diff gcc/ada/par.adb @ 111:04ced10e8804

gcc 7
author kono
date Fri, 27 Oct 2017 22:46:09 +0900
children 84e7813d76e9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gcc/ada/par.adb	Fri Oct 27 22:46:09 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1700 @@
+--                                                                          --
+--                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
+--                                                                          --
+--                                  P A R                                   --
+--                                                                          --
+--                                 B o d y                                  --
+--                                                                          --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2017, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License  distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3.  If not, go to --
+-- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license.          --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
+--                                                                          --
+with Aspects;  use Aspects;
+with Atree;    use Atree;
+with Casing;   use Casing;
+with Debug;    use Debug;
+with Elists;   use Elists;
+with Errout;   use Errout;
+with Fname;    use Fname;
+with Lib;      use Lib;
+with Namet;    use Namet;
+with Namet.Sp; use Namet.Sp;
+with Nlists;   use Nlists;
+with Nmake;    use Nmake;
+with Opt;      use Opt;
+with Output;   use Output;
+with Par_SCO;  use Par_SCO;
+with Restrict; use Restrict;
+with Scans;    use Scans;
+with Scn;      use Scn;
+with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
+with Sinput;   use Sinput;
+with Sinput.L; use Sinput.L;
+with Sinfo;    use Sinfo;
+with Snames;   use Snames;
+with Style;
+with Stylesw;  use Stylesw;
+with Table;
+with Tbuild;   use Tbuild;
+-- Par --
+function Par (Configuration_Pragmas : Boolean) return List_Id is
+   Num_Library_Units : Natural := 0;
+   --  Count number of units parsed (relevant only in syntax check only mode,
+   --  since in semantics check mode only a single unit is permitted anyway).
+   Save_Config_Switches : Config_Switches_Type;
+   --  Variable used to save values of config switches while we parse the
+   --  new unit, to be restored on exit for proper recursive behavior.
+   Loop_Block_Count : Nat := 0;
+   --  Counter used for constructing loop/block names (see the routine
+   --  Par.Ch5.Get_Loop_Block_Name).
+   Inside_Record_Definition : Boolean := False;
+   --  True within a record definition. Used to control warning for
+   --  redefinition of standard entities (not issued for field names).
+   --------------------
+   -- Error Recovery --
+   --------------------
+   --  When an error is encountered, a call is made to one of the Error_Msg
+   --  routines to record the error. If the syntax scan is not derailed by the
+   --  error (e.g. a complaint that logical operators are inconsistent in an
+   --  EXPRESSION), then control returns from the Error_Msg call, and the
+   --  parse continues unimpeded.
+   --  If on the other hand, the Error_Msg represents a situation from which
+   --  the parser cannot recover locally, the exception Error_Resync is raised
+   --  immediately after the call to Error_Msg. Handlers for Error_Resync
+   --  are located at strategic points to resynchronize the parse. For example,
+   --  when an error occurs in a statement, the handler skips to the next
+   --  semicolon and continues the scan from there.
+   --  Each parsing procedure contains a note with the heading "Error recovery"
+   --  which shows if it can propagate the Error_Resync exception. In order
+   --  not to propagate the exception, a procedure must either contain its own
+   --  handler for this exception, or it must not call any other routines which
+   --  propagate the exception.
+   --  Note: the arrangement of Error_Resync handlers is such that it should
+   --  never be possible to transfer control through a procedure which made
+   --  an entry in the scope stack, invalidating the contents of the stack.
+   Error_Resync : exception;
+   --  Exception raised on error that is not handled locally, see above
+   Last_Resync_Point : Source_Ptr;
+   --  The resynchronization routines in Par.Sync run a risk of getting
+   --  stuck in an infinite loop if they do not skip a token, and the caller
+   --  keeps repeating the same resync call. On the other hand, if they skip
+   --  a token unconditionally, some recovery opportunities are missed. The
+   --  variable Last_Resync_Point records the token location previously set
+   --  by a Resync call, and if a subsequent Resync call occurs at the same
+   --  location, then the Resync routine does guarantee to skip a token.
+   --------------------------------------------
+   -- Handling Semicolon Used in Place of IS --
+   --------------------------------------------
+   --  The following global variables are used in handling the error situation
+   --  of using a semicolon in place of IS in a subprogram declaration as in:
+   --    procedure X (Y : Integer);
+   --       Q : Integer;
+   --    begin
+   --       ...
+   --    end;
+   --  The two contexts in which this can appear are at the outer level, and
+   --  within a declarative region. At the outer level, we know something is
+   --  wrong as soon as we see the Q (or begin, if there are no declarations),
+   --  and we can immediately decide that the semicolon should have been IS.
+   --  The situation in a declarative region is more complex. The declaration
+   --  of Q could belong to the outer region, and we do not know that we have
+   --  an error until we hit the begin. It is still not clear at this point
+   --  from a syntactic point of view that something is wrong, because the
+   --  begin could belong to the enclosing subprogram or package. However, we
+   --  can incorporate a bit of semantic knowledge and note that the body of
+   --  X is missing, so we definitely DO have an error. We diagnose this error
+   --  as semicolon in place of IS on the subprogram line.
+   --  There are two styles for this diagnostic. If the begin immediately
+   --  follows the semicolon, then we can place a flag (IS expected) right
+   --  on the semicolon. Otherwise we do not detect the error until we hit
+   --  the begin which refers back to the line with the semicolon.
+   --  To control the process in the second case, the following global
+   --  variables are set to indicate that we have a subprogram declaration
+   --  whose body is required and has not yet been found. The prefix SIS
+   --  stands for "Subprogram IS" handling.
+   SIS_Entry_Active : Boolean := False;
+   --  Set True to indicate that an entry is active (i.e. that a subprogram
+   --  declaration has been encountered, and no body for this subprogram has
+   --  been encountered). The remaining fields are valid only if this is True.
+   SIS_Labl : Node_Id;
+   --  Subprogram designator
+   SIS_Sloc : Source_Ptr;
+   --  Source location of FUNCTION/PROCEDURE keyword
+   SIS_Ecol : Column_Number;
+   --  Column number of FUNCTION/PROCEDURE keyword
+   SIS_Semicolon_Sloc : Source_Ptr;
+   --  Source location of semicolon at end of subprogram declaration
+   SIS_Declaration_Node : Node_Id;
+   --  Pointer to tree node for subprogram declaration
+   SIS_Missing_Semicolon_Message : Error_Msg_Id;
+   --  Used to save message ID of missing semicolon message (which will be
+   --  modified to missing IS if necessary). Set to No_Error_Msg in the
+   --  normal (non-error) case.
+   --  Five things can happen to an active SIS entry
+   --   1. If a BEGIN is encountered with an SIS entry active, then we have
+   --   exactly the situation in which we know the body of the subprogram is
+   --   missing. After posting an error message, we change the spec to a body,
+   --   rechaining the declarations that intervened between the spec and BEGIN.
+   --   2. Another subprogram declaration or body is encountered. In this
+   --   case the entry gets overwritten with the information for the new
+   --   subprogram declaration. We don't catch some nested cases this way,
+   --   but it doesn't seem worth the effort.
+   --   3. A nested declarative region (e.g. package declaration or package
+   --   body) is encountered. The SIS active indication is reset at the start
+   --   of such a nested region. Again, like case 2, this causes us to miss
+   --   some nested cases, but it doesn't seen worth the effort to stack and
+   --   unstack the SIS information. Maybe we will reconsider this if we ever
+   --   get a complaint about a missed case.
+   --   4. We encounter a valid pragma INTERFACE or IMPORT that effectively
+   --   supplies the missing body. In this case we reset the entry.
+   --   5. We encounter the end of the declarative region without encountering
+   --   a BEGIN first. In this situation we simply reset the entry. We know
+   --   that there is a missing body, but it seems more reasonable to let the
+   --   later semantic checking discover this.
+   ----------------------------------------------------
+   -- Handling of Reserved Words Used as Identifiers --
+   ----------------------------------------------------
+   --  Note: throughout the parser, the terms reserved word and keyword are
+   --  used interchangeably to refer to the same set of reserved keywords
+   --  (including until, protected, etc).
+   --  If a reserved word is used in place of an identifier, the parser where
+   --  possible tries to recover gracefully. In particular, if the keyword is
+   --  clearly spelled using identifier casing, e.g. Until in a source program
+   --  using mixed case identifiers and lower case keywords, then the keyword
+   --  is treated as an identifier if it appears in a place where an identifier
+   --  is required.
+   --  The situation is more complex if the keyword is spelled with normal
+   --  keyword casing. In this case, the parser is more reluctant to consider
+   --  it to be intended as an identifier, unless it has some further
+   --  confirmation.
