view gcc/ada/ada_get_targ.adb @ 118:fd00160c1b76

ifdef TARGET_64BIT
author mir3636
date Tue, 27 Feb 2018 15:01:35 +0900
parents 04ced10e8804
children 84e7813d76e9
line wrap: on
line source

--                                                                          --
--                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
--                                                                          --
--                             G E T _ T A R G                              --
--                                                                          --
--                                 B o d y                                  --
--                                                                          --
--          Copyright (C) 1992-2017, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
-- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License  distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3.  If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license.          --
--                                                                          --

--  Version shared by various Ada based back-ends (e.g. gnat2scil, gnat2why)

with System.OS_Lib; use System.OS_Lib;

with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations;

package body Get_Targ is

   -- Get_Bits_Per_Unit --

   function Get_Bits_Per_Unit return Pos is
      return 8;
   end Get_Bits_Per_Unit;

   -- Get_Bits_Per_Word --

   function Get_Bits_Per_Word return Pos is
      return 32;
   end Get_Bits_Per_Word;

   -- Get_Char_Size --

   function Get_Char_Size return Pos is
      return 8;
   end Get_Char_Size;

   -- Get_Wchar_T --

   function Get_Wchar_T_Size return Pos is
      return 16;
   end Get_Wchar_T_Size;

   -- Get_Short_Size --

   function Get_Short_Size return Pos is
      return 16;
   end Get_Short_Size;

   -- Get_Int_Size --

   function Get_Int_Size return Pos is
      return 32;
   end Get_Int_Size;

   -- Get_Long_Size --

   function Get_Long_Size return Pos is
      return 64;
   end Get_Long_Size;

   -- Get_Long_Long_Size --

   function Get_Long_Long_Size return Pos is
      return 64;
   end Get_Long_Long_Size;

   -- Get_Pointer_Size --

   function Get_Pointer_Size return Pos is
      return 64;
   end Get_Pointer_Size;

   -- Get_Maximum_Alignment --

   function Get_Maximum_Alignment return Pos is
      return 4;
   end Get_Maximum_Alignment;

   -- Get_System_Allocator_Alignment --

   function Get_System_Allocator_Alignment return Nat is
      return 1;
   end Get_System_Allocator_Alignment;

   -- Get_Float_Words_BE --

   function Get_Float_Words_BE return Nat is
      return 1;
   end Get_Float_Words_BE;

   -- Get_Words_BE --

   function Get_Words_BE return Nat is
      return 1;
   end Get_Words_BE;

   -- Get_Bytes_BE --

   function Get_Bytes_BE return Nat is
      return 1;
   end Get_Bytes_BE;

   -- Get_Bits_BE --

   function Get_Bits_BE return Nat is
      return 1;
   end Get_Bits_BE;

   -- Get_Short_Enums --

   function Get_Short_Enums return Int is
      return 0;
   end Get_Short_Enums;

   -- Get_Strict_Alignment --

   function Get_Strict_Alignment return Nat is
      return 1;
   end Get_Strict_Alignment;

   -- Get_Double_Float_Alignment --

   function Get_Double_Float_Alignment return Nat is
      return 0;
   end Get_Double_Float_Alignment;

   -- Get_Double_Scalar_Alignment --

   function Get_Double_Scalar_Alignment return Nat is
      return 0;
   end Get_Double_Scalar_Alignment;

   -- Get_Max_Unaligned_Field --

   function Get_Max_Unaligned_Field return Pos is
      return 64;  -- Can be different on some targets (e.g., AAMP)
   end Get_Max_Unaligned_Field;

   -- Digits_From_Size --

   function Digits_From_Size (Size : Pos) return Pos is
      case Size is
         when  32    => return  6;
         when  48    => return  9;
         when  64    => return 15;
         when  96    => return 18;
         when 128    => return 18;
         when others => raise Program_Error;
      end case;
   end Digits_From_Size;

   -- Register_Back_End_Types --

   procedure Register_Back_End_Types (Call_Back : Register_Type_Proc) is
      Float_Str  : C_String := (others => ASCII.NUL);
      Double_Str : C_String := (others => ASCII.NUL);

      Float_Str (Float_Str'First .. Float_Str'First + 4) := "float";
        (C_Name => Float_Str, Digs => 6, Complex => False, Count  => 0,
         Float_Rep => IEEE_Binary,
         Precision => 32, Size => 32, Alignment => 32);

      Double_Str (Double_Str'First .. Double_Str'First + 5) := "double";
        (C_Name    => Double_Str,
         Digs      => 15,
         Complex   => False,
         Count     => 0,
         Float_Rep => IEEE_Binary,
         Precision => 64,
         Size      => 64,
         Alignment => 64);
   end Register_Back_End_Types;

   -- Width_From_Size --

   function Width_From_Size  (Size : Pos) return Pos is
      case Size is
         when  8     => return  4;
         when 16     => return  6;
         when 32     => return 11;
         when 64     => return 21;
         when others => raise Program_Error;
      end case;
   end Width_From_Size;

   -- Get_Back_End_Config_File --

   function Get_Back_End_Config_File return String_Ptr is

      function Exec_Name return String;
      --  Return name of the current executable (from argv[0])

      function Get_Target_File (Dir : String) return String_Ptr;
      --  Return Dir & "target.atp" if found, null otherwise

      -- Exec_Name --

      function Exec_Name return String is
         type Arg_Array is array (Nat) of Big_String_Ptr;
         type Arg_Array_Ptr is access all Arg_Array;

         gnat_argv : Arg_Array_Ptr;
         pragma Import (C, gnat_argv);

         for J in 1 .. Natural'Last loop
            if gnat_argv (0) (J) = ASCII.NUL then
               return gnat_argv (0) (1 .. J - 1);
            end if;
         end loop;

         raise Program_Error;
      end Exec_Name;

      -- Get_Target_File --

      function Get_Target_File (Dir : String) return String_Ptr is
         F : constant String := Dir & "target.atp";
         if Is_Regular_File (F) then
            return new String'(F);
            return null;
         end if;
      end Get_Target_File;

      Exec : constant String := Exec_Name;

   --  Start of processing for Get_Back_End_Config_File

      if Is_Absolute_Path (Exec) then
         return Get_Target_File (Dir_Name (Exec));
         return Get_Target_File (Dir_Name (Locate_Exec_On_Path (Exec).all));
      end if;
   end Get_Back_End_Config_File;

end Get_Targ;