pad;
+            end loop;
+         end if;
+         DR.Last := Count;
+         Source.Reference := DR;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      end if;
+   end Head;
+   -----------
+   -- Index --
+   -----------
+   function Index
+     (Source  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Pattern : Wide_Wide_String;
+      Going   : Strings.Direction := Strings.Forward;
+      Mapping : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Mapping :=
+        Wide_Wide_Maps.Identity) return Natural
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+   begin
+      return Wide_Wide_Search.Index
+        (SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last), Pattern, Going, Mapping);
+   end Index;
+   function Index
+     (Source  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Pattern : Wide_Wide_String;
+      Going   : Direction := Forward;
+      Mapping : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Mapping_Function)
+      return Natural
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+   begin
+      return Wide_Wide_Search.Index
+        (SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last), Pattern, Going, Mapping);
+   end Index;
+   function Index
+     (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Set    : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Set;
+      Test   : Strings.Membership := Strings.Inside;
+      Going  : Strings.Direction  := Strings.Forward) return Natural
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+   begin
+      return Wide_Wide_Search.Index (SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last), Set, Test, Going);
+   end Index;
+   function Index
+     (Source  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Pattern : Wide_Wide_String;
+      From    : Positive;
+      Going   : Direction := Forward;
+      Mapping : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Mapping :=
+        Wide_Wide_Maps.Identity) return Natural
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+   begin
+      return Wide_Wide_Search.Index
+        (SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last), Pattern, From, Going, Mapping);
+   end Index;
+   function Index
+     (Source  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Pattern : Wide_Wide_String;
+      From    : Positive;
+      Going   : Direction := Forward;
+      Mapping : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Mapping_Function)
+      return Natural
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+   begin
+      return Wide_Wide_Search.Index
+        (SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last), Pattern, From, Going, Mapping);
+   end Index;
+   function Index
+     (Source  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Set     : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Set;
+      From    : Positive;
+      Test    : Membership := Inside;
+      Going   : Direction := Forward) return Natural
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+   begin
+      return Wide_Wide_Search.Index
+        (SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last), Set, From, Test, Going);
+   end Index;
+   ---------------------
+   -- Index_Non_Blank --
+   ---------------------
+   function Index_Non_Blank
+     (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Going  : Strings.Direction := Strings.Forward) return Natural
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+   begin
+      return Wide_Wide_Search.Index_Non_Blank (SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last), Going);
+   end Index_Non_Blank;
+   function Index_Non_Blank
+     (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      From   : Positive;
+      Going  : Direction := Forward) return Natural
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+   begin
+      return Wide_Wide_Search.Index_Non_Blank
+        (SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last), From, Going);
+   end Index_Non_Blank;
+   ----------------
+   -- Initialize --
+   ----------------
+   procedure Initialize (Object : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) is
+   begin
+      Reference (Object.Reference);
+   end Initialize;
+   ------------
+   -- Insert --
+   ------------
+   function Insert
+     (Source   : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Before   : Positive;
+      New_Item : Wide_Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DL : constant Natural := SR.Last + New_Item'Length;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Check index first
+      if Before > SR.Last + 1 then
+         raise Index_Error;
+      end if;
+      --  Result is empty, reuse empty shared string
+      if DL = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      --  Inserted string is empty, reuse source shared string
+      elsif New_Item'Length = 0 then
+         Reference (SR);
+         DR := SR;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (DL + DL / Growth_Factor);
+         DR.Data (1 .. Before - 1) := SR.Data (1 .. Before - 1);
+         DR.Data (Before .. Before + New_Item'Length - 1) := New_Item;
+         DR.Data (Before + New_Item'Length .. DL) :=
+           SR.Data (Before .. SR.Last);
+         DR.Last := DL;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end Insert;
+   procedure Insert
+     (Source   : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Before   : Positive;
+      New_Item : Wide_Wide_String)
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DL : constant Natural := SR.Last + New_Item'Length;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Check bounds
+      if Before > SR.Last + 1 then
+         raise Index_Error;
