changeset 478:0223c07c3946

fix stack.agda
author ryokka
date Thu, 28 Dec 2017 19:08:04 +0900
parents c3202635c20a
children b8b412a7670a
files src/parallel_execution/RedBlackTree.agda src/parallel_execution/stack.agda
diffstat 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 552 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/parallel_execution/RedBlackTree.agda	Thu Dec 28 15:52:01 2017 +0900
+++ b/src/parallel_execution/RedBlackTree.agda	Thu Dec 28 19:08:04 2017 +0900
@@ -8,9 +8,11 @@
     putImpl : treeImpl -> a -> (treeImpl -> t) -> t
     getImpl  : treeImpl -> (treeImpl -> Maybe a -> t) -> t
+open Tree
 putTree : {a t : Set} -> Tree -> a -> (Tree -> t) -> t
-putTree {a} {t} t0 d next = (putImpl t0) (tree t0) d (\t1 -> next (record t0 {tree = t1;} ))
+putTree {a} {t} t0 d next = (putImpl t0) (tree t0) d (\t1 -> next (record t0 {tree = t1} ))
 getTree : {a t : Set} -> Tree -> (Tree -> t) -> t
 getTree {a} {t} t0  next = (getImpl t0) (tree t0) (\t1 -> next t0)
@@ -34,13 +36,16 @@
 open RedBlackTree
+insertNode : ?
+insertNode tree datum next = get2 (stack tree) (\ s d1 d2 -> insertCase1 ( record { root = root tree; stack = s }) datum d1 d2 next)
 putRedBlackTree : {Data t : Set} -> RedBlackTree Data -> Data -> (Code : RedBlackTree Data -> t) -> t
 putRedBlackTree tree datum next with (root tree)
 ...                                | Nothing = insertNode tree datum next
 ...                                | Just n  = findNode tree datum n (\ tree1 -> insertNode tree1 datum next)
 findNode : {Data t : Set} -> RedBlackTree Data -> Data -> Node Data -> (Code : RedBlackTree Data (RedBlackTree Data -> t) -> t) -> t
-findNode tree datum n next = push (stack tree) n (\ s -> findNode1 (record tree {stack = s }) datum n next)
+findNode tree datum n next = pushStack (stack tree) n (\ s -> findNode1 (record tree {stack = s }) datum n next)
 findNode1 : {Data t : Set} -> RedBlackTree Data -> Data -> Data -> (Code : RedBlackTree Data (RedBlackTree Data -> t) -> t) -> t
 findNode1 tree datum n next with (compare datum n)
@@ -52,9 +57,8 @@
     findNode2 tree datum (just n) next = findNode (record tree {root = just n}) datum n next
     findNode3 nothing tree next = next tree
     findNode3 (just n) tree next = 
-           popStack (tree stack) (\s d -> findNode3 d (record { root = record n {right = } })
+           popStack (tree stack) (\s d -> findNode3 d (record { root = record n {right = ? } }))
-insertNode tree datum next = get2 (stack tree) (\ s d1 d2 -> insertCase1 ( record { root = root tree; stack = s }) datum d1 d2 next)
 insertCase1 tree datum nothing grandparent next = next (record { root = ?; stack = createSingleLinkedStack })
 insertCase1 tree datum (just parent) grandparent next = insertCase2 tree datum parent grandparent next
@@ -72,540 +76,3 @@
     data1  = datum d
     stack1 = record { root = (next d) }
-__code insertCase3(struct RedBlackTree* tree) {
-    struct Stack* nodeStack = tree->nodeStack;
-    struct Node* uncle;
-    if (tree->grandparent->left == tree->parent)
-        uncle = tree->grandparent->right;
-    else
-        uncle = tree->grandparent->left;
-    if (uncle && (uncle->color == Red)) {
-        // do insertcase1 on grandparent, stack must be pop by two
-        tree->parent->color = Black;
-        uncle->color = Black;
-        tree->grandparent->color = Red;
-        tree->current = tree->grandparent;
-        goto nodeStack->pop2(insertCase1);
-    }
-    goto insertCase4();
-__code insertCase4(struct RedBlackTree* tree, struct RotateTree* rotateTree) {
-    struct Stack* nodeStack = tree->nodeStack;
-    if ((tree->current == tree->parent->right) && (tree->parent == tree->grandparent->left)) {
-        tree->current = tree->current->left;
-        tree->parent = tree->grandparent;
-        rotateTree->traverse = tree;
-        rotateTree->next = C_insertCase5;
-        goto nodeStack->pop(rotateLeft);
-    } else if ((tree->current == tree->parent->left) && (tree->parent == tree->grandparent->right)) {
-        tree->parent = tree->grandparent;
-        tree->current = tree->current->right;
-        rotateTree->traverse = tree;
-        rotateTree->next = C_insertCase5;
-        goto nodeStack->pop(rotateRight);
-    }
-    goto insertCase5();
-__code insertCase5(struct RedBlackTree* tree) {
-    struct Stack* nodeStack = tree->nodeStack;
-    goto nodeStack->pop2(insertCase51);
-__code insertCase51(struct RedBlackTree* tree, struct RotateTree* rotateTree, struct Node* parent, struct Node* grandparent) {
-    struct Node* current = tree->current;
-    tree->parent = parent;
-    tree->grandparent = grandparent;
