view libphobos/src/std/conv.d @ 145:1830386684a0

author anatofuz
date Thu, 13 Feb 2020 11:34:05 +0900
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// Written in the D programming language.

A one-stop shop for converting values from one type to another.

$(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;)
$(TR $(TH Category) $(TH Functions))
$(TR $(TD Generic) $(TD
        $(LREF asOriginalType)
        $(LREF castFrom)
        $(LREF emplace)
        $(LREF parse)
        $(LREF to)
        $(LREF toChars)
$(TR $(TD Strings) $(TD
        $(LREF text)
        $(LREF wtext)
        $(LREF dtext)
        $(LREF hexString)
$(TR $(TD Numeric) $(TD
        $(LREF octal)
        $(LREF roundTo)
        $(LREF signed)
        $(LREF unsigned)
$(TR $(TD Exceptions) $(TD
        $(LREF ConvException)
        $(LREF ConvOverflowException)

Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2007-.

License:   $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0).

Authors:   $(HTTP, Walter Bright),
           $(HTTP, Andrei Alexandrescu),
           Shin Fujishiro,
           Adam D. Ruppe,
           Kenji Hara

Source:    $(PHOBOSSRC std/_conv.d)

module std.conv;

public import std.ascii : LetterCase;

import std.meta;
import std.range.primitives;
import std.traits;

// Same as std.string.format, but "self-importing".
// Helps reduce code and imports, particularly in static asserts.
// Also helps with missing imports errors.
package template convFormat()
    import std.format : format;
    alias convFormat = format;

/* ************* Exceptions *************** */

 * Thrown on conversion errors.
class ConvException : Exception
    import std.exception : basicExceptionCtors;
    mixin basicExceptionCtors;

private auto convError(S, T)(S source, string fn = __FILE__, size_t ln = __LINE__)
    string msg;

    if (source.empty)
        msg = "Unexpected end of input when converting from type " ~ S.stringof ~ " to type " ~ T.stringof;
        ElementType!S el = source.front;

        if (el == '\n')
            msg = text("Unexpected '\\n' when converting from type " ~ S.stringof ~ " to type " ~ T.stringof);
            msg =  text("Unexpected '", el,
                 "' when converting from type " ~ S.stringof ~ " to type " ~ T.stringof);

    return new ConvException(msg, fn, ln);

private auto convError(S, T)(S source, int radix, string fn = __FILE__, size_t ln = __LINE__)
    string msg;

    if (source.empty)
        msg = text("Unexpected end of input when converting from type " ~ S.stringof ~ " base ", radix,
                " to type " ~ T.stringof);
        msg = text("Unexpected '", source.front,
            "' when converting from type " ~ S.stringof ~ " base ", radix,
            " to type " ~ T.stringof);

    return new ConvException(msg, fn, ln);

@safe pure/* nothrow*/  // lazy parameter bug
private auto parseError(lazy string msg, string fn = __FILE__, size_t ln = __LINE__)
    return new ConvException(text("Can't parse string: ", msg), fn, ln);

private void parseCheck(alias source)(dchar c, string fn = __FILE__, size_t ln = __LINE__)
    if (source.empty)
        throw parseError(text("unexpected end of input when expecting", "\"", c, "\""));
    if (source.front != c)
        throw parseError(text("\"", c, "\" is missing"), fn, ln);

    T toStr(T, S)(S src)
    if (isSomeString!T)
        // workaround for Bugzilla 14198
        static if (is(S == bool) && is(typeof({ T s = "string"; })))
            return src ? "true" : "false";
            import std.array : appender;
            import std.format : FormatSpec, formatValue;

            auto w = appender!T();
            FormatSpec!(ElementEncodingType!T) f;
            formatValue(w, src, f);

    template isExactSomeString(T)
        enum isExactSomeString = isSomeString!T && !is(T == enum);

    template isEnumStrToStr(S, T)
        enum isEnumStrToStr = isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, T) &&
                              is(S == enum) && isExactSomeString!T;
    template isNullToStr(S, T)
        enum isNullToStr = isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, T) &&
                           (is(Unqual!S == typeof(null))) && isExactSomeString!T;

 * Thrown on conversion overflow errors.
class ConvOverflowException : ConvException
    @safe pure nothrow
    this(string s, string fn = __FILE__, size_t ln = __LINE__)
        super(s, fn, ln);

The `to` template converts a value from one type _to another.
The source type is deduced and the target type must be specified, for example the
expression `to!int(42.0)` converts the number 42 from
`double` _to `int`. The conversion is "safe", i.e.,
it checks for overflow; `to!int(4.2e10)` would throw the
`ConvOverflowException` exception. Overflow checks are only
inserted when necessary, e.g., `to!double(42)` does not do
any checking because any `int` fits in a `double`.

Conversions from string _to numeric types differ from the C equivalents
`atoi()` and `atol()` by checking for overflow and not allowing whitespace.

For conversion of strings _to signed types, the grammar recognized is:
$(PRE $(I Integer): $(I Sign UnsignedInteger)
$(I UnsignedInteger)
$(I Sign):
    $(B +)
    $(B -))

For conversion _to unsigned types, the grammar recognized is:
$(PRE $(I UnsignedInteger):
    $(I DecimalDigit)
    $(I DecimalDigit) $(I UnsignedInteger))
template to(T)
    T to(A...)(A args)
        if (A.length > 0)
        return toImpl!T(args);

    // Fix issue 6175
    T to(S)(ref S arg)
        if (isStaticArray!S)
        return toImpl!T(arg);

    // Fix issue 16108
    T to(S)(ref S arg)
        if (isAggregateType!S && !isCopyable!S)
        return toImpl!T(arg);

 * Converting a value _to its own type (useful mostly for generic code)
 * simply returns its argument.
@safe pure unittest
    int a = 42;
    int b = to!int(a);
    double c = to!double(3.14); // c is double with value 3.14

 * Converting among numeric types is a safe way _to cast them around.
 * Conversions from floating-point types _to integral types allow loss of
 * precision (the fractional part of a floating-point number). The
 * conversion is truncating towards zero, the same way a cast would
 * truncate. (_To round a floating point value when casting _to an
 * integral, use `roundTo`.)
@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception : assertThrown;

    int a = 420;
    assert(to!long(a) == a);

    assert(to!int(4.2e6) == 4200000);
    assert(to!uint(3.14) == 3);
    assert(to!uint(3.99) == 3);
    assert(to!int(-3.99) == -3);

 * When converting strings _to numeric types, note that the D hexadecimal and binary
 * literals are not handled. Neither the prefixes that indicate the base, nor the
 * horizontal bar used _to separate groups of digits are recognized. This also
 * applies to the suffixes that indicate the type.
 * _To work around this, you can specify a radix for conversions involving numbers.
@safe pure unittest
    auto str = to!string(42, 16);
    assert(str == "2A");
    auto i = to!int(str, 16);
    assert(i == 42);

 * Conversions from integral types _to floating-point types always
 * succeed, but might lose accuracy. The largest integers with a
 * predecessor representable in floating-point format are `2^24-1` for
 * `float`, `2^53-1` for `double`, and `2^64-1` for `real` (when
 * `real` is 80-bit, e.g. on Intel machines).
@safe pure unittest
    // 2^24 - 1, largest proper integer representable as float
    int a = 16_777_215;
    assert(to!int(to!float(a)) == a);
    assert(to!int(to!float(-a)) == -a);

 * Converting an array _to another array type works by converting each
 * element in turn. Associative arrays can be converted _to associative
 * arrays as long as keys and values can in turn be converted.
@safe pure unittest
    import std.string : split;

    int[] a = [1, 2, 3];
    auto b = to!(float[])(a);
    assert(b == [1.0f, 2, 3]);
    string str = "1 2 3 4 5 6";
    auto numbers = to!(double[])(split(str));
    assert(numbers == [1.0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
    int[string] c;
    c["a"] = 1;
    c["b"] = 2;
    auto d = to!(double[wstring])(c);
    assert(d["a"w] == 1 && d["b"w] == 2);

 * Conversions operate transitively, meaning that they work on arrays and
 * associative arrays of any complexity.
 * This conversion works because `to!short` applies _to an `int`, `to!wstring`
 * applies _to a `string`, `to!string` applies _to a `double`, and
 * `to!(double[])` applies _to an `int[]`. The conversion might throw an
 * exception because `to!short` might fail the range check.
@safe unittest
    int[string][double[int[]]] a;
    auto b = to!(short[wstring][string[double[]]])(a);

 * Object-to-object conversions by dynamic casting throw exception when
 * the source is non-null and the target is null.
@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception : assertThrown;
    // Testing object conversions
    class A {}
    class B : A {}
    class C : A {}
    A a1 = new A, a2 = new B, a3 = new C;
    assert(to!B(a2) is a2);
    assert(to!C(a3) is a3);

 * Stringize conversion from all types is supported.
 * $(UL
 *   $(LI String _to string conversion works for any two string types having
 *        ($(D char), $(D wchar), $(D dchar)) character widths and any
 *        combination of qualifiers (mutable, $(D const), or $(D immutable)).)
 *   $(LI Converts array (other than strings) _to string.
 *        Each element is converted by calling $(D to!T).)
 *   $(LI Associative array _to string conversion.
 *        Each element is printed by calling $(D to!T).)
 *   $(LI Object _to string conversion calls $(D toString) against the object or
 *        returns $(D "null") if the object is null.)
 *   $(LI Struct _to string conversion calls $(D toString) against the struct if
 *        it is defined.)
 *   $(LI For structs that do not define $(D toString), the conversion _to string
 *        produces the list of fields.)
 *   $(LI Enumerated types are converted _to strings as their symbolic names.)
 *   $(LI Boolean values are printed as $(D "true") or $(D "false").)
 *   $(LI $(D char), $(D wchar), $(D dchar) _to a string type.)
 *   $(LI Unsigned or signed integers _to strings.
 *        $(DL $(DT [special case])
 *             $(DD Convert integral value _to string in $(D_PARAM radix) radix.
 *             radix must be a value from 2 to 36.
 *             value is treated as a signed value only if radix is 10.
 *             The characters A through Z are used to represent values 10 through 36
 *             and their case is determined by the $(D_PARAM letterCase) parameter.)))
 *   $(LI All floating point types _to all string types.)
 *   $(LI Pointer to string conversions prints the pointer as a $(D size_t) value.
 *        If pointer is $(D char*), treat it as C-style strings.
 *        In that case, this function is $(D @system).))
@system pure unittest // @system due to cast and ptr
    // Conversion representing dynamic/static array with string
    long[] a = [ 1, 3, 5 ];
    assert(to!string(a) == "[1, 3, 5]");

    // Conversion representing associative array with string
    int[string] associativeArray = ["0":1, "1":2];
    assert(to!string(associativeArray) == `["0":1, "1":2]` ||
           to!string(associativeArray) == `["1":2, "0":1]`);

    // char* to string conversion
    assert(to!string(cast(char*) null) == "");
    assert(to!string("foo\0".ptr) == "foo");

    // Conversion reinterpreting void array to string
    auto w = "abcx"w;
    const(void)[] b = w;
    assert(b.length == 8);

    auto c = to!(wchar[])(b);
    assert(c == "abcx");

// Tests for issue 6175
@safe pure nothrow unittest
    char[9] sarr = "blablabla";
    auto darr = to!(char[])(sarr);
    assert(sarr.ptr == darr.ptr);
    assert(sarr.length == darr.length);

// Tests for issue 7348
@safe pure /+nothrow+/ unittest
    assert(to!string(null) == "null");
    assert(text(null) == "null");

// Tests for issue 11390
@safe pure /+nothrow+/ unittest
    const(typeof(null)) ctn;
    immutable(typeof(null)) itn;
    assert(to!string(ctn) == "null");
    assert(to!string(itn) == "null");

// Tests for issue 8729: do NOT skip leading WS
@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception;
    foreach (T; AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong))
        assertThrown!ConvException(to!T(" 0"));
        assertThrown!ConvException(to!T(" 0", 8));
    foreach (T; AliasSeq!(float, double, real))
        assertThrown!ConvException(to!T(" 0"));

    assertThrown!ConvException(to!bool(" true"));

    alias NullType = typeof(null);
    assertThrown!ConvException(to!NullType(" null"));

    alias ARR = int[];
    assertThrown!ConvException(to!ARR(" [1]"));

    alias AA = int[int];
    assertThrown!ConvException(to!AA(" [1:1]"));

If the source type is implicitly convertible to the target type, $(D
to) simply performs the implicit conversion.
private T toImpl(T, S)(S value)
if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, T) &&
    !isEnumStrToStr!(S, T) && !isNullToStr!(S, T))
    template isSignedInt(T)
        enum isSignedInt = isIntegral!T && isSigned!T;
    alias isUnsignedInt = isUnsigned;

    // Conversion from integer to integer, and changing its sign
    static if (isUnsignedInt!S && isSignedInt!T && S.sizeof == T.sizeof)
    {   // unsigned to signed & same size
        import std.exception : enforce;
        enforce(value <= cast(S) T.max,
                new ConvOverflowException("Conversion positive overflow"));
    else static if (isSignedInt!S && isUnsignedInt!T)
    {   // signed to unsigned
        import std.exception : enforce;
        enforce(0 <= value,
                new ConvOverflowException("Conversion negative overflow"));

    return value;

@safe pure nothrow unittest
    enum E { a }  // Issue 9523 - Allow identity enum conversion
    auto e = to!E(E.a);
    assert(e == E.a);

@safe pure nothrow unittest
    int a = 42;
    auto b = to!long(a);
    assert(a == b);

// Tests for issue 6377
@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception;
    // Conversion between same size
    foreach (S; AliasSeq!(byte, short, int, long))
    (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
        alias U = Unsigned!S;

        foreach (Sint; AliasSeq!(S, const S, immutable S))
        foreach (Uint; AliasSeq!(U, const U, immutable U))
            // positive overflow
            Uint un = Uint.max;
                text(Sint.stringof, ' ', Uint.stringof, ' ', un));

            // negative overflow
            Sint sn = -1;
                text(Sint.stringof, ' ', Uint.stringof, ' ', un));

    // Conversion between different size
    foreach (i, S1; AliasSeq!(byte, short, int, long))
    foreach (   S2; AliasSeq!(byte, short, int, long)[i+1..$])
    (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
        alias U1 = Unsigned!S1;
        alias U2 = Unsigned!S2;

        static assert(U1.sizeof < S2.sizeof);

        // small unsigned to big signed
        foreach (Uint; AliasSeq!(U1, const U1, immutable U1))
        foreach (Sint; AliasSeq!(S2, const S2, immutable S2))
            Uint un = Uint.max;
            assert(to!Sint(un) == un);

        // big unsigned to small signed
        foreach (Uint; AliasSeq!(U2, const U2, immutable U2))
        foreach (Sint; AliasSeq!(S1, const S1, immutable S1))
            Uint un = Uint.max;

        static assert(S1.sizeof < U2.sizeof);

        // small signed to big unsigned
        foreach (Sint; AliasSeq!(S1, const S1, immutable S1))
        foreach (Uint; AliasSeq!(U2, const U2, immutable U2))
            Sint sn = -1;

        // big signed to small unsigned
        foreach (Sint; AliasSeq!(S2, const S2, immutable S2))
        foreach (Uint; AliasSeq!(U1, const U1, immutable U1))
            Sint sn = -1;

  Converting static arrays forwards to their dynamic counterparts.
private T toImpl(T, S)(ref S s)
if (isStaticArray!S)
    return toImpl!(T, typeof(s[0])[])(s);

@safe pure nothrow unittest
    char[4] test = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
    static assert(!isInputRange!(Unqual!(char[4])));
    assert(to!string(test) == test);

When source type supports member template function opCast, it is used.
private T toImpl(T, S)(S value)
if (!isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, T) &&
    is(typeof(S.init.opCast!T()) : T) &&
    !isExactSomeString!T &&
    return value.opCast!T();

@safe pure unittest
    static struct Test
        struct T
            this(S s) @safe pure { }
        struct S
            T opCast(U)() @safe pure { assert(false); }
    cast(void) to!(Test.T)(Test.S());

    // make sure is doing the same thing as initialization
    Test.S s;
    Test.T t = s;

@safe pure unittest
    class B
        T opCast(T)() { return 43; }
    auto b = new B;
    assert(to!int(b) == 43);

    struct S
        T opCast(T)() { return 43; }
    auto s = S();
    assert(to!int(s) == 43);

When target type supports 'converting construction', it is used.
$(UL $(LI If target type is struct, $(D T(value)) is used.)
     $(LI If target type is class, $(D new T(value)) is used.))
private T toImpl(T, S)(S value)
if (!isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, T) &&
    is(T == struct) && is(typeof(T(value))))
    return T(value);

// Bugzilla 3961
@safe pure unittest
    struct Int
        int x;
    Int i = to!Int(1);

    static struct Int2
        int x;
        this(int x) @safe pure { this.x = x; }
    Int2 i2 = to!Int2(1);

    static struct Int3
        int x;
        static Int3 opCall(int x) @safe pure
            Int3 i;
            i.x = x;
            return i;
    Int3 i3 = to!Int3(1);

// Bugzilla 6808
@safe pure unittest
    static struct FakeBigInt
        this(string s) @safe pure {}

    string s = "101";
    auto i3 = to!FakeBigInt(s);

/// ditto
private T toImpl(T, S)(S value)
if (!isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, T) &&
    is(T == class) && is(typeof(new T(value))))
    return new T(value);

@safe pure unittest
    static struct S
        int x;
    static class C
        int x;
        this(int x) @safe pure { this.x = x; }

    static class B
        int value;
        this(S src) @safe pure { value = src.x; }
        this(C src) @safe pure { value = src.x; }

    S s = S(1);
    auto b1 = to!B(s);  // == new B(s)
    assert(b1.value == 1);

    C c = new C(2);
    auto b2 = to!B(c);  // == new B(c)
    assert(b2.value == 2);

    auto c2 = to!C(3);   // == new C(3)
    assert(c2.x == 3);

@safe pure unittest
    struct S
        class A
            this(B b) @safe pure {}
        class B : A
            this() @safe pure { super(this); }

    S.B b = new S.B();
    S.A a = to!(S.A)(b);      // == cast(S.A) b
                              // (do not run construction conversion like new S.A(b))
    assert(b is a);

    static class C : Object
        this() @safe pure {}
        this(Object o) @safe pure {}

    Object oc = new C();
    C a2 = to!C(oc);    // == new C(a)
                        // Construction conversion overrides down-casting conversion
    assert(a2 !is a);   //

Object-to-object conversions by dynamic casting throw exception when the source is
non-null and the target is null.
private T toImpl(T, S)(S value)
if (!isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, T) &&
    (is(S == class) || is(S == interface)) && !is(typeof(value.opCast!T()) : T) &&
    (is(T == class) || is(T == interface)) && !is(typeof(new T(value))))
    static if (is(T == immutable))
            // immutable <- immutable
            enum isModConvertible = is(S == immutable);
    else static if (is(T == const))
        static if (is(T == shared))
            // shared const <- shared
            // shared const <- shared const
            // shared const <- immutable
            enum isModConvertible = is(S == shared) || is(S == immutable);
            // const <- mutable
            // const <- immutable
            enum isModConvertible = !is(S == shared);
        static if (is(T == shared))
            // shared <- shared mutable
            enum isModConvertible = is(S == shared) && !is(S == const);
            // (mutable) <- (mutable)
            enum isModConvertible = is(Unqual!S == S);
    static assert(isModConvertible, "Bad modifier conversion: "~S.stringof~" to "~T.stringof);

    auto result = ()@trusted{ return cast(T) value; }();
    if (!result && value)
        throw new ConvException("Cannot convert object of static type "
      " and dynamic type "
                ~" to type ";
    return result;

// Unittest for 6288
@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception;

    alias Identity(T)      =              T;
    alias toConst(T)       =        const T;
    alias toShared(T)      =       shared T;
    alias toSharedConst(T) = shared const T;
    alias toImmutable(T)   =    immutable T;
    template AddModifier(int n)
    if (0 <= n && n < 5)
             static if (n == 0) alias AddModifier = Identity;
        else static if (n == 1) alias AddModifier = toConst;
        else static if (n == 2) alias AddModifier = toShared;
        else static if (n == 3) alias AddModifier = toSharedConst;
        else static if (n == 4) alias AddModifier = toImmutable;

    interface I {}
    interface J {}

    class A {}
    class B : A {}
    class C : B, I, J {}
    class D : I {}

    foreach (m1; AliasSeq!(0,1,2,3,4)) // enumerate modifiers
    foreach (m2; AliasSeq!(0,1,2,3,4)) // ditto
    (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
        alias srcmod = AddModifier!m1;
        alias tgtmod = AddModifier!m2;

        // Compile time convertible equals to modifier convertible.
        static if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(srcmod!Object, tgtmod!Object))
            // Test runtime conversions: class to class, class to interface,
            // interface to class, and interface to interface

            // Check that the runtime conversion to succeed
            srcmod!A ac = new srcmod!C();
            srcmod!I ic = new srcmod!C();
            assert(to!(tgtmod!C)(ac) !is null); // A(c) to C
            assert(to!(tgtmod!I)(ac) !is null); // A(c) to I
            assert(to!(tgtmod!C)(ic) !is null); // I(c) to C
            assert(to!(tgtmod!J)(ic) !is null); // I(c) to J

            // Check that the runtime conversion fails
            srcmod!A ab = new srcmod!B();
            srcmod!I id = new srcmod!D();
            assertThrown(to!(tgtmod!C)(ab));    // A(b) to C
            assertThrown(to!(tgtmod!I)(ab));    // A(b) to I
            assertThrown(to!(tgtmod!C)(id));    // I(d) to C
            assertThrown(to!(tgtmod!J)(id));    // I(d) to J
            // Check that the conversion is rejected statically
            static assert(!is(typeof(to!(tgtmod!C)(srcmod!A.init))));   // A to C
            static assert(!is(typeof(to!(tgtmod!I)(srcmod!A.init))));   // A to I
            static assert(!is(typeof(to!(tgtmod!C)(srcmod!I.init))));   // I to C
            static assert(!is(typeof(to!(tgtmod!J)(srcmod!I.init))));   // I to J

Handles type _to string conversions
private T toImpl(T, S)(S value)
if (!(isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, T) &&
    !isEnumStrToStr!(S, T) && !isNullToStr!(S, T)) &&
    !isInfinite!S && isExactSomeString!T)
    static if (isExactSomeString!S && value[0].sizeof == ElementEncodingType!T.sizeof)
        // string-to-string with incompatible qualifier conversion
        static if (is(ElementEncodingType!T == immutable))
            // conversion (mutable|const) -> immutable
            return value.idup;
            // conversion (immutable|const) -> mutable
            return value.dup;
    else static if (isExactSomeString!S)
        import std.array : appender;
        // other string-to-string
        //Use Appender directly instead of toStr, which also uses a formatedWrite
        auto w = appender!T();
    else static if (isIntegral!S && !is(S == enum))
        // other integral-to-string conversions with default radix
        return toImpl!(T, S)(value, 10);
    else static if (is(S == void[]) || is(S == const(void)[]) || is(S == immutable(void)[]))
        import core.stdc.string : memcpy;
        import std.exception : enforce;
        // Converting void array to string
        alias Char = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!T);
        auto raw = cast(const(ubyte)[]) value;
        enforce(raw.length % Char.sizeof == 0,
                new ConvException("Alignment mismatch in converting a "
                        ~ S.stringof ~ " to a "
                        ~ T.stringof));
        auto result = new Char[raw.length / Char.sizeof];
        ()@trusted{ memcpy(result.ptr, value.ptr, value.length); }();
        return cast(T) result;
    else static if (isPointer!S && isSomeChar!(PointerTarget!S))
        // This is unsafe because we cannot guarantee that the pointer is null terminated.
        return () @system {
            static if (is(S : const(char)*))
                import core.stdc.string : strlen;
                size_t strlen(S s) nothrow
                    S p = s;
                    while (*p++) {}
                    return p-s-1;
            return toImpl!T(value ? value[0 .. strlen(value)].dup : null);
    else static if (isSomeString!T && is(S == enum))
        static if (isSwitchable!(OriginalType!S) && EnumMembers!S.length <= 50)
            switch (value)
                foreach (member; NoDuplicates!(EnumMembers!S))
                    case member:
                        return to!T(enumRep!(immutable(T), S, member));
            foreach (member; EnumMembers!S)
                if (value == member)
                    return to!T(enumRep!(immutable(T), S, member));

        import std.array : appender;
        import std.format : FormatSpec, formatValue;

        //Default case, delegate to format
        //Note: we don't call toStr directly, to avoid duplicate work.
        auto app = appender!T();
        app.put("cast(" ~ S.stringof ~ ")");
        FormatSpec!char f;
        formatValue(app, cast(OriginalType!S) value, f);
        // other non-string values runs formatting
        return toStr!T(value);

// Bugzilla 14042
@system unittest
    immutable(char)* ptr = "hello".ptr;
    auto result =!(char[]);
// Bugzilla 8384
@system unittest
    void test1(T)(T lp, string cmp)
        foreach (e; AliasSeq!(char, wchar, dchar))
            test2!(e[])(lp, cmp);
            test2!(const(e)[])(lp, cmp);
            test2!(immutable(e)[])(lp, cmp);

    void test2(D, S)(S lp, string cmp)
        assert(to!string(to!D(lp)) == cmp);

    foreach (e; AliasSeq!("Hello, world!", "Hello, world!"w, "Hello, world!"d))
        test1(e, "Hello, world!");
        test1(e.ptr, "Hello, world!");
    foreach (e; AliasSeq!("", ""w, ""d))
        test1(e, "");
        test1(e.ptr, "");

    To string conversion for non copy-able structs
private T toImpl(T, S)(ref S value)
if (!(isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, T) &&
    !isEnumStrToStr!(S, T) && !isNullToStr!(S, T)) &&
    !isInfinite!S && isExactSomeString!T && !isCopyable!S)
    import std.array : appender;
    import std.format : FormatSpec, formatValue;

    auto w = appender!T();
    FormatSpec!(ElementEncodingType!T) f;
    formatValue(w, value, f);

// Bugzilla 16108
@system unittest
    static struct A
        int val;
        bool flag;

        string toString() { return text(val, ":", flag); }

        @disable this(this);

    auto a = A();
    assert(to!string(a) == "0:false");

    static struct B
        int val;
        bool flag;

        @disable this(this);

    auto b = B();
    assert(to!string(b) == "B(0, false)");

    Check whether type $(D T) can be used in a switch statement.
    This is useful for compile-time generation of switch case statements.
private template isSwitchable(E)
    enum bool isSwitchable = is(typeof({
        switch (E.init) { default: }

@safe unittest
    static assert(isSwitchable!int);
    static assert(!isSwitchable!double);
    static assert(!isSwitchable!real);

//Static representation of the index I of the enum S,
//In representation T.
//T must be an immutable string (avoids un-necessary initializations).
private template enumRep(T, S, S value)
if (is (T == immutable) && isExactSomeString!T && is(S == enum))
    static T enumRep = toStr!T(value);

@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception;
    void dg()
        // string to string conversion
        alias Chars = AliasSeq!(char, wchar, dchar);
        foreach (LhsC; Chars)
            alias LhStrings = AliasSeq!(LhsC[], const(LhsC)[], immutable(LhsC)[]);
            foreach (Lhs; LhStrings)
                foreach (RhsC; Chars)
                    alias RhStrings = AliasSeq!(RhsC[], const(RhsC)[], immutable(RhsC)[]);
                    foreach (Rhs; RhStrings)
                        Lhs s1 = to!Lhs("wyda");
                        Rhs s2 = to!Rhs(s1);
                        //writeln(Lhs.stringof, " -> ", Rhs.stringof);
                        assert(s1 == to!Lhs(s2));

        foreach (T; Chars)
            foreach (U; Chars)
                T[] s1 = to!(T[])("Hello, world!");
                auto s2 = to!(U[])(s1);
                assert(s1 == to!(T[])(s2));
                auto s3 = to!(const(U)[])(s1);
                assert(s1 == to!(T[])(s3));
                auto s4 = to!(immutable(U)[])(s1);
                assert(s1 == to!(T[])(s4));

@safe pure unittest
    // Conversion representing bool value with string
    bool b;
    assert(to!string(b) == "false");
    b = true;
    assert(to!string(b) == "true");

@safe pure unittest
    // Conversion representing character value with string
    alias AllChars =
        AliasSeq!( char, const( char), immutable( char),
                  wchar, const(wchar), immutable(wchar),
                  dchar, const(dchar), immutable(dchar));
    foreach (Char1; AllChars)
        foreach (Char2; AllChars)
            Char1 c = 'a';
            assert(to!(Char2[])(c)[0] == c);
        uint x = 4;
        assert(to!(Char1[])(x) == "4");

    string s = "foo";
    string s2;
    foreach (char c; s)
        s2 ~= to!string(c);
    assert(s2 == "foo");

@safe pure nothrow unittest
    import std.exception;
    // Conversion representing integer values with string

    foreach (Int; AliasSeq!(ubyte, ushort, uint, ulong))
        assert(to!string(Int(0)) == "0");
        assert(to!string(Int(9)) == "9");
        assert(to!string(Int(123)) == "123");

    foreach (Int; AliasSeq!(byte, short, int, long))
        assert(to!string(Int(0)) == "0");
        assert(to!string(Int(9)) == "9");
        assert(to!string(Int(123)) == "123");
        assert(to!string(Int(-0)) == "0");
        assert(to!string(Int(-9)) == "-9");
        assert(to!string(Int(-123)) == "-123");
        assert(to!string(const(Int)(6)) == "6");

    assert(wtext(int.max) == "2147483647"w);
    assert(wtext(int.min) == "-2147483648"w);
    assert(to!string(0L) == "0");

        assert(to!string(1uL << 62) == "4611686018427387904");
        assert(to!string(0x100000000) == "4294967296");
        assert(to!string(-138L) == "-138");

@safe unittest // sprintf issue
    double[2] a = [ 1.5, 2.5 ];
    assert(to!string(a) == "[1.5, 2.5]");

@system unittest
    // Conversion representing class object with string
    class A
        override string toString() const { return "an A"; }
    A a;
    assert(to!string(a) == "null");
    a = new A;
    assert(to!string(a) == "an A");

    // Bug 7660
    class C { override string toString() const { return "C"; } }
    struct S { C c; alias c this; }
    S s; s.c = new C();
    assert(to!string(s) == "C");

@safe unittest
    // Conversion representing struct object with string
    struct S1
        string toString() { return "wyda"; }
    assert(to!string(S1()) == "wyda");

    struct S2
        int a = 42;
        float b = 43.5;
    S2 s2;
    assert(to!string(s2) == "S2(42, 43.5)");

    // Test for issue 8080
    struct S8080
        short[4] data;
        alias data this;
        string toString() { return "<S>"; }
    S8080 s8080;
    assert(to!string(s8080) == "<S>");

@safe unittest
    // Conversion representing enum value with string
    enum EB : bool { a = true }
    enum EU : uint { a = 0, b = 1, c = 2 }  // base type is unsigned
    enum EI : int { a = -1, b = 0, c = 1 }  // base type is signed (bug 7909)
    enum EF : real { a = 1.414, b = 1.732, c = 2.236 }
    enum EC : char { a = 'x', b = 'y' }
    enum ES : string { a = "aaa", b = "bbb" }

    foreach (E; AliasSeq!(EB, EU, EI, EF, EC, ES))
        assert(to! string(E.a) == "a"c);
        assert(to!wstring(E.a) == "a"w);
        assert(to!dstring(E.a) == "a"d);

    // Test an value not corresponding to an enum member.
    auto o = cast(EU) 5;
    assert(to! string(o) == "cast(EU)5"c);
    assert(to!wstring(o) == "cast(EU)5"w);
    assert(to!dstring(o) == "cast(EU)5"d);

@safe unittest
    enum E
        doo = foo, // check duplicate switch statements

    //Test regression 12494
    assert(to!string( == "foo");
    assert(to!string(E.doo) == "foo");
    assert(to!string( == "bar");

    foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring, const(char[]), const(wchar[]), const(dchar[])))
        auto s1 = to!S(;
        auto s2 = to!S(;
        assert(s1 == s2);
        // ensure we don't allocate when it's unnecessary
        assert(s1 is s2);

    foreach (S; AliasSeq!(char[], wchar[], dchar[]))
        auto s1 = to!S(;
        auto s2 = to!S(;
        assert(s1 == s2);
        // ensure each mutable array is unique
        assert(s1 !is s2);

// ditto
@trusted pure private T toImpl(T, S)(S value, uint radix, LetterCase letterCase = LetterCase.upper)
if (isIntegral!S &&
    assert(radix >= 2 && radix <= 36);
    alias EEType = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!T);

    T toStringRadixConvert(size_t bufLen)(uint runtimeRadix = 0)
        Unsigned!(Unqual!S) div = void, mValue = unsigned(value);

        size_t index = bufLen;
        EEType[bufLen] buffer = void;
        char baseChar = letterCase == LetterCase.lower ? 'a' : 'A';
        char mod = void;

            div = cast(S)(mValue / runtimeRadix );
            mod = cast(ubyte)(mValue % runtimeRadix);
            mod += mod < 10 ? '0' : baseChar - 10;
            buffer[--index] = cast(char) mod;
            mValue = div;
        } while (mValue);

        return cast(T) buffer[index .. $].dup;

    import std.array : array;
    switch (radix)
        case 10:
            // The (value+0) is so integral promotions happen to the type
            return toChars!(10, EEType)(value + 0).array;
        case 16:
            // The unsigned(unsigned(value)+0) is so unsigned integral promotions happen to the type
            if (letterCase == letterCase.upper)
                return toChars!(16, EEType, LetterCase.upper)(unsigned(unsigned(value) + 0)).array;
                return toChars!(16, EEType, LetterCase.lower)(unsigned(unsigned(value) + 0)).array;
        case 2:
            return toChars!(2, EEType)(unsigned(unsigned(value) + 0)).array;
        case 8:
            return toChars!(8, EEType)(unsigned(unsigned(value) + 0)).array;

            return toStringRadixConvert!(S.sizeof * 6)(radix);

@safe pure nothrow unittest
    foreach (Int; AliasSeq!(uint, ulong))
        assert(to!string(Int(16), 16) == "10");
        assert(to!string(Int(15), 2u) == "1111");
        assert(to!string(Int(1), 2u) == "1");
        assert(to!string(Int(0x1234AF), 16u) == "1234AF");
        assert(to!string(Int(0x1234BCD), 16u, LetterCase.upper) == "1234BCD");
        assert(to!string(Int(0x1234AF), 16u, LetterCase.lower) == "1234af");

    foreach (Int; AliasSeq!(int, long))
        assert(to!string(Int(-10), 10u) == "-10");

    assert(to!string(byte(-10), 16) == "F6");
    assert(to!string(long.min) == "-9223372036854775808");
    assert(to!string(long.max) == "9223372036854775807");

Narrowing numeric-numeric conversions throw when the value does not
fit in the narrower type.
private T toImpl(T, S)(S value)
if (!isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, T) &&
    (isNumeric!S || isSomeChar!S || isBoolean!S) &&
    (isNumeric!T || isSomeChar!T || isBoolean!T) && !is(T == enum))
    enum sSmallest = mostNegative!S;
    enum tSmallest = mostNegative!T;
    static if (sSmallest < 0)
        // possible underflow converting from a signed
        static if (tSmallest == 0)
            immutable good = value >= 0;
            static assert(tSmallest < 0);
            immutable good = value >= tSmallest;
        if (!good)
            throw new ConvOverflowException("Conversion negative overflow");
    static if (S.max > T.max)
        // possible overflow
        if (value > T.max)
            throw new ConvOverflowException("Conversion positive overflow");
    return (ref value)@trusted{ return cast(T) value; }(value);

@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception;

    dchar a = ' ';
    assert(to!char(a) == ' ');
    a = 300;

    dchar from0 = 'A';
    char to0 = to!char(from0);

    wchar from1 = 'A';
    char to1 = to!char(from1);

    char from2 = 'A';
    char to2 = to!char(from2);

    char from3 = 'A';
    wchar to3 = to!wchar(from3);

    char from4 = 'A';
    dchar to4 = to!dchar(from4);

@safe unittest
    import std.exception;

    // Narrowing conversions from enum -> integral should be allowed, but they
    // should throw at runtime if the enum value doesn't fit in the target
    // type.
    enum E1 : ulong { A = 1, B = 1UL << 48, C = 0 }
    assert(to!int(E1.A) == 1);
    assert(to!bool(E1.A) == true);
    assertThrown!ConvOverflowException(to!int(E1.B)); // E1.B overflows int
    assertThrown!ConvOverflowException(to!bool(E1.B)); // E1.B overflows bool
    assert(to!bool(E1.C) == false);

    enum E2 : long { A = -1L << 48, B = -1 << 31, C = 1 << 31 }
    assertThrown!ConvOverflowException(to!int(E2.A)); // E2.A overflows int
    assertThrown!ConvOverflowException(to!uint(E2.B)); // E2.B overflows uint
    assert(to!int(E2.B) == -1 << 31); // but does not overflow int
    assert(to!int(E2.C) == 1 << 31);  // E2.C does not overflow int

    enum E3 : int { A = -1, B = 1, C = 255, D = 0 }
    assert(to!byte(E3.A) == -1);
    assert(to!byte(E3.B) == 1);
    assert(to!ubyte(E3.C) == 255);
    assert(to!bool(E3.B) == true);
    assert(to!bool(E3.D) == false);


Array-to-array conversion (except when target is a string type)
converts each element in turn by using $(D to).
private T toImpl(T, S)(S value)
if (!isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, T) &&
    !isSomeString!S && isDynamicArray!S &&
    !isExactSomeString!T && isArray!T)
    alias E = typeof(T.init[0]);

    static if (isStaticArray!T)
        import std.exception : enforce;
        auto res = to!(E[])(value);
        enforce!ConvException(T.length == res.length,
            convFormat("Length mismatch when converting to static array: %s vs %s", T.length, res.length));
        return res[0 .. T.length];
        import std.array : appender;
        auto w = appender!(E[])();
        foreach (i, ref e; value)

@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception;

    // array to array conversions
    uint[] a = [ 1u, 2, 3 ];
    auto b = to!(float[])(a);
    assert(b == [ 1.0f, 2, 3 ]);

    immutable(int)[3] d = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
    b = to!(float[])(d);
    assert(b == [ 1.0f, 2, 3 ]);

    uint[][] e = [ a, a ];
    auto f = to!(float[][])(e);
    assert(f[0] == b && f[1] == b);

    // Test for bug 8264
    struct Wrap
        string wrap;
        alias wrap this;
    Wrap[] warr = to!(Wrap[])(["foo", "bar"]);  // should work

    // Issue 12633
    import std.conv : to;
    const s2 = ["10", "20"];

    immutable int[2] a3 =!(int[2]);
    assert(a3 == [10, 20]);

    // verify length mismatches are caught
    immutable s4 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
    foreach (i; [1, 4])
        auto ex = collectException(s4[0 .. i].to!(int[2]));
            assert(ex && ex.msg == "Length mismatch when converting to static array: 2 vs " ~ [cast(char)(i + '0')],
                ex ? ex.msg : "Exception was not thrown!");

@safe unittest
    auto b = [ 1.0f, 2, 3 ];

    auto c = to!(string[])(b);
    assert(c[0] == "1" && c[1] == "2" && c[2] == "3");

Associative array to associative array conversion converts each key
and each value in turn.
private T toImpl(T, S)(S value)
if (isAssociativeArray!S &&
    isAssociativeArray!T && !is(T == enum))
    /* This code is potentially unsafe.
    alias K2 = KeyType!T;
    alias V2 = ValueType!T;

    // While we are "building" the AA, we need to unqualify its values, and only re-qualify at the end
    Unqual!V2[K2] result;

    foreach (k1, v1; value)
        // Cast values temporarily to Unqual!V2 to store them to result variable
        result[to!K2(k1)] = cast(Unqual!V2) to!V2(v1);
    // Cast back to original type
    return cast(T) result;

@safe unittest
    // hash to hash conversions
    int[string] a;
    a["0"] = 1;
    a["1"] = 2;
    auto b = to!(double[dstring])(a);
    assert(b["0"d] == 1 && b["1"d] == 2);
@safe unittest // Bugzilla 8705, from doc
    import std.exception;
    int[string][double[int[]]] a;
    auto b = to!(short[wstring][string[double[]]])(a);
    a = [null:["hello":int.max]];
@system unittest // Extra cases for AA with qualifiers conversion
    int[][int[]] a;// = [[], []];
    auto b = to!(immutable(short[])[immutable short[]])(a);

    double[dstring][int[long[]]] c;
    auto d = to!(immutable(short[immutable wstring])[immutable string[double[]]])(c);

private void testIntegralToFloating(Integral, Floating)()
    Integral a = 42;
    auto b = to!Floating(a);
    assert(a == b);
    assert(a == to!Integral(b));

private void testFloatingToIntegral(Floating, Integral)()
    bool convFails(Source, Target, E)(Source src)
            auto t = to!Target(src);
        catch (E)
            return true;
        return false;

    // convert some value
    Floating a = 4.2e1;
    auto b = to!Integral(a);
    assert(is(typeof(b) == Integral) && b == 42);
    // convert some negative value (if applicable)
    a = -4.2e1;
    static if (Integral.min < 0)
        b = to!Integral(a);
        assert(is(typeof(b) == Integral) && b == -42);
        // no go for unsigned types
        assert(convFails!(Floating, Integral, ConvOverflowException)(a));
    // convert to the smallest integral value
    a = 0.0 + Integral.min;
    static if (Integral.min < 0)
        a = -a; // -Integral.min not representable as an Integral
        assert(convFails!(Floating, Integral, ConvOverflowException)(a)
                || Floating.sizeof <= Integral.sizeof);
    a = 0.0 + Integral.min;
    assert(to!Integral(a) == Integral.min);
    --a; // no more representable as an Integral
    assert(convFails!(Floating, Integral, ConvOverflowException)(a)
            || Floating.sizeof <= Integral.sizeof);
    a = 0.0 + Integral.max;
    assert(to!Integral(a) == Integral.max || Floating.sizeof <= Integral.sizeof);
    ++a; // no more representable as an Integral
    assert(convFails!(Floating, Integral, ConvOverflowException)(a)
            || Floating.sizeof <= Integral.sizeof);
    // convert a value with a fractional part
    a = 3.14;
    assert(to!Integral(a) == 3);
    a = 3.99;
    assert(to!Integral(a) == 3);
    static if (Integral.min < 0)
        a = -3.14;
        assert(to!Integral(a) == -3);
        a = -3.99;
        assert(to!Integral(a) == -3);

@safe pure unittest
    alias AllInts = AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong);
    alias AllFloats = AliasSeq!(float, double, real);
    alias AllNumerics = AliasSeq!(AllInts, AllFloats);
    // test with same type
        foreach (T; AllNumerics)
            T a = 42;
            auto b = to!T(a);
            assert(is(typeof(a) == typeof(b)) && a == b);
    // test that floating-point numbers convert properly to largest ints
    // see
    // look for "largest fp integer with a predecessor"
        // float
        int a = 16_777_215; // 2^24 - 1
        assert(to!int(to!float(a)) == a);
        assert(to!int(to!float(-a)) == -a);
        // double
        long b = 9_007_199_254_740_991; // 2^53 - 1
        assert(to!long(to!double(b)) == b);
        assert(to!long(to!double(-b)) == -b);
        // real
        static if (real.mant_dig >= 64)
            ulong c = 18_446_744_073_709_551_615UL; // 2^64 - 1
            assert(to!ulong(to!real(c)) == c);
    // test conversions floating => integral
        // AllInts[0 .. $ - 1] should be AllInts
        // @@@ BUG IN COMPILER @@@
        foreach (Integral; AllInts[0 .. $ - 1])
            foreach (Floating; AllFloats)
                testFloatingToIntegral!(Floating, Integral)();
    // test conversion integral => floating
        foreach (Integral; AllInts[0 .. $ - 1])
            foreach (Floating; AllFloats)
                testIntegralToFloating!(Integral, Floating)();
    // test parsing
        foreach (T; AllNumerics)
            // from type immutable(char)[2]
            auto a = to!T("42");
            assert(a == 42);
            // from type char[]
            char[] s1 = "42".dup;
            a = to!T(s1);
            assert(a == 42);
            // from type char[2]
            char[2] s2;
            s2[] = "42";
            a = to!T(s2);
            assert(a == 42);
            // from type immutable(wchar)[2]
            a = to!T("42"w);
            assert(a == 42);

@safe unittest
    alias AllInts = AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong);
    alias AllFloats = AliasSeq!(float, double, real);
    alias AllNumerics = AliasSeq!(AllInts, AllFloats);
    // test conversions to string
        foreach (T; AllNumerics)
            T a = 42;
            assert(to!string(a) == "42");
            assert(to!wstring(a) == "42"w);
            assert(to!dstring(a) == "42"d);
            // array test
            T[] b = new T[2];
            b[0] = 42;
            b[1] = 33;
            assert(to!string(b) == "[42, 33]");
    // test array to string conversion
    foreach (T ; AllNumerics)
        auto a = [to!T(1), 2, 3];
        assert(to!string(a) == "[1, 2, 3]");
    // test enum to int conversion
    enum Testing { Test1, Test2 }
    Testing t;
    auto a = to!string(t);
    assert(a == "Test1");

String, or string-like input range, to non-string conversion runs parsing.
  $(LI When the source is a wide string, it is first converted to a narrow
       string and then parsed.)
  $(LI When the source is a narrow string, normal text parsing occurs.))
private T toImpl(T, S)(S value)
if (isInputRange!S && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!S) &&
    !isExactSomeString!T && is(typeof(parse!T(value))))
        if (!value.empty)
            throw convError!(S, T)(value);
    return parse!T(value);

/// ditto
private T toImpl(T, S)(S value, uint radix)
if (isInputRange!S && !isInfinite!S && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!S) &&
    isIntegral!T && is(typeof(parse!T(value, radix))))
        if (!value.empty)
            throw convError!(S, T)(value);
    return parse!T(value, radix);

@safe pure unittest
    // Issue 6668 - ensure no collaterals thrown
    try { to!uint("-1"); }
    catch (ConvException e) { assert( is null); }

@safe pure unittest
    foreach (Str; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
        Str a = "123";
        assert(to!int(a) == 123);
        assert(to!double(a) == 123);

    // 6255
    auto n = to!int("FF", 16);
    assert(n == 255);

// bugzilla 15800
@safe unittest
    import std.utf : byCodeUnit, byChar, byWchar, byDchar;

    assert(to!int(byCodeUnit("10")) == 10);
    assert(to!int(byCodeUnit("10"), 10) == 10);
    assert(to!int(byCodeUnit("10"w)) == 10);
    assert(to!int(byCodeUnit("10"w), 10) == 10);

    assert(to!int(byChar("10")) == 10);
    assert(to!int(byChar("10"), 10) == 10);
    assert(to!int(byWchar("10")) == 10);
    assert(to!int(byWchar("10"), 10) == 10);
    assert(to!int(byDchar("10")) == 10);
    assert(to!int(byDchar("10"), 10) == 10);

Convert a value that is implicitly convertible to the enum base type
into an Enum value. If the value does not match any enum member values
a ConvException is thrown.
Enums with floating-point or string base types are not supported.
private T toImpl(T, S)(S value)
if (is(T == enum) && !is(S == enum)
    && is(typeof(value == OriginalType!T.init))
    && !isFloatingPoint!(OriginalType!T) && !isSomeString!(OriginalType!T))
    foreach (Member; EnumMembers!T)
        if (Member == value)
            return Member;
    throw new ConvException(convFormat("Value (%s) does not match any member value of enum '%s'", value, T.stringof));

@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception;
    enum En8143 : int { A = 10, B = 20, C = 30, D = 20 }
    enum En8143[][] m3 = to!(En8143[][])([[10, 30], [30, 10]]);
    static assert(m3 == [[En8143.A, En8143.C], [En8143.C, En8143.A]]);

    En8143 en1 = to!En8143(10);
    assert(en1 == En8143.A);
    assertThrown!ConvException(to!En8143(5));   // matches none
    En8143[][] m1 = to!(En8143[][])([[10, 30], [30, 10]]);
    assert(m1 == [[En8143.A, En8143.C], [En8143.C, En8143.A]]);

 Rounded conversion from floating point to integral.

Rounded conversions do not work with non-integral target types.

template roundTo(Target)
    Target roundTo(Source)(Source value)
        import std.math : trunc;

        static assert(isFloatingPoint!Source);
        static assert(isIntegral!Target);
        return to!Target(trunc(value + (value < 0 ? -0.5L : 0.5L)));

@safe unittest
    assert(roundTo!int(3.14) == 3);
    assert(roundTo!int(3.49) == 3);
    assert(roundTo!int(3.5) == 4);
    assert(roundTo!int(3.999) == 4);
    assert(roundTo!int(-3.14) == -3);
    assert(roundTo!int(-3.49) == -3);
    assert(roundTo!int(-3.5) == -4);
    assert(roundTo!int(-3.999) == -4);
    assert(roundTo!(const int)(to!(const double)(-3.999)) == -4);

@safe unittest
    import std.exception;
    // boundary values
    foreach (Int; AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint))
        assert(roundTo!Int(Int.min - 0.4L) == Int.min);
        assert(roundTo!Int(Int.max + 0.4L) == Int.max);
        assertThrown!ConvOverflowException(roundTo!Int(Int.min - 0.5L));
        assertThrown!ConvOverflowException(roundTo!Int(Int.max + 0.5L));

The $(D parse) family of functions works quite like the $(D to)
family, except that:
    $(LI It only works with character ranges as input.)
    $(LI It takes the input by reference. (This means that rvalues - such
    as string literals - are not accepted: use $(D to) instead.))
    $(LI It advances the input to the position following the conversion.)
    $(LI It does not throw if it could not convert the entire input.))

This overload converts an character input range to a `bool`.

    Target = the type to convert to
    source = the lvalue of an $(REF_ALTTEXT input range, isInputRange, std,range,primitives)

    A `bool`

    A $(LREF ConvException) if the range does not represent a `bool`.

    All character input range conversions using $(LREF to) are forwarded
    to `parse` and do not require lvalues.
Target parse(Target, Source)(ref Source source)
if (isInputRange!Source &&
    isSomeChar!(ElementType!Source) &&
    is(Unqual!Target == bool))
    import std.ascii : toLower;

    static if (isNarrowString!Source)
        import std.string : representation;
        auto s = source.representation;
        alias s = source;

    if (!s.empty)
        auto c1 = toLower(s.front);
        bool result = c1 == 't';
        if (result || c1 == 'f')
            foreach (c; result ? "rue" : "alse")
                if (s.empty || toLower(s.front) != c)
                    goto Lerr;

            static if (isNarrowString!Source)
                source = cast(Source) s;

            return result;
    throw parseError("bool should be case-insensitive 'true' or 'false'");

@safe unittest
    auto s = "true";
    bool b = parse!bool(s);

@safe unittest
    import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
    import std.exception;
    struct InputString
        string _s;
        @property auto front() { return _s.front; }
        @property bool empty() { return _s.empty; }
        void popFront() { _s.popFront(); }

    auto s = InputString("trueFALSETrueFalsetRUEfALSE");
    assert(parse!bool(s) == true);
    assert(parse!bool(s) == false);
    assert(parse!bool(s) == true);
    assert(parse!bool(s) == false);
    assert(parse!bool(s) == true);
    assert(parse!bool(s) == false);

    foreach (ss; ["tfalse", "ftrue", "t", "f", "tru", "fals", ""])
        s = InputString(ss);

Parses a character $(REF_ALTTEXT input range, isInputRange, std,range,primitives)
to an integral value.

    Target = the integral type to convert to
    s = the lvalue of an input range

    A number of type `Target`

    A $(LREF ConvException) If an overflow occurred during conversion or
    if no character of the input was meaningfully converted.
Target parse(Target, Source)(ref Source s)
if (isSomeChar!(ElementType!Source) &&
    isIntegral!Target && !is(Target == enum))
    static if (Target.sizeof < int.sizeof)
        // smaller types are handled like integers
        auto v = .parse!(Select!(Target.min < 0, int, uint))(s);
        auto result = ()@trusted{ return cast(Target) v; }();
        if (result == v)
            return result;
        throw new ConvOverflowException("Overflow in integral conversion");
        // int or larger types

        static if (Target.min < 0)
            bool sign = false;
            enum bool sign = false;

        enum char maxLastDigit = Target.min < 0 ? 7 : 5;
        uint c;

        static if (isNarrowString!Source)
            import std.string : representation;
            auto source = s.representation;
            alias source = s;

        if (source.empty)
            goto Lerr;

        c = source.front;

        static if (Target.min < 0)
            switch (c)
                case '-':
                    sign = true;
                    goto case '+';
                case '+':

                    if (source.empty)
                        goto Lerr;

                    c = source.front;


        c -= '0';
        if (c <= 9)
            Target v = cast(Target) c;


            while (!source.empty)
                c = cast(typeof(c)) (source.front - '0');

                if (c > 9)

                if (v >= 0 && (v < Target.max/10 ||
                    (v == Target.max/10 && c <= maxLastDigit + sign)))
                    // Note: `v` can become negative here in case of parsing
                    // the most negative value:
                    v = cast(Target) (v * 10 + c);

                    throw new ConvOverflowException("Overflow in integral conversion");

            if (sign)
                v = -v;

            static if (isNarrowString!Source)
                s = cast(Source) source;

            return v;
        static if (isNarrowString!Source)
            throw convError!(Source, Target)(cast(Source) source);
            throw convError!(Source, Target)(source);

@safe pure unittest
    string s = "123";
    auto a = parse!int(s);
    assert(a == 123);

    // parse only accepts lvalues
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, parse!int("123")));

@safe pure unittest
    import std.string : tr;
    string test = "123 \t  76.14";
    auto a = parse!uint(test);
    assert(a == 123);
    assert(test == " \t  76.14"); // parse bumps string
    test = tr(test, " \t\n\r", "", "d"); // skip ws
    assert(test == "76.14");
    auto b = parse!double(test);
    assert(b == 76.14);
    assert(test == "");

@safe pure unittest
    foreach (Int; AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong))
            assert(to!Int("0") == 0);

            static if (isSigned!Int)
                assert(to!Int("+0") == 0);
                assert(to!Int("-0") == 0);

        static if (Int.sizeof >= byte.sizeof)
                assert(to!Int("6") == 6);
                assert(to!Int("23") == 23);
                assert(to!Int("68") == 68);
                assert(to!Int("127") == 0x7F);

            static if (isUnsigned!Int)
                assert(to!Int("255") == 0xFF);
            static if (isSigned!Int)
                assert(to!Int("+6") == 6);
                assert(to!Int("+23") == 23);
                assert(to!Int("+68") == 68);
                assert(to!Int("+127") == 0x7F);

                assert(to!Int("-6") == -6);
                assert(to!Int("-23") == -23);
                assert(to!Int("-68") == -68);
                assert(to!Int("-128") == -128);

        static if (Int.sizeof >= short.sizeof)
                assert(to!Int("468") == 468);
                assert(to!Int("32767") == 0x7FFF);

            static if (isUnsigned!Int)
                assert(to!Int("65535") == 0xFFFF);
            static if (isSigned!Int)
                assert(to!Int("+468") == 468);
                assert(to!Int("+32767") == 0x7FFF);

                assert(to!Int("-468") == -468);
                assert(to!Int("-32768") == -32768);

        static if (Int.sizeof >= int.sizeof)
                assert(to!Int("2147483647") == 0x7FFFFFFF);

            static if (isUnsigned!Int)
                assert(to!Int("4294967295") == 0xFFFFFFFF);

            static if (isSigned!Int)
                assert(to!Int("+2147483647") == 0x7FFFFFFF);

                assert(to!Int("-2147483648") == -2147483648);

        static if (Int.sizeof >= long.sizeof)
                assert(to!Int("9223372036854775807") == 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF);

            static if (isUnsigned!Int)
                assert(to!Int("18446744073709551615") == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF);

            static if (isSigned!Int)
                assert(to!Int("+9223372036854775807") == 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF);

                assert(to!Int("-9223372036854775808") == 0x8000000000000000);

@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception;
    // parsing error check
    foreach (Int; AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong))
            immutable string[] errors1 =
                " ",
                " 0",
                "0 ",
                "- 0",
            foreach (j, s; errors1)

        // parse!SomeUnsigned cannot parse head sign.
        static if (isUnsigned!Int)
            immutable string[] errors2 =
            foreach (j, s; errors2)

    // positive overflow check
    foreach (i, Int; AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong))
        immutable string[] errors =
            "128",                  // > byte.max
            "256",                  // > ubyte.max
            "32768",                // > short.max
            "65536",                // > ushort.max
            "2147483648",           // > int.max
            "4294967296",           // > uint.max
            "9223372036854775808",  // > long.max
            "18446744073709551616", // > ulong.max
        foreach (j, s; errors[i..$])

    // negative overflow check
    foreach (i, Int; AliasSeq!(byte, short, int, long))
        immutable string[] errors =
            "-129",                 // < byte.min
            "-32769",               // < short.min
            "-2147483649",          // < int.min
            "-9223372036854775809", // < long.min
        foreach (j, s; errors[i..$])

@safe pure unittest
    void checkErrMsg(string input, dchar charInMsg, dchar charNotInMsg)
            int x =!int();
            assert(false, "Invalid conversion did not throw");
        catch (ConvException e)
            // Ensure error message contains failing character, not the character
            // beyond.
            import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
            assert( e.msg.canFind(charInMsg) &&
        catch (Exception e)
            assert(false, "Did not throw ConvException");
    checkErrMsg("@$", '@', '$');
    checkErrMsg("@$123", '@', '$');
    checkErrMsg("1@$23", '@', '$');
    checkErrMsg("1@$", '@', '$');
    checkErrMsg("1@$2", '@', '$');
    checkErrMsg("12@$", '@', '$');

@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception;
    assertCTFEable!({ string s =  "1234abc"; assert(parse! int(s) ==  1234 && s == "abc"); });
    assertCTFEable!({ string s = "-1234abc"; assert(parse! int(s) == -1234 && s == "abc"); });
    assertCTFEable!({ string s =  "1234abc"; assert(parse!uint(s) ==  1234 && s == "abc"); });

// Issue 13931
@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception;


// Issue 14396
@safe pure unittest
    struct StrInputRange
        this (string s) { str = s; }
        char front() const @property { return str[front_index]; }
        char popFront() { return str[front_index++]; }
        bool empty() const @property { return str.length <= front_index; }
        string str;
        size_t front_index = 0;
    auto input = StrInputRange("777");
    assert(parse!int(input) == 777);

/// ditto
Target parse(Target, Source)(ref Source source, uint radix)
if (isSomeChar!(ElementType!Source) &&
    isIntegral!Target && !is(Target == enum))
    assert(radix >= 2 && radix <= 36);
    import core.checkedint : mulu, addu;
    import std.exception : enforce;

    if (radix == 10)
        return parse!Target(source);

    enforce!ConvException(!source.empty, "s must not be empty in integral parse");

    immutable uint beyond = (radix < 10 ? '0' : 'a'-10) + radix;
    Target v = 0;

    static if (isNarrowString!Source)
        import std.string : representation;
        auto s = source.representation;
        alias s = source;

        uint c = s.front;
        if (c < '0')
        if (radix < 10)
            if (c >= beyond)
            if (c > '9')
                c |= 0x20;//poorman's tolower
                if (c < 'a' || c >= beyond)
                c -= 'a'-10-'0';

        bool overflow = false;
        auto nextv = v.mulu(radix, overflow).addu(c - '0', overflow);
        enforce!ConvOverflowException(!overflow && nextv <= Target.max, "Overflow in integral conversion");
        v = cast(Target) nextv;
    } while (!s.empty);

    static if (isNarrowString!Source)
        source = cast(Source) s;

    return v;

@safe pure unittest
    string s; // parse doesn't accept rvalues
    foreach (i; 2 .. 37)
        assert(parse!int(s = "0", i) == 0);
        assert(parse!int(s = "1", i) == 1);
        assert(parse!byte(s = "10", i) == i);

    assert(parse!int(s = "0011001101101", 2) == 0b0011001101101);
    assert(parse!int(s = "765", 8) == octal!765);
    assert(parse!int(s = "fCDe", 16) == 0xfcde);

    // 6609
    assert(parse!int(s = "-42", 10) == -42);

    assert(parse!ubyte(s = "ff", 16) == 0xFF);

@safe pure unittest // bugzilla 7302
    import std.range : cycle;
    auto r = cycle("2A!");
    auto u = parse!uint(r, 16);
    assert(u == 42);
    assert(r.front == '!');

@safe pure unittest // bugzilla 13163
    import std.exception;
    foreach (s; ["fff", "123"])

@safe pure unittest // bugzilla 17282
    auto str = "0=\x00\x02\x55\x40&\xff\xf0\n\x00\x04\x55\x40\xff\xf0~4+10\n";
    assert(parse!uint(str) == 0);

 * Takes a string representing an `enum` type and returns that type.
 * Params:
 *     Target = the `enum` type to convert to
 *     s = the lvalue of the range to _parse
 * Returns:
 *     An `enum` of type `Target`
 * Throws:
 *     A $(LREF ConvException) if type `Target` does not have a member
 *     represented by `s`.
Target parse(Target, Source)(ref Source s)
if (isSomeString!Source && !is(Source == enum) &&
    is(Target == enum))
    import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith;
    Target result;
    size_t longest_match = 0;

    foreach (i, e; EnumMembers!Target)
        auto ident = __traits(allMembers, Target)[i];
        if (longest_match < ident.length && s.startsWith(ident))
            result = e;
            longest_match = ident.length ;

    if (longest_match > 0)
        s = s[longest_match .. $];
        return result ;

    throw new ConvException(
        Target.stringof ~ " does not have a member named '"
        ~ to!string(s) ~ "'");

@safe unittest
    enum EnumType : bool { a = true, b = false, c = a }

    auto str = "a";
    assert(parse!EnumType(str) == EnumType.a);

@safe unittest
    import std.exception;

    enum EB : bool { a = true, b = false, c = a }
    enum EU { a, b, c }
    enum EI { a = -1, b = 0, c = 1 }
    enum EF : real { a = 1.414, b = 1.732, c = 2.236 }
    enum EC : char { a = 'a', b = 'b', c = 'c' }
    enum ES : string { a = "aaa", b = "bbb", c = "ccc" }

    foreach (E; AliasSeq!(EB, EU, EI, EF, EC, ES))
        assert(to!E("a"c) == E.a);
        assert(to!E("b"w) == E.b);
        assert(to!E("c"d) == E.c);


@safe pure unittest // bugzilla 4744
    enum A { member1, member11, member111 }
    assert(to!A("member1"  ) == A.member1  );
    assert(to!A("member11" ) == A.member11 );
    assert(to!A("member111") == A.member111);
    auto s = "member1111";
    assert(parse!A(s) == A.member111 && s == "1");

 * Parses a character range to a floating point number.
 * Params:
 *     Target = a floating point type
 *     source = the lvalue of the range to _parse
 * Returns:
 *     A floating point number of type `Target`
 * Throws:
 *     A $(LREF ConvException) if `p` is empty, if no number could be
 *     parsed, or if an overflow occurred.
Target parse(Target, Source)(ref Source source)
if (isInputRange!Source && isSomeChar!(ElementType!Source) && !is(Source == enum) &&
    isFloatingPoint!Target && !is(Target == enum))
    import std.ascii : isDigit, isAlpha, toLower, toUpper, isHexDigit;
    import std.exception : enforce;

    static if (isNarrowString!Source)
        import std.string : representation;
        auto p = source.representation;
        alias p = source;

    static immutable real[14] negtab =
        [ 1e-4096L,1e-2048L,1e-1024L,1e-512L,1e-256L,1e-128L,1e-64L,1e-32L,
                1e-16L,1e-8L,1e-4L,1e-2L,1e-1L,1.0L ];
    static immutable real[13] postab =
        [ 1e+4096L,1e+2048L,1e+1024L,1e+512L,1e+256L,1e+128L,1e+64L,1e+32L,
                1e+16L,1e+8L,1e+4L,1e+2L,1e+1L ];

    ConvException bailOut()(string msg = null, string fn = __FILE__, size_t ln = __LINE__)
        if (msg == null)
            msg = "Floating point conversion error";
        return new ConvException(text(msg, " for input \"", source, "\"."), fn, ln);

    enforce(!p.empty, bailOut());

    bool sign = false;
    switch (p.front)
    case '-':
        sign = true;
        enforce(!p.empty, bailOut());
        if (toLower(p.front) == 'i')
            goto case 'i';
    case '+':
        enforce(!p.empty, bailOut());
    case 'i': case 'I':
        // inf
        enforce(!p.empty && toUpper(p.front) == 'N',
               bailOut("error converting input to floating point"));
        enforce(!p.empty && toUpper(p.front) == 'F',
               bailOut("error converting input to floating point"));
        // skip past the last 'f'
        static if (isNarrowString!Source)
            source = cast(Source) p;
        return sign ? -Target.infinity : Target.infinity;
    default: {}

    bool isHex = false;
    bool startsWithZero = p.front == '0';
    if (startsWithZero)
        if (p.empty)
            static if (isNarrowString!Source)
                source = cast(Source) p;
            return sign ? -0.0 : 0.0;

        isHex = p.front == 'x' || p.front == 'X';
        if (isHex) p.popFront();
    else if (toLower(p.front) == 'n')
        // nan
        enforce(!p.empty && toUpper(p.front) == 'A',
               bailOut("error converting input to floating point"));
        enforce(!p.empty && toUpper(p.front) == 'N',
               bailOut("error converting input to floating point"));
        // skip past the last 'n'
        static if (isNarrowString!Source)
            source = cast(Source) p;
        return typeof(return).nan;

     * The following algorithm consists of 2 steps:
     * 1) parseDigits processes the textual input into msdec and possibly
     *    lsdec/msscale variables, followed by the exponent parser which sets
     *    exp below.
     *    Hex: input is 0xaaaaa...p+000... where aaaa is the mantissa in hex
     *    and 000 is the exponent in decimal format with base 2.
     *    Decimal: input is 0.00333...p+000... where 0.0033 is the mantissa
     *    in decimal and 000 is the exponent in decimal format with base 10.
     * 2) Convert msdec/lsdec and exp into native real format

    real ldval = 0.0;
    char dot = 0;                        /* if decimal point has been seen */
    int exp = 0;
    ulong msdec = 0, lsdec = 0;
    ulong msscale = 1;
    bool sawDigits;

    enum { hex, decimal }

    // sets msdec, lsdec/msscale, and sawDigits by parsing the mantissa digits
    void parseDigits(alias FloatFormat)()
        static if (FloatFormat == hex)
            enum uint base = 16;
            enum ulong msscaleMax = 0x1000_0000_0000_0000UL; // largest power of 16 a ulong holds
            enum ubyte expIter = 4; // iterate the base-2 exponent by 4 for every hex digit
            alias checkDigit = isHexDigit;
             * convert letter to binary representation: First clear bit
             * to convert lower space chars to upperspace, then -('A'-10)
             * converts letter A to 10, letter B to 11, ...
            alias convertDigit = (int x) => isAlpha(x) ? ((x & ~0x20) - ('A' - 10)) : x - '0';
            sawDigits = false;
        else static if (FloatFormat == decimal)
            enum uint base = 10;
            enum ulong msscaleMax = 10_000_000_000_000_000_000UL; // largest power of 10 a ulong holds
            enum ubyte expIter = 1; // iterate the base-10 exponent once for every decimal digit
            alias checkDigit = isDigit;
            alias convertDigit = (int x) => x - '0';
            // Used to enforce that any mantissa digits are present
            sawDigits = startsWithZero;
            static assert(false, "Unrecognized floating-point format used.");

        while (!p.empty)
            int i = p.front;
            while (checkDigit(i))
                sawDigits = true;        /* must have at least 1 digit   */

                i = convertDigit(i);

                if (msdec < (ulong.max - base)/base)
                    // For base 16: Y = ... + y3*16^3 + y2*16^2 + y1*16^1 + y0*16^0
                    msdec = msdec * base + i;
                else if (msscale < msscaleMax)
                    lsdec = lsdec * base + i;
                    msscale *= base;
                    exp += expIter;
                exp -= dot;
                if (p.empty)
                i = p.front;
                if (i == '_')
                    if (p.empty)
                    i = p.front;
            if (i == '.' && !dot)
                dot += expIter;

        // Have we seen any mantissa digits so far?
        enforce(sawDigits, bailOut("no digits seen"));
        static if (FloatFormat == hex)
            enforce(!p.empty && (p.front == 'p' || p.front == 'P'),
                    bailOut("Floating point parsing: exponent is required"));

    if (isHex)

    if (isHex || (!p.empty && (p.front == 'e' || p.front == 'E')))
        char sexp = 0;
        int e = 0;

        enforce(!p.empty, new ConvException("Unexpected end of input"));
        switch (p.front)
            case '-':    sexp++;
                         goto case;
            case '+':    p.popFront();
            default: {}
        sawDigits = false;
        while (!p.empty && isDigit(p.front))
            if (e < 0x7FFFFFFF / 10 - 10)   // prevent integer overflow
                e = e * 10 + p.front - '0';
            sawDigits = true;
        exp += (sexp) ? -e : e;
        enforce(sawDigits, new ConvException("No digits seen."));

    ldval = msdec;
    if (msscale != 1)               /* if stuff was accumulated in lsdec */
        ldval = ldval * msscale + lsdec;
    if (isHex)
        import std.math : ldexp;

        // Exponent is power of 2, not power of 10
        ldval = ldexp(ldval,exp);
    else if (ldval)
        uint u = 0;
        int pow = 4096;

        while (exp > 0)
            while (exp >= pow)
                ldval *= postab[u];
                exp -= pow;
            pow >>= 1;
        while (exp < 0)
            while (exp <= -pow)
                ldval *= negtab[u];
                enforce(ldval != 0, new ConvException("Range error"));
                exp += pow;
            pow >>= 1;

    // if overflow occurred
    enforce(ldval != real.infinity, new ConvException("Range error"));

    static if (isNarrowString!Source)
        source = cast(Source) p;
    return sign ? -ldval : ldval;

@safe unittest
    import std.math : approxEqual;
    auto str = "123.456";


@safe unittest
    import std.exception;
    import std.math : isNaN, fabs;

    // Compare reals with given precision
    bool feq(in real rx, in real ry, in real precision = 0.000001L)
        if (rx == ry)
            return 1;

        if (isNaN(rx))
            return cast(bool) isNaN(ry);

        if (isNaN(ry))
            return 0;

        return cast(bool)(fabs(rx - ry) <= precision);

    // Make given typed literal
    F Literal(F)(F f)
        return f;

    foreach (Float; AliasSeq!(float, double, real))
        assert(to!Float("123") == Literal!Float(123));
        assert(to!Float("+123") == Literal!Float(+123));
        assert(to!Float("-123") == Literal!Float(-123));
        assert(to!Float("123e2") == Literal!Float(123e2));
        assert(to!Float("123e+2") == Literal!Float(123e+2));
        assert(to!Float("123e-2") == Literal!Float(123e-2));
        assert(to!Float("123.") == Literal!Float(123.0));
        assert(to!Float(".375") == Literal!Float(.375));

        assert(to!Float("1.23375E+2") == Literal!Float(1.23375E+2));

        assert(to!Float("0") is 0.0);
        assert(to!Float("-0") is -0.0);



    // min and max
    float f = to!float("1.17549e-38");
    assert(feq(cast(real) f, cast(real) 1.17549e-38));
    assert(feq(cast(real) f, cast(real) float.min_normal));
    f = to!float("3.40282e+38");
    assert(to!string(f) == to!string(3.40282e+38));

    // min and max
    double d = to!double("2.22508e-308");
    assert(feq(cast(real) d, cast(real) 2.22508e-308));
    assert(feq(cast(real) d, cast(real) double.min_normal));
    d = to!double("1.79769e+308");
    assert(to!string(d) == to!string(1.79769e+308));
    assert(to!string(d) == to!string(double.max));

    assert(to!string(to!real(to!string(real.max / 2L))) == to!string(real.max / 2L));

    // min and max
    real r = to!real(to!string(real.min_normal));
    version (NetBSD)
        // NetBSD notice
        // to!string returns 3.3621e-4932L. It is less than real.min_normal and it is subnormal value
        // Simple C code
        //     long double rd = 3.3621e-4932L;
        //     printf("%Le\n", rd);
        // has unexpected result: 1.681050e-4932
        // Bug report:
        assert(to!string(r) == to!string(real.min_normal));
    r = to!real(to!string(real.max));
    assert(to!string(r) == to!string(real.max));

// Tests for the double implementation
@system unittest
    // @system because strtod is not @safe.
    static if (real.mant_dig == 53)
        import core.stdc.stdlib, std.exception, std.math;

        //Should be parsed exactly: 53 bit mantissa
        string s = "0x1A_BCDE_F012_3456p10";
        auto x = parse!real(s);
        assert(x == 0x1A_BCDE_F012_3456p10L);
        //1 bit is implicit
        assert(((*cast(ulong*)&x) & 0x000F_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) == 0xA_BCDE_F012_3456);
        assert(strtod("0x1ABCDEF0123456p10", null) == x);

        //Should be parsed exactly: 10 bit mantissa
        s = "0x3FFp10";
        x = parse!real(s);
        assert(x == 0x03FFp10);
        //1 bit is implicit
        assert(((*cast(ulong*)&x) & 0x000F_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) == 0x000F_F800_0000_0000);
        assert(strtod("0x3FFp10", null) == x);

        //60 bit mantissa, round up
        s = "0xFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFp10";
        x = parse!real(s);
        assert(approxEqual(x, 0xFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFp10));
        //1 bit is implicit
        assert(((*cast(ulong*)&x) & 0x000F_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) == 0x0000_0000_0000_0000);
        assert(strtod("0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFp10", null) == x);

        //60 bit mantissa, round down
        s = "0xFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FF90p10";
        x = parse!real(s);
        assert(approxEqual(x, 0xFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FF90p10));
        //1 bit is implicit
        assert(((*cast(ulong*)&x) & 0x000F_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) == 0x000F_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF);
        assert(strtod("0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF90p10", null) == x);

        //61 bit mantissa, round up 2
        s = "0x1F0F_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFp10";
        x = parse!real(s);
        assert(approxEqual(x, 0x1F0F_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFp10));
        //1 bit is implicit
        assert(((*cast(ulong*)&x) & 0x000F_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) == 0x000F_1000_0000_0000);
        assert(strtod("0x1F0FFFFFFFFFFFFFp10", null) == x);

        //61 bit mantissa, round down 2
        s = "0x1F0F_FFFF_FFFF_FF10p10";
        x = parse!real(s);
        assert(approxEqual(x, 0x1F0F_FFFF_FFFF_FF10p10));
        //1 bit is implicit
        assert(((*cast(ulong*)&x) & 0x000F_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) == 0x000F_0FFF_FFFF_FFFF);
        assert(strtod("0x1F0FFFFFFFFFFF10p10", null) == x);

        //Huge exponent
        s = "0x1F_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFp900";
        x = parse!real(s);
        assert(strtod("0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFFp900", null) == x);

        //exponent too big -> converror
        s = "";
        assertThrown!ConvException(x = parse!real(s));
        assert(strtod("0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFFp1024", null) == real.infinity);

        //-exponent too big -> 0
        s = "0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFFp-2000";
        x = parse!real(s);
        assert(x == 0);
        assert(strtod("0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFFp-2000", null) == x);

@system unittest
    import core.stdc.errno;
    import core.stdc.stdlib;
    import std.math : floatTraits, RealFormat;

    errno = 0;  // In case it was set by another unittest in a different module.
    struct longdouble
        static if (floatTraits!real.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeQuadruple)
            ushort[8] value;
        else static if (floatTraits!real.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeExtended)
            ushort[5] value;
        else static if (floatTraits!real.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeDouble)
            ushort[4] value;
            static assert(false, "Not implemented");

    real ld;
    longdouble x;
    real ld1;
    longdouble x1;
    int i;

    static if (floatTraits!real.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeQuadruple)
        // Our parser is currently limited to ieeeExtended precision
        enum s = "0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEp-16382";
    else static if (floatTraits!real.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeExtended)
        enum s = "0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEp-16382";
    else static if (floatTraits!real.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeDouble)
        enum s = "0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEp-1000";
        static assert(false, "Floating point format for real not supported");

    auto s2 = s.idup;
    ld = parse!real(s2);
    x = *cast(longdouble *)&ld;

    static if (floatTraits!real.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeExtended)
        version (CRuntime_Microsoft)
            ld1 = 0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEp-16382L; // strtold currently mapped to strtod
        else version (CRuntime_Bionic)
            ld1 = 0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEp-16382L; // strtold currently mapped to strtod
            ld1 = strtold(s.ptr, null);
        ld1 = strtold(s.ptr, null);

    x1 = *cast(longdouble *)&ld1;
    assert(x1 == x && ld1 == ld);


    s2 = "1.0e5";
    ld = parse!real(s2);
    x = *cast(longdouble *)&ld;
    ld1 = strtold("1.0e5", null);
    x1 = *cast(longdouble *)&ld1;

@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception;

    // Bugzilla 4959
        auto s = "0 ";
        auto x = parse!double(s);
        assert(s == " ");
        assert(x == 0.0);

    // Bugzilla 3369
    assert(to!float("inf") == float.infinity);
    assert(to!float("-inf") == -float.infinity);

    // Bugzilla 6160
    assert(6_5.536e3L == to!real("6_5.536e3"));                     // 2^16
    assert(0x1000_000_000_p10 == to!real("0x1000_000_000_p10"));    // 7.03687e+13

    // Bugzilla 6258

    // Bugzilla 7055

    //extra stress testing
    auto ssOK    = ["1.", "1.1.1", "1.e5", "2e1e", "2a", "2e1_1",
                    "inf", "-inf", "infa", "-infa", "inf2e2", "-inf2e2"];
    auto ssKO    = ["", " ", "2e", "2e+", "2e-", "2ee", "2e++1", "2e--1", "2e_1", "+inf"];
    foreach (s; ssOK)
    foreach (s; ssKO)

Parsing one character off a range returns the first element and calls `popFront`.

    Target = the type to convert to
    s = the lvalue of an $(REF_ALTTEXT input range, isInputRange, std,range,primitives)

    A character of type `Target`

    A $(LREF ConvException) if the range is empty.
Target parse(Target, Source)(ref Source s)
if (isSomeString!Source && !is(Source == enum) &&
    staticIndexOf!(Unqual!Target, dchar, Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Source)) >= 0)
    if (s.empty)
        throw convError!(Source, Target)(s);
    static if (is(Unqual!Target == dchar))
        Target result = s.front;
        return result;
        // Special case: okay so parse a Char off a Char[]
        Target result = s[0];
        s = s[1 .. $];
        return result;

@safe pure unittest
    foreach (Str; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
        foreach (Char; AliasSeq!(char, wchar, dchar))
            static if (is(Unqual!Char == dchar) ||
                       Char.sizeof == ElementEncodingType!Str.sizeof)
                Str s = "aaa";
                assert(parse!Char(s) == 'a');
                assert(s == "aa");

/// ditto
Target parse(Target, Source)(ref Source s)
if (!isSomeString!Source && isInputRange!Source && isSomeChar!(ElementType!Source) &&
    isSomeChar!Target && Target.sizeof >= ElementType!Source.sizeof && !is(Target == enum))
    if (s.empty)
        throw convError!(Source, Target)(s);
    Target result = s.front;
    return result;

@safe pure unittest
    auto s = "Hello, World!";
    char first = parse!char(s);
    assert(first == 'H');
    assert(s == "ello, World!");

    Tests for to!bool and parse!bool
@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception;

    assert(to!bool("TruE") == true);
    assert(to!bool("faLse"d) == false);

    auto t = "TrueType";
    assert(parse!bool(t) == true);
    assert(t == "Type");

    auto f = "False killer whale"d;
    assert(parse!bool(f) == false);
    assert(f == " killer whale"d);

    auto m = "maybe";
    assert(m == "maybe");  // m shouldn't change on failure

    auto s = "true";
    auto b = parse!(const(bool))(s);
    assert(b == true);

Parsing a character range to `typeof(null)` returns `null` if the range
spells `"null"`. This function is case insensitive.

    Target = the type to convert to
    s = the lvalue of an $(REF_ALTTEXT input range, isInputRange, std,range,primitives)


    A $(LREF ConvException) if the range doesn't represent `null`.
Target parse(Target, Source)(ref Source s)
if (isInputRange!Source &&
    isSomeChar!(ElementType!Source) &&
    is(Unqual!Target == typeof(null)))
    import std.ascii : toLower;
    foreach (c; "null")
        if (s.empty || toLower(s.front) != c)
            throw parseError("null should be case-insensitive 'null'");
    return null;

@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception : assertThrown;

    alias NullType = typeof(null);
    auto s1 = "null";
    assert(parse!NullType(s1) is null);
    assert(s1 == "");

    auto s2 = "NUll"d;
    assert(parse!NullType(s2) is null);
    assert(s2 == "");

    auto m = "maybe";
    assert(m == "maybe");  // m shouldn't change on failure

    auto s = "NULL";
    assert(parse!(const NullType)(s) is null);

//Used internally by parse Array/AA, to remove ascii whites
package void skipWS(R)(ref R r)
    import std.ascii : isWhite;
    static if (isSomeString!R)
        //Implementation inspired from stripLeft.
        foreach (i, c; r)
            if (!isWhite(c))
                r = r[i .. $];
        r = r[0 .. 0]; //Empty string with correct type.
        for (; !r.empty && isWhite(r.front); r.popFront())

 * Parses an array from a string given the left bracket (default $(D
 * '[')), right bracket (default $(D ']')), and element separator (by
 * default $(D ',')). A trailing separator is allowed.
 * Params:
 *     s = The string to parse
 *     lbracket = the character that starts the array
 *     rbracket = the character that ends the array
 *     comma = the character that separates the elements of the array
 * Returns:
 *     An array of type `Target`
Target parse(Target, Source)(ref Source s, dchar lbracket = '[', dchar rbracket = ']', dchar comma = ',')
if (isSomeString!Source && !is(Source == enum) &&
    isDynamicArray!Target && !is(Target == enum))
    import std.array : appender;

    auto result = appender!Target();

    if (s.empty)
        throw convError!(Source, Target)(s);
    if (s.front == rbracket)
    for (;; s.popFront(), skipWS(s))
        if (!s.empty && s.front == rbracket)
        result ~= parseElement!(ElementType!Target)(s);
        if (s.empty)
            throw convError!(Source, Target)(s);
        if (s.front != comma)


@safe pure unittest
    auto s1 = `[['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'], "world"]`;
    auto a1 = parse!(string[])(s1);
    assert(a1 == ["hello", "world"]);

    auto s2 = `["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"]`;
    auto a2 = parse!(string[])(s2);
    assert(a2 == ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"]);

@safe unittest // Bugzilla 9615
    string s0 = "[1,2, ]";
    string s1 = "[1,2, \t\v\r\n]";
    string s2 = "[1,2]";
    assert(s0.parse!(int[]) == [1,2]);
    assert(s1.parse!(int[]) == [1,2]);
    assert(s2.parse!(int[]) == [1,2]);

    string s3 = `["a","b",]`;
    string s4 = `["a","b"]`;
    assert(s3.parse!(string[]) == ["a","b"]);
    assert(s4.parse!(string[]) == ["a","b"]);

    import std.exception : assertThrown;
    string s5 = "[,]";
    string s6 = "[, \t,]";

@safe unittest
    int[] a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    auto s = to!string(a);
    assert(to!(int[])(s) == a);

@safe unittest
    int[][] a = [ [1, 2] , [3], [4, 5] ];
    auto s = to!string(a);
    assert(to!(int[][])(s) == a);

@safe unittest
    int[][][] ia = [ [[1,2],[3,4],[5]] , [[6],[],[7,8,9]] , [[]] ];

    char[] s = to!(char[])(ia);
    int[][][] ia2;

    ia2 = to!(typeof(ia2))(s);
    assert( ia == ia2);

@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception;

    //Check proper failure
    auto s = "[ 1 , 2 , 3 ]";
    foreach (i ; 0 .. s.length-1)
        auto ss = s[0 .. i];
    int[] arr = parse!(int[])(s);

@safe pure unittest
    //Checks parsing of strings with escaped characters
    string s1 = `[
        "Contains a\0null!",
        "backslash \\ slash / question \?",
        "number \x35 five",
        "unicode \u65E5 sun",
        "very long \U000065E5 sun"

    //Note: escaped characters purposefully replaced and isolated to guarantee
    //there are no typos in the escape syntax
    string[] s2 = [
        "Contains a" ~ '\0' ~ "null!",
        "tab" ~ '\t' ~ "here",
        "line" ~ '\n' ~ "break",
        "backslash " ~ '\\' ~ " slash / question ?",
        "number 5 five",
        "unicode 日 sun",
        "very long 日 sun"
    assert(s2 == parse!(string[])(s1));

/// ditto
Target parse(Target, Source)(ref Source s, dchar lbracket = '[', dchar rbracket = ']', dchar comma = ',')
if (isExactSomeString!Source &&
    isStaticArray!Target && !is(Target == enum))
    static if (hasIndirections!Target)
        Target result = Target.init[0].init;
        Target result = void;

    if (s.empty)
        throw convError!(Source, Target)(s);
    if (s.front == rbracket)
        static if (result.length != 0)
            goto Lmanyerr;
            return result;
    for (size_t i = 0; ; s.popFront(), skipWS(s))
        if (i == result.length)
            goto Lmanyerr;
        result[i++] = parseElement!(ElementType!Target)(s);
        if (s.empty)
            throw convError!(Source, Target)(s);
        if (s.front != comma)
            if (i != result.length)
                goto Lfewerr;

    return result;

    throw parseError(text("Too many elements in input, ", result.length, " elements expected."));

    throw parseError(text("Too few elements in input, ", result.length, " elements expected."));

@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception;

    auto s1 = "[1,2,3,4]";
    auto sa1 = parse!(int[4])(s1);
    assert(sa1 == [1,2,3,4]);

    auto s2 = "[[1],[2,3],[4]]";
    auto sa2 = parse!(int[][3])(s2);
    assert(sa2 == [[1],[2,3],[4]]);

    auto s3 = "[1,2,3]";

    auto s4 = "[1,2,3,4,5]";

 * Parses an associative array from a string given the left bracket (default $(D
 * '[')), right bracket (default $(D ']')), key-value separator (default $(D
 * ':')), and element seprator (by default $(D ',')).
 * Params:
 *     s = the string to parse
 *     lbracket = the character that starts the associative array
 *     rbracket = the character that ends the associative array
 *     keyval = the character that associates the key with the value
 *     comma = the character that separates the elements of the associative array
 * Returns:
 *     An associative array of type `Target`
Target parse(Target, Source)(ref Source s, dchar lbracket = '[',
                             dchar rbracket = ']', dchar keyval = ':', dchar comma = ',')
if (isSomeString!Source && !is(Source == enum) &&
    isAssociativeArray!Target && !is(Target == enum))
    alias KeyType = typeof(Target.init.keys[0]);
    alias ValType = typeof(Target.init.values[0]);

    Target result;

    if (s.empty)
        throw convError!(Source, Target)(s);
    if (s.front == rbracket)
        return result;
    for (;; s.popFront(), skipWS(s))
        auto key = parseElement!KeyType(s);
        auto val = parseElement!ValType(s);
        result[key] = val;
        if (s.empty)
            throw convError!(Source, Target)(s);
        if (s.front != comma)

    return result;

@safe pure unittest
    auto s1 = "[1:10, 2:20, 3:30]";
    auto aa1 = parse!(int[int])(s1);
    assert(aa1 == [1:10, 2:20, 3:30]);

    auto s2 = `["aaa":10, "bbb":20, "ccc":30]`;
    auto aa2 = parse!(int[string])(s2);
    assert(aa2 == ["aaa":10, "bbb":20, "ccc":30]);

    auto s3 = `["aaa":[1], "bbb":[2,3], "ccc":[4,5,6]]`;
    auto aa3 = parse!(int[][string])(s3);
    assert(aa3 == ["aaa":[1], "bbb":[2,3], "ccc":[4,5,6]]);

@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception;

    //Check proper failure
    auto s = "[1:10, 2:20, 3:30]";
    foreach (i ; 0 .. s.length-1)
        auto ss = s[0 .. i];
    int[int] aa = parse!(int[int])(s);

private dchar parseEscape(Source)(ref Source s)
if (isInputRange!Source && isSomeChar!(ElementType!Source))
    if (s.empty)
        throw parseError("Unterminated escape sequence");

    dchar getHexDigit()(ref Source s_ = s)  // workaround
        import std.ascii : isAlpha, isHexDigit;
        if (s_.empty)
            throw parseError("Unterminated escape sequence");
        if (s_.empty)
            throw parseError("Unterminated escape sequence");
        dchar c = s_.front;
        if (!isHexDigit(c))
            throw parseError("Hex digit is missing");
        return isAlpha(c) ? ((c & ~0x20) - ('A' - 10)) : c - '0';

    dchar result;

    switch (s.front)
        case '"':   result = '\"';  break;
        case '\'':  result = '\'';  break;
        case '0':   result = '\0';  break;
        case '?':   result = '\?';  break;
        case '\\':  result = '\\';  break;
        case 'a':   result = '\a';  break;
        case 'b':   result = '\b';  break;
        case 'f':   result = '\f';  break;
        case 'n':   result = '\n';  break;
        case 'r':   result = '\r';  break;
        case 't':   result = '\t';  break;
        case 'v':   result = '\v';  break;
        case 'x':
            result  = getHexDigit() << 4;
            result |= getHexDigit();
        case 'u':
            result  = getHexDigit() << 12;
            result |= getHexDigit() << 8;
            result |= getHexDigit() << 4;
            result |= getHexDigit();
        case 'U':
            result  = getHexDigit() << 28;
            result |= getHexDigit() << 24;
            result |= getHexDigit() << 20;
            result |= getHexDigit() << 16;
            result |= getHexDigit() << 12;
            result |= getHexDigit() << 8;
            result |= getHexDigit() << 4;
            result |= getHexDigit();
            throw parseError("Unknown escape character " ~ to!string(s.front));
    if (s.empty)
        throw parseError("Unterminated escape sequence");


    return result;

@safe pure unittest
    string[] s1 = [
        `\"`, `\'`, `\?`, `\\`, `\a`, `\b`, `\f`, `\n`, `\r`, `\t`, `\v`, //Normal escapes
        //`\141`, //@@@9621@@@ Octal escapes.
        `\u65E5`, `\U00012456`
        //`\&amp;`, `\&quot;`, //@@@9621@@@ Named Character Entities.

    const(dchar)[] s2 = [
        '\"', '\'', '\?', '\\', '\a', '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\v', //Normal escapes
        //'\141', //@@@9621@@@ Octal escapes.
        '\u65E5', '\U00012456'
        //'\&amp;', '\&quot;', //@@@9621@@@ Named Character Entities.

    foreach (i ; 0 .. s1.length)
        assert(s2[i] == parseEscape(s1[i]));

@safe pure unittest
    import std.exception;

    string[] ss = [
        `hello!`,  //Not an escape
        `\`,       //Premature termination
        `\/`,      //Not an escape
        `\gggg`,   //Not an escape
        `\xzz`,    //Not an hex
        `\x0`,     //Premature hex end
        `\XB9`,    //Not legal hex syntax
        `\u!!`,    //Not a unicode hex
        `\777`,    //Octal is larger than a byte //Note: Throws, but simply because octals are unsupported
        `\u123`,   //Premature hex end
        `\U123123` //Premature hex end
    foreach (s ; ss)

// Undocumented
Target parseElement(Target, Source)(ref Source s)
if (isInputRange!Source && isSomeChar!(ElementType!Source) && !is(Source == enum) &&
    import std.array : appender;
    auto result = appender!Target();

    // parse array of chars
    if (s.empty)
        throw convError!(Source, Target)(s);
    if (s.front == '[')
        return parse!Target(s);

    if (s.empty)
        throw convError!(Source, Target)(s);
    if (s.front == '\"')
    while (true)
        if (s.empty)
            throw parseError("Unterminated quoted string");
        switch (s.front)
            case '\"':
            case '\\':

// ditto
Target parseElement(Target, Source)(ref Source s)
if (isInputRange!Source && isSomeChar!(ElementType!Source) && !is(Source == enum) &&
    isSomeChar!Target && !is(Target == enum))
    Target c;

    if (s.empty)
        throw convError!(Source, Target)(s);
    if (s.front != '\\')
        c = s.front;
        c = parseEscape(s);

    return c;

// ditto
Target parseElement(Target, Source)(ref Source s)
if (isInputRange!Source && isSomeChar!(ElementType!Source) &&
    !isSomeString!Target && !isSomeChar!Target)
    return parse!Target(s);

 * Convenience functions for converting one or more arguments
 * of any type into _text (the three character widths).
string text(T...)(T args)
if (T.length > 0) { return textImpl!string(args); }

wstring wtext(T...)(T args)
if (T.length > 0) { return textImpl!wstring(args); }

dstring dtext(T...)(T args)
if (T.length > 0) { return textImpl!dstring(args); }

@safe unittest
    assert( text(42, ' ', 1.5, ": xyz") == "42 1.5: xyz"c);
    assert(wtext(42, ' ', 1.5, ": xyz") == "42 1.5: xyz"w);
    assert(dtext(42, ' ', 1.5, ": xyz") == "42 1.5: xyz"d);

@safe unittest
    char  c = 'h';
    wchar w = '你';
    dchar d = 'እ';

    assert( text(c, "ello", ' ', w, "好 ", d, "ው ሰላም ነው") == "hello 你好 እው ሰላም ነው"c);
    assert(wtext(c, "ello", ' ', w, "好 ", d, "ው ሰላም ነው") == "hello 你好 እው ሰላም ነው"w);
    assert(dtext(c, "ello", ' ', w, "好 ", d, "ው ሰላም ነው") == "hello 你好 እው ሰላም ነው"d);

    string  cs = "今日は";
    wstring ws = "여보세요";
    dstring ds = "Здравствуйте";

    assert( text(cs, ' ', ws, " ", ds) == "今日は 여보세요 Здравствуйте"c);
    assert(wtext(cs, ' ', ws, " ", ds) == "今日は 여보세요 Здравствуйте"w);
    assert(dtext(cs, ' ', ws, " ", ds) == "今日は 여보세요 Здравствуйте"d);

private S textImpl(S, U...)(U args)
    static if (U.length == 0)
        return null;
    else static if (U.length == 1)
        return to!S(args[0]);
        import std.array : appender;

        auto app = appender!S();

        foreach (arg; args)

The $(D octal) facility provides a means to declare a number in base 8.
Using $(D octal!177) or $(D octal!"177") for 127 represented in octal
(same as 0177 in C).

The rules for strings are the usual for literals: If it can fit in an
$(D int), it is an $(D int). Otherwise, it is a $(D long). But, if the
user specifically asks for a $(D long) with the $(D L) suffix, always
give the $(D long). Give an unsigned iff it is asked for with the $(D
U) or $(D u) suffix. _Octals created from integers preserve the type
of the passed-in integral.

    $(LREF parse) for parsing octal strings at runtime.
template octal(string num)
if (isOctalLiteral(num))
    static if ((octalFitsInInt!num && !literalIsLong!num) && !literalIsUnsigned!num)
        enum octal = octal!int(num);
    else static if ((!octalFitsInInt!num || literalIsLong!num) && !literalIsUnsigned!num)
        enum octal = octal!long(num);
    else static if ((octalFitsInInt!num && !literalIsLong!num) && literalIsUnsigned!num)
        enum octal = octal!uint(num);
    else static if ((!octalFitsInInt!(num) || literalIsLong!(num)) && literalIsUnsigned!(num))
        enum octal = octal!ulong(num);
        static assert(false);

/// Ditto
template octal(alias decimalInteger)
if (isIntegral!(typeof(decimalInteger)))
    enum octal = octal!(typeof(decimalInteger))(to!string(decimalInteger));

@safe unittest
    // same as 0177
    auto x = octal!177;
    // octal is a compile-time device
    enum y = octal!160;
    // Create an unsigned octal
    auto z = octal!"1_000_000u";

    Takes a string, num, which is an octal literal, and returns its
    value, in the type T specified.
private T octal(T)(const string num)

    T value = 0;

    foreach (const char s; num)
        if (s < '0' || s > '7') // we only care about digits; skip the rest
        // safe to skip - this is checked out in the assert so these
        // are just suffixes

        value *= 8;
        value += s - '0';

    return value;

@safe unittest
    int a = octal!int("10");
    assert(a == 8);

Take a look at int.max and int.max+1 in octal and the logic for this
function follows directly.
private template octalFitsInInt(string octalNum)
    // note it is important to strip the literal of all
    // non-numbers. kill the suffix and underscores lest they mess up
    // the number of digits here that we depend on.
    enum bool octalFitsInInt = strippedOctalLiteral(octalNum).length < 11 ||
        strippedOctalLiteral(octalNum).length == 11 &&
        strippedOctalLiteral(octalNum)[0] == '1';

private string strippedOctalLiteral(string original)
    string stripped = "";
    foreach (c; original)
        if (c >= '0' && c <= '7')
            stripped ~= c;
    return stripped;

private template literalIsLong(string num)
    static if (num.length > 1)
    // can be xxL or xxLu according to spec
        enum literalIsLong = (num[$-1] == 'L' || num[$-2] == 'L');
        enum literalIsLong = false;

private template literalIsUnsigned(string num)
    static if (num.length > 1)
    // can be xxU or xxUL according to spec
        enum literalIsUnsigned = (num[$-1] == 'u' || num[$-2] == 'u')
            // both cases are allowed too
            || (num[$-1] == 'U' || num[$-2] == 'U');
        enum literalIsUnsigned = false;

Returns if the given string is a correctly formatted octal literal.

The format is specified in spec/lex.html. The leading zero is allowed, but
not required.
@safe pure nothrow @nogc
private bool isOctalLiteral(const string num)
    if (num.length == 0)
        return false;

    // Must start with a number. To avoid confusion, literals that
    // start with a '0' are not allowed
    if (num[0] == '0' && num.length > 1)
        return false;
    if (num[0] < '0' || num[0] > '7')
        return false;

    foreach (i, c; num)
        if ((c < '0' || c > '7') && c != '_') // not a legal character
            if (i < num.length - 2)
                    return false;
            else   // gotta check for those suffixes
                if (c != 'U' && c != 'u' && c != 'L')
                        return false;
                if (i != num.length - 1)
                    // if we're not the last one, the next one must
                    // also be a suffix to be valid
                    char c2 = num[$-1];
                    if (c2 != 'U' && c2 != 'u' && c2 != 'L')
                        return false; // spam at the end of the string
                    if (c2 == c)
                        return false; // repeats are disallowed

    return true;

@safe unittest
    // ensure that you get the right types, even with embedded underscores
    auto w = octal!"100_000_000_000";
    static assert(!is(typeof(w) == int));
    auto w2 = octal!"1_000_000_000";
    static assert(is(typeof(w2) == int));

    static assert(octal!"45" == 37);
    static assert(octal!"0" == 0);
    static assert(octal!"7" == 7);
    static assert(octal!"10" == 8);
    static assert(octal!"666" == 438);

    static assert(octal!45 == 37);
    static assert(octal!0 == 0);
    static assert(octal!7 == 7);
    static assert(octal!10 == 8);
    static assert(octal!666 == 438);

    static assert(octal!"66_6" == 438);

    static assert(octal!2520046213 == 356535435);
    static assert(octal!"2520046213" == 356535435);

    static assert(octal!17777777777 == int.max);

    static assert(!__traits(compiles, octal!823));

    static assert(!__traits(compiles, octal!"823"));

    static assert(!__traits(compiles, octal!"_823"));
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, octal!"spam"));
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, octal!"77%"));

    static assert(is(typeof(octal!"17777777777") == int));
    static assert(octal!"17777777777" == int.max);

    static assert(is(typeof(octal!"20000000000U") == ulong)); // Shouldn't this be uint?
    static assert(octal!"20000000000" == uint(int.max) + 1);

    static assert(is(typeof(octal!"777777777777777777777") == long));
    static assert(octal!"777777777777777777777" == long.max);

    static assert(is(typeof(octal!"1000000000000000000000U") == ulong));
    static assert(octal!"1000000000000000000000" == ulong(long.max) + 1);

    int a;
    long b;

    // biggest value that should fit in an it
    a = octal!"17777777777";
    assert(a == int.max);
    // should not fit in the int
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, a = octal!"20000000000"));
    // ... but should fit in a long
    b = octal!"20000000000";
    assert(b == 1L + int.max);

    b = octal!"1L";
    assert(b == 1);
    b = octal!1L;
    assert(b == 1);

emplaceRef is a package function for phobos internal use. It works like
emplace, but takes its argument by ref (as opposed to "by pointer").

This makes it easier to use, easier to be safe, and faster in a non-inline

Furthermore, emplaceRef optionally takes a type paremeter, which specifies
the type we want to build. This helps to build qualified objects on mutable
buffer, without breaking the type system with unsafe casts.
package void emplaceRef(T, UT, Args...)(ref UT chunk, auto ref Args args)
    static if (args.length == 0)
        static assert(is(typeof({static T i;})),
            convFormat("Cannot emplace a %1$s because %1$s.this() is annotated with @disable.", T.stringof));
        static if (is(T == class)) static assert(!isAbstractClass!T,
            T.stringof ~ " is abstract and it can't be emplaced");
    else static if (
        !is(T == struct) && Args.length == 1 /* primitives, enums, arrays */
        Args.length == 1 && is(typeof({T t = args[0];})) /* conversions */
        is(typeof(T(args))) /* general constructors */)
        static struct S
            T payload;
            this(ref Args x)
                static if (Args.length == 1)
                    static if (is(typeof(payload = x[0])))
                        payload = x[0];
                        payload = T(x[0]);
                    payload = T(x);
        if (__ctfe)
            static if (is(typeof(chunk = T(args))))
                chunk = T(args);
            else static if (args.length == 1 && is(typeof(chunk = args[0])))
                chunk = args[0];
            else assert(0, "CTFE emplace doesn't support "
                ~ T.stringof ~ " from " ~ Args.stringof);
            S* p = () @trusted { return cast(S*) &chunk; }();
    else static if (is(typeof(chunk.__ctor(args))))
        // This catches the rare case of local types that keep a frame pointer
        //We can't emplace. Try to diagnose a disabled postblit.
        static assert(!(Args.length == 1 && is(Args[0] : T)),
            convFormat("Cannot emplace a %1$s because %1$s.this(this) is annotated with @disable.", T.stringof));

        //We can't emplace.
        static assert(false,
            convFormat("%s cannot be emplaced from %s.", T.stringof, Args[].stringof));
// ditto
package void emplaceRef(UT, Args...)(ref UT chunk, auto ref Args args)
if (is(UT == Unqual!UT))
    emplaceRef!(UT, UT)(chunk, args);

//emplace helper functions
private void emplaceInitializer(T)(ref T chunk) @trusted pure nothrow
    static if (!hasElaborateAssign!T && isAssignable!T)
        chunk = T.init;
        import core.stdc.string : memcpy;
        static immutable T init = T.init;
        memcpy(&chunk, &init, T.sizeof);

// emplace
Given a pointer $(D chunk) to uninitialized memory (but already typed
as $(D T)), constructs an object of non-$(D class) type $(D T) at that
address. If `T` is a class, initializes the class reference to null.

Returns: A pointer to the newly constructed object (which is the same
as $(D chunk)).
T* emplace(T)(T* chunk) @safe pure nothrow
    return chunk;

@system unittest
    static struct S
        int i = 42;
    S[2] s2 = void;
    assert(s2[0].i == 42 && s2[1].i == 42);

@system unittest
    interface I {}
    class K : I {}

    K k = void;
    assert(k is null);

    I i = void;
    assert(i is null);

Given a pointer $(D chunk) to uninitialized memory (but already typed
as a non-class type $(D T)), constructs an object of type $(D T) at
that address from arguments $(D args). If `T` is a class, initializes
the class reference to `args[0]`.

This function can be $(D @trusted) if the corresponding constructor of
$(D T) is $(D @safe).

Returns: A pointer to the newly constructed object (which is the same
as $(D chunk)).
T* emplace(T, Args...)(T* chunk, auto ref Args args)
if (is(T == struct) || Args.length == 1)
    emplaceRef!T(*chunk, args);
    return chunk;

@system unittest
    int a;
    int b = 42;
    assert(*emplace!int(&a, b) == 42);

@system unittest
    shared int i;
    emplace(&i, 42);
    assert(i == 42);

private void testEmplaceChunk(void[] chunk, size_t typeSize, size_t typeAlignment, string typeName) @nogc pure nothrow
    assert(chunk.length >= typeSize, "emplace: Chunk size too small.");
    assert((cast(size_t) chunk.ptr) % typeAlignment == 0, "emplace: Chunk is not aligned.");

Given a raw memory area $(D chunk), constructs an object of $(D class)
type $(D T) at that address. The constructor is passed the arguments
$(D Args).

If `T` is an inner class whose `outer` field can be used to access an instance
of the enclosing class, then `Args` must not be empty, and the first member of it
must be a valid initializer for that `outer` field. Correct initialization of
this field is essential to access members of the outer class inside `T` methods.

$(D chunk) must be at least as large as $(D T) needs
and should have an alignment multiple of $(D T)'s alignment. (The size
of a $(D class) instance is obtained by using $(D
__traits(classInstanceSize, T))).

This function can be $(D @trusted) if the corresponding constructor of
$(D T) is $(D @safe).

Returns: The newly constructed object.
T emplace(T, Args...)(void[] chunk, auto ref Args args)
if (is(T == class))
    static assert(!isAbstractClass!T, T.stringof ~
        " is abstract and it can't be emplaced");

    enum classSize = __traits(classInstanceSize, T);
    testEmplaceChunk(chunk, classSize, classInstanceAlignment!T, T.stringof);
    auto result = cast(T) chunk.ptr;

    // Initialize the object in its pre-ctor state
    chunk[0 .. classSize] = typeid(T).initializer[];

    static if (isInnerClass!T)
        static assert(Args.length > 0,
            "Initializing an inner class requires a pointer to the outer class");
        static assert(is(Args[0] : typeof(T.outer)),
            "The first argument must be a pointer to the outer class");

        result.outer = args[0];
        alias args1 = args[1..$];
    else alias args1 = args;

    // Call the ctor if any
    static if (is(typeof(result.__ctor(args1))))
        // T defines a genuine constructor accepting args
        // Go the classic route: write .init first, then call ctor
        static assert(args1.length == 0 && !is(typeof(&T.__ctor)),
            "Don't know how to initialize an object of type "
            ~ T.stringof ~ " with arguments " ~ typeof(args1).stringof);
    return result;

@system unittest
    static class C
        int i;
        this(int i){this.i = i;}
    auto buf = new void[__traits(classInstanceSize, C)];
    auto c = emplace!C(buf, 5);
    assert(c.i == 5);

@system unittest
    class Outer
        int i = 3;
        class Inner
            auto getI() { return i; }
    auto outerBuf = new void[__traits(classInstanceSize, Outer)];
    auto innerBuf = new void[__traits(classInstanceSize, Outer.Inner)];
    auto inner = innerBuf.emplace!(Outer.Inner)(outerBuf.emplace!Outer);
    assert(inner.getI == 3);

@nogc pure nothrow @system unittest
    int var = 6;
    align(__conv_EmplaceTestClass.alignof) ubyte[__traits(classInstanceSize, __conv_EmplaceTestClass)] buf;
    auto k = emplace!__conv_EmplaceTestClass(buf, 5, var);
    assert(k.i == 5);
    assert(var == 7);

Given a raw memory area $(D chunk), constructs an object of non-$(D
class) type $(D T) at that address. The constructor is passed the
arguments $(D args), if any.

$(D chunk) must be at least as large
as $(D T) needs and should have an alignment multiple of $(D T)'s

This function can be $(D @trusted) if the corresponding constructor of
$(D T) is $(D @safe).

Returns: A pointer to the newly constructed object.
T* emplace(T, Args...)(void[] chunk, auto ref Args args)
if (!is(T == class))
    testEmplaceChunk(chunk, T.sizeof, T.alignof, T.stringof);
    emplaceRef!(T, Unqual!T)(*cast(Unqual!T*) chunk.ptr, args);
    return cast(T*) chunk.ptr;

@system unittest
    struct S
        int a, b;
    auto buf = new void[S.sizeof];
    S s;
    s.a = 42;
    s.b = 43;
    auto s1 = emplace!S(buf, s);
    assert(s1.a == 42 && s1.b == 43);

// Bulk of emplace unittests starts here

@system unittest /* unions */
    static union U
        string a;
        int b;
            long c;
            int[] d;
    U u1 = void;
    U u2 = { "hello" };
    emplace(&u1, u2);
    assert(u1.a == "hello");

version (unittest) private struct __conv_EmplaceTest
    int i = 3;
    this(int i)
        assert(this.i == 3 && i == 5);
        this.i = i;
    this(int i, ref int j)
        assert(i == 5 && j == 6);
        this.i = i;

    void opAssign();

version (unittest) private class __conv_EmplaceTestClass
    int i = 3;
    this(int i) @nogc @safe pure nothrow
        assert(this.i == 3 && i == 5);
        this.i = i;
    this(int i, ref int j) @nogc @safe pure nothrow
        assert(i == 5 && j == 6);
        this.i = i;

@system unittest // bugzilla 15772
    abstract class Foo {}
    class Bar: Foo {}
    void[] memory;
    // test in emplaceInitializer
    static assert(!is(typeof(emplace!Foo(cast(Foo*) memory.ptr))));
    static assert( is(typeof(emplace!Bar(cast(Bar*) memory.ptr))));
    // test in the emplace overload that takes void[]
    static assert(!is(typeof(emplace!Foo(memory))));
    static assert( is(typeof(emplace!Bar(memory))));

@system unittest
    struct S { @disable this(); }
    S s = void;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&s)));
    emplace(&s, S.init);

@system unittest
    struct S1

    struct S2
        void opAssign(S2);

    S1 s1 = void;
    S2 s2 = void;
    S1[2] as1 = void;
    S2[2] as2 = void;

@system unittest
    static struct S1
        this(this) @disable;
    static struct S2
        this() @disable;
    S1[2] ss1 = void;
    S2[2] ss2 = void;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&ss2)));
    S1 s1 = S1.init;
    S2 s2 = S2.init;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&ss1, s1)));
    emplace(&ss2, s2);

@system unittest
    struct S
        immutable int i;
    S s = void;
    S[2] ss1 = void;
    S[2] ss2 = void;
    emplace(&s, 5);
    assert(s.i == 5);
    emplace(&ss1, s);
    assert(ss1[0].i == 5 && ss1[1].i == 5);
    emplace(&ss2, ss1);
    assert(ss2 == ss1);

//Start testing emplace-args here

@system unittest
    interface I {}
    class K : I {}

    K k = null, k2 = new K;
    assert(k !is k2);
    emplace!K(&k, k2);
    assert(k is k2);

    I i = null;
    assert(i !is k);
    emplace!I(&i, k);
    assert(i is k);

@system unittest
    static struct S
        int i = 5;
        void opAssign(S){assert(0);}
    S[2] sa = void;
    S[2] sb;
    emplace(&sa, sb);
    assert(sa[0].i == 5 && sa[1].i == 5);

//Start testing emplace-struct here

// Test constructor branch
@system unittest
    struct S
        double x = 5, y = 6;
        this(int a, int b)
            assert(x == 5 && y == 6);
            x = a;
            y = b;

    auto s1 = new void[S.sizeof];
    auto s2 = S(42, 43);
    assert(*emplace!S(cast(S*) s1.ptr, s2) == s2);
    assert(*emplace!S(cast(S*) s1, 44, 45) == S(44, 45));

@system unittest
    __conv_EmplaceTest k = void;
    emplace(&k, 5);
    assert(k.i == 5);

@system unittest
    int var = 6;
    __conv_EmplaceTest k = void;
    emplace(&k, 5, var);
    assert(k.i == 5);
    assert(var == 7);

// Test matching fields branch
@system unittest
    struct S { uint n; }
    S s;
    emplace!S(&s, 2U);
    assert(s.n == 2);

@safe unittest
    struct S { int a, b; this(int){} }
    S s;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace!S(&s, 2, 3)));

@system unittest
    struct S { int a, b = 7; }
    S s1 = void, s2 = void;

    emplace!S(&s1, 2);
    assert(s1.a == 2 && s1.b == 7);

    emplace!S(&s2, 2, 3);
    assert(s2.a == 2 && s2.b == 3);

@system unittest
    static struct S
        int i = 5;
        void opAssign(int){assert(0);}
        void opAssign(S){assert(0);}
    S sa1 = void;
    S sa2 = void;
    S sb1 = S(1);
    emplace(&sa1, sb1);
    emplace(&sa2, 2);
    assert(sa1.i == 1);
    assert(sa2.i == 2);

//postblit precedence
@system unittest
    //Works, but breaks in "-w -O" because of @@@9332@@@.
    //Uncomment test when 9332 is fixed.
    static struct S
        int i;

        this(S other){assert(false);}
        this(int i){this.i = i;}
    S a = void;
    assert(is(typeof({S b = a;})));    //Postblit
    assert(is(typeof({S b = S(a);}))); //Constructor
    auto b = S(5);
    emplace(&a, b);
    assert(a.i == 5);

    static struct S2
        int* p;
        this(const S2){}
    static assert(!is(immutable S2 : S2));
    S2 s2 = void;
    immutable is2 = (immutable S2).init;
    emplace(&s2, is2);

//nested structs and postblit
@system unittest
    static struct S
        int* p;
        this(int i){p = [i].ptr;}
            if (p)
                p = [*p].ptr;
    static struct SS
        S s;
        void opAssign(const SS)
    SS ssa = void;
    SS ssb = SS(S(5));
    emplace(&ssa, ssb);
    assert(*ssa.s.p == 5);
    assert(ssa.s.p != ssb.s.p);

//disabled postblit
@system unittest
    static struct S1
        int i;
        @disable this(this);
    S1 s1 = void;
    emplace(&s1, 1);
    assert(s1.i == 1);
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&s1, S1.init)));

    static struct S2
        int i;
        @disable this(this);
        this(ref S2){}
    S2 s2 = void;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&s2, 1)));
    emplace(&s2, S2.init);

    static struct SS1
        S1 s;
    SS1 ss1 = void;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&ss1, SS1.init)));

    static struct SS2
        S2 s;
    SS2 ss2 = void;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&ss2, SS2.init)));

    // SS1 sss1 = s1;      //This doesn't compile
    // SS1 sss1 = SS1(s1); //This doesn't compile
    // So emplace shouldn't compile either
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&sss1, s1)));
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&sss2, s2)));

@system unittest
    //Castable immutability
        static struct S1
            int i;
        static assert(is( immutable(S1) : S1));
        S1 sa = void;
        auto sb = immutable(S1)(5);
        emplace(&sa, sb);
        assert(sa.i == 5);
    //Un-castable immutability
        static struct S2
            int* p;
        static assert(!is(immutable(S2) : S2));
        S2 sa = void;
        auto sb = immutable(S2)(null);
        assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&sa, sb)));

@system unittest
    static struct S
        immutable int i;
        immutable(int)* j;
    S s = void;
    emplace(&s, 1, null);
    emplace(&s, 2, &s.i);
    assert(s is S(2, &s.i));

//Context pointer
@system unittest
    int i = 0;
        struct S1
            void foo(){++i;}
        S1 sa = void;
        S1 sb;
        emplace(&sa, sb);;
        assert(i == 1);
        struct S2
            void foo(){++i;}
        S2 sa = void;
        S2 sb;
        emplace(&sa, sb);;
        assert(i == 2);

//Alias this
@system unittest
    static struct S
        int i;
    //By Ref
        static struct SS1
            int j;
            S s;
            alias s this;
        S s = void;
        SS1 ss = SS1(1, S(2));
        emplace(&s, ss);
        assert(s.i == 2);
    //By Value
        static struct SS2
            int j;
            S s;
            S foo() @property{return s;}
            alias foo this;
        S s = void;
        SS2 ss = SS2(1, S(2));
        emplace(&s, ss);
        assert(s.i == 2);
version (unittest)
    struct __std_conv_S
        int i;
        this(__std_conv_SS ss)         {assert(0);}
        static opCall(__std_conv_SS ss)
            __std_conv_S s; s.i = ss.j;
            return s;
    struct __std_conv_SS
        int j;
        __std_conv_S s;
        ref __std_conv_S foo() return @property {s.i = j; return s;}
        alias foo this;
    static assert(is(__std_conv_SS : __std_conv_S));
    @system unittest
        __std_conv_S s = void;
        __std_conv_SS ss = __std_conv_SS(1);

        __std_conv_S sTest1 = ss; //this calls "SS alias this" (and not "S.this(SS)")
        emplace(&s, ss); //"alias this" should take precedence in emplace over "opCall"
        assert(s.i == 1);

//Nested classes
@system unittest
    class A{}
    static struct S
        A a;
    S s1 = void;
    S s2 = S(new A);
    emplace(&s1, s2);
    assert(s1.a is s2.a);

//safety & nothrow & CTFE
@system unittest
    //emplace should be safe for anything with no elaborate opassign
    static struct S1
        int i;
    static struct S2
        int i;
        this(int j)@safe nothrow{i = j;}

    int i;
    S1 s1 = void;
    S2 s2 = void;

    auto pi = &i;
    auto ps1 = &s1;
    auto ps2 = &s2;

    void foo() @safe nothrow
        emplace(pi, 5);
        emplace(ps1, 5);
        emplace(ps1, S1.init);
        emplace(ps2, 5);
        emplace(ps2, S2.init);

    T bar(T)() @property
        T t/+ = void+/; //CTFE void illegal
        emplace(&t, 5);
        return t;
    // CTFE
    enum a = bar!int;
    static assert(a == 5);
    enum b = bar!S1;
    static assert(b.i == 5);
    enum c = bar!S2;
    static assert(c.i == 5);
    // runtime
    auto aa = bar!int;
    assert(aa == 5);
    auto bb = bar!S1;
    assert(bb.i == 5);
    auto cc = bar!S2;
    assert(cc.i == 5);

@system unittest
    struct S
        int[2] get(){return [1, 2];}
        alias get this;
    struct SS
        int[2] ii;
    struct ISS
        int[2] ii;
    S s;
    SS ss = void;
    ISS iss = void;
    emplace(&ss, s);
    emplace(&iss, s);
    assert(ss.ii == [1, 2]);
    assert(iss.ii == [1, 2]);

//disable opAssign
@system unittest
    static struct S
        @disable void opAssign(S);
    S s;
    emplace(&s, S.init);

@system unittest
    int i;
    //Without constructor
        static struct S1
            int i;
            static S1 opCall(int*){assert(0);}
        S1 s = void;
        static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&s,  1)));
    //With constructor
        static struct S2
            int i = 0;
            static S2 opCall(int*){assert(0);}
            static S2 opCall(int){assert(0);}
            this(int i){this.i = i;}
        S2 s = void;
        emplace(&s,  1);
        assert(s.i == 1);
    //With postblit ambiguity
        static struct S3
            int i = 0;
            static S3 opCall(ref S3){assert(0);}
        S3 s = void;
        emplace(&s, S3.init);

@safe unittest //@@@9559@@@
    import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
    import std.array : array;
    import std.typecons : Nullable;
    alias I = Nullable!int;
    auto ints = [0, 1, 2].map!(i => i & 1 ? I.init : I(i))();
    auto asArray = array(ints);

@system unittest //
    import std.array : array;
    import std.datetime : SysTime, UTC;
    import std.math : isNaN;

    static struct A
        double i;

    static struct B
            if (j == 0)
                assert(a.i.isNaN(), "why is 'j' zero?? and i is not NaN?");
        SysTime when; // comment this line avoid the breakage
        int j;
        A a;

    B b1 = B.init;
    assert(&b1); // verify that default eyes invariants are ok;

    auto b2 = B(SysTime(0, UTC()), 1, A(1));
    auto b3 = B(SysTime(0, UTC()), 1, A(1));

    auto arr = [b2, b3];

    assert(arr[0].j == 1);
    assert(arr[1].j == 1);
    auto a2 = arr.array(); // << bang, invariant is raised, also if b2 and b3 are good

//static arrays
@system unittest
    static struct S
        int[2] ii;
    static struct IS
        immutable int[2] ii;
    int[2] ii;
    S  s   = void;
    IS ims = void;
    ubyte ub = 2;
    emplace(&s, ub);
    emplace(&s, ii);
    emplace(&ims, ub);
    emplace(&ims, ii);
    uint[2] uu;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, {S ss = S(uu);}));
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&s, uu)));

@system unittest
    int[2]  sii;
    int[2]  sii2;
    uint[2] uii;
    uint[2] uii2;
    emplace(&sii, 1);
    emplace(&sii, 1U);
    emplace(&uii, 1);
    emplace(&uii, 1U);
    emplace(&sii, sii2);
    //emplace(&sii, uii2); //Sorry, this implementation doesn't know how to...
    //emplace(&uii, sii2); //Sorry, this implementation doesn't know how to...
    emplace(&uii, uii2);
    emplace(&sii, sii2[]);
    //emplace(&sii, uii2[]); //Sorry, this implementation doesn't know how to...
    //emplace(&uii, sii2[]); //Sorry, this implementation doesn't know how to...
    emplace(&uii, uii2[]);

@system unittest
    bool allowDestruction = false;
    struct S
        int i;
    S s = S(1);
    S[2] ss1 = void;
    S[2] ss2 = void;
    S[2] ss3 = void;
    emplace(&ss1, s);
    emplace(&ss2, ss1);
    emplace(&ss3, ss2[]);
    assert(ss1[1] == s);
    assert(ss2[1] == s);
    assert(ss3[1] == s);
    allowDestruction = true;

@system unittest
    //Checks postblit, construction, and context pointer
    int count = 0;
    struct S

    S s;
        S[4] ss = void;
        emplace(&ss, s);
        assert(count == 4);
    assert(count == 0);

@system unittest
    struct S
        int i;
    S s;
    S[2][2][2] sss = void;
    emplace(&sss, s);

@system unittest //Constness
    import std.stdio;

    int a = void;
    emplaceRef!(const int)(a, 5);

    immutable i = 5;
    const(int)* p = void;
    emplaceRef!(const int*)(p, &i);

    struct S
        int* p;
    alias IS = immutable(S);
    S s = void;
    emplaceRef!IS(s, IS());
    S[2] ss = void;
    emplaceRef!(IS[2])(ss, IS());

    IS[2] iss = IS.init;
    emplaceRef!(IS[2])(ss, iss);
    emplaceRef!(IS[2])(ss, iss[]);

pure nothrow @safe @nogc unittest
    int i;
    emplaceRef(i, 5);
    emplaceRef!int(i, 5);

// Test attribute propagation for UDTs
pure nothrow @safe /* @nogc */ unittest
    static struct Safe
        this(this) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {}

    Safe safe = void;
    emplaceRef(safe, Safe());

    Safe[1] safeArr = [Safe()];
    Safe[1] uninitializedSafeArr = void;
    emplaceRef(uninitializedSafeArr, safe);
    emplaceRef(uninitializedSafeArr, safeArr);

    static struct Unsafe
        this(this) @system {}

    Unsafe unsafe = void;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplaceRef(unsafe, Unsafe())));

    Unsafe[1] unsafeArr = [Unsafe()];
    Unsafe[1] uninitializedUnsafeArr = void;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplaceRef(uninitializedUnsafeArr, unsafe)));
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplaceRef(uninitializedUnsafeArr, unsafeArr)));

@system unittest
    // Issue 15313
    static struct Node
        int payload;
        Node* next;
        uint refs;

    import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;
    void[] buf = malloc(Node.sizeof)[0 .. Node.sizeof];

    import std.conv : emplace;
    const Node* n = emplace!(const Node)(buf, 42, null, 10);
    assert(n.payload == 42);
    assert( == null);
    assert(n.refs == 10);

@system unittest
    int var = 6;
    auto k = emplace!__conv_EmplaceTest(new void[__conv_EmplaceTest.sizeof], 5, var);
    assert(k.i == 5);
    assert(var == 7);

@system unittest
    class A
        int x = 5;
        int y = 42;
        this(int z)
            assert(x == 5 && y == 42);
            x = y = z;
    void[] buf;

    static align(A.alignof) byte[__traits(classInstanceSize, A)] sbuf;
    buf = sbuf[];
    auto a = emplace!A(buf, 55);
    assert(a.x == 55 && a.y == 55);

    // emplace in bigger buffer
    buf = new byte[](__traits(classInstanceSize, A) + 10);
    a = emplace!A(buf, 55);
    assert(a.x == 55 && a.y == 55);

    // need ctor args
    static assert(!is(typeof(emplace!A(buf))));
// Bulk of emplace unittests ends here

@safe unittest
    import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
    import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
    // Check fix for
    assert(equal(map!(to!int)(["42", "34", "345"]), [42, 34, 345]));

// Undocumented for the time being
void toTextRange(T, W)(T value, W writer)
if (isIntegral!T && isOutputRange!(W, char))
    import core.internal.string : SignedStringBuf, signedToTempString,
                                  UnsignedStringBuf, unsignedToTempString;

    if (value < 0)
        SignedStringBuf buf = void;
        put(writer, signedToTempString(value, buf, 10));
        UnsignedStringBuf buf = void;
        put(writer, unsignedToTempString(value, buf, 10));

@safe unittest
    import std.array : appender;
    auto result = appender!(char[])();
    toTextRange(-1, result);
    assert( == "-1");

    Returns the corresponding _unsigned value for $(D x) (e.g. if $(D x) has type
    $(D int), it returns $(D cast(uint) x)). The advantage compared to the cast
    is that you do not need to rewrite the cast if $(D x) later changes type
    (e.g from $(D int) to $(D long)).

    Note that the result is always mutable even if the original type was const
    or immutable. In order to retain the constness, use $(REF Unsigned, std,traits).
auto unsigned(T)(T x)
if (isIntegral!T)
    return cast(Unqual!(Unsigned!T))x;

@safe unittest
    import std.traits : Unsigned;
    immutable int s = 42;
    auto u1 = unsigned(s); //not qualified
    static assert(is(typeof(u1) == uint));
    Unsigned!(typeof(s)) u2 = unsigned(s); //same qualification
    static assert(is(typeof(u2) == immutable uint));
    immutable u3 = unsigned(s); //explicitly qualified

@safe unittest
    foreach (T; AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte))
        static assert(is(typeof(unsigned(cast(T) 1)) == ubyte));
        static assert(is(typeof(unsigned(cast(const T) 1)) == ubyte));
        static assert(is(typeof(unsigned(cast(immutable T) 1)) == ubyte));

    foreach (T; AliasSeq!(short, ushort))
        static assert(is(typeof(unsigned(cast(T) 1)) == ushort));
        static assert(is(typeof(unsigned(cast(const T) 1)) == ushort));
        static assert(is(typeof(unsigned(cast(immutable T) 1)) == ushort));

    foreach (T; AliasSeq!(int, uint))
        static assert(is(typeof(unsigned(cast(T) 1)) == uint));
        static assert(is(typeof(unsigned(cast(const T) 1)) == uint));
        static assert(is(typeof(unsigned(cast(immutable T) 1)) == uint));

    foreach (T; AliasSeq!(long, ulong))
        static assert(is(typeof(unsigned(cast(T) 1)) == ulong));
        static assert(is(typeof(unsigned(cast(const T) 1)) == ulong));
        static assert(is(typeof(unsigned(cast(immutable T) 1)) == ulong));

auto unsigned(T)(T x)
if (isSomeChar!T)
    // All characters are unsigned
    static assert(T.min == 0);
    return cast(Unqual!T) x;

@safe unittest
    foreach (T; AliasSeq!(char, wchar, dchar))
        static assert(is(typeof(unsigned(cast(T)'A')) == T));
        static assert(is(typeof(unsigned(cast(const T)'A')) == T));
        static assert(is(typeof(unsigned(cast(immutable T)'A')) == T));

    Returns the corresponding _signed value for $(D x) (e.g. if $(D x) has type
    $(D uint), it returns $(D cast(int) x)). The advantage compared to the cast
    is that you do not need to rewrite the cast if $(D x) later changes type
    (e.g from $(D uint) to $(D ulong)).

    Note that the result is always mutable even if the original type was const
    or immutable. In order to retain the constness, use $(REF Signed, std,traits).
auto signed(T)(T x)
if (isIntegral!T)
    return cast(Unqual!(Signed!T))x;

@safe unittest
    import std.traits : Signed;

    immutable uint u = 42;
    auto s1 = signed(u); //not qualified
    static assert(is(typeof(s1) == int));
    Signed!(typeof(u)) s2 = signed(u); //same qualification
    static assert(is(typeof(s2) == immutable int));
    immutable s3 = signed(u); //explicitly qualified

@system unittest
    foreach (T; AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte))
        static assert(is(typeof(signed(cast(T) 1)) == byte));
        static assert(is(typeof(signed(cast(const T) 1)) == byte));
        static assert(is(typeof(signed(cast(immutable T) 1)) == byte));

    foreach (T; AliasSeq!(short, ushort))
        static assert(is(typeof(signed(cast(T) 1)) == short));
        static assert(is(typeof(signed(cast(const T) 1)) == short));
        static assert(is(typeof(signed(cast(immutable T) 1)) == short));

    foreach (T; AliasSeq!(int, uint))
        static assert(is(typeof(signed(cast(T) 1)) == int));
        static assert(is(typeof(signed(cast(const T) 1)) == int));
        static assert(is(typeof(signed(cast(immutable T) 1)) == int));

    foreach (T; AliasSeq!(long, ulong))
        static assert(is(typeof(signed(cast(T) 1)) == long));
        static assert(is(typeof(signed(cast(const T) 1)) == long));
        static assert(is(typeof(signed(cast(immutable T) 1)) == long));

@safe unittest
    // issue 10874
    enum Test { a = 0 }
    ulong l = 0;
    auto t =!Test;

// asOriginalType
Returns the representation of an enumerated value, i.e. the value converted to
the base type of the enumeration.
OriginalType!E asOriginalType(E)(E value) if (is(E == enum))
    return value;

@safe unittest
    enum A { a = 42 }
    static assert(is(typeof(A.a.asOriginalType) == int));
    assert(A.a.asOriginalType == 42);
    enum B : double { a = 43 }
    static assert(is(typeof(B.a.asOriginalType) == double));
    assert(B.a.asOriginalType == 43);

    A wrapper on top of the built-in cast operator that allows one to restrict
    casting of the original type of the value.

    A common issue with using a raw cast is that it may silently continue to
    compile even if the value's type has changed during refactoring,
    which breaks the initial assumption about the cast.

        From  = The type to cast from. The programmer must ensure it is legal
                to make this cast.
template castFrom(From)
            To    = The type _to cast _to.
            value = The value _to cast. It must be of type $(D From),
                    otherwise a compile-time error is emitted.

            the value after the cast, returned by reference if possible.
    auto ref to(To, T)(auto ref T value) @system
        static assert(
            is(From == T),
            "the value to cast is not of specified type '" ~ From.stringof ~
                 "', it is of type '" ~ T.stringof ~ "'"

        static assert(
            is(typeof(cast(To) value)),
            "can't cast from '" ~ From.stringof ~ "' to '" ~ To.stringof ~ "'"

        return cast(To) value;

@system unittest
    // Regular cast, which has been verified to be legal by the programmer:
        long x;
        auto y = cast(int) x;

    // However this will still compile if 'x' is changed to be a pointer:
        long* x;
        auto y = cast(int) x;

    // castFrom provides a more reliable alternative to casting:
        long x;
        auto y = castFrom!!int(x);

    // Changing the type of 'x' will now issue a compiler error,
    // allowing bad casts to be caught before it's too late:
        long* x;
        static assert(
            !__traits(compiles, castFrom!!int(x))

        // if cast is still needed, must be changed to:
        auto y = castFrom!(long*).to!int(x);

@system unittest
    ubyte[] a = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
    assert(castFrom!(ubyte[]).to!(string)(a) == "abc");

Check the correctness of a string for $(D hexString).
The result is true if and only if the input string is composed of whitespace
characters (\f\n\r\t\v lineSep paraSep nelSep) and
an even number of hexadecimal digits (regardless of the case).
@safe pure @nogc
private bool isHexLiteral(String)(scope const String hexData)
    import std.ascii : isHexDigit;
    import std.uni : lineSep, paraSep, nelSep;
    size_t i;
    foreach (const dchar c; hexData)
        switch (c)
            case ' ':
            case '\t':
            case '\v':
            case '\f':
            case '\r':
            case '\n':
            case lineSep:
            case paraSep:
            case nelSep:

        if (c.isHexDigit)
            return false;
    return !(i & 1);

@safe unittest
    // test all the hex digits
    static assert( ("0123456789abcdefABCDEF").isHexLiteral);
    // empty or white strings are not valid
    static assert( "\r\n\t".isHexLiteral);
    // but are accepted if the count of hex digits is even
    static assert( "A\r\n\tB".isHexLiteral);

@safe unittest
    import std.ascii;
    // empty/whites
    static assert( "".isHexLiteral);
    static assert( " \r".isHexLiteral);
    static assert( whitespace.isHexLiteral);
    static assert( ""w.isHexLiteral);
    static assert( " \r"w.isHexLiteral);
    static assert( ""d.isHexLiteral);
    static assert( " \r"d.isHexLiteral);
    static assert( "\u2028\u2029\u0085"d.isHexLiteral);
    // odd x strings
    static assert( !("5" ~ whitespace).isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"123".isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"1A3".isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"1 23".isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"\r\n\tC".isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"123"w.isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"1A3"w.isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"1 23"w.isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"\r\n\tC"w.isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"123"d.isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"1A3"d.isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"1 23"d.isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"\r\n\tC"d.isHexLiteral);
    // even x strings with invalid charset
    static assert( !"12gG".isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"2A  3q".isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"12gG"w.isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"2A  3q"w.isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"12gG"d.isHexLiteral);
    static assert( !"2A  3q"d.isHexLiteral);
    // valid x strings
    static assert( ("5A" ~ whitespace).isHexLiteral);
    static assert( ("5A 01A C FF de 1b").isHexLiteral);
    static assert( ("0123456789abcdefABCDEF").isHexLiteral);
    static assert( (" 012 34 5 6789 abcd ef\rAB\nCDEF").isHexLiteral);
    static assert( ("5A 01A C FF de 1b"w).isHexLiteral);
    static assert( ("0123456789abcdefABCDEF"w).isHexLiteral);
    static assert( (" 012 34 5 6789 abcd ef\rAB\nCDEF"w).isHexLiteral);
    static assert( ("5A 01A C FF de 1b"d).isHexLiteral);
    static assert( ("0123456789abcdefABCDEF"d).isHexLiteral);
    static assert( (" 012 34 5 6789 abcd ef\rAB\nCDEF"d).isHexLiteral);
    // library version allows what's pointed by issue 10454
    static assert( ("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF").isHexLiteral);

Converts a hex literal to a string at compile time.

Takes a string made of hexadecimal digits and returns
the matching string by converting each pair of digits to a character.
The input string can also include white characters, which can be used
to keep the literal string readable in the source code.

The function is intended to replace the hexadecimal literal strings
starting with $(D 'x'), which could be removed to simplify the core language.

    hexData = string to be converted.

    a $(D string), a $(D wstring) or a $(D dstring), according to the type of hexData.
template hexString(string hexData)
if (hexData.isHexLiteral)
    immutable hexString = hexStrImpl(hexData);

/// ditto
template hexString(wstring hexData)
if (hexData.isHexLiteral)
    immutable hexString = hexStrImpl(hexData);

/// ditto
template hexString(dstring hexData)
if (hexData.isHexLiteral)
    immutable hexString = hexStrImpl(hexData);

@safe unittest
    // conversion at compile time
    auto string1 = hexString!"304A314B";
    assert(string1 == "0J1K");
    auto string2 = hexString!"304A314B"w;
    assert(string2 == "0J1K"w);
    auto string3 = hexString!"304A314B"d;
    assert(string3 == "0J1K"d);

    Takes a hexadecimal string literal and returns its representation.
    hexData is granted to be a valid string by the caller.
    C is granted to be a valid char type by the caller.
@safe nothrow pure
private auto hexStrImpl(String)(scope String hexData)
    import std.ascii : isHexDigit;
    alias C = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!String);
    C[] result;
    result.length = hexData.length / 2;
    size_t cnt;
    ubyte v;
    foreach (c; hexData)
        if (c.isHexDigit)
            ubyte x;
            if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
                x = cast(ubyte)(c - '0');
            else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
                x = cast(ubyte)(c - ('a' - 10));
            else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
                x = cast(ubyte)(c - ('A' - 10));
            if (cnt & 1)
                v = cast(ubyte)((v << 4) | x);
                result[cnt / 2] = v;
                v = x;
    result.length = cnt / 2;
    return result;

@safe unittest
    // compile time
    assert(hexString!"46 47 48 49 4A 4B" == "FGHIJK");
    assert(hexString!"30\r\n\t\f\v31 32 33 32 31 30" == "0123210");
    assert(hexString!"ab cd" == hexString!"ABCD");

 * Convert integer to a range of characters.
 * Intended to be lightweight and fast.
 * Params:
 *      radix = 2, 8, 10, 16
 *      Char = character type for output
 *      letterCase = lower for deadbeef, upper for DEADBEEF
 *      value = integer to convert. Can be uint or ulong. If radix is 10, can also be
 *              int or long.
 * Returns:
 *      Random access range with slicing and everything

auto toChars(ubyte radix = 10, Char = char, LetterCase letterCase = LetterCase.lower, T)(T value)
    pure nothrow @nogc @safe
if ((radix == 2 || radix == 8 || radix == 10 || radix == 16) &&
    (is(Unqual!T == uint) || is(Unqual!T == ulong) ||
    radix == 10 && (is(Unqual!T == int) || is(Unqual!T == long))))
    alias UT = Unqual!T;

    static if (radix == 10)
        /* uint.max  is 42_9496_7295
         *  int.max  is 21_4748_3647
         * ulong.max is 1844_6744_0737_0955_1615
         *  long.max is  922_3372_0368_5477_5807
        static struct Result
            void initialize(UT value)
                bool neg = false;
                if (value < 10)
                    if (value >= 0)
                        lwr = 0;
                        upr = 1;
                        buf[0] = cast(char)(cast(uint) value + '0');
                    value = -value;
                    neg = true;
                auto i = cast(uint) buf.length - 1;
                while (cast(Unsigned!UT) value >= 10)
                    buf[i] = cast(ubyte)('0' + cast(Unsigned!UT) value % 10);
                    value = unsigned(value) / 10;
                buf[i] = cast(char)(cast(uint) value + '0');
                if (neg)
                    buf[i - 1] = '-';
                lwr = i;
                upr = cast(uint) buf.length;

            @property size_t length() { return upr - lwr; }

            alias opDollar = length;

            @property bool empty() { return upr == lwr; }

            @property Char front() { return buf[lwr]; }

            void popFront() { ++lwr; }

            @property Char back() { return buf[upr - 1]; }

            void popBack() { --upr; }

            @property Result save() { return this; }

            Char opIndex(size_t i) { return buf[lwr + i]; }

            Result opSlice(size_t lwr, size_t upr)
                Result result = void;
                result.buf = buf;
                result.lwr = cast(uint)(this.lwr + lwr);
                result.upr = cast(uint)(this.lwr + upr);
                return result;

            uint lwr = void, upr = void;
            char[(UT.sizeof == 4) ? 10 + isSigned!T : 20] buf = void;

        Result result = void;
        return result;
        static if (radix == 2)
            enum SHIFT = 1;
        else static if (radix == 8)
            enum SHIFT = 3;
        else static if (radix == 16)
            enum SHIFT = 4;
            static assert(0);
        static struct Result
            this(UT value)
                this.value = value;

                ubyte len = 1;
                while (value >>>= SHIFT)
                this.len = len;

            @property size_t length() { return len; }

            @property bool empty() { return len == 0; }

            @property Char front() { return opIndex(0); }

            void popFront() { --len; }

            @property Char back() { return opIndex(len - 1); }

            void popBack()
                value >>>= SHIFT;

            @property Result save() { return this; }

            Char opIndex(size_t i)
                Char c = (value >>> ((len - i - 1) * SHIFT)) & ((1 << SHIFT) - 1);
                return cast(Char)((radix < 10 || c < 10) ? c + '0'
                                                         : (letterCase == LetterCase.upper ? c + 'A' - 10
                                                                                           : c + 'a' - 10));

            Result opSlice(size_t lwr, size_t upr)
                Result result = void;
                result.value = value >>> ((len - upr) * SHIFT);
                result.len = cast(ubyte)(upr - lwr);
                return result;

            UT value;
            ubyte len;

        return Result(value);

@safe unittest
    import std.array;
    import std.range;

        assert(toChars!2(0u).array == "0");
        assert(toChars!2(0Lu).array == "0");
        assert(toChars!2(1u).array == "1");
        assert(toChars!2(1Lu).array == "1");

        auto r = toChars!2(2u);
        assert(r.length == 2);
        assert(r[0] == '1');
        assert(r[1 .. 2].array == "0");
        auto s =;
        assert(r.array == "10");
        assert(s.retro.array == "01");
        assert(toChars!8(0u).array == "0");
        assert(toChars!8(0Lu).array == "0");
        assert(toChars!8(1u).array == "1");
        assert(toChars!8(1234567Lu).array == "4553207");

        auto r = toChars!8(8u);
        assert(r.length == 2);
        assert(r[0] == '1');
        assert(r[1 .. 2].array == "0");
        auto s =;
        assert(r.array == "10");
        assert(s.retro.array == "01");
        assert(toChars!10(0u).array == "0");
        assert(toChars!10(0Lu).array == "0");
        assert(toChars!10(1u).array == "1");
        assert(toChars!10(1234567Lu).array == "1234567");
        assert(toChars!10(uint.max).array == "4294967295");
        assert(toChars!10(ulong.max).array == "18446744073709551615");

        auto r = toChars(10u);
        assert(r.length == 2);
        assert(r[0] == '1');
        assert(r[1 .. 2].array == "0");
        auto s =;
        assert(r.array == "10");
        assert(s.retro.array == "01");
        assert(toChars!10(0).array == "0");
        assert(toChars!10(0L).array == "0");
        assert(toChars!10(1).array == "1");
        assert(toChars!10(1234567L).array == "1234567");
        assert(toChars!10(int.max).array == "2147483647");
        assert(toChars!10(long.max).array == "9223372036854775807");
        assert(toChars!10(-int.max).array == "-2147483647");
        assert(toChars!10(-long.max).array == "-9223372036854775807");
        assert(toChars!10(int.min).array == "-2147483648");
        assert(toChars!10(long.min).array == "-9223372036854775808");

        auto r = toChars!10(10);
        assert(r.length == 2);
        assert(r[0] == '1');
        assert(r[1 .. 2].array == "0");
        auto s =;
        assert(r.array == "10");
        assert(s.retro.array == "01");
        assert(toChars!(16)(0u).array == "0");
        assert(toChars!(16)(0Lu).array == "0");
        assert(toChars!(16)(10u).array == "a");
        assert(toChars!(16, char, LetterCase.upper)(0x12AF34567Lu).array == "12AF34567");

        auto r = toChars!(16)(16u);
        assert(r.length == 2);
        assert(r[0] == '1');
        assert(r[1 .. 2].array == "0");
        auto s =;
        assert(r.array == "10");
        assert(s.retro.array == "01");

@safe unittest // opSlice (issue 16192)
    import std.meta : AliasSeq;

    static struct Test { ubyte radix; uint number; }

    alias tests = AliasSeq!(
        Test(2, 0b1_0110_0111u),
        Test(2, 0b10_1100_1110u),
        Test(8, octal!123456701u),
        Test(8, octal!1234567012u),
        Test(10, 123456789u),
        Test(10, 1234567890u),
        Test(16, 0x789ABCDu),
        Test(16, 0x789ABCDEu),

    foreach (test; tests)
        enum ubyte radix = test.radix;
        auto original = toChars!radix(test.number);

        // opSlice vs popFront
        auto r =;
        size_t i = 0;
        for (; !r.empty; r.popFront(), ++i)
            assert(original[i .. original.length].tupleof == r.tupleof);
                // tupleof is used to work around issue 16216.

        // opSlice vs popBack
        r =;
        i = 0;
        for (; !r.empty; r.popBack(), ++i)
            assert(original[0 .. original.length - i].tupleof == r.tupleof);

        // opSlice vs both popFront and popBack
        r =;
        i = 0;
        for (; r.length >= 2; r.popFront(), r.popBack(), ++i)
            assert(original[i .. original.length - i].tupleof == r.tupleof);