diff gcc/d/dmd/tokens.h @ 145:1830386684a0

author anatofuz
date Thu, 13 Feb 2020 11:34:05 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gcc/d/dmd/tokens.h	Thu Feb 13 11:34:05 2020 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+/* Compiler implementation of the D programming language
+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2019 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
+ * written by Walter Bright
+ * http://www.digitalmars.com
+ * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
+ * https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/dmd/tokens.h
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "root/port.h"
+#include "globals.h"
+class Identifier;
+/* Tokens:
+        (       )
+        [       ]
+        {       }
+        <       >       <=      >=      ==      !=      ===     !==
+        <<      >>      <<=     >>=     >>>     >>>=
+        +       -       +=      -=
+        *       /       %       *=      /=      %=
+        &       |       ^       &=      |=      ^=
+        =       !       ~       @
+        ^^      ^^=
+        ++      --
+        .       ->      :       ,       =>
+        ?       &&      ||
+ */
+enum TOK
+        TOKreserved,
+        // Other
+        TOKlparen,      TOKrparen,
+        TOKlbracket,    TOKrbracket,
+        TOKlcurly,      TOKrcurly,
+        TOKcolon,       TOKneg,
+        TOKsemicolon,   TOKdotdotdot,
+        TOKeof,         TOKcast,
+        TOKnull,        TOKassert,
+        TOKtrue,        TOKfalse,
+        TOKarray,       TOKcall,
+        TOKaddress,
+        TOKtype,        TOKthrow,
+        TOKnew,         TOKdelete,
+        TOKstar,        TOKsymoff,
+        TOKvar,         TOKdotvar,
+        TOKdotid,       TOKdotti,
+        TOKdottype,     TOKslice,
+        TOKarraylength, TOKversion,
+        TOKmodule,      TOKdollar,
+        TOKtemplate,    TOKdottd,
+        TOKdeclaration, TOKtypeof,
+        TOKpragma,      TOKdsymbol,
+        TOKtypeid,      TOKuadd,
+        TOKremove,
+        TOKnewanonclass, TOKcomment,
+        TOKarrayliteral, TOKassocarrayliteral,
+        TOKstructliteral,
+        TOKclassreference,
+        TOKthrownexception,
+        TOKdelegateptr,
+        TOKdelegatefuncptr,
+// 54
+        // Operators
+        TOKlt,          TOKgt,
+        TOKle,          TOKge,
+        TOKequal,       TOKnotequal,
+        TOKidentity,    TOKnotidentity,
+        TOKindex,       TOKis,
+// 64
+        // NCEG floating point compares
+        // !<>=     <>    <>=    !>     !>=   !<     !<=   !<>
+        TOKunord,TOKlg,TOKleg,TOKule,TOKul,TOKuge,TOKug,TOKue,
+// 72
+        TOKshl,         TOKshr,
+        TOKshlass,      TOKshrass,
+        TOKushr,        TOKushrass,
+        TOKcat,         TOKcatass,      // ~ ~=
+        TOKadd,         TOKmin,         TOKaddass,      TOKminass,
+        TOKmul,         TOKdiv,         TOKmod,
+        TOKmulass,      TOKdivass,      TOKmodass,
+        TOKand,         TOKor,          TOKxor,
+        TOKandass,      TOKorass,       TOKxorass,
+        TOKassign,      TOKnot,         TOKtilde,
+        TOKplusplus,    TOKminusminus,  TOKconstruct,   TOKblit,
+        TOKdot,         TOKarrow,       TOKcomma,
+        TOKquestion,    TOKandand,      TOKoror,
+        TOKpreplusplus, TOKpreminusminus,
+// 111
+        // Numeric literals
+        TOKint32v, TOKuns32v,
+        TOKint64v, TOKuns64v,
+        TOKint128v, TOKuns128v,
+        TOKfloat32v, TOKfloat64v, TOKfloat80v,
+        TOKimaginary32v, TOKimaginary64v, TOKimaginary80v,
+        // Char constants
+        TOKcharv, TOKwcharv, TOKdcharv,
+        // Leaf operators
+        TOKidentifier,  TOKstring, TOKxstring,
+        TOKthis,        TOKsuper,
+        TOKhalt,        TOKtuple,
+        TOKerror,
+        // Basic types
+        TOKvoid,
+        TOKint8, TOKuns8,
+        TOKint16, TOKuns16,
+        TOKint32, TOKuns32,
+        TOKint64, TOKuns64,
+        TOKint128, TOKuns128,
+        TOKfloat32, TOKfloat64, TOKfloat80,
+        TOKimaginary32, TOKimaginary64, TOKimaginary80,
+        TOKcomplex32, TOKcomplex64, TOKcomplex80,
+        TOKchar, TOKwchar, TOKdchar, TOKbool,
+// 158
+        // Aggregates
+        TOKstruct, TOKclass, TOKinterface, TOKunion, TOKenum, TOKimport,
+        TOKalias, TOKoverride, TOKdelegate, TOKfunction,
+        TOKmixin,
+        TOKalign, TOKextern, TOKprivate, TOKprotected, TOKpublic, TOKexport,
+        TOKstatic, TOKfinal, TOKconst, TOKabstract,
+        TOKdebug, TOKdeprecated, TOKin, TOKout, TOKinout, TOKlazy,
+        TOKauto, TOKpackage, TOKmanifest, TOKimmutable,
+        // Statements
+        TOKif, TOKelse, TOKwhile, TOKfor, TOKdo, TOKswitch,
+        TOKcase, TOKdefault, TOKbreak, TOKcontinue, TOKwith,
+        TOKsynchronized, TOKreturn, TOKgoto, TOKtry, TOKcatch, TOKfinally,
+        TOKasm, TOKforeach, TOKforeach_reverse,
+        TOKscope,
+        TOKon_scope_exit, TOKon_scope_failure, TOKon_scope_success,
+        // Contracts
+        TOKinvariant,
+        // Testing
+        TOKunittest,
+        // Added after 1.0
+        TOKargTypes,
+        TOKref,
+        TOKmacro,
+        TOKparameters,
+        TOKtraits,
+        TOKoverloadset,
+        TOKpure,
+        TOKnothrow,
+        TOKgshared,
+        TOKline,
+        TOKfile,
+        TOKfilefullpath,
+        TOKmodulestring,
+        TOKfuncstring,
+        TOKprettyfunc,
+        TOKshared,
+        TOKat,
+        TOKpow,
+        TOKpowass,
+        TOKgoesto,
+        TOKvector,
+        TOKpound,
+        TOKinterval,
+        TOKvoidexp,
+        TOKcantexp,
+        TOKvectorarray,
+        TOKMAX
+#define TOKwild TOKinout
+// Token has an anonymous struct, which is not strict ISO C++.
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic"
+struct Token
+    Token *next;
+    Loc loc;
+    const utf8_t *ptr;         // pointer to first character of this token within buffer
+    TOK value;
+    const utf8_t *blockComment; // doc comment string prior to this token
+    const utf8_t *lineComment;  // doc comment for previous token
+    union
+    {
+        // Integers
+        d_int64 int64value;
+        d_uns64 uns64value;
+        // Floats
+        real_t floatvalue;
+        struct
+        {   utf8_t *ustring;     // UTF8 string
+            unsigned len;
+            unsigned char postfix;      // 'c', 'w', 'd'
+        };
+        Identifier *ident;
+    };
+    static const char *tochars[TOKMAX];
+    static Token *freelist;
+    static Token *alloc();
+    void free();
+    Token() : next(NULL) {}
+    int isKeyword();
+    const char *toChars() const;
+    static const char *toChars(TOK);
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop