view libphobos/libdruntime/gcc/backtrace.d @ 158:494b0b89df80 default tip

author Shinji KONO <>
date Mon, 25 May 2020 18:13:55 +0900
parents 1830386684a0
line wrap: on
line source

// GNU D Compiler routines for stack backtrace support.
// Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

// GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
// version.

// GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.

// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
// <>.

module gcc.backtrace;

import gcc.libbacktrace;

version (Posix)
    // NOTE: The first 5 frames with the current implementation are
    //       inside core.runtime and the object code, so eliminate
    //       these for readability.  The alternative would be to
    //       exclude the first N frames that are in a list of
    //       mangled function names.
    private enum FIRSTFRAME = 5;
    // NOTE: On Windows, the number of frames to exclude is based on
    //       whether the exception is user or system-generated, so
    //       it may be necessary to exclude a list of function names
    //       instead.
    private enum FIRSTFRAME = 0;

// Max size per line of the traceback.
private enum MAX_BUFSIZE = 1536;

    import core.stdc.stdint, core.stdc.string, core.stdc.stdio;
    private enum MAXFRAMES = 128;

    extern(C) int simpleCallback(void* data, uintptr_t pc)
        auto context = cast(LibBacktrace)data;

        if (context.numPCs == MAXFRAMES)
            return 1;

        context.pcs[context.numPCs++] = pc;
        return 0;

     * Used for backtrace_create_state and backtrace_simple
    extern(C) void simpleErrorCallback(void* data, const(char)* msg, int errnum)
        if (data) // context is not available in backtrace_create_state
            auto context = cast(LibBacktrace)data;
            strncpy(context.errorBuf.ptr, msg, context.errorBuf.length - 1);
            context.error = errnum;

     * Used for backtrace_pcinfo
    extern(C) int pcinfoCallback(void* data, uintptr_t pc, const(char)* filename,
                                 int lineno, const(char)* func)
        auto context = cast(SymbolCallbackInfo*)data;

        // Try to get the function name via backtrace_syminfo
        if (func is null)
            SymbolCallbackInfo2 info;
            info.base = context;
            info.filename = filename;
            info.lineno = lineno;
            if (backtrace_syminfo(context.state, pc, &syminfoCallback2, null, &info) != 0)
                return context.retval;

        auto sym = SymbolOrError(0, SymbolInfo(func, filename, lineno, cast(void*)pc));
        context.retval = context.applyCB(context.num, sym);

        return context.retval;

     * Used for backtrace_pcinfo and backtrace_syminfo
    extern(C) void pcinfoErrorCallback(void* data, const(char)* msg, int errnum)
        auto context = cast(SymbolCallbackInfo*)data;

        if (errnum == -1)
            context.noInfo = true;

        SymbolOrError symError;
        symError.errnum = errnum;
        symError.msg = msg;

        size_t i = 0;
        context.retval = context.applyCB(i, symError);

     * Used for backtrace_syminfo (in opApply)
    extern(C) void syminfoCallback(void* data, uintptr_t pc,
                                   const(char)* symname, uintptr_t symval)
        auto context = cast(SymbolCallbackInfo*)data;

        auto sym = SymbolOrError(0, SymbolInfo(symname, null, 0, cast(void*)pc));
        context.retval = context.applyCB(context.num, sym);


     * This callback is used if backtrace_syminfo is called from the pcinfoCallback
     * callback. It merges it's information with the information from pcinfoCallback.
    extern(C) void syminfoCallback2(void* data, uintptr_t pc,
                                    const(char)* symname, uintptr_t symval)
        auto context = cast(SymbolCallbackInfo2*)data;

        auto sym = SymbolOrError(0, SymbolInfo(symname, context.filename, context.lineno,
        context.base.retval = context.base.applyCB(context.base.num, sym);


     * The callback type used with the opApply overload which returns a SymbolOrError
    private alias int delegate(ref size_t, ref SymbolOrError) ApplyCallback;

     * Passed to syminfoCallback, pcinfoCallback and pcinfoErrorCallback
    struct SymbolCallbackInfo
        bool noInfo = false;       // True if debug info / symbol table is not available
        size_t num = 0;            // Counter for opApply
        int retval;                // Value returned by applyCB
        backtrace_state* state;

        // info.fileName / funcName / errmsg may become invalid after this delegate returned
        ApplyCallback applyCB;

        void reset()
            noInfo = false;
            num = 0;

     * Passed to the syminfoCallback2 callback. That function merges it's
     * funcName with this information and updates base as all other callbacks do.
    struct SymbolCallbackInfo2
        SymbolCallbackInfo* base;
        const(char)* filename;
        int lineno;

     * Contains a valid symbol or an error message if errnum is != 0.
    struct SymbolOrError
        int errnum; // == 0: No error
            SymbolInfo symbol;
            const(char)* msg;

    // FIXME: state is never freed as libbacktrace doesn't provide a free function...
    public class LibBacktrace : Throwable.TraceInfo
        enum MaxAlignment = (void*).alignof;

        static void initLibBacktrace()
            if (!initialized)
                state = backtrace_create_state(null, false, &simpleErrorCallback, null);
                initialized = true;

        this(int firstFrame = FIRSTFRAME)
            _firstFrame = firstFrame;


            if (state)
                backtrace_simple(state, _firstFrame, &simpleCallback,
                                 &simpleErrorCallback, cast(void*)this);

        override int opApply(scope int delegate(ref const(char[])) dg) const
            return opApply(
                (ref size_t, ref const(char[]) buf)
                    return dg(buf);

        override int opApply(scope int delegate(ref size_t, ref const(char[])) dg) const
            return opApply(
                (ref size_t i, ref SymbolOrError sym)
                    char[MAX_BUFSIZE] buffer = void;
                    char[] msg;
                    if (sym.errnum != 0)
                        auto retval = snprintf(buffer.ptr, buffer.length,
                                               "libbacktrace error: '%s' errno: %d", sym.msg, sym.errnum);
                        if (retval >= buffer.length)
                            retval = buffer.length - 1; // Ignore zero terminator
                        if (retval > 0)
                            msg = buffer[0 .. retval];
                        return dg(i, msg);
                        msg = formatLine(sym.symbol, buffer);
                        int ret = dg(i, msg);

                        if (!ret && sym.symbol.funcName && strcmp(sym.symbol.funcName, "_Dmain") == 0)
                            return 1;
                        return ret;

        int opApply(scope ApplyCallback dg) const

            // If backtrace_simple produced an error report it and exit
            if (!state || error != 0)
                size_t pos = 0;
                SymbolOrError symError;
                if (!state)
                    symError.msg = "libbacktrace failed to initialize\0";
                    symError.errnum = 1;
                    symError.errnum = error;
                    symError.msg = errorBuf.ptr;

                return dg(pos, symError);

            SymbolCallbackInfo cinfo;
            cinfo.applyCB = dg;
            cinfo.state = cast(backtrace_state*)state;

            // Try using debug info first
            foreach (i, pc; pcs[0 .. numPCs])
                // FIXME: We may violate const guarantees here...
                if (backtrace_pcinfo(cast(backtrace_state*)state, pc, &pcinfoCallback,
                    &pcinfoErrorCallback, &cinfo) != 0)
                    break; // User delegate requested abort or no debug info at all

            // If no error or other error which has already been reported via callback
            if (!cinfo.noInfo)
                return cinfo.retval;

            // Try using symbol table
            foreach (pc; pcs[0 .. numPCs])
                if (backtrace_syminfo(cast(backtrace_state*)state, pc, &syminfoCallback,
                    &pcinfoErrorCallback, &cinfo) == 0)

            if (!cinfo.noInfo)
                return cinfo.retval;

            // No symbol table
            foreach (i, pc; pcs[0 .. numPCs])
                auto sym = SymbolOrError(0, SymbolInfo(null, null, 0, cast(void*)pc));
                if (auto ret = dg(i, sym) != 0)
                    return ret;

            return 0;

        override string toString() const
            string buf;
            foreach (i, const(char[]) line; this)
                buf ~= i ? "\n" ~ line : line;
            return buf;

        static backtrace_state* state = null;
        static bool initialized       = false;
        size_t                 numPCs = 0;
        uintptr_t[MAXFRAMES] pcs;

        int       error = 0;
        int _firstFrame = 0;
        char[128] errorBuf = "\0";
     * Our fallback backtrace implementation using libgcc's unwind
     * and backtrace support. In theory libbacktrace should be available
     * everywhere where this code works. We keep it anyway till libbacktrace
     * is well-tested.
    public class UnwindBacktrace : Throwable.TraceInfo
        this(int firstFrame = FIRSTFRAME)
            _firstFrame = firstFrame;
            _callstack = getBacktrace();
            _framelist = getBacktraceSymbols(_callstack);

        override int opApply(scope int delegate(ref const(char[])) dg) const
            return opApply(
                (ref size_t, ref const(char[]) buf)
                    return dg(buf);

        override int opApply(scope int delegate(ref size_t, ref const(char[])) dg) const
            char[MAX_BUFSIZE] buffer = void;
            int ret = 0;

            for (int i = _firstFrame; i < _framelist.entries; ++i)
                auto pos = cast(size_t)(i - _firstFrame);
                auto msg = formatLine(_framelist.symbols[i], buffer);
                ret = dg(pos, msg);
                if (ret)
            return ret;

        override string toString() const
            string buf;
            foreach (i, line; this)
                buf ~= i ? "\n" ~ line : line;
            return buf;

        BTSymbolData     _framelist;
        UnwindBacktraceData _callstack;
        int              _firstFrame = 0;

    // Implementation details
    import gcc.unwind;

    version (linux)
        import core.sys.linux.dlfcn;
    else version (OSX)
        import core.sys.darwin.dlfcn;
    else version (FreeBSD)
        import core.sys.freebsd.dlfcn;
    else version (NetBSD)
        import core.sys.netbsd.dlfcn;
    else version (Solaris)
        import core.sys.netbsd.dlfcn;
    else version (Posix)
        import core.sys.posix.dlfcn;

    private enum MAXFRAMES = 128;

    struct UnwindBacktraceData
        void*[MAXFRAMES] callstack;
        int numframes = 0;

    struct BTSymbolData
        size_t entries;
        SymbolInfo[MAXFRAMES] symbols;

    static extern (C) _Unwind_Reason_Code unwindCB(_Unwind_Context *ctx, void *d)
        UnwindBacktraceData* bt = cast(UnwindBacktraceData*)d;
        if (bt.numframes >= MAXFRAMES)
            return _URC_NO_REASON;

        bt.callstack[bt.numframes] = cast(void*)_Unwind_GetIP(ctx);
        return _URC_NO_REASON;

    UnwindBacktraceData getBacktrace()
        UnwindBacktraceData stackframe;
        _Unwind_Backtrace(&unwindCB, &stackframe);
        return stackframe;

    BTSymbolData getBacktraceSymbols(UnwindBacktraceData data)
        BTSymbolData symData;

        for (auto i = 0; i < data.numframes; i++)
            static if ( __traits(compiles, Dl_info))
                Dl_info funcInfo;

                if (data.callstack[i] !is null && dladdr(data.callstack[i], &funcInfo) != 0)
                    symData.symbols[symData.entries].funcName = funcInfo.dli_sname;

                    symData.symbols[symData.entries].address = data.callstack[i];
                    symData.symbols[symData.entries].address = data.callstack[i];
                symData.symbols[symData.entries].address = data.callstack[i];

        return symData;

 * Struct representing a symbol (function) in the backtrace
struct SymbolInfo
    const(char)* funcName, fileName;
    size_t line;
    const(void)* address;

 * Format one output line for symbol sym.
 * Returns a slice of buffer.
char[] formatLine(const SymbolInfo sym, return ref char[MAX_BUFSIZE] buffer)
    import core.demangle, core.stdc.config;
    import core.stdc.stdio : snprintf, printf;
    import core.stdc.string : strlen;

    size_t bufferLength = 0;

    void appendToBuffer(Args...)(const(char)* format, Args args)
        const count = snprintf(buffer.ptr + bufferLength,
                               buffer.length - bufferLength,
                               format, args);
        assert(count >= 0);
        bufferLength += count;
        if (bufferLength >= buffer.length)
            bufferLength = buffer.length - 1;

    if (sym.fileName is null)
        appendToBuffer("??:? ");
        appendToBuffer("%s:%d ", sym.fileName, sym.line);

    if (sym.funcName is null)
        char[1024] symbol = void;
        auto demangled = demangle(sym.funcName[0 .. strlen(sym.funcName)], symbol);

        if (demangled.length > 0)
            appendToBuffer("%.*s ", cast(int) demangled.length, demangled.ptr);

    version (D_LP64)
        appendToBuffer("[0x%llx]", cast(size_t)sym.address);
        appendToBuffer("[0x%x]", cast(size_t)sym.address);

    return buffer[0 .. bufferLength];

    char[MAX_BUFSIZE] sbuf = '\0';
    char[] result;
    string longString;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 60; i++)
        longString ~= "abcdefghij";
    longString ~= '\0';

    auto symbol = SymbolInfo(null, null, 0, null);
    result = formatLine(symbol, sbuf);
    assert(result.length < MAX_BUFSIZE && result.ptr[result.length] == '\0' && sbuf[$-1] == '\0');

    symbol = SymbolInfo(longString.ptr, null, 0, null);
    result = formatLine(symbol, sbuf);
    assert(result.length < MAX_BUFSIZE && result.ptr[result.length] == '\0' && sbuf[$-1] == '\0');

    symbol = SymbolInfo("func", "test.d", 0, null);
    result = formatLine(symbol, sbuf);
    assert(result.length < MAX_BUFSIZE && result.ptr[result.length] == '\0' && sbuf[$-1] == '\0');

    symbol = SymbolInfo("func", longString.ptr, 0, null);
    result = formatLine(symbol, sbuf);
    assert(result.length < MAX_BUFSIZE && result.ptr[result.length] == '\0' && sbuf[$-1] == '\0');

    symbol = SymbolInfo(longString.ptr, "test.d", 0, null);
    result = formatLine(symbol, sbuf);
    assert(result.length < MAX_BUFSIZE && result.ptr[result.length] == '\0' && sbuf[$-1] == '\0');

    symbol = SymbolInfo(longString.ptr, longString.ptr, 0, null);
    result = formatLine(symbol, sbuf);
    assert(result.length < MAX_BUFSIZE && result.ptr[result.length] == '\0' && sbuf[$-1] == '\0');

    symbol = SymbolInfo("func", "test.d", 1000, null);
    result = formatLine(symbol, sbuf);
    assert(result.length < MAX_BUFSIZE && result.ptr[result.length] == '\0' && sbuf[$-1] == '\0');

    symbol = SymbolInfo(null, (longString[0..500] ~ '\0').ptr, 100000000, null);
    result = formatLine(symbol, sbuf);
    assert(result.length < MAX_BUFSIZE && result.ptr[result.length] == '\0' && sbuf[$-1] == '\0');

    symbol = SymbolInfo("func", "test.d", 0, cast(void*)0x100000);
    result = formatLine(symbol, sbuf);
    assert(result.length < MAX_BUFSIZE && result.ptr[result.length] == '\0' && sbuf[$-1] == '\0');

    symbol = SymbolInfo("func", null, 0, cast(void*)0x100000);
    result = formatLine(symbol, sbuf);
    assert(result.length < MAX_BUFSIZE && result.ptr[result.length] == '\0' && sbuf[$-1] == '\0');

    symbol = SymbolInfo(null, "test.d", 0, cast(void*)0x100000);
    result = formatLine(symbol, sbuf);
    assert(result.length < MAX_BUFSIZE && result.ptr[result.length] == '\0' && sbuf[$-1] == '\0');

    symbol = SymbolInfo(longString.ptr, "test.d", 0, cast(void*)0x100000);
    result = formatLine(symbol, sbuf);
    assert(result.length < MAX_BUFSIZE && result.ptr[result.length] == '\0' && sbuf[$-1] == '\0');