comparison Chapter5/Assets/Swamps! Marsh Skybox Pack Vol.I/readme.rtf @ 2:fdab88fc2cb9

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author Yuta ANSE <>
date Fri, 17 Jul 2015 23:14:45 +0900
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8 \f0\fs24 \cf0 Swamps! Marsh Skybox Pack Vol.I\
9 \
10 The pack contains 3 neat and quality skyboxes for Unity in a swamp environment. The textures are 1024x1024 pixels, lossless (.tiff) and already attached to skybox materials - ready to use in your Unity game!\
11 \
12 - Skybox 1: Rotten marsh\
13 - Skybox 2: Sulphur hills\
14 - Skybox 3: Foul swamps \
15 \
16 How to change the skybox:\
17 \
18 - Go to Edit > Render Settings > Skybox Material\
19 - Choose the skybox material of your choice!\
20 \
21 Like to get special skyboxes, game music or other individual assets? visit!\
22 }