view libgo/go/runtime/stubs.go @ 138:fc828634a951

author Shinji KONO <>
date Thu, 08 Nov 2018 14:17:14 +0900
parents 84e7813d76e9
children 1830386684a0
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line source

// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package runtime

import (

// Should be a built-in for unsafe.Pointer?
func add(p unsafe.Pointer, x uintptr) unsafe.Pointer {
	return unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + x)

// getg returns the pointer to the current g.
// The compiler rewrites calls to this function into instructions
// that fetch the g directly (from TLS or from the dedicated register).
func getg() *g

// mcall switches from the g to the g0 stack and invokes fn(g),
// where g is the goroutine that made the call.
// mcall saves g's current PC/SP in g->sched so that it can be restored later.
// It is up to fn to arrange for that later execution, typically by recording
// g in a data structure, causing something to call ready(g) later.
// mcall returns to the original goroutine g later, when g has been rescheduled.
// fn must not return at all; typically it ends by calling schedule, to let the m
// run other goroutines.
// mcall can only be called from g stacks (not g0, not gsignal).
// This must NOT be go:noescape: if fn is a stack-allocated closure,
// fn puts g on a run queue, and g executes before fn returns, the
// closure will be invalidated while it is still executing.
func mcall(fn func(*g))

// systemstack runs fn on a system stack.
// It is common to use a func literal as the argument, in order
// to share inputs and outputs with the code around the call
// to system stack:
//	... set up y ...
//	systemstack(func() {
//		x = bigcall(y)
//	})
//	... use x ...
// For the gc toolchain this permits running a function that requires
// additional stack space in a context where the stack can not be
// split. We don't really need additional stack space in gccgo, since
// stack splitting is handled separately. But to keep things looking
// the same, we do switch to the g0 stack here if necessary.
func systemstack(fn func()) {
	gp := getg()
	mp := gp.m
	if gp == mp.g0 || gp == mp.gsignal {
	} else if gp == mp.curg {
		fn1 := func(origg *g) {
	} else {

var badsystemstackMsg = "fatal: systemstack called from unexpected goroutine"

func badsystemstack() {
	sp := stringStructOf(&badsystemstackMsg)
	write(2, sp.str, int32(sp.len))

// memclrNoHeapPointers clears n bytes starting at ptr.
// Usually you should use typedmemclr. memclrNoHeapPointers should be
// used only when the caller knows that *ptr contains no heap pointers
// because either:
// 1. *ptr is initialized memory and its type is pointer-free.
// 2. *ptr is uninitialized memory (e.g., memory that's being reused
//    for a new allocation) and hence contains only "junk".
// in memclr_*.s
func memclrNoHeapPointers(ptr unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr)

//go:linkname reflect_memclrNoHeapPointers reflect.memclrNoHeapPointers
func reflect_memclrNoHeapPointers(ptr unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr) {
	memclrNoHeapPointers(ptr, n)

// memmove copies n bytes from "from" to "to".
func memmove(to, from unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr)

//go:linkname reflect_memmove reflect.memmove
func reflect_memmove(to, from unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr) {
	memmove(to, from, n)

//extern __builtin_memcmp
func memcmp(a, b unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr) int32

// exported value for testing
var hashLoad = float32(loadFactorNum) / float32(loadFactorDen)

func fastrand() uint32 {
	mp := getg().m
	// Implement xorshift64+: 2 32-bit xorshift sequences added together.
	// Shift triplet [17,7,16] was calculated as indicated in Marsaglia's
	// Xorshift paper:
	// This generator passes the SmallCrush suite, part of TestU01 framework:
	s1, s0 := mp.fastrand[0], mp.fastrand[1]
	s1 ^= s1 << 17
	s1 = s1 ^ s0 ^ s1>>7 ^ s0>>16
	mp.fastrand[0], mp.fastrand[1] = s0, s1
	return s0 + s1

func fastrandn(n uint32) uint32 {
	// This is similar to fastrand() % n, but faster.
	// See
	return uint32(uint64(fastrand()) * uint64(n) >> 32)

//go:linkname sync_fastrand sync.fastrand
func sync_fastrand() uint32 { return fastrand() }

// in asm_*.s
func memequal(a, b unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr) bool

