view gcc/testsuite/gdc.test/compilable/test7815.d @ 152:2b5abeee2509

update gcc11
author anatofuz
date Mon, 25 May 2020 07:50:57 +0900
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mixin template Helpers()
    static if (is(Flags!Move))
        Flags!Move flags;
        pragma(msg, "X: ", __traits(derivedMembers, Flags!Move));

template Flags(T)
        int defs = 1;
        foreach (name; __traits(derivedMembers, Move))
        if (defs)
            return "struct Flags { bool x; }";
            return "";

struct Move
    int a;
    mixin Helpers!();

enum a7815 = Move.init.flags;

This originally was an invalid case:
When the Move struct member is analyzed:
1. mixin Helpers!() is instantiated.
2. In Helpers!(), static if and its condition is(Flags!Move)) evaluated.
3. In Flags!Move, string mixin evaluates and CTFE lambda.
4. __traits(derivedMembers, Move) tries to see the member of Move.
   4a. mixin Helpers!() member is analyzed.
   4b. `static if (is(Flags!Move))` in Helpers!() is evaluated
   4c. The Flags!Move instantiation is already in progress, so it cannot be resolved.
   4d. `static if` fails because Flags!Move cannot be determined as a type.
5. __traits(derivedMembers, Move) returns a 1-length tuple("a").
6. The lambda in Flags!Move returns a string "struct Flags {...}", then
   Flags!Move is instantiated to a new struct Flags.
7. Finally Move struct does not have flags member, then the `enum a7815`
   definition will fail in its initializer.

Now, static if will behave like a string mixin: it is invisible during its own expansion.