+   --  In the case of an identifier appearing in the identifier list of a
+   --  declaration, the appearance of a comma or colon right after the keyword
+   --  on the same line is taken as confirmation. For an enumeration literal,
+   --  a comma or right paren right after the identifier is also treated as
+   --  adequate confirmation.
+   --  The following type is used in calls to Is_Reserved_Identifier and
+   --  also to P_Defining_Identifier and P_Identifier. The default for all
+   --  these functions is that reserved words in reserved word case are not
+   --  considered to be reserved identifiers. The Id_Check value indicates
+   --  tokens, which if they appear immediately after the identifier, are
+   --  taken as confirming that the use of an identifier was expected
+   type Id_Check is
+     (None,
+      --  Default, no special token test
+      C_Comma_Right_Paren,
+      --  Consider as identifier if followed by comma or right paren
+      C_Comma_Colon,
+      --  Consider as identifier if followed by comma or colon
+      C_Do,
+      --  Consider as identifier if followed by DO
+      C_Dot,
+      --  Consider as identifier if followed by period
+      C_Greater_Greater,
+      --  Consider as identifier if followed by >>
+      C_In,
+      --  Consider as identifier if followed by IN
+      C_Is,
+      --  Consider as identifier if followed by IS
+      C_Left_Paren_Semicolon,
+      --  Consider as identifier if followed by left paren or semicolon
+      C_Use,
+      --  Consider as identifier if followed by USE
+      C_Vertical_Bar_Arrow);
+      --  Consider as identifier if followed by | or =>
+   --------------------------------------------
+   -- Handling IS Used in Place of Semicolon --
+   --------------------------------------------
+   --  This is a somewhat trickier situation, and we can't catch it in all
+   --  cases, but we do our best to detect common situations resulting from
+   --  a "cut and paste" operation which forgets to change the IS to semicolon.
+   --  Consider the following example:
+   --    package body X is
+   --      procedure A;
+   --      procedure B is
+   --      procedure C;
+   --      ...
+   --      procedure D is
+   --      begin
+   --         ...
+   --      end;
+   --    begin
+   --      ...
+   --    end;
+   --  The trouble is that the section of text from PROCEDURE B through END;
+   --  constitutes a valid procedure body, and the danger is that we find out
+   --  far too late that something is wrong (indeed most compilers will behave
+   --  uncomfortably on the above example).
+   --  We have two approaches to helping to control this situation. First we
+   --  make every attempt to avoid swallowing the last END; if we can be sure
+   --  that some error will result from doing so. In particular, we won't
+   --  accept the END; unless it is exactly correct (in particular it must not
+   --  have incorrect name tokens), and we won't accept it if it is immediately
+   --  followed by end of file, WITH or SEPARATE (all tokens that unmistakeably
+   --  signal the start of a compilation unit, and which therefore allow us to
+   --  reserve the END; for the outer level.) For more details on this aspect
+   --  of the handling, see package Par.Endh.
+   --  If we can avoid eating up the END; then the result in the absence of
+   --  any additional steps would be to post a missing END referring back to
+   --  the subprogram with the bogus IS. Similarly, if the enclosing package
+   --  has no BEGIN, then the result is a missing BEGIN message, which again
+   --  refers back to the subprogram header.
+   --  Such an error message is not too bad (it's already a big improvement
+   --  over what many parsers do), but it's not ideal, because the declarations
+   --  following the IS have been absorbed into the wrong scope. In the above
+   --  case, this could result for example in a bogus complaint that the body
+   --  of D was missing from the package.
+   --  To catch at least some of these cases, we take the following additional
+   --  steps. First, a subprogram body is marked as having a suspicious IS if
+   --  the declaration line is followed by a line which starts with a symbol
+   --  that can start a declaration in the same column, or to the left of the
+   --  column in which the FUNCTION or PROCEDURE starts (normal style is to
+   --  indent any declarations which really belong a subprogram). If such a
+   --  subprogram encounters a missing BEGIN or missing END, then we decide
+   --  that the IS should have been a semicolon, and the subprogram body node
+   --  is marked (by setting the Bad_Is_Detected flag true. Note that we do
+   --  not do this for library level procedures, only for nested procedures,
+   --  since for library level procedures, we must have a body.
+   --  The processing for a declarative part checks to see if the last
+   --  declaration scanned is marked in this way, and if it is, the tree
+   --  is modified to reflect the IS being interpreted as a semicolon.
+   ---------------------------------------------------
+   -- Parser Type Definitions and Control Variables --
+   ---------------------------------------------------
+   --  The following variable and associated type declaration are used by the
+   --  expression parsing routines to return more detailed information about
+   --  the categorization of a parsed expression.
+   type Expr_Form_Type is (
+      EF_Simple_Name,  -- Simple name, i.e. possibly qualified identifier
+      EF_Name,         -- Simple expression which could also be a name
+      EF_Simple,       -- Simple expression which is not call or name
+      EF_Range_Attr,   -- Range attribute reference
+      EF_Non_Simple);  -- Expression that is not a simple expression
+   Expr_Form : Expr_Form_Type;
+   --  The following type is used for calls to P_Subprogram, P_Package, P_Task,
+   --  P_Protected to indicate which of several possibilities is acceptable.
+   type Pf_Rec is record
+      Spcn : Boolean;                  -- True if specification OK
+      Decl : Boolean;                  -- True if declaration OK
+      Gins : Boolean;                  -- True if generic instantiation OK
+      Pbod : Boolean;                  -- True if proper body OK
+      Rnam : Boolean;                  -- True if renaming declaration OK
+      Stub : Boolean;                  -- True if body stub OK
+      Pexp : Boolean;                  -- True if parameterized expression OK
+      Fil2 : Boolean;                  -- Filler to fill to 8 bits
+   end record;
+   pragma Pack (Pf_Rec);
+   function T return Boolean renames True;
+   function F return Boolean renames False;
+   Pf_Decl_Gins_Pbod_Rnam_Stub_Pexp : constant Pf_Rec :=
+                                       Pf_Rec'(F, T, T, T, T, T, T, F);
+   Pf_Decl_Pexp                     : constant Pf_Rec :=
+                                       Pf_Rec'(F, T, F, F, F, F, T, F);
+   Pf_Decl_Gins_Pbod_Rnam_Pexp      : constant Pf_Rec :=
+                                       Pf_Rec'(F, T, T, T, T, F, T, F);
+   Pf_Decl_Pbod_Pexp                : constant Pf_Rec :=
+                                       Pf_Rec'(F, T, F, T, F, F, T, F);
+   Pf_Pbod_Pexp                     : constant Pf_Rec :=
+                                       Pf_Rec'(F, F, F, T, F, F, T, F);
+   Pf_Spcn                         : constant Pf_Rec :=
+                                       Pf_Rec'(T, F, F, F, F, F, F, F);
+   --  The above are the only allowed values of Pf_Rec arguments
+   type SS_Rec is record
+      Eftm : Boolean;      -- ELSIF can terminate sequence
+      Eltm : Boolean;      -- ELSE can terminate sequence
+      Extm : Boolean;      -- EXCEPTION can terminate sequence
+      Ortm : Boolean;      -- OR can terminate sequence
+      Sreq : Boolean;      -- at least one statement required
+      Tatm : Boolean;      -- THEN ABORT can terminate sequence
+      Whtm : Boolean;      -- WHEN can terminate sequence
+      Unco : Boolean;      -- Unconditional terminate after one statement
+   end record;
+   pragma Pack (SS_Rec);
+   SS_Eftm_Eltm_Sreq : constant SS_Rec := SS_Rec'(T, T, F, F, T, F, F, F);
+   SS_Eltm_Ortm_Tatm : constant SS_Rec := SS_Rec'(F, T, F, T, F, T, F, F);
+   SS_Extm_Sreq      : constant SS_Rec := SS_Rec'(F, F, T, F, T, F, F, F);
+   SS_None           : constant SS_Rec := SS_Rec'(F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F);
+   SS_Ortm_Sreq      : constant SS_Rec := SS_Rec'(F, F, F, T, T, F, F, F);
+   SS_Sreq           : constant SS_Rec := SS_Rec'(F, F, F, F, T, F, F, F);
+   SS_Sreq_Whtm      : constant SS_Rec := SS_Rec'(F, F, F, F, T, F, T, F);
+   SS_Whtm           : constant SS_Rec := SS_Rec'(F, F, F, F, F, F, T, F);
+   SS_Unco           : constant SS_Rec := SS_Rec'(F, F, F, F, F, F, F, T);
+   Goto_List : Elist_Id;
+   --  List of goto nodes appearing in the current compilation. Used to
+   --  recognize natural loops and convert them into bona fide loops for
+   --  optimization purposes.