-    parent->color = Black;
-    grandparent->color = Red;
-    tree->current = grandparent;
-    rotateTree->traverse = tree;
-    rotateTree->next = C_stackClear;
-    if ((current == parent->left) && (parent == grandparent->left))
-        goto rotateRight();
-    else
-        goto rotateLeft();
-__code insertCase51_stub(struct Context* context) {
-    struct Node* parent = &context->data[D_Stack]->>Node;
-    struct Node* grandparent = &context->data[D_Stack]->Stack.data1->Node;
-    goto insertCase51(context,
-                      &Gearef(context, Tree)->tree->Tree.tree->RedBlackTree,
-                      Gearef(context, RotateTree),
-                      parent,
-                      grandparent);
-__code rotateLeft(struct RedBlackTree* tree, struct Stack* nodeStack) {
-    nodeStack->stack = (union Data*)tree->nodeStack;
-    nodeStack->next = C_rotateLeft1;
-    goto meta(context, tree->nodeStack->get);
-__code rotateLeft_stub(struct Context* context) {
-    struct RedBlackTree* traverse = context->data[D_RotateTree]->RotateTree.traverse;
-    goto rotateLeft(context, traverse, Gearef(context, Stack));
-__code rotateLeft1(struct Node* node, struct RedBlackTree* tree, struct Node* parent, struct RotateTree* rotateTree) {
-    struct Node* tmp = node->right;
-    if (parent) {
-        if (node == parent->left)
-            parent->left = tmp;
-        else
-            parent->right = tmp;
-    } else {
-        tree->root = tmp;
-    }
-    node->right = tmp->left;
-    tmp->left = node;
-    tree->current = tmp;
-    goto meta(context, rotateTree->next);
-__code rotateLeft1_stub(struct Context* context) {
-    struct RedBlackTree* traverse = context->data[D_RotateTree]->RotateTree.traverse;
-    struct Node* parent = &context->data[D_Stack]->>Node;
-    goto rotateLeft1(context,
-                    traverse->current,
-                    traverse,
-                    parent,
-                    Gearef(context, RotateTree));
-__code rotateRight(struct RedBlackTree* tree, struct Stack* nodeStack) {
-    nodeStack->stack = (union Data*)tree->nodeStack;
-    nodeStack->next = C_rotateRight1;
-    goto meta(context, tree->nodeStack->get);
-__code rotateRight_stub(struct Context* context) {
-    struct RedBlackTree* traverse = context->data[D_RotateTree]->RotateTree.traverse;
-    goto rotateLeft(context, traverse, Gearef(context, Stack));
-__code rotateRight1(struct Node* node, struct RedBlackTree* traverse,struct Node *parent,struct RotateTree *rotateTree) {
-    struct Node* tmp = node->left;
-    if (parent) {
-        if (node == parent->left)
-            parent->left = tmp;
-        else
-            parent->right = tmp;
-    } else {
-        traverse->root = tmp;
-    }
-    node->left = tmp->right;
-    tmp->right = node;
-    traverse->current = tmp;
-    goto meta(context, rotateTree->next);
-__code rotateRight1_stub(struct Context* context) {
-    struct RedBlackTree* traverse = context->data[D_RotateTree]->RotateTree.traverse;
-    struct Node* parent = &context->data[D_Stack]->>Node;
-    goto rotateRight1(context,
-                     traverse->current,
-                     traverse,
-                     parent,
-                     Gearef(context, RotateTree));
-__code stackClear(struct RedBlackTree* tree, struct Stack* nodeStack, __code next(...)) {
-    tree->current = 0;
-    nodeStack->stack = (union Data*)tree->nodeStack;
-    nodeStack->next = next;
-    goto meta(context, tree->nodeStack->clear);
-__code getRedBlackTree(struct RedBlackTree* tree, __code next(...)) {
-    if (tree->root) {
-        tree->current = tree->root;
-        goto search();
-    }
-    goto next(...);
-__code search(struct RedBlackTree* tree, struct Node* node, __code next(...)) {
-    // compare(context, traverse, traverse->current->key, node->key);
-    tree->result = compare(tree->current, node);
-    if (tree->result == EQ) {
-        *node = *tree->current;
-        goto meta(context, next);
-    } else if (tree->result == GT) {
-        tree->current = tree->current->right;
-    } else {
-        tree->current = tree->current->left;
-    }
-    if (tree->current)
-        goto meta(context, C_search);
-    goto next(...);
-/* /\* __code delete(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     if (tree->root) { *\/ */
-/* /\*         stack_push(context->code_stack, &context->next); *\/ */
-/* /\*         context->next = Delete1; *\/ */
-/* /\*         goto meta(context, Get); *\/ */
