diff libcpp/include/line-map.h @ 111:04ced10e8804

gcc 7
author kono
date Fri, 27 Oct 2017 22:46:09 +0900
parents f6334be47118
children 84e7813d76e9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/libcpp/include/line-map.h	Sun Aug 21 07:07:55 2011 +0900
+++ b/libcpp/include/line-map.h	Fri Oct 27 22:46:09 2017 +0900
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-/* Map logical line numbers to (source file, line number) pairs.
-   Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
-   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+/* Map (unsigned int) keys to (source file, line, column) triples.
+   Copyright (C) 2001-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
@@ -27,59 +26,682 @@
 #define GTY(x) /* nothing */
-/* Reason for adding a line change with add_line_map ().  LC_ENTER is
+/* Reason for creating a new line map with linemap_add.  LC_ENTER is
    when including a new file, e.g. a #include directive in C.
    LC_LEAVE is when reaching a file's end.  LC_RENAME is when a file
    name or line number changes for neither of the above reasons
    (e.g. a #line directive in C); LC_RENAME_VERBATIM is like LC_RENAME
-   but a filename of "" is not specially interpreted as standard input.  */
+   but a filename of "" is not specially interpreted as standard
+   input. LC_ENTER_MACRO is when a macro expansion is about to start.  */
+enum lc_reason
+  LC_ENTER = 0,
+  /* FIXME: add support for stringize and paste.  */
 /* The type of line numbers.  */
 typedef unsigned int linenum_type;
-/* A logical line/column number, i.e. an "index" into a line_map.  */
+/* The typedef "source_location" is a key within the location database,
+   identifying a source location or macro expansion, along with range
+   information, and (optionally) a pointer for use by gcc.
+   This key only has meaning in relation to a line_maps instance.  Within
+   gcc there is a single line_maps instance: "line_table", declared in
+   gcc/input.h and defined in gcc/input.c.
+   The values of the keys are intended to be internal to libcpp,
+   but for ease-of-understanding the implementation, they are currently
+   assigned as follows:
+  Actual     | Value                         | Meaning
+  -----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------
+  0x00000000 | UNKNOWN_LOCATION (gcc/input.h)| Unknown/invalid location.
+  -----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------
+  0x00000001 | BUILTINS_LOCATION             | The location for declarations
+             |   (gcc/input.h)               | in "<built-in>"
+  -----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------
+  0x00000002 | RESERVED_LOCATION_COUNT       | The first location to be
+             | (also                         | handed out, and the
+             |  ordmap[0]->start_location)   | first line in ordmap 0
+  -----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------
+             | ordmap[1]->start_location     | First line in ordmap 1
+             | ordmap[1]->start_location+32  | First column in that line
+             |   (assuming range_bits == 5)  |
+             | ordmap[1]->start_location+64  | 2nd column in that line
+             | ordmap[1]->start_location+4096| Second line in ordmap 1
+             |   (assuming column_bits == 12)
+             |
+             |   Subsequent lines are offset by (1 << column_bits),
+             |   e.g. 4096 for 12 bits, with a column value of 0 representing
+             |   "the whole line".
+             |
+             |   Within a line, the low "range_bits" (typically 5) are used for
+             |   storing short ranges, so that there's an offset of
+             |     (1 << range_bits) between individual columns within a line,
+             |   typically 32.
+             |   The low range_bits store the offset of the end point from the
+             |   start point, and the start point is found by masking away
+             |   the range bits.
+             |
+             |   For example:
+             |      ordmap[1]->start_location+64    "2nd column in that line"
+             |   above means a caret at that location, with a range
+             |   starting and finishing at the same place (the range bits
+             |   are 0), a range of length 1.
+             |
+             |   By contrast:
+             |      ordmap[1]->start_location+68
+             |   has range bits 0x4, meaning a caret with a range starting at
+             |   that location, but with endpoint 4 columns further on: a range
+             |   of length 5.
+             |
+             |   Ranges that have caret != start, or have an endpoint too
+             |   far away to fit in range_bits are instead stored as ad-hoc
+             |   locations.  Hence for range_bits == 5 we can compactly store
+             |   tokens of length <= 32 without needing to use the ad-hoc
+             |   table.
+             |
+             |   This packing scheme means we effectively have
+             |     (column_bits - range_bits)
+             |   of bits for the columns, typically (12 - 5) = 7, for 128
+             |   columns; longer line widths are accomodated by starting a
+             |   new ordmap with a higher column_bits.
+             |
+             | ordmap[2]->start_location-1   | Final location in ordmap 1
+  -----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------
+             | ordmap[2]->start_location     | First line in ordmap 2
+             | ordmap[3]->start_location-1   | Final location in ordmap 2
+  -----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------
+             |                               | (etc)
+  -----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------
+             | ordmap[n-1]->start_location   | First line in final ord map
+             |                               | (etc)
+             | set->highest_location - 1     | Final location in that ordmap
+  -----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------
+             | set->highest_location         | Location of the where the next
+             |                               | ordinary linemap would start
+  -----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------
+             |                               |
+             |                  VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
+             |                  Ordinary maps grow this way
+             |
+             |                    (unallocated integers)
+             |
+             |   Beyond this point, ordinary linemaps have 0 bits per column:
+             |   each increment of the value corresponds to a new source line.
+             |
+             |   Beyond the point, we give up on ordinary maps; attempts to
+             |   create locations in them lead to UNKNOWN_LOCATION (0).
+             |
+             |                    (unallocated integers)
+             |
+             |                   Macro maps grow this way
+             |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+             |                               |
+  -----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------
+             | LINEMAPS_MACRO_LOWEST_LOCATION| Locations within macro maps
+             | macromap[m-1]->start_location | Start of last macro map
+             |                               |
+  -----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------
+             | macromap[m-2]->start_location | Start of penultimate macro map
+  -----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------
+             | macromap[1]->start_location   | Start of macro map 1
+  -----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------
+             | macromap[0]->start_location   | Start of macro map 0
+  0x7fffffff | MAX_SOURCE_LOCATION           | Also used as a mask for
+             |                               | accessing the ad-hoc data table
+  -----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------
+  0x80000000 | Start of ad-hoc values; the lower 31 bits are used as an index
+  ...        | into the line_table->location_adhoc_data_map.data array.
+  0xffffffff | UINT_MAX                      |
+  -----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------
+   Examples of location encoding.
+   Packed ranges
+   =============
+   Consider encoding the location of a token "foo", seen underlined here
+   on line 523, within an ordinary line_map that starts at line 500:
+                 11111111112
+        12345678901234567890
+     522
+     523   return foo + bar;
+                  ^~~
+     524
+   The location's caret and start are both at line 523, column 11; the
+   location's finish is on the same line, at column 13 (an offset of 2
+   columns, for length 3).
+   Line 523 is offset 23 from the starting line of the ordinary line_map.
+   caret == start, and the offset of the finish fits within 5 bits, so
+   this can be stored as a packed range.
+   This is encoded as:
+      ordmap->start
+         + (line_offset << ordmap->m_column_and_range_bits)
+         + (column << ordmap->m_range_bits)
+         + (range_offset);
+   i.e. (for line offset 23, column 11, range offset 2):
+      ordmap->start
+         + (23 << 12)
+         + (11 << 5)
+         + 2;
+   i.e.:
+      ordmap->start + 0x17162
+   assuming that the line_map uses the default of 7 bits for columns and
+   5 bits for packed range (giving 12 bits for m_column_and_range_bits).
+   "Pure" locations
+   ================
+   These are a special case of the above, where
+      caret == start == finish
+   They are stored as packed ranges with offset == 0.
+   For example, the location of the "f" of "foo" could be stored
+   as above, but with range offset 0, giving:
+      ordmap->start
+         + (23 << 12)
+         + (11 << 5)
+         + 0;
+   i.e.:
+      ordmap->start + 0x17160
+   Unoptimized ranges
+   ==================
+   Consider encoding the location of the binary expression
+   below:
+                 11111111112
+        12345678901234567890
+     522
+     523   return foo + bar;
+                  ~~~~^~~~~
+     524
+   The location's caret is at the "+", line 523 column 15, but starts
+   earlier, at the "f" of "foo" at column 11.  The finish is at the "r"
+   of "bar" at column 19.
