view src/test/scala/IncrementSampleSpec.scala @ 7:3b99f171603d default tip

add system.terminate()
author Takahiro SHIMIZU <>
date Tue, 30 Jan 2018 13:35:32 +0900
parents 230a3627b7d7
line wrap: on
line source

package IncrementSampleSpec

import IncrementSample.Incrementer
import IncrementSample.Incrementer._
import IncrementSample.Incrementer.SetActor
import IncrementSample.Printer.Println
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.testkit.{TestActorRef, TestFSMRef, TestKit, TestProbe}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Matchers, WordSpecLike}

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class IncrementSampleSpec(_system: ActorSystem)
  extends TestKit(_system) with WordSpecLike with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll {

  def this() = this(ActorSystem("IncrementSampleSpec"))

  override def afterAll(): Unit = {

  " Increment 1 to 10" in {
    val testProbe = TestProbe()

    val actorOne = TestActorRef(Incrementer.props(testProbe.ref),"ActorOne")
    val actorTwo = TestActorRef(Incrementer.props(testProbe.ref),"ActorTwo")

    actorOne ! SetActor(actorTwo)
    actorTwo ! SetActor(actorOne)

    actorOne ! SendData(1)

    for ( i <- 1 to 10 ) {
      testProbe.expectMsg(500 millis, Println(s"$i"))
