2006-12-27 DF * phobos/internal/fpmath.d: Support x86_64 * phobos/configure.in: x86_64 can use fpmath.d * phobos/configure: update * target-ver-syms.sh: Add some CPU architectures 2006-12-26 DF * phobos/configure.in: actually use value of --enable-phobos-config-dir 2006-12-26 David Friedman Rest of 0.178 changes: * phobos/std/bitarray.d: revert previous changes * d-decls.cc (toSymbolX): update * d-glue.cc (TypeFunction::retStyle): implement * phobos/std/format.d: update for Mangle.Tenum ------------- Initial merge of 0.178: * dmd/class.c, dmd/declaration.c, dmd/declaration.h, dmd/doc.c, dmd/expression.c, dmd/expression.h, dmd/func.c, dmd/init.c, dmd/lexer.c, dmd/mangle.c, dmd/mars.c, dmd/mars.h, dmd/mtype.c, dmd/optimize.c, dmd/parse.c, dmd/statement.c, dmd/statement.h, dmd/template.c, dmd/tocsym.c, dmd/toobj.c: Merge 0.178 * phobos/internal/gc/win32.d, phobos/internal/object.d, phobos/std/c/linux/linux.d, phobos/std/date.d, phobos/std/dateparse.d, phobos/std/format.d, phobos/std/gc.d, phobos/std/regexp.d, phobos/std/socket.d, phobos/std.ddoc: Merge 0.178 --------------- * dmd/constfold.c (CastExp::constFold): Fix Bugzilla 738. * dmd/todt.c (StructDeclaration::toDt): Fix Bugzilla 736. * d-decls.cc (VarDeclaration::toSymbol): Fix Bugzilla 737. * d-glue.cc (make_assign_math_op): Fix Bugzilla 739. * d-codegen.cc, d-decls.cc, d-glue.cc, symbol.cc, symbol.h: Use toParent2. Handle nested template instance functions. (Bugzilla 742, 743) 2006-12-25 David Friedman * dmd/mtype.c: Don't use '@' in mangled names * d-glue.cc (TypeFunction::toCtype): Handle recursive type reference (Bugzilla 745) * d-codegen.cc, d-codegen.h, d-glue.cc, d-objfile.cc, d-objfile.h, dmd/aggregate.h, dmd/attrib.c, dmd/class.c, dmd/declaration.c, dmd/declaration.h, dmd/enum.c, dmd/enum.h, dmd/func.c, dmd/idgen.c, dmd/scope.c, dmd/scope.h, dmd/struct.c: Implement GCC attributes. * dmd/mtype.c (TypeDelegate::dotExp): Fix regression caused by last fix. 2006-12-24 David Friedman * dmd/parse.h, dmd/parse.c(parseStatement, parseExtAsm), dmd/statement.h, asmstmt.cc: Implement GCC extended assembler. 2006-12-20 David Friedman * dmd/mars.h: format issues are due to newlib, not Cygwin * setup-gcc.sh: Fix sed patterns and options. * dmd/mtype.c (TypeDelegate::dotExp): Handle .ptr so that it can be an lvalue. (Bugzilla 696) * d-irstate.cc (getLoopForLabel): Handle labels pointing to ScopeStatements. (Bugzilla 695) 2006-12-16 David Friedman Release GDC 0.20 * setup-gcc.sh: account for modified version strings * dmd/mtype.c (TypeTuple::toDecoBuffer): workaround newlib bug * dmd/mars.h: fix printf formats for Cygwin * d-builtins.c (d_init_builtins): Handle va_list type when it is an array. * gcc-mars.cc, gdc-version: update * d-decls.cc: warnings cleanup * dmd/expression.c (realToMangleBuffer): filter out 'x' 2006-12-13 David Friedman * package/simple.sh: use MAKE environment variable 2006-12-11 David Friedman * patch-build_gcc-4.0: don't disable Objective C 2006-12-09 David Friedman * phobos/std/bitarray.d (unittest): workaround 0.177 breakage * phobos/std/format.d, * phobos/std/string.d, * phobos/std/loader.d: update * phobos/std/file.d: fix merge. update. * dmd/root.[ch] (writestring): make arg const * dmd/expression.c (toMangleBuffer): update Initial 0.177 merges * dmd/constfold.c, dmd/declaration.c, dmd/expression.[ch], dmd/func.c, dmd/idgen.c, dmd/manlge.c, dmd/mars.c, dmd/mtype.