diff gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/cd/cdd2a01.a @ 111:04ced10e8804

gcc 7
author kono
date Fri, 27 Oct 2017 22:46:09 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/cd/cdd2a01.a	Fri Oct 27 22:46:09 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+-- CDD2A01.A
+--                             Grant of Unlimited Rights
+--     The Ada Conformity Assessment Authority (ACAA) holds unlimited
+--     rights in the software and documentation contained herein. Unlimited
+--     rights are the same as those granted by the U.S. Government for older
+--     parts of the Ada Conformity Assessment Test Suite, and are defined
+--     in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making this public release, the ACAA
+--     intends to confer upon all recipients unlimited rights equal to those
+--     held by the ACAA. These rights include rights to use, duplicate,
+--     release or disclose the released technical data and computer software
+--     in whole or in part, in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and
+--     to have or permit others to do so.
+--                                    DISCLAIMER
+--    Check that the Read and Write attributes for a type extension are created
+--    from the parent type's attribute (which may be user-defined) and those
+--    for the extension components.  Also check that the default Input and
+--    Output attributes are used for a type extension, even if the parent
+--    type's attribute is user-defined.  (Defect Report 8652/0040,
+--     as reflected in Technical Corrigendum 1, penultimate sentence of
+--     13.13.2(9/1) and 13.13.2(25/1)).
+--    30 JUL 2001   PHL   Initial version.
+--     5 DEC 2001   RLB   Reformatted for ACATS.
+with Ada.Streams;
+use Ada.Streams;
+with FDD2A00;
+use FDD2A00;
+with Report;
+use Report;
+procedure CDD2A01 is
+    Input_Output_Error : exception;
+    type Int is range 1 .. 1000;
+    type Str is array (Int range <>) of Character;
+    procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+                    Item : out Int'Base);
+    procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Int'Base);
+    function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Int'Base;
+    procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Int'Base);
+    for Int'Read use Read;
+    for Int'Write use Write;
+    for Int'Input use Input;
+    for Int'Output use Output;
+    type Parent (D1, D2 : Int; B : Boolean) is tagged
+        record
+            S : Str (D1 .. D2);
+            case B is
+                when False =>
+                    C1 : Integer;
+                when True =>
+                    C2 : Float;
+            end case;
+        end record;
+    procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Parent);
+    procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Parent);
+    function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Parent;
+    procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Parent);
+    for Parent'Read use Read;
+    for Parent'Write use Write;
+    for Parent'Input use Input;
+    for Parent'Output use Output;
+    procedure Actual_Read
+                 (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Int) is
+    begin
+        Integer'Read (Stream, Integer (Item));
+    end Actual_Read;
+    procedure Actual_Write
+                 (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Int) is
+    begin
+        Integer'Write (Stream, Integer (Item));
+    end Actual_Write;
+    function Actual_Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Int is
+    begin
+        return Int (Integer'Input (Stream));
+    end Actual_Input;
+    procedure Actual_Output
+                 (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Int) is
+    begin
+        Integer'Output (Stream, Integer (Item));
+    end Actual_Output;
+    procedure Actual_Read
+                 (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Parent) is
+    begin
+        case Item.B is
+            when False =>
+                Item.C1 := 7;
+            when True =>
+                Float'Read (Stream, Item.C2);
+        end case;
+        Str'Read (Stream, Item.S);
+    end Actual_Read;
+    procedure Actual_Write
+                 (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Parent) is
+    begin
+        case Item.B is
+            when False =>
+                null; -- Don't write C1
+            when True =>
+                Float'Write (Stream, Item.C2);
+        end case;
+        Str'Write (Stream, Item.S);
+    end Actual_Write;
+    function Actual_Input
+                (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Parent is
+        X : Parent (1, 1, True);
+    begin
+        raise Input_Output_Error;
+        return X;
+    end Actual_Input;
+    procedure Actual_Output
+                 (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Parent) is