+      end if;
+      --  Result is empty string, reuse empty shared string
+      if DL = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         Source.Reference := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      --  Inserted string is empty, nothing to do
+      elsif New_Item'Length = 0 then
+         null;
+      --  Try to reuse existent shared string first
+      elsif Can_Be_Reused (SR, DL) then
+         SR.Data (Before + New_Item'Length .. DL) :=
+           SR.Data (Before .. SR.Last);
+         SR.Data (Before .. Before + New_Item'Length - 1) := New_Item;
+         SR.Last := DL;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (DL + DL / Growth_Factor);
+         DR.Data (1 .. Before - 1) := SR.Data (1 .. Before - 1);
+         DR.Data (Before .. Before + New_Item'Length - 1) := New_Item;
+         DR.Data (Before + New_Item'Length .. DL) :=
+           SR.Data (Before .. SR.Last);
+         DR.Last := DL;
+         Source.Reference := DR;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      end if;
+   end Insert;
+   ------------
+   -- Length --
+   ------------
+   function Length (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Natural is
+   begin
+      return Source.Reference.Last;
+   end Length;
+   ---------------
+   -- Overwrite --
+   ---------------
+   function Overwrite
+     (Source   : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Position : Positive;
+      New_Item : Wide_Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DL : Natural;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Check bounds
+      if Position > SR.Last + 1 then
+         raise Index_Error;
+      end if;
+      DL := Integer'Max (SR.Last, Position + New_Item'Length - 1);
+      --  Result is empty string, reuse empty shared string
+      if DL = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      --  Result is same with source string, reuse source shared string
+      elsif New_Item'Length = 0 then
+         Reference (SR);
+         DR := SR;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (DL);
+         DR.Data (1 .. Position - 1) := SR.Data (1 .. Position - 1);
+         DR.Data (Position .. Position + New_Item'Length - 1) := New_Item;
+         DR.Data (Position + New_Item'Length .. DL) :=
+           SR.Data (Position + New_Item'Length .. SR.Last);
+         DR.Last := DL;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end Overwrite;
+   procedure Overwrite
+     (Source    : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Position  : Positive;
+      New_Item  : Wide_Wide_String)
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DL : Natural;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Bounds check
+      if Position > SR.Last + 1 then
+         raise Index_Error;
+      end if;
+      DL := Integer'Max (SR.Last, Position + New_Item'Length - 1);
+      --  Result is empty string, reuse empty shared string
+      if DL = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         Source.Reference := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      --  String unchanged, nothing to do
+      elsif New_Item'Length = 0 then
+         null;
+      --  Try to reuse existent shared string
+      elsif Can_Be_Reused (SR, DL) then
+         SR.Data (Position .. Position + New_Item'Length - 1) := New_Item;
+         SR.Last := DL;
+      --  Otherwise allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (DL);
+         DR.Data (1 .. Position - 1) := SR.Data (1 .. Position - 1);
+         DR.Data (Position .. Position + New_Item'Length - 1) := New_Item;
+         DR.Data (Position + New_Item'Length .. DL) :=
+           SR.Data (Position + New_Item'Length .. SR.Last);
+         DR.Last := DL;
+         Source.Reference := DR;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      end if;
+   end Overwrite;
+   ---------------
+   -- Reference --
+   ---------------
+   procedure Reference (Item : not null Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access) is
+   begin
+      System.Atomic_Counters.Increment (Item.Counter);
+   end Reference;
+   ---------------------
+   -- Replace_Element --
+   ---------------------
+   procedure Replace_Element
+     (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Index  : Positive;
+      By     : Wide_Wide_Character)
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Bounds check
+      if Index <= SR.Last then
+         --  Try to reuse existent shared string
+         if Can_Be_Reused (SR, SR.Last) then
+            SR.Data (Index) := By;
+         --  Otherwise allocate new shared string and fill it
+         else
+            DR := Allocate (SR.Last);
+            DR.Data (1 .. SR.Last) := SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last);
+            DR.Data (Index) := By;
+            DR.Last := SR.Last;
+            Source.Reference := DR;
+            Unreference (SR);
+         end if;
+      else
+         raise Index_Error;
+      end if;
+   end Replace_Element;
+   -------------------
+   -- Replace_Slice --
+   -------------------
+   function Replace_Slice
+     (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Low    : Positive;
+      High   : Natural;
+      By     : Wide_Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DL : Natural;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Check bounds
+      if Low > SR.Last + 1 then
+         raise Index_Error;
+      end if;
+      --  Do replace operation when removed slice is not empty
+      if High >= Low then
+         DL := By'Length + SR.Last + Low - Integer'Min (High, SR.Last) - 1;
+         --  This is the number of characters remaining in the string after
+         --  replacing the slice.