+   Label_List : Elist_Id;
+   --  List of label nodes for labels appearing in the current compilation.
+   --  Used by Par.Labl to construct the corresponding implicit declarations.
+   -----------------
+   -- Scope Table --
+   -----------------
+   --  The scope table, also referred to as the scope stack, is used to record
+   --  the current scope context. It is organized as a stack, with inner nested
+   --  entries corresponding to higher entries on the stack. An entry is made
+   --  when the parser encounters the opening of a nested construct (such as a
+   --  record, task, package etc.), and then package Par.Endh uses this stack
+   --  to deal with END lines (including properly dealing with END nesting
+   --  errors).
+   type SS_End_Type is
+   --  Type of end entry required for this scope. The last two entries are
+   --  used only in the subprogram body case to mark the case of a suspicious
+   --  IS, or a bad IS (i.e. suspicions confirmed by missing BEGIN or END).
+   --  See separate section on dealing with IS used in place of semicolon.
+   --  Note that for many purposes E_Name, E_Suspicious_Is and E_Bad_Is are
+   --  treated the same (E_Suspicious_Is and E_Bad_Is are simply special cases
+   --  of E_Name). They are placed at the end of the enumeration so that a
+   --  test for >= E_Name catches all three cases efficiently.
+      (E_Dummy,           -- dummy entry at outer level
+       E_Case,            -- END CASE;
+       E_If,              -- END IF;
+       E_Loop,            -- END LOOP;
+       E_Record,          -- END RECORD;
+       E_Return,          -- END RETURN;
+       E_Select,          -- END SELECT;
+       E_Name,            -- END [name];
+       E_Suspicious_Is,   -- END [name]; (case of suspicious IS)
+       E_Bad_Is);         -- END [name]; (case of bad IS)
+   --  The following describes a single entry in the scope table
+   type Scope_Table_Entry is record
+      Etyp : SS_End_Type;
+      --  Type of end entry, as per above description
+      Lreq : Boolean;
+      --  A flag indicating whether the label, if present, is required to
+      --  appear on the end line. It is referenced only in the case of Etyp is
+      --  equal to E_Name or E_Suspicious_Is where the name may or may not be
+      --  required (yes for labeled block, no in other cases). Note that for
+      --  all cases except begin, the question of whether a label is required
+      --  can be determined from the other fields (for loop, it is required if
+      --  it is present, and for the other constructs it is never required or
+      --  allowed).
+      Ecol : Column_Number;
+      --  Contains the absolute column number (with tabs expanded) of the
+      --  expected column of the end assuming normal Ada indentation usage. If
+      --  the RM_Column_Check mode is set, this value is used for generating
+      --  error messages about indentation. Otherwise it is used only to
+      --  control heuristic error recovery actions. This value is zero origin.
+      Labl : Node_Id;
+      --  This field is used to provide the name of the construct being parsed
+      --  and indirectly its kind. For loops and blocks, the field contains the
+      --  source name or the generated one. For package specifications, bodies,
+      --  subprogram specifications and bodies the field holds the correponding
+      --  program unit name. For task declarations and bodies, protected types
+      --  and bodies, and accept statements the field hold the name of the type
+      --  or operation. For if-statements, case-statements, return statements,
+      --  and selects, the field is initialized to Error.
+      --  Note: this is a bit of an odd (mis)use of Error, since there is no
+      --  Error, but we use this value as a place holder to indicate that it
+      --  is an error to have a label on the end line.
+      --  Whenever the field is a name, it is attached to the parent node of
+      --  the construct being parsed. Thus the parent node indicates the kind
+      --  of construct whose parse tree is being built. This is used in error
+      --  recovery.
+      Decl : List_Id;
+      --  Points to the list of declarations (i.e. the declarative part)
+      --  associated with this construct. It is set only in the END [name]
+      --  cases, and is set to No_List for all other cases which do not have a
+      --  declarative unit associated with them. This is used for determining
+      --  the proper location for implicit label declarations.
+      Node : Node_Id;
+      --  Empty except in the case of entries for IF and CASE statements, in
+      --  which case it contains the N_If_Statement or N_Case_Statement node.
+      --  This is used for setting the End_Span field.
+      Sloc : Source_Ptr;
+      --  Source location of the opening token of the construct. This is used
+      --  to refer back to this line in error messages (such as missing or
+      --  incorrect end lines). The Sloc field is not used, and is not set, if
+      --  a label is present (the Labl field provides the text name of the
+      --  label in this case, which is fine for error messages).
+      S_Is : Source_Ptr;
+      --  S_Is is relevant only if Etyp is set to E_Suspicious_Is or E_Bad_Is.
+      --  It records the location of the IS that is considered to be
+      --  suspicious.
+      Junk : Boolean;
+      --  A boolean flag that is set true if the opening entry is the dubious
+      --  result of some prior error, e.g. a record entry where the record
+      --  keyword was missing. It is used to suppress the issuing of a
+      --  corresponding junk complaint about the end line (we do not want
+      --  to complain about a missing end record when there was no record).
+   end record;
+   --  The following declares the scope table itself. The Last field is the
+   --  stack pointer, so that Scope.Table (Scope.Last) is the top entry. The
+   --  oldest entry, at Scope_Stack (0), is a dummy entry with Etyp set to
+   --  E_Dummy, and the other fields undefined. This dummy entry ensures that
+   --  Scope_Stack (Scope_Stack_Ptr).Etyp can always be tested, and that the
+   --  scope stack pointer is always in range.
+   package Scope is new Table.Table (
+     Table_Component_Type => Scope_Table_Entry,
+     Table_Index_Type     => Int,
+     Table_Low_Bound      => 0,
+     Table_Initial        => 50,
+     Table_Increment      => 100,
+     Table_Name           => "Scope");
+   ------------------------------------------
+   -- Table for Handling Suspicious Labels --
+   ------------------------------------------
+   --  This is a special data structure which is used to deal very spefifically
+   --  with the following error case
+   --     label;
+   --     loop
+   --       ...
+   --     end loop label;
+   --  Similar cases apply to FOR, WHILE, DECLARE, or BEGIN
+   --  In each case the opening line looks like a procedure call because of
+   --  the semicolon. And the end line looks illegal because of an unexpected
+   --  label. If we did nothing special, we would just diagnose the label on
+   --  the end as unexpected. But that does not help point to the real error
+   --  which is that the semicolon after label should be a colon.
+   --  To deal with this, we build an entry in the Suspicious_Labels table
+   --  whenever we encounter an identifier followed by a semicolon, followed
+   --  by one of LOOP, FOR, WHILE, DECLARE, BEGIN. Then this entry is used to
+   --  issue the right message when we hit the END that confirms that this was
+   --  a bad label.
+   type Suspicious_Label_Entry is record
+      Proc_Call : Node_Id;
+      --  Node for the procedure call statement built for the label; construct
+      Semicolon_Loc : Source_Ptr;
+      --  Location of the possibly wrong semicolon
+      Start_Token : Source_Ptr;
+      --  Source location of the LOOP, FOR, WHILE, DECLARE, BEGIN token
+   end record;
+   package Suspicious_Labels is new Table.Table (
+     Table_Component_Type => Suspicious_Label_Entry,
+     Table_Index_Type     => Int,
+     Table_Low_Bound      => 1,
+     Table_Initial        => 50,
+     Table_Increment      => 100,
+     Table_Name           => "Suspicious_Labels");
+   --  Now when we are about to issue a message complaining about an END label
+   --  that should not be there because it appears to end a construct that has
+   --  no label, we first search the suspicious labels table entry, using the
+   --  source location stored in the scope table as a key. If we find a match,
+   --  then we check that the label on the end matches the name in the call,
+   --  and if so, we issue a message saying the semicolon should be a colon.
+   --  Quite a bit of work, but really helpful in the case where it helps, and
+   --  the need for this is based on actual experience with tracking down this
+   --  kind of error (the eye often easily mistakes semicolon for colon).
+   --  Note: we actually have enough information to patch up the tree, but
+   --  this may not be worth the effort. Also we could deal with the same
+   --  situation for EXIT with a label, but for now don't bother with that.
+   Current_Assign_Node : Node_Id := Empty;
+   --  This is the node of the current assignment statement being compiled.
+   --  It is used to record the presence of target_names on its RHS. This
+   --  context-dependent trick simplifies the analysis of such nodes, where
+   --  the RHS must first be analyzed with expansion disabled.
+   ---------------------------------
+   -- Parsing Routines by Chapter --
+   ---------------------------------
+   --  Uncommented declarations in this section simply parse the construct
+   --  corresponding to their name, and return an ID value for the Node or
+   --  List that is created.
+   -------------
+   -- Par.Ch2 --
+   -------------
+   package Ch2 is
+      function P_Pragma (Skipping : Boolean := False) return Node_Id;
+      --  Scan out a pragma. If Skipping is True, then the caller is skipping
+      --  the pragma in the context of illegal placement (this is used to avoid
+      --  some junk cascaded messages). Some pragmas must be dealt with during
+      --  the parsing phase (e.g. pragma Page, since we can generate a listing
+      --  in syntax only mode). It is possible that the parser uses the rescan
+      --  logic (using Save/Restore_Scan_State) with the effect of calling this
+      --  procedure more than once for the same pragma. All parse-time pragma
+      --  handling must be prepared to handle such multiple calls correctly.
+      function P_Identifier (C : Id_Check := None) return Node_Id;
+      --  Scans out an identifier. The parameter C determines the treatment
+      --  of reserved identifiers. See declaration of Id_Check for details.
+      function P_Pragmas_Opt return List_Id;
+      --  This function scans for a sequence of pragmas in other than a
+      --  declaration sequence or statement sequence context. All pragmas
+      --  can appear except pragmas Assert and Debug, which are only allowed
+      --  in a declaration or statement sequence context.
+      procedure P_Pragmas_Misplaced;
+      --  Skips misplaced pragmas with a complaint
+      procedure P_Pragmas_Opt (List : List_Id);
+      --  Parses optional pragmas and appends them to the List
+   end Ch2;
+   -------------
+   -- Par.Ch3 --
+   -------------
+   package Ch3 is
+      Missing_Begin_Msg : Error_Msg_Id;
+      --  This variable is set by a call to P_Declarative_Part. Normally it
+      --  is set to No_Error_Msg, indicating that no special processing is
+      --  required by the caller. The special case arises when a statement
+      --  is found in the sequence of declarations. In this case the Id of
+      --  the message issued ("declaration expected") is preserved in this
+      --  variable, then the caller can change it to an appropriate missing
+      --  begin message if indeed the BEGIN is missing.
+      function P_Array_Type_Definition                return Node_Id;
+      function P_Basic_Declarative_Items              return List_Id;
+      function P_Constraint_Opt                       return Node_Id;
+      function P_Declarative_Part                     return List_Id;
+      function P_Discrete_Choice_List                 return List_Id;
+      function P_Discrete_Range                       return Node_Id;
+      function P_Discrete_Subtype_Definition          return Node_Id;
+      function P_Known_Discriminant_Part_Opt          return List_Id;
+      function P_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition       return Node_Id;
+      function P_Range                                return Node_Id;
+      function P_Range_Constraint                     return Node_Id;
+      function P_Record_Definition                    return Node_Id;
+      function P_Subtype_Mark                         return Node_Id;
+      function P_Subtype_Mark_Resync                  return Node_Id;
+      function P_Unknown_Discriminant_Part_Opt        return Boolean;
+      function P_Access_Definition
+        (Null_Exclusion_Present : Boolean) return Node_Id;
+      --  Ada 2005 (AI-231/AI-254): The caller parses the null-exclusion part
+      --  and indicates if it was present
+      function P_Access_Type_Definition
+        (Header_Already_Parsed : Boolean := False) return Node_Id;
+      --  Ada 2005 (AI-254): The formal is used to indicate if the caller has
+      --  parsed the null_exclusion part. In this case the caller has also
+      --  removed the ACCESS token
+      procedure P_Component_Items (Decls : List_Id);
+      --  Scan out one or more component items and append them to the given
+      --  list. Only scans out more than one declaration in the case where the
+      --  source has a single declaration with multiple defining identifiers.
+      function P_Defining_Identifier (C : Id_Check := None) return Node_Id;
+      --  Scan out a defining identifier. The parameter C controls the
+      --  treatment of errors in case a reserved word is scanned. See the
+      --  declaration of this type for details.
+      function P_Interface_Type_Definition
+        (Abstract_Present : Boolean) return Node_Id;
+      --  Ada 2005 (AI-251): Parse the interface type definition part. Abstract
+      --  Present indicates if the reserved word "abstract" has been previously
+      --  found. It is used to report an error message because interface types
+      --  are by definition abstract tagged. We generate a record_definition
+      --  node if the list of interfaces is empty; otherwise we generate a
+      --  derived_type_definition node (the first interface in this list is the
+      --  ancestor interface).
+      function P_Null_Exclusion
+        (Allow_Anonymous_In_95 : Boolean := False) return Boolean;
+      --  Ada 2005 (AI-231): Parse the null-excluding part. A True result
+      --  indicates that the null-excluding part was present.
+      --
+      --  Allow_Anonymous_In_95 is True if we are in a context that allows
+      --  anonymous access types in Ada 95, in which case "not null" is legal
+      --  if it precedes "access".
+      function P_Subtype_Indication
+        (Not_Null_Present : Boolean := False) return Node_Id;
+      --  Ada 2005 (AI-231): The flag Not_Null_Present indicates that the
+      --  null-excluding part has been scanned out and it was present.
+      function P_Range_Or_Subtype_Mark
+        (Allow_Simple_Expression : Boolean := False) return Node_Id;
+      --  Scans out a range or subtype mark, and also permits a general simple
+      --  expression if Allow_Simple_Expression is set to True.
+      function Init_Expr_Opt (P : Boolean := False) return Node_Id;
+      --  If an initialization expression is present (:= expression), then
+      --  it is scanned out and returned, otherwise Empty is returned if no
+      --  initialization expression is present. This procedure also handles
+      --  certain common error cases cleanly. The parameter P indicates if
+      --  a right paren can follow the expression (default = no right paren
+      --  allowed).
+      procedure Skip_Declaration (S : List_Id);
+      --  Used when scanning statements to skip past a misplaced declaration
+      --  The declaration is scanned out and appended to the given list.
+      --  Token is known to be a declaration token (in Token_Class_Declk)
+      --  on entry, so there definition is a declaration to be scanned.
+      function P_Subtype_Indication
+        (Subtype_Mark     : Node_Id;
+         Not_Null_Present : Boolean := False) return Node_Id;
+      --  This version of P_Subtype_Indication is called when the caller has
+      --  already scanned out the subtype mark which is passed as a parameter.
+      --  Ada 2005 (AI-231): The flag Not_Null_Present indicates that the
+      --  null-excluding part has been scanned out and it was present.
+      function P_Subtype_Mark_Attribute (Type_Node : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
+      --  Parse a subtype mark attribute. The caller has already parsed the
+      --  subtype mark, which is passed in as the argument, and has checked
+      --  that the current token is apostrophe.
+   end Ch3;
+   -------------
+   -- Par.Ch4 --
+   -------------
+   package Ch4 is
+      function P_Aggregate                            return Node_Id;
+      function P_Expression                           return Node_Id;
+      function P_Expression_Or_Range_Attribute        return Node_Id;
+      function P_Function_Name                        return Node_Id;
+      function P_Name                                 return Node_Id;
+      function P_Qualified_Simple_Name                return Node_Id;
+      function P_Qualified_Simple_Name_Resync         return Node_Id;
+      function P_Simple_Expression                    return Node_Id;
+      function P_Simple_Expression_Or_Range_Attribute return Node_Id;
+      function P_Case_Expression return Node_Id;
+      --  Scans out a case expression. Called with Token pointing to the CASE
+      --  keyword, and returns pointing to the terminating right parent,
+      --  semicolon, or comma, but does not consume this terminating token.
+      function P_Expression_If_OK return Node_Id;
+      --  Scans out an expression allowing an unparenthesized case expression,
+      --  if expression, or quantified expression to appear without enclosing
+      --  parentheses. However, if such an expression is not preceded by a left
+      --  paren, and followed by a right paren, an error message will be output
+      --  noting that parenthesization is required.
+      function P_Expression_No_Right_Paren return Node_Id;
+      --  Scans out an expression in contexts where the expression cannot be
+      --  terminated by a right paren (gives better error recovery if an errant
+      --  right paren is found after the expression).
+      function P_Expression_Or_Range_Attribute_If_OK return Node_Id;
+      --  Scans out an expression or range attribute where a conditional
+      --  expression is permitted to appear without surrounding parentheses.
+      --  However, if such an expression is not preceded by a left paren, and
+      --  followed by a right paren, an error message will be output noting
+      --  that parenthesization is required.
+      function P_If_Expression return Node_Id;
+      --  Scans out an if expression. Called with Token pointing to the
+      --  IF keyword, and returns pointing to the terminating right paren,
+      --  semicolon or comma, but does not consume this terminating token.
