diff gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c4/c432003.a @ 111:04ced10e8804

gcc 7
author kono
date Fri, 27 Oct 2017 22:46:09 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c4/c432003.a	Fri Oct 27 22:46:09 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+-- C432003.A
+--                             Grant of Unlimited Rights
+--     Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
+--     F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained 
+--     unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
+--     Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19).  By making 
+--     this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all 
+--     recipients unlimited rights  equal to those held by the Government.  
+--     These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the 
+--     released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in 
+--     any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others 
+--     to do so.
+--                                    DISCLAIMER
+--      Check that if the type of the ancestor part of an extension aggregate
+--      has discriminants that are not inherited by the type of the aggregate,
+--      and the ancestor part is a subtype mark that denotes a constrained
+--      subtype, Constraint_Error is raised if: 1) any discriminant of the
+--      ancestor has a different value than that specified for a corresponding
+--      discriminant in the derived type definition for some ancestor of the
+--      type of the aggregate, or 2) the value for the discriminant in the
+--      record association list is not the value of the corresponding 
+--      discriminant.  Check that the components of the value of the
+--      aggregate not given by the record component association list are
+--      initialized by default as for an object of the ancestor type.
+--      Consider:
+--      type T (D1: ...) is tagged ...
+--      type    DT is new T with ...
+--      subtype ST is DT (D1 => 3);    -- Constrained subtype.
+--      type NT1 (D2: ...) is new DT (D1 => D2) with null record;
+--      type NT2 (D2: ...) is new DT (D1 => 6)  with null record;
+--      type NT3           is new DT (D1 => 6)  with null record;
+--      A: NT1 := (T  with D2 => 6); -- OK: T  is unconstrained.
+--      B: NT1 := (DT with D2 => 6); -- OK: DT is unconstrained.
+--      C: NT1 := (ST with D2 => 6); -- NO: ST.D1 /= D2.
+--      D: NT2 := (T  with D2 => 4); -- OK: T  is unconstrained.
+--      E: NT2 := (DT with D2 => 4); -- OK: DT is unconstrained.
+--      F: NT2 := (ST with  . . . ); -- NO: ST.D1 /= DT.D1 as specified in NT2.
+--      G: NT3 := (T  with D1 => 6); -- OK: T  is unconstrained.
+--      H: NT3 := (DT with D1 => 6); -- OK: DT is unconstrained.
+--      I: NT3 := (ST with D1 => 6); -- NO: ST.D1 /= DT.D1 as specified in NT3.
+--      In A, B, D, E, G, and H the ancestor part is the name of an
+--      unconstrained subtype, so this rule does not apply. In C, F, and I
+--      the ancestor part (ST) is the name of a constrained subtype of DT,
+--      which is itself a derived type of a discriminated tagged type T. ST
+--      constrains the discriminant of DT (D1) to the value 3; thus, the
+--      type of any extension aggregate for which ST is the ancestor part
+--      must have an ancestor which also constrained D1 to 3. F and I raise
+--      Constraint_Error because NT2 and NT3, respectively, constrain D1 to
+--      6. C raises Constraint_Error because NT1 constrains D1 to the value
+--      of D2, which is set to 6 in the record component association list of
+--      the aggregate.
+--      This test verifies each of the three scenarios above:
+--         (1) Ancestor of type of aggregate constrains discriminant with
+--             new discriminant.
+--         (2) Ancestor of type of aggregate constrains discriminant with
+--             value, and has a new discriminant part.
+--         (3) Ancestor of type of aggregate constrains discriminant with
+--             value, and has no discriminant part.
+--      Verification is made for cases where the type of the aggregate is
+--      once- and twice-removed from the type of the ancestor part.
+--      Additionally, a case is included where a new discriminant corresponds
+--      to multiple discriminants of the type of the ancestor part.
+--      To test the portion of the objective concerning "initialization by 
+--      default," the test verifies that, after a successful aggregate
+--      assignment, components not assigned an explicit value by the aggregate
+--      contain the default values for the corresponding components of the
+--      ancestor type.
+--      06 Dec 94   SAIC    ACVC 2.0
+--      15 Dec 94   SAIC    Removed discriminant defaults from tagged types.
+--      17 Nov 95   SAIC    ACVC 2.0.1 fixes: Corrected subtype constraint
+--                          for component NT_C3.Str2. Added missing component
+--                          checks. Removed record component update from
+--                          Avoid_Optimization. Fixed incorrect component
+--                          checks.
+--      02 Dec 95   SAIC    ACVC 2.0.1 fixes: Corrected Failed comment for
+--                          Q case.