+         --  Result is empty string, reuse empty shared string
+         if DL = 0 then
+            Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+            DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+         --  Otherwise allocate new shared string and fill it
+         else
+            DR := Allocate (DL);
+            DR.Data (1 .. Low - 1) := SR.Data (1 .. Low - 1);
+            DR.Data (Low .. Low + By'Length - 1) := By;
+            DR.Data (Low + By'Length .. DL) := SR.Data (High + 1 .. SR.Last);
+            DR.Last := DL;
+         end if;
+         return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+      --  Otherwise just insert string
+      else
+         return Insert (Source, Low, By);
+      end if;
+   end Replace_Slice;
+   procedure Replace_Slice
+     (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Low    : Positive;
+      High   : Natural;
+      By     : Wide_Wide_String)
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DL : Natural;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Bounds check
+      if Low > SR.Last + 1 then
+         raise Index_Error;
+      end if;
+      --  Do replace operation only when replaced slice is not empty
+      if High >= Low then
+         DL := By'Length + SR.Last + Low - Integer'Min (High, SR.Last) - 1;
+         --  This is the number of characters remaining in the string after
+         --  replacing the slice.
+         --  Result is empty string, reuse empty shared string
+         if DL = 0 then
+            Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+            Source.Reference := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+            Unreference (SR);
+         --  Try to reuse existent shared string
+         elsif Can_Be_Reused (SR, DL) then
+            SR.Data (Low + By'Length .. DL) := SR.Data (High + 1 .. SR.Last);
+            SR.Data (Low .. Low + By'Length - 1) := By;
+            SR.Last := DL;
+         --  Otherwise allocate new shared string and fill it
+         else
+            DR := Allocate (DL);
+            DR.Data (1 .. Low - 1) := SR.Data (1 .. Low - 1);
+            DR.Data (Low .. Low + By'Length - 1) := By;
+            DR.Data (Low + By'Length .. DL) := SR.Data (High + 1 .. SR.Last);
+            DR.Last := DL;
+            Source.Reference := DR;
+            Unreference (SR);
+         end if;
+      --  Otherwise just insert item
+      else
+         Insert (Source, Low, By);
+      end if;
+   end Replace_Slice;
+   -------------------------------
+   -- Set_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String --
+   -------------------------------
+   procedure Set_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+     (Target : out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Source : Wide_Wide_String)
+   is
+      TR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Target.Reference;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  In case of empty string, reuse empty shared string
+      if Source'Length = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         Target.Reference := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      else
+         --  Try to reuse existent shared string
+         if Can_Be_Reused (TR, Source'Length) then
+            Reference (TR);
+            DR := TR;
+         --  Otherwise allocate new shared string
+         else
+            DR := Allocate (Source'Length);
+            Target.Reference := DR;
+         end if;
+         DR.Data (1 .. Source'Length) := Source;
+         DR.Last := Source'Length;
+      end if;
+      Unreference (TR);
+   end Set_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+   -----------
+   -- Slice --
+   -----------
+   function Slice
+     (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Low    : Positive;
+      High   : Natural) return Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+   begin
+      --  Note: test of High > Length is in accordance with AI95-00128
+      if Low > SR.Last + 1 or else High > SR.Last then
+         raise Index_Error;
+      else
+         return SR.Data (Low .. High);
+      end if;
+   end Slice;
+   ----------
+   -- Tail --
+   ----------
+   function Tail
+     (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Count  : Natural;
+      Pad    : Wide_Wide_Character := Wide_Wide_Space)
+      return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  For empty result reuse empty shared string
+      if Count = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      --  Result is hole source string, reuse source shared string
+      elsif Count = SR.Last then
+         Reference (SR);
+         DR := SR;
+      --  Otherwise allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (Count);
+         if Count < SR.Last then
+            DR.Data (1 .. Count) := SR.Data (SR.Last - Count + 1 .. SR.Last);
+         else
+            for J in 1 .. Count - SR.Last loop
+               DR.Data (J) := Pad;
+            end loop;
