view gcc/ada/libgnat/ @ 111:04ced10e8804

gcc 7
author kono
date Fri, 27 Oct 2017 22:46:09 +0900
children 84e7813d76e9
line wrap: on
line source

--                                                                          --
--                         GNAT LIBRARY COMPONENTS                          --
--                                                                          --
--   A D A . C O N T A I N E R S . F O R M A L _ O R D E R E D _ S E T S    --
--                                                                          --
--                                 S p e c                                  --
--                                                                          --
--          Copyright (C) 2004-2017, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
--                                                                          --
-- This specification is derived from the Ada Reference Manual for use with --
-- GNAT. The copyright notice above, and the license provisions that follow --
-- apply solely to the  contents of the part following the private keyword. --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
--                                                                          --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
--                                                                          --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
-- <>.                                          --

--  This spec is derived from package Ada.Containers.Bounded_Ordered_Sets in
--  the Ada 2012 RM. The modifications are meant to facilitate formal proofs by
--  making it easier to express properties, and by making the specification of
--  this unit compatible with SPARK 2014. Note that the API of this unit may be
--  subject to incompatible changes as SPARK 2014 evolves.

--  The modifications are:

--    A parameter for the container is added to every function reading the
--    content of a container: Key, Element, Next, Query_Element, Previous,
--    Has_Element, Iterate, Reverse_Iterate. This change is motivated by the
--    need to have cursors which are valid on different containers (typically
--    a container C and its previous version C'Old) for expressing properties,
--    which is not possible if cursors encapsulate an access to the underlying
--    container. The operators "<" and ">" that could not be modified that way
--    have been removed.

with Ada.Containers.Functional_Maps;
with Ada.Containers.Functional_Sets;
with Ada.Containers.Functional_Vectors;
private with Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees;

   type Element_Type is private;

   with function "<" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is <>;

package Ada.Containers.Formal_Ordered_Sets with
   pragma Annotate (CodePeer, Skip_Analysis);

   function Equivalent_Elements (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean
     Global => null,
     Post   =>
       Equivalent_Elements'Result =
         (not (Left < Right) and not (Right < Left));
   pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Inline_For_Proof, Equivalent_Elements);

   type Set (Capacity : Count_Type) is private with
     Iterable => (First       => First,
                  Next        => Next,
                  Has_Element => Has_Element,
                  Element     => Element),
     Default_Initial_Condition => Is_Empty (Set);
   pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (Set);

   type Cursor is record
      Node : Count_Type;
   end record;

   No_Element : constant Cursor := (Node => 0);

   function Length (Container : Set) return Count_Type with
     Global => null,
     Post   => Length'Result <= Container.Capacity;

   pragma Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old (Allow);

   package Formal_Model with Ghost is
      subtype Positive_Count_Type is Count_Type range 1 .. Count_Type'Last;

      package M is new Ada.Containers.Functional_Sets
        (Element_Type    => Element_Type,
         Equivalent_Elements => Equivalent_Elements);

      function "="
        (Left  : M.Set;
         Right : M.Set) return Boolean renames M."=";

      function "<="
        (Left  : M.Set;
         Right : M.Set) return Boolean renames M."<=";

      package E is new Ada.Containers.Functional_Vectors
        (Element_Type => Element_Type,
         Index_Type   => Positive_Count_Type);

      function "="
        (Left  : E.Sequence;
         Right : E.Sequence) return Boolean renames E."=";

      function "<"
        (Left  : E.Sequence;
         Right : E.Sequence) return Boolean renames E."<";

      function "<="
        (Left  : E.Sequence;
         Right : E.Sequence) return Boolean renames E."<=";

      function E_Bigger_Than_Range
        (Container : E.Sequence;
         Fst       : Positive_Count_Type;
         Lst       : Count_Type;
         Item      : Element_Type) return Boolean
        Global => null,
        Pre    => Lst <= E.Length (Container),
        Post   =>
          E_Bigger_Than_Range'Result =
            (for all I in Fst .. Lst => E.Get (Container, I) < Item);
      pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Inline_For_Proof, E_Bigger_Than_Range);

      function E_Smaller_Than_Range
        (Container : E.Sequence;
         Fst       : Positive_Count_Type;
         Lst       : Count_Type;
         Item      : Element_Type) return Boolean
        Global => null,
        Pre    => Lst <= E.Length (Container),
        Post   =>
          E_Smaller_Than_Range'Result =
            (for all I in Fst .. Lst => Item < E.Get (Container, I));
      pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Inline_For_Proof, E_Smaller_Than_Range);

      function E_Is_Find
        (Container : E.Sequence;
         Item      : Element_Type;
         Position  : Count_Type) return Boolean
        Global => null,
        Pre    => Position - 1 <= E.Length (Container),
        Post   =>
          E_Is_Find'Result =

            ((if Position > 0 then
                E_Bigger_Than_Range (Container, 1, Position - 1, Item))

             and (if Position < E.Length (Container) then
                       Position + 1,
                       E.Length (Container),
      pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Inline_For_Proof, E_Is_Find);

      function Find
        (Container : E.Sequence;
         Item      : Element_Type) return Count_Type
      --  Search for Item in Container

        Global => null,
        Post =>
          (if Find'Result > 0 then
             Find'Result <= E.Length (Container)
               and Equivalent_Elements (Item, E.Get (Container, Find'Result)));

      function E_Elements_Included
        (Left  : E.Sequence;
         Right : E.Sequence) return Boolean
      --  The elements of Left are contained in Right

        Global => null,
        Post   =>
          E_Elements_Included'Result =
            (for all I in 1 .. E.Length (Left) =>
               Find (Right, E.Get (Left, I)) > 0
                 and then E.Get (Right, Find (Right, E.Get (Left, I))) =
                     E.Get (Left, I));
      pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Inline_For_Proof, E_Elements_Included);

      function E_Elements_Included
        (Left  : E.Sequence;
         Model : M.Set;
         Right : E.Sequence) return Boolean
      --  The elements of Container contained in Model are in Right

        Global => null,
        Post   =>
          E_Elements_Included'Result =
            (for all I in 1 .. E.Length (Left) =>
              (if M.Contains (Model, E.Get (Left, I)) then
                 Find (Right, E.Get (Left, I)) > 0
                   and then E.Get (Right, Find (Right, E.Get (Left, I))) =
                       E.Get (Left, I)));
      pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Inline_For_Proof, E_Elements_Included);

      function E_Elements_Included
        (Container : E.Sequence;
         Model     : M.Set;
         Left      : E.Sequence;
         Right     : E.Sequence) return Boolean
      --  The elements of Container contained in Model are in Left and others
      --  are in Right.

        Global => null,
        Post   =>
          E_Elements_Included'Result =
            (for all I in 1 .. E.Length (Container) =>
              (if M.Contains (Model, E.Get (Container, I)) then
                 Find (Left, E.Get (Container, I)) > 0
                   and then E.Get (Left, Find (Left, E.Get (Container, I))) =
                       E.Get (Container, I)
                 Find (Right, E.Get (Container, I)) > 0
                   and then E.Get (Right, Find (Right, E.Get (Container, I))) =
                       E.Get (Container, I)));
      pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Inline_For_Proof, E_Elements_Included);

      package P is new Ada.Containers.Functional_Maps
        (Key_Type                       => Cursor,
         Element_Type                   => Positive_Count_Type,
         Equivalent_Keys                => "=",
         Enable_Handling_Of_Equivalence => False);

      function "="
        (Left  : P.Map;
         Right : P.Map) return Boolean renames P."=";

      function "<="
        (Left  : P.Map;
         Right : P.Map) return Boolean renames P."<=";

      function P_Positions_Shifted
        (Small : P.Map;
         Big   : P.Map;
         Cut   : Positive_Count_Type;
         Count : Count_Type := 1) return Boolean
        Global => null,
        Post   =>
          P_Positions_Shifted'Result =

            --  Big contains all cursors of Small

            (P.Keys_Included (Small, Big)

              --  Cursors located before Cut are not moved, cursors located
              --  after are shifted by Count.

              and (for all I of Small =>
                    (if P.Get (Small, I) < Cut then
                        P.Get (Big, I) = P.Get (Small, I)
                        P.Get (Big, I) - Count = P.Get (Small, I)))

              --  New cursors of Big (if any) are between Cut and Cut - 1 +
              --  Count.

              and (for all I of Big =>
                    P.Has_Key (Small, I)
                      or P.Get (Big, I) - Count in Cut - Count  .. Cut - 1));

      function Mapping_Preserved
        (E_Left  : E.Sequence;
         E_Right : E.Sequence;
         P_Left  : P.Map;
         P_Right : P.Map) return Boolean
        Global => null,
        Post   =>
          (if Mapping_Preserved'Result then

             --  Right contains all the cursors of Left

             P.Keys_Included (P_Left, P_Right)

               --  Right contains all the elements of Left

               and E_Elements_Included (E_Left, E_Right)

               --  Mappings from cursors to elements induced by E_Left, P_Left
               --  and E_Right, P_Right are the same.

               and (for all C of P_Left =>
                     E.Get (E_Left, P.Get (P_Left, C)) =
                     E.Get (E_Right, P.Get (P_Right, C))));

      function Mapping_Preserved_Except
        (E_Left   : E.Sequence;
         E_Right  : E.Sequence;
         P_Left   : P.Map;
         P_Right  : P.Map;
         Position : Cursor) return Boolean
        Global => null,
        Post   =>
          (if Mapping_Preserved_Except'Result then

             --  Right contains all the cursors of Left

             P.Keys_Included (P_Left, P_Right)

               --  Mappings from cursors to elements induced by E_Left, P_Left
               --  and E_Right, P_Right are the same except for Position.

               and (for all C of P_Left =>
                     (if C /= Position then
                        E.Get (E_Left, P.Get (P_Left, C)) =
                        E.Get (E_Right, P.Get (P_Right, C)))));

      function Model (Container : Set) return M.Set with
      --  The high-level model of a set is a set of elements. Neither cursors
      --  nor order of elements are represented in this model. Elements are
      --  modeled up to equivalence.

        Global => null,
        Post   => M.Length (Model'Result) = Length (Container);

      function Elements (Container : Set) return E.Sequence with
      --  The Elements sequence represents the underlying list structure of
      --  sets that is used for iteration. It stores the actual values of
      --  elements in the set. It does not model cursors.

        Global => null,
        Post   =>
          E.Length (Elements'Result) = Length (Container)

            --  It only contains keys contained in Model

            and (for all Item of Elements'Result =>
                   M.Contains (Model (Container), Item))

            --  It contains all the elements contained in Model

            and (for all Item of Model (Container) =>
                  (Find (Elements'Result, Item) > 0
                     and then Equivalent_Elements
                      (E.Get (Elements'Result, Find (Elements'Result, Item)),

            --  It is sorted in increasing order

            and (for all I in 1 .. Length (Container) =>
                  Find (Elements'Result, E.Get (Elements'Result, I)) = I
                      (Elements'Result, E.Get (Elements'Result, I), I));
      pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Iterable_For_Proof, "Model", Elements);

      function Positions (Container : Set) return P.Map with
      --  The Positions map is used to model cursors. It only contains valid
      --  cursors and maps them to their position in the container.

        Global => null,
        Post   =>
          not P.Has_Key (Positions'Result, No_Element)

            --  Positions of cursors are smaller than the container's length

            and then
              (for all I of Positions'Result =>
                P.Get (Positions'Result, I) in 1 .. Length (Container)

            --  No two cursors have the same position. Note that we do not
            --  state that there is a cursor in the map for each position, as
            --  it is rarely needed.

            and then
              (for all J of Positions'Result =>
                (if P.Get (Positions'Result, I) = P.Get (Positions'Result, J)
                  then I = J)));

      procedure Lift_Abstraction_Level (Container : Set) with
        --  Lift_Abstraction_Level is a ghost procedure that does nothing but
        --  assume that we can access the same elements by iterating over
        --  positions or cursors.
        --  This information is not generally useful except when switching from
        --  a low-level, cursor-aware view of a container, to a high-level,
        --  position-based view.

        Global => null,
        Post   =>
          (for all Item of Elements (Container) =>
            (for some I of Positions (Container) =>
              E.Get (Elements (Container), P.Get (Positions (Container), I)) =

      function Contains
        (C : M.Set;
         K : Element_Type) return Boolean renames M.Contains;
      --  To improve readability of contracts, we rename the function used to
      --  search for an element in the model to Contains.

   end Formal_Model;
   use Formal_Model;

   Empty_Set : constant Set;

   function "=" (Left, Right : Set) return Boolean with
     Global => null,
     Post   =>

       --  If two sets are equal, they contain the same elements in the same
       --  order.

       (if "="'Result then Elements (Left) = Elements (Right)

        --  If they are different, then they do not contain the same elements

           not E_Elements_Included (Elements (Left), Elements (Right))
              or not E_Elements_Included (Elements (Right), Elements (Left)));

   function Equivalent_Sets (Left, Right : Set) return Boolean with
     Global => null,
     Post   => Equivalent_Sets'Result = (Model (Left) = Model (Right));

   function To_Set (New_Item : Element_Type) return Set with
     Global => null,
     Post   =>
       M.Is_Singleton (Model (To_Set'Result), New_Item)
         and Length (To_Set'Result) = 1
         and E.Get (Elements (To_Set'Result), 1) = New_Item;

   function Is_Empty (Container : Set) return Boolean with
     Global => null,
     Post   => Is_Empty'Result = (Length (Container) = 0);

   procedure Clear (Container : in out Set) with
     Global => null,
     Post   => Length (Container) = 0 and M.Is_Empty (Model (Container));

   procedure Assign (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) with
     Global => null,
     Pre => Target.Capacity >= Length (Source),
     Post   =>
       Model (Target) = Model (Source)
         and Elements (Target) = Elements (Source)
         and Length (Target) = Length (Source);

   function Copy (Source : Set; Capacity : Count_Type := 0) return Set with
     Global => null,
     Pre    => Capacity = 0 or else Capacity >= Source.Capacity,
     Post   =>
       Model (Copy'Result) = Model (Source)
         and Elements (Copy'Result) = Elements (Source)
         and Positions (Copy'Result) = Positions (Source)
         and (if Capacity = 0 then
                 Copy'Result.Capacity = Source.Capacity
                 Copy'Result.Capacity = Capacity);

   function Element
     (Container : Set;
      Position  : Cursor) return Element_Type
     Global => null,
     Pre    => Has_Element (Container, Position),
     Post   =>
       Element'Result =
         E.Get (Elements (Container), P.Get (Positions (Container), Position));
   pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Inline_For_Proof, Element);

   procedure Replace_Element
     (Container : in out Set;
      Position  : Cursor;
      New_Item  : Element_Type)
     Global => null,
     Pre    => Has_Element (Container, Position),
     Post   =>
       Length (Container) = Length (Container)'Old

          --  Position now maps to New_Item

          and Element (Container, Position) = New_Item

          --  New_Item is contained in Container

          and Contains (Model (Container), New_Item)

          --  Other elements are preserved

          and M.Included_Except
                (Model (Container)'Old,
                 Model (Container),
                 Element (Container, Position)'Old)
          and M.Included_Except
                (Model (Container),
                 Model (Container)'Old,

          --  Mapping from cursors to elements is preserved

          and Mapping_Preserved_Except
                (E_Left   => Elements (Container)'Old,
                 E_Right  => Elements (Container),
                 P_Left   => Positions (Container)'Old,
                 P_Right  => Positions (Container),
                 Position => Position)
          and Positions (Container) = Positions (Container)'Old;

   procedure Move (Target : in out Set; Source : in out Set) with
     Global => null,
     Pre    => Target.Capacity >= Length (Source),
     Post   =>
       Model (Target) = Model (Source)'Old
         and Elements (Target) = Elements (Source)'Old
         and Length (Source)'Old = Length (Target)
         and Length (Source) = 0;

   procedure Insert
     (Container : in out Set;
      New_Item  : Element_Type;
      Position  : out Cursor;
      Inserted  : out Boolean)
     Global         => null,
     Pre            =>
       Length (Container) < Container.Capacity
         or Contains (Container, New_Item),
     Post           =>
       Contains (Container, New_Item)
         and Has_Element (Container, Position)
         and Equivalent_Elements (Element (Container, Position), New_Item)
         and E_Is_Find
               (Elements (Container),
                P.Get (Positions (Container), Position)),
     Contract_Cases =>

       --  If New_Item is already in Container, it is not modified and Inserted
       --  is set to False.

       (Contains (Container, New_Item) =>
          not Inserted
            and Model (Container) = Model (Container)'Old
            and Elements (Container) = Elements (Container)'Old
            and Positions (Container) = Positions (Container)'Old,

        --  Otherwise, New_Item is inserted in Container and Inserted is set to
        --  True

        others =>
            and Length (Container) = Length (Container)'Old + 1

            --  Position now maps to New_Item

            and Element (Container, Position) = New_Item

            --  Other elements are preserved

            and Model (Container)'Old <= Model (Container)
            and M.Included_Except
                  (Model (Container),
                   Model (Container)'Old,

            --  The elements of Container located before Position are preserved

            and E.Range_Equal
                  (Left  => Elements (Container)'Old,
                   Right => Elements (Container),
                   Fst   => 1,
                   Lst   => P.Get (Positions (Container), Position) - 1)

            --  Other elements are shifted by 1

            and E.Range_Shifted
                  (Left   => Elements (Container)'Old,
                   Right  => Elements (Container),
                   Fst    => P.Get (Positions (Container), Position),
                   Lst    => Length (Container)'Old,
                   Offset => 1)

            --  A new cursor has been inserted at position Position in
            --  Container.

            and P_Positions_Shifted
                  (Positions (Container)'Old,
                   Positions (Container),
                   Cut => P.Get (Positions (Container), Position)));

   procedure Insert
     (Container : in out Set;
      New_Item  : Element_Type)
     Global => null,
     Pre    =>
       Length (Container) < Container.Capacity
         and then (not Contains (Container, New_Item)),
     Post   =>
       Length (Container) = Length (Container)'Old + 1
         and Contains (Container, New_Item)

         --  New_Item is inserted in the set

         and E.Get (Elements (Container),
                    Find (Elements (Container), New_Item)) = New_Item

         --  Other mappings are preserved

         and Model (Container)'Old <= Model (Container)
         and M.Included_Except
               (Model (Container),
                Model (Container)'Old,

         --  The elements of Container located before New_Item are preserved

         and E.Range_Equal
               (Left  => Elements (Container)'Old,
                Right => Elements (Container),
                Fst   => 1,
                Lst   => Find (Elements (Container), New_Item) - 1)

         --  Other elements are shifted by 1

         and E.Range_Shifted
               (Left   => Elements (Container)'Old,
                Right  => Elements (Container),
                Fst    => Find (Elements (Container), New_Item),
                Lst    => Length (Container)'Old,
                Offset => 1)

         --  A new cursor has been inserted in Container

         and P_Positions_Shifted
               (Positions (Container)'Old,
                Positions (Container),
                Cut => Find (Elements (Container), New_Item));

   procedure Include
     (Container : in out Set;
      New_Item  : Element_Type)
     Global         => null,
     Pre            =>
       Length (Container) < Container.Capacity
         or Contains (Container, New_Item),
     Post           => Contains (Container, New_Item),
     Contract_Cases =>

       --  If New_Item is already in Container

       (Contains (Container, New_Item) =>

          --  Elements are preserved

          Model (Container)'Old = Model (Container)

            --  Cursors are preserved

            and Positions (Container) = Positions (Container)'Old

            --  The element equivalent to New_Item in Container is replaced by
            --  New_Item.

            and E.Get (Elements (Container),
                       Find (Elements (Container), New_Item)) = New_Item

            and E.Equal_Except
                  (Elements (Container)'Old,
                   Elements (Container),
                   Find (Elements (Container), New_Item)),

        --  Otherwise, New_Item is inserted in Container

        others =>
          Length (Container) = Length (Container)'Old + 1

            --  Other elements are preserved

            and Model (Container)'Old <= Model (Container)
            and M.Included_Except
                  (Model (Container),
                   Model (Container)'Old,

            --  New_Item is inserted in Container

            and E.Get (Elements (Container),
                       Find (Elements (Container), New_Item)) = New_Item

            --  The Elements of Container located before New_Item are preserved

            and E.Range_Equal
                  (Left  => Elements (Container)'Old,
                   Right => Elements (Container),
                   Fst   => 1,
                   Lst   => Find (Elements (Container), New_Item) - 1)

            --  Other Elements are shifted by 1

            and E.Range_Shifted
                  (Left   => Elements (Container)'Old,
                   Right  => Elements (Container),
                   Fst    => Find (Elements (Container), New_Item),
                   Lst    => Length (Container)'Old,
                   Offset => 1)

            --  A new cursor has been inserted in Container

            and P_Positions_Shifted
                  (Positions (Container)'Old,
                   Positions (Container),
                   Cut => Find (Elements (Container), New_Item)));

   procedure Replace
     (Container : in out Set;
      New_Item  : Element_Type)
     Global => null,
     Pre    => Contains (Container, New_Item),
     Post   =>

       --  Elements are preserved

       Model (Container)'Old = Model (Container)

         --  Cursors are preserved

         and Positions (Container) = Positions (Container)'Old

         --  The element equivalent to New_Item in Container is replaced by
         --  New_Item.

         and E.Get (Elements (Container),
                    Find (Elements (Container), New_Item)) = New_Item
         and E.Equal_Except
              (Elements (Container)'Old,
               Elements (Container),
               Find (Elements (Container), New_Item));

   procedure Exclude
     (Container : in out Set;
      Item      : Element_Type)
     Global         => null,
     Post           => not Contains (Container, Item),
     Contract_Cases =>

       --  If Item is not in Container, nothing is changed

       (not Contains (Container, Item) =>
          Model (Container) = Model (Container)'Old
            and Elements (Container) = Elements (Container)'Old
            and Positions (Container) = Positions (Container)'Old,

        --  Otherwise, Item is removed from Container

        others =>
          Length (Container) = Length (Container)'Old - 1

            --  Other elements are preserved

            and Model (Container) <= Model (Container)'Old
            and M.Included_Except
                  (Model (Container)'Old,
                   Model (Container),

            --  The elements of Container located before Item are preserved

            and E.Range_Equal
                  (Left  => Elements (Container)'Old,
                   Right => Elements (Container),
                   Fst   => 1,
                   Lst   => Find (Elements (Container), Item)'Old - 1)

            --  The elements located after Item are shifted by 1

            and E.Range_Shifted
                  (Left   => Elements (Container),
                   Right  => Elements (Container)'Old,
                   Fst    => Find (Elements (Container), Item)'Old,
                   Lst    => Length (Container),
                   Offset => 1)

            --  A cursor has been removed from Container

            and P_Positions_Shifted
                  (Positions (Container),
                   Positions (Container)'Old,
                   Cut   => Find (Elements (Container), Item)'Old));

   procedure Delete
     (Container : in out Set;
      Item      : Element_Type)
     Global => null,
     Pre    => Contains (Container, Item),
     Post   =>
       Length (Container) = Length (Container)'Old - 1

         --  Item is no longer in Container

         and not Contains (Container, Item)

         --  Other elements are preserved

         and Model (Container) <= Model (Container)'Old
         and M.Included_Except
               (Model (Container)'Old,
                Model (Container),

         --  The elements of Container located before Item are preserved

         and E.Range_Equal
               (Left  => Elements (Container)'Old,
                Right => Elements (Container),
                Fst   => 1,
                Lst   => Find (Elements (Container), Item)'Old - 1)

         --  The elements located after Item are shifted by 1

         and E.Range_Shifted
               (Left   => Elements (Container),
                Right  => Elements (Container)'Old,
                Fst    => Find (Elements (Container), Item)'Old,
                Lst    => Length (Container),
                Offset => 1)

         --  A cursor has been removed from Container

         and P_Positions_Shifted
               (Positions (Container),
                Positions (Container)'Old,
                Cut   => Find (Elements (Container), Item)'Old);

   procedure Delete
     (Container : in out Set;
      Position  : in out Cursor)
     Global => null,
     Pre    => Has_Element (Container, Position),
     Post   =>
       Position = No_Element
         and Length (Container) = Length (Container)'Old - 1

         --  The element at position Position is no longer in Container

         and not Contains (Container, Element (Container, Position)'Old)
         and not P.Has_Key (Positions (Container), Position'Old)

         --  Other elements are preserved

         and Model (Container) <= Model (Container)'Old
         and M.Included_Except
               (Model (Container)'Old,
                Model (Container),
                Element (Container, Position)'Old)

         --  The elements of Container located before Position are preserved.

         and E.Range_Equal
               (Left  => Elements (Container)'Old,
                Right => Elements (Container),
                Fst   => 1,
                Lst   => P.Get (Positions (Container)'Old, Position'Old) - 1)

         --  The elements located after Position are shifted by 1

         and E.Range_Shifted
               (Left   => Elements (Container),
                Right  => Elements (Container)'Old,
                Fst    => P.Get (Positions (Container)'Old, Position'Old),
                Lst    => Length (Container),
                Offset => 1)

         --  Position has been removed from Container

         and P_Positions_Shifted
               (Positions (Container),
                Positions (Container)'Old,
                Cut   => P.Get (Positions (Container)'Old, Position'Old));

   procedure Delete_First (Container : in out Set) with
     Global         => null,
     Contract_Cases =>
       (Length (Container) = 0 => Length (Container) = 0,
        others =>
          Length (Container) = Length (Container)'Old - 1

            --  The first element has been removed from Container

            and not Contains (Container, First_Element (Container)'Old)

            --  Other elements are preserved

            and Model (Container) <= Model (Container)'Old
            and M.Included_Except
                  (Model (Container)'Old,
                   Model (Container),
                   First_Element (Container)'Old)

            --  Other elements are shifted by 1

            and E.Range_Shifted
                  (Left   => Elements (Container),
                   Right  => Elements (Container)'Old,
                   Fst    => 1,
                   Lst    => Length (Container),
                   Offset => 1)

            --  First has been removed from Container

            and P_Positions_Shifted
                  (Positions (Container),
                   Positions (Container)'Old,
                   Cut   => 1));

   procedure Delete_Last (Container : in out Set) with
     Global         => null,
     Contract_Cases =>
       (Length (Container) = 0 => Length (Container) = 0,
        others =>
          Length (Container) = Length (Container)'Old - 1

            --  The last element has been removed from Container

            and not Contains (Container, Last_Element (Container)'Old)

            --  Other elements are preserved

            and Model (Container) <= Model (Container)'Old
            and M.Included_Except
                  (Model (Container)'Old,
                   Model (Container),
                   Last_Element (Container)'Old)

            --  Others elements of Container are preserved

            and E.Range_Equal
                  (Left  => Elements (Container)'Old,
                   Right => Elements (Container),
                   Fst   => 1,
                   Lst   => Length (Container))

            --  Last cursor has been removed from Container

            and Positions (Container) <= Positions (Container)'Old);

   procedure Union (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) with
     Global => null,
     Pre    =>
       Length (Source) - Length (Target and Source) <=
         Target.Capacity - Length (Target),
     Post   =>
       Length (Target) = Length (Target)'Old
         - M.Num_Overlaps (Model (Target)'Old, Model (Source))
         + Length (Source)

         --  Elements already in Target are still in Target

         and Model (Target)'Old <= Model (Target)

         --  Elements of Source are included in Target

         and Model (Source) <= Model (Target)

         --  Elements of Target come from either Source or Target

             (Model (Target), Model (Source), Model (Target)'Old)

         --  Actual value of elements come from either Left or Right

             (Elements (Target),
              Model (Target)'Old,
              Elements (Target)'Old,
              Elements (Source))
             (Elements (Target)'Old, Model (Target)'Old, Elements (Target))
             (Elements (Source),
              Model (Target)'Old,
              Elements (Source),
              Elements (Target))

         --  Mapping from cursors of Target to elements is preserved

         and Mapping_Preserved
               (E_Left  => Elements (Target)'Old,
                E_Right => Elements (Target),
                P_Left  => Positions (Target)'Old,
                P_Right => Positions (Target));

   function Union (Left, Right : Set) return Set with
     Global => null,
     Pre    => Length (Left) <= Count_Type'Last - Length (Right),
     Post   =>
       Length (Union'Result) = Length (Left)
         - M.Num_Overlaps (Model (Left), Model (Right))
         + Length (Right)

         --  Elements of Left and Right are in the result of Union

         and Model (Left) <= Model (Union'Result)
         and Model (Right) <= Model (Union'Result)

         --  Elements of the result of union come from either Left or Right

             (Model (Union'Result), Model (Left), Model (Right))

         --  Actual value of elements come from either Left or Right

             (Elements (Union'Result),
              Model (Left),
              Elements (Left),
              Elements (Right))
             (Elements (Left), Model (Left), Elements (Union'Result))
             (Elements (Right),
              Model (Left),
              Elements (Right),
              Elements (Union'Result));

   function "or" (Left, Right : Set) return Set renames Union;

   procedure Intersection (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) with
     Global => null,
     Post   =>
       Length (Target) =
         M.Num_Overlaps (Model (Target)'Old, Model (Source))

         --  Elements of Target were already in Target

         and Model (Target) <= Model (Target)'Old

         --  Elements of Target are in Source

         and Model (Target) <= Model (Source)

         --  Elements both in Source and Target are in the intersection

             (Model (Target), Model (Source), Model (Target)'Old)

         --  Actual value of elements of Target is preserved

         and E_Elements_Included (Elements (Target), Elements (Target)'Old)
             (Elements (Target)'Old, Model (Source), Elements (Target))

         --  Mapping from cursors of Target to elements is preserved

         and Mapping_Preserved
               (E_Left  => Elements (Target),
                E_Right => Elements (Target)'Old,
                P_Left  => Positions (Target),
                P_Right => Positions (Target)'Old);

   function Intersection (Left, Right : Set) return Set with
     Global => null,
     Post   =>
       Length (Intersection'Result) =
         M.Num_Overlaps (Model (Left), Model (Right))

         --  Elements in the result of Intersection are in Left and Right

         and Model (Intersection'Result) <= Model (Left)
         and Model (Intersection'Result) <= Model (Right)

         --  Elements both in Left and Right are in the result of Intersection

             (Model (Intersection'Result), Model (Left), Model (Right))

         --  Actual value of elements come from Left

             (Elements (Intersection'Result), Elements (Left))
             (Elements (Left), Model (Right), Elements (Intersection'Result));

   function "and" (Left, Right : Set) return Set renames Intersection;

   procedure Difference (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) with
     Global => null,
     Post   =>
       Length (Target) = Length (Target)'Old -
         M.Num_Overlaps (Model (Target)'Old, Model (Source))

         --  Elements of Target were already in Target

         and Model (Target) <= Model (Target)'Old

         --  Elements of Target are not in Source

         and M.No_Overlap (Model (Target), Model (Source))

         --  Elements in Target but not in Source are in the difference

             (Model (Target)'Old, Model (Target), Model (Source))

         --  Actual value of elements of Target is preserved

         and E_Elements_Included (Elements (Target), Elements (Target)'Old)
             (Elements (Target)'Old, Model (Target), Elements (Target))

         --  Mapping from cursors of Target to elements is preserved

         and Mapping_Preserved
               (E_Left  => Elements (Target),
                E_Right => Elements (Target)'Old,
                P_Left  => Positions (Target),
                P_Right => Positions (Target)'Old);

   function Difference (Left, Right : Set) return Set with
     Global => null,
     Post   =>
       Length (Difference'Result) = Length (Left) -
         M.Num_Overlaps (Model (Left), Model (Right))

         --  Elements of the result of Difference are in Left

         and Model (Difference'Result) <= Model (Left)

         --  Elements of the result of Difference are in Right

         and M.No_Overlap (Model (Difference'Result), Model (Right))

         --  Elements in Left but not in Right are in the difference

             (Model (Left), Model (Difference'Result), Model (Right))

         --  Actual value of elements come from Left

           E_Elements_Included (Elements (Difference'Result), Elements (Left))
             (Elements (Left),
              Model (Difference'Result),
              Elements (Difference'Result));

   function "-" (Left, Right : Set) return Set renames Difference;

   procedure Symmetric_Difference (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) with
     Global => null,
     Pre    =>
       Length (Source) - Length (Target and Source) <=
         Target.Capacity - Length (Target) + Length (Target and Source),
     Post   =>
       Length (Target) = Length (Target)'Old -
         2 * M.Num_Overlaps (Model (Target)'Old, Model (Source)) +
         Length (Source)

         --  Elements of the difference were not both in Source and in Target

         and M.Not_In_Both (Model (Target), Model (Target)'Old, Model (Source))

         --  Elements in Target but not in Source are in the difference

             (Model (Target)'Old, Model (Target), Model (Source))

         --  Elements in Source but not in Target are in the difference

             (Model (Source), Model (Target), Model (Target)'Old)

         --  Actual value of elements come from either Left or Right

             (Elements (Target),
              Model (Target)'Old,
              Elements (Target)'Old,
              Elements (Source))
             (Elements (Target)'Old, Model (Target), Elements (Target))
             (Elements (Source), Model (Target), Elements (Target));

   function Symmetric_Difference (Left, Right : Set) return Set with
     Global => null,
     Pre    => Length (Left) <= Count_Type'Last - Length (Right),
     Post   =>
       Length (Symmetric_Difference'Result) = Length (Left) -
         2 * M.Num_Overlaps (Model (Left), Model (Right)) +
         Length (Right)

         --  Elements of the difference were not both in Left and Right

             (Model (Symmetric_Difference'Result), Model (Left), Model (Right))

         --  Elements in Left but not in Right are in the difference

             (Model (Left), Model (Symmetric_Difference'Result), Model (Right))

         --  Elements in Right but not in Left are in the difference

             (Model (Right), Model (Symmetric_Difference'Result), Model (Left))

         --  Actual value of elements come from either Left or Right

             (Elements (Symmetric_Difference'Result),
              Model (Left),
              Elements (Left),
              Elements (Right))
             (Elements (Left),
              Model (Symmetric_Difference'Result),
              Elements (Symmetric_Difference'Result))
             (Elements (Right),
              Model (Symmetric_Difference'Result),
              Elements (Symmetric_Difference'Result));

   function "xor" (Left, Right : Set) return Set
     renames Symmetric_Difference;

   function Overlap (Left, Right : Set) return Boolean with
     Global => null,
     Post   =>
       Overlap'Result = not (M.No_Overlap (Model (Left), Model (Right)));

   function Is_Subset (Subset : Set; Of_Set : Set) return Boolean with
     Global => null,
     Post   => Is_Subset'Result = (Model (Subset) <= Model (Of_Set));

   function First (Container : Set) return Cursor with
     Global         => null,
     Contract_Cases =>
       (Length (Container) = 0 =>
          First'Result = No_Element,

        others =>
          Has_Element (Container, First'Result)
            and P.Get (Positions (Container), First'Result) = 1);

   function First_Element (Container : Set) return Element_Type with
     Global => null,
     Pre    => not Is_Empty (Container),
     Post   =>
       First_Element'Result = E.Get (Elements (Container), 1)
         and E_Smaller_Than_Range
               (Elements (Container),
                Length (Container),

   function Last (Container : Set) return Cursor with
     Global         => null,
     Contract_Cases =>
       (Length (Container) = 0 =>
          Last'Result = No_Element,

        others =>
          Has_Element (Container, Last'Result)
            and P.Get (Positions (Container), Last'Result) =
                  Length (Container));

   function Last_Element (Container : Set) return Element_Type with
     Global => null,
     Pre    => not Is_Empty (Container),
     Post   =>
       Last_Element'Result = E.Get (Elements (Container), Length (Container))
         and E_Bigger_Than_Range
               (Elements (Container),
                Length (Container) - 1,

   function Next (Container : Set; Position : Cursor) return Cursor with
     Global         => null,
     Pre            =>
       Has_Element (Container, Position) or else Position = No_Element,
     Contract_Cases =>
       (Position = No_Element
          or else P.Get (Positions (Container), Position) = Length (Container)
          Next'Result = No_Element,

        others =>
          Has_Element (Container, Next'Result)
            and then P.Get (Positions (Container), Next'Result) =
                     P.Get (Positions (Container), Position) + 1);

   procedure Next (Container : Set; Position : in out Cursor) with
     Global         => null,
     Pre            =>
       Has_Element (Container, Position) or else Position = No_Element,
     Contract_Cases =>
       (Position = No_Element
          or else P.Get (Positions (Container), Position) = Length (Container)
          Position = No_Element,

        others =>
          Has_Element (Container, Position)
            and then P.Get (Positions (Container), Position) =
                     P.Get (Positions (Container), Position'Old) + 1);

   function Previous (Container : Set; Position : Cursor) return Cursor with
     Global         => null,
     Pre            =>
       Has_Element (Container, Position) or else Position = No_Element,
     Contract_Cases =>
       (Position = No_Element
          or else P.Get (Positions (Container), Position) = 1
          Previous'Result = No_Element,

        others =>
          Has_Element (Container, Previous'Result)
            and then P.Get (Positions (Container), Previous'Result) =
                     P.Get (Positions (Container), Position) - 1);

   procedure Previous (Container : Set; Position : in out Cursor) with
     Global         => null,
     Pre            =>
       Has_Element (Container, Position) or else Position = No_Element,
     Contract_Cases =>
       (Position = No_Element
          or else P.Get (Positions (Container), Position) = 1
          Position = No_Element,

        others =>
          Has_Element (Container, Position)
            and then P.Get (Positions (Container), Position) =
                     P.Get (Positions (Container), Position'Old) - 1);

   function Find (Container : Set; Item : Element_Type) return Cursor with
     Global         => null,
     Contract_Cases =>

       --  If Item is not contained in Container, Find returns No_Element

       (not Contains (Model (Container), Item) =>
          not P.Has_Key (Positions (Container), Find'Result)
            and Find'Result = No_Element,

        --  Otherwise, Find returns a valid cursor in Container

        others =>
          P.Has_Key (Positions (Container), Find'Result)
            and P.Get (Positions (Container), Find'Result) =
                Find (Elements (Container), Item)

            --  The element designated by the result of Find is Item

            and Equivalent_Elements
                  (Element (Container, Find'Result), Item));

   function Floor (Container : Set; Item : Element_Type) return Cursor with
     Global         => null,
     Contract_Cases =>
       (Length (Container) = 0 or else Item < First_Element (Container) =>
          Floor'Result = No_Element,
        others =>
          Has_Element (Container, Floor'Result)
              not (Item < E.Get (Elements (Container),
                                 P.Get (Positions (Container), Floor'Result)))
            and E_Is_Find
                  (Elements (Container),
                   P.Get (Positions (Container), Floor'Result)));

   function Ceiling (Container : Set; Item : Element_Type) return Cursor with
     Global         => null,
     Contract_Cases =>
       (Length (Container) = 0 or else Last_Element (Container) < Item =>
          Ceiling'Result = No_Element,
        others =>
          Has_Element (Container, Ceiling'Result)
              not (E.Get (Elements (Container),
                          P.Get (Positions (Container), Ceiling'Result)) <
            and E_Is_Find
                  (Elements (Container),
                   P.Get (Positions (Container), Ceiling'Result)));

   function Contains (Container : Set; Item : Element_Type) return Boolean with
     Global => null,
     Post   => Contains'Result = Contains (Model (Container), Item);
   pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Inline_For_Proof, Contains);

   function Has_Element (Container : Set; Position : Cursor) return Boolean
     Global => null,
     Post   =>
       Has_Element'Result = P.Has_Key (Positions (Container), Position);
   pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Inline_For_Proof, Has_Element);

      type Key_Type (<>) is private;

      with function Key (Element : Element_Type) return Key_Type;

      with function "<" (Left, Right : Key_Type) return Boolean is <>;

   package Generic_Keys with SPARK_Mode is

      function Equivalent_Keys (Left, Right : Key_Type) return Boolean with
        Global => null,
        Post   =>
          Equivalent_Keys'Result = (not (Left < Right) and not (Right < Left));
      pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Inline_For_Proof, Equivalent_Keys);

      package Formal_Model with Ghost is
         function E_Bigger_Than_Range
           (Container : E.Sequence;
            Fst       : Positive_Count_Type;
            Lst       : Count_Type;
            Key       : Key_Type) return Boolean
           Global => null,
           Pre    => Lst <= E.Length (Container),
           Post   =>
             E_Bigger_Than_Range'Result =
               (for all I in Fst .. Lst =>
                  Generic_Keys.Key (E.Get (Container, I)) < Key);
         pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Inline_For_Proof, E_Bigger_Than_Range);

         function E_Smaller_Than_Range
           (Container : E.Sequence;
            Fst       : Positive_Count_Type;
            Lst       : Count_Type;
            Key       : Key_Type) return Boolean
           Global => null,
           Pre    => Lst <= E.Length (Container),
           Post   =>
             E_Smaller_Than_Range'Result =
               (for all I in Fst .. Lst =>
                  Key < Generic_Keys.Key (E.Get (Container, I)));
         pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Inline_For_Proof, E_Smaller_Than_Range);

         function E_Is_Find
           (Container : E.Sequence;
            Key       : Key_Type;
            Position  : Count_Type) return Boolean
           Global => null,
           Pre    => Position - 1 <= E.Length (Container),
           Post   =>
             E_Is_Find'Result =

               ((if Position > 0 then
                   E_Bigger_Than_Range (Container, 1, Position - 1, Key))

                     and (if Position < E.Length (Container) then
                           Position + 1,
                           E.Length (Container),
         pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Inline_For_Proof, E_Is_Find);

         function Find
           (Container : E.Sequence;
            Key       : Key_Type) return Count_Type
         --  Search for Key in Container

             Global                  => null,
             Post                    =>
               (if Find'Result > 0 then
                  Find'Result <= E.Length (Container)
                    and Equivalent_Keys
                      (Key, Generic_Keys.Key (E.Get (Container, Find'Result)))
                    and E_Is_Find (Container, Key, Find'Result));

         function M_Included_Except
           (Left  : M.Set;
            Right : M.Set;
            Key   : Key_Type) return Boolean
             Global                  => null,
             Post                    =>
               M_Included_Except'Result =
                 (for all E of Left =>
                    Contains (Right, E)
                      or Equivalent_Keys (Generic_Keys.Key (E), Key));
      end Formal_Model;
      use Formal_Model;

      function Key (Container : Set; Position : Cursor) return Key_Type with
        Global => null,
        Post   => Key'Result = Key (Element (Container, Position));
      pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Inline_For_Proof, Key);

      function Element (Container : Set; Key : Key_Type) return Element_Type
        Global => null,
        Pre    => Contains (Container, Key),
        Post   =>
          Element'Result = Element (Container, Find (Container, Key));
      pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Inline_For_Proof, Element);

      procedure Replace
        (Container : in out Set;
         Key       : Key_Type;
         New_Item  : Element_Type)
        Global => null,
        Pre    => Contains (Container, Key),
        Post   =>
          Length (Container) = Length (Container)'Old

             --  Key now maps to New_Item

             and Element (Container, Key) = New_Item

             --  New_Item is contained in Container

             and Contains (Model (Container), New_Item)

             --  Other elements are preserved

             and M_Included_Except
                   (Model (Container)'Old,
                    Model (Container),
             and M.Included_Except
                   (Model (Container),
                    Model (Container)'Old,

             --  Mapping from cursors to elements is preserved

             and Mapping_Preserved_Except
                   (E_Left   => Elements (Container)'Old,
                    E_Right  => Elements (Container),
                    P_Left   => Positions (Container)'Old,
                    P_Right  => Positions (Container),
                    Position => Find (Container, Key))
             and Positions (Container) = Positions (Container)'Old;

      procedure Exclude (Container : in out Set; Key : Key_Type) with
        Global         => null,
        Post           => not Contains (Container, Key),
        Contract_Cases =>

          --  If Key is not in Container, nothing is changed

          (not Contains (Container, Key) =>
             Model (Container) = Model (Container)'Old
               and Elements (Container) = Elements (Container)'Old
               and Positions (Container) = Positions (Container)'Old,

           --  Otherwise, Key is removed from Container

           others =>
             Length (Container) = Length (Container)'Old - 1

               --  Other elements are preserved

               and Model (Container) <= Model (Container)'Old
               and M_Included_Except
                     (Model (Container)'Old,
                      Model (Container),

               --  The elements of Container located before Key are preserved

               and E.Range_Equal
                     (Left  => Elements (Container)'Old,
                      Right => Elements (Container),
                      Fst   => 1,
                      Lst   => Find (Elements (Container), Key)'Old - 1)

               --  The elements located after Key are shifted by 1

               and E.Range_Shifted
                     (Left   => Elements (Container),
                      Right  => Elements (Container)'Old,
                      Fst    => Find (Elements (Container), Key)'Old,
                      Lst    => Length (Container),
                      Offset => 1)

               --  A cursor has been removed from Container

               and P_Positions_Shifted
                     (Positions (Container),
                      Positions (Container)'Old,
                      Cut   => Find (Elements (Container), Key)'Old));

      procedure Delete (Container : in out Set; Key : Key_Type) with
        Global => null,
        Pre    => Contains (Container, Key),
        Post   =>
          Length (Container) = Length (Container)'Old - 1

            --  Key is no longer in Container

            and not Contains (Container, Key)

            --  Other elements are preserved

            and Model (Container) <= Model (Container)'Old
            and M_Included_Except
                  (Model (Container)'Old,
                   Model (Container),

            --  The elements of Container located before Key are preserved

            and E.Range_Equal
                  (Left  => Elements (Container)'Old,
                   Right => Elements (Container),
                   Fst   => 1,
                   Lst   => Find (Elements (Container), Key)'Old - 1)

            --  The elements located after Key are shifted by 1

            and E.Range_Shifted
                  (Left   => Elements (Container),
                   Right  => Elements (Container)'Old,
                   Fst    => Find (Elements (Container), Key)'Old,
                   Lst    => Length (Container),
                   Offset => 1)

            --  A cursor has been removed from Container

            and P_Positions_Shifted
                  (Positions (Container),
                   Positions (Container)'Old,
                   Cut   => Find (Elements (Container), Key)'Old);

      function Find (Container : Set; Key : Key_Type) return Cursor with
        Global         => null,
        Contract_Cases =>

          --  If Key is not contained in Container, Find returns No_Element

          ((for all E of Model (Container) =>
               not Equivalent_Keys (Key, Generic_Keys.Key (E))) =>
             not P.Has_Key (Positions (Container), Find'Result)
               and Find'Result = No_Element,

           --  Otherwise, Find returns a valid cursor in Container

           others =>
             P.Has_Key (Positions (Container), Find'Result)
               and P.Get (Positions (Container), Find'Result) =
                   Find (Elements (Container), Key)

               --  The element designated by the result of Find is Key

               and Equivalent_Keys
                  (Generic_Keys.Key (Element (Container, Find'Result)), Key));

      function Floor (Container : Set; Key : Key_Type) return Cursor with
        Global         => null,
        Contract_Cases =>
          (Length (Container) = 0
             or else Key < Generic_Keys.Key (First_Element (Container)) =>
             Floor'Result = No_Element,
           others =>
              Has_Element (Container, Floor'Result)
                 not (Key <
                       (E.Get (Elements (Container),
                               P.Get (Positions (Container), Floor'Result))))
               and E_Is_Find
                     (Elements (Container),
                      P.Get (Positions (Container), Floor'Result)));

      function Ceiling (Container : Set; Key : Key_Type) return Cursor with
        Global         => null,
        Contract_Cases =>
          (Length (Container) = 0
             or else Generic_Keys.Key (Last_Element (Container)) < Key =>
             Ceiling'Result = No_Element,
           others =>
             Has_Element (Container, Ceiling'Result)
                 not (Generic_Keys.Key
                       (E.Get (Elements (Container),
                               P.Get (Positions (Container), Ceiling'Result)))
                      < Key)
               and E_Is_Find
                     (Elements (Container),
                      P.Get (Positions (Container), Ceiling'Result)));

      function Contains (Container : Set; Key : Key_Type) return Boolean with
        Global => null,
        Post   =>
          Contains'Result =
            (for some E of Model (Container) =>
                Equivalent_Keys (Key, Generic_Keys.Key (E)));

   end Generic_Keys;

   pragma SPARK_Mode (Off);

   pragma Inline (Next);
   pragma Inline (Previous);

   type Node_Type is record
      Has_Element : Boolean := False;
      Parent  : Count_Type := 0;
      Left    : Count_Type := 0;
      Right   : Count_Type := 0;
      Color   : Red_Black_Trees.Color_Type;
      Element : Element_Type;
   end record;

   package Tree_Types is
     new Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Bounded_Tree_Types (Node_Type);

   type Set (Capacity : Count_Type) is
     new Tree_Types.Tree_Type (Capacity) with null record;

   use Red_Black_Trees;

   Empty_Set : constant Set := (Capacity => 0, others => <>);

end Ada.Containers.Formal_Ordered_Sets;