view zlib/nintendods/Makefile @ 144:8f4e72ab4e11

fix segmentation fault caused by nothing next cur_op to end
author Takahiro SHIMIZU <>
date Sun, 23 Dec 2018 21:23:56 +0900
parents 04ced10e8804
line wrap: on
line source


ifeq ($(strip $(DEVKITARM)),)
$(error "Please set DEVKITARM in your environment. export DEVKITARM=<path to>devkitARM")

include $(DEVKITARM)/ds_rules

# TARGET is the name of the output
# BUILD is the directory where object files & intermediate files will be placed
# SOURCES is a list of directories containing source code
# DATA is a list of directories containing data files
# INCLUDES is a list of directories containing header files
TARGET		:=	$(shell basename $(CURDIR))
BUILD		:=	build
SOURCES		:=	../../
DATA		:=	data
INCLUDES	:=	include

# options for code generation
ARCH	:=	-mthumb -mthumb-interwork

CFLAGS	:=	-Wall -O2\
		-march=armv5te -mtune=arm946e-s \
		-fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math \

CXXFLAGS	:= $(CFLAGS) -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions

ASFLAGS	:=	$(ARCH) -march=armv5te -mtune=arm946e-s
LDFLAGS	=	-specs=ds_arm9.specs -g $(ARCH) -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $*.map)

# list of directories containing libraries, this must be the top level containing
# include and lib

# no real need to edit anything past this point unless you need to add additional
# rules for different file extensions
ifneq ($(BUILD),$(notdir $(CURDIR)))

export OUTPUT	:=	$(CURDIR)/lib/libz.a

export VPATH	:=	$(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \
			$(foreach dir,$(DATA),$(CURDIR)/$(dir))

export DEPSDIR	:=	$(CURDIR)/$(BUILD)

CFILES		:=	$(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
CPPFILES	:=	$(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp)))
SFILES		:=	$(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.s)))
BINFILES	:=	$(foreach dir,$(DATA),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.*)))

# use CXX for linking C++ projects, CC for standard C
ifeq ($(strip $(CPPFILES)),)
	export LD	:=	$(CC)
	export LD	:=	$(CXX)

export OFILES	:=	$(addsuffix .o,$(BINFILES)) \
			$(CPPFILES:.cpp=.o) $(CFILES:.c=.o) $(SFILES:.s=.o)

export INCLUDE	:=	$(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES),-I$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \
			$(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-I$(dir)/include) \

.PHONY: $(BUILD) clean all

all: $(BUILD)
	@[ -d $@ ] || mkdir -p include
	@cp ../../*.h include

	@[ -d $@ ] || mkdir -p $@
$(BUILD): lib
	@[ -d $@ ] || mkdir -p $@
	@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile

	@echo clean ...
	@rm -fr $(BUILD) lib


DEPENDS	:=	$(OFILES:.o=.d)

# main targets

%.bin.o	:	%.bin
	@echo $(notdir $<)

-include $(DEPENDS)