+   This can't be stored as a packed range since start != caret.
+   Hence it is stored as an ad-hoc location e.g. 0x80000003.
+   Stripping off the top bit gives us an index into the ad-hoc
+   lookaside table:
+     line_table->location_adhoc_data_map.data[0x3]
+   from which the caret, start and finish can be looked up,
+   encoded as "pure" locations:
+     start  == ordmap->start + (23 << 12) + (11 << 5)
+            == ordmap->start + 0x17160  (as above; the "f" of "foo")
+     caret  == ordmap->start + (23 << 12) + (15 << 5)
+            == ordmap->start + 0x171e0
+     finish == ordmap->start + (23 << 12) + (19 << 5)
+            == ordmap->start + 0x17260
+   To further see how source_location works in practice, see the
+   worked example in libcpp/location-example.txt.  */
 typedef unsigned int source_location;
+/* Do not pack ranges if locations get higher than this.
+   If you change this, update:
+     gcc.dg/plugin/location-overflow-test-*.c.  */
+const source_location LINE_MAP_MAX_LOCATION_WITH_PACKED_RANGES = 0x50000000;
+/* Do not track column numbers if locations get higher than this.
+   If you change this, update:
+     gcc.dg/plugin/location-overflow-test-*.c.  */
+const source_location LINE_MAP_MAX_LOCATION_WITH_COLS = 0x60000000;
+/* A range of source locations.
+   Ranges are closed:
+   m_start is the first location within the range,
+   m_finish is the last location within the range.
+   We may need a more compact way to store these, but for now,
+   let's do it the simple way, as a pair.  */
+struct GTY(()) source_range
+  source_location m_start;
+  source_location m_finish;
+  /* We avoid using constructors, since various structs that
+     don't yet have constructors will embed instances of
+     source_range.  */
+  /* Make a source_range from a source_location.  */
+  static source_range from_location (source_location loc)
+  {
+    source_range result;
+    result.m_start = loc;
+    result.m_finish = loc;
+    return result;
+  }
+  /* Make a source_range from a pair of source_location.  */
+  static source_range from_locations (source_location start,
+				      source_location finish)
+  {
+    source_range result;
+    result.m_start = start;
+    result.m_finish = finish;
+    return result;
+  }
 /* Memory allocation function typedef.  Works like xrealloc.  */
 typedef void *(*line_map_realloc) (void *, size_t);
-/* Physical source file TO_FILE at line TO_LINE at column 0 is represented
+/* Memory allocator function that returns the actual allocated size,
+   for a given requested allocation.  */
+typedef size_t (*line_map_round_alloc_size_func) (size_t);
+/* A line_map encodes a sequence of locations.
+   There are two kinds of maps. Ordinary maps and macro expansion
+   maps, a.k.a macro maps.
+   A macro map encodes source locations of tokens that are part of a
+   macro replacement-list, at a macro expansion point. E.g, in:
+            #define PLUS(A,B) A + B
+   No macro map is going to be created there, because we are not at a
+   macro expansion point. We are at a macro /definition/ point. So the
+   locations of the tokens of the macro replacement-list (i.e, A + B)
+   will be locations in an ordinary map, not a macro map.
+   On the other hand, if we later do:
+        int a = PLUS (1,2);
+   The invocation of PLUS here is a macro expansion. So we are at a
+   macro expansion point. The preprocessor expands PLUS (1,2) and
+   replaces it with the tokens of its replacement-list: 1 + 2. A macro
+   map is going to be created to hold (or rather to map, haha ...) the
+   locations of the tokens 1, + and 2. The macro map also records the
+   location of the expansion point of PLUS. That location is mapped in
+   the map that is active right before the location of the invocation
+   of PLUS.  */
+struct GTY((tag ("0"), desc ("%h.reason == LC_ENTER_MACRO ? 2 : 1"))) line_map {
+  source_location start_location;
+  /* The reason for creation of this line map.  */
+  ENUM_BITFIELD (lc_reason) reason : CHAR_BIT;
+/* An ordinary line map encodes physical source locations. Those
+   physical source locations are called "spelling locations".
+   Physical source file TO_FILE at line TO_LINE at column 0 is represented
    by the logical START_LOCATION.  TO_LINE+L at column C is represented by
-   START_LOCATION+(L*(1<<column_bits))+C, as long as C<(1<<column_bits),
-   and the result_location is less than the next line_map's start_location.
+   START_LOCATION+(L*(1<<m_column_and_range_bits))+(C*1<<m_range_bits), as
+   long as C<(1<<effective range bits), and the result_location is less than
+   the next line_map's start_location.
    (The top line is line 1 and the leftmost column is column 1; line/column 0
    means "entire file/line" or "unknown line/column" or "not applicable".)
-   INCLUDED_FROM is an index into the set that gives the line mapping
-   at whose end the current one was included.  File(s) at the bottom
-   of the include stack have this set to -1.  REASON is the reason for
-   creation of this line map, SYSP is one for a system header, two for
-   a C system header file that therefore needs to be extern "C"
-   protected in C++, and zero otherwise.  */
-struct GTY(()) line_map {
+   The highest possible source location is MAX_SOURCE_LOCATION.  */
+struct GTY((tag ("1"))) line_map_ordinary : public line_map {
   const char *to_file;
   linenum_type to_line;
-  source_location start_location;
+  /* An index into the set that gives the line mapping at whose end
+     the current one was included.  File(s) at the bottom of the
+     include stack have this set to -1.  */
   int included_from;
-  ENUM_BITFIELD (lc_reason) reason : CHAR_BIT;
-  /* The sysp field isn't really needed now that it's in cpp_buffer.  */
+  /* SYSP is one for a system header, two for a C system header file
+     that therefore needs to be extern "C" protected in C++, and zero
+     otherwise.  This field isn't really needed now that it's in
+     cpp_buffer.  */
   unsigned char sysp;
-  /* Number of the low-order source_location bits used for a column number.  */
-  unsigned int column_bits : 8;
+  /* Number of the low-order source_location bits used for column numbers
+     and ranges.  */
+  unsigned int m_column_and_range_bits : 8;
+  /* Number of the low-order "column" bits used for storing short ranges
+     inline, rather than in the ad-hoc table.
+     MSB                                                                 LSB
+     31                                                                    0
+     +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+     |                         |<---map->column_and_range_bits (e.g. 12)-->|
+     +-------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+
+     |                         | column_and_range_bits | map->range_bits   |
+     |                         |   - range_bits        |                   |
+     +-------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+
+     | row bits                | effective column bits | short range bits  |
+     |                         |    (e.g. 7)           |   (e.g. 5)        |
+     +-------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+ */
+  unsigned int m_range_bits : 8;
+/* This is the highest possible source location encoded within an
+   ordinary or macro map.  */
+const source_location MAX_SOURCE_LOCATION = 0x7FFFFFFF;
+struct cpp_hashnode;
+/* A macro line map encodes location of tokens coming from a macro
+   expansion.
+   The offset from START_LOCATION is used to index into
+   MACRO_LOCATIONS; this holds the original location of the token.  */
+struct GTY((tag ("2"))) line_map_macro : public line_map {
+  /* The cpp macro which expansion gave birth to this macro map.  */
+  struct cpp_hashnode * GTY ((nested_ptr (union tree_node,
+				   "%h ? CPP_HASHNODE (GCC_IDENT_TO_HT_IDENT (%h)) : NULL",
+				   "%h ? HT_IDENT_TO_GCC_IDENT (HT_NODE (%h)) : NULL")))
+    macro;
+  /* The number of tokens inside the replacement-list of MACRO.  */
+  unsigned int n_tokens;
+  /* This array of location is actually an array of pairs of
+     locations. The elements inside it thus look like:
+           x0,y0, x1,y1, x2,y2, ...., xn,yn.
+     where n == n_tokens;
+     Remember that these xI,yI are collected when libcpp is about to
+     expand a given macro.
+     yI is the location in the macro definition, either of the token
+     itself or of a macro parameter that it replaces.
+     Imagine this:
+	#define PLUS(A, B) A + B  <--- #1
+	int a = PLUS (1,2); <--- #2
+     There is a macro map for the expansion of PLUS in #2.  PLUS is
+     expanded into its expansion-list.  The expansion-list is the
+     replacement-list of PLUS where the macro parameters are replaced
+     with their arguments.  So the replacement-list of PLUS is made of
+     the tokens:
+        A, +, B
+     and the expansion-list is made of the tokens:
+        1, +, 2
+     Let's consider the case of token "+".  Its y1 [yI for I == 1] is
+     its spelling location in #1.
+     y0 (thus for token "1") is the spelling location of A in #1.
+     And y2 (of token "2") is the spelling location of B in #1.
+     When the token is /not/ an argument for a macro, xI is the same
+     location as yI.  Otherwise, xI is the location of the token
+     outside this macro expansion.  If this macro was expanded from
+     another macro expansion, xI is a virtual location representing
+     the token in that macro expansion; otherwise, it is the spelling
+     location of the token.
+     Note that a virtual location is a location returned by
+     linemap_add_macro_token.  It encodes the relevant locations (x,y
+     pairs) of that token across the macro expansions from which it
+     (the token) might come from.
+     In the example above x1 (for token "+") is going to be the same
+     as y1.  x0 is the spelling location for the argument token "1",
+     and x2 is the spelling location for the argument token "2".  */
+  source_location * GTY((atomic)) macro_locations;
+  /* This is the location of the expansion point of the current macro
+     map.  It's the location of the macro name.  That location is held
+     by the map that was current right before the current one. It
+     could have been either a macro or an ordinary map, depending on
+     if we are in a nested expansion context not.  */
+  source_location expansion;
+#if CHECKING_P && (GCC_VERSION >= 2007)
+/* Assertion macro to be used in line-map code.  */
+#define linemap_assert(EXPR)                  \
+  do {                                                \
+    if (! (EXPR))                             \
+      abort ();                                       \
+  } while (0)
+/* Assert that becomes a conditional expression when checking is disabled at
+   compilation time.  Use this for conditions that should not happen but if
+   they happen, it is better to handle them gracefully rather than crash
+   randomly later.
+   Usage:
+   if (linemap_assert_fails(EXPR)) handle_error(); */
+#define linemap_assert_fails(EXPR) __extension__ \
+  ({linemap_assert (EXPR); false;})
+/* Include EXPR, so that unused variable warnings do not occur.  */
+#define linemap_assert(EXPR) ((void)(0 && (EXPR)))
+#define linemap_assert_fails(EXPR) (! (EXPR))
+/* Return TRUE if MAP encodes locations coming from a macro
+   replacement-list at macro expansion point.  */
+linemap_macro_expansion_map_p (const struct line_map *);
+/* Assert that MAP encodes locations of tokens that are not part of
+   the replacement-list of a macro expansion, downcasting from
+   line_map * to line_map_ordinary *.  */
+inline line_map_ordinary *
+linemap_check_ordinary (struct line_map *map)
+  linemap_assert (!linemap_macro_expansion_map_p (map));
+  return (line_map_ordinary *)map;
+/* Assert that MAP encodes locations of tokens that are not part of
+   the replacement-list of a macro expansion, downcasting from
+   const line_map * to const line_map_ordinary *.  */
+inline const line_map_ordinary *
+linemap_check_ordinary (const struct line_map *map)
+  linemap_assert (!linemap_macro_expansion_map_p (map));
+  return (const line_map_ordinary *)map;
+/* Assert that MAP is a macro expansion and downcast to the appropriate
+   subclass.  */
+inline line_map_macro *linemap_check_macro (line_map *map)
+  linemap_assert (linemap_macro_expansion_map_p (map));
+  return (line_map_macro *)map;
+/* Assert that MAP is a macro expansion and downcast to the appropriate
+   subclass.  */
+inline const line_map_macro *
+linemap_check_macro (const line_map *map)
+  linemap_assert (linemap_macro_expansion_map_p (map));
+  return (const line_map_macro *)map;
+/* Read the start location of MAP.  */
+inline source_location
+MAP_START_LOCATION (const line_map *map)
+  return map->start_location;
+/* Get the starting line number of ordinary map MAP.  */
+inline linenum_type
+ORDINARY_MAP_STARTING_LINE_NUMBER (const line_map_ordinary *ord_map)
+  return ord_map->to_line;
+/* Get the index of the ordinary map at whose end
+   ordinary map MAP was included.
+   File(s) at the bottom of the include stack have this set.  */
+inline int
+ORDINARY_MAP_INCLUDER_FILE_INDEX (const line_map_ordinary *ord_map)
+  return ord_map->included_from;
+/* Return a positive value if map encodes locations from a system
+   header, 0 otherwise. Returns 1 if ordinary map MAP encodes locations
+   in a system header and 2 if it encodes locations in a C system header
+   that therefore needs to be extern "C" protected in C++.  */
+inline unsigned char
+ORDINARY_MAP_IN_SYSTEM_HEADER_P (const line_map_ordinary *ord_map)
+  return ord_map->sysp;
+/* Get the filename of ordinary map MAP.  */
+inline const char *
+ORDINARY_MAP_FILE_NAME (const line_map_ordinary *ord_map)
+  return ord_map->to_file;
+/* Get the cpp macro whose expansion gave birth to macro map MAP.  */
+inline cpp_hashnode *
+MACRO_MAP_MACRO (const line_map_macro *macro_map)
+  return macro_map->macro;
+/* Get the number of tokens inside the replacement-list of the macro
+   that led to macro map MAP.  */
+inline unsigned int
+MACRO_MAP_NUM_MACRO_TOKENS (const line_map_macro *macro_map)
+  return macro_map->n_tokens;
+/* Get the array of pairs of locations within macro map MAP.
+   See the declaration of line_map_macro for more information.  */
+inline source_location *
+MACRO_MAP_LOCATIONS (const line_map_macro *macro_map)
+  return macro_map->macro_locations;
+/* Get the location of the expansion point of the macro map MAP.  */
+inline source_location
+MACRO_MAP_EXPANSION_POINT_LOCATION (const line_map_macro *macro_map)
+  return macro_map->expansion;
+/* The abstraction of a set of location maps. There can be several
+   types of location maps. This abstraction contains the attributes
+   that are independent from the type of the map.
+   Essentially this is just a vector of T_linemap_subclass,
+   which can only ever grow in size.  */
+struct GTY(()) maps_info_ordinary {
+  /* This array contains the "ordinary" line maps, for all
+     events other than macro expansion
+     (e.g. when a new preprocessing unit starts or ends).  */
+  line_map_ordinary * GTY ((length ("%h.used"))) maps;
+  /* The total number of allocated maps.  */
+  unsigned int allocated;
+  /* The number of elements used in maps. This number is smaller
+     or equal to ALLOCATED.  */
+  unsigned int used;
+  unsigned int cache;
+struct GTY(()) maps_info_macro {
+  /* This array contains the macro line maps.
+     A macro line map is created whenever a macro expansion occurs.  */
+  line_map_macro * GTY ((length ("%h.used"))) maps;
+  /* The total number of allocated maps.  */
+  unsigned int allocated;
+  /* The number of elements used in maps. This number is smaller
+     or equal to ALLOCATED.  */
+  unsigned int used;
+  unsigned int cache;
+/* Data structure to associate a source_range together with an arbitrary
+   data pointer with a source location.  */
+struct GTY(()) location_adhoc_data {
+  source_location locus;
+  source_range src_range;
+  void * GTY((skip)) data;
+struct htab;
+/* The following data structure encodes a location with some adhoc data
+   and maps it to a new unsigned integer (called an adhoc location)
+   that replaces the original location to represent the mapping.
+   The new adhoc_loc uses the highest bit as the enabling bit, i.e. if the
+   highest bit is 1, then the number is adhoc_loc. Otherwise, it serves as
+   the original location. Once identified as the adhoc_loc, the lower 31
+   bits of the integer is used to index the location_adhoc_data array,
+   in which the locus and associated data is stored.  */
+struct GTY(()) location_adhoc_data_map {
+  struct htab * GTY((skip)) htab;
+  source_location curr_loc;
+  unsigned int allocated;
+  struct location_adhoc_data GTY((length ("%h.allocated"))) *data;
 /* A set of chronological line_map structures.  */
 struct GTY(()) line_maps {
-  struct line_map * GTY ((length ("%h.used"))) maps;
-  unsigned int allocated;
-  unsigned int used;
-  unsigned int cache;
+  ~line_maps ();
+  maps_info_ordinary info_ordinary;
-  /* The most recently listed include stack, if any, starts with
-     LAST_LISTED as the topmost including file.  -1 indicates nothing
-     has been listed yet.  */
-  int last_listed;
+  maps_info_macro info_macro;
   /* Depth of the include stack, including the current file.  */
   unsigned int depth;
@@ -100,13 +722,309 @@
   /* If non-null, the allocator to use when resizing 'maps'.  If null,
      xrealloc is used.  */
   line_map_realloc reallocator;
+  /* The allocators' function used to know the actual size it
+     allocated, for a certain allocation size requested.  */
+  line_map_round_alloc_size_func round_alloc_size;
+  struct location_adhoc_data_map location_adhoc_data_map;
+  /* The special location value that is used as spelling location for
+     built-in tokens.  */
+  source_location builtin_location;
+  /* True if we've seen a #line or # 44 "file" directive.  */
+  bool seen_line_directive;
+  /* The default value of range_bits in ordinary line maps.  */
+  unsigned int default_range_bits;
+  unsigned int num_optimized_ranges;
+  unsigned int num_unoptimized_ranges;
-/* Initialize a line map set.  */
-extern void linemap_init (struct line_maps *);
+/* Returns the number of allocated maps so far. MAP_KIND shall be TRUE
+   if we are interested in macro maps, FALSE otherwise.  */
+inline unsigned int
+LINEMAPS_ALLOCATED (const line_maps *set, bool map_kind)
+  if (map_kind)
+    return set->info_macro.allocated;
+  else
+    return set->info_ordinary.allocated;
+/* As above, but by reference (e.g. as an lvalue).  */
+inline unsigned int &
+LINEMAPS_ALLOCATED (line_maps *set, bool map_kind)
+  if (map_kind)
+    return set->info_macro.allocated;
+  else
+    return set->info_ordinary.allocated;
+/* Returns the number of used maps so far. MAP_KIND shall be TRUE if
+   we are interested in macro maps, FALSE otherwise.*/
+inline unsigned int
+LINEMAPS_USED (const line_maps *set, bool map_kind)
+  if (map_kind)
+    return set->info_macro.used;
+  else
+    return set->info_ordinary.used;
+/* As above, but by reference (e.g. as an lvalue).  */
+inline unsigned int &
+LINEMAPS_USED (line_maps *set, bool map_kind)
+  if (map_kind)
+    return set->info_macro.used;
+  else
+    return set->info_ordinary.used;
+/* Returns the index of the last map that was looked up with
+   linemap_lookup. MAP_KIND shall be TRUE if we are interested in
+   macro maps, FALSE otherwise.  */
+inline unsigned int
+LINEMAPS_CACHE (const line_maps *set, bool map_kind)
+  if (map_kind)
+    return set->info_macro.cache;
+  else
+    return set->info_ordinary.cache;
+/* As above, but by reference (e.g. as an lvalue).  */
+inline unsigned int &
+LINEMAPS_CACHE (line_maps *set, bool map_kind)
+  if (map_kind)
+    return set->info_macro.cache;
+  else
+    return set->info_ordinary.cache;
+/* Return the map at a given index.  */
+inline line_map *
+LINEMAPS_MAP_AT (const line_maps *set, bool map_kind, int index)
+  if (map_kind)
+    return &set->info_macro.maps[index];
+  else
+    return &set->info_ordinary.maps[index];
+/* Returns the last map used in the line table SET. MAP_KIND
+   shall be TRUE if we are interested in macro maps, FALSE
+   otherwise.*/
+inline line_map *
+LINEMAPS_LAST_MAP (const line_maps *set, bool map_kind)
+  return LINEMAPS_MAP_AT (set, map_kind,
+			  LINEMAPS_USED (set, map_kind) - 1);
+/* Returns the last map that was allocated in the line table SET.
+   MAP_KIND shall be TRUE if we are interested in macro maps, FALSE
+   otherwise.*/
+inline line_map *
+LINEMAPS_LAST_ALLOCATED_MAP (const line_maps *set, bool map_kind)
+  return LINEMAPS_MAP_AT (set, map_kind,
+			  LINEMAPS_ALLOCATED (set, map_kind) - 1);
+/* Returns a pointer to the memory region where ordinary maps are
+   allocated in the line table SET.  */
+inline line_map_ordinary *
+LINEMAPS_ORDINARY_MAPS (const line_maps *set)
+  return set->info_ordinary.maps;
+/* Returns the INDEXth ordinary map.  */
+inline line_map_ordinary *
+LINEMAPS_ORDINARY_MAP_AT (const line_maps *set, int index)
+  linemap_assert (index >= 0);
+  linemap_assert ((unsigned int)index < set->info_ordinary.used);
+  return &set->info_ordinary.maps[index];
+/* Return the number of ordinary maps allocated in the line table
+   SET.  */
+inline unsigned int
+LINEMAPS_ORDINARY_ALLOCATED (const line_maps *set)
+  return LINEMAPS_ALLOCATED (set, false);
+/* Return the number of ordinary maps used in the line table SET.  */
+inline unsigned int
+LINEMAPS_ORDINARY_USED (const line_maps *set)
+  return LINEMAPS_USED (set, false);
+/* Return the index of the last ordinary map that was looked up with
+   linemap_lookup.  */
+inline unsigned int
+LINEMAPS_ORDINARY_CACHE (const line_maps *set)
+  return LINEMAPS_CACHE (set, false);
+/* As above, but by reference (e.g. as an lvalue).  */
-/* Free a line map set.  */
-extern void linemap_free (struct line_maps *);
+inline unsigned int &
+  return LINEMAPS_CACHE (set, false);
+/* Returns a pointer to the last ordinary map used in the line table
+   SET.  */
+inline line_map_ordinary *
+LINEMAPS_LAST_ORDINARY_MAP (const line_maps *set)
+  return (line_map_ordinary *)LINEMAPS_LAST_MAP (set, false);
+/* Returns a pointer to the last ordinary map allocated the line table
+   SET.  */
+inline line_map_ordinary *
+  return (line_map_ordinary *)LINEMAPS_LAST_ALLOCATED_MAP (set, false);
+/* Returns a pointer to the beginning of the region where macro maps
+   are allocated.  */
+inline line_map_macro *
+LINEMAPS_MACRO_MAPS (const line_maps *set)
+  return set->info_macro.maps;
+/* Returns the INDEXth macro map.  */
+inline line_map_macro *
+LINEMAPS_MACRO_MAP_AT (const line_maps *set, int index)
+  linemap_assert (index >= 0);
+  linemap_assert ((unsigned int)index < set->info_macro.used);
+  return &set->info_macro.maps[index];
+/* Returns the number of macro maps that were allocated in the line
+   table SET.  */
+inline unsigned int
+LINEMAPS_MACRO_ALLOCATED (const line_maps *set)
+  return LINEMAPS_ALLOCATED (set, true);
+/* Returns the number of macro maps used in the line table SET.  */
+inline unsigned int
+LINEMAPS_MACRO_USED (const line_maps *set)
+  return LINEMAPS_USED (set, true);
+/* Returns the index of the last macro map looked up with
+   linemap_lookup.  */
+inline unsigned int
+LINEMAPS_MACRO_CACHE (const line_maps *set)
+  return LINEMAPS_CACHE (set, true);
+/* As above, but by reference (e.g. as an lvalue).  */
+inline unsigned int &
+LINEMAPS_MACRO_CACHE (line_maps *set)
+  return LINEMAPS_CACHE (set, true);
+/* Returns the last macro map used in the line table SET.  */
+inline line_map_macro *
+LINEMAPS_LAST_MACRO_MAP (const line_maps *set)
+  return (line_map_macro *)LINEMAPS_LAST_MAP (set, true);
+/* Returns the lowest location [of a token resulting from macro
+   expansion] encoded in this line table.  */
+inline source_location
+LINEMAPS_MACRO_LOWEST_LOCATION (const line_maps *set)
+  return LINEMAPS_MACRO_USED (set)
+/* Returns the last macro map allocated in the line table SET.  */
+inline line_map_macro *
+  return (line_map_macro *)LINEMAPS_LAST_ALLOCATED_MAP (set, true);
+extern source_location get_combined_adhoc_loc (struct line_maps *,
+					       source_location,
+					       source_range,
+					       void *);
+extern void *get_data_from_adhoc_loc (struct line_maps *, source_location);
+extern source_location get_location_from_adhoc_loc (struct line_maps *,
+						    source_location);
+extern source_range get_range_from_loc (line_maps *set, source_location loc);
+/* Get whether location LOC is an ad-hoc location.  */
+inline bool
+IS_ADHOC_LOC (source_location loc)
+  return (loc & MAX_SOURCE_LOCATION) != loc;
+/* Get whether location LOC is a "pure" location, or
+   whether it is an ad-hoc location, or embeds range information.  */
+pure_location_p (line_maps *set, source_location loc);
+/* Given location LOC within SET, strip away any packed range information
+   or ad-hoc information.  */
+extern source_location get_pure_location (line_maps *set,
+					  source_location loc);
+/* Combine LOC and BLOCK, giving a combined adhoc location.  */
+inline source_location
+COMBINE_LOCATION_DATA (struct line_maps *set,
+		       source_location loc,
+		       source_range src_range,
+		       void *block)
+  return get_combined_adhoc_loc (set, loc, src_range, block);
+extern void rebuild_location_adhoc_htab (struct line_maps *);
+/* Initialize a line map set.  SET is the line map set to initialize
+   and BUILTIN_LOCATION is the special location value to be used as
+   spelling location for built-in tokens.  This BUILTIN_LOCATION has
+   to be strictly less than RESERVED_LOCATION_COUNT.  */
+extern void linemap_init (struct line_maps *set,
+			  source_location builtin_location);
 /* Check for and warn about line_maps entered but not exited.  */
@@ -122,10 +1040,12 @@
 (struct line_maps *set, linenum_type to_line,  unsigned int max_column_hint);
 /* Add a mapping of logical source line to physical source file and
-   line number.
+   line number. This function creates an "ordinary map", which is a
+   map that records locations of tokens that are not part of macro
+   replacement-lists present at a macro expansion point.
    The text pointed to by TO_FILE must have a lifetime
-   at least as long as the final call to lookup_line ().  An empty
+   at least as long as the lifetime of SET.  An empty
    TO_FILE means standard input.  If reason is LC_LEAVE, and
    TO_FILE is NULL, then TO_FILE, TO_LINE and SYSP are given their
    natural values considering the file we are returning to.
@@ -136,58 +1056,872 @@
   (struct line_maps *, enum lc_reason, unsigned int sysp,
    const char *to_file, linenum_type to_line);
-/* Given a logical line, returns the map from which the corresponding
-   (source file, line) pair can be deduced.  */
+/* Given a logical source location, returns the map which the
+   corresponding (source file, line, column) triplet can be deduced
+   from. Since the set is built chronologically, the logical lines are
+   monotonic increasing, and so the list is sorted and we can use a
+   binary search. If no line map have been allocated yet, this
+   function returns NULL.  */
 extern const struct line_map *linemap_lookup
   (struct line_maps *, source_location);
+/* Returns TRUE if the line table set tracks token locations across
+   macro expansion, FALSE otherwise.  */
+bool linemap_tracks_macro_expansion_locs_p (struct line_maps *);
+/* Return the name of the macro associated to MACRO_MAP.  */
+const char* linemap_map_get_macro_name (const line_map_macro *);
+/* Return a positive value if LOCATION is the locus of a token that is
+   located in a system header, O otherwise. It returns 1 if LOCATION
+   is the locus of a token that is located in a system header, and 2
+   if LOCATION is the locus of a token located in a C system header
+   that therefore needs to be extern "C" protected in C++.
+   Note that this function returns 1 if LOCATION belongs to a token
+   that is part of a macro replacement-list defined in a system
+   header, but expanded in a non-system file.  */
+int linemap_location_in_system_header_p (struct line_maps *,
+					 source_location);
+/* Return TRUE if LOCATION is a source code location of a token that is part of
+   a macro expansion, FALSE otherwise.  */
+bool linemap_location_from_macro_expansion_p (const struct line_maps *,
+					      source_location);
+/* TRUE if LOCATION is a source code location of a token that is part of the
+   definition of a macro, FALSE otherwise.  */
+bool linemap_location_from_macro_definition_p (struct line_maps *,
+					       source_location);
+/* With the precondition that LOCATION is the locus of a token that is
+   an argument of a function-like macro MACRO_MAP and appears in the
+   expansion of MACRO_MAP, return the locus of that argument in the
+   context of the caller of MACRO_MAP.  */
+extern source_location linemap_macro_map_loc_unwind_toward_spelling
+  (line_maps *set, const line_map_macro *macro_map, source_location location);
 /* source_location values from 0 to RESERVED_LOCATION_COUNT-1 will
    be reserved for libcpp user as special values, no token from libcpp
    will contain any of those locations.  */
+const source_location RESERVED_LOCATION_COUNT = 2;
 /* Converts a map and a source_location to source line.  */
-#define SOURCE_LINE(MAP, LOC) \
-  ((((LOC) - (MAP)->start_location) >> (MAP)->column_bits) + (MAP)->to_line)
+inline linenum_type
+SOURCE_LINE (const line_map_ordinary *ord_map, source_location loc)
+  return ((loc - ord_map->start_location)
+	  >> ord_map->m_column_and_range_bits) + ord_map->to_line;
+/* Convert a map and source_location to source column number.  */
+inline linenum_type
+SOURCE_COLUMN (const line_map_ordinary *ord_map, source_location loc)
+  return ((loc - ord_map->start_location)
+	  & ((1 << ord_map->m_column_and_range_bits) - 1)) >> ord_map->m_range_bits;
+/* Return the location of the last source line within an ordinary
+   map.  */
+inline source_location
+LAST_SOURCE_LINE_LOCATION (const line_map_ordinary *map)
+  return (((map[1].start_location - 1
+	    - map->start_location)
+	   & ~((1 << map->m_column_and_range_bits) - 1))
+	  + map->start_location);
+/* Returns the last source line number within an ordinary map.  This
+   is the (last) line of the #include, or other directive, that caused
+   a map change.  */
+inline linenum_type
+LAST_SOURCE_LINE (const line_map_ordinary *map)
+/* Return the last column number within an ordinary map.  */
+inline linenum_type
+LAST_SOURCE_COLUMN (const line_map_ordinary *map)
+/* Returns the map a given map was included from, or NULL if the map
+   belongs to the main file, i.e, a file that wasn't included by
+   another one.  */
+inline line_map_ordinary *
+INCLUDED_FROM (struct line_maps *set, const line_map_ordinary *ord_map)
+  return ((ord_map->included_from == -1)
+	  ? NULL
+	  : LINEMAPS_ORDINARY_MAP_AT (set, ord_map->included_from));
+/* True if the map is at the bottom of the include stack.  */
+inline bool
+MAIN_FILE_P (const line_map_ordinary *ord_map)
+  return ord_map->included_from < 0;
+/* Encode and return a source_location from a column number. The
+   source line considered is the last source line used to call
+   linemap_line_start, i.e, the last source line which a location was
+   encoded from.  */
+extern source_location
+linemap_position_for_column (struct line_maps *, unsigned int);
+/* Encode and return a source location from a given line and
+   column.  */
+linemap_position_for_line_and_column (line_maps *set,
+				      const line_map_ordinary *,
+				      linenum_type, unsigned int);
+/* Encode and return a source_location starting from location LOC and
+   shifting it by OFFSET columns.  This function does not support
+   virtual locations.  */
+linemap_position_for_loc_and_offset (struct line_maps *set,
+				     source_location loc,
+				     unsigned int offset);
+/* Return the file this map is for.  */
+inline const char *
+LINEMAP_FILE (const line_map_ordinary *ord_map)
+  return ord_map->to_file;
+/* Return the line number this map started encoding location from.  */
+inline linenum_type
+LINEMAP_LINE (const line_map_ordinary *ord_map)
+  return ord_map->to_line;
-  (((LOC) - (MAP)->start_location) & ((1 << (MAP)->column_bits) - 1))
+/* Return a positive value if map encodes locations from a system
+   header, 0 otherwise. Returns 1 if MAP encodes locations in a
+   system header and 2 if it encodes locations in a C system header
+   that therefore needs to be extern "C" protected in C++.  */
+inline unsigned char
+LINEMAP_SYSP (const line_map_ordinary *ord_map)
+  return ord_map->sysp;
+/* Return a positive value if PRE denotes the location of a token that
+   comes before the token of POST, 0 if PRE denotes the location of
+   the same token as the token for POST, and a negative value
+   otherwise.  */
+int linemap_compare_locations (struct line_maps *set,
+			       source_location   pre,
+			       source_location   post);
+/* Return TRUE if LOC_A denotes the location a token that comes
+   topogically before the token denoted by location LOC_B, or if they
+   are equal.  */
+inline bool
+linemap_location_before_p (struct line_maps *set,
+			   source_location loc_a,
+			   source_location loc_b)
+  return linemap_compare_locations (set, loc_a, loc_b) >= 0;
+typedef struct
+  /* The name of the source file involved.  */
+  const char *file;
+  /* The line-location in the source file.  */
+  int line;
+  int column;
+  void *data;
+  /* In a system header?. */
+  bool sysp;
+} expanded_location;
+/* Both gcc and emacs number source *lines* starting at 1, but
+   they have differing conventions for *columns*.