+    begin
+        raise Input_Output_Error;
+    end Actual_Output;
+    package Int_Ops is new Counting_Stream_Ops (T => Int'Base,
+                                                Actual_Write => Actual_Write,
+                                                Actual_Input => Actual_Input,
+                                                Actual_Read => Actual_Read,
+                                                Actual_Output => Actual_Output);
+    package Parent_Ops is
+       new Counting_Stream_Ops (T => Parent,
+                                Actual_Write => Actual_Write,
+                                Actual_Input => Actual_Input,
+                                Actual_Read => Actual_Read,
+                                Actual_Output => Actual_Output);
+    procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Int'Base)
+       renames Int_Ops.Read;
+    procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Int'Base)
+       renames Int_Ops.Write;
+    function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Int'Base
+       renames Int_Ops.Input;
+    procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Int'Base)
+       renames Int_Ops.Output;
+    procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Parent)
+       renames Parent_Ops.Read;
+    procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Parent)
+       renames Parent_Ops.Write;
+    function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Parent
+       renames Parent_Ops.Input;
+    procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Parent)
+       renames Parent_Ops.Output;
+    type Derived1 is new Parent with
+        record
+            C3 : Int;
+        end record;
+    type Derived2 (D : Int) is new Parent (D1 => D,
+                                           D2 => D,
+                                           B => False) with
+        record
+            C3 : Int;
+        end record;
+    Test ("CDD2A01",
+          "Check that the Read and Write attributes for a type " &
+             "extension are created from the parent type's " &
+             "attribute (which may be user-defined) and those for the " &
+             "extension components; also check that the default input " &
+             "and output attributes are used for a type extension, even " &
+             "if the parent type's attribute is user-defined");
+    Test1:
+        declare
+            S : aliased My_Stream (1000);
+            X1 : Derived1 (D1 => Int (Ident_Int (2)),
+                           D2 => Int (Ident_Int (5)),
+                           B => Ident_Bool (True));
+            Y1 : Derived1 := (D1 => 3,
+                              D2 => 6,
+                              B => False,
+                              S => Str (Ident_Str ("3456")),
+                              C1 => Ident_Int (100),
+                              C3 => Int (Ident_Int (88)));
+            X2 : Derived1 (D1 => Int (Ident_Int (2)),
+                           D2 => Int (Ident_Int (5)),
+                           B => Ident_Bool (True));
+        begin
+            X1.S := Str (Ident_Str ("bcde"));
+            X1.C2 := Float (Ident_Int (4));
+            X1.C3 := Int (Ident_Int (99));
+            Derived1'Write (S'Access, X1);
+            if Int_Ops.Get_Counts /=
+               (Read => 0, Write => 1, Input => 0, Output => 0) then
+                Failed ("Error writing extension components - 1");
+            end if;
+            if Parent_Ops.Get_Counts /=
+               (Read => 0, Write => 1, Input => 0, Output => 0) then
+                Failed ("Didn't call parent type's Write - 1");
+            end if;
+            Derived1'Read (S'Access, X2);
+            if Int_Ops.Get_Counts /=
+               (Read => 1, Write => 1, Input => 0, Output => 0) then
+                Failed ("Error reading extension components - 1");
+            end if;
+            if Parent_Ops.Get_Counts /=
+               (Read => 1, Write => 1, Input => 0, Output => 0) then
+                Failed ("Didn't call inherited Read - 1");
+            end if;
+            if X2 /= (D1 => 2,
+                      D2 => 5,
+                      B => True,
+                      S => Str (Ident_Str ("bcde")),
+                      C2 => Float (Ident_Int (4)),
+                      C3 => Int (Ident_Int (99))) then
+                Failed
+                   ("Inherited Read and Write are not inverses of each other - 1");
+            end if;
+            begin
+                Derived1'Output (S'Access, Y1);
+                if Int_Ops.Get_Counts /=
+                   (Read => 1, Write => 4, Input => 0, Output => 0) then
+                    Failed ("Error writing extension components - 2");
+                end if;
+                if Parent_Ops.Get_Counts /=
+                   (Read => 1, Write => 2, Input => 0, Output => 0) then
+                    Failed ("Didn't call inherited Write - 2");
+                end if;
+            exception
+                when Input_Output_Error =>
+                    Failed ("Did call inherited Output - 2");
+            end;
+            begin
+                declare
+                    Y2 : Derived1 := Derived1'Input (S'Access);
+                begin
+                    if Int_Ops.Get_Counts /=
+                       (Read => 4, Write => 4, Input => 0, Output => 0) then
+                        Failed ("Error reading extension components - 2");
+                    end if;
+                    if Parent_Ops.Get_Counts /=
+                       (Read => 2, Write => 2, Input => 0, Output => 0) then
+                        Failed ("Didn't call inherited Read - 2");
+                    end if;
+                    if Y2 /= (D1 => 3,
+                              D2 => 6,
+                              B => False,
+                              S => Str (Ident_Str ("3456")),
+                              C1 => Ident_Int (7),
+                              C3 => Int (Ident_Int (88))) then
+                        Failed
+                           ("Input and Output are not inverses of each other - 2");
+                    end if;
+                end;
+            exception
+                when Input_Output_Error =>
+                    Failed ("Did call inherited Input - 2");
+            end;
+        end Test1;
+    Test2:
+        declare
+            S : aliased My_Stream (1000);
+            X1 : Derived2 (D => Int (Ident_Int (7)));
+            Y1 : Derived2 := (D => 8,
+                              S => Str (Ident_Str ("8")),
+                              C1 => Ident_Int (200),
+                              C3 => Int (Ident_Int (77)));
+            X2 : Derived2 (D => Int (Ident_Int (7)));
+        begin
+            X1.S := Str (Ident_Str ("g"));
+            X1.C1 := Ident_Int (4);
+            X1.C3 := Int (Ident_Int (666));
+            Derived2'Write (S'Access, X1);
+            if Int_Ops.Get_Counts /=
+               (Read => 4, Write => 5, Input => 0, Output => 0) then
+                Failed ("Error writing extension components - 3");
+            end if;
+            if Parent_Ops.Get_Counts /=
+               (Read => 2, Write => 3, Input => 0, Output => 0) then
+                Failed ("Didn't call inherited Write - 3");
+            end if;
+            Derived2'Read (S'Access, X2);
+            if Int_Ops.Get_Counts /=
+               (Read => 5, Write => 5, Input => 0, Output => 0) then
+                Failed ("Error reading extension components - 3");
+            end if;
+            if Parent_Ops.Get_Counts /=
+               (Read => 3, Write => 3, Input => 0, Output => 0) then
+                Failed ("Didn't call inherited Read - 3");
+            end if;
+            if X2 /= (D => 7,
+                      S => Str (Ident_Str ("g")),
+                      C1 => Ident_Int (7),
+                      C3 => Int (Ident_Int (666))) then
+                Failed ("Read and Write are not inverses of each other - 3");
+            end if;
+            begin
+                Derived2'Output (S'Access, Y1);
+                if Int_Ops.Get_Counts /=
+                   (Read => 5, Write => 7, Input => 0, Output => 0) then
+                    Failed ("Error writing extension components - 4");
+                end if;
+                if Parent_Ops.Get_Counts /=
+                   (Read => 3, Write => 4, Input => 0, Output => 0) then
+                    Failed ("Didn't call inherited Write - 4");
+                end if;
+            exception
+                when Input_Output_Error =>
+                    Failed ("Did call inherited Output - 4");
+            end;
+            begin
+                declare
+                    Y2 : Derived2 := Derived2'Input (S'Access);
+                begin
+                    if Int_Ops.Get_Counts /=
+                       (Read => 7, Write => 7, Input => 0, Output => 0) then
+                        Failed ("Error reading extension components - 4");
+                    end if;
+                    if Parent_Ops.Get_Counts /=
+                       (Read => 4, Write => 4, Input => 0, Output => 0) then
+                        Failed ("Didn't call inherited Read - 4");
+                    end if;
+                    if Y2 /= (D => 8,
+                              S => Str (Ident_Str ("8")),
+                              C1 => Ident_Int (7),
+                              C3 => Int (Ident_Int (77))) then
+                        Failed
+                           ("Input and Output are not inverses of each other - 4");
+                    end if;
+                end;
+            exception
+                when Input_Output_Error =>
+                    Failed ("Did call inherited Input - 4");
+            end;
+        end Test2;
+    Result;
+end CDD2A01;