diff gcc/config/soft-fp/op-common.h @ 0:a06113de4d67

first commit
author kent <kent@cr.ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Fri, 17 Jul 2009 14:47:48 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gcc/config/soft-fp/op-common.h	Fri Jul 17 14:47:48 2009 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1359 @@
+/* Software floating-point emulation. Common operations.
+   Copyright (C) 1997,1998,1999,2006,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   Contributed by Richard Henderson (rth@cygnus.com),
+		  Jakub Jelinek (jj@ultra.linux.cz),
+		  David S. Miller (davem@redhat.com) and
+		  Peter Maydell (pmaydell@chiark.greenend.org.uk).
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   In addition to the permissions in the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License, the Free Software Foundation gives you unlimited
+   permission to link the compiled version of this file into
+   combinations with other programs, and to distribute those
+   combinations without any restriction coming from the use of this
+   file.  (The Lesser General Public License restrictions do apply in
+   other respects; for example, they cover modification of the file,
+   and distribution when not linked into a combine executable.)
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
+   Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+   MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
+#define _FP_DECL(wc, X)						\
+  _FP_I_TYPE X##_c __attribute__((unused)), X##_s, X##_e;	\
+  _FP_FRAC_DECL_##wc(X)
+ * Finish truely unpacking a native fp value by classifying the kind
+ * of fp value and normalizing both the exponent and the fraction.
+ */
+#define _FP_UNPACK_CANONICAL(fs, wc, X)					\
+do {									\
+  switch (X##_e)							\
+  {									\
+  default:								\
+    _FP_FRAC_HIGH_RAW_##fs(X) |= _FP_IMPLBIT_##fs;			\
+    _FP_FRAC_SLL_##wc(X, _FP_WORKBITS);					\
+    X##_e -= _FP_EXPBIAS_##fs;						\
+    X##_c = FP_CLS_NORMAL;						\
+    break;								\
+									\
+  case 0:								\
+    if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))						\
+      X##_c = FP_CLS_ZERO;						\
+    else								\
+      {									\
+	/* a denormalized number */					\
+	_FP_I_TYPE _shift;						\
+	_FP_FRAC_CLZ_##wc(_shift, X);					\
+	_shift -= _FP_FRACXBITS_##fs;					\
+	_FP_FRAC_SLL_##wc(X, (_shift+_FP_WORKBITS));			\
+	X##_e -= _FP_EXPBIAS_##fs - 1 + _shift;				\
+	X##_c = FP_CLS_NORMAL;						\
+      }									\
+    break;								\
+									\
+  case _FP_EXPMAX_##fs:							\
+    if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))						\
+      X##_c = FP_CLS_INF;						\
+    else								\
+      {									\
+	X##_c = FP_CLS_NAN;						\
+	/* Check for signaling NaN */					\
+	if (!(_FP_FRAC_HIGH_RAW_##fs(X) & _FP_QNANBIT_##fs))		\
+      }									\
+    break;								\
+  }									\
+} while (0)
+/* Finish unpacking an fp value in semi-raw mode: the mantissa is
+   shifted by _FP_WORKBITS but the implicit MSB is not inserted and
+   other classification is not done.  */
+#define _FP_UNPACK_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, X)	_FP_FRAC_SLL_##wc(X, _FP_WORKBITS)
+/* A semi-raw value has overflowed to infinity.  Adjust the mantissa
+   and exponent appropriately.  */
+#define _FP_OVERFLOW_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, X)			\
+do {							\
+      || (FP_ROUNDMODE == FP_RND_PINF && !X##_s)	\
+      || (FP_ROUNDMODE == FP_RND_MINF && X##_s))	\
+    {							\
+      X##_e = _FP_EXPMAX_##fs;				\
+      _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(X, _FP_ZEROFRAC_##wc);		\
+    }							\
+  else							\
+    {							\
+      X##_e = _FP_EXPMAX_##fs - 1;			\
+      _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(X, _FP_MAXFRAC_##wc);		\
+    }							\
+} while (0)
+/* Check for a semi-raw value being a signaling NaN and raise the
+   invalid exception if so.  */
+#define _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, X)			\
+do {								\
+  if (X##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs					\
+      && !_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X)				\
+      && !(_FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(X) & _FP_QNANBIT_SH_##fs))	\
+} while (0)
+/* Choose a NaN result from an operation on two semi-raw NaN
+   values.  */
+#define _FP_CHOOSENAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, R, X, Y, OP)			\
+do {									\
+  /* _FP_CHOOSENAN expects raw values, so shift as required.  */	\
+  _FP_FRAC_SRL_##wc(X, _FP_WORKBITS);					\
+  _FP_FRAC_SRL_##wc(Y, _FP_WORKBITS);					\
+  _FP_CHOOSENAN(fs, wc, R, X, Y, OP);					\
+  _FP_FRAC_SLL_##wc(R, _FP_WORKBITS);					\
+} while (0)
+/* Test whether a biased exponent is normal (not zero or maximum).  */
+#define _FP_EXP_NORMAL(fs, wc, X)	(((X##_e + 1) & _FP_EXPMAX_##fs) > 1)
+/* Prepare to pack an fp value in semi-raw mode: the mantissa is
+   rounded and shifted right, with the rounding possibly increasing
+   the exponent (including changing a finite value to infinity).  */
+#define _FP_PACK_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, X)				\
+do {								\
+  _FP_ROUND(wc, X);						\
+  if (_FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(X)					\
+      & (_FP_OVERFLOW_##fs >> 1))				\
+    {								\
+      _FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(X) &= ~(_FP_OVERFLOW_##fs >> 1);	\
+      X##_e++;							\
+      if (X##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs)				\
+	_FP_OVERFLOW_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, X);			\
+    }								\
+  _FP_FRAC_SRL_##wc(X, _FP_WORKBITS);				\
+  if (!_FP_EXP_NORMAL(fs, wc, X) && !_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))	\
+    {								\
+      if (X##_e == 0)						\
+      else							\
+	{							\
+	  if (!_FP_KEEPNANFRACP)				\
+	    {							\
+	      _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(X, _FP_NANFRAC_##fs);		\
+	      X##_s = _FP_NANSIGN_##fs;				\
+	    }							\
+	  else							\
+	    _FP_FRAC_HIGH_RAW_##fs(X) |= _FP_QNANBIT_##fs;	\
+	}							\
+    }								\
+} while (0)
+ * Before packing the bits back into the native fp result, take care
+ * of such mundane things as rounding and overflow.  Also, for some
+ * kinds of fp values, the original parts may not have been fully
+ * extracted -- but that is ok, we can regenerate them now.
+ */
+#define _FP_PACK_CANONICAL(fs, wc, X)				\
+do {								\
+  switch (X##_c)						\
+  {								\
+  case FP_CLS_NORMAL:						\
+    X##_e += _FP_EXPBIAS_##fs;					\
+    if (X##_e > 0)						\
+      {								\
+	_FP_ROUND(wc, X);					\
+	if (_FP_FRAC_OVERP_##wc(fs, X))				\
+	  {							\
+	    _FP_FRAC_CLEAR_OVERP_##wc(fs, X);			\
+	    X##_e++;						\
+	  }							\
+	_FP_FRAC_SRL_##wc(X, _FP_WORKBITS);			\
+	if (X##_e >= _FP_EXPMAX_##fs)				\
+	  {							\
+	    /* overflow */					\
+	    switch (FP_ROUNDMODE)				\
+	      {							\
+	      case FP_RND_NEAREST:				\
+		X##_c = FP_CLS_INF;				\
+		break;						\
+	      case FP_RND_PINF:					\
+		if (!X##_s) X##_c = FP_CLS_INF;			\
+		break;						\
+	      case FP_RND_MINF:					\
+		if (X##_s) X##_c = FP_CLS_INF;			\
+		break;						\
+	      }							\
+	    if (X##_c == FP_CLS_INF)				\
+	      {							\
+		/* Overflow to infinity */			\
+		X##_e = _FP_EXPMAX_##fs;			\
+		_FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(X, _FP_ZEROFRAC_##wc);	\
+	      }							\
+	    else						\
+	      {							\
+		/* Overflow to maximum normal */		\
+		X##_e = _FP_EXPMAX_##fs - 1;			\
+		_FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(X, _FP_MAXFRAC_##wc);		\
+	      }							\
+	  }							\
+      }								\
+    else							\
+      {								\
+	/* we've got a denormalized number */			\
+	X##_e = -X##_e + 1;					\
+	if (X##_e <= _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs)			\
+	  {							\
+	    _FP_FRAC_SRS_##wc(X, X##_e, _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs);	\
+	    _FP_ROUND(wc, X);					\
+	    if (_FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(X)				\
+		& (_FP_OVERFLOW_##fs >> 1))			\
+	      {							\
+	        X##_e = 1;					\
+	        _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(X, _FP_ZEROFRAC_##wc);	\
+	      }							\
+	    else						\
+	      {							\
+		X##_e = 0;					\
+		_FP_FRAC_SRL_##wc(X, _FP_WORKBITS);		\
+	      }							\
+	  }							\
+	else							\
+	  {							\
+	    /* underflow to zero */				\
+	    X##_e = 0;						\
+	    if (!_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))			\
+	      {							\
+	        _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(X, _FP_MINFRAC_##wc);		\
+	        _FP_ROUND(wc, X);				\
+	        _FP_FRAC_LOW_##wc(X) >>= (_FP_WORKBITS);	\
+	      }							\
+	  }							\
+      }								\
+    break;							\
+								\
+  case FP_CLS_ZERO:						\
+    X##_e = 0;							\
+    _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(X, _FP_ZEROFRAC_##wc);			\
+    break;							\
+								\
+  case FP_CLS_INF:						\
+    X##_e = _FP_EXPMAX_##fs;					\
+    _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(X, _FP_ZEROFRAC_##wc);			\
+    break;							\
+								\
+  case FP_CLS_NAN:						\
+    X##_e = _FP_EXPMAX_##fs;					\
+    if (!_FP_KEEPNANFRACP)					\
+      {								\
+	_FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(X, _FP_NANFRAC_##fs);			\
+	X##_s = _FP_NANSIGN_##fs;				\
+      }								\
+    else							\
+      _FP_FRAC_HIGH_RAW_##fs(X) |= _FP_QNANBIT_##fs;		\
+    break;							\
+  }								\
+} while (0)
+/* This one accepts raw argument and not cooked,  returns
+ * 1 if X is a signaling NaN.
+ */
+#define _FP_ISSIGNAN(fs, wc, X)					\
+({								\
+  int __ret = 0;						\
+  if (X##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs)					\
+    {								\
+      if (!_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X)				\
+	  && !(_FP_FRAC_HIGH_RAW_##fs(X) & _FP_QNANBIT_##fs))	\
+	__ret = 1;						\
+    }								\
+  __ret;							\
+/* Addition on semi-raw values.  */
+#define _FP_ADD_INTERNAL(fs, wc, R, X, Y, OP)				 \
+do {									 \
+  if (X##_s == Y##_s)							 \
+    {									 \
+      /* Addition.  */							 \
+      R##_s = X##_s;							 \
+      int ediff = X##_e - Y##_e;					 \
+      if (ediff > 0)							 \
+	{								 \
+	  R##_e = X##_e;						 \
+	  if (Y##_e == 0)						 \
+	    {								 \
+	      /* Y is zero or denormalized.  */				 \
+	      if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(Y))				 \
+		{							 \
+		  _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, X);			 \
+		  _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, X);				 \
+		  goto add_done;					 \
+		}							 \
+	      else							 \
+		{							 \
+		  ediff--;						 \
+		  if (ediff == 0)					 \
+		    {							 \
+		      _FP_FRAC_ADD_##wc(R, X, Y);			 \
+		      goto add3;					 \
+		    }							 \
+		  if (X##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs)				 \
+		    {							 \
+		      _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, X);		 \
+		      _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, X);				 \
+		      goto add_done;					 \
+		    }							 \
+		  goto add1;						 \
+		}							 \
+	    }								 \
+	  else if (X##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs)				 \
+	    {								 \
+	      /* X is NaN or Inf, Y is normal.  */			 \
+	      _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, X);			 \
+	      _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, X);					 \
+	      goto add_done;						 \
+	    }								 \
+									 \
+	  /* Insert implicit MSB of Y.  */				 \
+	  _FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(Y) |= _FP_IMPLBIT_SH_##fs;			 \
+									 \
+	add1:								 \
+	  /* Shift the mantissa of Y to the right EDIFF steps;		 \
+	     remember to account later for the implicit MSB of X.  */	 \
+	  if (ediff <= _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs)				 \
+	    _FP_FRAC_SRS_##wc(Y, ediff, _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs);		 \
+	  else if (!_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(Y))				 \
+	    _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(Y, _FP_MINFRAC_##wc);			 \
+	  _FP_FRAC_ADD_##wc(R, X, Y);					 \
+	}								 \
+      else if (ediff < 0)						 \
+	{								 \
+	  ediff = -ediff;						 \
+	  R##_e = Y##_e;						 \
+	  if (X##_e == 0)						 \
+	    {								 \
+	      /* X is zero or denormalized.  */				 \
+	      if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))				 \
+		{							 \
+		  _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, Y);			 \
+		  _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, Y);				 \
+		  goto add_done;					 \
+		}							 \
+	      else							 \
+		{							 \
+		  ediff--;						 \
+		  if (ediff == 0)					 \
+		    {							 \
+		      _FP_FRAC_ADD_##wc(R, Y, X);			 \
+		      goto add3;					 \
+		    }							 \
+		  if (Y##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs)				 \
+		    {							 \
+		      _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, Y);		 \
+		      _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, Y);				 \
+		      goto add_done;					 \
+		    }							 \
+		  goto add2;						 \
+		}							 \
+	    }								 \
+	  else if (Y##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs)				 \
+	    {								 \
+	      /* Y is NaN or Inf, X is normal.  */			 \
+	      _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, Y);			 \
+	      _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, Y);					 \
+	      goto add_done;						 \
+	    }								 \
+									 \
+	  /* Insert implicit MSB of X.  */				 \
+	  _FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(X) |= _FP_IMPLBIT_SH_##fs;			 \
+									 \
+	add2:								 \
+	  /* Shift the mantissa of X to the right EDIFF steps;		 \
+	     remember to account later for the implicit MSB of Y.  */	 \
+	  if (ediff <= _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs)				 \
+	    _FP_FRAC_SRS_##wc(X, ediff, _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs);		 \
+	  else if (!_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))				 \
+	    _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(X, _FP_MINFRAC_##wc);			 \
+	  _FP_FRAC_ADD_##wc(R, Y, X);					 \
+	}								 \
+      else								 \
+	{								 \
+	  /* ediff == 0.  */						 \
+	  if (!_FP_EXP_NORMAL(fs, wc, X))				 \
+	    {								 \
+	      if (X##_e == 0)						 \
+		{							 \
+		  /* X and Y are zero or denormalized.  */		 \
+		  R##_e = 0;						 \
+		  if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))				 \
+		    {							 \
+		      if (!_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(Y))			 \
+		      _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, Y);				 \
+		      goto add_done;					 \
+		    }							 \
+		  else if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(Y))			 \
+		    {							 \
+		      _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, X);				 \
+		      goto add_done;					 \
+		    }							 \
+		  else							 \
+		    {							 \
+		      _FP_FRAC_ADD_##wc(R, X, Y);			 \
+		      if (_FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(R) & _FP_IMPLBIT_SH_##fs)	 \
+			{						 \
+			  /* Normalized result.  */			 \
+			  _FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(R)				 \
+			    &= ~(_FP_W_TYPE)_FP_IMPLBIT_SH_##fs;	 \
+			  R##_e = 1;					 \
+			}						 \
+		      goto add_done;					 \
+		    }							 \
+		}							 \
+	      else							 \
+		{							 \
+		  /* X and Y are NaN or Inf.  */			 \
+		  _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, X);			 \
+		  _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, Y);			 \
+		  R##_e = _FP_EXPMAX_##fs;				 \
+		  if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))				 \
+		    _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, Y);				 \
+		  else if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(Y))			 \
+		    _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, X);				 \
+		  else							 \
+		    _FP_CHOOSENAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, R, X, Y, OP);		 \
+		  goto add_done;					 \
+		}							 \
+	    }								 \
+	  /* The exponents of X and Y, both normal, are equal.  The	 \
+	     implicit MSBs will always add to increase the		 \
+	     exponent.  */						 \
+	  _FP_FRAC_ADD_##wc(R, X, Y);					 \
+	  R##_e = X##_e + 1;						 \
+	  _FP_FRAC_SRS_##wc(R, 1, _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs);			 \
+	  if (R##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs)					 \
+	    /* Overflow to infinity (depending on rounding mode).  */	 \
+	    _FP_OVERFLOW_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, R);				 \
+	  goto add_done;						 \
+	}								 \
+    add3:								 \
+      if (_FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(R) & _FP_IMPLBIT_SH_##fs)			 \
+	{								 \
+	  /* Overflow.  */						 \
+	  _FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(R) &= ~(_FP_W_TYPE)_FP_IMPLBIT_SH_##fs;	 \
+	  R##_e++;							 \
+	  _FP_FRAC_SRS_##wc(R, 1, _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs);			 \
+	  if (R##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs)					 \
+	    /* Overflow to infinity (depending on rounding mode).  */	 \
+	    _FP_OVERFLOW_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, R);				 \
+	}								 \
+    add_done: ;								 \
+    }									 \
+  else									 \
+    {									 \
+      /* Subtraction.  */						 \
+      int ediff = X##_e - Y##_e;					 \
+      if (ediff > 0)							 \
+	{								 \
+	  R##_e = X##_e;						 \
+	  R##_s = X##_s;						 \
+	  if (Y##_e == 0)						 \
+	    {								 \
+	      /* Y is zero or denormalized.  */				 \
+	      if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(Y))				 \
+		{							 \
+		  _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, X);			 \
+		  _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, X);				 \
+		  goto sub_done;					 \
+		}							 \
+	      else							 \
+		{							 \
+		  ediff--;						 \
+		  if (ediff == 0)					 \
+		    {							 \
+		      _FP_FRAC_SUB_##wc(R, X, Y);			 \
+		      goto sub3;					 \
+		    }							 \
+		  if (X##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs)				 \
+		    {							 \
+		      _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, X);		 \
+		      _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, X);				 \
+		      goto sub_done;					 \
+		    }							 \
+		  goto sub1;						 \
+		}							 \
+	    }								 \
+	  else if (X##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs)				 \
+	    {								 \
+	      /* X is NaN or Inf, Y is normal.  */			 \
+	      _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, X);			 \
+	      _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, X);					 \
+	      goto sub_done;						 \
+	    }								 \
+									 \
+	  /* Insert implicit MSB of Y.  */				 \
+	  _FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(Y) |= _FP_IMPLBIT_SH_##fs;			 \
+									 \
+	sub1:								 \
+	  /* Shift the mantissa of Y to the right EDIFF steps;		 \
+	     remember to account later for the implicit MSB of X.  */	 \
+	  if (ediff <= _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs)				 \
+	    _FP_FRAC_SRS_##wc(Y, ediff, _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs);		 \
+	  else if (!_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(Y))				 \
+	    _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(Y, _FP_MINFRAC_##wc);			 \
+	  _FP_FRAC_SUB_##wc(R, X, Y);					 \
+	}								 \
+      else if (ediff < 0)						 \
+	{								 \
+	  ediff = -ediff;						 \
+	  R##_e = Y##_e;						 \
+	  R##_s = Y##_s;						 \
+	  if (X##_e == 0)						 \
+	    {								 \
+	      /* X is zero or denormalized.  */				 \
+	      if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))				 \
+		{							 \
+		  _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, Y);			 \
+		  _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, Y);				 \
+		  goto sub_done;					 \
+		}							 \
+	      else							 \
+		{							 \
+		  ediff--;						 \
+		  if (ediff == 0)					 \
+		    {							 \
+		      _FP_FRAC_SUB_##wc(R, Y, X);			 \
+		      goto sub3;					 \
+		    }							 \
+		  if (Y##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs)				 \
+		    {							 \
+		      _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, Y);		 \
+		      _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, Y);				 \
+		      goto sub_done;					 \
+		    }							 \
+		  goto sub2;						 \
+		}							 \
+	    }								 \
+	  else if (Y##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs)				 \
+	    {								 \
+	      /* Y is NaN or Inf, X is normal.  */			 \
+	      _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, Y);			 \
+	      _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, Y);					 \
+	      goto sub_done;						 \
+	    }								 \
+									 \
+	  /* Insert implicit MSB of X.  */				 \
+	  _FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(X) |= _FP_IMPLBIT_SH_##fs;			 \
+									 \
+	sub2:								 \
+	  /* Shift the mantissa of X to the right EDIFF steps;		 \
+	     remember to account later for the implicit MSB of Y.  */	 \
+	  if (ediff <= _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs)				 \
+	    _FP_FRAC_SRS_##wc(X, ediff, _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs);		 \
+	  else if (!_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))				 \
+	    _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(X, _FP_MINFRAC_##wc);			 \
+	  _FP_FRAC_SUB_##wc(R, Y, X);					 \
+	}								 \
+      else								 \
+	{								 \
+	  /* ediff == 0.  */						 \
+	  if (!_FP_EXP_NORMAL(fs, wc, X))				 \
+	    {								 \
+	      if (X##_e == 0)						 \
+		{							 \
+		  /* X and Y are zero or denormalized.  */		 \
+		  R##_e = 0;						 \
+		  if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))				 \
+		    {							 \
+		      _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, Y);				 \
+		      if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(Y))			 \
+			R##_s = (FP_ROUNDMODE == FP_RND_MINF);		 \
+		      else						 \
+			{						 \
+			  R##_s = Y##_s;				 \
+			}						 \
+		      goto sub_done;					 \
+		    }							 \
+		  else if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(Y))			 \
+		    {							 \
+		      _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, X);				 \
+		      R##_s = X##_s;					 \
+		      goto sub_done;					 \
+		    }							 \
+		  else							 \
+		    {							 \
+		      _FP_FRAC_SUB_##wc(R, X, Y);			 \
+		      R##_s = X##_s;					 \
+		      if (_FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(R) & _FP_IMPLBIT_SH_##fs)	 \
+			{						 \
+			  /* |X| < |Y|, negate result.  */		 \
+			  _FP_FRAC_SUB_##wc(R, Y, X);			 \
+			  R##_s = Y##_s;				 \
+			}						 \
+		      else if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(R))			 \
+			R##_s = (FP_ROUNDMODE == FP_RND_MINF);		 \
+		      goto sub_done;					 \
+		    }							 \
+		}							 \
+	      else							 \
+		{							 \
+		  /* X and Y are NaN or Inf, of opposite signs.  */	 \
+		  _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, X);			 \
+		  _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, Y);			 \
+		  R##_e = _FP_EXPMAX_##fs;				 \
+		  if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))				 \
+		    {							 \
+		      if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(Y))			 \
+			{						 \
+			  /* Inf - Inf.  */				 \
+			  R##_s = _FP_NANSIGN_##fs;			 \
+			  _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(R, _FP_NANFRAC_##fs);	 \
+			  _FP_FRAC_SLL_##wc(R, _FP_WORKBITS);		 \
+			}						 \
+		      else						 \
+			{						 \
+			  /* Inf - NaN.  */				 \
+			  R##_s = Y##_s;				 \
+			  _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, Y);			 \
+			}						 \
+		    }							 \
+		  else							 \
+		    {							 \
+		      if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(Y))			 \
+			{						 \
+			  /* NaN - Inf.  */				 \
+			  R##_s = X##_s;				 \
+			  _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, X);			 \
+			}						 \
+		      else						 \
+			{						 \
+			  /* NaN - NaN.  */				 \
+			  _FP_CHOOSENAN_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, R, X, Y, OP);	 \
+			}						 \
+		    }							 \
+		  goto sub_done;					 \
+		}							 \
+	    }								 \
+	  /* The exponents of X and Y, both normal, are equal.  The	 \
+	     implicit MSBs cancel.  */					 \
+	  R##_e = X##_e;						 \
+	  _FP_FRAC_SUB_##wc(R, X, Y);					 \
+	  R##_s = X##_s;						 \
+	  if (_FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(R) & _FP_IMPLBIT_SH_##fs)		 \
+	    {								 \
+	      /* |X| < |Y|, negate result.  */				 \
+	      _FP_FRAC_SUB_##wc(R, Y, X);				 \
+	      R##_s = Y##_s;						 \
+	    }								 \
+	  else if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(R))				 \
+	    {								 \
+	      R##_e = 0;						 \
+	      R##_s = (FP_ROUNDMODE == FP_RND_MINF);			 \
+	      goto sub_done;						 \
+	    }								 \
+	  goto norm;							 \
+	}								 \
+    sub3:								 \
+      if (_FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(R) & _FP_IMPLBIT_SH_##fs)			 \
+	{								 \
+	  int diff;							 \
+	  /* Carry into most significant bit of larger one of X and Y,	 \
+	     canceling it; renormalize.  */				 \
+	  _FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(R) &= _FP_IMPLBIT_SH_##fs - 1;		 \
+	norm:								 \
+	  _FP_FRAC_CLZ_##wc(diff, R);					 \
+	  diff -= _FP_WFRACXBITS_##fs;					 \
+	  _FP_FRAC_SLL_##wc(R, diff);					 \
+	  if (R##_e <= diff)						 \
+	    {								 \
+	      /* R is denormalized.  */					 \
+	      diff = diff - R##_e + 1;					 \
+	      _FP_FRAC_SRS_##wc(R, diff, _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs);		 \
+	      R##_e = 0;						 \
+	    }								 \
+	  else								 \
+	    {								 \
+	      R##_e -= diff;						 \
+	      _FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(R) &= ~(_FP_W_TYPE)_FP_IMPLBIT_SH_##fs; \
+	    }								 \
+	}								 \
+    sub_done: ;								 \
+    }									 \
+} while (0)
+#define _FP_ADD(fs, wc, R, X, Y) _FP_ADD_INTERNAL(fs, wc, R, X, Y, '+')
+#define _FP_SUB(fs, wc, R, X, Y)					    \
+  do {									    \
+    if (!(Y##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs && !_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(Y))) Y##_s ^= 1; \
+    _FP_ADD_INTERNAL(fs, wc, R, X, Y, '-');				    \
+  } while (0)
+ * Main negation routine.  FIXME -- when we care about setting exception
+ * bits reliably, this will not do.  We should examine all of the fp classes.
+ */
+#define _FP_NEG(fs, wc, R, X)		\
+  do {					\
+    _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, X);		\
+    R##_c = X##_c;			\
+    R##_e = X##_e;			\
+    R##_s = 1 ^ X##_s;			\
+  } while (0)
+ * Main multiplication routine.  The input values should be cooked.
+ */
+#define _FP_MUL(fs, wc, R, X, Y)			\
+do {							\
+  R##_s = X##_s ^ Y##_s;				\
+  switch (_FP_CLS_COMBINE(X##_c, Y##_c))		\
+  {							\
+    R##_c = FP_CLS_NORMAL;				\
+    R##_e = X##_e + Y##_e + 1;				\
+							\
+    _FP_MUL_MEAT_##fs(R,X,Y);				\
+							\
+    if (_FP_FRAC_OVERP_##wc(fs, R))			\
+      _FP_FRAC_SRS_##wc(R, 1, _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs);	\
+    else						\
+      R##_e--;						\
+    break;						\
+							\
+    _FP_CHOOSENAN(fs, wc, R, X, Y, '*');		\
+    break;						\
+							\
+    R##_s = X##_s;					\
+							\
+    _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, X);				\
+    R##_c = X##_c;					\
+    break;						\
+							\
+    R##_s = Y##_s;					\
+							\
+    _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, Y);				\
+    R##_c = Y##_c;					\
+    break;						\
+							\
+    R##_s = _FP_NANSIGN_##fs;				\
+    R##_c = FP_CLS_NAN;					\
+    _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(R, _FP_NANFRAC_##fs);		\
+    break;						\
+							\
+  default:						\
+    abort();						\
+  }							\
+} while (0)
+ * Main division routine.  The input values should be cooked.
+ */
+#define _FP_DIV(fs, wc, R, X, Y)			\
+do {							\
+  R##_s = X##_s ^ Y##_s;				\
+  switch (_FP_CLS_COMBINE(X##_c, Y##_c))		\
+  {							\
+    R##_c = FP_CLS_NORMAL;				\
+    R##_e = X##_e - Y##_e;				\
+							\
+    _FP_DIV_MEAT_##fs(R,X,Y);				\
+    break;						\
+							\
+    _FP_CHOOSENAN(fs, wc, R, X, Y, '/');		\
+    break;						\
+							\
+    R##_s = X##_s;					\
+    _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, X);				\
+    R##_c = X##_c;					\
+    break;						\
+							\
+    R##_s = Y##_s;					\
+    _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, Y);				\
+    R##_c = Y##_c;					\
+    break;						\
+							\
+    R##_c = FP_CLS_ZERO;				\
+    break;						\
+							\
+    R##_c = FP_CLS_INF;					\
+    break;						\
+							\
+    R##_s = _FP_NANSIGN_##fs;				\
+    R##_c = FP_CLS_NAN;					\
+    _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(R, _FP_NANFRAC_##fs);		\
+    break;						\
+							\
+  default:						\
+    abort();						\
+  }							\
+} while (0)
+ * Main differential comparison routine.  The inputs should be raw not
+ * cooked.  The return is -1,0,1 for normal values, 2 otherwise.
+ */
+#define _FP_CMP(fs, wc, ret, X, Y, un)					\
+  do {									\
+    /* NANs are unordered */						\
+    if ((X##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs && !_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))		\
+	|| (Y##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs && !_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(Y)))	\
+      {									\
+	ret = un;							\
+      }									\
+    else								\
+      {									\
+	int __is_zero_x;						\
+	int __is_zero_y;						\
+									\
+	__is_zero_x = (!X##_e && _FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X)) ? 1 : 0;	\
+	__is_zero_y = (!Y##_e && _FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(Y)) ? 1 : 0;	\
+									\
+	if (__is_zero_x && __is_zero_y)					\
+		ret = 0;						\
+	else if (__is_zero_x)						\
+		ret = Y##_s ? 1 : -1;					\
+	else if (__is_zero_y)						\
+		ret = X##_s ? -1 : 1;					\
+	else if (X##_s != Y##_s)					\
+	  ret = X##_s ? -1 : 1;						\
+	else if (X##_e > Y##_e)						\
+	  ret = X##_s ? -1 : 1;						\
+	else if (X##_e < Y##_e)						\
+	  ret = X##_s ? 1 : -1;						\
+	else if (_FP_FRAC_GT_##wc(X, Y))				\
+	  ret = X##_s ? -1 : 1;						\
+	else if (_FP_FRAC_GT_##wc(Y, X))				\
+	  ret = X##_s ? 1 : -1;						\
+	else								\
+	  ret = 0;							\
+      }									\
+  } while (0)
+/* Simplification for strict equality.  */
+#define _FP_CMP_EQ(fs, wc, ret, X, Y)					    \
+  do {									    \
+    /* NANs are unordered */						    \
+    if ((X##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs && !_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))		    \
+	|| (Y##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs && !_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(Y)))	    \
+      {									    \
+	ret = 1;							    \
+      }									    \
+    else								    \
+      {									    \
+	ret = !(X##_e == Y##_e						    \
+		&& _FP_FRAC_EQ_##wc(X, Y)				    \
+		&& (X##_s == Y##_s || (!X##_e && _FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X)))); \
+      }									    \
+  } while (0)
+/* Version to test unordered.  */
+#define _FP_CMP_UNORD(fs, wc, ret, X, Y)				\
+  do {									\
+    ret = ((X##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs && !_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))	\
+	   || (Y##_e == _FP_EXPMAX_##fs && !_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(Y)));	\
+  } while (0)
+ * Main square root routine.  The input value should be cooked.