+   GCC uses a 1-based convention for source columns,
+   whereas Emacs's M-x column-number-mode uses a 0-based convention.
+   For example, an error in the initial, left-hand
+   column of source line 3 is reported by GCC as:
+      some-file.c:3:1: error: ...etc...
+   On navigating to the location of that error in Emacs
+   (e.g. via "next-error"),
+   the locus is reported in the Mode Line
+   (assuming M-x column-number-mode) as:
+     some-file.c   10%   (3, 0)
+   i.e. "3:1:" in GCC corresponds to "(3, 0)" in Emacs.  */
+/* A location within a rich_location: a caret&range, with
+   the caret potentially flagged for display.  */
+struct location_range
+  source_location m_loc;
+  /* Should a caret be drawn for this range?  Typically this is
+     true for the 0th range, and false for subsequent ranges,
+     but the Fortran frontend overrides this for rendering things like:
+       x = x + y
+           1   2
+       Error: Shapes for operands at (1) and (2) are not conformable
+     where "1" and "2" are notionally carets.  */
+  bool m_show_caret_p;
+/* A partially-embedded vec for use within rich_location for storing
+   ranges and fix-it hints.
+   Elements [0..NUM_EMBEDDED) are allocated within m_embed, after
+   that they are within the dynamically-allocated m_extra.
+   This allows for static allocation in the common case, whilst
+   supporting the rarer case of an arbitrary number of elements.
+   Dynamic allocation is not performed unless it's needed.  */
+template <typename T, int NUM_EMBEDDED>
+class semi_embedded_vec
+ public:
+  semi_embedded_vec ();
+  ~semi_embedded_vec ();
-/* Returns the last source line within a map.  This is the (last) line
-   of the #include, or other directive, that caused a map change.  */
-  ((((MAP)[1].start_location - 1 - (MAP)->start_location) \
-    & ~((1 << (MAP)->column_bits) - 1))			  \
-   + (MAP)->start_location)
+  unsigned int count () const { return m_num; }
+  T& operator[] (int idx);
+  const T& operator[] (int idx) const;
+  void push (const T&);
+  void truncate (int len);
+ private:
+  int m_num;
+  T m_embedded[NUM_EMBEDDED];
+  int m_alloc;
+  T *m_extra;
+/* Constructor for semi_embedded_vec.  In particular, no dynamic allocation
+   is done.  */
+template <typename T, int NUM_EMBEDDED>
+semi_embedded_vec<T, NUM_EMBEDDED>::semi_embedded_vec ()
+: m_num (0), m_alloc (0), m_extra (NULL)
+/* semi_embedded_vec's dtor.  Release any dynamically-allocated memory.  */
+template <typename T, int NUM_EMBEDDED>
+semi_embedded_vec<T, NUM_EMBEDDED>::~semi_embedded_vec ()
+  XDELETEVEC (m_extra);
+/* Look up element IDX, mutably.  */
+template <typename T, int NUM_EMBEDDED>
+semi_embedded_vec<T, NUM_EMBEDDED>::operator[] (int idx)
+  linemap_assert (idx < m_num);
+  if (idx < NUM_EMBEDDED)
+    return m_embedded[idx];
+  else
+    {
+      linemap_assert (m_extra != NULL);
+      return m_extra[idx - NUM_EMBEDDED];
+    }
+/* Look up element IDX (const).  */
+template <typename T, int NUM_EMBEDDED>
+const T&
+semi_embedded_vec<T, NUM_EMBEDDED>::operator[] (int idx) const
+  linemap_assert (idx < m_num);
+  if (idx < NUM_EMBEDDED)
+    return m_embedded[idx];
+  else
+    {
+      linemap_assert (m_extra != NULL);
+      return m_extra[idx - NUM_EMBEDDED];
+    }
+/* Append VALUE to the end of the semi_embedded_vec.  */
+template <typename T, int NUM_EMBEDDED>
+semi_embedded_vec<T, NUM_EMBEDDED>::push (const T& value)
+  int idx = m_num++;
+  if (idx < NUM_EMBEDDED)
+    m_embedded[idx] = value;
+  else
+    {
+      /* Offset "idx" to be an index within m_extra.  */
+      idx -= NUM_EMBEDDED;
+      if (NULL == m_extra)
+	{
+	  linemap_assert (m_alloc == 0);
+	  m_alloc = 16;
+	  m_extra = XNEWVEC (T, m_alloc);
+	}
+      else if (idx >= m_alloc)
+	{
+	  linemap_assert (m_alloc > 0);
+	  m_alloc *= 2;
+	  m_extra = XRESIZEVEC (T, m_extra, m_alloc);
+	}
+      linemap_assert (m_extra);
+      linemap_assert (idx < m_alloc);
+      m_extra[idx] = value;
+    }
+/* Truncate to length LEN.  No deallocation is performed.  */
-/* Returns the map a given map was included from.  */
-#define INCLUDED_FROM(SET, MAP) (&(SET)->maps[(MAP)->included_from])
+template <typename T, int NUM_EMBEDDED>
+semi_embedded_vec<T, NUM_EMBEDDED>::truncate (int len)
+  linemap_assert (len <= m_num);
+  m_num = len;
+class fixit_hint;
+/* A "rich" source code location, for use when printing diagnostics.
+   A rich_location has one or more carets&ranges, where the carets
+   are optional.  These are referred to as "ranges" from here.
+   Typically the zeroth range has a caret; other ranges sometimes
+   have carets.
+   The "primary" location of a rich_location is the caret of range 0,
+   used for determining the line/column when printing diagnostic
+   text, such as:
+      some-file.c:3:1: error: ...etc...
+   Additional ranges may be added to help the user identify other
+   pertinent clauses in a diagnostic.
+   rich_location instances are intended to be allocated on the stack
+   when generating diagnostics, and to be short-lived.
+   Examples of rich locations
+   --------------------------
+   Example A
+   *********
+      int i = "foo";
+              ^
+   This "rich" location is simply a single range (range 0), with
+   caret = start = finish at the given point.
+   Example B
+   *********
+      a = (foo && bar)
+          ~~~~~^~~~~~~
+   This rich location has a single range (range 0), with the caret
+   at the first "&", and the start/finish at the parentheses.
+   Compare with example C below.
+   Example C
+   *********
+      a = (foo && bar)
+           ~~~ ^~ ~~~
+   This rich location has three ranges:
+   - Range 0 has its caret and start location at the first "&" and
+     end at the second "&.
+   - Range 1 has its start and finish at the "f" and "o" of "foo";
+     the caret is not flagged for display, but is perhaps at the "f"
+     of "foo".
+   - Similarly, range 2 has its start and finish at the "b" and "r" of
+     "bar"; the caret is not flagged for display, but is perhaps at the
+     "b" of "bar".
