diff agda/deltaM.agda @ 104:ebd0d6e2772c

Trying redenition Delta with length constraints
author Yasutaka Higa <e115763@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Mon, 26 Jan 2015 23:00:05 +0900
parents a271f3ff1922
children 5bd5f4a7ce8d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/agda/deltaM.agda	Mon Jan 26 14:08:46 2015 +0900
+++ b/agda/deltaM.agda	Mon Jan 26 23:00:05 2015 +0900
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 open import delta
 open import delta.functor
 open import nat
+open import revision
 open import laws
 module deltaM where
@@ -15,83 +16,76 @@
             {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
             {monadM : {l' : Level} {A : Set l'} -> Monad {l'} M functorM}
             (A : Set l)
-            : Set l where
-   deltaM : Delta (M A) -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A
+            : (Rev -> Set l) where
+   deltaM : {v : Rev} -> Delta (M A) v -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A v
 -- DeltaM utils
-headDeltaM : {l : Level} {A : Set l}
+headDeltaM : {l : Level} {A : Set l} {v : Rev}
              {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
              {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
              {monadM : {l' : Level} -> Monad {l'} M functorM}
-             -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A -> M A
+             -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A v -> M A
 headDeltaM (deltaM d) = headDelta d
-tailDeltaM :  {l : Level} {A : Set l}
-             {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-             {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
-             {monadM : {l' : Level}  -> Monad {l'} M functorM}                                                                 
-             -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A
-tailDeltaM (deltaM d)    = deltaM (tailDelta d)
-appendDeltaM : {l : Level} {A : Set l}
+tailDeltaM :  {l : Level} {A : Set l} {v : Rev}
              {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
              {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
              {monadM : {l' : Level}  -> Monad {l'} M functorM}
-             -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A               
-appendDeltaM (deltaM d) (deltaM dd) = deltaM (deltaAppend d dd)
+             -> DeltaM {l} M {functorM} {monadM} A (commit v) -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A v
+tailDeltaM {_} {n} (deltaM d) = deltaM (tailDelta d)
-checkOut : {l : Level} {A : Set l}
-           {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-           {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
-           {monadM : {l' : Level} -> Monad {l'} M functorM}
-         -> Nat -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A -> M A
-checkOut O     (deltaM (mono x))    = x
-checkOut O     (deltaM (delta x _)) = x
-checkOut (S n) (deltaM (mono x))    = x
-checkOut {l} {A} {M} {functorM} {monadM} (S n) (deltaM (delta _ d)) = checkOut {l} {A} {M} {functorM} {monadM} n (deltaM d)
+appendDeltaM : {l : Level} {A : Set l} {n m : Rev}
+             {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
+             {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
+             {monadM : {l' : Level}  -> Monad {l'} M functorM}
+             -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A  n -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A m -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (merge n m)
+appendDeltaM (deltaM d) (deltaM dd) = deltaM (deltaAppend d dd)
 -- functor definitions
 open Functor
-deltaM-fmap : {l : Level} {A B : Set l}
+deltaM-fmap : {l : Level} {A B : Set l} {n : Rev}
               {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
               {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
               {monadM : {l' : Level} -> Monad {l'}  M functorM}
-              -> (A -> B) -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} B
-deltaM-fmap {l} {A} {B} {M} {functorM} f (deltaM d) = deltaM (fmap delta-is-functor (fmap functorM f) d)
+              -> (A -> B) -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A n -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} B n
+deltaM-fmap {l} {A} {B} {n} {M} {functorM} f (deltaM d) = deltaM (fmap delta-is-functor (fmap functorM f) d)
 -- monad definitions
 open Monad
-deltaM-eta : {l : Level} {A : Set l} {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-                                        {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
-                                        {monadM   : {l' : Level}  -> Monad {l'}  M functorM}
-            -> A -> (DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A)
-deltaM-eta {_} {A} {_} {_} {monadM} x = deltaM (mono (eta monadM x))
-deltaM-mu : {l : Level} {A : Set l} {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-                                        {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
-                                        {monadM   : {l' : Level} -> Monad {l'}  M functorM}
-            -> (DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} (DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A)) -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A
-deltaM-mu {l} {A} {M} {functorM} {monadM} (deltaM (mono x))               = deltaM (mono (mu monadM (fmap functorM headDeltaM x)))
-deltaM-mu {l} {A} {M} {functorM} {monadM} (deltaM (delta x (mono xx)))    = appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono (bind  monadM x headDeltaM)))
-                                                                                         (deltaM-mu (deltaM (mono xx)))
-deltaM-mu {l} {A} {M} {functorM} {monadM} (deltaM (delta x (delta xx d))) = appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono (bind {l}  monadM x headDeltaM)))
-                                                                                         (deltaM-mu (deltaM  d))
--- original deltaM-mu definitions. but it's cannot termination checking.
--- manually expand nested delta for delete tailDelta in argument to recursive deltaM-mu.
-deltaM-mu {l} {A} {M} {functorM} {monadM} (deltaM (delta x d)) =  appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono (bind monadM x headDeltaM)))
-                                                                               (deltaM-mu (deltaM (tailDelta d)))
+deltaM-eta : {l : Level} {A : Set l} {v : Rev}
+                         {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
+                         {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
+                         {monadM   : {l' : Level}  -> Monad {l'}  M functorM}
+            -> A -> (DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A v)
+deltaM-eta {v = init} {monadM = mm} x = deltaM (mono (eta mm x))
+deltaM-eta {v = (commit v)} {monadM = mm} x = appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono (eta mm x)))
+                                                           (deltaM-eta {v = v} x)
-deltaM-bind : {l : Level} {A B : Set l} {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'} 
+deltaM-bind : {l : Level} {A B : Set l} {v : Rev} 
+                                        {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
                                         {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
                                         {monadM   : {l' : Level} -> Monad {l'} M functorM}
-            -> (DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A) -> (A -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} B) -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} B
-deltaM-bind {l} {A} {B} {M} {functorM} {monadM} d    f = deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap f d)
+            -> (DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A v) -> (A -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} B v) -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} B v
+deltaM-bind {v = init}     {monadM = mm} (deltaM (mono x))    f = deltaM (mono (bind mm x (headDeltaM ∙ f)))
+deltaM-bind {v = commit v} {monadM = mm} (deltaM (delta x d)) f = appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono (bind mm x (headDeltaM ∙ f))))
+                                                                               (deltaM-bind (deltaM d) (tailDeltaM ∙ f))
+deltaM-mu : {l : Level} {A : Set l} {v : Rev}
+                        {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
+                        {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
+                        {monadM   : {l' : Level} -> Monad {l'}  M functorM}
+            -> (DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} (DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A v) v) -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A v
+deltaM-mu d = deltaM-bind d id