-/* /\*     } *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto meta(context, context->next); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code delete_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto delete(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code delete1(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Allocate* allocate) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     allocate->size = sizeof(struct Node); *\/ */
-/* /\*     allocator(context); *\/ */
-/* /\*     struct Node* root = tree->root; *\/ */
-/* /\*     tree->root = &context->data[context->dataNum]->node; *\/ */
-/* /\*     tree->current = root; *\/ */
-/* /\*     compare(context, tree, tree->current->key, context->data[Node]->node.key); *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto meta(context, Replace_d1); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code delete1_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto delete1(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, &context->data[Allocate]->allocate); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code delete2(struct Context* context, struct Node* current) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     if (current->color == Black) { *\/ */
-/* /\*         struct Node* child = current->right == NULL ? current->left : current->right; *\/ */
-/* /\*         current->color = child == NULL ? Black : child->color; *\/ */
-/* /\*         goto meta(context, DeleteCase1); *\/ */
-/* /\*     } *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto meta(context, Delete3); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code delete2_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto delete2(context, context->data[Tree]->tree.current); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code delete3(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* current) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     struct Node* tmp = current->right == NULL ? current->left : current->right; *\/ */
-/* /\*     if (current->parent) { *\/ */
-/* /\*         if (current == current->parent->left) *\/ */
-/* /\*             current->parent->left = tmp; *\/ */
-/* /\*         else *\/ */
-/* /\*             current->parent->right = tmp; *\/ */
-/* /\*     } else { *\/ */
-/* /\*         tree->root = tmp; *\/ */
-/* /\*     } *\/ */
-/* /\*     if (tmp) *\/ */
-/* /\*         tmp->parent = current->parent; *\/ */
-/* /\*     if (current->parent == NULL && tmp) *\/ */
-/* /\*         tmp->color = Black; *\/ */
-/* /\*     current == current->parent->left ? (current->parent->left = NULL) : (current->parent->right = NULL); *\/ */
-/* /\*     stack_pop(context->code_stack, &context->next); *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto meta(context, context->next); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code delete3_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto delete3(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, context->data[Tree]->tree.current); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code replaceNodeForDelete1(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* oldNode, struct Node* newNode, int result) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     *newNode = *oldNode; *\/ */
-/* /\*     if (result == EQ) *\/ */
-/* /\*         goto meta(context, Replace_d2); *\/ */
-/* /\*     else if (result == GT) *\/ */
-/* /\*         tree->current = newNode->right; *\/ */
-/* /\*     else *\/ */
-/* /\*         tree->current = newNode->left; *\/ */
-/* /\*     tree->current->parent = newNode; *\/ */
-/* /\*     if (tree->current->left == NULL && tree->current->right == NULL) *\/ */
-/* /\*         goto meta(context, Delete2); *\/ */
-/* /\*     if (result == GT) *\/ */
-/* /\*         newNode->right = context->heap; *\/ */
-/* /\*     else if (result == LT) *\/ */
-/* /\*         newNode->left = context->heap; *\/ */
-/* /\*     allocator(context); *\/ */
-/* /\*     compare(context, tree, tree->current->key, context->data[Node]->node.key); *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto meta(context, Replace_d1); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code replaceNodeForDelete1_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto replaceNodeForDelete1(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, context->data[Tree]->tree.current, &context->data[context->dataNum]->node, context->data[Tree]->tree.result); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code replaceNodeForDelete2(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* newNode) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     if (tree->current->left && tree->current->right) { *\/ */
-/* /\*         newNode->left->parent = newNode; *\/ */
