diff gcc/ada/libgnat/a-exexpr.adb @ 145:1830386684a0

author anatofuz
date Thu, 13 Feb 2020 11:34:05 +0900
parents 84e7813d76e9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/gcc/ada/libgnat/a-exexpr.adb	Thu Oct 25 07:37:49 2018 +0900
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/a-exexpr.adb	Thu Feb 13 11:34:05 2020 +0900
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 B o d y                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 1992-2018, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2019, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -197,15 +197,75 @@
    --  whose machine occurrence is Mo. The message is empty, the backtrace
    --  is empty too and the exception identity is Foreign_Exception.
-   --  Hooks called when entering/leaving an exception handler for a given
-   --  occurrence, aimed at handling the stack of active occurrences. The
-   --  calls are generated by gigi in tree_transform/N_Exception_Handler.
+   --  Hooks called when entering/leaving an exception handler for a
+   --  given occurrence.  The calls are generated by gigi in
+   --  Exception_Handler_to_gnu_gcc.
+   --  Begin_Handler_v1, called when entering an exception handler,
+   --  claims responsibility for the handler to release the
+   --  GCC_Exception occurrence.  End_Handler_v1, called when
+   --  leaving the handler, releases the occurrence, unless the
+   --  occurrence is propagating further up, or the handler is
+   --  dynamically nested in the context of another handler that
+   --  claimed responsibility for releasing that occurrence.
+   --  Responsibility is claimed by changing the Cleanup field to
+   --  Claimed_Cleanup, which enables claimed exceptions to be
+   --  recognized, and avoids accidental releases even by foreign
+   --  handlers.
+   function Begin_Handler_v1
+     (GCC_Exception : not null GCC_Exception_Access)
+     return System.Address;
+   pragma Export (C, Begin_Handler_v1, "__gnat_begin_handler_v1");
+   --  Called when entering an exception handler.  Claim
+   --  responsibility for releasing GCC_Exception, by setting the
+   --  cleanup/release function to Claimed_Cleanup, and return the
+   --  address of the previous cleanup/release function.
+   procedure End_Handler_v1
+     (GCC_Exception : not null GCC_Exception_Access;
+      Saved_Cleanup : System.Address;
+      Propagating_Exception : GCC_Exception_Access);
+   pragma Export (C, End_Handler_v1, "__gnat_end_handler_v1");
+   --  Called when leaving an exception handler.  Restore the
+   --  Saved_Cleanup in the GCC_Exception occurrence, and then release
+   --  it, unless it remains claimed by an enclosing handler, or
+   --  GCC_Exception and Propagating_Exception are the same
+   --  occurrence.  Propagating_Exception could be either an
+   --  occurrence (re)raised within the handler of GCC_Exception, when
+   --  we're executing as an exceptional cleanup, or null, if we're
+   --  completing the handler of GCC_Exception normally.
+   procedure Claimed_Cleanup
+     (Reason : Unwind_Reason_Code;
+      GCC_Exception : not null GCC_Exception_Access);
+   pragma Export (C, Claimed_Cleanup, "__gnat_claimed_cleanup");
+   --  A do-nothing placeholder installed as GCC_Exception.Cleanup
+   --  while handling GCC_Exception, to claim responsibility for
+   --  releasing it, and to stop it from being accidentally released.
+   --  The following are version 0 implementations of the version 1
+   --  hooks above.  They remain in place for compatibility with the
+   --  output of compilers that still use version 0, such as those
+   --  used during bootstrap.  They are interoperable with the v1
+   --  hooks, except that the older versions may malfunction when
+   --  handling foreign exceptions passed to Reraise_Occurrence.
    procedure Begin_Handler (GCC_Exception : not null GCC_Exception_Access);
    pragma Export (C, Begin_Handler, "__gnat_begin_handler");
+   --  Called when entering an exception handler translated by an old
+   --  compiler.  It does nothing.
    procedure End_Handler (GCC_Exception : GCC_Exception_Access);
    pragma Export (C, End_Handler, "__gnat_end_handler");
+   --  Called when leaving an exception handler translated by an old
+   --  compiler.  It releases GCC_Exception, unless it is null.  It is
+   --  only ever null when the handler has a 'raise;' translated by a
+   --  v0-using compiler.  The artificial handler variable passed to
+   --  End_Handler was set to null to tell End_Handler to refrain from
+   --  releasing the reraised exception.  In v1 safer ways are used to
+   --  accomplish that.
    -- Accessors to Basic Components of a GNAT Exception Data Pointer --
@@ -352,6 +412,128 @@
       end if;
    end Setup_Current_Excep;
+   ----------------------
+   -- Begin_Handler_v1 --
+   ----------------------
+   function Begin_Handler_v1
+     (GCC_Exception : not null GCC_Exception_Access)
+     return System.Address is
+      Saved_Cleanup : constant System.Address := GCC_Exception.Cleanup;
+   begin
+      --  Claim responsibility for releasing this exception, and stop
+      --  others from releasing it.
+      GCC_Exception.Cleanup := Claimed_Cleanup'Address;
+      return Saved_Cleanup;
+   end Begin_Handler_v1;
+   --------------------
+   -- End_Handler_v1 --
+   --------------------
+   procedure End_Handler_v1
+     (GCC_Exception : not null GCC_Exception_Access;
+      Saved_Cleanup : System.Address;
+      Propagating_Exception : GCC_Exception_Access) is
+   begin
+      GCC_Exception.Cleanup := Saved_Cleanup;
+      --  Restore the Saved_Cleanup, so that it is either used to
+      --  release GCC_Exception below, or transferred to the next
+      --  handler of the Propagating_Exception occurrence.  The
+      --  following test ensures that an occurrence is only released
+      --  once, even after reraises.
+      --
+      --  The idea is that the GCC_Exception is not to be released
+      --  unless it had an unclaimed Cleanup when the handler started
+      --  (see Begin_Handler_v1 above), but if we propagate across its
+      --  handler a reraise of the same exception, we transfer to the
+      --  Propagating_Exception the responsibility for running the
+      --  Saved_Cleanup when its handler completes.
+      --
+      --  This ownership transfer mechanism ensures safety, as in
+      --  single release and no dangling pointers, because there is no
+      --  way to hold on to the Machine_Occurrence of an
+      --  Exception_Occurrence: the only situations in which another
+      --  Exception_Occurrence gets the same Machine_Occurrence are
+      --  through Reraise_Occurrence, and plain reraise, and so we
+      --  have the following possibilities:
+      --
+      --  - Reraise_Occurrence is handled within the running handler,
+      --  and so when completing the dynamically nested handler, we
+      --  must NOT release the exception.  A Claimed_Cleanup upon
+      --  entry of the nested handler, installed when entering the
+      --  enclosing handler, ensures the exception will not be
+      --  released by the nested handler, but rather by the enclosing
+      --  handler.
+      --
+      --  - Reraise_Occurrence/reraise escapes the running handler,
+      --  and we run as an exceptional cleanup for GCC_Exception.  The
+      --  Saved_Cleanup was reinstalled, but since we're propagating
+      --  the same machine occurrence, we do not release it.  Instead,
+      --  we transfer responsibility for releasing it to the eventual
+      --  handler of the propagating exception.
+      --
+      --  - An unrelated exception propagates through the running
+      --  handler.  We restored GCC_Exception.Saved_Cleanup above.
+      --  Since we're propagating a different exception, we proceed to
+      --  release GCC_Exception, unless Saved_Cleanup was
+      --  Claimed_Cleanup, because then we know we're not in the
+      --  outermost handler for GCC_Exception.
+      --
+      --  - The handler completes normally, so it reinstalls the
+      --  Saved_Cleanup and runs it, unless it was Claimed_Cleanup.
+      --  If Saved_Cleanup is null, Unwind_DeleteException (currently)
+      --  has no effect, so we could skip it, but if it is ever
+      --  changed to do more in this case, we're ready for that,
+      --  calling it exactly once.
+      if Saved_Cleanup /= Claimed_Cleanup'Address
+        and then
+        Propagating_Exception /= GCC_Exception
+      then
+         declare
+            Current : constant EOA := Get_Current_Excep.all;
+            Cur_Occ : constant GCC_Exception_Access
+              := To_GCC_Exception (Current.Machine_Occurrence);
+         begin
+            --  If we are releasing the Machine_Occurrence of the current
+            --  exception, reset the access to it, so that it is no
+            --  longer accessible.
+            if Cur_Occ = GCC_Exception then
+               Current.Machine_Occurrence := System.Null_Address;
+            end if;
+         end;
+         Unwind_DeleteException (GCC_Exception);
+      end if;
+   end End_Handler_v1;
+   ---------------------
+   -- Claimed_Cleanup --
+   ---------------------
+   procedure Claimed_Cleanup
+     (Reason : Unwind_Reason_Code;
+      GCC_Exception : not null GCC_Exception_Access) is
+      pragma Unreferenced (Reason);
+      pragma Unreferenced (GCC_Exception);
+   begin
+      --  This procedure should never run.  If it does, it's either a
+      --  version 0 handler or a foreign handler, attempting to
+      --  release an exception while a version 1 handler that claimed
+      --  responsibility for releasing the exception remains still
+      --  active.  This placeholder stops GCC_Exception from being
+      --  released by them.
+      --  We could get away with just Null_Address instead, with
+      --  nearly the same effect, but with this placeholder we can
+      --  detect and report unexpected releases, and we can tell apart
+      --  a GCC_Exception without a Cleanup, from one with another
+      --  active handler, so as to still call Unwind_DeleteException
+      --  exactly once: currently, Unwind_DeleteException does nothing
+      --  when the Cleanup is null, but should it ever be changed to
+      --  do more, we'll still be safe.
+      null;
+   end Claimed_Cleanup;
    -- Begin_Handler --