+            DR.Data (Count - SR.Last + 1 .. Count) := SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last);
+         end if;
+         DR.Last := Count;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end Tail;
+   procedure Tail
+     (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Count  : Natural;
+      Pad    : Wide_Wide_Character := Wide_Wide_Space)
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+      procedure Common
+        (SR    : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+         DR    : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+         Count : Natural);
+      --  Common code of tail computation. SR/DR can point to the same object
+      ------------
+      -- Common --
+      ------------
+      procedure Common
+        (SR    : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+         DR    : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+         Count : Natural) is
+      begin
+         if Count < SR.Last then
+            DR.Data (1 .. Count) := SR.Data (SR.Last - Count + 1 .. SR.Last);
+         else
+            DR.Data (Count - SR.Last + 1 .. Count) := SR.Data (1 .. SR.Last);
+            for J in 1 .. Count - SR.Last loop
+               DR.Data (J) := Pad;
+            end loop;
+         end if;
+         DR.Last := Count;
+      end Common;
+   begin
+      --  Result is empty string, reuse empty shared string
+      if Count = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         Source.Reference := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      --  Length of the result is the same with length of the source string,
+      --  reuse source shared string.
+      elsif Count = SR.Last then
+         null;
+      --  Try to reuse existent shared string
+      elsif Can_Be_Reused (SR, Count) then
+         Common (SR, SR, Count);
+      --  Otherwise allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (Count);
+         Common (SR, DR, Count);
+         Source.Reference := DR;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      end if;
+   end Tail;
+   -------------------------
+   -- To_Wide_Wide_String --
+   -------------------------
+   function To_Wide_Wide_String
+     (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Wide_Wide_String is
+   begin
+      return Source.Reference.Data (1 .. Source.Reference.Last);
+   end To_Wide_Wide_String;
+   -----------------------------------
+   -- To_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String --
+   -----------------------------------
+   function To_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+     (Source : Wide_Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      if Source'Length = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (Source'Length);
+         DR.Data (1 .. Source'Length) := Source;
+         DR.Last := Source'Length;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end To_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+   function To_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+     (Length : Natural) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      if Length = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (Length);
+         DR.Last := Length;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end To_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+   ---------------
+   -- Translate --
+   ---------------
+   function Translate
+     (Source  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Mapping : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Mapping)
+      return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Nothing to translate, reuse empty shared string
+      if SR.Last = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (SR.Last);
+         for J in 1 .. SR.Last loop
+            DR.Data (J) := Value (Mapping, SR.Data (J));
+         end loop;
+         DR.Last := SR.Last;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end Translate;
+   procedure Translate
+     (Source  : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Mapping : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Mapping)
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Nothing to translate
+      if SR.Last = 0 then
+         null;
+      --  Try to reuse shared string
+      elsif Can_Be_Reused (SR, SR.Last) then
+         for J in 1 .. SR.Last loop
+            SR.Data (J) := Value (Mapping, SR.Data (J));
+         end loop;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (SR.Last);
+         for J in 1 .. SR.Last loop
+            DR.Data (J) := Value (Mapping, SR.Data (J));
+         end loop;
+         DR.Last := SR.Last;
+         Source.Reference := DR;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      end if;
+   end Translate;
+   function Translate
+     (Source  : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Mapping : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Mapping_Function)
+      return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Nothing to translate, reuse empty shared string
