set lang_library_path "../libgfortran/.libs" set lang_link_flags "-lgfortranbegin -lgfortran" set lang_test_file_found 0 load_lib libgomp-dg.exp # Initialize dg. dg-init if { $blddir != "" } { if [file exists "${blddir}/${lang_library_path}/libgfortranbegin.a"] { set lang_test_file "${lang_library_path}/libgfortranbegin.a" set lang_test_file_found 1 } else { puts "No libgfortranbegin library found, will not execute fortran tests" } } elseif [info exists GFORTRAN_UNDER_TEST] { set lang_test_file_found 1 # Needs to exist for libgomp.exp. set lang_test_file "" } else { puts "GFORTRAN_UNDER_TEST not defined, will not execute fortran tests" } if { $lang_test_file_found } { # Gather a list of all tests. set tests [lsort [find $srcdir/$subdir *.\[fF\]{,90,95,03,08}]] if { $blddir != "" } { set ld_library_path "$always_ld_library_path:${blddir}/${lang_library_path}" } else { set ld_library_path "$always_ld_library_path" } append ld_library_path [gcc-set-multilib-library-path $GCC_UNDER_TEST] set_ld_library_path_env_vars # Main loop. gfortran-dg-runtest $tests "" } # All done. dg-finish