diff gcc/jit/docs/cp/intro/tutorial03.rst @ 111:04ced10e8804

gcc 7
author kono
date Fri, 27 Oct 2017 22:46:09 +0900
children 84e7813d76e9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gcc/jit/docs/cp/intro/tutorial03.rst	Fri Oct 27 22:46:09 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+.. Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   Originally contributed by David Malcolm <dmalcolm@redhat.com>
+   This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see
+   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+.. default-domain:: cpp
+Tutorial part 3: Loops and variables
+Consider this C function:
+ .. code-block:: c
+  int loop_test (int n)
+  {
+    int sum = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+      sum += i * i;
+    return sum;
+  }
+This example demonstrates some more features of libgccjit, with local
+variables and a loop.
+To break this down into libgccjit terms, it's usually easier to reword
+the `for` loop as a `while` loop, giving:
+ .. code-block:: c
+  int loop_test (int n)
+  {
+    int sum = 0;
+    int i = 0;
+    while (i < n)
+    {
+      sum += i * i;
+      i++;
+    }
+    return sum;
+  }
+Here's what the final control flow graph will look like:
+    .. figure:: ../../intro/sum-of-squares.png
+      :alt: image of a control flow graph
+As before, we include the libgccjit++ header and make a
+.. code-block:: c++
+  #include <libgccjit++.h>
+  void test (void)
+  {
+    gccjit::context ctxt;
+    ctxt = gccjit::context::acquire ();
+The function works with the C `int` type.
+In the previous tutorial we acquired this via
+.. code-block:: c++
+  gccjit::type the_type = ctxt.get_type (ctxt, GCC_JIT_TYPE_INT);
+though we could equally well make it work on, say, `double`:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  gccjit::type the_type = ctxt.get_type (ctxt, GCC_JIT_TYPE_DOUBLE);
+For integer types we can use :func:`gccjit::context::get_int_type<T>`
+to directly bind a specific type:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  gccjit::type the_type = ctxt.get_int_type <int> ();
+Let's build the function:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  gcc_jit_param n = ctxt.new_param (the_type, "n");
+  std::vector<gccjit::param> params;
+  params.push_back (n);
+  gccjit::function func =
+    ctxt.new_function (GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_EXPORTED,
+                       return_type,
+                       "loop_test",
+                       params, 0);
+Expressions: lvalues and rvalues
+The base class of expression is the :type:`gccjit::rvalue`,
+representing an expression that can be on the *right*-hand side of
+an assignment: a value that can be computed somehow, and assigned
+*to* a storage area (such as a variable).  It has a specific
+Anothe important class is :type:`gccjit::lvalue`.
+A :type:`gccjit::lvalue`. is something that can of the *left*-hand
+side of an assignment: a storage area (such as a variable).
+In other words, every assignment can be thought of as:
+.. code-block:: c
+Note that :type:`gccjit::lvalue` is a subclass of
+:type:`gccjit::rvalue`, where in an assignment of the form:
+.. code-block:: c
+the `LVALUE_B` implies reading the current value of that storage
+area, assigning it into the `LVALUE_A`.
+So far the only expressions we've seen are from the previous tutorial:
+1. the multiplication `i * i`:
+  .. code-block:: c++
+     gccjit::rvalue expr =
+       ctxt.new_binary_op (
+         GCC_JIT_BINARY_OP_MULT, int_type,
+         param_i, param_i);
+     /* Alternatively, using operator-overloading: */
+     gccjit::rvalue expr = param_i * param_i;
+  which is a :type:`gccjit::rvalue`, and
+2. the various function parameters: `param_i` and `param_n`, instances of
+   :type:`gccjit::param`, which is a subclass of :type:`gccjit::lvalue`
+   (and, in turn, of :type:`gccjit::rvalue`):
+   we can both read from and write to function parameters within the
+   body of a function.
+Our new example has a new kind of expression: we have two local
+variables.  We create them by calling
+:func:`gccjit::function::new_local`, supplying a type and a name:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  /* Build locals:  */
+  gccjit::lvalue i = func.new_local (the_type, "i");
+  gccjit::lvalue sum = func.new_local (the_type, "sum");
+These are instances of :type:`gccjit::lvalue` - they can be read from
+and written to.
+Note that there is no precanned way to create *and* initialize a variable
+like in C:
+.. code-block:: c
+   int i = 0;
+Instead, having added the local to the function, we have to separately add
+an assignment of `0` to `local_i` at the beginning of the function.
+Control flow
+This function has a loop, so we need to build some basic blocks to
+handle the control flow.  In this case, we need 4 blocks:
+1. before the loop (initializing the locals)
+2. the conditional at the top of the loop (comparing `i < n`)
+3. the body of the loop
+4. after the loop terminates (`return sum`)
+so we create these as :type:`gccjit::block` instances within the
+.. code-block:: c++
+  gccjit::block b_initial = func.new_block ("initial");
+  gccjit::block b_loop_cond = func.new_block ("loop_cond");
+  gccjit::block b_loop_body = func.new_block ("loop_body");
+  gccjit::block b_after_loop = func.new_block ("after_loop");
+We now populate each block with statements.
+The entry block `b_initial` consists of initializations followed by a jump
+to the conditional.  We assign `0` to `i` and to `sum`, using
+:func:`gccjit::block::add_assignment` to add
+an assignment statement, and using :func:`gccjit::context::zero` to get
+the constant value `0` for the relevant type for the right-hand side of
+the assignment:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  /* sum = 0; */
+  b_initial.add_assignment (sum, ctxt.zero (the_type));
+  /* i = 0; */
+  b_initial.add_assignment (i, ctxt.zero (the_type));
+We can then terminate the entry block by jumping to the conditional:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  b_initial.end_with_jump (b_loop_cond);
+The conditional block is equivalent to the line `while (i < n)` from our
+C example. It contains a single statement: a conditional, which jumps to
+one of two destination blocks depending on a boolean
+:type:`gccjit::rvalue`, in this case the comparison of `i` and `n`.
+We could build the comparison using :func:`gccjit::context::new_comparison`:
+.. code-block:: c++
+   gccjit::rvalue guard =
+     ctxt.new_comparison (GCC_JIT_COMPARISON_GE,
+                          i, n);
+and can then use this to add `b_loop_cond`'s sole statement, via
+.. code-block:: c++
+  b_loop_cond.end_with_conditional (guard,
+                                    b_after_loop, // on_true
+                                    b_loop_body); // on_false
+However :type:`gccjit::rvalue` has overloaded operators for this, so we
+express the conditional as
+.. code-block:: c++
+   gccjit::rvalue guard = (i >= n);
+and hence we can write the block more concisely as:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  b_loop_cond.end_with_conditional (
+    i >= n,
+    b_after_loop, // on_true
+    b_loop_body); // on_false
+Next, we populate the body of the loop.
+The C statement `sum += i * i;` is an assignment operation, where an
+lvalue is modified "in-place".  We use
+:func:`gccjit::block::add_assignment_op` to handle these operations:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  /* sum += i * i */
+  b_loop_body.add_assignment_op (sum,
+                                 GCC_JIT_BINARY_OP_PLUS,
+                                 i * i);
+The `i++` can be thought of as `i += 1`, and can thus be handled in
+a similar way.  We use :c:func:`gcc_jit_context_one` to get the constant
+value `1` (for the relevant type) for the right-hand side
+of the assignment.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  /* i++ */
+  b_loop_body.add_assignment_op (i,
+                                 GCC_JIT_BINARY_OP_PLUS,
+                                 ctxt.one (the_type));
+.. note::
+  For numeric constants other than 0 or 1, we could use
+  :func:`gccjit::context::new_rvalue`, which has overloads
+  for both ``int`` and ``double``.
+The loop body completes by jumping back to the conditional:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  b_loop_body.end_with_jump (b_loop_cond);
+Finally, we populate the `b_after_loop` block, reached when the loop
+conditional is false.  We want to generate the equivalent of:
+.. code-block:: c++
+   return sum;
+so the block is just one statement:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  /* return sum */
+  b_after_loop.end_with_return (sum);
+.. note::
+   You can intermingle block creation with statement creation,
+   but given that the terminator statements generally include references
+   to other blocks, I find it's clearer to create all the blocks,
+   *then* all the statements.
+We've finished populating the function.  As before, we can now compile it
+to machine code:
+.. code-block:: c++
+   gcc_jit_result *result;
+   result = ctxt.compile ();
+   ctxt.release ();
+   if (!result)
+     {
+       fprintf (stderr, "NULL result");
+       return 1;
+     }
+   typedef int (*loop_test_fn_type) (int);
+   loop_test_fn_type loop_test =
+    (loop_test_fn_type)gcc_jit_result_get_code (result, "loop_test");
+   if (!loop_test)
+     {
+       fprintf (stderr, "NULL loop_test");
+       gcc_jit_result_release (result);
+       return 1;
+     }
+   printf ("result: %d", loop_test (10));
+.. code-block:: bash
+   result: 285
+Visualizing the control flow graph
+You can see the control flow graph of a function using
+.. code-block:: c++
+  func.dump_to_dot ("/tmp/sum-of-squares.dot");
+giving a .dot file in GraphViz format.
+You can convert this to an image using `dot`:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ dot -Tpng /tmp/sum-of-squares.dot -o /tmp/sum-of-squares.png
+or use a viewer (my preferred one is xdot.py; see
+https://github.com/jrfonseca/xdot.py; on Fedora you can
+install it with `yum install python-xdot`):
+    .. figure:: ../../intro/sum-of-squares.png
+      :alt: image of a control flow graph
+Full example
+   .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tut03-sum-of-squares.cc
+    :lines: 1-
+    :language: c++
+Building and running it:
+.. code-block:: console
+  $ gcc \
+      tut03-sum-of-squares.cc \
+      -o tut03-sum-of-squares \
+      -lgccjit
+  # Run the built program:
+  $ ./tut03-sum-of-squares
+  loop_test returned: 285