+   Compare with example B above.
+   Example D (Fortran frontend)
+   ****************************
+       x = x + y
+           1   2
+   This rich location has range 0 at "1", and range 1 at "2".
+   Both are flagged for caret display.  Both ranges have start/finish
+   equal to their caret point.  The frontend overrides the diagnostic
+   context's default caret character for these ranges.
+   Example E
+   *********
+      printf ("arg0: %i  arg1: %s arg2: %i",
+                               ^~
+              100, 101, 102);
+                   ~~~
+   This rich location has two ranges:
+   - range 0 is at the "%s" with start = caret = "%" and finish at
+     the "s".
+   - range 1 has start/finish covering the "101" and is not flagged for
+     caret printing; it is perhaps at the start of "101".
+   Fix-it hints
+   ------------
+   Rich locations can also contain "fix-it hints", giving suggestions
+   for the user on how to edit their code to fix a problem.  These
+   can be expressed as insertions, replacements, and removals of text.
+   The edits by default are relative to the zeroth range within the
+   rich_location, but optionally they can be expressed relative to
+   other locations (using various overloaded methods of the form
+   rich_location::add_fixit_*).
+   For example:
+   Example F: fix-it hint: insert_before
+   *************************************
+      ptr = arr[0];
+	    ^~~~~~
+	    &
+   This rich location has a single range (range 0) covering "arr[0]",
+   with the caret at the start.  The rich location has a single
+   insertion fix-it hint, inserted before range 0, added via
+     richloc.add_fixit_insert_before ("&");
-/* Nonzero if the map is at the bottom of the include stack.  */
-#define MAIN_FILE_P(MAP) ((MAP)->included_from < 0)
+   Example G: multiple fix-it hints: insert_before and insert_after
+   ****************************************************************
+      #define FN(ARG0, ARG1, ARG2) fn(ARG0, ARG1, ARG2)
+				      ^~~~  ^~~~  ^~~~
+				      (   ) (   ) (   )
+   This rich location has three ranges, covering "arg0", "arg1",
+   and "arg2", all with caret-printing enabled.
+   The rich location has 6 insertion fix-it hints: each arg
+   has a pair of insertion fix-it hints, suggesting wrapping
+   them with parentheses: one a '(' inserted before,
+   the other a ')' inserted after, added via
+     richloc.add_fixit_insert_before (LOC, "(");
+   and
+     richloc.add_fixit_insert_after (LOC, ")");
+   Example H: fix-it hint: removal
+   *******************************
+     struct s {int i};;
+		      ^
+		      -
+   This rich location has a single range at the stray trailing
+   semicolon, along with a single removal fix-it hint, covering
+   the same range, added via:
+     richloc.add_fixit_remove ();
+   Example I: fix-it hint: replace
+   *******************************
+      c = s.colour;
+	    ^~~~~~
+	    color
+   This rich location has a single range (range 0) covering "colour",
+   and a single "replace" fix-it hint, covering the same range,
+   added via
+     richloc.add_fixit_replace ("color");
+   Adding a fix-it hint can fail: for example, attempts to insert content
+   at the transition between two line maps may fail due to there being no
+   source_location (aka location_t) value to express the new location.
+   Attempts to add a fix-it hint within a macro expansion will fail.
+   There is only limited support for newline characters in fix-it hints:
+   only hints with newlines which insert an entire new line are permitted,
+   inserting at the start of a line, and finishing with a newline
+   (with no interior newline characters).  Other attempts to add
+   fix-it hints containing newline characters will fail.
+   Similarly, attempts to delete or replace a range *affecting* multiple
+   lines will fail.
+   The rich_location API handles these failures gracefully, so that
+   diagnostics can attempt to add fix-it hints without each needing
+   extensive checking.
+   Fix-it hints within a rich_location are "atomic": if any hints can't
+   be applied, none of them will be (tracked by the m_seen_impossible_fixit
+   flag), and no fix-its hints will be displayed for that rich_location.
+   This implies that diagnostic messages need to be worded in such a way
+   that they make sense whether or not the fix-it hints are displayed,
+   or that richloc.seen_impossible_fixit_p () should be checked before
+   issuing the diagnostics.  */
+class rich_location
+ public:
+  /* Constructors.  */
+  /* Constructing from a location.  */
+  rich_location (line_maps *set, source_location loc);
+  /* Destructor.  */
+  ~rich_location ();
+  /* Accessors.  */
+  source_location get_loc () const { return get_loc (0); }
+  source_location get_loc (unsigned int idx) const;
+  void
+  add_range (source_location loc,  bool show_caret_p);
+  void
+  set_range (line_maps *set, unsigned int idx, source_location loc,
+	     bool show_caret_p);
+  unsigned int get_num_locations () const { return m_ranges.count (); }
+  const location_range *get_range (unsigned int idx) const;
+  location_range *get_range (unsigned int idx);
+  expanded_location get_expanded_location (unsigned int idx);
+  void
+  override_column (int column);
+  /* Fix-it hints.  */
+  /* Methods for adding insertion fix-it hints.  */
-/* Set LOC to a source position that is the same line as the most recent
-   linemap_line_start, but with the specified TO_COLUMN column number.  */
+  /* Suggest inserting NEW_CONTENT immediately before the primary
+     range's start.  */
+  void
+  add_fixit_insert_before (const char *new_content);
+  /* Suggest inserting NEW_CONTENT immediately before the start of WHERE.  */
+  void
+  add_fixit_insert_before (source_location where,
+			   const char *new_content);
+  /* Suggest inserting NEW_CONTENT immediately after the end of the primary
+     range.  */
+  void
+  add_fixit_insert_after (const char *new_content);
+  /* Suggest inserting NEW_CONTENT immediately after the end of WHERE.  */
+  void
+  add_fixit_insert_after (source_location where,
+			  const char *new_content);
+  /* Methods for adding removal fix-it hints.  */
+  /* Suggest removing the content covered by range 0.  */
+  void
+  add_fixit_remove ();
+  /* Suggest removing the content covered between the start and finish
+     of WHERE.  */
+  void
+  add_fixit_remove (source_location where);
+  /* Suggest removing the content covered by SRC_RANGE.  */
+  void
+  add_fixit_remove (source_range src_range);
+  /* Methods for adding "replace" fix-it hints.  */
+  /* Suggest replacing the content covered by range 0 with NEW_CONTENT.  */
+  void
+  add_fixit_replace (const char *new_content);
+  /* Suggest replacing the content between the start and finish of
+     WHERE with NEW_CONTENT.  */
+  void
+  add_fixit_replace (source_location where,
+		     const char *new_content);
+  /* Suggest replacing the content covered by SRC_RANGE with
+     NEW_CONTENT.  */
+  void
+  add_fixit_replace (source_range src_range,
+		     const char *new_content);
+  unsigned int get_num_fixit_hints () const { return m_fixit_hints.count (); }
+  fixit_hint *get_fixit_hint (int idx) const { return m_fixit_hints[idx]; }
+  fixit_hint *get_last_fixit_hint () const;
+  bool seen_impossible_fixit_p () const { return m_seen_impossible_fixit; }
+  /* Set this if the fix-it hints are not suitable to be
+     automatically applied.
+     For example, if you are suggesting more than one
+     mutually exclusive solution to a problem, then
+     it doesn't make sense to apply all of the solutions;
+     manual intervention is required.
+     If set, then the fix-it hints in the rich_location will
+     be printed, but will not be added to generated patches,
+     or affect the modified version of the file.  */
+  void fixits_cannot_be_auto_applied ()
+  {
+    m_fixits_cannot_be_auto_applied = true;
+  }
+  bool fixits_can_be_auto_applied_p () const
+  {
+    return !m_fixits_cannot_be_auto_applied;
+  }
+  bool reject_impossible_fixit (source_location where);
+  void stop_supporting_fixits ();
+  void maybe_add_fixit (source_location start,
+			source_location next_loc,
+			const char *new_content);
+  static const int STATICALLY_ALLOCATED_RANGES = 3;
+  line_maps *m_line_table;
+  semi_embedded_vec <location_range, STATICALLY_ALLOCATED_RANGES> m_ranges;
+  int m_column_override;
+  bool m_have_expanded_location;
+  expanded_location m_expanded_location;
+  static const int MAX_STATIC_FIXIT_HINTS = 2;
+  semi_embedded_vec <fixit_hint *, MAX_STATIC_FIXIT_HINTS> m_fixit_hints;
+  bool m_seen_impossible_fixit;
+  bool m_fixits_cannot_be_auto_applied;
-  unsigned int to_column = (TO_COLUMN); \
-  struct line_maps *set = (SET); \
-  if (__builtin_expect (to_column >= set->max_column_hint, 0)) \
-    (LOC) = linemap_position_for_column (set, to_column); \
-  else { \
-    source_location r = set->highest_line; \
-    r = r + to_column; \
-    if (r >= set->highest_location) \
-      set->highest_location = r; \
-    (LOC) = r;			 \
-  }} while (0)
+/* A fix-it hint: a suggested insertion, replacement, or deletion of text.
+   We handle these three types of edit with one class, by representing
+   them as replacement of a half-open range:
+       [start, next_loc)
+   Insertions have start == next_loc: "replace" the empty string at the
+   start location with the new string.
+   Deletions are replacement with the empty string.
+   There is only limited support for newline characters in fix-it hints
+   as noted above in the comment for class rich_location.
+   A fixit_hint instance can have at most one newline character; if
+   present, the newline character must be the final character of
+   the content (preventing e.g. fix-its that split a pre-existing line).  */
+class fixit_hint
+ public:
+  fixit_hint (source_location start,
+	      source_location next_loc,
+	      const char *new_content);
+  ~fixit_hint () { free (m_bytes); }
+  bool affects_line_p (const char *file, int line) const;
+  source_location get_start_loc () const { return m_start; }
+  source_location get_next_loc () const { return m_next_loc; }
+  bool maybe_append (source_location start,
+		     source_location next_loc,
+		     const char *new_content);
+  const char *get_string () const { return m_bytes; }
+  size_t get_length () const { return m_len; }
+  bool insertion_p () const { return m_start == m_next_loc; }
+  bool ends_with_newline_p () const;
+ private:
+  /* We don't use source_range here since, unlike most places,
+     this is a half-open/half-closed range:
+       [start, next_loc)
+     so that we can support insertion via start == next_loc.  */
+  source_location m_start;
+  source_location m_next_loc;
+  char *m_bytes;
+  size_t m_len;
+/* This is enum is used by the function linemap_resolve_location
+   below.  The meaning of the values is explained in the comment of
+   that function.  */
+enum location_resolution_kind
+/* Resolve a virtual location into either a spelling location, an
+   expansion point location or a token argument replacement point
+   location.  Return the map that encodes the virtual location as well
+   as the resolved location.
+   If LOC is *NOT* the location of a token resulting from the
+   expansion of a macro, then the parameter LRK (which stands for
+   Location Resolution Kind) is ignored and the resulting location
+   just equals the one given in argument.
+   Now if LOC *IS* the location of a token resulting from the
+   expansion of a macro, this is what happens.
+   -------------------------------
+   The virtual location is resolved to the first macro expansion point
+   that led to this macro expansion.
+   -------------------------------------
+   The virtual location is resolved to the locus where the token has
+   been spelled in the source.   This can follow through all the macro
+   expansions that led to the token.
+   --------------------------------------
+   The virtual location is resolved to the locus of the token in the
+   context of the macro definition.
+   If LOC is the locus of a token that is an argument of a
+   function-like macro [replacing a parameter in the replacement list
+   of the macro] the virtual location is resolved to the locus of the
+   parameter that is replaced, in the context of the definition of the
+   macro.
+   If LOC is the locus of a token that is not an argument of a
+   function-like macro, then the function behaves as if LRK was set to
+   If LOC_MAP is not NULL, *LOC_MAP is set to the map encoding the
+   returned location.  Note that if the returned location wasn't originally
+   encoded by a map, the *MAP is set to NULL.  This can happen if LOC
+   resolves to a location reserved for the client code, like
-extern source_location
-linemap_position_for_column (struct line_maps *set, unsigned int to_column);
+source_location linemap_resolve_location (struct line_maps *,
+					  source_location loc,
+					  enum location_resolution_kind lrk,
+					  const line_map_ordinary **loc_map);
+/* Suppose that LOC is the virtual location of a token coming from the
+   expansion of a macro M.  This function then steps up to get the
+   location L of the point where M got expanded.  If L is a spelling
+   location inside a macro expansion M', then this function returns
+   the point where M' was expanded.  LOC_MAP is an output parameter.
+   When non-NULL, *LOC_MAP is set to the map of the returned
+   location.  */
+source_location linemap_unwind_toward_expansion (struct line_maps *,
+						 source_location loc,
+						 const struct line_map **loc_map);
+/* If LOC is the virtual location of a token coming from the expansion
+   of a macro M and if its spelling location is reserved (e.g, a
+   location for a built-in token), then this function unwinds (using
+   linemap_unwind_toward_expansion) the location until a location that
+   is not reserved and is not in a system header is reached.  In other
+   words, this unwinds the reserved location until a location that is
+   in real source code is reached.
+   Otherwise, if the spelling location for LOC is not reserved or if
+   LOC doesn't come from the expansion of a macro, the function
+   returns LOC as is and *MAP is not touched.
+   *MAP is set to the map of the returned location if the later is
+   different from LOC.  */
+source_location linemap_unwind_to_first_non_reserved_loc (struct line_maps *,
+							  source_location loc,
+							  const struct line_map **map);
+/* Expand source code location LOC and return a user readable source
+   code location.  LOC must be a spelling (non-virtual) location.  If
+   it's a location < RESERVED_LOCATION_COUNT a zeroed expanded source
+   location is returned.  */
+expanded_location linemap_expand_location (struct line_maps *,
+					   const struct line_map *,
+					   source_location loc);
+/* Statistics about maps allocation and usage as returned by
+   linemap_get_statistics.  */
+struct linemap_stats
+  long num_ordinary_maps_allocated;
+  long num_ordinary_maps_used;
+  long ordinary_maps_allocated_size;
+  long ordinary_maps_used_size;
+  long num_expanded_macros;
+  long num_macro_tokens;
+  long num_macro_maps_used;
+  long macro_maps_allocated_size;
+  long macro_maps_used_size;
+  long macro_maps_locations_size;
+  long duplicated_macro_maps_locations_size;
+  long adhoc_table_size;
+  long adhoc_table_entries_used;
+/* Return the highest location emitted for a given file for which
+   there is a line map in SET.  FILE_NAME is the file name to
+   consider.  If the function returns TRUE, *LOC is set to the highest
+   location emitted for that file.  */
+bool linemap_get_file_highest_location (struct line_maps * set,
+					const char *file_name,
+					source_location *loc);
+/* Compute and return statistics about the memory consumption of some
+   parts of the line table SET.  */
+void linemap_get_statistics (struct line_maps *, struct linemap_stats *);
+/* Dump debugging information about source location LOC into the file
+   stream STREAM. SET is the line map set LOC comes from.  */
+void linemap_dump_location (struct line_maps *, source_location, FILE *);
+/* Dump line map at index IX in line table SET to STREAM.  If STREAM
+   is NULL, use stderr.  IS_MACRO is true if the caller wants to
+   dump a macro map, false otherwise.  */
+void linemap_dump (FILE *, struct line_maps *, unsigned, bool);
+/* Dump line table SET to STREAM.  If STREAM is NULL, stderr is used.
+   NUM_ORDINARY specifies how many ordinary maps to dump.  NUM_MACRO
+   specifies how many macro maps to dump.  */
+void line_table_dump (FILE *, struct line_maps *, unsigned int, unsigned int);
+/* An enum for distinguishing the various parts within a source_location.  */
+enum location_aspect
+/* The rich_location class requires a way to expand source_location instances.
+   We would directly use expand_location_to_spelling_point, which is
+   implemented in gcc/input.c, but we also need to use it for rich_location
+   within genmatch.c.
+   Hence we require client code of libcpp to implement the following
+   symbol.  */
+extern expanded_location
+linemap_client_expand_location_to_spelling_point (source_location,
+						  enum location_aspect);
 #endif /* !LIBCPP_LINE_MAP_H  */