diff gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c9/c954011.a @ 111:04ced10e8804

gcc 7
author kono
date Fri, 27 Oct 2017 22:46:09 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c9/c954011.a	Fri Oct 27 22:46:09 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+-- C954011.A
+--                             Grant of Unlimited Rights
+--     Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
+--     F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained 
+--     unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
+--     Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19).  By making 
+--     this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all 
+--     recipients unlimited rights  equal to those held by the Government.  
+--     These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the 
+--     released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in 
+--     any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others 
+--     to do so.
+--                                    DISCLAIMER
+--      Check that a requeue is placed on the correct entry; that the 
+--      original caller waits for the completion of the requeued rendezvous;
+--      that the original caller continues after the rendezvous.
+--      Specifically, this test checks requeue to an entry in a different
+--      task, requeue where the entry has parameters, and requeue with
+--      abort.
+--      In the Distributor task, requeue two successive calls on the entries
+--      of two separate target tasks.  Each task in each of the  paths adds 
+--      identifying information in the transaction being passed.  This
+--      information is checked by the Message tasks on completion ensuring that
+--      the requeues have been placed on the correct queues.
+--      This series of tests uses a simulation of a transaction driven 
+--      processing system.  Line Drivers accept input from an external source
+--      and build them into transaction records.  These records are then 
+--      encapsulated in message tasks which remain extant for the life of the
+--      transaction in the system. The message tasks put themselves on the 
+--      input queue of a Distributor which, from information in the 
+--      transaction and/or system load conditions forwards them to other 
+--      operating tasks. These in turn might forward the transactions to yet 
+--      other tasks for further action.  The routing is, in real life, 
+--      dynamic and unpredictable at the time of message generation. All 
+--      rerouting in this  model is done by means of requeues.
+--      06 Dec 94   SAIC    ACVC 2.0
+--      26 Nov 95   SAIC    Fixed problems with shared global variables
+--                          for ACVC 2.0.1
+with Report;
+with ImpDef;
+procedure C954011 is
+   -- Arbitrary test values
+   Credit_Return : constant := 1;
+   Debit_Return  : constant := 2;
+   type Transaction_Code is (Credit, Debit);
+   type Transaction_Record;
+   type acc_Transaction_Record is access Transaction_Record;
+   type Transaction_Record is 
+      record
+         ID               : integer := 0;
+         Code             : Transaction_Code := Debit;
+         Account_Number   : integer := 0;
+         Stock_Number     : integer := 0;
+         Quantity         : integer := 0;
+         Return_Value     : integer := 0;
+         TC_Message_Count : integer := 0;  
+         TC_Thru_Distrib  : Boolean := false;
+      end record;
+   protected type Message_Mgr is
+      procedure Mark_Complete;
+      function Is_Complete return Boolean;
+   private
+      Complete : Boolean := False;
+   end Message_Mgr;
+   protected body Message_Mgr is
+      procedure Mark_Complete is
+      begin
+         Complete := True;
+      end Mark_Complete;
+      Function Is_Complete return Boolean is
+      begin
+         return Complete;
+      end Is_Complete;
+   end Message_Mgr;
+   TC_Debit_Message  : Message_Mgr;
+   TC_Credit_Message : Message_Mgr;
+   task type Message_Task is 
+      entry Accept_Transaction (In_Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record);
+   end Message_Task;
+   type acc_Message_Task is access Message_Task;
+   task Line_Driver is 
+      entry Start;
+   end Line_Driver;   
+   task Distributor is 
+      entry Input(Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record);
+   end Distributor;
+   task Credit_Computation is
+      entry Input(Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record);
+   end Credit_Computation;
+   task Debit_Computation is
+      entry Input(Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record);
+   end Debit_Computation;
+   -- Assemble messages received from an external source
+   --   Creates a message task for each. The message tasks remain extant
+   --   for the life of the messages in the system.
+   --      The Line Driver task would normally be designed to loop continuously
+   --      creating the messages as input is received.  Simulate this 
+   --      but limit it to two dummy messages for this test and allow it
+   --      to terminate at that point
+   --
+   task body Line_Driver is
+      Current_ID : integer := 1;
+      TC_Last_was_for_credit : Boolean := false;
+      procedure Build_Credit_Record 
+                              ( Next_Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record ) is
+         Dummy_Account : constant integer := 100;
+      begin
+            Next_Transaction.ID := Current_ID;
+            Next_Transaction.Code := Credit; 
+            Next_Transaction.Account_Number := Dummy_Account;
+            Current_ID := Current_ID + 1;
+      end Build_Credit_Record;     
+      procedure Build_Debit_Record 
+                              ( Next_Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record ) is
+         Dummy_Account : constant integer := 200;
+      begin
+            Next_Transaction.ID := Current_ID;
+            Next_Transaction.Code := Debit; 
+            Next_Transaction.Account_Number := Dummy_Account;
+            Current_ID := Current_ID + 1;
+      end Build_Debit_Record;     
+   begin
+      accept Start;      -- Wait for trigger from Main
+      for i in 1..2 loop  -- arbitrarily limit to two messages for the test
+         declare 
+            -- Create a task for the next message
+            Next_Message_Task : acc_Message_Task := new Message_Task;
+            -- Create a record for it
+            Next_Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record 
+                                                 := new Transaction_Record;
+         begin
+            if TC_Last_was_for_credit then
+               Build_Debit_Record ( Next_Transaction );            
+            else
+               Build_Credit_Record( Next_Transaction );