[ch], dmd/opover.c, dmd/tocsym.c, dmd/toobj.c, dmd/typinf.c: Merge 0.177 * etc/c/zlib.d, phobos/internal/aaA.d, phobos/internal/adi.d, phobos/internal/arraycat.d, phobos/internal/gc/gc.d, phobos/internal/gc/testgc.d, phobos/internal/object.d, phobos/internal/qsort.d, phobos/internal/switch.d, phobos/internal/trace.d, phobos/object.d, phobos/std/array.d, phobos/std/boxer.d, phobos/std/conv.d, phobos/std/cover.d, phobos/std/cpuid.d, phobos/std/date.d, phobos/std/file.d, phobos/std/format.d, phobos/std/loader.d, phobos/std/math2.d, phobos/std/md5.d, phobos/std/mmfile.d, phobos/std/outbuffer.d, phobos/std/path.d, phobos/std/regexp.d, phobos/std/socket.d, phobos/std/stream.d, phobos/std/string.d, phobos/std/switcherr.d, phobos/std/syserror.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Acdouble.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Acfloat.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Acreal.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Adchar.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Adouble.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Afloat.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Ag.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Aint.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Along.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Areal.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Ashort.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Aubyte.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Auint.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Aulong.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Aushort.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Awchar.d, phobos/std/uri.d, phobos/std/utf.d, phobos/std/windows/charset.d, phobos/std/windows/registry.d, phobos/std/zlib.d: Merge 0.177 -------------- * patch-apple-gcc-4.0.x, patch-build_gcc-4.0: Support building the Apple way on PowerPC machines. 2006-12-06 David Friedman * d-codegen.cc (call): Fix for calling delegate literal. * setup-gcc.sh: fail if patching build_gcc fails * d-glue.cc (NewExp::toElem): expand stack vars for GCC 3.x * phobos/std/cpuid.d: fix for cpuid kludge 2006-12-05 David Friedman * dmd/mars.h: Handle msvcrt C99 printf incompatibility. * dmd/template.c, dmd/declaration.c, dmd/expression.c, dmd/func.c, dmd/init.c, dmd/lexer.c, dmd/mangle.c, dmd/mtype.c, dmd/optimize.c, dmd/root.c: ditto * phobos/config/unix-mid: fix compile error 2006-12-04 David Friedman More 0.176 merges * phobos/config/unix-mid: add reentrant funcs * d-glue.cc (DeleteExp::toElem): handle on-stack vars * d-glue.cc (FuncDeclaration::toObjFile): emit _arguments * dmd/declaration.h, dmd/func.c: save _arguments local var for backend 2006-12-03 David Friedman * d-glue.cc: New _arguments ABI. * gcc-mars.cc: Update for verror. * d-decls.cc, d-objfile.cc, * d-glue.cc (Module::genobjfile, d_gcc_aggregate_dtors): Update for new toSymbolX. * d-glue.cc (TypeAArray::toCtype): Implement new AA ABI. * d-codegen.cc (convertTo): Don't allow conversion of dynamic array to associated array and vice versa. * d-codegen.cc (getLibCallDecl, rawArray, convertForCondition), d-glue.cc (NullExp::toElem): change AA type * gcc-mars.cc : printf corrections * phobos/Makefile.in (MAIN_OBJS): add bind.o Initial merge of DMD 0.176 * attrib.c, dmd/cast.c, dmd/class.c, dmd/cond.c, dmd/constfold.c, dmd/declaration.c, dmd/doc.c, dmd/dsymbol.h, dmd/dump.c, dmd/expression.c, dmd/expression.h, dmd/func.c, dmd/idgen.c, dmd/init.c, dmd/init.h, dmd/lexer.c, dmd/link.c, dmd/mangle.c, dmd/mars.c, dmd/mars.h, dmd/module.c, dmd/mtype.c, dmd/optimize.c, dmd/parse.c, dmd/root.c, dmd/statement.c, dmd/template.c, dmd/tocsym.c, dmd/todt.c, dmd/toobj.c: Merge 0.176 * internal/aaA.d, phobos/internal/cmath2.d, phobos/internal/deh.c, phobos/internal/object.d, phobos/linux.mak, phobos/std/c/linux/linux.d, phobos/std/c/linux/socket.d, phobos/std/compiler.d, phobos/std/math.d, phobos/std/socket.d, phobos/std/string.d, phobos/std/traits.