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author e085711@nobuyasuoshiro.local
date Mon, 24 May 2010 21:38:02 +0900
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<title> | Canvascape</title>
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<h2>Canvascape - "3D Walker"</h2>

<div id="app">
  <canvas id="underMap" width="80" height="80"></canvas>
  <canvas id="map" width="80" height="80"></canvas>
  <a id="code" href="code.js">code.js</a>

  <div id="holder" style="clear:both;">
      <div id="sky"></div>
      <div id="floor"></div>
      <canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="300"></canvas>
      <div id="overlay"></div>

  <p>Use the arrow keys to walk around the map. Space bar = jump. B = Shoot.</p>
  <p>What you are seeing is a test using the Canvas tag to demonstrate its capability. See also: <a href="textures">textured version</a>.</p>
  <p>IE support provided using <a href="">ExplorerCanvas</a>.</p>


    <div id="foot">
            &copy; 2010 Benjamin Joffe<span style="display:none;"> | <a href="/es/code/demos/canvascape/">en espaņol</a></span><!-- not enough pages have been translated yet to show the link to users --></span>
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