+               TC_Last_was_for_credit := true;
+            end if;
+            Next_Message_Task.Accept_Transaction ( Next_Transaction );  
+         end;   -- declare
+      end loop;
+   exception
+      when others => 
+         Report.Failed ("Unexpected exception in Line_Driver");
+   end Line_Driver;
+   task body Message_Task is
+      TC_Original_Transaction_Code : Transaction_Code;  
+      This_Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record := new Transaction_Record;
+   begin
+      accept Accept_Transaction (In_Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record) do
+         This_Transaction.all := In_Transaction.all;
+      end Accept_Transaction;
+      -- Note the original code to ensure correct return
+      TC_Original_Transaction_Code := This_Transaction.Code;
+      -- Queue up on Distributor's Input queue
+      Distributor.Input ( This_Transaction );
+      -- This task will now wait for the requeued rendezvous 
+      -- to complete before proceeding
+      -- After the required computations have been performed
+      -- return the Transaction_Record appropriately (probably to an output
+      -- line driver)
+      null;            -- stub
+      -- The following is all Test Control Code
+      -- Check that the return values are as expected
+      if TC_Original_Transaction_Code /= This_Transaction.Code then
+         -- Incorrect rendezvous
+         Report.Failed ("Message Task: Incorrect code returned");
+      end if;
+      if This_Transaction.Code = Credit then
+         if This_Transaction.Return_Value     /= Credit_Return or   
+            This_Transaction.TC_Message_Count /= 1             or not
+            This_Transaction.TC_Thru_Distrib     then
+               Report.Failed ("Expected path not traversed");
+         end if;
+         TC_Credit_Message.Mark_Complete;
+      else
+         if This_Transaction.Return_Value     /= Debit_Return or   
+            This_Transaction.TC_Message_Count /= 1             or not
+            This_Transaction.TC_Thru_Distrib      then
+               Report.Failed ("Expected path not traversed");
+         end if;
+         TC_Debit_Message.Mark_Complete;
+      end if;
+   exception
+      when others => 
+         Report.Failed ("Unexpected exception in Message_Task");
+   end Message_Task;
+   -- Dispose each input Transaction_Record to the appropriate
+   -- computation tasks
+   --
+   task body Distributor is
+   begin
+      loop
+         select
+            accept Input (Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record) do
+               -- Mark the message as having passed through the distributor
+               Transaction.TC_Thru_Distrib := true;
+               -- Pass this transaction on the appropriate computation
+               -- task
+               case Transaction.Code is 
+                  when Credit =>
+                     requeue Credit_Computation.Input with abort;
+                  when Debit => 
+                     requeue Debit_Computation.Input with abort;
+               end case;
+            end Input;
+         or
+            terminate;
+         end select;
+      end loop;
+   exception
+      when others => 
+         Report.Failed ("Unexpected exception in Distributor");
+   end Distributor;
+   -- Computation task.
+   --   Note:  After the computation is performed in this task and the 
+   --          accept body is completed the rendezvous in the original
+   --          message task is completed.                              
+   --                                           
+   task body Credit_Computation is
+      Message_Count   : integer := 0;
+   begin
+      loop
+         select 
+            accept Input ( Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record) do
+               -- Perform the computations required for this transaction
+               null;      -- stub
+               -- For the test: 
+               if not Transaction.TC_Thru_Distrib then
+                  Report.Failed 
+                         ("Credit Task: Wrong queue, Distributor bypassed");
+               end if;
+               if Transaction.code /= Credit then
+                  Report.Failed
+                         ("Credit Task: Requeue delivered to the wrong queue");
+               end if;
+               -- for the test plug a known value and count
+               Transaction.Return_Value := Credit_Return;
+               -- one, and only one message should pass through
+               Message_Count := Message_Count + 1;
+               Transaction.TC_Message_Count := Message_Count;
+            end Input;            
+         or
+            terminate;
+         end select;
+      end loop;
+   exception
+      when others => 
+         Report.Failed ("Unexpected exception in Credit_Computation");
+   end Credit_Computation;
+   -- Computation task.
+   --   Note:  After the computation is performed in this task and the 
+   --          accept body is completed the rendezvous in the original
+   --          message task is completed.                              
+   --                                                
+   task body Debit_Computation is
+      Message_Count   : integer := 0;
+   begin
+      loop
+         select
+            accept Input (Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record) do
+               -- Perform the computations required for this message
+               null;      -- stub
+               -- For the test: 
+               if not Transaction.TC_Thru_Distrib then
+                  Report.Failed 
+                         ("Debit Task: Wrong queue, Distributor bypassed");
+               end if;
+               if Transaction.code /= Debit then
+                  Report.Failed
+                         ("Debit Task: Requeue delivered to the wrong queue");
+               end if;
+               -- for the test plug a known value and count
+               Transaction.Return_Value := Debit_Return;
+               -- one, and only one, message should pass through
+               Message_Count := Message_Count + 1;
+               Transaction.TC_Message_Count := Message_Count;
+            end Input;            
+         or
+            terminate;
+         end select;
+      end loop;
+   exception
+      when others => 
+         Report.Failed ("Unexpected exception in Debit_Computation");
+   end Debit_Computation;
+begin -- c954011
+   Report.Test ("C954011", "Requeue from task body to task entry");
+   Line_Driver.Start;        -- Start the test
+   -- Ensure that the message tasks complete before reporting the result
+   while not (TC_Credit_Message.Is_Complete and 
+              TC_Debit_Message.Is_Complete) loop
+      delay ImpDef.Minimum_Task_Switch;
+   end loop;
+   Report.Result;
+end C954011;