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author Takahiro SHIMIZU <>
date Tue, 16 Apr 2019 18:58:24 +0900
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# MoarVMのJIT
* [Docs](を見る

# Lego 
* MoarMVのJITはLegoと呼ばれているらしい

# DynASM
* Dynamic Assemler
* [luajit](プロジェクトで作られているもの
* MoarVMには `3rdparty`ディレクトリ以下に展開されている
* x86アーキテクチャのJITコンパイル用のアセンブラのようなものらしい
    * luaが`dasc`と呼ばれるCに近いアセンブラをCを出力する前に実行
    * Cのヘッダーの `#include` している部分を機械語にランタイムで翻訳
* [GitHubのcommit](

# DynASM

- To get you started, here is a simple code snippet to be pre-processed. The lines starting with '|' (the pipe symbol) are for DynASM:

  if (ptr != NULL) {
    |  mov eax, foo+17
    |  mov edx, [eax+esi*2+0x20]
    |  add ebx, [ecx+bar(ptr, 9)]

- After pre-processing you get:

  if (ptr != NULL) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 123, foo+17, bar(ptr, 9));

# ゼミ

- 論文自体は昔のもの
- MoarVMどこが遅いのか? JITがアレ?
- 直接バイナリを吐かない理由は?

- Comon Lisp Cに変換して生成したオブジェクトを作る
    - その他の最適化はCコンパイラに投げる
    - 京都で開発された 京都CommonLisp
    - Lisp中でread evalループを持っていた
        - interpretするルーチンがLISPで書かれている
        - -->普段はCコンパイラが呼ばれない
     - stack をlistの管理で行う

- JITが遅いならCbCの入る場所がなさそう

- 直接アセンブラを書いても良さそう
    - MoarVMからCbCを吐く

- 帯域脱出が問題
    - スタックの管理ならCbCでいけるかもしれない
    - MoarVMの

- 行き先を渡す
- 厳しいなら構造体にいれてあげる
    - diコンテナ
    - 見かけ上関数呼び出しっぽく書ける

- Cの再実装
    - 比較して見る
    - 頻度の高いif文を先に持っていって再構築

- CbC側を書き換えるのをどうするか



 struct MVMSpeshFacts {
     /* Flags indicating things we know. */
     MVMint32 flags;

     /* The number of usages it has. */
     MVMint32 usages;

     /* Known type, if any. */
     MVMObject *type;

     /* Known type post-decontainerization, if any. */
     MVMObject *decont_type;

     /* Known value, if any. */
     union {
         MVMObject *o;
         MVMint64 i;
         MVMnum64 n;
         MVMString *s;
     } value;

     /* The instruction that writes the register (noting we're in SSA form, so
      * this is unique). */
     MVMSpeshIns *writer;

     /* The deoptimization index in effect at the point of declaration, or -1
      * if none yet. */
     MVMint32 deopt_idx;

     /* The log guard the facts depend on, if any. */
     MVMuint32 log_guard;

     /* Has the instruction that wrote this value been deleted? */
     MVMuint32 dead_writer;

fact のflag一覧

/* Various fact flags. */
#define MVM_SPESH_FACT_KNOWN_TYPE           1   /* Has a known type. */
#define MVM_SPESH_FACT_KNOWN_VALUE          2   /* Has a known value. */
#define MVM_SPESH_FACT_DECONTED             4   /* Know it's decontainerized. */
#define MVM_SPESH_FACT_CONCRETE             8   /* Know it's a concrete object. */
#define MVM_SPESH_FACT_TYPEOBJ              16  /* Know it's a type object. */
#define MVM_SPESH_FACT_KNOWN_DECONT_TYPE    32  /* Has a known type after decont. */
#define MVM_SPESH_FACT_DECONT_CONCRETE      64  /* Is concrete after decont. */
#define MVM_SPESH_FACT_DECONT_TYPEOBJ       128 /* Is a type object after decont. */
#define MVM_SPESH_FACT_FROM_LOG_GUARD       256 /* Depends on a guard being met. */
#define MVM_SPESH_FACT_HASH_ITER            512 /* Is an iter over hashes. */
#define MVM_SPESH_FACT_ARRAY_ITER           1024 /* Is an iter over arrays
                                                    (mutually exclusive with HASH_ITER, but neither of them is nece    ssarily set) */
#define MVM_SPESH_FACT_KNOWN_BOX_SRC        2048 /* We know what register this value was boxed from */
#define MVM_SPESH_FACT_MERGED_WITH_LOG_GUARD 4096 /* These facts were merged at a PHI node, but at least one of the     incoming facts had a "from log guard" flag set, so we'll have to look for that fact and increment its uses if we u    se this here fact. */
#define MVM_SPESH_FACT_RW_CONT               8192 /* Known to be an rw container */

void MVM_spesh_facts_discover(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMSpeshGraph *g, MVMSpeshPlanned *p);
void MVM_spesh_facts_depend(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMSpeshGraph *g,
    MVMSpeshFacts *target, MVMSpeshFacts *source);



/* An instruction in the spesh graph. */
struct MVMSpeshIns {
    /* Instruction information. */
    const MVMOpInfo *info;

    /* Operand information. */
    MVMSpeshOperand *operands;

    /* Previous and next instructions, within a basic block boundary. */
    MVMSpeshIns *prev;
    MVMSpeshIns *next;

    /* Any annotations on the instruction. */
    MVMSpeshAnn *annotations;



/* Information about an opcode. */
struct MVMOpInfo {
    MVMuint16   opcode;
    const char *name;
    char        mark[2];
    MVMuint16   num_operands;
    MVMuint8    pure;
    MVMuint8    deopt_point;
    MVMuint8    logged;
    MVMuint8    no_inline;
    MVMuint8    jittivity;
    MVMuint8    uses_hll;
    MVMuint8    operands[MVM_MAX_OPERANDS];





 /* Sized types. */
 typedef int8_t   MVMint8;
 typedef uint8_t  MVMuint8;
 typedef int16_t  MVMint16;
 typedef uint16_t MVMuint16;
 typedef int32_t  MVMint32;
 typedef uint32_t MVMuint32;
 typedef int64_t  MVMint64;
 typedef uint64_t MVMuint64;
 typedef float    MVMnum32;
 typedef double   MVMnum64;

ただのtypes のSizedのフラグ

src/core/ops.h でdefineされている


/* This file is generated from src/core/oplist by tools/update_ops.p6. */

/* Op name defines. */
#define MVM_OP_no_op 0
#define MVM_OP_const_i8 1
#define MVM_OP_const_i16 2
#define MVM_OP_const_i32 3
#define MVM_OP_const_i64 4
#define MVM_OP_const_n32 5
#define MVM_OP_const_n64 6
#define MVM_OP_const_s 7
#define MVM_OP_set 8
#define MVM_OP_extend_u8 9
#define MVM_OP_extend_u16 10
#define MVM_OP_extend_u32 11
#define MVM_OP_extend_i8 12
#define MVM_OP_extend_i16 13
#define MVM_OP_extend_i32 14
#define MVM_OP_trunc_u8 15
#define MVM_OP_trunc_u16 16