+      if SR.Last = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (SR.Last);
+         for J in 1 .. SR.Last loop
+            DR.Data (J) := Mapping.all (SR.Data (J));
+         end loop;
+         DR.Last := SR.Last;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   exception
+      when others =>
+         Unreference (DR);
+         raise;
+   end Translate;
+   procedure Translate
+     (Source  : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Mapping : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Mapping_Function)
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Nothing to translate
+      if SR.Last = 0 then
+         null;
+      --  Try to reuse shared string
+      elsif Can_Be_Reused (SR, SR.Last) then
+         for J in 1 .. SR.Last loop
+            SR.Data (J) := Mapping.all (SR.Data (J));
+         end loop;
+      --  Otherwise allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DR := Allocate (SR.Last);
+         for J in 1 .. SR.Last loop
+            DR.Data (J) := Mapping.all (SR.Data (J));
+         end loop;
+         DR.Last := SR.Last;
+         Source.Reference := DR;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      end if;
+   exception
+      when others =>
+         if DR /= null then
+            Unreference (DR);
+         end if;
+         raise;
+   end Translate;
+   ----------
+   -- Trim --
+   ----------
+   function Trim
+     (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Side   : Trim_End) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      SR   : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DL   : Natural;
+      DR   : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+      Low  : Natural;
+      High : Natural;
+   begin
+      Low := Index_Non_Blank (Source, Forward);
+      --  All blanks, reuse empty shared string
+      if Low = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      else
+         case Side is
+            when Left =>
+               High := SR.Last;
+               DL   := SR.Last - Low + 1;
+            when Right =>
+               Low  := 1;
+               High := Index_Non_Blank (Source, Backward);
+               DL   := High;
+            when Both =>
+               High := Index_Non_Blank (Source, Backward);
+               DL   := High - Low + 1;
+         end case;
+         --  Length of the result is the same as length of the source string,
+         --  reuse source shared string.
+         if DL = SR.Last then
+            Reference (SR);
+            DR := SR;
+         --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string
+         else
+            DR := Allocate (DL);
+            DR.Data (1 .. DL) := SR.Data (Low .. High);
+            DR.Last := DL;
+         end if;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end Trim;
+   procedure Trim
+     (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Side   : Trim_End)
+   is
+      SR   : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DL   : Natural;
+      DR   : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+      Low  : Natural;
+      High : Natural;
+   begin
+      Low := Index_Non_Blank (Source, Forward);
+      --  All blanks, reuse empty shared string
+      if Low = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         Source.Reference := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      else
+         case Side is
+            when Left =>
+               High := SR.Last;
+               DL   := SR.Last - Low + 1;
+            when Right =>
+               Low  := 1;
+               High := Index_Non_Blank (Source, Backward);
+               DL   := High;
+            when Both =>
+               High := Index_Non_Blank (Source, Backward);
+               DL   := High - Low + 1;
+         end case;
+         --  Length of the result is the same as length of the source string,
+         --  nothing to do.
+         if DL = SR.Last then
+            null;
+         --  Try to reuse existent shared string
+         elsif Can_Be_Reused (SR, DL) then
+            SR.Data (1 .. DL) := SR.Data (Low .. High);
+            SR.Last := DL;
+         --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string
+         else
+            DR := Allocate (DL);
+            DR.Data (1 .. DL) := SR.Data (Low .. High);
+            DR.Last := DL;
+            Source.Reference := DR;
+            Unreference (SR);
+         end if;
+      end if;
+   end Trim;
+   function Trim
+     (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Left   : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Set;
+      Right  : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Set)
+      return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      SR   : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DL   : Natural;
+      DR   : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+      Low  : Natural;
+      High : Natural;
+   begin
+      Low := Index (Source, Left, Outside, Forward);
+      --  Source includes only characters from Left set, reuse empty shared
+      --  string.
+      if Low = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      else
+         High := Index (Source, Right, Outside, Backward);
+         DL   := Integer'Max (0, High - Low + 1);
+         --  Source includes only characters from Right set or result string
+         --  is empty, reuse empty shared string.
+         if High = 0 or else DL = 0 then
+            Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+            DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+         --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+         else
+            DR := Allocate (DL);
+            DR.Data (1 .. DL) := SR.Data (Low .. High);
+            DR.Last := DL;
+         end if;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end Trim;
+   procedure Trim
+     (Source : in out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Left   : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Set;
+      Right  : Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Character_Set)
+   is
+      SR   : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DL   : Natural;
+      DR   : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+      Low  : Natural;
+      High : Natural;
+   begin
+      Low := Index (Source, Left, Outside, Forward);
+      --  Source includes only characters from Left set, reuse empty shared
+      --  string.
+      if Low = 0 then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         Source.Reference := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+         Unreference (SR);
+      else
+         High := Index (Source, Right, Outside, Backward);
+         DL   := Integer'Max (0, High - Low + 1);
+         --  Source includes only characters from Right set or result string
+         --  is empty, reuse empty shared string.
+         if High = 0 or else DL = 0 then
+            Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+            Source.Reference := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+            Unreference (SR);
+         --  Try to reuse existent shared string
+         elsif Can_Be_Reused (SR, DL) then
+            SR.Data (1 .. DL) := SR.Data (Low .. High);
+            SR.Last := DL;
+         --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+         else
+            DR := Allocate (DL);
+            DR.Data (1 .. DL) := SR.Data (Low .. High);
+            DR.Last := DL;
+            Source.Reference := DR;
+            Unreference (SR);
+         end if;
+      end if;
+   end Trim;
+   ---------------------
+   -- Unbounded_Slice --
+   ---------------------
+   function Unbounded_Slice
+     (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Low    : Positive;
+      High   : Natural) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      DL : Natural;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Check bounds
+      if Low > SR.Last + 1 or else High > SR.Last then
+         raise Index_Error;
+      --  Result is empty slice, reuse empty shared string
+      elsif Low > High then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         DR := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+      --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+      else
+         DL := High - Low + 1;
+         DR := Allocate (DL);
+         DR.Data (1 .. DL) := SR.Data (Low .. High);
+         DR.Last := DL;
+      end if;
+      return (AF.Controlled with Reference => DR);
+   end Unbounded_Slice;
+   procedure Unbounded_Slice
+     (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Target : out Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;
+      Low    : Positive;
+      High   : Natural)
+   is
+      SR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Source.Reference;
+      TR : constant Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Target.Reference;
+      DL : Natural;
+      DR : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access;
+   begin
+      --  Check bounds
+      if Low > SR.Last + 1 or else High > SR.Last then
+         raise Index_Error;
+      --  Result is empty slice, reuse empty shared string
+      elsif Low > High then
+         Reference (Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         Target.Reference := Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access;
+         Unreference (TR);
+      else
+         DL := High - Low + 1;
+         --  Try to reuse existent shared string
+         if Can_Be_Reused (TR, DL) then
+            TR.Data (1 .. DL) := SR.Data (Low .. High);
+            TR.Last := DL;
+         --  Otherwise, allocate new shared string and fill it
+         else
+            DR := Allocate (DL);
+            DR.Data (1 .. DL) := SR.Data (Low .. High);
+            DR.Last := DL;
+            Target.Reference := DR;
+            Unreference (TR);
+         end if;
+      end if;
+   end Unbounded_Slice;
+   -----------------
+   -- Unreference --
+   -----------------
+   procedure Unreference (Item : not null Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access) is
+      procedure Free is
+        new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+              (Shared_Wide_Wide_String, Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access);
+      Aux : Shared_Wide_Wide_String_Access := Item;
+   begin
+      if System.Atomic_Counters.Decrement (Aux.Counter) then
+         --  Reference counter of Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String must never
+         --  reach zero.
+         pragma Assert (Aux /= Empty_Shared_Wide_Wide_String'Access);
+         Free (Aux);
+      end if;
+   end Unreference;
+end Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded;