view gcc/ada/seh_init.c @ 145:1830386684a0

author anatofuz
date Thu, 13 Feb 2020 11:34:05 +0900
parents 84e7813d76e9
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line source

 *                                                                          *
 *                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         *
 *                                                                          *
 *                              S E H - I N I T                             *
 *                                                                          *
 *                          C Implementation File                           *
 *                                                                          *
 *           Copyright (C) 2005-2019, Free Software Foundation, Inc.        *
 *                                                                          *
 * GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under *
 * terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- *
 * ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- *
 * sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- *
 * OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     *
 *                                                                          *
 * As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted *
 * additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   *
 * version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               *
 *                                                                          *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    *
 * a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     *
 * see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    *
 * <>.                                          *
 *                                                                          *
 * GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. *
 * Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      *
 *                                                                          *

/*  This unit contains support for SEH (Structured Exception Handling).
    Right now the only implementation is for Win32 and Cygwin.  */

#if defined (_WIN32) || (defined (__CYGWIN__) && defined (__SEH__))
/* Include system headers, before system.h poisons malloc.  */
#include <windows.h>
#include <excpt.h>

#ifdef IN_RTS

#include "runtime.h"

/* We don't have libiberty, so use malloc.  */
#define xmalloc(S) malloc (S)

#include "config.h"
#include "system.h"

#include "raise.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* Addresses of exception data blocks for predefined exceptions. */
extern struct Exception_Data constraint_error;
extern struct Exception_Data numeric_error;
extern struct Exception_Data program_error;
extern struct Exception_Data storage_error;
extern struct Exception_Data tasking_error;
extern struct Exception_Data _abort_signal;

#define Raise_From_Signal_Handler ada__exceptions__raise_from_signal_handler
extern void Raise_From_Signal_Handler (struct Exception_Data *, const char *)

#if defined (_WIN32) || (defined (__CYGWIN__) && defined (__SEH__))

/* Prototypes.  */
extern void _global_unwind2 (void *);

EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION __gnat_SEH_error_handler
(struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD*, void*, struct _CONTEXT*, void*) ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN;

struct Exception_Data *
__gnat_map_SEH (EXCEPTION_RECORD* ExceptionRecord, const char **msg);

/* Convert an SEH exception to an Ada one.  Return the exception ID and set
   MSG to the corresponding message.  */

struct Exception_Data *
__gnat_map_SEH (EXCEPTION_RECORD* ExceptionRecord, const char **msg)
  switch (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode)
      /* If the failing address isn't maximally aligned or if the page before
	 the faulting page is not accessible, this is a program error.  */
      if ((ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1] & 3) != 0
	  || IsBadCodePtr
	     ((FARPROC)(ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1] + 4096)))
	  return &program_error;
	  /* Otherwise this is a stack overflow.  */
	  *msg = "stack overflow or erroneous memory access";
	  return &storage_error;

      return &constraint_error;

      return &constraint_error;

      return &constraint_error;

      return &constraint_error;

      return &constraint_error;

      return &constraint_error;

      return &program_error;

      return &constraint_error;

      return &constraint_error;

      return &constraint_error;

      return &program_error;

      return &program_error;

      return &program_error;

      return &program_error;

      return &storage_error;

      *msg = NULL;
      return NULL;

#if !(defined (_WIN64) && defined (__SEH__))

/* The "fake" exception handler to be associated with the .text section.  */

__gnat_SEH_error_handler (struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD* ExceptionRecord,
			  void *EstablisherFrame ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
			  struct _CONTEXT* ContextRecord ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
			  void *DispatcherContext ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
  struct Exception_Data *exception;
  const char *msg;

  exception = __gnat_map_SEH (ExceptionRecord, &msg);

  if (exception == NULL)
      exception = &program_error;
      msg = "unhandled signal";

#if !defined (_WIN64)
  /* This call is important as it avoids locking the second time we catch a
     signal; it's equivalent to RtlUnwind (EstablisherFrame, NULL, NULL, 0);
     Note that this routine is documented as internal to Windows and should
     not be used.  */
  _global_unwind2 (EstablisherFrame);

  Raise_From_Signal_Handler (exception, msg);

#endif /* !(defined (_WIN64) && defined (__SEH__)) */

#if defined (_WIN64)

/*  On x86-64/Windows the EH mechanism is no more based on a chained list of
    handlers addresses on the stack.  Instead unwinding information is used
    to retrieve the exception handler (similar to DWARF2 unwinding).  So in
    order to register an exception handler, we need to put in the binary
    some unwinding information.  This information can be present statically
    in the image file inside the .pdata section or registered through the
    RtlAddFunctionTable API.  In the case where the GCC toolchain does not
    generate the .pdata information for each function, we don't really need
    to handle SEH exceptions except for signal handling, so we register a
    "fake" unwinding data that associates a SEH exception handler with the
    complete .text section.  As we never return from the handler, the system
    does not try to do the final unwinding using the .pdata information and
    the unwinding is handled by the runtime using the GNAT or GCC mechanism.

    Solutions based on SetUnhandledExceptionFilter have been discarded as this
    function is mostly disabled on latest Windows versions.

    Using AddVectoredExceptionHandler should also be discarded as it overrides
    all SEH exception handlers that might be present in the program itself and
    the loaded DLL; for example it results in unexpected behavior in the Win32
    subsystem.  */

#ifndef __SEH__

  /* Do not use this trick when GCC generates the .pdata information, since it
     is not necessary and will conflict with the per-function data.  */
 " .section .rdata, \"dr\"\n"
 " .align 4\n"
 " .byte 9\n" /* UNW_FLAG_EHANDLER | UNW_VERSION */
 " .byte 0\n" /* Prologue size.  */
 " .byte 0\n" /* Count of unwind code.  */
 " .byte 0\n" /* Frame register and offset.  */
 " .rva __gnat_SEH_error_handler\n"
 " .section .pdata, \"dr\"\n"
 " .align 4\n"
 " .long 0\n" /* ImageBase */
 " .rva etext\n"
 " .rva unwind_info\n"
 " .text\n"

#endif /* __SEH__ */

/* Nothing to do, the handler is either not used or statically installed by
   the asm statement just above.  */
void __gnat_install_SEH_handler (void *eh ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)

#else /* defined (_WIN64) */

/*  Install the Win32 SEH exception handler.  Note that the caller must have
    allocated 8 bytes on the stack and pass the pointer to this stack space.
    This is needed as the SEH exception handler must be on the stack of the

       int buf[2];

       __gnat_install_SEH_handler ((void*)buf);


   This call must be done before calling the main procedure or the thread
   entry.  The stack space must exist during the entire main run.  */

__gnat_install_SEH_handler (void *ER)
  int *ptr;

  /* Put current handler in PTR.  */
  asm ("mov %%fs:(0),%0" : "=r" (ptr));

  ((int *)ER)[0] = (int)ptr;                       /* previous handler */
  ((int *)ER)[1] = (int)__gnat_SEH_error_handler;  /* new handler */

  /* ER is the new handler, set fs:(0) to this value.  */
  asm volatile ("mov %0,%%fs:(0)": : "r" (ER));


#else /* defined (_WIN32) */

/* For all non-Windows targets we provide a dummy SEH install handler.  */
void __gnat_install_SEH_handler (void *eh ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)


#ifdef __cplusplus