view agda/laws.agda @ 93:8d92ed54a94f

Prove functor-laws for deltaM
author Yasutaka Higa <>
date Mon, 19 Jan 2015 15:21:29 +0900
parents 55d11ce7e223
children bcd4fe52a504
line wrap: on
line source

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Level
open import basic

module laws where

record Functor {l : Level} (F : Set l -> Set l) : (Set (suc l)) where
    fmap : {A B : Set l} -> (A -> B) -> (F A) -> (F B)
    preserve-id : {A : Set l} (x : F A) → fmap id x ≡ id x
    covariant   : {A B C : Set l} (f : A -> B) -> (g : B -> C) -> (x : F A)
                    -> fmap (g ∙ f) x ≡ ((fmap g) ∙ (fmap f)) x
open Functor

record NaturalTransformation {l : Level} (F G : Set l -> Set l)
                                            (functorF : Functor F)
                                            (functorG : Functor G) : Set (suc l) where
    natural-transformation : {A : Set l}  -> F A -> G A
    commute : ∀ {A B} -> (f : A -> B) -> (x : F A) ->
              natural-transformation (fmap functorF f x) ≡  fmap functorG f (natural-transformation x)
open NaturalTransformation

-- simple Monad definition. without NaturalTransformation (mu, eta) and monad-law with f.
record Monad {l : Level} {A : Set l}
                         (M : {ll : Level} -> Set ll -> Set ll)
                         (functorM : Functor M)
                         : Set (suc l)  where
    mu  : {A : Set l} -> M (M A) -> M A
    eta : {A : Set l} -> A -> M A
    association-law : (x : (M (M (M A)))) -> (mu ∙ (fmap functorM mu)) x ≡ (mu ∙ mu) x
    left-unity-law  : (x : M A) -> (mu  ∙ (fmap functorM eta)) x ≡ id x
    right-unity-law : (x : M A) -> id x ≡ (mu ∙ eta) x

open Monad