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Aubyte.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_ubyte.d, phobos/std.ddoc, phobos/win32.mak: Merge 0.176 * phobos/std/bind.d: New file in 0.176 * dmd/toir.[ch]: New files (from DMD 0.175) * phobos/phobos.d: New file (from DMD 0.160) -------------- * phobos/std/boxer.d (unbox(T : void*).unbox): fix * d-glue.cc (NewExp::toElem): Support allocation on stack Initial merge of DMD 0.175 * cast.c, dmd/class.c, dmd/dchar.c, dmd/dchar.h, dmd/declaration.c, dmd/declaration.h, dmd/delegatize.c, dmd/dsymbol.c, dmd/dump.c, dmd/enum.c, dmd/expression.c, dmd/expression.h, dmd/func.c, dmd/identifier.c, dmd/identifier.h, dmd/inifile.c, dmd/init.c, dmd/lexer.c, dmd/lstring.h, dmd/mangle.c, dmd/mars.c, dmd/mtype.c, dmd/mtype.h, dmd/optimize.c, dmd/parse.c, dmd/root.c, dmd/root.h, dmd/scope.c, dmd/scope.h, dmd/statement.c, dmd/statement.h, dmd/stringtable.c, dmd/todt.c, dmd/typinf.c: Merge 0.175 dmd/html.c: not merged * phobos/internal/object.d, phobos/std/demangle.d, phobos/std/format.d, phobos/std/socket.d, phobos/std/stdio.d, phobos/std/traits.d, phobos/std/uni.d, phobos/std.ddoc: Merge 0.175 ------------ * config/darwin8, config/mingw: update config fragments 2006-11-26 David Friedman * d-codegen.cc, d-glue.cc: Fix missing continue label expansion for GCC < 4.0 * d-glue.cc (make_math_op): Convert non-complex to complex in all version of GCC. (Buzilla 575) * d-codegen.cc: for tree code class for GCC < 4.0 * phobos/Makefile.in: make test programs dependendent on libgphobos.a as gdc will still try to find it * phobos/configure.in: conditionally build std/boxer.o * phobos/Makefile.in (MAIN_OBJS): remove std/boxer.o * phobos/internal/arraycat.d (_d_array_literal): disable * phobos/std/format.d: fix for PowerPC Linux 2006-11-25 David Friedman * d-gcc-real.h: cleanup for warnings 2006-11-24 David Friedman * d-glue.cc (DotVarExp::toElem): Handle const members. * d-codegen.cc (needs_temp): Return false for constants. (isFreeOfSideEffects): New function. * d-glue.cc (do_array_set): Evaluate the rvalue only once (Bugzilla 578). 2006-11-18 David Friedman Rest of DMD 0.174 merge: * dmd/mtype.c (TypeDelegate::dotExp): Use cast-to-pointer for .ptr property * d-decls.cc (VarDeclaration::toSymbol): Build CONST_DECLs * d-codegen.cc (IRState::emitLocalVar): Do nothing if CONST_DECL * d-codegen.cc (ArrayScope::setArrayExp): Handle tuple/constant lengths. * dmd/toobj.c (Dsymbol::toObjFile): emit local variables for tuples * svn: move traits.d and typetuple.d to the correct directory * gcc-mars.cc (error): add va_list form * dmd/mars.h (error): use va_list for 'error' * dmd/expression.c, dmd/lexer.c: fix compile errors * phobos/Makefile.in (MAIN_OBJS): add traits.o and typetuple.o * dmd-script: add -v1 option * dmd/root.c (FileName::ensurePathExists): fix conditions for non-win32, non-linux. * dmd-script (printUsage): add missing options documentation * d-codegen.{h, cc}: use size_t * phobos/internal/dgccmain2.d: update Initial merge of DMD 0.174: * dmd/attrib.c, dmd/cast.c, dmd/class.c, dmd/declaration.c, dmd/declaration.h, dmd/doc.c, dmd/dsymbol.c, dmd/dsymbol.h, dmd/expression.c, dmd/expression.h, dmd/func.c, dmd/hdrgen.c, dmd/idgen.c, dmd/inline.c, dmd/lexer.c, dmd/mangle.c, dmd/mars.c, dmd/mars.h, dmd/module.c, dmd/mtype.c, dmd/mtype.h, dmd/parse.c, dmd/statement.c, dmd/template.c, dmd/template.h, dmd/tocsym.c, dmd/todt.c, dmd/toobj.c, dmd/typinf.c, dmd/utf.c, dmd/utf.h: Merge 0.174 * phobos/internal/aApplyR.d, phobos/internal/dmain2.d, phobos/internal/object.d, phobos/linux.mak, phobos/object.d, phobos/std/date.d, phobos/std/openrj.d, phobos/std/signals.d, phobos/win32.mak: Merge 0.174 * phobos/std/traits.d, phobos/std/typetuple.d: New files in 0.174 2006-11-17 David Friedman * package/simple.sh: enhancements * dmd/attrib.c: fix message 2006-11-16 David Friedman * d-codegen.cc (continueHere): fix error * d-glue.cc (d_gcc_aggregate_dtors): " 2006-11-14 David Friedman * d-builtins2.cc, d-codegen.{cc, h}, d-decls.cc, d-glue.cc, d-lang.h: remove D_TYPE_IS_NESTED. Do not pull original TypeFunction from FUNCTION_TYPE. * d-codegen.cc: cleanup * d-codegen.cc, gdc-alloca.h, phobos/config/gen_unix.c: fixes for older MacOS X builds 2006-11-13 David Friedman * phobos/std/cpuid.d: fixes for PIC * d-asm-i386.h: Fix for referencing funcs (Bugzilla 307). Correct clobbers for cpuid, but left out EBX as a kludge for std.cpuid. * phobos/std/c/linux/linux.d: make imports public (Bugzilla 403) * d-decls.cc (uniqueName): Fixed logic error (Bugzilla 375). Then just removed most of the code and comments because the workaround is no longer needed. 2006-11-12 David Friedman * dmd/root.c (Object::hashCode): cast to pointer acceptable int type Rest of DMD 0.173 merge: * d-glue.cc (UnrolledLoopStatement::toIR): implement * d-codegen.h (setContinueLabel): add interface for multiple continues * d-irstate.h (Flow), d-irstate.cc: add overrideContinueLabel for GCC < 4.0 * d-builtins2.cc, d-glue.cc, d-codegen.cc: update for TypeFunction::arguments -> parameters and tuples * dmd/func.c: update * d-gcc-complex_t.h: update * phobos/Makefile.in (MAIN_OBJS): add signals.o and cpuid.o Initial merge of DMD 0.173: * dmd/arraytypes.h, dmd/cast.c, dmd/class.c, dmd/complex_t.h, dmd/constfold.c, dmd/declaration.c, declaration.h, dmd/delegatize.c, dmd/doc.c, dmd/dsymbol.c, dmd/dsymbol.h, expression.c, dmd/expression.h, dmd/func.c, dmd/html.c, dmd/html.h, dmd/inline.c, lexer.c, dmd/lexer.h, dmd/mars.c, dmd/mars.h, dmd/mem.h, dmd/mtype.c, dmd/mtype.h, opover.c, dmd/optimize.c, dmd/parse.c, dmd/parse.h, dmd/statement.c, dmd/statement.h, struct.c, dmd/template.c, dmd/template.h, dmd/tocsym.c, dmd/toobj.c, dmd/typinf.c: Merge 0.173 * phobos/internal/object.d, phobos/linux.mak, phobos/std/stream.d, phobos/std/string.d, phobos/std/system.d, phobos/std.ddoc, phobos/unittest.d, phobos/win32.mak: Merge 0.173 * phobos/std/c/locale.d, phobos/std/cpuid.d, phobos/std/signals.d: New files in 0.173 ---- * dmd/class.c, dmd/mars.c, dmd/opover.c, dmd/statement.c: Merge DMD 0.172 Merge DMD 0.171: * dmd/func.c, dmd/optimize.c: Update comments * dmd/aggregate.h, dmd/class.c, dmd/func.c, dmd/mars.c: Merge 0.171 * phobos/internal/aApplyR.d, phobos/internal/gc/gc/.d: Merge 0.171 ---- Rest of DMD 0.170 merge: * d-glue.cc (ArrayLiteralExp::toElem): Handle the case in which the type of the expression is a pointer. * dmd/optimize.c (PtrExp::optimize): Don't change type of expression without cast * phobos/internal/aApplyR.d: turn off debug(apply) 2006-11-11 David Friedman * d-glue.cc (ForeachStatement::toIR): support foreach_reverse * dmd/lexer.c: size_t -> unsigned * d-lang.cc (d_handle_option): update * phobos/Makefile.in: add aApplyR.o * phobos/internal/monitor.c: merged Initial merge of DMD 0.170: * dmd/attrib.c, dmd/cast.c, dmd/class.c, dmd/delegatize.c, dmd/dsymbol.c, dmd/expression.c, dmd/expression.h, dmd/func.c, dmd/identifier.c, dmd/idgen.c, dmd/import.c, dmd/lexer.c, dmd/lexer.h, dmd/mangle.c, dmd/mars.c, dmd/module.c, dmd/mtype.c, dmd/mtype.h, dmd/opover.c, dmd/parse.c, dmd/statement.c, dmd/statement.h, dmd/template.h, dmd/utf.h: Merge 0.170 * phobos/internal/aApply, phobos/internal/cast.d, phobos/internal/gc/gc.d, phobos/internal/mars.h, phobos/internal/object.d, phobos/linux.mak, phobos/object.d, phobos/std/gc.d, phobos/std/math.d, phobos/std/outofmemory.d, phobos/std/path.d, phobos/std/zlib.d, phobos/std.ddoc, phobos/unittest.d, phobos/win32.mak: Merge 0.170 * internal/monitor.c: not changed; merge deferred for now * phobos/internal/aApplyR.d: new file in 0.170 ---- Rest of 0.169 merge: * phobos/internal/object.d: fix merge error * d-asm-i386.h: update for DMD changes * dmd/mtype.c, phobos/internal/adi.d (_adSortChar, _adSortWchar): fix for calling conventions * d-gcc-complex_t.h: updated Initial merge of DMD 0.169: * dmd/aggregate.h, dmd/arraytypes.h, dmd/attrib.h, dmd/class.c, dmd/complex_t.h, dmd/cond.h, dmd/declaration.h, dmd/declaration.c, dmd/doc.h, dmd/dsymbol.c, dmd/dsymbol.h, dmd/enum.h, dmd/expression.c, dmd/expression.h, dmd/hdrgen.h, dmd/html.h, dmd/identifier.h, dmd/idgen.c, dmd/import.c, dmd/import.h, dmd/init.c, dmd/init.h, dmd/lexer.h, dmd/macro.h, dmd/macro.c, dmd/mars.c, dmd/mars.h, dmd/module.c, dmd/module.h, dmd/mtype.c, dmd/mtype.h, dmd/opover.c, dmd/optimize.c, dmd/parse.h, dmd/root.c, dmd/scope.c, dmd/scope.h, dmd/statement.c, dmd/statement.h, dmd/staticassert.h, dmd/struct.c, dmd/template.c, dmd/template.h, dmd/total.h, dmd/typinf.c, dmd/utf.h, dmd/version.h: Merge 0.169 * phobos/internal/adi.d, phbobos/internal/critical.c, phbobos/internal/mars.h, phbobos/internal/monitor.c, phbobos/internal/object.d, phbobos/object.d, phbobos/std/regexp.d: Merge 0.169 ---- * dmd-script: Create directories for output files Rest of 0.168 changes: * d-dmd-gcc.h, d-glue.cc (d_gcc_aggregate_dtors): new function * dmd/toobj.c (ClassDeclaration::toObjFile): use d_gcc_aggregate_dtors * d-codegen.cc (convertTo): handle delegate .ptr property * lang-specs.h, dmd-script: handle .xhtml extension Initial merge of DMD 0.168 * dmd/aggregate.h, dmd/arraytypes.h, dmd/cast.c, dmd/class.c, dmd/declaration.c, dmd/expression.h, dmd/func.c, dmd/html.[ch], dmd/idgen.c, dmd/init.c, dmd/lexer.c, dmd/lexer.h, dmd/link.c, dmd/mangle.c, dmd/mars.c, dmd/module.c, dmd/mtype.[ch], dmd/statement.c, dmd/toobj.c, dmd/typeinf.c: Merge 0.168 * phobos/etc/gamma.d, phobos/internal/object.d, phobos/std/c/linux/linux.d.orig-dmd, phobos/std/date.d, phobos/std/math.d, phobos/std/socket.d, phobos/std/socketstream.d, phobos/std/stream.d, phobos/std/uni.d, phobos/win32.mak: Merge 0.168 2006-11-10 David Friedman * Make-lang.in (d.install-common): cross install fix for gdmd * d-glue.cc (NewExp::toElem): uint -> unsigned * package/simple.sh: Don't depend on rsync * patch-toplev-3.4.x, patch-toplev-4.0.x: Modify top-level Makefile.in, configure.in, and configure to work with a Canadian cross build. * d-glue.cc (SynchronizedStatement::toIR): Remove uneeded startBindings call. Add missing _d_criticalenter call. 2006-10-12 David Friedman * phobos/config/unix-mid: add sysconf 2006-10-11 David Friedman * phobos/std/format.d (doFormat): support Mangle.Tstruct for p_args * phobos/config/unix-head: import tm from gcc.config * phobos/config/gen_unix.c (c_time): Moved out struct tm. * phobos/config/gen_config1.c: Support clock_t. Move struct tm here. * d-glue.cc (AssignExp::toElem): use _d_arraysetlength3p (FuncDeclaration::toObjFile): Fixed assert of class member if synchronized. * d-codegen.{h, cc}: replace libcall _d_arraysetlength2p with _d_arraysetlength3p * phobos/internal/gc/gc.d (_d_arraysetlength3p): pointer version of _d_arraysetlength3. GCC asm jump fix. 2006-10-09 David Friedman * d-codegen.{h, cc}: new libcalls: _dnewmp, _d_newarraymip * phobos/internal/gc/gc.d (_dnewmp, _d_newarraymip): pointer version of _dnewm, _d_newarraymi * phobos/config/unix-mid: add utime * phobos/std/file.d: changes for GDC * phobos/config/gen_unix.c: support utimbuf 2006-09-23 David Friedman Initial merge of 0.167: * dmd/array.c, dmd/cast.c, dmd/declaration.c, dmd/delegatize.c, dmd/expression.[ch], dmd/func.c, dmd/idgen.c, dmd/import.c, dmd/init.c, dmd/inline.c, dmd/lexer.[ch], dmd/mars.c, dmd/mtype.[ch], dmd/optimize.c, dmd/parse.c, dmd/statement.c, dmd/template.c, dmd/typinf.c: Merge 0.167 * phobos/internal/arraycat.d, phobos/internal/gc/gc.d, phobos/internal/gc/testgc.d, phobos/internal/object.d, phobos/linux.mak, phobos/object.d, phobos/std/asserterror.d, phobos/std/c/linux/linux.d.orig-dmd, phobos/std/c/time.d, phobos/std/file.d, phobos/std/format.d, phobos/std/math.d, phobos/std/string.d, phobos/std/thread.d, phobos/unittest.d, phobos/win32.mak: Merge 0.167 * phobos/std/c/windows/stat.d: New 0.167 2006-09-06 David Friedman * d-glue.cc (FuncDelaration::toObjFile): Assert isMember for synchronized functions. (NewExp::toElem): Correct some cases for nested classes 2006-09-04 David Friedman * gdc-version, gcc-mars.cc: update * d-codegen.cc (trueDeclarationType): support lazy arguments (trueArgumentType): ditto * d-codegen.{h, cc}: comment out convertForInitialization * Make-lang.in (D_DMD_OBJS): add delegatize * dmd/delegatize.c: new, DMD 0.166 * dmd/cast.c, dmd/declaration.[ch], dmd/expression.[ch], dmd/func.c, dmd/inline.c, dmd/lexer.c, dmd/lexer.h, dmd/mars.c, dmd/mtype.c, dmd/mtype.h, dmd/opover.c, dmd/parse.c, dmd/statement.c, dmd/struct.c, dmd/template.c, dmd/tocsym.c, dmd/typinf.c: Merge DMD 0.166 * phobos/etc/c/zlib/...: Merge 0.166 * phobos/internal/aApply.d, phobos/internal/gc/linux.mak, phobos/linux.mak, phobos/std/cover.d, phobos/std/utf.d, phobos/win32.mak: Merge 0.166 * phobos/etc/zlib/infblock.[ch], phobos/etc/zlib/infcodes.[ch], phobos/etc/zlib/infutil.[ch], phobos/etc/zlib/maketree.c, phobos/etc/zlib/zlib.html: remove, DMD 0.166 * gdc-version: update * d-glue.cc (FuncDeclaration::toObjFile): update * dmd/cast.c, dmd/declaration.[ch], dmd/enum.c, dmd/expression.[ch], dmd/func.c, dmd/init.c, dmd/inline.c, dmd/mars.c, dmd/mtype.c, dmd/statement.c, dmd/template.c, dmd/typeinf.c: Merge DMD 0.165 * phobos/internal/gc/gcx.d, phobos/std.ddoc: Merge DMD 0.165 * gdc-version: updated * dmd/aggregate.h, dmd/declaration.[ch], dmd/doc.c, dmd/dsymbol.c, dmd/expression.c, dmd/import.c, dmd/inifile.c, dmd/mars.c, dmd/module.[ch], dmd/mtype.c, dmd/parse.c, dmd/statement.c, dmd/template.c: Merge DMD 0.164 * phobos/std/socket.d: Merge DMD 0.164 * phobos/std/thread.d: no change 2006-07-22 David Friedman * phobos/internal/gc/testgc.d: add import * phobos/std/thread.d (Thread.thread_init, Thread.getESP): make public * phobos/std/c/unix/unix.d: use public import * dmd/access.c, dmd/aggregate.h, dmd/attrib.c, dmd/class.c, dmd/declaration.[ch], dmd/enum.c, dmd/expression.c, dmd/func.c, dmd/import.