+ */
+#define _FP_SQRT(fs, wc, R, X)						\
+do {									\
+    _FP_FRAC_DECL_##wc(T); _FP_FRAC_DECL_##wc(S);			\
+    _FP_W_TYPE q;							\
+    switch (X##_c)							\
+    {									\
+    case FP_CLS_NAN:							\
+	_FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc(R, X);					\
+	R##_s = X##_s;							\
+    	R##_c = FP_CLS_NAN;						\
+    	break;								\
+    case FP_CLS_INF:							\
+    	if (X##_s)							\
+    	  {								\
+    	    R##_s = _FP_NANSIGN_##fs;					\
+	    R##_c = FP_CLS_NAN; /* NAN */				\
+	    _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(R, _FP_NANFRAC_##fs);			\
+    	  }								\
+    	else								\
+    	  {								\
+    	    R##_s = 0;							\
+    	    R##_c = FP_CLS_INF; /* sqrt(+inf) = +inf */			\
+    	  }								\
+    	break;								\
+    case FP_CLS_ZERO:							\
+	R##_s = X##_s;							\
+	R##_c = FP_CLS_ZERO; /* sqrt(+-0) = +-0 */			\
+	break;								\
+    case FP_CLS_NORMAL:							\
+    	R##_s = 0;							\
+        if (X##_s)							\
+          {								\
+	    R##_c = FP_CLS_NAN; /* sNAN */				\
+	    R##_s = _FP_NANSIGN_##fs;					\
+	    _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(R, _FP_NANFRAC_##fs);			\
+	    break;							\
+          }								\
+    	R##_c = FP_CLS_NORMAL;						\
+        if (X##_e & 1)							\
+          _FP_FRAC_SLL_##wc(X, 1);					\
+        R##_e = X##_e >> 1;						\
+        _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(S, _FP_ZEROFRAC_##wc);			\
+        _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(R, _FP_ZEROFRAC_##wc);			\
+        q = _FP_OVERFLOW_##fs >> 1;					\
+        _FP_SQRT_MEAT_##wc(R, S, T, X, q);				\
+    }									\
+  } while (0)
+ * Convert from FP to integer.  Input is raw.
+ */
+/* RSIGNED can have following values:
+ * 0:  the number is required to be 0..(2^rsize)-1, if not, NV is set plus
+ *     the result is either 0 or (2^rsize)-1 depending on the sign in such
+ *     case.
+ * 1:  the number is required to be -(2^(rsize-1))..(2^(rsize-1))-1, if not,
+ *     NV is set plus the result is either -(2^(rsize-1)) or (2^(rsize-1))-1
+ *     depending on the sign in such case.
+ * -1: the number is required to be -(2^(rsize-1))..(2^rsize)-1, if not, NV is
+ *     set plus the result is either -(2^(rsize-1)) or (2^(rsize-1))-1
+ *     depending on the sign in such case.
+ */
+#define _FP_TO_INT(fs, wc, r, X, rsize, rsigned)			\
+do {									\
+  if (X##_e < _FP_EXPBIAS_##fs)						\
+    {									\
+      r = 0;								\
+      if (X##_e == 0)							\
+	{								\
+	  if (!_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))					\
+	    {								\
+	    }								\
+	}								\
+      else								\
+    }									\
+  else if (X##_e >= _FP_EXPBIAS_##fs + rsize - (rsigned > 0 || X##_s)	\
+	   || (!rsigned && X##_s))					\
+    {									\
+      /* Overflow or converting to the most negative integer.  */	\
+      if (rsigned)							\
+	{								\
+	  r = 1;							\
+	  r <<= rsize - 1;						\
+	  r -= 1 - X##_s;						\
+	} else {							\
+	  r = 0;							\
+	  if (X##_s)							\
+	    r = ~r;							\
+	}								\
+									\
+      if (rsigned && X##_s && X##_e == _FP_EXPBIAS_##fs + rsize - 1)	\
+	{								\
+	  /* Possibly converting to most negative integer; check the	\
+	     mantissa.  */						\
+	  int inexact = 0;						\
+	  (void)((_FP_FRACBITS_##fs > rsize)				\
+		 ? ({ _FP_FRAC_SRST_##wc(X, inexact,			\
+					 _FP_FRACBITS_##fs - rsize,	\
+					 _FP_FRACBITS_##fs); 0; })	\
+		 : 0);							\
+	  if (!_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc(X))					\
+	  else if (inexact)						\
+	}								\
+      else								\
+    }									\
+  else									\
+    {									\
+      _FP_FRAC_HIGH_RAW_##fs(X) |= _FP_IMPLBIT_##fs;			\
+      if (X##_e >= _FP_EXPBIAS_##fs + _FP_FRACBITS_##fs - 1)		\
+	{								\
+	  _FP_FRAC_ASSEMBLE_##wc(r, X, rsize);				\
+	  r <<= X##_e - _FP_EXPBIAS_##fs - _FP_FRACBITS_##fs + 1;	\
+	}								\
+      else								\
+	{								\
+	  int inexact;							\
+	  _FP_FRAC_SRST_##wc(X, inexact,				\
+			    (_FP_FRACBITS_##fs + _FP_EXPBIAS_##fs - 1	\
+			     - X##_e),					\
+			    _FP_FRACBITS_##fs);				\
+	  if (inexact)							\
+	  _FP_FRAC_ASSEMBLE_##wc(r, X, rsize);				\
+	}								\
+      if (rsigned && X##_s)						\
+	r = -r;								\
+    }									\
+} while (0)
+/* Convert integer to fp.  Output is raw.  RTYPE is unsigned even if
+   input is signed.  */
+#define _FP_FROM_INT(fs, wc, X, r, rsize, rtype)			     \
+  do {									     \
+    if (r)								     \
+      {									     \
+	rtype ur_;							     \
+									     \
+	if ((X##_s = (r < 0)))						     \
+	  r = -(rtype)r;						     \
+									     \
+	ur_ = (rtype) r;						     \
+	(void)((rsize <= _FP_W_TYPE_SIZE)				     \
+	       ? ({							     \
+		    int lz_;						     \
+		    __FP_CLZ(lz_, (_FP_W_TYPE)ur_);			     \
+		    X##_e = _FP_EXPBIAS_##fs + _FP_W_TYPE_SIZE - 1 - lz_;    \
+		  })							     \
+	       : ((rsize <= 2 * _FP_W_TYPE_SIZE)			     \
+		  ? ({							     \
+		       int lz_;						     \
+		       __FP_CLZ_2(lz_, (_FP_W_TYPE)(ur_ >> _FP_W_TYPE_SIZE), \
+				  (_FP_W_TYPE)ur_);			     \
+		       X##_e = (_FP_EXPBIAS_##fs + 2 * _FP_W_TYPE_SIZE - 1   \
+				- lz_);					     \
+		     })							     \
+		  : (abort(), 0)));					     \
+									     \
+	if (rsize - 1 + _FP_EXPBIAS_##fs >= _FP_EXPMAX_##fs		     \
+	    && X##_e >= _FP_EXPMAX_##fs)				     \
+	  {								     \
+	    /* Exponent too big; overflow to infinity.  (May also	     \
+	       happen after rounding below.)  */			     \
+	    _FP_OVERFLOW_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, X);				     \
+	    goto pack_semiraw;						     \
+	  }								     \
+									     \
+	if (rsize <= _FP_FRACBITS_##fs					     \
+	    || X##_e < _FP_EXPBIAS_##fs + _FP_FRACBITS_##fs)		     \
+	  {								     \
+	    /* Exactly representable; shift left.  */			     \
+	    _FP_FRAC_DISASSEMBLE_##wc(X, ur_, rsize);			     \
+	    _FP_FRAC_SLL_##wc(X, (_FP_EXPBIAS_##fs			     \
+				  + _FP_FRACBITS_##fs - 1 - X##_e));	     \
+	  }								     \
+	else								     \
+	  {								     \
+	    /* More bits in integer than in floating type; need to	     \
+	       round.  */						     \
+	    if (_FP_EXPBIAS_##fs + _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs - 1 < X##_e)	     \
+	      ur_ = ((ur_ >> (X##_e - _FP_EXPBIAS_##fs			     \
+			      - _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs + 1))		     \
+		     | ((ur_ << (rsize - (X##_e - _FP_EXPBIAS_##fs	     \
+					  - _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs + 1)))	     \
+			!= 0));						     \
+	    _FP_FRAC_DISASSEMBLE_##wc(X, ur_, rsize);			     \
+	    if ((_FP_EXPBIAS_##fs + _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs - 1 - X##_e) > 0)     \
+	      _FP_FRAC_SLL_##wc(X, (_FP_EXPBIAS_##fs			     \
+				    + _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs - 1 - X##_e));	     \
+	    _FP_FRAC_HIGH_##fs(X) &= ~(_FP_W_TYPE)_FP_IMPLBIT_SH_##fs;	     \
+	  pack_semiraw:							     \
+	    _FP_PACK_SEMIRAW(fs, wc, X);				     \
+	  }								     \
+      }									     \
+    else								     \
+      {									     \
+	X##_s = 0;							     \
+	X##_e = 0;							     \
+	_FP_FRAC_SET_##wc(X, _FP_ZEROFRAC_##wc);			     \
+      }									     \
+  } while (0)
+/* Extend from a narrower floating-point format to a wider one.  Input
+   and output are raw.  */
+#define FP_EXTEND(dfs,sfs,dwc,swc,D,S)					 \
+do {									 \
+  if (_FP_FRACBITS_##dfs < _FP_FRACBITS_##sfs				 \
+      || (_FP_EXPMAX_##dfs - _FP_EXPBIAS_##dfs				 \
+	  < _FP_EXPMAX_##sfs - _FP_EXPBIAS_##sfs)			 \
+      || (_FP_EXPBIAS_##dfs < _FP_EXPBIAS_##sfs + _FP_FRACBITS_##sfs - 1 \
+	  && _FP_EXPBIAS_##dfs != _FP_EXPBIAS_##sfs))			 \
+    abort();								 \
+  D##_s = S##_s;							 \
+  _FP_FRAC_COPY_##dwc##_##swc(D, S);					 \
+  if (_FP_EXP_NORMAL(sfs, swc, S))					 \
+    {									 \
+      D##_e = S##_e + _FP_EXPBIAS_##dfs - _FP_EXPBIAS_##sfs;		 \
+      _FP_FRAC_SLL_##dwc(D, (_FP_FRACBITS_##dfs - _FP_FRACBITS_##sfs));	 \
+    }									 \
+  else									 \
+    {									 \
+      if (S##_e == 0)							 \
+	{								 \
+	  if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##swc(S))					 \
+	    D##_e = 0;							 \
+	  else if (_FP_EXPBIAS_##dfs					 \
+		   < _FP_EXPBIAS_##sfs + _FP_FRACBITS_##sfs - 1)	 \
+	    {								 \
+	      _FP_FRAC_SLL_##dwc(D, (_FP_FRACBITS_##dfs			 \
+				     - _FP_FRACBITS_##sfs));		 \
+	      D##_e = 0;						 \
+	    }								 \
+	  else								 \
+	    {								 \
+	      int _lz;							 \
+	      _FP_FRAC_CLZ_##swc(_lz, S);				 \
+	      _FP_FRAC_SLL_##dwc(D,					 \
+				 _lz + _FP_FRACBITS_##dfs		 \
+				 - _FP_FRACTBITS_##sfs);		 \
+	      D##_e = (_FP_EXPBIAS_##dfs - _FP_EXPBIAS_##sfs + 1	 \
+		       + _FP_FRACXBITS_##sfs - _lz);			 \
+	    }								 \
+	}								 \
+      else								 \
+	{								 \
+	  D##_e = _FP_EXPMAX_##dfs;					 \
+	  if (!_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##swc(S))					 \
+	    {								 \
+	      if (!(_FP_FRAC_HIGH_RAW_##sfs(S) & _FP_QNANBIT_##sfs))	 \
+	      _FP_FRAC_SLL_##dwc(D, (_FP_FRACBITS_##dfs			 \
+				     - _FP_FRACBITS_##sfs));		 \
+	    }								 \
+	}								 \
+    }									 \
+} while (0)
+/* Truncate from a wider floating-point format to a narrower one.
+   Input and output are semi-raw.  */
+#define FP_TRUNC(dfs,sfs,dwc,swc,D,S)					     \
+do {									     \
+  if (_FP_FRACBITS_##sfs < _FP_FRACBITS_##dfs				     \
+      || (_FP_EXPBIAS_##sfs < _FP_EXPBIAS_##dfs + _FP_FRACBITS_##dfs - 1     \
+	  && _FP_EXPBIAS_##sfs != _FP_EXPBIAS_##dfs))			     \
+    abort();								     \
+  D##_s = S##_s;							     \
+  if (_FP_EXP_NORMAL(sfs, swc, S))					     \
+    {									     \
+      D##_e = S##_e + _FP_EXPBIAS_##dfs - _FP_EXPBIAS_##sfs;		     \
+      if (D##_e >= _FP_EXPMAX_##dfs)					     \
+	_FP_OVERFLOW_SEMIRAW(dfs, dwc, D);				     \
+      else								     \
+	{								     \
+	  if (D##_e <= 0)						     \
+	    {								     \
+	      if (D##_e < 1 - _FP_FRACBITS_##dfs)			     \
+		{							     \
+		  _FP_FRAC_SET_##swc(S, _FP_ZEROFRAC_##swc);		     \
+		  _FP_FRAC_LOW_##swc(S) |= 1;				     \
+		}							     \
+	      else							     \
+		{							     \
+		  _FP_FRAC_HIGH_##sfs(S) |= _FP_IMPLBIT_SH_##sfs;	     \
+		  _FP_FRAC_SRS_##swc(S, (_FP_WFRACBITS_##sfs		     \
+					 - _FP_WFRACBITS_##dfs + 1 - D##_e), \
+				     _FP_WFRACBITS_##sfs);		     \
+		}							     \
+	      D##_e = 0;						     \
+	    }								     \
+	  else								     \
+	    _FP_FRAC_SRS_##swc(S, (_FP_WFRACBITS_##sfs			     \
+				   - _FP_WFRACBITS_##dfs),		     \
+			       _FP_WFRACBITS_##sfs);			     \
+	  _FP_FRAC_COPY_##dwc##_##swc(D, S);				     \
+	}								     \
+    }									     \
+  else									     \
+    {									     \
+      if (S##_e == 0)							     \
+	{								     \
+	  D##_e = 0;							     \
+	  if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##swc(S))					     \
+	    _FP_FRAC_SET_##dwc(D, _FP_ZEROFRAC_##dwc);			     \
+	  else								     \
+	    {								     \
+	      FP_SET_EXCEPTION(FP_EX_DENORM);				     \
+	      if (_FP_EXPBIAS_##sfs					     \
+		  < _FP_EXPBIAS_##dfs + _FP_FRACBITS_##dfs - 1)		     \
+		{							     \
+		  _FP_FRAC_SRS_##swc(S, (_FP_WFRACBITS_##sfs		     \
+					 - _FP_WFRACBITS_##dfs),	     \
+				     _FP_WFRACBITS_##sfs);		     \
+		  _FP_FRAC_COPY_##dwc##_##swc(D, S);			     \
+		}							     \
+	      else							     \
+		{							     \
+		  _FP_FRAC_SET_##dwc(D, _FP_ZEROFRAC_##dwc);		     \
+		  _FP_FRAC_LOW_##dwc(D) |= 1;				     \
+		}							     \
+	    }								     \
+	}								     \
+      else								     \
+	{								     \
+	  D##_e = _FP_EXPMAX_##dfs;					     \
+	  if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##swc(S))					     \
+	    _FP_FRAC_SET_##dwc(D, _FP_ZEROFRAC_##dwc);			     \
+	  else								     \
+	    {								     \
+	      _FP_CHECK_SIGNAN_SEMIRAW(sfs, swc, S);			     \
+	      _FP_FRAC_SRL_##swc(S, (_FP_WFRACBITS_##sfs		     \
+				     - _FP_WFRACBITS_##dfs));		     \
+	      _FP_FRAC_COPY_##dwc##_##swc(D, S);			     \
+	      /* Semi-raw NaN must have all workbits cleared.  */	     \
+	      _FP_FRAC_LOW_##dwc(D)					     \
+		&= ~(_FP_W_TYPE) ((1 << _FP_WORKBITS) - 1);		     \
+	      _FP_FRAC_HIGH_##dfs(D) |= _FP_QNANBIT_SH_##dfs;		     \
+	    }								     \
+	}								     \
+    }									     \
+} while (0)
+ * Helper primitives.
+ */
+/* Count leading zeros in a word.  */
+#ifndef __FP_CLZ
+/* GCC 3.4 and later provide the builtins for us.  */
+#define __FP_CLZ(r, x)							      \
+  do {									      \
+    if (sizeof (_FP_W_TYPE) == sizeof (unsigned int))			      \
+      r = __builtin_clz (x);						      \
+    else if (sizeof (_FP_W_TYPE) == sizeof (unsigned long))		      \
+      r = __builtin_clzl (x);						      \
+    else if (sizeof (_FP_W_TYPE) == sizeof (unsigned long long))	      \
+      r = __builtin_clzll (x);						      \
+    else								      \
+      abort ();								      \
+  } while (0)
+#endif /* ndef __FP_CLZ */
+#define _FP_DIV_HELP_imm(q, r, n, d)		\
+  do {						\
+    q = n / d, r = n % d;			\
+  } while (0)
+/* A restoring bit-by-bit division primitive.  */
+#define _FP_DIV_MEAT_N_loop(fs, wc, R, X, Y)				\
+  do {									\
+    int count = _FP_WFRACBITS_##fs;					\
+    _FP_FRAC_DECL_##wc (u);						\
+    _FP_FRAC_DECL_##wc (v);						\
+    _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc (u, X);						\
+    _FP_FRAC_COPY_##wc (v, Y);						\
+    _FP_FRAC_SET_##wc (R, _FP_ZEROFRAC_##wc);				\
+    /* Normalize U and V.  */						\
+    _FP_FRAC_SLL_##wc (u, _FP_WFRACXBITS_##fs);				\
+    _FP_FRAC_SLL_##wc (v, _FP_WFRACXBITS_##fs);				\
+    /* First round.  Since the operands are normalized, either the	\
+       first or second bit will be set in the fraction.  Produce a	\
+       normalized result by checking which and adjusting the loop	\
+       count and exponent accordingly.  */				\
+    if (_FP_FRAC_GE_1 (u, v))						\
+      {									\
+	_FP_FRAC_SUB_##wc (u, u, v);					\
+	_FP_FRAC_LOW_##wc (R) |= 1;					\
+	count--;							\
+      }									\
+    else								\
+      R##_e--;								\
+    /* Subsequent rounds.  */						\
+    do {								\
+      int msb = (_FP_WS_TYPE) _FP_FRAC_HIGH_##wc (u) < 0;		\
+      _FP_FRAC_SLL_##wc (u, 1);						\
+      _FP_FRAC_SLL_##wc (R, 1);						\
+      if (msb || _FP_FRAC_GE_1 (u, v))					\
+	{								\
+	  _FP_FRAC_SUB_##wc (u, u, v);					\
+	  _FP_FRAC_LOW_##wc (R) |= 1;					\
+	}								\
+    } while (--count > 0);						\
+    /* If there's anything left in U, the result is inexact.  */	\
+    _FP_FRAC_LOW_##wc (R) |= !_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_##wc (u);			\
+  } while (0)
+#define _FP_DIV_MEAT_1_loop(fs, R, X, Y)  _FP_DIV_MEAT_N_loop (fs, 1, R, X, Y)
+#define _FP_DIV_MEAT_2_loop(fs, R, X, Y)  _FP_DIV_MEAT_N_loop (fs, 2, R, X, Y)
+#define _FP_DIV_MEAT_4_loop(fs, R, X, Y)  _FP_DIV_MEAT_N_loop (fs, 4, R, X, Y)