-/* /\*         tree->current = newNode->left; *\/ */
-/* /\*         newNode->left = context->heap; *\/ */
-/* /\*         tree->deleted = newNode; *\/ */
-/* /\*         allocator(context); *\/ */
-/* /\*         tree->current->parent = newNode; *\/ */
-/* /\*         goto meta(context, FindMax1); *\/ */
-/* /\*     } *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto meta(context, Delete2); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code replaceNodeForDelete2_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto replaceNodeForDelete2(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, &context->data[context->dataNum]->node); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code findMax1(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* oldNode, struct Node* newNode) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     *newNode = *oldNode; *\/ */
-/* /\*     if (newNode->right) *\/ */
-/* /\*         goto meta(context, FindMax2); *\/ */
-/* /\*     tree->deleted->key = newNode->key; *\/ */
-/* /\*     tree->deleted->value = newNode->value; *\/ */
-/* /\*     tree->current = newNode; *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto meta(context, Delete2); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code findMax1_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto findMax1(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, context->data[Tree]->tree.current, &context->data[context->dataNum]->node); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code findMax2(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* oldNode, struct Node* newNode) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     *newNode = *oldNode; *\/ */
-/* /\*     if (newNode->right->right) { *\/ */
-/* /\*         tree->current = newNode->right; *\/ */
-/* /\*         newNode->right = context->heap; *\/ */
-/* /\*         allocator(context); *\/ */
-/* /\*         tree->current->parent = newNode; *\/ */
-/* /\*         goto meta(context, FindMax2); *\/ */
-/* /\*     } *\/ */
-/* /\*     tree->deleted->key = newNode->right->key; *\/ */
-/* /\*     tree->deleted->value = newNode->right->value; *\/ */
-/* /\*     tree->current = newNode; *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto meta(context, Delete2); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code findMax2_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto findMax2(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, context->data[Tree]->tree.current, &context->data[context->dataNum]->node); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code deleteCase1(struct Context* context, struct Node* current) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     if (current->parent) *\/ */
-/* /\*         goto meta(context, DeleteCase2); *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto meta(context, Delete3); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code deleteCase1_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto deleteCase1(context, context->data[Tree]->tree.current); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code deleteCase2(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* current) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     struct Node* sibling = current == current->parent->left ? current->parent->right : current->parent->left; *\/ */
-/* /\*     if ((sibling == NULL ? Black : sibling->color) == Red) { *\/ */
-/* /\*         current->parent->color = Red; *\/ */
-/* /\*         sibling->color = Black; *\/ */
-/* /\*         current == current->parent->left ? (current->parent->left = context->heap) : (current->parent->right = context->heap); *\/ */
-/* /\*         allocator(context); *\/ */
-/* /\*         context->data[context->dataNum]->node = *sibling; *\/ */
-/* /\*         tree->current = current->parent; *\/ */
-/* /\*         context->next = DeleteCase3; *\/ */
-/* /\*         stack_push(context->code_stack, &context->next); *\/ */
-/* /\*         if (current == current->parent->left) *\/ */
-/* /\*             goto meta(context, RotateL); *\/ */
-/* /\*         else *\/ */
-/* /\*             goto meta(context, RotateR); *\/ */
-/* /\*     } *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto meta(context, DeleteCase3); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code deleteCase2_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto deleteCase2(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, context->data[Tree]->tree.current); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code deleteCase3(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* current) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     struct Node* sibling = current == current->parent->left ? current->parent->right : current->parent->left; *\/ */
-/* /\*     if (current->parent->color == Black && *\/ */
-/* /\*         (sibling == NULL ? Black : sibling->color) == Black && *\/ */
-/* /\*         (sibling->left == NULL ? Black : sibling->left->color) == Black && *\/ */
-/* /\*         (sibling->right == NULL ? Black : sibling->right->color) == Black) { *\/ */
-/* /\*         sibling->color = Red; *\/ */
-/* /\*         tree->current = current->parent; *\/ */
-/* /\*         goto meta(context, DeleteCase1); *\/ */
-/* /\*     } *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto meta(context, DeleteCase4); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code deleteCase3_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto deleteCase3(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, context->data[Tree]->tree.current); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code deleteCase4(struct Context* context, struct Node* current) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     struct Node* sibling = current == current->parent->left ? current->parent->right : current->parent->left; *\/ */
-/* /\*     if (current->parent->color == Red && *\/ */
-/* /\*         (sibling == NULL ? Black : sibling->color) == Black && *\/ */
-/* /\*         (sibling->left == NULL ? Black : sibling->left->color) == Black && *\/ */
-/* /\*         (sibling->right == NULL ? Black : sibling->right->color) == Black) { *\/ */
-/* /\*         sibling->color = Red; *\/ */
-/* /\*         current->parent->color = Black; *\/ */
-/* /\*         goto meta(context, Delete3); *\/ */
-/* /\*     } *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto meta(context, DeleteCase5); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code deleteCase4_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto deleteCase4(context, context->data[Tree]->tree.current); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code deleteCase5(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* current) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     struct Node* sibling = current == current->parent->left ? current->parent->right : current->parent->left; *\/ */
-/* /\*     sibling->parent = current->parent; *\/ */
-/* /\*     if (current == current->parent->left && *\/ */
-/* /\*         (sibling == NULL ? Black : sibling->color) == Black && *\/ */
-/* /\*         (sibling->left == NULL ? Black : sibling->left->color) == Red && *\/ */
-/* /\*         (sibling->right == NULL ? Black : sibling->right->color) == Black) { *\/ */
-/* /\*         sibling->color = Red; *\/ */
-/* /\*         sibling->left->color = Black; *\/ */
-/* /\*         sibling == sibling->parent->left ? (sibling->parent->left = context->heap) : (sibling->parent->right = context->heap); *\/ */
-/* /\*         allocator(context); *\/ */
-/* /\*         struct Node* tmp = &context->data[context->dataNum]->node; *\/ */
-/* /\*         *tmp = *sibling; *\/ */
-/* /\*         tmp->parent = current; *\/ */
-/* /\*         tmp->left = context->heap; *\/ */
-/* /\*         allocator(context); *\/ */
-/* /\*         context->data[context->dataNum]->node = *sibling->left; *\/ */
-/* /\*         context->data[context->dataNum]->node.parent = tmp; *\/ */
-/* /\*         tree->current = tmp; *\/ */
-/* /\*         context->next = DeleteCase6; *\/ */
-/* /\*         stack_push(context->code_stack, &context->next); *\/ */
-/* /\*         goto meta(context, RotateR); *\/ */
-/* /\*     } else if (current == current->parent->right && *\/ */
-/* /\*                (sibling == NULL ? Black : sibling->color) == Black && *\/ */
-/* /\*                (sibling->left == NULL ? Black : sibling->left->color) == Black && *\/ */
-/* /\*                (sibling->right == NULL ? Black : sibling->right->color) == Red) { *\/ */
-/* /\*         sibling->color = Red; *\/ */
-/* /\*         sibling->right->color = Black; *\/ */
-/* /\*         sibling == sibling->parent->left ? (sibling->parent->left = context->heap) : (sibling->parent->right = context->heap); *\/ */
-/* /\*         allocator(context); *\/ */
-/* /\*         struct Node* tmp = &context->data[context->dataNum]->node; *\/ */
-/* /\*         *tmp = *sibling; *\/ */
-/* /\*         tmp->parent = current; *\/ */
-/* /\*         tmp->right = context->heap; *\/ */
-/* /\*         allocator(context); *\/ */
-/* /\*         context->data[context->dataNum]->node = *sibling->right; *\/ */
-/* /\*         context->data[context->dataNum]->node.parent = tmp; *\/ */
-/* /\*         tree->current = tmp; *\/ */
