view Orchestland/Assets/LeapMotion+OVR/SystemWipe/QuickSwitcher.cs @ 1:f7675884f2a1

Add Orchestland project
author Daiki OYAKAWA <>
date Fri, 17 Jul 2015 23:09:20 +0900
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class QuickSwitcher : MonoBehaviour {

	public bool m_enabled = false;
  private HandController m_handController;
  private LeapCameraAlignment m_cameraAlignment;
	private float m_minProgressToStartTransition;
	private float m_fractionToLockTransition;
	private Vector3 m_wipeOutPosition;
  private List<LeapImageRetriever> m_imageRetriever;

	private Vector3 m_startPosition;

	private enum TransitionState { ON, OFF, MANUAL, TWEENING };
	private TransitionState m_currentTransitionState;
	// Know what the last locked state was so we know what we're transitioning to.
	private TransitionState m_lastLockedState; 

	// Where are we transitioning to and from
	private Vector3 m_from; 
	private Vector3 m_to;

	private delegate void TweenCompleteDelegate();

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		m_startPosition = transform.localPosition;
		m_from = m_startPosition;
		m_to = m_wipeOutPosition;
		m_lastLockedState = TransitionState.ON;
		SystemWipeRecognizerListener.Instance.SystemWipeUpdate += onWipeUpdate;

	private void onWipeUpdate(object sender, SystemWipeArgs eventArgs) {
		if ( !m_enabled ) { return; }

		string debugLine = "Debug";
		if ( eventArgs.WipeInfo.Status == Leap.Util.Status.SwipeAbort ) {
			debugLine += " | Abort";
			// If the user aborts, tween back to original location
			if ( m_lastLockedState == TransitionState.ON ) {
			else {

		if ( m_currentTransitionState == TransitionState.MANUAL ) {
			debugLine += " | Manual Control";
			float fraction = Mathf.Clamp01(eventArgs.WipeInfo.Progress);

			debugLine += ": " + fraction;
			transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(m_from, m_to, fraction);

			// If we're sure of the gesture, just go make the transition
			if ( fraction >= m_fractionToLockTransition ) {
				debugLine += " | Transition Cofirmed";
				if ( m_lastLockedState == TransitionState.OFF ) {
				else {
		else if ( m_currentTransitionState == TransitionState.TWEENING ) {
			debugLine += " | Currently Tweening";
		else { // We're either on or off
			debugLine += " | Locked";
			if ( eventArgs.WipeInfo.Progress >= m_minProgressToStartTransition ) {
				debugLine += " | Go To Manual";
				m_currentTransitionState = TransitionState.MANUAL; 


	private void onOnPosition() {
		m_currentTransitionState = TransitionState.ON;
		m_lastLockedState = TransitionState.ON;
		m_from = m_startPosition;
		m_to = m_wipeOutPosition;
    if (m_cameraAlignment != null)
      m_cameraAlignment.enabled = true;

	private void onOffPosition() {
		m_currentTransitionState = TransitionState.OFF;
		m_lastLockedState = TransitionState.OFF;
		m_from = m_wipeOutPosition;
		m_to = m_startPosition;
    if ( m_imageRetriever != null ) {
      foreach (LeapImageRetriever image in m_imageRetriever) {
        image.enabled = false;
    else {
      Debug.LogError("No image retreiver on: " +;
    if (m_cameraAlignment != null)
      m_cameraAlignment.enabled = false;

	public void TweenToOnPosition() {
    if ( m_imageRetriever != null ) {
      foreach (LeapImageRetriever image in m_imageRetriever) {
        image.enabled = true;
		StartCoroutine(doPositionTween(0.0f, 0.1f, onOnPosition));

	public void TweenToOffPosition() {
//		Debug.Log("tweenToOffPosition");
		StartCoroutine(doPositionTween(1.0f, 0.1f, onOffPosition));

	public void TweenToPosition(float fraction, float time = 0.4f) {
		m_currentTransitionState = TransitionState.TWEENING;
		StartCoroutine(doPositionTween(fraction, time));

	private IEnumerator doPositionTween(float goalPercent, float transitionTime, TweenCompleteDelegate onComplete = null) {
//		Debug.Log("doPositionTween: " + goalPercent);
		float startTime = Time.time;

		Vector3 from = transform.localPosition;
		Vector3 to = Vector3.Lerp(m_startPosition, m_wipeOutPosition, goalPercent);

		while ( true ) { 
			float fraction = Mathf.Clamp01((Time.time - startTime)/transitionTime);
//			Debug.Log("Tween step: " + fraction);

			transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(from, to, fraction);
      if (m_cameraAlignment != null)
        m_cameraAlignment.tween = fraction;

			// Kick out of the loop if we're done
			if ( fraction == 1 ) {
			} else { // otherwise continue
				yield return 1;

		if ( onComplete != null ) {