view libgo/runtime/runtime.h @ 147:1ccf269e73e8

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date Sun, 01 Mar 2020 16:36:00 +0900
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// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

#include "config.h"

#include "go-assert.h"
#include <complex.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <ucontext.h>

#include <sys/mman.h>

#define _STRINGIFY2_(x) #x
#define _STRINGIFY_(x) _STRINGIFY2_(x)

/* This file supports C files copied from the 6g runtime library.
   This is a version of the 6g runtime.h rewritten for gccgo's version
   of the code.  */

typedef signed int   int8    __attribute__ ((mode (QI)));
typedef unsigned int uint8   __attribute__ ((mode (QI)));
typedef signed int   int16   __attribute__ ((mode (HI)));
typedef unsigned int uint16  __attribute__ ((mode (HI)));
typedef signed int   int32   __attribute__ ((mode (SI)));
typedef unsigned int uint32  __attribute__ ((mode (SI)));
typedef signed int   int64   __attribute__ ((mode (DI)));
typedef unsigned int uint64  __attribute__ ((mode (DI)));
typedef float        float32 __attribute__ ((mode (SF)));
typedef double       float64 __attribute__ ((mode (DF)));
typedef signed int   intptr __attribute__ ((mode (pointer)));
typedef unsigned int uintptr __attribute__ ((mode (pointer)));

typedef intptr		intgo; // Go's int
typedef uintptr		uintgo; // Go's uint

typedef uintptr		uintreg;

/* Defined types.  */

typedef	_Bool			bool;
typedef	uint8			byte;
typedef	struct	g		G;
typedef	struct	mutex		Lock;
typedef	struct	m		M;
typedef	struct	p		P;
typedef	struct	note		Note;
typedef	struct	String		String;
typedef	struct	FuncVal		FuncVal;
typedef	struct	SigTab		SigTab;
typedef	struct	hchan		Hchan;
typedef	struct	timer		Timer;
typedef	struct	lfnode		LFNode;
typedef	struct	cgoMal		CgoMal;
typedef	struct	PollDesc	PollDesc;
typedef	struct	sudog		SudoG;
typedef struct	schedt		Sched;

typedef	struct	__go_open_array		Slice;
typedef	struct	iface			Iface;
typedef	struct	eface			Eface;
typedef	struct	_defer			Defer;
typedef	struct	_panic			Panic;

typedef struct  tracebackg	Traceback;

typedef struct	location	Location;

struct String
	const byte*	str;
	intgo		len;

struct FuncVal
	uintptr_t fn;
	// variable-size, fn-specific data here

// Type structs will be defined by
struct _type;
struct functype;

#include "array.h"

// Rename Go types generated by from C types, to avoid
// the name conflict.
#define timeval go_timeval
#define timespec go_timespec

#include ""

#undef timeval
#undef timespec

 * Per-CPU declaration.
extern M*	runtime_m(void);
extern G*	runtime_g(void)
  __asm__(GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.getg");

	true	= 1,
	false	= 0,
	PtrSize = sizeof(void*),
	// Per-M stack segment cache size.
	StackCacheSize = 32,
	// Global <-> per-M stack segment cache transfer batch size.
	StackCacheBatch = 16,

struct	SigTab
	int32	sig;
	int32	flags;
	void*   fwdsig;

#ifdef GOOS_nacl
enum {
   NaCl = 1,
enum {
   NaCl = 0,

#ifdef GOOS_windows
enum {
   Windows = 1
enum {
   Windows = 0
#ifdef GOOS_solaris
enum {
   Solaris = 1
enum {
   Solaris = 0

extern bool runtime_copystack;

 * defined macros
 *    you need super-gopher-guru privilege
 *    to add this list.
#define	nelem(x)	(sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
#define	nil		((void*)0)
#define USED(v)		((void) v)
#define	ROUND(x, n)	(((x)+(n)-1)&~(uintptr)((n)-1)) /* all-caps to mark as macro: it evaluates n twice */

enum {
	// hashinit wants this many random bytes
	HashRandomBytes = 32
void	runtime_hashinit(void);

 * external data
extern	uintptr* runtime_getZerobase(void)
  __asm__(GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.getZerobase");

extern	bool	runtime_isstarted;
extern	bool	runtime_isarchive;

extern	void	panicmem(void) __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.panicmem");

 * common functions and data
#define runtime_strcmp(s1, s2) __builtin_strcmp((s1), (s2))
#define runtime_strncmp(s1, s2, n) __builtin_strncmp((s1), (s2), (n))
#define runtime_strstr(s1, s2) __builtin_strstr((s1), (s2))
intgo	runtime_findnull(const byte*)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.findnull");

void	runtime_gogo(G*)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.gogo");
void	runtime_args(int32, byte**)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.args");
void	runtime_osinit(void)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.osinit");
void	runtime_alginit(void)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.alginit");
void	runtime_goargs(void)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.goargs");
void	runtime_throw(const char*) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
void	runtime_panicstring(const char*) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
bool	runtime_canpanic(G*);
void	runtime_printf(const char*, ...);
int32	runtime_snprintf(byte*, int32, const char*, ...);
#define runtime_mcmp(a, b, s) __builtin_memcmp((a), (b), (s))
#define runtime_memmove(a, b, s) __builtin_memmove((a), (b), (s))
String	runtime_gostringnocopy(const byte*)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.gostringnocopy");
void	runtime_ginit(void)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.ginit");
void	runtime_schedinit(void)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.schedinit");
void	runtime_initsig(bool)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.initsig");
#define runtime_open(p, f, m) open((p), (f), (m))
#define runtime_read(d, v, n) read((d), (v), (n))
#define runtime_write(d, v, n) write((d), (v), (n))
#define runtime_close(d) close(d)
void	runtime_ready(G*, intgo, bool)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.ready");
String	runtime_getenv(const char*);
int32	runtime_atoi(const byte*, intgo);
void*	runtime_mstart(void*);
G*	runtime_malg(bool, bool, byte**, uintptr*)
	__asm__(GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.malg");
void	runtime_minit(void)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.minit");
void	runtime_signalstack(byte*, uintptr)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.signalstack");
void	runtime_mallocinit(void)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.mallocinit");
void*	runtime_mallocgc(uintptr, const struct _type*, bool)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.mallocgc");
void*	runtime_sysAlloc(uintptr, uint64*)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.sysAlloc");
void	runtime_sysFree(void*, uintptr, uint64*)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.sysFree");
void	runtime_mprofinit(void);
#define runtime_getcallersp() __builtin_dwarf_cfa()
void	runtime_mcall(FuncVal*)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.mcall");
int32	runtime_timediv(int64, int32, int32*)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.timediv");
int32	runtime_round2(int32 x); // round x up to a power of 2.

// atomic operations
#define runtime_xadd(p, v) __atomic_add_fetch (p, v, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
#define runtime_atomicload(p) __atomic_load_n (p, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)

void runtime_setg(G*)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.setg");
void runtime_newextram(void)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.newextram");
#define runtime_exit(s) exit(s)
void	runtime_gosched(void)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.Gosched");
void	runtime_schedtrace(bool)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.schedtrace");
void	runtime_goparkunlock(Lock*, String, byte, intgo)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.goparkunlock");
void	runtime_tsleep(int64, const char*);
void	runtime_entersyscall()
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.entersyscall");
void	runtime_entersyscallblock()
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.entersyscallblock");
G*	__go_go(uintptr, void*);
int32	runtime_callers(int32, Location*, int32, bool keep_callers);
struct callers_data;
bool	runtime_skipInCallback(const char *, struct callers_data *)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.skipInCallback");
int64	runtime_nanotime1(void)	// monotonic time
  __asm__(GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.nanotime1");
void	runtime_dopanic(int32) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
void	runtime_startpanic(void)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.startpanic");
void	runtime_unwindstack(G*, byte*);
void	runtime_usleep(uint32)
     __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.usleep");
int64	runtime_cputicks(void)
     __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.cputicks");
int64	runtime_tickspersecond(void)
     __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.tickspersecond");
void	runtime_blockevent(int64, int32);
extern int64 runtime_blockprofilerate;
G*	runtime_netpoll(bool)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.netpoll");
void	runtime_parsedebugvars(void)
  __asm__(GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.parsedebugvars");
void	_rt0_go(void);
G*	runtime_timejump(void);

 * mutual exclusion locks.  in the uncontended case,
 * as fast as spin locks (just a few user-level instructions),
 * but on the contention path they sleep in the kernel.
 * a zeroed Lock is unlocked (no need to initialize each lock).
void	runtime_lock(Lock*)
  __asm__(GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.lock");
void	runtime_unlock(Lock*)
  __asm__(GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.unlock");

 * sleep and wakeup on one-time events.
 * before any calls to notesleep or notewakeup,
 * must call noteclear to initialize the Note.
 * then, exactly one thread can call notesleep
 * and exactly one thread can call notewakeup (once).
 * once notewakeup has been called, the notesleep
 * will return.  future notesleep will return immediately.
 * subsequent noteclear must be called only after
 * previous notesleep has returned, e.g. it's disallowed
 * to call noteclear straight after notewakeup.
 * notetsleep is like notesleep but wakes up after
 * a given number of nanoseconds even if the event
 * has not yet happened.  if a goroutine uses notetsleep to
 * wake up early, it must wait to call noteclear until it
 * can be sure that no other goroutine is calling
 * notewakeup.
 * notesleep/notetsleep are generally called on g0,
 * notetsleepg is similar to notetsleep but is called on user g.
void	runtime_noteclear(Note*)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.noteclear");
void	runtime_notesleep(Note*)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.notesleep");
void	runtime_notewakeup(Note*)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.notewakeup");
bool	runtime_notetsleep(Note*, int64)  // false - timeout
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.notetsleep");
bool	runtime_notetsleepg(Note*, int64)  // false - timeout
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.notetsleepg");

 * low level C-called
#define runtime_mmap mmap
#define runtime_munmap munmap
#define runtime_madvise madvise
#define runtime_memclr(buf, size) __builtin_memset((buf), 0, (size))
#define runtime_getcallerpc() __builtin_return_address(0)

#ifdef __rtems__
void __wrap_rtems_task_variable_add(void **);

 * runtime go-called
void reflect_call(const struct functype *, FuncVal *, _Bool, _Bool,
		  void **, void **)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.reflectcall");
void runtime_panic(Eface)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.gopanic");
void runtime_panic(Eface)
  __attribute__ ((noreturn));

 * runtime c-called (but written in Go)
void	runtime_newErrorCString(uintptr, Eface*)
     __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.NewErrorCString");

 * wrapped for go users
void	runtime_procyield(uint32)
  __asm__(GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.procyield");
void	runtime_osyield(void)
  __asm__(GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.osyield");

uintptr	runtime_memlimit(void);

#define ISNAN(f) __builtin_isnan(f)

	UseSpanType = 1,

#define runtime_setitimer setitimer

void	runtime_check(void)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.check");

// Size of stack space allocated using Go's allocator.
// This will be 0 when using split stacks, as in that case
// the stacks are allocated by the splitstack library.
extern uintptr runtime_stacks_sys;

 * ia64's register file is spilled to a separate stack, the register backing
 * store, on window overflow, and must also be scanned. This occupies the other
 * end of the normal stack allocation, growing upwards.
 * We also need to ensure all register windows are flushed to the backing
 * store, as unlike SPARC, __builtin_unwind_init doesn't do this on ia64.
#ifdef __ia64__
# define secondary_stack_pointer() __builtin_ia64_bsp()
# define initial_secondary_stack_pointer(stack_alloc) (stack_alloc)
# define flush_registers_to_secondary_stack() __builtin_ia64_flushrs()
# define secondary_stack_pointer() nil
# define initial_secondary_stack_pointer(stack_alloc) nil
# define flush_registers_to_secondary_stack()

struct backtrace_state;
extern struct backtrace_state *__go_get_backtrace_state(void);
extern void __go_syminfo_fnname_callback(void*, uintptr_t, const char*,
					 uintptr_t, uintptr_t);
extern void runtime_main(void*)
  __asm__(GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.main");

#define PREFETCH(p) __builtin_prefetch(p)

void	runtime_badsignal(int);
Defer*	runtime_newdefer(void);
void	runtime_freedefer(Defer*);

extern void _cgo_wait_runtime_init_done (void);
extern void _cgo_notify_runtime_init_done (void)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime._cgo_notify_runtime_init_done");
extern _Bool runtime_iscgo;
extern uintptr __go_end __attribute__ ((weak));
extern void *getitab(const struct _type *, const struct _type *, _Bool)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.getitab");

extern void runtime_cpuinit(void);
extern void setRandomNumber(uint32)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.setRandomNumber");
extern void setIsCgo(void)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.setIsCgo");
extern void setSupportAES(bool)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.setSupportAES");
extern void typedmemmove(const struct _type *, void *, const void *)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.typedmemmove");
extern Sched* runtime_getsched(void)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.getsched");

struct funcfileline_return
  String retfn;
  String retfile;
  intgo retline;
  intgo retframes;

struct funcfileline_return
runtime_funcfileline (uintptr targetpc, int32 index, bool more)
  __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.funcfileline");

 * helpers for stack scan.
bool scanstackwithmap(void*)
  __asm__(GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.scanstackwithmap");
bool doscanstack(G*, void*)

extern bool runtime_usestackmaps;

bool probestackmaps(void)

// This is set to non-zero when calling backtrace_full.  This is used
// to avoid getting hanging on a recursive lock in dl_iterate_phdr on
// older versions of glibc when a SIGPROF signal arrives while
// collecting a backtrace.
extern uint32 __go_runtime_in_callers;

// Cheaper context switch functions.  Currently only defined on
// Linux/AMD64.
#if defined(__x86_64__) && defined(__linux__) && !defined(__CET__)
typedef struct {
	uint64 regs[8];
} __go_context_t;
int __go_getcontext(__go_context_t*);
int __go_setcontext(__go_context_t*);
void __go_makecontext(__go_context_t*, void (*)(), void*, size_t);
#define __go_context_t	ucontext_t
#define __go_getcontext(c)	getcontext(c)
#define __go_setcontext(c)	setcontext(c)
#define __go_makecontext(c, fn, sp, size) \
	((c)->uc_stack.ss_sp = sp, (c)->uc_stack.ss_size = size, makecontext(c, fn, 0))

// Symbols defined by the linker.
extern const char _etext[] __attribute__ ((weak));
extern const char _edata[] __attribute__ ((weak));
#ifdef _AIX
// Following symbols do not exist on AIX
#define __etext nil
#define __data_start nil
#define __edata nil
#define __bss_start nil
extern const char __etext[] __attribute__ ((weak));
extern const char __data_start[] __attribute__ ((weak));
extern const char __edata[] __attribute__ ((weak));
extern const char __bss_start[] __attribute__ ((weak));