-/* /\*         context->next = DeleteCase6; *\/ */
-/* /\*         stack_push(context->code_stack, &context->next); *\/ */
-/* /\*         goto meta(context, RotateL); *\/ */
-/* /\*     } *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto meta(context, DeleteCase6); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code deleteCase5_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto deleteCase5(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, context->data[Tree]->tree.current); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code deleteCase6(struct Context* context, struct Tree* tree, struct Node* current) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     struct Node* sibling = current == current->parent->left ? current->parent->right : current->parent->left; *\/ */
-/* /\*     sibling == sibling->parent->left ? (sibling->parent->left = context->heap) : (sibling->parent->right = context->heap); *\/ */
-/* /\*     allocator(context); *\/ */
-/* /\*     struct Node* tmp = &context->data[context->dataNum]->node; *\/ */
-/* /\*     *tmp = *sibling; *\/ */
-/* /\*     tmp->parent = current; *\/ */
-/* /\*     tmp->color = current->parent->color; *\/ */
-/* /\*     current->parent->color = Black; *\/ */
-/* /\*     context->next = Delete3; *\/ */
-/* /\*     stack_push(context->code_stack, &context->next); *\/ */
-/* /\*     if (current == current->parent->left) { *\/ */
-/* /\*         tmp->right->color = Black; *\/ */
-/* /\*         tree->current = current->parent; *\/ */
-/* /\*         goto meta(context, RotateL); *\/ */
-/* /\*     } else { *\/ */
-/* /\*         tmp->left->color = Black; *\/ */
-/* /\*         tree->current = current->parent; *\/ */
-/* /\*         goto meta(context, RotateR); *\/ */
-/* /\*     } *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
-/* /\* __code deleteCase6_stub(struct Context* context) { *\/ */
-/* /\*     goto deleteCase6(context, &context->data[Tree]->tree, context->data[Tree]->tree.current); *\/ */
-/* /\* } *\/ */
--- a/src/parallel_execution/stack.agda	Thu Dec 28 15:52:01 2017 +0900
+++ b/src/parallel_execution/stack.agda	Thu Dec 28 19:08:04 2017 +0900
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
 open import Relation.Binary.Core
 data Nat : Set where
   zero : Nat
   suc  : Nat -> Nat
@@ -12,11 +13,10 @@
   False : Bool
 -- equal : {a : Set} -> a -> a -> Bool
--- equal x y with (x ≡)y)
+-- equal x y with x ≡y
 -- equal x .x | refl = True
 -- equal _ _ | _ = False
 data Maybe (a : Set) : Set  where
   Nothing : Maybe a
   Just    : a -> Maybe a
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     stack : stackImpl
     push : stackImpl -> a -> (stackImpl -> t) -> t
     pop  : stackImpl -> (stackImpl -> Maybe a -> t) -> t
 open Stack
 pushStack : {a t si : Set} -> Stack si -> a -> (Stack si -> t) -> t
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@
 popStack : {a t si : Set} -> Stack si -> (Stack si -> Maybe a  -> t) -> t
 popStack {a} {t} s0  next = pop s0 (stack s0) (\s1 d1 -> next (record s0 {stack = s1}) d1 )
+-- get : {a t si : Set} -> Stack si -> (Stack si -> t) -> t
+-- get {a} {t} s0 next = pop s0 (stack s0) (\s1 -> next (record s0 {}))
 data Element (a : Set) : Set where
   cons : a -> Maybe (Element a) -> Element a
@@ -129,24 +132,24 @@
 push-and-n-pop : {A : Set} {a : A} (n : Nat) (s : SingleLinkedStack A) -> n-pop {A} {a} (suc n) (pushSingleLinkedStack s a id) ≡ n-pop {A} {a} n s
 push-and-n-pop zero s            = refl
 push-and-n-pop {A} {a} (suc n) s = begin
-  n-pop (suc (suc n)) (pushSingleLinkedStack s a id)
+  n-pop {A} {a} (suc (suc n)) (pushSingleLinkedStack s a id)
   ≡⟨ refl ⟩
-  popSingleLinkedStack (n-pop (suc n) (pushSingleLinkedStack s a id)) (\s _ -> s)
+  popSingleLinkedStack (n-pop {A} {a} (suc n) (pushSingleLinkedStack s a id)) (\s _ -> s)
   ≡⟨ cong (\s -> popSingleLinkedStack s (\s _ -> s)) (push-and-n-pop n s) ⟩ 
-  popSingleLinkedStack (n-pop n s) (\s _ -> s)
+  popSingleLinkedStack (n-pop {A} {a} n s) (\s _ -> s)
   ≡⟨ refl ⟩
-  n-pop (suc n) s
+  n-pop {A} {a} (suc n) s

 n-push-pop-equiv : {A : Set} {a : A} (n : Nat) (s : SingleLinkedStack A) -> (n-pop {A} {a} n (n-push {A} {a} n s)) ≡ s
 n-push-pop-equiv zero s            = refl
 n-push-pop-equiv {A} {a} (suc n) s = begin
-  n-pop (suc n) (n-push (suc n) s)
+  n-pop {A} {a} (suc n) (n-push (suc n) s)
   ≡⟨ refl ⟩
-  n-pop (suc n) (pushSingleLinkedStack (n-push n s) a (\s -> s))
+  n-pop {A} {a} (suc n) (pushSingleLinkedStack (n-push n s) a (\s -> s))
   ≡⟨ push-and-n-pop n (n-push n s)  ⟩
-  n-pop n (n-push n s)
+  n-pop {A} {a} n (n-push n s)
   ≡⟨ n-push-pop-equiv n s ⟩