+package C432003_0 is
+   Default_String : constant String := "This is a default string"; -- len = 24
+   Another_String : constant String := "Another default string";   -- len = 22
+   subtype Length is Natural range 0..255;
+   type ROOT (D1 : Length) is tagged 
+      record
+         S1  : String (1..D1) := Default_String(1..D1);
+         Acc : Natural := 356;
+      end record;
+   procedure Avoid_Optimization (Rec : in out ROOT); -- Inherited by all type
+                                                     -- extensions.
+   type Unconstrained_Der is new ROOT with 
+      record
+         Str1 : String(1..5) := "abcde";
+      end record;
+   subtype Constrained_Subtype is Unconstrained_Der (D1 => 10);
+   type NT_A1 (D2 : Length) is new Unconstrained_Der (D1 => D2) with 
+      record
+         S2 : String(1..D2);         -- Inherited discrim. constrained by
+      end record;                    -- new discriminant.
+   type NT_A2 (D3 : Length) is new NT_A1 (D2 => D3) with 
+      record
+         S3 : String(1..D3);         -- Inherited discrim. constrained by
+      end record;                    -- new discriminant.
+   type NT_B1 (D2 : Length) is new Unconstrained_Der (D1 => 5) with 
+      record
+         S2 : String(1..D2);         -- Inherited discrim. constrained by
+      end record;                    -- explicit value.
+   type NT_B2 (D3 : Length) is new NT_B1 (D2 => 10) with 
+      record
+         S3 : String(1..D3);         -- Inherited discrim. constrained by
+      end record;                    -- explicit value.
+   type NT_B3 (D2 : Length) is new Unconstrained_Der (D1 => 10) with
+      record
+         S2 : String(1..D2);
+      end record;
+   type NT_C1 is new Unconstrained_Der (D1 => 5) with 
+      record
+         Str2 : String(1..5);         -- Inherited discrim. constrained
+      end record;                     -- No new value.
+   type NT_C2 (D2 : Length) is new NT_C1 with 
+      record
+         S2 : String(1..D2);          -- Inherited discrim. not further
+      end record;                     -- constrained, new discriminant.
+   type NT_C3 is new Unconstrained_Der(D1 => 10) with
+      record
+         Str2 : String(1..5);
+      end record;
+   type MULTI_ROOT (D1 : Length; D2 : Length) is tagged
+      record
+         S1 : String (1..D1) := Default_String(1..D1);
+         S2 : String (1..D2) := Another_String(1..D2);
+      end record;
+   procedure Avoid_Optimization (Rec : in out MULTI_ROOT); -- Inherited by all
+                                                           -- type extensions.
+   type Mult_Unconstr_Der is new MULTI_ROOT with
+      record
+         Str1 : String(1..8) := "AbCdEfGh";  -- Derived, no constraints.
+      end record;
+   -- Subtypes with constrained discriminants.
+   subtype Mult_Constr_Sub1 is Mult_Unconstr_Der(D1 => 15,  -- Disc. have
+                                                 D2 => 20); -- diff values
+   subtype Mult_Constr_Sub2 is Mult_Unconstr_Der(D1 => 15,  -- Disc. have
+                                                 D2 => 15); -- same value
+   type Mult_NT_A1 (D3 : Length) is 
+     new Mult_Unconstr_Der (D1 => D3, D2 => D3) with
+      record
+         S3 : String(1..D3);      -- Both inherited discriminants constrained
+      end record;                 -- by new discriminant.
+end C432003_0;
+   --=====================================================================--
+with Report;
+package body C432003_0 is
+   procedure Avoid_Optimization (Rec : in out ROOT) is
+   begin
+      Rec.S1 := Report.Ident_Str(Rec.S1);
+   end Avoid_Optimization;
+   procedure Avoid_Optimization (Rec : in out MULTI_ROOT) is
+   begin
+      Rec.S1 := Report.Ident_Str(Rec.S1);
+   end Avoid_Optimization;
+end C432003_0;
+   --=====================================================================--
+with C432003_0;
+with Report;
+procedure C432003 is
+   Report.Test("C432003", "Extension aggregates where ancestor part "      &
+                          "is a subtype mark that denotes a constrained "  &
+                          "subtype causing Constraint_Error if any "       &
+                          "discriminant of the ancestor has a different "  &
+                          "value than that specified for a corresponding " &
+                          "discriminant in the derived type definition "   &
+                          "for some ancestor of the type of the aggregate");
+   Test_Block:
+      declare
+         -- Variety of string object declarations.
+         String2  : String(1..2)  := Report.Ident_Str("12");
+         String5  : String(1..5)  := Report.Ident_Str("12345");
+         String8  : String(1..8)  := Report.Ident_Str("AbCdEfGh");
+         String10 : String(1..10) := Report.Ident_Str("1234567890");
+         String15 : String(1..15) := Report.Ident_Str("123456789012345");
+         String20 : String(1..20) := Report.Ident_Str("12345678901234567890");
+      begin
+         begin
+            declare
+               A : C432003_0.NT_A1 :=                                  -- OK
+                     (C432003_0.ROOT with D2   => 5,
+                                          Str1 => "cdefg",
+                                          S2   => String5);
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(A);
+               if A.Acc  /= 356       or
+                  A.Str1 /= "cdefg"   or
+                  A.S2   /= String5   or 
+                  A.D2   /= 5         or
+                  A.S1   /= C432003_0.Default_String(1..5)
+               then
+                  Report.Failed("Incorrect object values for Object A");
+               end if;
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error raised for Object A");
+         end;
+         begin
+            declare
+               C: C432003_0.NT_A1 :=                                   -- OK
+                    (C432003_0.Constrained_Subtype with D2 => 10,
+                                                        S2 => String10);
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(C);
+               if C.D2   /= 10        or  C.Acc /= 356      or
+                  C.Str1 /= "abcde"   or  C.S2  /= String10 or
+                  C.S1   /= C432003_0.Default_String(1..10)
+               then
+                  Report.Failed("Incorrect object values for Object C");
+               end if;
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error raised for Object C");
+         end;
+         begin
+            declare 
+               D: C432003_0.NT_A1 :=                                  -- C_E
+                    (C432003_0.Constrained_Subtype with 
+                       D2 => Report.Ident_Int(5),
+                       S2 => String5);
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(D);
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised for Object D");
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               null;  -- Raise of Constraint_Error is expected.
+         end;
+         begin
+            declare
+               E: C432003_0.NT_A2 :=                                   -- OK
+                    (C432003_0.Constrained_Subtype with D3 => 10,
+                                                        S2 => String10,
+                                                        S3 => String10);
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(E);
+               if E.D3   /= 10        or  E.Acc /= 356        or
+                  E.Str1 /= "abcde"   or  E.S2  /= String10   or
+                  E.S3   /= String10  or
+                  E.S1   /= C432003_0.Default_String(1..10)
+               then
+                  Report.Failed("Incorrect object values for Object E");
+               end if;
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error raised for Object E");
+         end;
+         begin
+            declare
+               F: C432003_0.NT_A2 :=                                  -- C_E
+                    (C432003_0.Constrained_Subtype with 
+                       D3 => Report.Ident_Int(5),  
+                       S2 => String5,
+                       S3 => String5);
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(F);
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised for Object F");
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               null;  -- Raise of Constraint_Error is expected.
+         end;
+         begin
+            declare
+               G: C432003_0.NT_B2 :=                                  -- OK
+                    (C432003_0.ROOT with D3   => 5,     
+                                         Str1 => "cdefg",
+                                         S2   => String10,
+                                         S3   => String5);
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(G);
+               if G.D3   /= 5         or  G.Acc /= 356       or
+                  G.Str1 /= "cdefg"   or  G.S2  /= String10  or
+                  G.S3   /= String5   or
+                  G.S1   /= C432003_0.Default_String(1..5)
+               then
+                  Report.Failed("Incorrect object values for Object G");
+               end if;
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error raised for Object G");
+         end;
+         begin
+            declare
+               H: C432003_0.NT_B3 :=                                    -- OK
+                    (C432003_0.Unconstrained_Der with D2 => 5,
+                                                      S2 => String5);
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(H);
+               if H.D2   /= 5          or  H.Acc /= 356      or
+                  H.Str1 /= "abcde"    or  H.S2  /= String5  or
+                  H.S1   /= C432003_0.Default_String(1..10)
+               then
+                  Report.Failed("Incorrect object values for Object H");
+               end if;
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error raised for Object H");
+         end;
+         begin
+            declare
+               I: C432003_0.NT_B1 :=                                  -- C_E
+                    (C432003_0.Constrained_Subtype with 
+                        D2 => Report.Ident_Int(10),
+                        S2 => String10);
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(I);
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised for Object I");
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               null;  -- Raise of Constraint_Error is expected.
+         end;
+         begin
+            declare
+               J: C432003_0.NT_B2 :=                                  -- C_E
+                    (C432003_0.Constrained_Subtype with 
+                       D3 => Report.Ident_Int(10),
+                       S2 => String10,
+                       S3 => String10);
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(J);
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised by Object J");
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               null;  -- Raise of Constraint_Error is expected.
+         end;
+         begin
+            declare
+               K: C432003_0.NT_B3 :=                                   -- OK
+                    (C432003_0.Constrained_Subtype with D2 => 5,
+                                                        S2 => String5);
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(K);
+               if K.D2   /= 5          or  K.Acc /= 356       or
+                  K.Str1 /= "abcde"    or  K.S2  /= String5   or
+                  K.S1   /= C432003_0.Default_String(1..10)
+               then
+                  Report.Failed("Incorrect object values for Object K");
+               end if;
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error raised for Object K");
+         end;
+         begin
+            declare
+               M: C432003_0.NT_C2 :=                                   -- OK
+                    (C432003_0.ROOT with D2   => 10,
+                                         Str1 => "cdefg",
+                                         Str2 => String5,
+                                         S2   => String10);
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(M);
+               if M.D2   /= 10         or  M.Acc /= 356       or
+                  M.Str1 /= "cdefg"    or  M.S2  /= String10  or
+                  M.Str2 /= String5    or
+                  M.S1   /= C432003_0.Default_String(1..5)
+               then
+                  Report.Failed("Incorrect object values for Object M");
+               end if;
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error raised for Object M");
+         end;
+         begin
+            declare
+               O: C432003_0.NT_C1 :=                                  -- C_E
+                    (C432003_0.Constrained_Subtype with 
+                       Str2 => Report.Ident_Str(String5));
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(O);
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised for Object O");
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               null;  -- Raise of Constraint_Error is expected.
+         end;
+         begin
+            declare
+               P: C432003_0.NT_C2 :=                                  -- C_E
+                    (C432003_0.Constrained_Subtype with 
+                       D2   => Report.Ident_Int(10),
+                       Str2 => String5,
+                       S2   => String10);
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(P);
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised by Object P");
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               null;  -- Raise of Constraint_Error is expected.
+         end;
+         begin
+            declare
+               Q: C432003_0.NT_C3 := 
+                  (C432003_0.Constrained_Subtype with Str2 => String5);  -- OK
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(Q);
+               if Q.Str2 /= String5  or  
+                  Q.Acc  /= 356      or  
+                  Q.Str1 /= "abcde"  or
+                  Q.D1   /= 10       or
+                  Q.S1   /= C432003_0.Default_String(1..10)
+               then
+                  Report.Failed("Incorrect object values for Object Q");
+               end if;
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error raised for Object Q");
+         end;
+         -- The following cases test where a new discriminant corresponds
+         -- to multiple discriminants of the type of the ancestor part.
+         begin
+            declare
+               S: C432003_0.Mult_NT_A1 :=                              -- OK
+                    (C432003_0.Mult_Unconstr_Der with D3 => 15,
+                                                      S3 => String15);
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(S);
+               if S.S1   /= C432003_0.Default_String(1..15)  or  
+                  S.Str1 /= String8                          or
+                  S.S2   /= C432003_0.Another_String(1..15)  or  
+                  S.S3   /= String15                         or
+                  S.D3   /= 15
+               then
+                  Report.Failed("Incorrect object values for Object S");
+               end if;
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error raised for Object S");
+         end;
+         begin
+            declare
+               U: C432003_0.Mult_NT_A1 :=                             -- C_E
+                    (C432003_0.Mult_Constr_Sub1 with 
+                       D3 => Report.Ident_Int(15),
+                       S3 => String15);
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(U);
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised for Object U");
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               null;  -- Raise of Constraint_Error is expected.
+         end;
+         begin
+            declare
+               V: C432003_0.Mult_NT_A1 :=                              -- OK
+                    (C432003_0.Mult_Constr_Sub2 with D3 => 15,
+                                                     S3 => String15);
+            begin
+               C432003_0.Avoid_Optimization(V);
+               if V.D3   /= 15        or  
+                  V.Str1 /= String8   or
+                  V.S3   /= String15  or
+                  V.S1   /= C432003_0.Default_String(1..15) or
+                  V.S2   /= C432003_0.Another_String(1..15)
+               then
+                  Report.Failed("Incorrect object values for Object V");
+               end if;
+            end;
+         exception
+            when Constraint_Error =>
+               Report.Failed("Constraint_Error raised for Object V");
+         end;
+      exception
+         when others => Report.Failed("Exception raised in Test_Block");
+      end Test_Block;
+      Report.Result;
+end C432003;