// noescape hides a pointer from escape analysis.  noescape is
// the identity function but escape analysis doesn't think the
// output depends on the input.  noescape is inlined and currently
// compiles down to zero instructions.
func noescape(p unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {
	x := uintptr(p)
	return unsafe.Pointer(x ^ 0)

func jmpdefer(fv *funcval, argp uintptr)
func exit1(code int32)
func setg(gg *g)

//extern __builtin_trap
func breakpoint()

func asminit() {}

//go:linkname reflectcall
func reflectcall(fntype *functype, fn *funcval, isInterface, isMethod bool, params, results *unsafe.Pointer)

func procyield(cycles uint32)

type neverCallThisFunction struct{}

// goexit is the return stub at the top of every goroutine call stack.
// Each goroutine stack is constructed as if goexit called the
// goroutine's entry point function, so that when the entry point
// function returns, it will return to goexit, which will call goexit1
// to perform the actual exit.
// This function must never be called directly. Call goexit1 instead.
// gentraceback assumes that goexit terminates the stack. A direct
// call on the stack will cause gentraceback to stop walking the stack
// prematurely and if there is leftover state it may panic.
func goexit(neverCallThisFunction)

// publicationBarrier performs a store/store barrier (a "publication"
// or "export" barrier). Some form of synchronization is required
// between initializing an object and making that object accessible to
// another processor. Without synchronization, the initialization
// writes and the "publication" write may be reordered, allowing the
// other processor to follow the pointer and observe an uninitialized
// object. In general, higher-level synchronization should be used,
// such as locking or an atomic pointer write. publicationBarrier is
// for when those aren't an option, such as in the implementation of
// the memory manager.
// There's no corresponding barrier for the read side because the read
// side naturally has a data dependency order. All architectures that
// Go supports or seems likely to ever support automatically enforce
// data dependency ordering.
func publicationBarrier()

// getcallerpc returns the program counter (PC) of its caller's caller.
// getcallersp returns the stack pointer (SP) of its caller's caller.
// The implementation may be a compiler intrinsic; there is not
// necessarily code implementing this on every platform.
// For example:
//	func f(arg1, arg2, arg3 int) {
//		pc := getcallerpc()
//		sp := getcallersp()
//	}
// These two lines find the PC and SP immediately following
// the call to f (where f will return).
// The call to getcallerpc and getcallersp must be done in the
// frame being asked about.
// The result of getcallersp is correct at the time of the return,
// but it may be invalidated by any subsequent call to a function
// that might relocate the stack in order to grow or shrink it.
// A general rule is that the result of getcallersp should be used
// immediately and can only be passed to nosplit functions.

func getcallerpc() uintptr

func getcallersp() uintptr // implemented as an intrinsic on all platforms

func asmcgocall(fn, arg unsafe.Pointer) int32 {
	return 0

// argp used in Defer structs when there is no argp.
const _NoArgs = ^uintptr(0)

//extern __builtin_prefetch
func prefetch(addr unsafe.Pointer, rw int32, locality int32)

func prefetcht0(addr uintptr) {
	prefetch(unsafe.Pointer(addr), 0, 3)

func prefetcht1(addr uintptr) {
	prefetch(unsafe.Pointer(addr), 0, 2)

func prefetcht2(addr uintptr) {
	prefetch(unsafe.Pointer(addr), 0, 1)

func prefetchnta(addr uintptr) {
	prefetch(unsafe.Pointer(addr), 0, 0)

// round n up to a multiple of a.  a must be a power of 2.
func round(n, a uintptr) uintptr {
	return (n + a - 1) &^ (a - 1)

// checkASM returns whether assembly runtime checks have passed.
func checkASM() bool {
	return true

func eqstring(x, y string) bool {
	a := stringStructOf(&x)
	b := stringStructOf(&y)
	if a.len != b.len {
		return false
	if a.str == b.str {
		return true
	return memequal(a.str, b.str, uintptr(a.len))

// For gccgo this is in the C code.
func osyield()

// For gccgo this can be called directly.
//extern syscall
func syscall(trap uintptr, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 uintptr) uintptr

// For gccgo, to communicate from the C code to the Go code.
//go:linkname setIsCgo runtime.setIsCgo
func setIsCgo() {
	iscgo = true

// For gccgo, to communicate from the C code to the Go code.
//go:linkname setSupportAES runtime.setSupportAES
func setSupportAES(v bool) {
	support_aes = v

// Here for gccgo.
func errno() int

// For gccgo these are written in C.
func entersyscall()
func entersyscallblock()

// For gccgo to call from C code, so that the C code and the Go code
// can share the memstats variable for now.
//go:linkname getMstats runtime.getMstats
func getMstats() *mstats {
	return &memstats

// Get signal trampoline, written in C.
func getSigtramp() uintptr

// The sa_handler field is generally hidden in a union, so use C accessors.
func getSigactionHandler(*_sigaction) uintptr

func setSigactionHandler(*_sigaction, uintptr)

// Retrieve fields from the siginfo_t and ucontext_t pointers passed
// to a signal handler using C, as they are often hidden in a union.
// Returns  and, if available, PC where signal occurred.
func getSiginfo(*_siginfo_t, unsafe.Pointer) (sigaddr uintptr, sigpc uintptr)

// Implemented in C for gccgo.
func dumpregs(*_siginfo_t, unsafe.Pointer)

// Implemented in C for gccgo.
func setRandomNumber(uint32)

// Temporary for gccgo until we port proc.go.
//go:linkname getsched runtime.getsched
func getsched() *schedt {
	return &sched

// Temporary for gccgo until we port proc.go.
//go:linkname getCgoHasExtraM runtime.getCgoHasExtraM
func getCgoHasExtraM() *bool {
	return &cgoHasExtraM

// Temporary for gccgo until we port proc.go.
//go:linkname getAllP runtime.getAllP
func getAllP() **p {
	return &allp[0]

// Temporary for gccgo until we port proc.go.
//go:linkname allocg runtime.allocg
func allocg() *g {
	return new(g)

// Temporary for gccgo until we port the garbage collector.
//go:linkname getallglen runtime.getallglen
func getallglen() uintptr {
	return allglen

// Temporary for gccgo until we port the garbage collector.
//go:linkname getallg runtime.getallg
func getallg(i int) *g {
	return allgs[i]

// Temporary for gccgo until we port the garbage collector.
//go:linkname getallm runtime.getallm
func getallm() *m {
	return allm

// Throw and rethrow an exception.
func throwException()
func rethrowException()

// Fetch the size and required alignment of the _Unwind_Exception type
// used by the stack unwinder.
func unwindExceptionSize() uintptr

// Temporary for gccgo until C code no longer needs it.
//go:linkname getPanicking runtime.getPanicking
func getPanicking() uint32 {
	return panicking

// Called by C code to set the number of CPUs.
//go:linkname setncpu runtime.setncpu
func setncpu(n int32) {
	ncpu = n

// Called by C code to set the page size.
//go:linkname setpagesize runtime.setpagesize
func setpagesize(s uintptr) {
	if physPageSize == 0 {
		physPageSize = s

// Called by C code during library initialization.
//go:linkname runtime_m0 runtime.runtime_m0
func runtime_m0() *m {
	return &m0

// Temporary for gccgo until we port mgc.go.
//go:linkname runtime_g0 runtime.runtime_g0
func runtime_g0() *g {
	return &g0

const uintptrMask = 1<<(8*sys.PtrSize) - 1

type bitvector struct {
	n        int32 // # of bits
	bytedata *uint8

// ptrbit returns the i'th bit in bv.
// ptrbit is less efficient than iterating directly over bitvector bits,
// and should only be used in non-performance-critical code.
// See adjustpointers for an example of a high-efficiency walk of a bitvector.
func (bv *bitvector) ptrbit(i uintptr) uint8 {
	b := *(addb(bv.bytedata, i/8))
	return (b >> (i % 8)) & 1

// bool2int returns 0 if x is false or 1 if x is true.
func bool2int(x bool) int {
	if x {
		return 1
	return 0

// abort crashes the runtime in situations where even throw might not
// work. In general it should do something a debugger will recognize
// (e.g., an INT3 on x86). A crash in abort is recognized by the
// signal handler, which will attempt to tear down the runtime
// immediately.
func abort()