[ch], dmd/mars.c, dmd/module.c, dmd/mtype.[ch], dmd/parse.[ch], dmd/scope.[ch], dmd/struct.c, dmd/template.[ch], dmd/todt.c: Merge DMD 0.163 * phobos/internal/object.d, phobos/std/c/linux/linux.d.orig-dmd, phobos/std/regexp.d, phobos/std/stdio.d, phobos/std/stream.d: Merge DMD 0.163 2006-07-12 David Friedman Release GDC 0.19 * dmd/template.c: don't use ehfilter * gdc-version: update 2006-07-11 David Friedman Support for Apple GCC and other fixes * setup-gcc.sh: patch build_gcc * patch-build_gcc-4.0: new * dmd-script: Support -arch option and apple driver naming. Use absolute path to execute program with -run. 2006-07-10 David Friedman * phobos/config/darwin8/{frag-gen,frag-math,frag-unix}: new * phobos/configure.in: support Darwin cross compiling * phobos/configure.in: updated * phobos/config/gen_unix.c (c_fcntl): added *_OK enums * phobos/config/skyos/frag-unix: updated 2006-07-03 David Friedman * ../../gcc/tree.h, ../../gcc/tree-dump.c: machine readable dump Merge DMD 0.162 * d-glue.cc (AssignExp::toElem): use _d_arraysetlength2p * phobos/internal/gc/gc.d: chanage _d_arraysetlength2 to _d_arraysetlength2p 2006-07-02 David Friedman * d-codegen.{h, cc}: support _d_arraysetlength2 * dmd/cast.c, dmd/declaration.c, dmd/doc.c, dmd/expression.c, dmd/func.c, dmd/mars.c, dmd/mtype.c, dmd/parse.c, dmd/struct.c, dmd/template.[ch], dmd/toobj.c: merged * phobos/internal/gc/gc.d, phobos/object.d, phobos/std/asserterror.d, phobos/std/moduleinit.d: merged --- * phobos/std/regexp.d (RegExp.Range.setbitmax): fix for big endian 2006-06-28 DF * d-glue.cc (TypeStruct::toCtype, TypeEnum::toCtype): Move initTypeDecl call to after size calculation. 2006-06-24 David Friedman * phobos/Makefile.in: fix and clean up config.d dependencies * d-gcc-real.cc (real_t): fix assumptions about HOST_WIDE_INT 2006-06-23 David Friedman * Make-lang.in, asmstmt.cc, d-convert.cc, d-gcc-includes.h, d-lang.cc, setup-gcc.sh: update to support building with Apple GCC * d-apple-gcc.cc, patch-apple-gcc-4.0.x: new Misc fixes * Make-lang.in: Add dependencies for DMD header files. * phobos/config/gen_unix.c (c_time): fix array bounds bug 2006-06-22 David Friedman * Make-lang.in: use BUILD_LDFLAGS for generator progs 2006-06-21 David Friedman * d-asm-i386.h: implement offset/offsetof 2006-06-20 David Friedman Merge DMD 0.161 * gcc-mars.cc, gdc-version: updated * dmd/cast.c, dmd/class.c, dmd/declaration.[ch], dmd/dsymbol.c, dmd/expression.[ch], dmd/func.c, dmd/idegen.c, dmd/import.h, dmd/inline.c, dmd/lexer.[ch], dmd/mars.[ch], dmd/module.c, dmd/mtype.c, dmd/opover.c, dmd/parse.c, dmd/root.[ch], dmd/statement.c, dmd/struct.c, dmd/template.[ch], dmd/toobj.c: Merge DMD 0.161 * phobos/internal/adi.d, phobos/internal/cast.d, phobos/internal/trace.d, phobos/linux.mak, phobos/std/asserterror.d, phobos/std/base64.d, phobos/std/bitarray.d, phobos/std/boxer.d, phobos/std/c/linux/socket.d, phobos/std/c/windows/windows.d, phobos/std/c/windows/winsock.d, phobos/std/conv.d, phobos/std/cstream.d, phobos/std/date.d, phobos/std/dateparse.d, phobos/std/demangle.d, phobos/std/file.d, phobos/std/format.d, phobos/std/math.d, phobos/std/math2.d, phobos/std/mmfile.d, phobos/std/random.d, phobos/std/regexp.d, phobos/std/socket.d, phobos/std/socketstream.d, phobos/std/stream.d, phobos/std/string.d, phobos/std/stream.d, phobos/std/thread.