+      function P_Qualified_Expression (Subtype_Mark : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
+      --  This routine scans out a qualified expression when the caller has
+      --  already scanned out the name and apostrophe of the construct.
+      function P_Quantified_Expression return Node_Id;
+      --  This routine scans out a quantified expression when the caller has
+      --  already scanned out the keyword "for" of the construct.
+   end Ch4;
+   -------------
+   -- Par.Ch5 --
+   -------------
+   package Ch5 is
+      function P_Condition return Node_Id;
+      --  Scan out and return a condition. Note that an error is given if
+      --  the condition is followed by a right parenthesis.
+      function P_Condition (Cond : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
+      --  Similar to the above, but the caller has already scanned out the
+      --  conditional expression and passes it as an argument. This form of
+      --  the call does not check for a following right parenthesis.
+      function P_Loop_Parameter_Specification return Node_Id;
+      --  Used in loop constructs and quantified expressions.
+      function P_Sequence_Of_Statements (SS_Flags : SS_Rec) return List_Id;
+      --  The argument indicates the acceptable termination tokens.
+      --  See body in Par.Ch5 for details of the use of this parameter.
+      procedure Parse_Decls_Begin_End (Parent : Node_Id);
+      --  Parses declarations and handled statement sequence, setting
+      --  fields of Parent node appropriately.
+   end Ch5;
+   -------------
+   -- Par.Ch6 --
+   -------------
+   package Ch6 is
+      function P_Designator                           return Node_Id;
+      function P_Defining_Program_Unit_Name           return Node_Id;
+      function P_Formal_Part                          return List_Id;
+      function P_Parameter_Profile                    return List_Id;
+      function P_Return_Statement                     return Node_Id;
+      function P_Subprogram_Specification             return Node_Id;
+      procedure P_Mode (Node : Node_Id);
+      --  Sets In_Present and/or Out_Present flags in Node scanning past IN,
+      --  OUT or IN OUT tokens in the source.
+      function P_Subprogram (Pf_Flags : Pf_Rec)       return Node_Id;
+      --  Scans out any construct starting with either of the keywords
+      --  PROCEDURE or FUNCTION. The parameter indicates which possible
+      --  possible kinds of construct (body, spec, instantiation etc.)
+      --  are permissible in the current context.
+   end Ch6;
+   -------------
+   -- Par.Ch7 --
+   -------------
+   package Ch7 is
+      function P_Package (Pf_Flags : Pf_Rec) return Node_Id;
+      --  Scans out any construct starting with the keyword PACKAGE. The
+      --  parameter indicates which possible kinds of construct (body, spec,
+      --  instantiation etc.) are permissible in the current context.
+   end Ch7;
+   -------------
+   -- Par.Ch8 --
+   -------------
+   package Ch8 is
+      procedure P_Use_Clause (Item_List : List_Id);
+   end Ch8;
+   -------------
+   -- Par.Ch9 --
+   -------------
+   package Ch9 is
+      function P_Abort_Statement                      return Node_Id;
+      function P_Abortable_Part                       return Node_Id;
+      function P_Accept_Statement                     return Node_Id;
+      function P_Delay_Statement                      return Node_Id;
+      function P_Entry_Body                           return Node_Id;
+      function P_Protected                            return Node_Id;
+      function P_Requeue_Statement                    return Node_Id;
+      function P_Select_Statement                     return Node_Id;
+      function P_Task                                 return Node_Id;
+      function P_Terminate_Alternative                return Node_Id;
+   end Ch9;
+   --------------
+   -- Par.Ch10 --
+   --------------
+   package Ch10 is
+      function P_Compilation_Unit                     return Node_Id;
+      --  Note: this function scans a single compilation unit, and checks that
+      --  an end of file follows this unit, diagnosing any unexpected input as
+      --  an error, and then skipping it, so that Token is set to Tok_EOF on
+      --  return. An exception is in syntax-only mode, where multiple
+      --  compilation units are permitted. In this case, P_Compilation_Unit
+      --  does not check for end of file and there may be more compilation
+      --  units to scan. The caller can uniquely detect this situation by the
+      --  fact that Token is not set to Tok_EOF on return.
+      --
+      --  What about multiple unit/file capability that now exists???
+      --
+      --  The Ignore parameter is normally set False. It is set True in the
+      --  multiple unit per file mode if we are skipping past a unit that we
+      --  are not interested in.
+   end Ch10;
+   --------------
+   -- Par.Ch11 --
+   --------------
+   package Ch11 is
+      function P_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements       return Node_Id;
+      function P_Raise_Expression                     return Node_Id;
+      function P_Raise_Statement                      return Node_Id;
+      function Parse_Exception_Handlers               return List_Id;
+      --  Parses the partial construct EXCEPTION followed by a list of
+      --  exception handlers which appears in a number of productions, and
+      --  returns the list of exception handlers.
+   end Ch11;
+   --------------
+   -- Par.Ch12 --
+   --------------
+   package Ch12 is
+      function P_Generic                              return Node_Id;
+      function P_Generic_Actual_Part_Opt              return List_Id;
+   end Ch12;
+   --------------
+   -- Par.Ch13 --
+   --------------
+   package Ch13 is
+      function P_Representation_Clause                return Node_Id;
+      function Aspect_Specifications_Present
+        (Strict : Boolean := Ada_Version < Ada_2012) return Boolean;
+      --  This function tests whether the next keyword is WITH followed by
+      --  something that looks reasonably like an aspect specification. If so,
+      --  True is returned. Otherwise False is returned. In either case control
+      --  returns with the token pointer unchanged (i.e. pointing to the WITH
+      --  token in the case where True is returned). This function takes care
+      --  of generating appropriate messages if aspect specifications appear
+      --  in versions of Ada prior to Ada 2012. The parameter strict can be
+      --  set to True, to be rather strict about considering something to be
+      --  an aspect specification. If Strict is False, then the circuitry is
+      --  rather more generous in considering something ill-formed to be an
+      --  attempt at an aspect specification. The default is more strict for
+      --  Ada versions before Ada 2012 (where aspect specifications are not
+      --  permitted). Note: this routine never checks the terminator token
+      --  for aspects so it does not matter whether the aspect specifications
+      --  are terminated by semicolon or some other character.
+      --
+      --  Note: This function also handles the case of WHEN used where WITH
+      --  was intended, and in that case posts an error and returns True.
+      procedure P_Aspect_Specifications
+        (Decl      : Node_Id;
+         Semicolon : Boolean := True);
+      --  This procedure scans out a series of aspect spefications. If argument
+      --  Semicolon is True, a terminating semicolon is also scanned. If this
+      --  argument is False, the scan pointer is left pointing past the aspects
+      --  and the caller must check for a proper terminator.
+      --
+      --  P_Aspect_Specifications is called with the current token pointing
+      --  to either a WITH keyword starting an aspect specification, or an
+      --  instance of what shpould be a terminator token. In the former case,
+      --  the aspect specifications are scanned out including the terminator
+      --  token if it is a semicolon, and the Has_Aspect_Specifications
+      --  flag is set in the given declaration node. A list of aspects
+      --  is built and stored for this declaration node using a call to
+      --  Set_Aspect_Specifications. If no WITH keyword is present, then this
+      --  call has no effect other than scanning out the terminator if it is a
+      --  semicolon (with the exception that it detects WHEN used in place of
+      --  WITH).
+      --  If Decl is Error on entry, any scanned aspect specifications are
+      --  ignored and a message is output saying aspect specifications not
+      --  permitted here. If Decl is Empty, then scanned aspect specifications
+      --  are also ignored, but no error message is given (this is used when
+      --  the caller has already taken care of the error message).
+      function Get_Aspect_Specifications
+        (Semicolon : Boolean := True) return List_Id;
+      --  Parse a list of aspects but do not attach them to a declaration node.
+      --  Subsidiary to P_Aspect_Specifications procedure. Used when parsing
+      --  a subprogram specification that may be a declaration or a body.
+      --  Semicolon has the same meaning as for P_Aspect_Specifications above.
+      function P_Code_Statement (Subtype_Mark : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
+      --  Function to parse a code statement. The caller has scanned out
+      --  the name to be used as the subtype mark (but has not checked that
+      --  it is suitable for use as a subtype mark, i.e. is either an
+      --  identifier or a selected component). The current token is an
+      --  apostrophe and the following token is either a left paren or
+      --  RANGE (the latter being an error to be caught by P_Code_Statement.
+   end Ch13;
+   --  Note: the parsing for annexe J features (i.e. obsolescent features)
+   --  is found in the logical section where these features would be if
+   --  they were not obsolescent. In particular:
+   --    Delta constraint is parsed by P_Delta_Constraint (3.5.9)
+   --    At clause is parsed by P_At_Clause (13.1)
+   --    Mod clause is parsed by P_Mod_Clause (13.5.1)
+   --------------
+   -- Par.Endh --
+   --------------
+   --  Routines for handling end lines, including scope recovery
+   package Endh is
+      function Check_End
+        (Decl   : Node_Id    := Empty;
+         Is_Loc : Source_Ptr := No_Location) return Boolean;
+      --  Called when an end sequence is required. In the absence of an error
+      --  situation, Token contains Tok_End on entry, but in a missing end
+      --  case, this may not be the case. Pop_End_Context is used to determine
+      --  the appropriate action to be taken. The returned result is True if
+      --  an End sequence was encountered and False if no End sequence was
+      --  present. This occurs if the END keyword encountered was determined
+      --  to be improper and deleted (i.e. Pop_End_Context set End_Action to
+      --  Skip_And_Reject). Note that the END sequence includes a semicolon,
+      --  except in the case of END RECORD, where a semicolon follows the END
+      --  RECORD, but is not part of the record type definition itself.
+      --
+      --  If Decl is non-empty, then aspect specifications are permitted
+      --  following the end, and Decl is the declaration node with which
+      --  these aspect specifications are to be associated. If Decl is empty,
+      --  then aspect specifications are not permitted and will generate an
+      --  error message.
+      --
+      --  Is_Loc is set to other than the default only for the case of a
+      --  package declaration. It points to the IS keyword of the declaration,
+      --  and is used to specialize the error messages for misplaced aspect
+      --  specifications in this case. Note that Decl is always Empty if Is_Loc
+      --  is set.
+      procedure End_Skip;
+      --  Skip past an end sequence. On entry Token contains Tok_End, and we
+      --  we know that the end sequence is syntactically incorrect, and that
+      --  an appropriate error message has already been posted. The mission
+      --  is simply to position the scan pointer to be the best guess of the
+      --  position after the end sequence. We do not issue any additional
+      --  error messages while carrying this out.
+      procedure End_Statements
+        (Parent  : Node_Id    := Empty;
+         Decl    : Node_Id    := Empty;
+         Is_Sloc : Source_Ptr := No_Location);
+      --  Called when an end is required or expected to terminate a sequence
+      --  of statements. The caller has already made an appropriate entry in
+      --  the Scope.Table to describe the expected form of the end. This can
+      --  only be used in cases where the only appropriate terminator is end.
+      --  If Parent is non-empty, then if a correct END line is encountered,
+      --  the End_Label field of Parent is set appropriately.
+      --
+      --  If Decl is non-null, then it is a declaration node, and aspect
+      --  specifications are permitted after the end statement. These aspect
+      --  specifications, if present, are stored in this declaration node.
+      --  If Decl is null, then aspect specifications are not permitted after
+      --  the end statement.
+      --
+      --  In the case where Decl is null, Is_Sloc determines the handling. If
+      --  it is set to No_Location, then aspect specifications are ignored and
+      --  an error message is given. Is_Sloc is used in the package declaration
+      --  case to point to the IS, and is used to specialize the error emssages
+      --  issued in this case.
+   end Endh;
+   --------------
+   -- Par.Sync --
+   --------------
+   --  These procedures are used to resynchronize after errors. Following an
+   --  error which is not immediately locally recoverable, the exception
+   --  Error_Resync is raised. The handler for Error_Resync typically calls
+   --  one of these recovery procedures to resynchronize the source position
+   --  to a point from which parsing can be restarted.
+   --  Note: these procedures output an information message that tokens are
+   --  being skipped, but this message is output only if the option for
+   --  Multiple_Errors_Per_Line is set in Options.
+   package Sync is
+      procedure Resync_Choice;
+      --  Used if an error occurs scanning a choice. The scan pointer is
+      --  advanced to the next vertical bar, arrow, or semicolon, whichever
+      --  comes first. We also quit if we encounter an end of file.
+      procedure Resync_Cunit;
+      --  Synchronize to next token which could be the start of a compilation
+      --  unit, or to the end of file token.
+      procedure Resync_Expression;
+      --  Used if an error is detected during the parsing of an expression.
+      --  It skips past tokens until either a token which cannot be part of
+      --  an expression is encountered (an expression terminator), or if a
+      --  comma or right parenthesis or vertical bar is encountered at the
+      --  current parenthesis level (a parenthesis level counter is maintained
+      --  to carry out this test).
+      procedure Resync_Past_Malformed_Aspect;
+      --  Used when parsing aspect specifications to skip a malformed aspect.
+      --  The scan pointer is positioned next to a comma, a semicolon or "is"
+      --  when the aspect applies to a body.
+      procedure Resync_Past_Semicolon;
+      --  Used if an error occurs while scanning a sequence of declarations.
+      --  The scan pointer is positioned past the next semicolon and the scan
+      --  resumes. The scan is also resumed on encountering a token which
+      --  starts a declaration (but we make sure to skip at least one token
+      --  in this case, to avoid getting stuck in a loop).
+      procedure Resync_Past_Semicolon_Or_To_Loop_Or_Then;
+      --  Used if an error occurs while scanning a sequence of statements. The
+      --  scan pointer is positioned past the next semicolon, or to the next
+      --  occurrence of either then or loop, and the scan resumes.
+      procedure Resync_Semicolon_List;
+      --  Used if an error occurs while scanning a parenthesized list of items
+      --  separated by semicolons. The scan pointer is advanced to the next
+      --  semicolon or right parenthesis at the outer parenthesis level, or
+      --  to the next is or RETURN keyword occurrence, whichever comes first.
+      procedure Resync_To_Semicolon;
+      --  Similar to Resync_Past_Semicolon, except that the scan pointer is
+      --  left pointing to the semicolon rather than past it.
+      procedure Resync_To_When;
+      --  Used when an error occurs scanning an entry index specification. The
+      --  scan pointer is positioned to the next WHEN (or to IS or semicolon if
+      --  either of these appear before WHEN, indicating another error has
+      --  occurred).
+   end Sync;
+   --------------
+   -- Par.Tchk --
+   --------------
+   --  Routines to check for expected tokens
+   package Tchk is
+      --  Procedures with names of the form T_xxx, where Tok_xxx is a token
+      --  name, check that the current token matches the required token, and
+      --  if so, scan past it. If not, an error is issued indicating that
+      --  the required token is not present (xxx expected). In most cases, the
+      --  scan pointer is not moved in the not-found case, but there are some
+      --  exceptions to this, see for example T_Id, where the scan pointer is
+      --  moved across a literal appearing where an identifier is expected.
+      procedure T_Abort;
+      procedure T_Arrow;
+      procedure T_At;
+      procedure T_Body;
+      procedure T_Box;
+      procedure T_Colon;
+      procedure T_Colon_Equal;
+      procedure T_Comma;
+      procedure T_Dot_Dot;
+      procedure T_For;
+      procedure T_Greater_Greater;
+      procedure T_Identifier;
+      procedure T_In;
+      procedure T_Is;
+      procedure T_Left_Paren;
+      procedure T_Loop;
+      procedure T_Mod;
+      procedure T_New;
+      procedure T_Of;
+      procedure T_Or;
+      procedure T_Private;
+      procedure T_Range;
+      procedure T_Record;
+      procedure T_Right_Paren;
+      procedure T_Semicolon;
+      procedure T_Then;
+      procedure T_Type;
+      procedure T_Use;
+      procedure T_When;
+      procedure T_With;
+      --  Procedures having names of the form TF_xxx, where Tok_xxx is a token
+      --  name check that the current token matches the required token, and
+      --  if so, scan past it. If not, an error message is issued indicating
+      --  that the required token is not present (xxx expected).
+      --  If the missing token is at the end of the line, then control returns
+      --  immediately after posting the message. If there are remaining tokens
+      --  on the current line, a search is conducted to see if the token
+      --  appears later on the current line, as follows:
+      --  A call to Scan_Save is issued and a forward search for the token
+      --  is carried out. If the token is found on the current line before a
+      --  semicolon, then it is scanned out and the scan continues from that
+      --  point. If not the scan is restored to the point where it was missing.
+      procedure TF_Arrow;
+      procedure TF_Is;
+      procedure TF_Loop;
+      procedure TF_Return;
+      procedure TF_Semicolon;
+      procedure TF_Then;
+      procedure TF_Use;
+      --  Procedures with names of the form U_xxx, where Tok_xxx is a token
+      --  name, are just like the corresponding T_xxx procedures except that
+      --  an error message, if given, is unconditional.
+      procedure U_Left_Paren;
+      procedure U_Right_Paren;
+   end Tchk;
+   --------------
+   -- Par.Util --
+   --------------
+   package Util is
+      function Bad_Spelling_Of (T : Token_Type) return Boolean;
+      --  This function is called in an error situation. It checks if the
+      --  current token is an identifier whose name is a plausible bad
+      --  spelling of the given keyword token, and if so, issues an error
+      --  message, sets Token from T, and returns True. Otherwise Token is
+      --  unchanged, and False is returned.
+      procedure Check_Bad_Layout;
+      --  Check for bad indentation in RM checking mode. Used for statements
+      --  and declarations. Checks if current token is at start of line and
+      --  is exdented from the current expected end column, and if so an
+      --  error message is generated.
+      procedure Check_Misspelling_Of (T : Token_Type);
+      pragma Inline (Check_Misspelling_Of);
+      --  This is similar to the function above, except that it does not
+      --  return a result. It is typically used in a situation where any
+      --  identifier is an error, and it makes sense to simply convert it
+      --  to the given token if it is a plausible misspelling of it.
+      procedure Check_95_Keyword (Token_95, Next : Token_Type);
+      --  This routine checks if the token after the current one matches the
+      --  Next argument. If so, the scan is backed up to the current token
+      --  and Token_Type is changed to Token_95 after issuing an appropriate
+      --  error message ("(Ada 83) keyword xx cannot be used"). If not,
+      --  the scan is backed up with Token_Type unchanged. This routine
+      --  is used to deal with an attempt to use a 95 keyword in Ada 83
+      --  mode. The caller has typically checked that the current token,
+      --  an identifier, matches one of the 95 keywords.
+      procedure Check_Future_Keyword;
+      --  Emit a warning if the current token is a valid identifier in the
+      --  language version in use, but is a reserved word in a later language
+      --  version (unless the language version in use is Ada 83).
+      procedure Check_Simple_Expression (E : Node_Id);
+      --  Given an expression E, that has just been scanned, so that Expr_Form
+      --  is still set, outputs an error if E is a non-simple expression. E is
+      --  not modified by this call.
+      procedure Check_Simple_Expression_In_Ada_83 (E : Node_Id);
+      --  Like Check_Simple_Expression, except that the error message is only
+      --  given when operating in Ada 83 mode, and includes "in Ada 83".
+      function Check_Subtype_Mark (Mark : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
+      --  Called to check that a node representing a name (or call) is
+      --  suitable for a subtype mark, i.e, that it is an identifier or
+      --  a selected component. If so, or if it is already Error, then
+      --  it is returned unchanged. Otherwise an error message is issued
+      --  and Error is returned.
+      function Comma_Present return Boolean;
+      --  Used in comma delimited lists to determine if a comma is present, or
+      --  can reasonably be assumed to have been present (an error message is
+      --  generated in the latter case). If True is returned, the scan has been
+      --  positioned past the comma. If False is returned, the scan position
+      --  is unchanged. Note that all comma-delimited lists are terminated by
+      --  a right paren, so the only legitimate tokens when Comma_Present is
+      --  called are right paren and comma. If some other token is found, then
+      --  Comma_Present has the job of deciding whether it is better to pretend
+      --  a comma was present, post a message for a missing comma and return
+      --  True, or return False and let the caller diagnose the missing right
+      --  parenthesis.
+      procedure Discard_Junk_Node (N : Node_Id);
+      procedure Discard_Junk_List (L : List_Id);
+      pragma Inline (Discard_Junk_Node);
+      pragma Inline (Discard_Junk_List);
+      --  These procedures do nothing at all, their effect is simply to discard
+      --  the argument. A typical use is to skip by some junk that is not
+      --  expected in the current context.
+      procedure Ignore (T : Token_Type);
+      --  If current token matches T, then give an error message and skip
+      --  past it, otherwise the call has no effect at all. T may be any
+      --  reserved word token, or comma, left or right paren, or semicolon.
+      function Is_Reserved_Identifier (C : Id_Check := None) return Boolean;
+      --  Test if current token is a reserved identifier. This test is based
+      --  on the token being a keyword and being spelled in typical identifier
+      --  style (i.e. starting with an upper case letter). The parameter C
+      --  determines the special treatment if a reserved word is encountered
+      --  that has the normal casing of a reserved word.
+      procedure Merge_Identifier (Prev : Node_Id; Nxt : Token_Type);
+      --  Called when the previous token is an identifier (whose Token_Node
+      --  value is given by Prev) to check if current token is an identifier
+      --  that can be merged with the previous one adding an underscore. The
+      --  merge is only attempted if the following token matches Nxt. If all
+      --  conditions are met, an error message is issued, and the merge is
+      --  carried out, modifying the Chars field of Prev.
+      function Next_Token_Is (Tok : Token_Type) return Boolean;
+      --  Looks at token after current one and returns True if the token type
+      --  matches Tok. The scan is unconditionally restored on return.
+      procedure No_Constraint;
+      --  Called in a place where no constraint is allowed, but one might
+      --  appear due to a common error (e.g. after the type mark in a procedure
+      --  parameter. If a constraint is present, an error message is posted,
+      --  and the constraint is scanned and discarded.
+      procedure Push_Scope_Stack;
+      pragma Inline (Push_Scope_Stack);
+      --  Push a new entry onto the scope stack. Scope.Last (the stack pointer)
+      --  is incremented. The Junk field is preinitialized to False. The caller
+      --  is expected to fill in all remaining entries of the new top stack
+      --  entry at Scope.Table (Scope.Last).
+      procedure Pop_Scope_Stack;
+      --  Pop an entry off the top of the scope stack. Scope_Last (the scope
+      --  table stack pointer) is decremented by one. It is a fatal error to
+      --  try to pop off the dummy entry at the bottom of the stack (i.e.
+      --  Scope.Last must be non-zero at the time of call).
+      function Separate_Present return Boolean;
+      --  Determines if the current token is either Tok_Separate, or an
+      --  identifier that is a possible misspelling of "separate" followed
+      --  by a semicolon. True is returned if so, otherwise False.
+      procedure Signal_Bad_Attribute;
+      --  The current token is an identifier that is supposed to be an
+      --  attribute identifier but is not. This routine posts appropriate
+      --  error messages, including a check for a near misspelling.
+      function Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line return Boolean;
+      pragma Inline (Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line);
+      --  Determines if the current token is the first token on the line
+      function Token_Is_At_End_Of_Line return Boolean;
+      --  Determines if the current token is the last token on the line
+      procedure Warn_If_Standard_Redefinition (N : Node_Id);
+      --  Issues a warning if Warn_On_Standard_Redefinition is set True, and
+      --  the Node N (which is a Defining_Identifier node with the Chars field
+      --  set) is a renaming of an entity in package Standard.
+   end Util;
+   --------------
+   -- Par.Prag --
+   --------------
+   --  The processing for pragmas is split off from chapter 2
+   function Prag (Pragma_Node : Node_Id; Semi : Source_Ptr) return Node_Id;
+   --  This function is passed a tree for a pragma that has been scanned out.
+   --  The pragma is syntactically well formed according to the general syntax
+   --  for pragmas and the pragma identifier is for one of the recognized
+   --  pragmas. It performs specific syntactic checks for specific pragmas.
+   --  The result is the input node if it is OK, or Error otherwise. The
+   --  reason that this is separated out is to facilitate the addition
+   --  of implementation defined pragmas. The second parameter records the
+   --  location of the semicolon following the pragma (this is needed for
+   --  correct processing of the List and Page pragmas). The returned value
+   --  is a copy of Pragma_Node, or Error if an error is found. Note that
+   --  at the point where Prag is called, the right paren ending the pragma
+   --  has been scanned out, and except in the case of pragma Style_Checks,
+   --  so has the following semicolon. For Style_Checks, the caller delays
+   --  the scanning of the semicolon so that it will be scanned using the
+   --  settings from the Style_Checks pragma preceding it.
+   --------------
+   -- Par.Labl --
+   --------------
+   procedure Labl;
+   --  This procedure creates implicit label declarations for all labels that
+   --  are declared in the current unit. Note that this could conceptually be
+   --  done at the point where the labels are declared, but it is tricky to do
+   --  it then, since the tree is not hooked up at the point where the label is
+   --  declared (e.g. a sequence of statements is not yet attached to its
+   --  containing scope at the point a label in the sequence is found).
+   --------------
+   -- Par.Load --
+   --------------
+   procedure Load;
+   --  This procedure loads all subsidiary units that are required by this
+   --  unit, including with'ed units, specs for bodies, and parents for child
+   --  units. It does not load bodies for inlined procedures and generics,
+   --  since we don't know till semantic analysis is complete what is needed.
+   -----------
+   -- Stubs --
+   -----------
+   --  The package bodies can see all routines defined in all other subpackages
+   use Ch2;
+   use Ch3;
+   use Ch4;
+   use Ch5;
+   use Ch6;
+   use Ch7;
+   use Ch8;
+   use Ch9;
+   use Ch10;
+   use Ch11;
+   use Ch12;
+   use Ch13;
+   use Endh;
+   use Tchk;
+   use Sync;
+   use Util;
+   package body Ch2 is separate;
+   package body Ch3 is separate;
+   package body Ch4 is separate;
+   package body Ch5 is separate;
+   package body Ch6 is separate;
+   package body Ch7 is separate;
+   package body Ch8 is separate;
+   package body Ch9 is separate;
+   package body Ch10 is separate;
+   package body Ch11 is separate;
+   package body Ch12 is separate;
+   package body Ch13 is separate;
+   package body Endh is separate;
+   package body Tchk is separate;
+   package body Sync is separate;
+   package body Util is separate;
+   function Prag (Pragma_Node : Node_Id; Semi : Source_Ptr) return Node_Id
+     is separate;
+   procedure Labl is separate;
+   procedure Load is separate;
+   Result : List_Id := Empty_List;
+--  Start of processing for Par
+   Compiler_State := Parsing;
+   --  Deal with configuration pragmas case first
+   if Configuration_Pragmas then
+      declare
+         Pragmas : constant List_Id := Empty_List;
+         P_Node  : Node_Id;
+      begin
+         loop
+            if Token = Tok_EOF then
+               Result := Pragmas;
+               exit;
+            elsif Token /= Tok_Pragma then
+               Error_Msg_SC ("only pragmas allowed in configuration file");
+               Result := Error_List;
+               exit;
+            else
+               P_Node := P_Pragma;
+               if Nkind (P_Node) = N_Pragma then
+                  --  Give error if bad pragma
+                  if not Is_Configuration_Pragma_Name
+                           (Pragma_Name_Unmapped (P_Node))
+                    and then
+                      Pragma_Name_Unmapped (P_Node) /= Name_Source_Reference
+                  then
+                     if Is_Pragma_Name (Pragma_Name_Unmapped (P_Node)) then
+                        Error_Msg_N
+                          ("only configuration pragmas allowed " &
+                           "in configuration file", P_Node);
+                     else
+                        Error_Msg_N
+                          ("unrecognized pragma in configuration file",
+                           P_Node);
+                     end if;
+                  --  Pragma is OK config pragma, so collect it
+                  else
+                     Append (P_Node, Pragmas);
+                  end if;
+               end if;
+            end if;
+         end loop;
+      end;
+   --  Normal case of compilation unit
+   else
+      Save_Opt_Config_Switches (Save_Config_Switches);
+      --  The following loop runs more than once in syntax check mode
+      --  where we allow multiple compilation units in the same file
+      --  and in Multiple_Unit_Per_file mode where we skip units till
+      --  we get to the unit we want.
+      for Ucount in Pos loop
+         Set_Opt_Config_Switches
+           (Is_Internal_Unit (Current_Source_Unit),
+            Main_Unit => Current_Source_Unit = Main_Unit);
+         --  Initialize scope table and other parser control variables
+         Compiler_State := Parsing;
+         Scope.Init;
+         Scope.Increment_Last;
+         Scope.Table (0).Etyp := E_Dummy;
+         SIS_Entry_Active := False;
+         Last_Resync_Point := No_Location;
+         Goto_List  := New_Elmt_List;
+         Label_List := New_Elmt_List;
+         --  If in multiple unit per file mode, skip past ignored unit
+         if Ucount < Multiple_Unit_Index then
+            --  We skip in syntax check only mode, since we don't want to do
+            --  anything more than skip past the unit and ignore it. This means
+            --  we skip processing like setting up a unit table entry.
+            declare
+               Save_Operating_Mode : constant Operating_Mode_Type :=
+                                       Operating_Mode;
+               Save_Style_Check : constant Boolean := Style_Check;
+            begin
+               Operating_Mode := Check_Syntax;
+               Style_Check := False;
+               Discard_Node (P_Compilation_Unit);
+               Operating_Mode := Save_Operating_Mode;
+               Style_Check := Save_Style_Check;
+               --  If we are at an end of file, and not yet at the right unit,
+               --  then we have a fatal error. The unit is missing.
+               if Token = Tok_EOF then
+                  Error_Msg_SC ("file has too few compilation units");
+                  raise Unrecoverable_Error;
+               end if;
+            end;
+         --  Here if we are not skipping a file in multiple unit per file mode.
+         --  Parse the unit that we are interested in. Note that in check
+         --  syntax mode we are interested in all units in the file.
+         else
+            declare
+               Comp_Unit_Node : constant Node_Id := P_Compilation_Unit;
+            begin
+               --  If parsing was successful and we are not in check syntax
+               --  mode, check that language-defined units are compiled in GNAT
+               --  mode. For this purpose we do NOT consider renamings in annex
+               --  J as predefined. That allows users to compile their own
+               --  versions of these files. Another exception is System.RPC
+               --  and its children. This allows a user to supply their own
+               --  communication layer.
+               --  Similarly, we do not generate an error in CodePeer mode,
+               --  to allow users to analyze third-party compiler packages.
+               if Comp_Unit_Node /= Error
+                 and then Operating_Mode = Generate_Code
+                 and then Current_Source_Unit = Main_Unit
+                 and then not GNAT_Mode
+                 and then not CodePeer_Mode
+               then
+                  declare
+                     Uname : constant String :=
+                               Get_Name_String
+                                 (Unit_Name (Current_Source_Unit));
+                     Name  : String (1 .. Uname'Length - 2);
+                  begin
+                     --  Because Unit_Name includes "%s"/"%b", we need to strip
+                     --  the last two characters to get the real unit name.
+                     Name := Uname (Uname'First .. Uname'Last - 2);
+                     if Name = "ada"         or else
+                        Name = "interfaces"  or else
+                        Name = "system"
+                     then
+                        Error_Msg
+                          ("language-defined units cannot be recompiled",
+                           Sloc (Unit (Comp_Unit_Node)));
+                     elsif Name'Length > 4
+                       and then
+                         Name (Name'First .. Name'First + 3) = "ada."
+                     then
+                        Error_Msg
+                          ("user-defined descendants of package Ada " &
+                             "are not allowed",
+                           Sloc (Unit (Comp_Unit_Node)));
+                     elsif Name'Length > 11
+                       and then
+                         Name (Name'First .. Name'First + 10) = "interfaces."
+                     then
+                        Error_Msg
+                          ("user-defined descendants of package Interfaces " &
+                             "are not allowed",
+                           Sloc (Unit (Comp_Unit_Node)));
+                     elsif Name'Length > 7
+                       and then Name (Name'First .. Name'First + 6) = "system."
+                       and then Name /= "system.rpc"
+                       and then
+                         (Name'Length < 11
+                            or else Name (Name'First .. Name'First + 10) /=
+                                                                 "system.rpc.")
+                     then
+                        Error_Msg
+                          ("user-defined descendants of package System " &
+                             "are not allowed",
+                           Sloc (Unit (Comp_Unit_Node)));
+                     end if;
+                  end;
+               end if;
+            end;
+            --  All done if at end of file
+            exit when Token = Tok_EOF;
+            --  If we are not at an end of file, it means we are in syntax
+            --  check only mode, and we keep the loop going to parse all
+            --  remaining units in the file.
+         end if;
+         Restore_Opt_Config_Switches (Save_Config_Switches);
+      end loop;
+      --  Now that we have completely parsed the source file, we can complete
+      --  the source file table entry.
+      Complete_Source_File_Entry;
+      --  An internal error check, the scope stack should now be empty
+      pragma Assert (Scope.Last = 0);
+      --  Here we make the SCO table entries for the main unit
+      if Generate_SCO then
+         SCO_Record_Raw (Main_Unit);
+      end if;
+      --  Remaining steps are to create implicit label declarations and to load
+      --  required subsidiary sources. These steps are required only if we are
+      --  doing semantic checking.
+      if Operating_Mode /= Check_Syntax or else Debug_Flag_F then
+         Par.Labl;
+         Par.Load;
+      end if;
+      --  Restore settings of switches saved on entry
+      Restore_Opt_Config_Switches (Save_Config_Switches);
+      Set_Comes_From_Source_Default (False);
+   end if;
+   Compiler_State      := Analyzing;
+   Current_Source_File := No_Source_File;
+   return Result;
+end Par;