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Along.d, phobos/std/typeinfo/ti_Aulong.d, phobos/std/tyeinfo/ti_void.d, phobos/std/uni.d, phobos/std/uri.d, phobos/std/utf.d, phobos/std/windows/registry.d, phobos/std/zip.d, phobos/std/zlib.d, phobos/std.ddoc, phobos/unittest.d, phobos/win32.mak: Merge DMD 0.161 * Make-lang.in, d-lang.cc: Possible workaround for MingGW path issues. Create d-confdefs.h to contain the values of D_PHOBOS_DIR and D_PHOBOS_TARGET_DIR. 2006-06-10 David Friedman * History: new file * package/install.sif: ditto * package/simple.sh: * phobos/std/zip.d (putUshort): fix for BigEndian case * phobos/internal/gc/gcgccextern.d: update for version(freebsd) * target-ver-syms.sh: Use "freebsd" for FreeBSD. * phobos/configure.in: Enable std.loader for FreeBSD. * phobos/std/loader.d: ditto * phobos/configure: updated * Make-lang.in: Support package building. Cleanup. 2006-06-08 David Friedman * patch-gcc-4.0.x: updated with... * .../gcc/tree-nested.c: check if static chain is a PARM_DECL (Bugzilla 175) 2006-06-07 David Friedman * Make-lang.in: use CXX_FOR_BUILD * phobos/std/format.d (unittest): Some C libraries do not support the %A format. 2006-06-06 David Friedman * phobos/config/skyos/frag-unix: update for SkyOS beta 10 2006-06-05 David Friedman Merge DMD 0.160 * d-codegen.cc (arrayType): handle zero-length arrays for local variables. * gdc-version, gcc-mars.cc: update * d-glue.cc (NewExp::toElem): support 'exp. new ...' * d-codegen.{h, cc}: support _d_assert_msg * dmd/attrib.c, dmd/enum.c, dmd/expression.[ch], dmd/idgen.c, dmd/inifile.c, dmd/inline.c, dmd/mars.c, dmd/module.c, dmd/mtype.c, dmd/opover.c, dmd/parse.[ch], dmd/statement.[ch], dmd/staticassert.[ch], dmd/struct.c: Merge DMD 0.160 * phobos/std/asserterror.d, phobos/std/regexp.d, phobos/std/zlib.d, phobos/std.ddoc, phobos/win32.mak: Merge DMD 0.160 2006-06-04 David Friedman Various fixes * d-codegen.cc (twoFieldType): cleanup * phobos/internal/gc/gc_dyld.c: correct callback signature * phobos/std/format.d (unittest): Undo test change. (putreal): Handle the case where real is equivalent to double. * d-glue.cc (TypeClass::toCtype): use prepareTypeDecl instead of setting an initial TYPE_NAME (Bugzilla 174) (TypeStruct::toCtype): ditto (TypeEnum::toCtype): ditto * d-objfile.{h, cc} (prepareTypeDecl): New: Create type declarations, but do not declare them to back end. Merge DMD 0.159 and more * d-asm-i386.h (parsePrimaryExp): handle floating point const decls specially (Bugzilla 141) 2006-06-03 David Friedman * d-glue.cc (AssertExp::toElem): handle interfaces * phobos/std/math.d (poly): fix for darwin x86 * phobos/std/format.d (unittest): handle some variation in %a formats * gdc-version: updated * gcc-mars.cc: updated * dmd/attrib.c, dmd/attrib.h, dmd/class.c, dmd/declaration.c, dmd/doc.c, dmd/expression.c, dmd/expression.h, dmd/func.c, dmd/link.c, dmd/mars.c, dmd/module.c, dmd/module.h, dmd/parse.c, dmd/parse.h, dmd/statement.c, dmd/staticassert.c, dmd/struct.c, dmd/template.c, dmd/toobj.c: Merge DMD 0.159 * phobos/std/c/linux/linux.d.orig-dmd, phobos/std/c/linux/linuxextern.d, phobos/std/c/windows/windows.d, phobos/std/regexp.d, phobos/std/string.d, phobos/std/uni.d, phobos/std.ddoc: Merge DMD 0.159 * dmd-script: use -O3 for GCC if -O is passed Fix bugs 157, 162, 164, 171 * d-asm-i386.h: 'invlpg' instruction takes an operand (Bug 171) * patch-gcc-4.0.x: updated with... * .../gcc/tree-nested.c: use a VAR_DECL for custom static chain (Bug 162, Bug 164) * gdc-version: updated * d-glue.cc (FuncExp::toElem): Handle Tpointer case. (Bug 157) 2006-06-01 David Friedman * Start of SourceForge repository Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved.